WIT AND HUMOR. Why is matrimony liko a patera ? Decause it's a clog with a ring to it. A splendid ear hut a very poor voice, ns the organ-grinder said to the donkey. If a small boy is called a lad, is it proper to cull a bigger boy a ladder ? Yes. A good way to light sorao eitics with gas would be to sit fire to their editors. To put Puss into boots makes her a very tall cat; she stands four feet iu her boots. "Aro you above boarding my friend?" "No,I'm keeping house, I'm above board" Punch desoribes marriage as partnership without limited liability. Somebody avers that there arc 550,000 . grains in a bushel of wheat. lie's " chaff _ n ing. A friend complaining of tho " internal revenue system," says ho can't put his boots on without a stamp. For finding and returning 825,000 in gold in tho street in New York, a young man was rewarded with two dollars I An editor heads his list cf births, mar 1 .11 m iiikva uuvi uuaitud niUO I lillUUt'Uj Ill.ll L ll'J'i and dcapatolicd." " What arc you looking after, my daughter," " Looking after a son-in law for you and lather." A quack advertises a compound that will ourc everything from a bad character to a bad temper. The smallest compliment we receive from another, conveys more pleasure than tho greatest compliment we pay ourselves. If the memory is week, do not overload it, nor fill it with foolery ; charge it only with useful matters. To rcliovo the oppressed is tho most glorious aot man is capable of; it is in some measure doing the work of his Maker. Those men who arc in perpetual fear of their wives are undoubtedly line specimens of sheep-husbandry. A chap, on being asked what he would do if ho were banished to the woods, said he thought he should split. The bailiff and the undertaker look upon a failing man with tho same hope? namely, to take the body. A teacher of penmanship, in twelve lessons, taught a lawyer to read his own writing. A notorious political editor boasts that overy number of his paper " tells." Unquestionably it doe9, but not the truth. Why arc fashionables like pounds, ounces, and drachms 1 Because they go to make up the ton. A writer notices a dog so very i.erious that even his tail had not the least bit of a wag about it. " Who is that with Miss Flint ?'' said a wag to his companion. " Oh, that is a spark which she has struck. If Virginia is the mother of Presidents, then Pennsylvania must bo the lather, for it is universally known as l'a. The young lady who saw a baby without kissing ir, has acknowledged that her friend's bonnet is handsomer than her own. We like steamboat officers and hate rus cals ; but we will always thank them both alike to give us " a rcid> berth." Advereity has ever been considered as the state in which a man most easily becomes acquainted with hiuiselt particular ly, being free from flatterers. John C. Breckinridge, Gen. McCausland, Harry Gilmorc, and many other minor Confederate officers, me domesticated at Toronto, Canada. A revising barrister having asked a voter the Value of a hoilSA (lift ni.uivnf " That depends upon what eort of u wife there is iu it." It's very pleasant to slip down on the pavement opposite the bourse of your mortal enemy, and see him grinuing at you from the window. The Verinontcr who attempted to snuff out the gas light with his fingers, scream cd " Bloody murder, your pesky caudle tick's a fire!" Isn't