CARD TO TUB MERCHANTS OP THE SOUTH. The undersigned, wholesale j??l era, advise you of the fact that Charleston la again a market for the purchase of goods, and In view of the early opening of the spring trade, we beg to solioit the resumption of the patronage so liberally extended to this market in tho past. We are aware that many old and respecled firms will be missed fro at our number, hut ttianv familiar uames will be found in new us social ions, ready to supply the wants of the Trade, as of yore, aud other old and new firms will be added to our number at an early day. The cash and short credit system having been universally adopted in all the Nerthern markets, wo are necessarily compelled to adopt a like system ns the only safe one on which to ooduot business, nnd the heavy peroentage onco necessary to cover bad debts will now be avoided. Small profits and quick roturns will be the rule, and under its working we hope not only to restore to our nncientoity her former prosperity, but to extend her trade ! to the full extent of tho capabilities her excellent geographical position aud natural advantages afford. Our interest nnd ambition combine to stimulate us in attaining the result. The South Carolina Railroad is now open to Columbia, and its President has officially informed us that the Augusta line will be com pleted to Dlackville this mouth, and that on tho first of February he will receive through freight to Augusta. A lino of steamers to Suvauua will afford facilities for shipping in that direction. It is our purpose to have iu storo by tho last of February a complete nnd aritd assortment of goods iu our respective lines adapted to the spring trade, and every exertion shall be made to promote your interests. We extend to you tho linnd of commercial fellowship, aud solicit your co-operation and patronage in our efforts to make Charleston the centre of Southern trado. Givo us the en couragemcnt we ask, ami you will enjoy till the advantages of a cheap iu me market. I>i*y Goods. W. T. BURGE A ca EDWIN BATES A CO. J. R. READ A CO. STRAUSS, VANCE A CO. AITKIN, NO YES A JOHNSTON. KING A GOODRICH. JAMES B. BETTS. STOLIi, WEBB A CO. 1'. EPSTEIN, 2G8 King-street. P. LYONS A CO. Fancy Goodtt. II. D. BURKETTACO., successors of DEWING, THAYER A CO. NORTH, STEELE A W A UDELL Millinery nud SI ruw (ioodn WILLIAMS A COVERT. LKNGNICK A SELL. Bool? and Shoes. K. B. STODDARD A CO. 1). F. FLEMING A CO. T. M. BR1STOLL, Buccossor of DUNHAM, T A FT A CO. EDWARD DALY, Ageut. JOHN COMMINS* Iluts unci Cupis if if linr t i t wd i. /?/ v ??. H I.J.I .-imo ?r llnujfiiiKN, Window HluulrM ni?V. CURTIS, L. L. 1>., PimciPAL. THE REGULAR ENSUING SESUS10 N of this School will commence ' on iho third Wedncsduy in February i In' "let instant. TERMS FOR FIVE MONTHS, payable in advance either in specie or itr equivalent iu cu:rency : Hoard, including lights, washing and fuel $76.00 Tuition in English and the Classics.... 26.00 Tuition in Primary Department 15.00 Lessons on the Piano or Guitar 23.00 Use of Piano 2.50 Tuition in French or tho Modern Languages, "each 20 00 Each pupil must bring one pair of nheets and pillow cases, towels and drinking cup. Dr. CURTIS will leave the Mills House, Charleston, on Monday the 10th of February, and Nickersou's Hotel, Columbia, on the 20tb, for Limestone, and be happy to take charge of any Pupils on the route. Regular mails are re-established to tho place. Feb 15 3 2t HACK LINE v r n \i SPARTANBURG TO GREENY 1LLE THE Subscriber will run a LINE OF HACKS to and from the above named places, leaving Urccnville C. H. evcrv MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 8 a. in. Leave Spartanburg, TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS, at 8 a. m., and arrive at Greenville and Spartanburg, at 4 p. in. Ybis Line will form * connection with the Spartanburg ami Union Railroad both ways. 1 will have good teams ami careful drivers Persons wi.