II ' M"'1 I 1? . T L?vo an the Carpet lor Me. They may talk of love in a cottage, And bowers of trovellished vine? Of nature bewitchingly simplo, And milk maids half divine ; They may talk of the pleasure of sleeping In 4he shade of a spreading tree, And a walk in the fields at morning, By tbe side of a footstep free ! Bnt give me a sly flirtation, By the light of a chnndelior? With mus c to play in the pauses, And nobody very near; Or a seat on a silken sofa, With a glass of pure old wine ; And m.imma too blind to discover The sinull white hand in uiino. Your love In a oottnge is hungry. Your vine is a net for flies? Your milk maid shocks the Graces, t ? J ?- mISa.I ? inllru a f nine AliU biiu|;iiwi?j v. You lie down to your shady slumber, And wake with n bug in your ear, And your damsel that walks in the morning Is shod like a mountaineer. Ttue love is at home on a carpet, And mightily likes his ease? And true lore has an eye for a dinner, And starves beneath shady trees. His wing is a fan of a liuly. His foot is an invisible thing, And hia arrow is tipped with a jewel. And shot from a silver string. Singular Case of Trnuce. A lady residing within sixteen miles of Rakigh, who has been in dclieatc health incc sho lost her husband in 18G3, died last Friduy fas was supposed) and lrirnds in thj neighborhood proceeded to take the steps usual on such occasions. The coffin was ordered, the corpse shrouded and laid out, and all needful preparations consummated for the funeral ceremonies lust Sabbath. Strange as it may appear, it is said . that whilo the watchers in an adjoining room were indulging in hilarity and hot cefiee, a noise was heard in the apartment where the remains of the beloved departed reposed. Supposing a cat or rat was pluming pranks therein, a gentleman went to stop the revelry. On opening the door he was horrified to find the lady standing in the floor, the very incarnation of perplexity. The brave fellow hastily retreated, bis dc xuonst rat ions cxcueu tnc rest oi tne party, and the wholo crew, shrieking and trembling, deserting the houso for a season.? An elderly negr:89, more courageous than other*, went into the dwelling, asccrtaiucd the state of affairs, and with Christian heroism ministered to the necessities of the dead live ono. Search was then made for tho retreaters, who being found at a neighbor's, returned to the domicile they bad so shamefully abandoned. Dr.'ltall, formerly of Greenville, N. C., who has attended the lad}- during the past six months, assures us that these arc unvarnished facts and present no new truths to tho medical profession. It was simply a case of trance or suspended animation. Tho only remarkable circumstance, perhaps, is the duration of tho spell, though after her presumed decease, the absenco of that perfect icyncs* whiah Is peculiar to tk. J 1 -L.1 I... ?! ? ? I :? uio uuuu nas HJUhUMU njr-wiu as well as her frieudr The lad; is now J^le to sit up, nnd being in the last stages of Consumption, i? as well as sho will ever bo. Sho remembers very little of the hours ol her trance, but experienced an alrnpst painful thirst in the first moments of returning consciousness. Altogether it is a remarkable c\ent to people not acquainted with medical history A doctor, to whom wo made mention of tho affair has promised to furnish us for publication, at an early day, a statement of a far more extraordinary case, which happened in Granville county a few years since.?liaiayu I'i-oyrcss. A Beautiful Reflection It cannot be thatearth is man's abiding place. It cannot be that our liic is cast up by the ocean of eternity to float a moment upon its wares and rink into nothingness Else why is it that the high and glorious aspirations which leap like angels from the temple of our heart are forever wandering about unsatisfied? Why is it that the rainbow and cloud come over us with a beauty not of earth, and