?hc (Biu'ciitui jfyartan. UPARTANU UUG: ^ _ ? . - , ? * p. n. rnnniiLH, i:i>itoii Thursday, Mnrch 8, I860. jQrC'orvespondcnts will please remember ire publish no communications unless accotn panted with the true nutne 01 tuo writer : Thank*. Col. find Mns. Tuos. J. Moose, Maj. and Mik. J. C. Anderson will please accept our thanks fcr the very handsome present from the nuptial feast, with which thoir kind consideration favored us. They will please accept our aincereBt congratulations and wishes for their future happiness. Our thanks are also due Oaitain and Mns. S. C. Means for a variety of the most splendid cakes. They were beautiful to look at and most delicious to the taste. Also for tho 44cm lanm'ii/ " which itm nrnnnunred bv a friend. quite a connoisseur, 1.VJ. j (inimumu ?u NIO UIU?U ray* "give it to Forney." I have only just to ! pay that I do not waste my ammunition upon dead cocks. [Laughter and nppluuse.] I stand for my country, 1 eland for the Constitution, ( whore 1 placed my feet froin niy advent into < public life. They may traduce mo, they may slander me, they may vituperate, but let inc nay to you that it lias no effect upon tuc. , [Cheers.J And let ine say, in addition, that I i do not intend to be overawed by reason of protended friends, nor do I intend to bo bullied by my enemies. [Applause, nnd a cry of "The people will sustain you."] THE PEOPLE TO l>ECM>r. THE QUESTION. It is just nbout as feasible to resist the great law of gravity which binds all to a common c?ntr? as tlint great law of gravity which will bring back theso States, and replace them in their relations. All these conspiracies and machinations, North and South, cannot prevent it. All that is wanted is time until the American people can get to know what is going on. I would the whjle American people, could he as ' sembled hero to-day, as you nro 1 wish we hod an amphithontro capacious enough to hold these thirty million of people, that they could j he hero and witness tho struggle that is going on to preserve tho Constitution of their fathers 1 ,Tkoy would settle this question. They could j see who it is, and how it is, and what kind of spirit is manifested in breaking up this great principle of free government. Yes! when they came to see the struggle, and to under- j bland who is for and who againlt them, if you | could make them perform the part of gladiators, in the first tilt you would find the enemies of the country crushed and helpless. ? ems v*vh*an aitfoended NEWS .ITEMS. Tbo speech made by Secretary Seward in New York on the -2d of February, has placed him in high favor with the conservative ucu of the country. A resolution has been introduced in the Senate, providing Hint a President shall not be eligible to fill the office for a second term. Kx-Govcrnor Johnson, of Georgia, lias gone to Washington to urge on tlio President the withdrawal of the ucgro troops from that State. Tl.rt Vluininnl -I-.- l..? 1.?. .1?1 1 ...? a**Mj i??n una uvvu vivvi?UCU unconstitutional by Its highest court. The Charlotte (N. t\) Times states that n number or counterfeit twenty dollar bills on the First National Dank of Indiana, were passing around town yesterday. We caution citizens to be on their guard in receiving money. We have uevcr seen one, bus understand they can be easily detected if closely examined. Bev. Alexander Campbell, the leader in the reform In the BaptistChurch, popularly known as "Campbclliem," died in Kentucky lately. Mr. Campbell was a debater, and his controversies with Bishop Purcell, of Cincinnati, ltobcrt Dale Owen, Kcv. Mr. llice, Presbyterian clergyman, ami others, on theological points, nave occn pii'iusneu aim widely read. Ii is stated that Raphael Sciimcs has prepared an elaborile defence, based on ttic as sunicd riglit of the South to secede, to cstab lish an independent government, and maintain a naval force. Gen. Crawford, the Rio Grande filibuster, lias escaped from Fort Jackson. 