it singular that an ill naturcd shop keeper should ever offer to sell his good will when all the world knows he hasn't any ? A person who was in delicate health being askod by a friend " if ho would venture on an orange," replied, ".No, i thank you, I should rod off." It lias been discovered that bread can be manufactured out of wood, bong be fore this discovery was made, all wood wus known to have grain in it. " Sam, why am senators like do fishes ?" " I don't mod din will iln i> ? ouiytu , I UUipy. | " Why, don't ye hoc, nigga, because dey j am so fond of debate." "Paddy, how do you like the English ?" ! was asked of a fresh arrival. " Faith," j replied Pat, " I likein them so well, that I've a mind to become a native." " Well, Jano, this is a queer world," said Joe to his wile; " a sect of women philosophers has sprung up." "Indeed," n 1.1 .tnnn U ?"'l ?-1 .? " uuuv, uuu miuir ao they hold 7" M The strongest thing in nature," said ho; M their tongues!" It has often puzzled us to understand what tho Emperor of tho French means by his reiterated assertions of wishing to u secure tho peace of Europe." After this recent annexation business, we have n shrewd suspicion that it is not so much "u piece," as the wholo of Europe, that the Emperor is anxious to seenrc.?Punch. | Meeting of tba Medical I?rac- ; tltloners of Spartanburg Uht. Mr. Editor : The Medical Praetitionors of litis District met at Dr. Ui'Sskll's Ollice, iu the Village, nn 1 unanimously adopted tho following ADDRESS TO 77//v PUBLIC. The exegeneics of tho titues?tho depressed stnto of monetary affairs?tho high prices of provisions and nil tho necessaries of life?im perativoly demand that wo increase our rates oT charge. Tho credit system hn? long Veen indulged by physiciau of this country, an I to au extent unknown in any other business. In our relations with tlr? merchant, farmer au I mechanic wo are debarred front trust or credit. So that our rory liviug now d pen Is upon demanding tho same rule of "the ca-dt system," which is required of us. Therefore, Jtuolml, 1st. That the following Medical Fee Hill be adopted as our standard rates of charge. 2d. That settlement tit us t be made in some satisfactory manner when the case is dismissed ; and that for advice or m -dicinc obtained at the office, payment must be made immediately. Motlitvil Ftu1 I Sill fPT Physicians in -partaubur Dist. For visit and advice (Medicines eitra) in the d y, .?! 50 For visit and advice, after 10 o'clock nt night 3.00 Verbal advice and prescription at the office 1.00 to 5.00 Written advice and prescription at the office 0.00 to 10.00 For detention for more than one liour 1.00 nil hour Midwifery?natural labor 10.00 to20.00 " complicated " 20.00 to 50.00 Consultation Fee 10 00 Mileage, 50 cents in the day, and !?1. at night. Student's foe for use of hook and instruction per year.... luO.OO I'r* ,'rrd, That ail the regular physicians of the district are respectfully invited ay I rc<|uested to meet at l>r. Russell's otlioc <>n Salesday in March, 1800, at 12 o'clock, to consult in refercnco to our mutual interests, and the welfare of our profession. L. C. KENNEDY, M. L>, President. Wm. T. Russet., M. 1)., Secretary. Feb 8 2 8\v SHERIFFS SALES FOlt MA11CII. BY virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias to me directed, there will he sold before the I'n.WI tl?....... .1.