then parts off and leave us to muso upon the'r faded loveliness? Why is it that tho stars that hold their ' festival around the midnight throne' re set above the erasn of nor limit/wl onm ~~ r " ? ? ? of our limited faculties, forever mocking us with their unapproachable glory 1 And finally, why is it that brighter tortus of bumun beauty ore presented to our view, and taken away from us, leaving the thousand streams of our nffections to flow buck in alpino torrents upon our hearts ? We. arc born for a higher destiny than that of . earth ; there is a realm where the rainbow ncrer fades; where the stars will bespread out before us, like islands that slumber on the ocean ; and where the beautiful beings which here pass boloro us like shadows, will stay in our presence forever. The number of troops furnished under the various calls by Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wiscoosiu, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Kentucky and Kansas was 2,08.1,002. An apothecary in tho country sent a lad) three draughts, and on being naked whal effect they were intindcd to produce, said, "The first, madam, is to warm you, the second to cool you, and the third iB to pre vent the excessive effect of either. The young lady who burst into tears hat been put together again, and is now wealing hoops to prevent tho recurrence of th< teeidtnl Wit and Humor, One liour gained by early rising is worth one month gained in a year. JftaST The hull of tho old frigate Mcrrinine, the rebel ram of Monitor notoriety, has been raised at Fortress Monroe. IIo who t tabs you with a pen wonld do the same with n penknife, were he as safe lroin detection and the law. The Opinion op a Petersburg Darkey.?"Wish Muss Lincuni had done kep his freedom. It's jes like Confederik money?more von get on it, the less 'count it is."?Index. tea?" Wo clip those excerpts from the Leader: Instc-d of amending the Constitution the Radicals ought to learn to obey what there is in it already. * * The best motion yet made in Congress is the motion made to adjourn. How wiso it is to fight for four years to keep the Southern States in the Union and then passu resolution to keep them out! The White House and the Mack House are at opposite ends of Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington. Sea" A Marriago is thus noticed by one of our cotcniporarics ' Married last week, John Cobb to Miss lvate Webb. Look out InP amtlnre '' ~ The Abington Virginian pays: "Baby Bates," the biggest man out of floors, left this place for his home on Big Sandy on Wednesday last lie is 28 years of ago, seven feet high, weighs 341 pounds, and has a foot h urteen inches long. Ho wus in the Conluderato service during the war, aud although as easy to hit as a barn door, escaped, we believe, without a scratch. A Coroner's jury in a country village in Dutchess County, recently returned a verdict in a case "they had sot on," that "the deceased came to his death by his 0'< n hand, and that he it.dieted the Euici daldoom upon himscll by hanging?around the tavsrn !" J6*a5- Sir Walter Scott, in lending a book .j..- - r_: I ?: i \ i- t._ vmic v4?tj iu u iiiiu'i, u?iui iui;i;u linn iu uu I punctual iu returning it. ''This is really ! necessary," said the poet in apology, "lor i though many of tny friends arc bud arith vuticians, observe inmost all of them are good book keepers." Milton, when blind, married a shrew. The Duke of Buckingham called her a rose. "I am no judge of colors," replied Milton, "but dare say you arc right, for 1 feel the thorns daily." If politeness docs not inspire a man with goodness, equity, complaisance, gratitude , it at least gives tho appearance of these virtues, ami makes a man appear outwardly what he ought to be inwardly. Calumny is like the. brands flying from a large lire, which quickly go out it you j do not blow them. Judge Burnett,son of the famous