1113 where nbotits is not known. Dexter, the Treasury Agent at Mobile, has entered suit against several military gentlemen, laying his damages at five hundred thousand dollars. Additional foreign intelligence received here says that in a debate in the British House of Commons, the Fenian conspiracy was charged to be of American origin, and Mr. Seward the real Head Centre. Official dispatches, from the French Minister at Washington, relative to the Bagdad affair, have been published, in which he says that the I'niicd States have decided not to engage in a conflict with the French. The Minnesota Legislature has indefinitely postponed a State Constitutional Amendment in favor of negro suffrage. The Chicago Journal says the last season has developed the feasibility of raising cotton and tobacco in Southern Illinois, and that large crops of both these products will be planted the coming season. The colored population of Nashville celebra ted lite Anniversary of the Emancipation l'roclatnatiun on the 22d ult-, by a large procession, consisting of two regiments of colored soldiers and two thousand colored people. After their parade they were addressed by Gov. llrovrulow, who congratulated them upon their emancipation. A demonstration of the citizens of the District of Columbia, in support of the President's policy, was atten led by an immense concourse. The meeting was addressed by prominent individuals, and resolutions adapted in support of the patriotic policy of the President, and after wa Is presented to him at the Executive Mansion, in res; on se to which he tuado a speech roittcrotir.g Ins devotion to the Lnion. Tlio Free liuen's Bureau in Washington are preparing to sen 1 ahou* otic hundred colored men from that p'.a e to work on plant it ions in Mi-sissij j.i. l'etroloum oil has l?cen discover# I in south western Louisiana. The Atlaula Inteliigen - t of the 20th inst., says.* "Mrs. Davis, wife of ex-l*rcsidcDt Jefferson Davis, reached this city on Saturday night, and left on Sunday morning's train for Macon, whither she goes as the guest of (.Sonera! Howell Cobb for a short time. She was nceouipnniod by one child, the oilier two being at this lime in Canada. We are pleased to learn that this excellent lady is in good health, though much grieved At the painful confinement of her UUebiin 1." ? ? ? ? apcr*. The following circular watt issued ou the 18th to tl.c commandants of military depart rnents : 111: \ i??i" Ahmiki or thk U. S., W? iliington, Kobrunry 17, 18t>0. Vou will please send lo these headquarters, as yoou as practicable, and from time t<> time thereafter, aueli conies of new.-.n/iDer.s imblish pel iti your departments as contain sentiments of disloyalty and hostility to the Government in any of its brandies, und state whether such paper is habitual in its utterances of *udi sentiments. The persistent publication of articles calculated to keep up tho hostility of feeling between the different sections of tho country cannot bo tolerated. This information is called for with a view to their suppression, which will lie done from theso liciwlquarters only. By command of Lieut. General Grant, (Signed,) T S. BOWK IIS, Assist a nt-Adjutant General. In Mr. Lollard's case, General Grant refused to rescind tho order of suppression, but the President lias authorized the resumption of the publication on certain conditions. Lkttcrh CojiMiisntso tiik rnsstDr.xr's Cot itsu. ? A special dispatch to tlie Nc.v York Times, dated Washington, February 2>th, says: In lite mail alone, last night, tho President received ibiity fix loiters from distinguished citizens in all parts of the North, endorsing the veto of tiic Ficeduicu'a Bureau Bill, and coin mending the speech made on the _'Jd instant. These letters come from the most patriotic ol our citizens, and generally from prominent Republicans. As a set-off to the telegram from Governor Stone of Iowa, a telegram cotues to day from Keokuk, the largest city in that .Slate stating that an immense mass meeting held thtiir yesterday, uuioimously endorsed the ?