* ?-- *'! ? - vvu>, ..VIHIV ??v>u? in IIIV linage ui ispanahburg, on tho 1st Monday in March next, the following property, to wit : 75 acres of land, more or less, situated on branches of Heaver Dam Creek, waters of South l'ucolct river, beg lining on a dead post oak, on Gowatis' old road, and running thence S 27}, K 81, 03, to a slake, thence N 881 E 20, 25, to a post oak corner, thence N 28A K 12, 43 to a po?t oak, thence N 15, \V 10 chains to a black pttni corner, new inadc fhcnce N 81 \V 87, 05 to a rock on Gowens eld road, thence -> 15 \V 1 chain to the beginning corner. Sold as tlio property of M? rtda O'Shicld-*, a: tlic suit of M. 11. and i >. 1'. Earle. By oider .1. Baric Bo mar, es?j , Ordinary <>f Spartanburg District, will bo sold all that tract or parcel of land, situated iti Spartanburg District, on the waters of l'acolet river, bounded by lauds of Dr. W. 1*. t ouiptou, B. F. Alverson, and others, containing one hun dred and twenty-live acres, more or less, the real estate of Ahsalum Lancaster, deceased. Sold at the risk of the former purchaser. Also, all that tract or parcel of land, situated in Spartanburg District, on Wolf Creek, bounded by lauds of .Johnson Newman, Stnuhope Walker, and others, containing tifty acres, more or less, m the real estate < !' 1\ F. Cooper, decease-1. Sold tit the risk of the former nurehasor. Also, 350 acres, hutc or situated on South Tyger river, in Spartanburg District, bounded by lands of .1 dir. Thomas, Jno. N. Gentry, and others. Sold a- the real e?tatc ot Toliver Scott, deceased, for partition mi l division. TEllMS: A credit of twelve months, with interest from day of sale, viecpt t lie com*, which must be paid in cash ; purcha-ers giving bond and approved security, and a niort gage of tho promises, if deemed necessary to the Or linary, 10 secure the payment of the purchase tuoney. Purchasers to pay for papers. Terms of Sheriff 's sales cash- pureha ers to pay for titles. d ii, IIL \SSIM;AMI:, S. P. I>. Sheriff'b Olliee, fob. 15, lli'id. 3-l?t ST ATI-: or SOUTH CAROLINA. SPAIlTANIiUKG DISTRICT. Citations for Letters of Administration by Jno. Eirle Rmiar. esq., Ordinary. WIIKKKAS T. 8TOHO I' UUIOW, C. 1*. , 1 S I)., lifts tiled Ii'h petition in my ollii'i 1 praying (h;ti I.oitern of administration, on nil , and singular, the goods and chatties rights and creditors of WM J. lUtKM, decease 1. lut' | of tlie District aforesaid, should lie grained 1 liim. These arc therefore locite and ndtnoni.-li all and singular, the kindred and -rT .r- t'tlie ' said deed., to be and appear at tlio ft ni t ?: Ordinary, for said District. to !>< held ai Spartanburg Court House, on the 1 Iftli day >1 March, next, to shew oauso if any exists, why said Letters should not be grunti I. Given under my hand and -oal. this 29th day of January, A. lb, Im.'I. JNO. KAliLi: 1H?^1 Alt, o. 3. D Feb 1 I 2 v Dai. VL 'L 31/ilML, if, J),, YV" ,L continue the practice of Mcdieine, ' t umg?r/i nuu ^111 um umco) UcntiBtry OFFICE?ovm hhnitmi mun stukk. Feb 15 ? if ' rvi ill. FI1I1K subscriber has leased these Mills for live years, and is now improving them tot the purpose of mnking a first rate KI.Ol'H 1NG and OK 1ST MILL. The saw mill is now [ ! undergoing thorough repair, and soon will be ' I in running order. These mills arc now uuder i ' my charge. A Miller will nt all times be I found at the mill. ] J