WIT AJNJ3 HUMOR. The dontiat's suro crop, soro ghuro. Every bear should be taught to dance, for what is the use of bruin without hops? Why is a cat on top of a houso, like an orange? Because she looks round. How td%et a comfortable house, take one?when you can get it. Brooklyn is about to sell all her old clothes to buy a big organ. When a man is saddled with a bad wife there is sure to be stir-ups in the family. Somo men's minds are so badly tumbled that they can't be made up. Greeley's criticism of Bancroft?"A-ble but questionable." tt Ai r i. . i i. ii mrue juul mriKi! a yarn, uuw iiiuuy will it take to mako a garden ? "What in the worst kind of fair for a man to live on ? Warfare. The Washington Chronicle makes a pun on Sumner's having "an eager audience" (a nigger audience.) Where is paper money first mentioned in the Bible '( When the dove brought the green back to Noah. Why is a normal school l:kc Mount Washington ? Because its a prime airy institute. Why is a convalescent dyspeptic like a reprieved criminal ? Because ho can't die jest yet. Why is electricity like the police when they are wanted ? Because it is an invis iblc force. "Caught in her own net," as a man said when he saw one ol'the fair sex hitched in her crinoline. Why is a husband like a Mississippi steamboat'( Because he never knows when he may get a blowing up. The character of an upright man is like a pair of boots. Tho more you black it tho more it shines. Why is it easy to break into an old man's house ? Because his gait is broken, ami his locks are few. It is said that a sober man when drunk feels the same us. a drunken man when sober. Prentice says of an editor 'who smelt a rat,' that if he did, and the rat suielt him tho poor rat had the worst of it. A melancholy sight is that of a shot maker who has lost his all and breathed his last. Mrs. Partington's Ike has bought a horse that is so spirituous, that he always goc.oif iu a decanter. "How long did Adam remain in Para disc before be sinned ?" said an atniubh spouse to her husband. "Till he got a wife," was the calm reply. It is something terrible when manhood weeps : its tears are like water wrung from the rock. The granito must bo riven er( tlicy flow. Hours of joy go dancing by with down upon their feet; but those of sorrow dras as heavily as though they had tar on theii heels. A Paris savan declares that ladies should be no longer afraid of lightning, as in emu. parison with men they only suffer at the rate of 28 to 100. "Mamma," said Harry, a bright little fellow of three, who had bitten a Targe cavity in a dough nut, instead of getting a good mouthful as lie anticipated, " please give me another doughnut, this aint a good one, it's all weared out." Some of our Western friends have s talent for the figurative. One of our Ten ncssce exchanges describes another, as "holding its left hand under tho swallow tail of its constitutional dignity, and ex tending the nose wiper of interrogative pathos in its right." Teach your sou to work?to work with his hands?to combine muscular powct with brain power, and he will seldom turn thief, vagabond or vagrant. The great misfortune with a maioritv nf nnr vnnnn men is, that they have been taught no regular trade or employment. They now feel sadly the want of this useful training. Impress a boy with the value of time, touch him some honorable calling, however humble, and if he has the man in him it will develop itself in time, lie will teach him self, from observation and association with the best class of persons, who always reeOgftlie ttnd appreciate true merit?to be, tmd hot merely appoar to be a gentleman. The silly notion, so provaicnt heretofore in this country, that phiaicnl Tabor is ini consistent with good breeding, mu^t give way to a more practicable, n inure sensible, and more lioaltby sentim nt. We wi'l then have fewer forgeries, fewer gamblers, fewer drunkards, and consequently a less demand for space in our .State prisons. We will liQvn innrn wnrlr ulinns lnfirf fn/ifurina "" ' w ?w "WB" MW,V '"V.V..VU, ?.vtv Rchools, more and be!tor filled churches, and a more thrifty, self reliant, intelligent, hardy and enterprising population. - - Truth Fitly Spokkn.?"If,"said Go vernor Raymond of New York, in his recent speech in the Federal House of Representatives, "we cannot treat our Southern people as members of this I 'nion, without