*? iK'l hia aiminutra [I'orlhe Carolina Spartan.] Sorrowful \YAMDF.BS HACK OF TI1K JAII. IN SEARCH Or III! COW ASI> RESTS IIIS WEARY LIMS AT THE HO' BOKSN ? DEUC1I ri'l'L SEEN ROCSKS 1MAUINA TION. Cum fortli poetic tnews & mec enspire iu iccu wiiii iriniuiing nans die tunctul liar, The Spring has cum tt vishiona will nppcer Of garden grenn* & lota of ginger beer. The fields nil kivcrcd with doo sprinkled grnsi Looks like green bare stuek full of hrokin glasi As of the sky-litcs some darned retell foi greens, Had on a bender smashed to smellier cen?, The Yaller Sun is risin in the Yeast For Lrcd to labor callin man it bcest, While old Sol's boenu cuius down iu goMci showers Inspectiu all the different kinder flour?, Aud purty soon they "11 dranc each golden cuj And make each blade in jooils drest "dry lip,' The birds a Uniterm from tharlccfy hums In 6ong* ousccsiu jiues the cherry burns For nirth & hcviu's kotitiecied sum folks tliinkt By chaius of Angc's mixt with bob o links, acre lur a spell inv mews tlie curtin draws Idees in skarso & hen.se her silent paws. I wouldn't fur the world get ill, In proof thereof, jest reed the Doctors bill. (Mews bcin refresh! at Jim's, pursccds.) From yander gorges thrute a gurgling creek Cascades throo rox, & neer it stands a greek Willi pull iu hand & reddest kinder hair, Kctcliin tadpoles with a wire snare, Cows full of uiilk is hcllcrin for the pales With beckuin horns & telegrafiiu tails, Down in tlie uicddcrs tlox ofluvly lams Drors sweet refreshment from a 100 <1 ?s, The hens is cucklin over egs bespoke, The steers is standi 11 ready for the yoke. And hogs impayshint for the usliil swill Music and fragrance both at one distil, The frccilman sleeps all feerlcss of the lash, N'ockin the farmers kalkelasliuns all to smash. The niggers hired for oO i ts a day, & Nigger like, he'll sleep 3 aw a, The buzzard sores the area vaults on high Wisliiu the Village Jack wood die, Cappiu the cliuiucts of a seen as nice As the old sarpiat spelt iu l'airodicv, I'ardin the mews of now she holds her ban 1 Sho's tryin to learn the finger fur the land And if alio cant ador l to got nway, She'll bi a place, & poiiibly here stay. Tlic Veto One hundred gnus were fired in St. I/ouu on the -2d in honor of the President's veto. A like corctnony was observe! in Carbond.ilc, Pennsylvania. In Italtiuiorc the veto and the speech of the 22d created intense excitement. In the City Council a resolution endorsing the veto message was laid on the table. A large tnec'.ing was held iti Louisville, over which Governor I'randelle presided, and a! which resolutions endorsing the sentiment ol the President were adopted. A UK'CtillC W IS held lit St. I .nil is ;if which a hearty approval of the veto wan manifested In San Francisco a large meeting was addressed hy Colon I Hawkins, who said that it President Johnson's action lia?l lu-en c irreel ly rejiortcl, lie was unfit for the Chief Magistracy of the I ailed Staiev This sentiment received the approval of the assemblage. The Massachusetts House of Representative? ! on Wednesday last, hy a vote of !' lo IP, re; lused to entertain a resolution thanking President Johnson for liis volo message liesdu| lions were introduce 1 regretting the veto. I They were referred to the Committee on federal Relations. At a cattens held hy the Republic: n mcmi hers of the Maine Legislature, resolution: were agreed upon sustaining the euurso of ih? Radicals in < iongrcss. The liomoerutie members.