Ilish- j op of Salisbury, is said to have been of' wild and dissipated turn when young, j iicing one uay touna Dy tus lather 11: a very serious humour, ' What is the matter with you, Tom V eaid the Bishop; 'What i arc you ruminating on ?' ' A greater work than your lordship's ' History of the Reformation/ answered the son. ' Ah ! wliat is that? asked the father. ' The reformation ot myself,' said Tom. j Lord Brougham hoped to see the day when every man in the United Kingdom would be able to rea 1 Bacon. ' It would be much more to the purpose' said Cobhett, 4 if his lordship would use his influence so that every man kingdom may EAT bacv.n. There are three kinds of men are indiscreet: an impudent man, a man drunk ' and a foul. Singular !>lctlio?l of Study. It is recorded of Anthony Magliabcchi, that his attention was continually absorb- , cd. dny and night, among his books. An i old cloak served him for a gown in the day, aid for bou clothes at night, lie had one straw chair for his table, and another ! fur his bed,jin which he generally remain- j ed fixed, in the midst of a heap of vol- I nines and papers, until be was overpowered j by sleep. With all this intense application to reading, his knowledge was well estimated in tho observation applied to hiui, that lie was a learned man among booksellers, and a bookseller among the learned. John William, an English prelate, nsed I to study in a particular way. lie used to ' allot one month to a certain province, es- j teeming variety almost as refreshing as cessation from labor ; at the end of which he would take un some other matter, and so on till ho camo rouuil to his former | course*. ' Mczcrai, the famous historian, used to study and write by candle light, even at : noonday in summer, and, as it tlure had been no sun in tho world, always waited upon his company to the dt>or with a eau' die in his hand. ^ The famous Mr. Drindlcy, when an cxi traordinary difficulty occurred to biui in tho execution of his works, generally ro tired to bed, and has been known to lie there one, two or three days, till he had surmounted it. lio would then get np i nnd execute bis design, without uny draw? ing or model, for ho had a prodigious ? memory, and carried every thing in his TAILORING!' ;0: IN THE FIRST NO. OF OTJlt LATELY REVIVED Spartan, I tender ninny thanks to my friends and fntrons for the liberal inter* est thoy hare manifested in tho establishment of my business , and I hope by diligense and n general satisfaction to iny patrons to merit a continuance of the satne. 1 nin making every effort to lit myself out for carrying on a First-Class Tailoring Easiness. Cutting customers accommodated at short notice, and every effort made to make the work simple for the makers. Shop open at all business hours, oppos-itc the PALMETTO HOUSE, OVER FOG ARTIE S20. riowarcl. TOLEN FROM Till: MILLS OF Till: SI RSCUlltKKS, on iht> night of the ]Sih J;in nary, A III BULK DLLT, feet in L ngth, t inches in width, faced on each end with J iiioii Sole Leather, it is supposed to have I eeti I sold immediately. The above reward will be paid iu (told for any information of Hell so that we may obtain the licit with suflicient proof for conviction of thief. E. S. SMITH. & BUO. Glenn Springs, Fcbrunrv 1SUG. Feb 8 2 2t* The Amorican Land Company AIM > E>CV, Cenlral ClTico. No. 57, Broad-Way, New York. JOHN A. AN BREW, President 1 FRANK. HOWE, Vice-Pres't L. W. WINCH ESTER. Troas'r, [ TrutUct. GKORGK CABOT W ARD, | ALFRED GAITMIER, I OFFERS it; services in the purchase, sale. len*-e or exchange of t'ity or Country Properly in the Snttth or West, or in procnrF:;: \> orktm-n, Mip?rinicnlont?, I chois or rati iters from the North or from Kuropc. Full j information fumi-hcl upon inquiry of TilUKlilili. Sul'I.K \ CO., Agent.'*,] No. I State street, (tip stair*,) Feb 1 1 It GEO. II. \VA LTER & SO N, RECEIVING AM) FORWARDING j AliKM'S. W^H-T* establish themselves in COI.l'M* VV MIA, S. t'., on the compltMion of tlit.