NO. M. WILLIAMS. i Feb 22 4 at 1 iD'JL. &. OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES to the Citizens of Spartanburg. Feb 1 1 1j J. M. ELFOllD, MAGISTRATE, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SDiMHtfflia i2i OFFICE ON TIIB PUDI.IG S?iOAI?E. ' Spartanburg C. II S. C. H'./f Practice in the Courtt of the Western ('trcuit. REED &DUNCAN, ATYO&&EY3 fi.T LAW, AND j hQ&l&'l'JiQ'M '1'2S "JiQ'Ittilf v\ OFFICE ON I'UDLIC Hit A UK, i Doors East of the i'ourt House. J. V It BED, D. It DUNCAN, Anurhsom. Si* vRT.vNurnu. : _ iili.ll illll IITI*. VS I desire to wind up lUc 11-tntcs of K. A. I FALK, d. 1). \VRIGHT, an I.I. M. HOST, 1 nt as early .1 period as possible, all persons having claims against *aid Estate.\ i..u>t hand them in at once. And ull persons indebted Vty 1 ACCOUNT or NOTE. must pay up, as | klin.ll proceed to issue on them as soon as the law ! will permit, anil without further notice. J. M. KLFOUD, Att'y. Feb 13 o ? -It TAILORING! :c: IN TilK FIRST NO. OF OUR LATELY lUiYIVtD I tender utany thanks to my friends and | atrotis for the liberal interest they hare manifested in the establishment of my bttsiue s, and I hope by diligince and a tter-l satisfaction to my patrons to merit a continuance of the same. I uiu making every effort to fit myself out / ? tur carrying oil a First-Class Tailoring Business. Cutting customers accommodated at short notice, and every effort made to make the work simple for the makers. Shop open at all business hours, opposite the l'AI.MBTTO IKH'SK, OVER FOGAKT1E & STILMAN'S ST011K. A First Class Coat Maker wanted. M. It. 15 E ECO. Feb 1 1 tf Xt7i'?TvW $ ")ff KV ^ X..VJ:X C/JV* HAVING just returned train a (tip North and West, take t! is method of informing his former 1 atr is ami Friends, that he is now prepmed to till all seders with neatness and dispatch in the very I.ATIIdT STYLES, ucheap as any one for Ca-h or ltarter. lie hats made arrangements for the I.ATEST FASHIONS from New York and H.iltimorc. Call an 1 see. Misdiop is over tli > store of FOSTER i Jl'l>I>*S, opposite the Court House. i' I'D 1 1 tf C. a HUGGINS, T A 3 I.O IS. t r.vvixo ui:tuum:d to tiii: tiiwn oi , 1 | Sp trtntihurg, lie lakes occn.-i to inform hi? Inemls ihat 1 lie is prepared luii > work w ii!> ueiiine^t ami 'liapateh. lie re-pe : s'.tlly u-kt\ share of puhli? patronage, and j'eS. Twitty cO Co. Feb 3 2 If i ( 1 The Amorican Land Company AM) A< r I'rutral Office. .No. 57, !hoaiMY;i>.1 ' New York. TolIN \ ANPIIKW, 1'r.si.lent } I'll AX K IIOWK, Vice Prc.H t | I. W WI >CII KS TI!U, Trcus'r, I'lKoHiiKCAIloT WAUP, i ALK1IKU UALTUIEIt, I O- !'l :;!:s is services in llio |iirclii-o, <-alo, i 1. \ ? or exchange <i Tilt!Ul'd'fl, SOL' 1.1! \ '<)., Ajjouts. No. I State-street, (upstairs,) i Feb 1 1 It i li K 0. II. W it I. T E li A SON, ' HECEIYINli AM) FOKWARDIM; ; AGENTS. ! establish themselves in COM M- ] \\ IMA. S. on tbo completion of the , So. Cn. II. 11. to (tint point, whore they will lie Itnppy to serve their old friends and patrons. ? rhankInl for past favors, they will endeavor. 1 by prompt attention to merit a continuance. Liberal advances male on con-igutnonts i ( :heir friends in Chariest .11, New I'ork ?.r I Liverpool* Fib 1 I lm tfj DESk B. & J. L. WOrFORD OFFER Til KIR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES to the citizens of the Village and surrounding country, fine or Loth of us will be found constantly in the oilier at the STORE, during the day, and at our Residence, oppo site Wofford College (Church Street) at uight. Feb 15 3 tf The Commissioners of Roads Are i. creby notified to m?et at Spartan- I burg II oil the 1ST MONDAY in .ll/y next, liusine.