-f the Ohio Leg j Iature, in caucus en Tties lay last, endorse (lit- President's vol Kesoluti >ns in favor of negro s.itTr:igo im vouduruning the I'le-ideat's [ml cy, were introduced into the I*egtslitiiro of New Jersey, t>u were rejected alter a spirited disi'tistdnti. A large meeting was held in Frederick. M?l Hod. Judge Nelson presiding, which fully an 1 enthusiastically sustained I'resivleut Johnson Resolutions where adopted endorsing the President' reconstruction j dicy, and approving hi* veto of the Frccdmeu'* Itareau lit 11. ' Vi irltsi'jH l ouii'r. - - re presentation in Congress." The resolutiot sent from the House to the Senate for tlieii concurrence, shuts out those State* from ropri sentation by providing that neither llotisi shall admit their representative* until tha declaration bo ma le by both Houses, an even i which will not 1 appon between this day un> : the 3d of March, lHi',7, when this Congrc* expires. The deconstructidBAtJotumittcc wil | never report, that the elev*^^->uthern Slate: I are oat it led to representation. Senator Nil i son, by way of propitiating the President, oi A f III tl L Itlir s.llllA W I I A IV I kf till .llill'llt I All I >14. o.l U1 uinnni^ PVIIIV r n \r ' ( iai"uv(in l?Mi, i i at -? i|i| advocated the adiuinsion of the Senators am | Representatives from Tennessee. I'ossihly tin I Reconstruction Uouimiitee may consent to re ! port the Dill which they li-i'l already prepn ci for the purpose: a Dili admitting Teniussei i ns a foreign Stale into tho Union. The Ten | nessee representatives liavo declare*! that thej j would not aecejit reals under such a Dili. The President has laid down his politica programme in nn ndinirnl>Io manner in n con versa!ion with liov. (.'ox, of Ohio, which np pears in ihe morning papers. You will si i what lie proposes to do lor the purpose of or I dcring iIip Southern Slates to put t hern solve in a position which will remove all obstacle ! to restoration. When the President Mini ' issue his intended Proclamation, such will h ' the situation of affairs that Congress c&nnn except by illegal and factious resistance, ob r j struct restoration. If Congress would he induced by the view of the people to accept the programme Hill drawn by the President, and just publish*"! , | all would soon be well. I presume that th conversation Ins appeared at this juncture, i I tho hope that it would have this effect. Gov Cox sent it to the Ohio delegation, com aeu I ? ?n'J rudcrscrf it himself. From Wnhl>iii{;toii. Wasuixgtox, March 2.?In the House, I)ie Civil Uighls Dill was discussed tho entire tiny, i and finally postponed till next Thursday. The Senate passed the concurrent resolution relutivc to the admission of lleprcsentu? tiros from I he Southern Stales by a vote of twenty to eighteen. Wasiiinoto.m, February 21.?The United States Senate discussed the resolution that no Senator or Rcprcsentat ivo from any seceded State shall be admitted until Congress declares Buch Stales entitled representation. Senator Sherman addressed tlie Senate, and maintained J that the resolution could confer no power thai j Congress did cot already possess. la the House of Representatives a hill wr.s introduced to continue in force the net to iceslublish a bureau for Ireedtncn's affairs Mr. McClung offered a resolution that it be referred to the Committee on Reconstruction to cmpiirc or ascertain whether continu.vy he clearly manifested in the seceding States, and 1 if so, into the expediency of levying contributions on the disloyal iulr ibitunts < f such St at < ? to defray the extraordinary exj enses. which otherwise will he thrown on the National liov1 tional, for keeping tip a standing nrmy and protecting loyal citizens in their light* under the Consti ution Referred without iustruclions. The discussion OB the joint resolution pro* posing an amendment 11 so as to give "o:igre*s the p rnrer of uiak ug laws to s cure to the citizens id each State all the privileges and immtiui.ies of the citizens of (lie several Staler', ami? qtt H pr >tccitou m li!e, liberty and properly, was continued. February 117.?The t'niief the llepublican members was held at Washington on the -dd ult , at which 1 Stevens. Smuttcr, Si iicnck. and all the radi cals were present. .Mr. Schtnck introduced resolutions condemnatory of the l'nsident, hut the e UK-tts retu.