I*4** 8 g JLTt jsq ?k, TMrnlnr, R?vcmk?r M, l#?I. Bp-* <: ; , <. ti* * ??. -1 - OWttmi*wv*e Amul at afeevttaHig Ejk- W? ?t <4>Umd to haraftic cmV fur ?W JT; v jtlnfwt ,12" Br- Joflyt ^ ^'nawrtt owr anthorfaid BEy" Aighl&bl the HebtiaO of atl elairoa doe PT In ennseqnenoe ?f tbe reverity of the ^ ?eeson it is deemkt advtaable to mwpend HP&V < ^r thi' Ifte cnorae of T,oetnr?s flLs otnoMira loir iiie benefit of tbe Hospital, jg It It pn>pooc4^- ?f>?r the winter months M #hall have passed to r<*?nra* the Lectures, of wbieb due notice will be giveo. A Doirld Murder. .'-1 We arc pained to learn tliatMte Ittcn MD 11. {MllTB, a-hiarhl) reapeotcd and in K tell!gcntetti*. n of the lower part of our Phrtrfctj was inhumanly murdered while in aJave on Puiurday mornirg y; . 4>*'J M?a death a at* produced hv violent llatn ou the head with a billet of wood. 'Jibe murderer ?flor perpetrating the esrt* * j a > .i-i. i .? vwi, urea me whi min thereafter the fcfc kMe. Ai ?uon as the Utter was enveloped in flsuao, he g?te the alarm, it in sup-posed with a view to c-e*tc the impression Shut burning wueoeidcntal. Enough h)? Kj em, ?f the eirenmstancni to 'prove hia rimtaality were discovered ipid^bring him Je trial, the reaiilt of which true hia c whose character for yublie benevolence and drs interested patriotism lias l?cco developed 1 bj thu great contest locJVeedom, a man of age, X?f evperieiic, of moral and civic worth, who has upver sought office or declined it, of inrgo-jfapacitie* and attain-' vteU, christian, a gcnriemnn, and a patriot. fcuch a m?n wo nocrt^r liorcrnor, < and ruch a roan i? SiMfHON rq. , dim nam# w therefore ruggetted tor tint ' , kith It rasmjnlible ofb >e, and nieetn tko ;ip.pxttfal of MANY SOLD1K..S. !' . I ?f4Vnj; of Atlanta, Mari, etta antf Tlotoe, it ia aupposod thej have burned Wontiocllo and llillsboro. f It is supposed tb?t>?>?erman will tcke 1 - Aodereenville in hut present route, and 1 try 4>f 4ajL*ro*&>**l d>M?am?ion, but juntifie* tho j" wooden snoE-sfiLE rACTbinr. I Wo ?rs indehted4ottio j?olitonc??of Mr. Convf.mk for a visit to this establishment, at Bivinysville. Wo find the machine ur (lcr full headway, with full supply of hand*) arid plenty of ftmbcrt Qc Friday last; they turned out six hui.dredf pair, which U a. Uttltt ffUfts''than an a*crup< day a work:' The demand for the shoe, aoh* has been eaqpcdmjj the supply, but the many little incidental delays io set tin|*ih motion the machinery, bav* all Nan overcome, and it now bid* fair tc ntuffir *11 ike purpaecs fur whieb^U wan iatcoded. , . . \i The mtehinirjt tr?d dor thle pofpoee is simple aud ingenious. It all rcata upon two table* on brushes, *1 oat (bar fret square, and ie propelled by water. A small itru - shaft, about fire feet k>ngt with an iron cant wheal, weighing about three handled pounds, ia attached to one end, a small ooo at the other, lens than half its weight. Sot in ench of these wheels are three concave chisels, and one ol which does the work of planing the luct, while tbo others do all the work ol the bottom of the shoe sole. 1 he block of wood is tlu>n finuly fastened toe neat frame, with two handles upon (he outaide with the pattern of the shoe sole scoured upon tho Uwor edge of ti e Irsmc holdii.g tho blook. The first operative then presses the block au&inst the wheal. when the bottom of the shoe-sole is in? stantty complete!. The block is 'thrown upon the fuble, and takes up b/ ths op ^rative at thtf opposite end of the shaft, placed