-s of importance will be submitted. JOHN M. CROOK, Chr'm. Davih Akkkukux, Sec. Feb 8 l!td 4 I.I. jier.-'oii' having claims against JOHN f\ II. ! ' I'OMl.r.. decease 1, will pre.st ut iheir claims to JOHN A I.IHi, r the undersigned for tinal settlement. LUt'iS N. I'OOLi:, Ad in* r. Feb '2'J 1 if J"**:!!*?' <>i" Corn. \ \ * ILL lie soi l by < rdcr of the Ordiuary on 1 i the 1st day efoTi Inula. lVlitioti for ?:>!c of i il estate of Margaret llindntnn, decease 1 IT nppearing ! > mv satisfaction that (In* 1?-_ril 1 ir-. and represen'itivc* of .J WK f! IN !>MAN. deceased, tiitue* not k:i v. a, NAVY I'AT H?N, legal lie;r.H and rcj.ro-entatives ol Fit \N< I S T M'l', deceased, nana ? not known. Til.(MAS I.IVAS, and MAKY ANN 1'KTTIT and her hit kind. iVttif, defendants in this rise, rcii: le will-.' at this State: it is tin-re! re 01 I. re I that 111* v do -i| ;i- ar and ol.jeet to the divisi'-a >r -ale of li r.-o! estate <>1 M\ll?l.\ IIKT III N I'M AN, do ~ 1. on "r hel.ire the o! April next, i ieir .- uncut to the S iino will lie canned of r>- id. (liven an ier toy hand this -jTlli day of J.in u.irv, A. I(.. J NO. HAUL!'. U \! A!% O. .S. 1>. Fib 1 1 .Mai STAIE OF SOUTU CAROLINA, S I'AI IT ' Ml FUG DIM'KICT. In the Court of Ordinary. M.-.ria F flenalnps and Cnlpurnia tannings. A ]licnui*, VI J. <\ denning?, M'tn H Ceunii gs, tt ul Defendants, Petition fur Mile i real estate of W 1 Ilium (leiming?, ilccen?cd. IT i?i jh- ?i'ing I Hi y >.ni-f i?*i ion tli it the . nl lu-it > mill n-|iri-!1.1 N A. SI*AIITANHPIUI DISTRICT. S. N. IIvini, Administrator, A i j licanl, Mary Dodd and olhers, Defendants. I'etiiion for jtrocecds of-ale <>l real estate to jii.'l over to the Admin; Irat'ir i ? pay debts, -ctiletucnl of estate, ,S;c. ST appearing toinj ?ti fa m that MAIDKN tiUKKN, and tl?o legal heirs a 11 1 roprcseualive* of l l.O\ l? TANNER, deceased, nan.es lot remembered, lb-fondants in this ease, rc itlc beyond tlie limits of this Stale : it is tliore'..re ordered that tliey a) pear at I ho Court of Ordinary t<> bo hohlen at Spartanburg Court ' House for Spartanburg Ib.-triet, on i!io 'J7th ! lay of April next, to shew cause if any exists, , ivhy the proceeds of the sale of the real estate ' >l \V T. TANNER, deceased, should not be , paid over to S. N. Evins, Administrator, to be ipplicl to the payment c.f llic debt" of said dc ease I; altd also to shew cnuse, if any, why i final settlement of the personal estate of aid W. T. TANNEIl, deceased, should not ic made. tiiven tinder my hand this -7th day of dan- I tary, A, i>., 18tit'?. J NO. EARLE BOMAR, (V ? IV i Feb 1 I out 1 MILLS HOUSE,! Corner 'irecii and Meeting Streets, UlAllLKSTO.X, S. C. rpms roi'in.ak and well known *[ IlOl'fK is itnw fully open for lite rcccption of visitor.", having becu rc-furnished with N w <' I!?rent F iirnifiiro. throughout, and offers to t!jo traveller, accomlaudations uu. RESPECTFULLY nnnounccs'to tlio public, thai lie has again commenced the Tinning Uusincss, ami feels himself well prepared ami qualified to <1 > all kinds of work in his line, v.illi neatness an 1 dispatch, lie hm a Utrjr *tork on haml, of every thing usually found iu an estahli. htm nt of this kind All avticlcs of TIN WAKE, will ho kept ?