-ed to receive them. Mr. lhinks, Mr. Wdsou. and other more conservative Uepublicuns, deprecated the spirit dis pl iye I and tht eifoits made to widen the gulf j , between t'ongiess and the I'nsident This led , t.? a general expression of a more conservative r feeling, and tin' meeting resulted in the total j- def? at of tlie radical element, which is deseiib *! ed a- looking vorv dccililU blue. * _ Tin. New I'm : iotas s lit in.m Uii.l.?The 1< Mowing is tin* li \t (f frec?l- j ' men tnl refugees. approve I Marrii "1, i **?J"?. shall nititiniic in I net' !> ? two years from anil | i alle.* the pas-*age < !' this n !. I Sttr *.'. .1 a { h' it fttrther ntacltd. That tl?t* ' f )ica?l ot -ai l I ore tit snail, from time to time, J iii.ikt*, and cau oil to lie enforce 1, mc*Ii mica an I reg ilation-. n o ii.eoii- lent with the i'iih* J sillntion all I law-..f tin* ' :ii:>* I Mutes, a** hall prmert refugees. fr?*i* linen ?n suppress the lite ic t hellion, or by the a I >]?ti m ?t attv aiuen.lineal I i to the (' instilution <>t tin* I'nitcd States, ?? j IP**: - in- h?t t 'i'ic h hi t? -invcry or involun tury set villi i s> nil have h.-en ciiuiticip ilctl, in the enjoyment of the right to make ami otifoiee I conlra 'is, to ?uo, he panics ami give evidence in ill courts ami < itises. lc i-e. run rhiso. hni.l - sol! and convoy real an 1 personal properly, and 1 to l. iYC I lit* lull nn I equal benefit of all laws j f? r tin* -r arity of p-TS'-n. i**iate tc I personal j - ' liberty. I...i isvii.1 r, February \ l u ce and on * iliusiaslie mf The lfi>ycui> I >u\ thv Mute, pro ' noutieing the hill uiiconslitutioiwil, expressing ki?i?l??? >-? to the Ireediti'vi, thanking i'ie I're-.1 idem f.ir his win, adv > it :ii; i lie rig lit of Slate* 1 t>> control their ?wn dome- ir concerns, o|>]mh" : ing i lie distrust of the people exprcsse I through (lie Legislature, lavoring the constitutional 1 right* of Slates as of p.iraiu. of the President ' tipou representation and taxation. \ I i;i vi it 'i't. infs \i>i r<> in: wiTitntiAWv rr.oM Mi \ti i>.- 1 he latest intelligence from Franco s ivs: In tlio Senate, Marshal Furry said the return of the 11 en eh troops frout Mexico could no*, take place so speedily as appeared to ho desired I in France, and even adv.sod that fresh reinforcements he sent out. Mr. Itonkers iid, in hehalf of the (iovernmenl, that tliese opinions were the Marshal's opinions only. The* lews of the (iovernuiont , were embodied in the speech from tlie throne nuil i he address. . - About 20,000 colored troops, from the l>ce partinent of'lYxii*, arc to arr ire shortly hi City Point, to be paid otl' and mustered out of service. l'j i ? o Tiik Ppuci.\m\tiox.?The Mashington cort respondent of tlio New York Xrwt writes ; "1 have it from good authority that the President in a few days will issue an official s proclamation that peace has been firmly cstah1. liohcd At the South The States will then be 1, left to ? vcrn themselves under the Conslituc tion of the United States, and State and local a laws, without military interference, except in . relation to the freedmon's bureau. This insti tution will continue one year after the date of i the forthcoming proclamation ' News ruux Hums.?The iwheals iaM*hington arc hcai iug from home l?y evolaii, nn 1 nil they hear deepens their conviojphat they have made n great mistake. 'IlAple elected their representatives on pluflMthat pledged them to support the TresideaS his policy, and not to follow the craxjZl of Tbad Steven?. The people ?lo nol fgj and what iho radicals now hear is the eaflnce ment of a tire in the rear, that will groA-rcer every day till they fulfil the pledgee Xliich tlicy were elected.?.V )' II .NO, OOO pares; who h ive come to make their h imea in thpate. c o n >i i : k ( 14 .7] ll\i.TiMonn, February 'Jfc u0(j. An immense Mn-s Mi-ciiiij Id eV?e the President in his policy was hcl 1 k?