degrading terms or doing aught to humiliate and destroy their pride and self-respect, then we may make up our minds that wo are not equal to the crisis on which wo aro fallen. We shall fail in restoring peace, harmony and prosperity to the I'nion, but the nation will not perish. Others will take our places who better appreciate the nature of the work that devolves upon us, and who will accomplish the end we fail to reach, or even to comprehend." J* ' . * ' VANDIVER, BLAKE & CO., On Main-Street, Spartanburg, ^ ? m&VS l&SSEllWSGQ, ?AND? WILL KEEP OX HAXD A WELL SELECTED STOCK ?OF? GENERAL MERCHANDISE, EMBRACING IIATS, CAPS, BOOTS, AND SnOES BEADY-MADE CLOTHING, CROCKERY, CUTLERY. TOGETHER WITH A VARIETY OF I^ndieN1' Dross Goods. SHAWLS. HATS, &o , all of which they arc determined to well ns LO IF as they can be bought in this market. They urc also cngnged in the manufacture of TIN WARE, and will promptly fill all orders in that line. J. W. VANDIVER, J. S. BURNETT, WM. K. BLAKE, G. CANNON. Feb 1 1 tf ~ CHANGE IN BUSINESS^ B. <86 J. L. WOFFORD HAVl.NO F URC II A SED O V \ JOHN A. LEE & CO., THEIR ENTIRE STOCK Or DRY < J O O 1? S, GROCERIES, OFFER THEM AT THEIR OLD STAXD | (Leo At IXi-ijL2fg>*) AT ! Greatly Reduced-Prices for Cash. OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. CALL AND SEE THEM. BEN. WOFFORD, | J. L. WOFFORD. f Feb 1". 3 tf lJt^OXi: MTSE F U 0 M SPARTANBPRG TO GRKKNVILLK ! rpiIH Subscriber will run a LINK OF i J_ HACKS to mul from the above named places, leaving Greenville C- II. every MON. DAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 8 a. m. ' Leave Spartanburg. TUESDAYS, Till'IIS. i DAYS and SATURDAYS, at H a. m., and ar> rive at Greenville nnd Spartanburg, at 4 p. in. This Line will form a connection with the Spartanburg and Union Kailroad both ways. ' 1 will have good teams and careful drivers ; Persons wishing to secure scats can do so by applying to my Agents, JAS. A. ALLKY. Spartanburg, who will he found nt No. 2, I Drick Range on Church-Street, opposite the I j Palmetto House, and SAMUEL DONTllARD, | at Greenville. s Persons wishing to take scats nt Spartanburg, will apply to tay Agent there the night before. ! C. C. MONTGOMERY. Feb 1 1 tf ; MXM1IK. ;o: IN THE FIRST NO. OF OUR LATELY REVIVED Sj>art stairs, imuio'liatcly over former office. Feb 15?3?Kin J AS. FARROW. DBS. B. ft J. L. WOFFORD OFFER THEIR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES to the oitixens of the Village and surrounding country. One or both of us will be found constantly in the oflioe at the STOKE, during the day. and at our Residence, opposite Woflord College (Churoh Street) at night. Feb 15 8 tf The Commissioners of Roads ARE hereby notified to meet at Spartanburg C. II on the 1ST MONDAY in May next. Husincss of importance will be submitted. JOHN M. CROOK, Chr in. DaYXD AllDUMI, See. Feb 8 2td W. J_>. Milstcr Respectfully announces to the public, that ho has again commenced the Tinning' lousiness, nml feels himself well prepared and qualif.ed to do all kinds of work in his line, with neatness and dispatch. lie has a Uirgt stock on hand, of every thing usually found in nn establishment of this kind. All articles of TIN WAKE, will he kept on hnnd, thereby rendering himself aide to supply the wants of any who may call on him. He is prepared to do such work as ROOFING, GUTTERING AND REPAIRING. He will work and sell, wholesale or retail, LOW FOR CASH. All work warranted. SHOP NEAR THE SPARTAN OFFICE. Feb 1 1 tf STATE OF SOFTII CAROLINA. SPAATANBURG DISTRICT. T. M. Petty, and wife Amanda, Applicants, vs Nanry Patton and others, Defendants. Petition for sale of real c?tnlc of Margaret Ilindmnn, deceased TT appearing to my satisfaction I hat the legal 1 heirs and representatives of JANE HINDMAN, deceased, names not known, NANCY PATTON, legal heirs and representatives of FRANCIS TAPP, deceased, names not kuown, THOMAS LUCAS, and MARY ANN PETT1T and her husband. Pet tit, defendants in this case, reside without this Stale* it i?. itn.rofi.M ordered that they do appear and object to the division or sale of the real estate of MARGARET HINUMAN, deceased, on or before the 'JOth day of April next, or their consent to the same will be entered of record. Given under my baud this 'JTtli day of January, A. !