-hing to secure seats can do so by applying to niv Agents, JAS. A. ALLEY, Spartanburg, who will be found at No. 2, Brick Range on Church-Street, opposite the Palmetto House, and SAMUEL DOXTIIARD, at Greenville. Person* wishing to take seats at Spartanburg, will apply to my Agent there the night before. C. C. MONTGOMERY. Feb 1 1 tf JUST RECEIVKD FRESH GARDEN SEEDS, OF ALL KINDS. Twitty Oo. Feb 8 2 (f COMMISSIONER'S SALES. Sl'AKTAXUURO DISTRICT. In Equity. l'ataey Kirby, vs, M. A. Trimraicr, .Vliu'rx. Bill to Foreclose Mortgage, Ac. IN pursuance of an Order . f the Court of Kq tiity in this case, I will sell at public Sale ai Spin tan burg Court House, on SAI.ESIMY, in MARCH, next "THE CAROLINA Sl'AUTAN," Wit It the L'ress, Type, Cases, Furniture, and nil other materials belonging to paid Newspaper Office, with "the good will, name and style" of "The Carolina Spartan," together with the TWO STORY HKICK OFFICE, in which s-aid paper has for many years past been conducted. Sold as tlie property ofWtn. II. Trimmier, deceased. Thumb or Sai.k.?Credit of one and two years, except costs of these proceedings, w hich IllllUf hn txiti.l nn ilotf ??!? t? 1 - ... , ...... v.. "t nine, I urcunsera will he required to Rite boud and security with mortgage of property to secure the purchase money. T. 8TOBO FARROW, o. e. s. D. Feb 8 2 4t COMMISSIONER'S SALES. 8FARTANUURO DISTRICT. In Equity. Jane II. Carson, Adm'rx, rs (duo. Carson, and others, Minors by their noxt Friend. Itill for sale of I.nnd and Dowor. IN pursuance of an Order of the Court of Kquity, I will sell at public Sale, at Spartanburg Court House, on SALF.8DAY, in M A RC1I next, the following Real Kstate described in the pleadings in this case, the sale of which W n a nAalrtnnoil an WJ.. 1 - - -l ,,?..r?uvii uii >< oniiKuajr m request of Parties: A TltACT OF LAND, containing 700 Acre* more or less, in Hie vicinity of llog Hack Mountain, near tho North Carolina line,?known as "the Mills Tract.'' Terms or Sai.e.?Credit of one and two years with interest from day of Sale, except costs of these proceedings which must he paid cash ; Purchaser to give bond with two approved sureties with mortgage of premises to secure the purchase money. T. STOBO FARROW, c. b. s. n. Feb 8 2 4t SSL &a g^sssnjnsi'ff Q.FFF.RS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ' (o th? Citizens of Spartanburg. b 1 ;r I 1 j J. M. ELFORD, MAGISTRATE, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND ia;vyiSJ tiJJ i?j t) ii ii J OFFICE OX TIIE TUBLIC SQUARE. SpartunburK C. II- S. C. Will J'ractieein the Cour(i of (he Western Circuit. RJE E DVDUHOA N, ATTORNEYS JLT LAW. AND ai)lL3?3SI)iaS 2H 3SUaSR?, OFFICE OX PUBLIC SQUARE, 4 Doors East of the Court House. J. r REED, D. R. DUNCAN, Akdkrson. Spartakdbro. GROCERIES,HARDWARE, DOMESTICS, &c. CRUSHED SUGAR. BROWN SUGAR, WHITE GRANULATED SUGAR. COFFEE, Jam nnd Rio, CHEESE, BISCUITS, TEA, Green Imperial, ALMONDS and RAISINS, BRAZIL NUTS and English Walnuts, SARDINES. PICKLES, BACON, Mnckcrcl nnd Herrings, WHEAT, and Buckwheat Flour. WHITE WINE VINEGAR, MOLASSES, TANNERS' OIL, Superior Quality, KEROSENE OIL, Superior Quality. OAK AND HEMLOCK SOLE LEATHER, COLLINS' ANKS, BR APES' IIOES, Traco Chains, WIIITERMORK'S No. 10, Coilou Carda, SIFTERS, different nixes, SAWS, Hammers and Augers, GIMLKKS, FILES, l'OWDER, SHOT AND LEAD. BROWN AND BLEACHED SHIRTING, JEANS and LINDSEYS, COTTON YARN, and a variety of other nrticles for sale, low for cosh, or exchanged on fair terms for Cottqn, Bacon, Flour, Corn, Poas, and the productions of the farm generally by J. TUGS. II. WII1TE, Main Street, near Churcb. r co o '1 l't RECONSTRUCTION :o OUlt CONGltESSMEN, IT II S A I l? , WILL NOT BE ADMITTED, 1JUT IT IS ADMITTED, THAT J.A.IIEMEMAN 1 IAS .1 FIXE STOCK OF WATCHES, CLOCKS 5c JEWELRY O* UAJtl), TOO r. I Ilk". WJTH A T1SX a HOBTMIM or I^aney < ioodN. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL AGES TXTATC11ES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY If Uill ho r'-constructed (without Che Tc?t ..? ?? ic?uuaui^ auu nmritiKta. J. A. HKNNKMAW At the Old Place on Maiik-Hlrtet. Feb 1 1 if VANDIVER, BLAKE & CO. On Main-Street, Spartanburg, ??1? SbWS JB3T ?ANDir//,/, KEEP OX II AX It A WELL SELECTED STOCK ?OF? GENKR1L MERCHANDISE, EMBRACING HATS, CATS, BOOTS, AN DSIIOKi* READY-MADE CLOTHING, CROCKERY . /lt'Ti r? t> \* TOC.KTIIF.R WITH A VARIETY OF SHAWLS. HATS, Ac , all of which they undetermined to sell us LO If us they can I>c bought in this market. They are also engaged in the manufacture of TIN WARE, and will promptly fill all orders in that line. J W . VA5DIVF.R, J 8. BURNETT, WM. K. BLAKE, O CANNON. Feb 1 1 tf Itoad Working. TITHE oterseeiB of the public h ghw y? and I ROADS, within their several B.ats are hereby notified and ordered immediately to summons all persons within their several jurisdictions liable to ROAD DUTY, to work as many days as may be necessary, on the same. JOHN M.CROOK, Chairman. i/AViu a.npkkfox, oecreiary. Feb 8 2 Rw The Commissioners of Roads ARF. lierehy notified io meet nt Spartnnburg C. II on the 1ST MONDAY in Af?y next. Buaineia of importance will be aiibmitted JOHN M. CROOK. Chr m Datid Amihiss, See Ftb ? ' THE SOUTHERN DRUG HOUSE. EIH6 & CASSIDET, V&OiilfiA&H SEVMim, No. 1C51 Mooting Street, Oil driest on, So. Ca. OPPOSITE CIIAKLES TON HOTEL. E. D. KING, M. D, ) ' of North Carolina. JESSE J. CASSIDEY. J m < Coabmitom, Fkuriart 13, 18C6. 8?Sat 3V 3E3 W STOREI. TEPPE & SMYTH, At the Old Stand of Fogartics & Stillman, opposite Palmetto House, Spartanburg, S. C. WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM THEIR FRIENDS AND THOSE WHO DK8IRX 1MW ?SUSS, a\2 S22! ?&33I MHW, inAi A vioil 1U 111II WILL REPAY Til FX FOR THE TROUBLE. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. CLOTHING, IIATS AND CAPS, HARDWARE, AND A GENERAL VARIETY OF ARTICLES MO%T NECESSARY FOR HOUSEHOLD AND FARM USES. Purchasers will please take due notice of the above and govern th *i co uvvv/ ui/'yiy. Frod. Tcppo. Aleck H. Smyth. Feb 11 If AMD I, W. MAEII HAVING RESUMED BU8INESS AT THE OLD STAND OF HARDY, AGNEW k CO., OFFERS TO IIIS OLD FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC, AN ASSORTED kmek wt mdmbubs; SSMEmn9 AND WOODEN-WARE, EMBRACING ALL ARTICLES IN HIS LINE OF BUSINESS. WILE SEl'.X. AT THE LOWEST tfSIAU COTTON, OR COONTRY PRODUCE. &C.&C. J V S T It E CEI VED FINE MACKEREL, SALMON, SARDINES, CITRON, CURRANTS. Will 1*6 prepared to fill orders of Country Merchants in a few days at the lowest figures possible. FOWLER, FOSTER & CO. Tliiitiliful to our Patron** 0?r past fiivorm, we flgwln ofl'or out- ?rrvierk ids .Miiiiutiiolurei-M of* CARHIAGES, 1IUGOIES, II < >0 K AWAYS, WAG ON S. WE IIAVE CONNECTED WITII OUR BUSINESS and having received a supply of raltiy ore oak tanned harness leather, we can furnish, harness, equal in style or quality to any made, north or south. We have on hand an assortment of sizes of Tatent Air Tight METAI.IC BURIAL CASIS AND COFFINS, ready, or made <0 order ai very short notice. We else have a feed HERSK, which we will send to Funerals, with e careful driver, when requested. Our prices wo intend shall he as low as wo can possibly afford, and we will receive ia way* ment all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, at market prices, ALSO I OH SALE Carriage and Buggy Trimmings, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Bolts, Screws, Castings, Axes, Iron, Nails, Ac., Ao.