(vtt niglit. The meeting was addressed by ?Senaf4Cownu. I'oulitile and others. Nt.w York, March, 18g0. The cotton t.intki-t has an a>lran^| tendency. Sales !? >0 > bales at 4 I centsillso 3ihK>? bales fiovernmcnt cation ,t cents for l.nff Ordinary to Middling Fair, 'id is quoted at 3?{. \ Monti.r. nrmksgg. Js.ilvs to day of bales CotlotuWiddlings at 4i cents. Sales of the week 130' bales. Receipts of the week. Ji!,U34 b ?lef f 31 In the I'reshylerian Church ^Greenville, S. by the Pastor, He*. K. T.Qfcu, I> on Tursilaj Morning. -71 h KhMry, lH66r .\1aj. JoIlN <\ ANPKKStlN oMnrtatilmrp lo Mi-s KMMA 111* I ST of Creole Village, eldest daughter of the i>f!iei:ilinf?*rgymunr. At the icni'letice of the 1-riS father, by He*. H. II. I?ci?l, on TucvinyAnitig. 27th February, lSt>'"?, I'oi TllttMAj) MOOltE of Sjcirlaniiing t?> Mi-.? MAKV Kj|do .ML"iS Mt ll,l.tK 11. i'OOl.K nil of iWnfric^ I'r'.i tor's fee thankfully reeMp Hr H. Hi inn', 17- | . May 2% lKf.",. MR. 11173 11V F. M ATHH1.LY" to fcs JOANNA IIA HVKY. Uv the same. May 20th, Mtlju.Ql'lNN to MISS HANNAH HARVEY. # llv tlie same. August imj Me. JOHN Kllinv to MISS NANi V ?|ll?i. iiv ?!io uiiip, c>ei f cmheewi, Mi;. J. M. UP.V\ HKIIUI to MISS TI-MBstE ItKIANT. 11V* tlie Mime. tHMoher THfWIAS M VTIIIKS to MISS M WICBKT yl'HN ft. |?V the - i:n , N ivemlirrSMR. .IEFFEIVSON Kliu:\ to MISS S.\?tKU?. I'v the s- une, l*ecfinher mMH. S \Mt*Kl> Sl'Kt'K to MIS> l.ul'ISA MnVN. I'.v ll e ?%me. Iipwml'tr 13. J'JirX I'FPKl.T I ? .MISS lil.iz VlM'.Tif KOKSS Uy tit-- - ?:11c I r *ib'-^Rt. ^ I! THE. ..I'll U.I.I S 1,11 I I.UOIlJi Miss Kb 11A r.Kni FOSTKH. I'.v the vi'lie, .JiinunnrJ^ Ml! .1?>HN J*". i .11 ir.it.~w/* m ? Illf.M.N'I ri.\L,r.r. l?v tin* Mime, .t money itk Mil. F. K.lllN? i:.sr to MISS \Nrv up.. WfillvtM* IoilSO. r puis !! ITV.I. i?t '-"M? ?' f?r the recep. I t'-.ii >t" vi-iiors. wiiUdtot lieillv refurnir-.Vetl, mi<>4VI.I. pn? iii" are bltfc' warned nr>( lr? trade t ?r a hy myself to I .1 Wilis K. SMITH fo???nou?iuid dollar*. I U;c?l June 1">. 18ti8, mJpIi iII not pay ilue , same, unlcrs roiiifclltd bjaw. iVs. Yol'KGBR. * March 8 f 4w SHIVER fOUSE f j r* ST1I.! in fuB? a'ioii: wall furnish'7n ? < 1 with tl.cl t nnuhri < 'tan supply; in the c hi r aiicrnird lo 1?y p uite mti<1 aiiniiire vinis. Mrs. Sill* VI". II mil Mr. J(?UN R Kl-I-S u'.waj in At. i ii l.uirr, l?i ?< . vo andfc'lcr the slay of our hi-nd* ngrcenfile. Ijj IsiaMes, well supI with provender. J*o, llurji'i nml C?rti.ijjo on liany I'.l.lSIl \ SlllVKpuy partner in this liraiirli el" iiiv l ij-ii.cdB W. SHIVER. M vrcli S jfi fit LAN D |E T H' S GARDE4SEE0S, or THE 11 OF I860. *:i>>?crihfr rccctrn|, hn<1 i? J now opening, a# 1 ?!). ? stock of L.\S. lUtKHJS UK Nil* ?? \K1>KN SEEDS, ( f 1 i.-t year'* crop? rn*''|,K *11 (lie varieties, usually cultivated ia *oliiu.it? . together witU several rare kinds ndjthcrio known here. As heretofore, W prepare.1 to supply country dealers wtin}' Quantity of thesti well known and higPI'l'foved seeds, neatly put up in con von ieP,c^ packages, and si such prices as will i*rr ^-uisfaetory profits, i A supply of ON 10^*1 ' -VN produced froin the sred, which wit*''' grower the lar1 gest, smoothest, ? 'n every respeot, tho finest Onions, autjf A very few weeks. i I. x lit t> is cjL'i. HBP\prv L i ?.i mm' iTii ufr - Tory care, fully cleaned. ?; 4 EDWARD SILL, South *Ue midway between Baptist Church aaA'^m'-on s Hotel. March 8 I '* 2t SbV~ The New* lorahl, Spartanbur? Spartan, Ande^MK'"Ker>eer, W'innsboro Register, will pl^*jr. "?e ahove two insert lions and send 811 office. layoticerpiif. inm#ki) has resumed I tha rra?ii?j| Law' Office up stairs. immediately oWPncr ofn^e. Feb 15?JAS. FARROW.