>., J NO. EARLK BOMAR, O. S. I). Feb 1 1 dm STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA SPARTANBURG I?ISTRICT. In the Court of (trdinary. \f i- r> : ? e i " .mihi u. ucuumgn ami \ uipuruin wenntng*. Applicants, vs J. C. Genttings, Win. II Gcnning*. ct nl Defendants, Petition for sale of re.nl estate of William Gennings, deceased. IT appearing to my satisfaction that the legal heirs and rcpreaetita*ives of SIMl'SON GENNINGS, deceased, names not known, and JOHN CAI.VIN GENNINGS, defendants in this case, reside without this State; it is there fore ordered that they do appear and object to the division or sale of the real estate of WILLIAM GENNINGS, deceased, on or before the 20th day of April next, or their consent to the same will be entered of record. Given under my hand this 27th day of January, A. I> . 1801$. J NO. EAKLK BO MA II, 0. S. I>. Feb 1 1 Hm STATE < >F SOUTH CAROLINA. 8PAliTANlU*R(l DISTRICT. S. Evius, Administrator, Applicant, Mary Do Id and others, Defendants. Petition for proceeds of sale of real estate to he paid over to the Administrator to pay debts, settlement of estate, &c. IT appearing to my satisfaction that MAIDEN (SHEEN, and the legal heirs and representatives of FI.ON I) TANNER, deceased, names not remembered. Defendants in this ease, reside beyond the limits of this State ; it is therefore ordered that they appear at the Court of Ordinary to be holdcn at Spartanburg Court House for Spartanburg District, on the H7th day of April next, to shew cause if any exists, why the proceeds of the sale of the real estate of W T. TANNKlt, decerned, should not he paid over to S. N. I'.vins, Administrator, to be applied to the payment cf the debt* of said deceased ; and also to shew cause, if any, why a final settlement of the personal estate of aid \V. T. TANNKR, deceased, should not be made (liven under my hand this 27th day of Jannary, A. 1). 1860 J.Nt). CAULK I10MAR, O. 8. D. Feb 1 1 Hm CJ E 0 II. W 11 T E R & SO N, 11 ECEIVINi; ANI) FORWARDING AGENTS. Vir ILL establish themselves in C0LFMy V IMA, S.t'., on toe completion of the So. Fa. It. It. to that point, where they will be happy to serve their old friends and patrons. Thankful for past favors, they will endeavor, by prompt attention to merit a continuance. Liberal advances made on consignments to their friends in Charleston, New Fork or Liverpool* Feb 1 1 1m or tf IAI> WT 'I' Dltouni ** vx i'ik. >Y. i. i\uOk?rjiU. i^, 11^ ILL continue the practice of Medieiuo, T T Surgery, nml (Hi his otlicc) Dentistry OFFICE?evr.it iikinitsii nut'o stoke. Feb 1 o :t if J. M. ELFORD, MAGISTRATE, A'l'TOKNKV AT LAW, AND ?>i* i>i Kqtiily. ALSO Agent for Fir?>, Life uml Accidental Insurance Companies. urMCf.u.> Till-; l'UIILIC SQUARE. Spiirtuiibiirg II S. ('. H i// 1'rachft in the Courts of the Western Cireuit. REED & DUNCA N, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITORS (IN EQUITY. OFFICE ON PUBLIC SQUARE, four door* Eftsi from the Court (louse. 1 P. RKED, I> R DUNCAN. Andkuhon. Sr.\bta?titrRo. NEW ENTERPRISE. 1 SOUTHERN IMPORTING AND ' I P&ATT & WILSON BRO.? TV o. S38 KI>"? STREET, CHIARIiESTON, S. O. ? Tlic Proprietors are native Southerners* JVo ?ztt7t enterprise South of Philadelphia. Will Southern Houses j* tl/t l? H y/?Zl*M /^y?y??y.n/* ^ yriv no ifiuu jl ?i/ i///uyf; r WE OKI-ER AT KATES THAT COM PARK FAVORABLY WITH NEW YORK PRICES. ALL DRUGS, CHEMICALS, MEDICINES, SPICES, Ac. Ac., THAT LKGITIMATELY BELONG TO OUR LINK OF BUSINESS, AND KEEP ON HAND ONLY THE BEST. J ^Packages put up to suit Country Trado.'^a N. A.l'HAT T, CI cniiil to )?i# (' S., Ni crnnl Mining Iture.-tu, L. W. WILSON, 1*. II. WILSON, Chemist to lute C. S , t?r-l. Department. March 1 1 y THE SOUTHERN DRUG HOUSE. KJiC M, CASS1MY, AVIIOLKSAIJ] DRUGCHSTS, No. ir?l Meeting Street, Charleston, Ho, Ca. OPPOSITE CIIAULES TON HOTEL. K. I>. KING, M. I)., ) > of North Carolina. JKSSK J. CASS!I>KY. \ Chaiu.kston, Fi.iskiaky 13, IStlG. 8?3m UP-TOWN STORE TEPPE cV SMYTH, At the old stand of 1-ojatics A St ill man, opposite Palmetto House, Spartanburg, So. Ca. W0lTLD RESPECTFULLY INFORM TIIKIR FRIENDS AND THOSE WHO DESIRE NEW GOODS, AT THE LOWEST CASII PIUCES, * THAT A VISIT TO THE i t'-TUWiN S'J'UUK, wilJj K Ki'A \ Til KM, l;OK THE TROUBLE. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. CLOTHING, HATS ABB BA1P8,111* ! HOOTS AND SHOTS AND A GENERAL VARIETY OF ARTICLES MOST NECESSARY FOR H0USEI10LD A N D F ARM USES. Fred. Toppe. Aleck H. Smyth.