* So. Cn U. K. to that point, where they will bo * "'i'I y 10 6erVl ini'ir inn incn?< ! of 1*ii|m?i*n is require! to pro\c a loss toll*(i*s4 For any information in regard to said Poinpanie*, apply to J. M. BLFORP, Agt. \ Fel> 1 1 tf Spartanburg s. c. IV S iMUHt. A First Class Cont Maker wanted. M. K. IIEECO. Feb 1 *1 if wm* HAVING just returned from a trip North and West, takes this method of informing his former Patrons and Friends, that hois now prepaied to fill all orders wiih'noatncs and dispatch in the very LATEST STYLES, as cheap as any one for Cash or Parlor. He has made arrangements for the LATEST FASHIONS from New York, aud Baltimore. Call and see. His shop is over the store of FOSTER 6c JC1)L>'S, opposite tho Court House. r.k i i tr C. C. HUG GINS T V I L < > It. [ Having returned to the town of Spartanburg, he takes occasion to inform h.a friend* that I he is prepared to do work with neatness and dispatch. He respectfully asks a share of publi ; patronage, and pledges his host endeavors to give satisfaction to his customers. lie may he found at his Shop in rear of J. 11 ARCHER S STORE, where his customers will find plates of the latest fashions. Feb 1 1 tf tv< >rrr< :i-:. W. IX Milster RESPECTFULLY announcon to tha public, ? that ho has again commcncad the I Tinning- Husiness, Jj Hn?l feels himself well prepared and qualified to do all kinds of work in his line, with neat- N ness and dispatch. He has a large stork on hand, of every thing usually found in an ?a- ^ tahlishmcnt of this kind. All articles of TIN AY A HE, will te kept on hand, thereby render- ** ing'hirnself able to supply the wants of any who may call on him. 111 He is prepared to do such work ns HOOFING, GUTTERING AND REPAIRiNO. He will work and sell, wholesalo or retail, LOW FOR CaSII. All work warranted. ft t r* \1 S v L' t ti Tilt' D1? t I1T i\r nrni/m Diiwr jt.Aiv iiirj ni am ui rii.Ti. Feb 1 1 it Administrator's Notice. ALL persons li iving claims against JOHN J" II. F POOLE, deceased, will present their claims to JOHN A LEE, or the under- . signed for dual settlement. LOUIS N. POOLE, Adm'r. Feb HO 1 tf Salo of Corn. "^TITILL be sold by order of the Oidinary on * T the 1st day of March next, at the late reside joe of KOllKKT JACKSON, deceased, several hundred bushels of COKN, belonging c to the estate of said deceased. TKHMS: A credit till 10ih dav of October next, interest from sale, purchaser giving uoto nn?l approved security. NANCY J. JACKSON, Adntx. m Feb 1 1 4* r To Guardians, Trustees, K( \\. c< -y-OTK K i? hereby given to all Guardians. p A.N Trustees, ? ommittces, Keceivcra ami uitiers who arc required to make Annual lieturns to the Commissioner in Kquity, must he made on <>r before the loth day of March next, littles will he issuod against all defaulters T. STOUO FA 11 ROW, c. n. s. d. January. 20, 13'j'j. Fob. 1 1 It STA1E OF 801 TH CAROLINA. SPARTANBURG DISTRICT. T. M. Petty, attd wife Amauda, Applicants, TS Nancy Pat ton and others. Defendants. Potitiou for sale of real estate of Margaret llindutan. deceased I T Appearing to mv satisfaction that tho legal heirs and representatives of JANE II IN l?MAN. deceased, names not known, NANCY u I'ATTON, legal 11oii"- and representatives ol I'll ANflf TAPP. dceei-od. names not known. THOMAS LL'CAS, an 1 MAUY ANN l'KTTIT and her husband. Pet tit, defendants in this case, reside without this State; it is therefore ordered that they do appear and object to the division or sale of the real estate of MARGARET IllNPMAX, de-teased, on or before the 2"th day of April next, or their consent to the same will be en orcd of record. Given under iny iftnd this 27th day of Jan uarv, A. D.. 1 SOt?. J NO. EARLE BOM AH, O. S. P. Feb 1 1 Cm STATE OF SOI Til CAIM>LLNA. SPARTANBURG DISTRICT. a In the Court of Ordinary. 