>n hand, thereby rendering liitu-elf able to supply the wants of any who may call on htm. He is prepared to do such work as ItOOFiN<;, c.i;niiKiNt; and kiipaiking. n? will work and Sell, wholesah: <.r retail, Lt>W FOIt CASH. All work warranted. SHOP Nil A It Til 11 SPA 11TAN OFFICE. Feb 1 1 tf Administrator's Notice* CHA^E IN BUSINE8S. B. 80 J. L. WOFFORD , HAVING PUnCQASIO O * T A TT XT A r TI o \j XX xs 1\. Li Lj hi RY O O O I> S, STXIOjO & i: F K 0 M SPAETASBl'RG TO GREENVILLE *' Sol<-< ribor will run a LINK OF ^ HACKS lo and from the idiove named ;>liC' i, <"iT!n.' OiTi'iiTtlle O. II. every MON1)AV* WII'JNM.SKAV ami FHii>AV, at 8 a. tu. Leave SjikMAiiliurg, TQKSUAYS, TIIL'RSDAY.S :< i 1 S \'l I'll DAYS, at H a. in., and arrive v iiicenvillc and Spartanburg, nt -1 p. in. This 1. lie will form u connection with the Spartanburg and I niou Railroad both vrayts. I wil have goal teams and oaretul drivers. I'etxins wi-lung to secure s "at."! can dose I v n: [ Isinjr to my Agents, J.\S. A. ALLEY, Spartanburg, w' o will he found at No. 2, Uric* Range on Church Street, opposite the i'alniettc House, and SAMUEL DONT1IAKD. a: (!t acuville. I'ersons wi-hitig to take seats at Spartnnhur.. Will apply to tuy Agent there the night before. C. C. MONTGOMERY. lVh 1 1 tf COMMISSIONER'S SALES. SPAllT VNlU IS'i DISTRICT. In Kqutly. Put?ey Ki;l v. ?, M. A. Tiiimuicr. Adui'rx11 ill to !' recluse Mortgage, Ac. IN ptn>u?tu-e ol an Order f the Court of Equity in ilii-i case, 1 will tell at public Sale hi Spm t.?nlurg <\ rt House, on SALESPAY, in MAIU'll, next -IIIK CAKOhiNA SPAKTAN," AV it it the Press. Typo, Ctses, Furniture, ami all ollu-r ma!erniN belonging to said Newspaper Ortice. with "the pood will, nnme ami -tylo" of -The Carolina Spartan," together with the TWO STORY I!RICK OFFICE in which f-ahl pa pi i* iuu. for ruauy years past been couiluCleil. S I as tiie pr. p r y of Wui. II. Triuimicr, ilcee.iM <1. Tr.ttMs ?>r Su.t:?Credit of one nnd twoyears, e\re| t cosisof theso proceedings, which irnist l.o paid ca-h on day of talc. Purchasers will be iopt.iid to give bond aud security with Mortgage of property to secure tlio purchase money. T. STOJ10 FARROW, c. x. s. n. Feb H 2 It COMMISSIONER'S SALIX SPAItTANliri'O D1STKICT. In Equity. Jane II. Carson, Adnt'rs, vs Ooo. Carson, and uiuvi!, .Minors oy tnctr next friend. Bill for sale of Laud and Dower. IN | nrsitnnee of nn Order of I ho Conrt of R?i? uity, 1 will sell nt public Sale, at Spartanburg ( ourt House, on 8ALKSDAY, in MARCH next, the toll 'Wing Real Kstatc described in tlie pleadings in this case, the sale of which was postponed on last Saleeday at request of Parties : A TRACT OF LAND, containing 700 Acres more or less, in the vicinity of Hog Hack Monn nin, near the North Carolina line,? known as the Mills Tract.*' Tkums or Salts.?Cicdit of one and two. years with Interest from day of Sole, except costs of these ] locecdings which must be paid: cash ; 1'urehaser to give bond with two approveil sureties wiih mortgage of premises to secure the purchase money. T. STOBO FARROW, 0. E. S. P. Feb 8 2 4l LAW NOTICE ' Alii; tNDBiUUUNLl) 1IAS RKSLMF.D | the l'ractioc of Law. Office up utmcJialely over former office. SeF l o?3?3ia J AS. FARROW. * ?