4 Maria E. (Jennings aud Culpuruia Genning". t ....it,...... * 1 I"" "'""I rs J. C. Gennings, Wtn. II Gcnnirjs, et al Defendants, IV' ition for sale of real estate of William (Jennings, deceased. IT a] peaiing to my satisfaction thai the legal heirs and represent*'ives of SIMPSON tii-.NNlNGS, deceased, names not known, and JOHN CALVIN (JENNINGS. defendants hi this case, reside without this State; it is there fore ordered that they do apprai and object to the division or sale of the real estate of WII.- p, 1.1 \ (JENNINGS, deceased, on or before the 'JOth d iy f April next, or their conical to the same will be entered of record. (Jiven under my hand this i!7th day of Jnntiarv, A. It . lXijti. .J No?!d and others, Defendants. Petition for procee Is of sale of real est&'e to he pai.l over to tho Administrator to pay debts, "ettlcmont of estate, Ac. IT a pj earing to iny satisfaction that M A1DKN liKEKN, and the legal heirs and rejtresentfitives of 1'I.t>VD TANNKK, deceased, natT.es rot rctneutbercd, 1>. fondants in this case, re side beyond the limits of this State : it is there ! fore ordered that they appear at the Court of Ordinary to lie hodden nt Spartanburg Court House for Spartanburg District, on the -7th day of April next, to shew cause if any exists, why the proceeds of the sale of tho real estate of U T. TANNKIt, deceased, should not he paid over to S. N. l'.vins. Administrator, to be applied to the payment cf the debts of said de ceased ; ntul also to shew cause, if any, w\> a tlnal settlement of tho personal estate of -aid \V. T. TANNEll, deceased, should not he inado Given under my hand this 27th day of January, I).. 18t)l Pcfiner, Walker's Cotniuon School Dictionary, Webster's " " " Hold's Knglisli Dictionary, Sco'.ar's Companion, Sanders' Series of Headers, 1st, 2d, 3d, 4ili nd 5th. Mandevillc'a Series of Headers, la!, 2d .Id. ill nnd 5lh. Cornell'a'First Steps in Geography, Primary Geography, " Grammar School Geography, " I ntermediute Geography, " High Schoc! Geography and Atlas, * oiton nnu mens introductory ueograpby, 44 44 Modern 44 44 " Ainetioui School " Mitchell's Modern Geography and Atlas, New School Geography and Atlas, Smith's Primary Geography, tpmchenbos' First Lessons in Grammar, English Gramui r, ' First Lessons in Composition, " Course of Cotupositiou an l lliolorie, Karl's First Lessons in Grammar, " Common School, Bullion's Practical Lessons in Gramtnar, 41 Lngli-li Crammar, '* Analytical ami Practical Grammar, Green's Introductory Grammar, First Lessons in Grammar, 4- Elements of Grammar, 44 New English Grammar, 4 Analysis, Parker's Ai ls to Composition, Graham's English Synonymes, Kobinaoti's Tabic liook, 44 Primary Arithmetic, intellectual Arithmetic, *' liudimcnts of Arithmetic, ?' Practical Arithmetic, 44 Higher Arithmetic, 44 Arithmetical Examples, tjiuick mhos' Primary Arithmetic, Davics Old School Arithmetic, Davics New School Arithmetic, tireenlcaf'a Common School Arithmetic, Smith's S-eoml Arithmetic, Loomis' Elements of Algebra, Eoomis' Algebra, ltavics' Elementary Algebra, Davics' kgendre, l'ohinson s Elementary Algebra, Uuhitison's New University Algebra, All the Higher Mathematical Works, Mathematical Works, J " v. hatcly's Hhctoric, Wnyhuid'a Moral Science, Dngg'a Moral Science, Window's Moral Philoaophr, Wayland's Moral Philosophy, Wavlnnd's Intellectual Philosophy, Haven s Mental Philoqgphy. A VAUlED STOCK OF Scientific and Miscellaneous Works. Spencerian PENMANSHIP, tn*de of fin* >aper?copies set. Copy Hooks, without copies, Composition Hooks, Slates, Paper, Pencils, Pons Ink, A LARGE STOCK OF MUSIC AND MUSICAL BOOKS, Guitar ami Violin Strings, /to., I Lithographs, Photographs, and Photograph ALBUMS, TERMS CASH. Teachors arc specially invited to call and xamine. Orders from Schools rolioted, and iberal inducements given. WM. E. EARLE, scxt door to Mansion llonsa, Greenville. 9. C. Feb 8 3 Sw