in the frame, *"i?h the pattern ot the top, see tired in like in nner to the lower edjee of the frame, and then press ed against ths second wheel, when thr mechanical work of the bottom and top ia finished. It is then thrown off to an other wheel, where the edges ere round ed off, and parsed 'where the last is confined to thr shoe-sole, whore it recei*. i its form and shape, as we aee them, li I is then transferred over to another sniul wheel, whtre the grove is made, around which iw ta-'ked the leather. At th a tabic the; arc numbered, and distribute*, to the several compartments, handi-OtucU corded np, ready for box is v. nj manner act an cUiga to the f< et either. TW locomotion of the Wiurer .?. an euay ami graceful aa if the' fimut h< mloek con? UitutcJ the ground foundation. (>1 their-lie ( CPfcotv there is no douM", owing to the high | price* of ?>le leather and the ditfirul y ot > obtaining it, even if our 'tanneries could ' supply the Vfct demand. It u eets n want i arhiili ii ininorilivA m?I ^ ?r ?! < liVIIIU 111*1. IJlllfT- ( wise bo supplied mid hence Messrs HoMEK, . Pnoi.K A Co , dcMrve the thank* and j r.t ' ronagc of the shoeless public for tlicir cn 1 trgj and efforts. If there ia one who ifoubte their subserviency to the pnrj>o?c? >f this great invention, we would advise ? i irial of th.?e wooden f lea. It ia twin th t ( (^y nre a little more clamorous than the ' leather shoe, hut notwithst anding, an h on , pst man need not fear to wear them. The t noctivigant or evil intrnr might have s"ir.o ] Rcruplca about their adaptation to hi* pur suit, no other can or need hesitate to teat j their excellencies. I \V^ !irA irlflH ?A raws..* " ** ?. w ..jnHH, inn an inn anficnTii.n, incidental to setting nrw machinery into operation. h.?ve I-opw over come by the skill and ingenuity of the inventor, and that they arc now | re pa re-1 to meet ( nil orders which way be forwarded to | ihe con.pany. I l-ar^e trders havo i.lready bee??' 1 ile. 'J lie bottom* will ho narrower, (u n ! j td in Intnditotiic shupc, and hot tea h wptid | t the loot ol the white population. We t ha.I havo a pair of thin rjuality sent us in ' ^ few days, when wo ?hall hr gratified 10 how them to any one who has the euii- ( wity to ioe them. r- { | HHHfcSMimSi ? * C- I One ot the partner*, Mr P.*.!*, pvc.? ns ?avcrul interesting particular* of the or igin of this Machine. It requires Iron. 1U00 to 1200 feet' sweet an. u>nd. WaaKo'earo that Mr. Poole in the inverter of M.in useful machine. We are pleated to know that he is realising prr?+ tion of having pnt it into operation. ^ lit*iperienc<*Mnd_ot>Hcrvutwin will of eour.-? upgert improvements and its profits enable hint to extend ita usefuln * * through out the Confederacy. 'I be well known business habits n| all the gentlvipcn con nectcd with the enterprise, in a guarantor ihat every thing will'bo done; to give, tin public the fall benefit of'its working cnj?a i'JOf the ntility of thene shoes we wou'd observe from conversation with these wh? nre wcatfhg tlutn, thai in point of oouif?rt. lightness and durability, they are equal to the best styles of heavy shoe*. Int| enetrwbh) to v^atet and co'd, they k??cp the p? dal extremities uniformly warm, being it. i no way subject to the t munition, beat unit ncld we feel from espneurv tothnfire a Hon within or without doom Thev do not m Died, at Stanton Hcapital, near "Wash tn?t??n CSty, on the 2uth ft" June, 18U4, o around itccived oi the bottle of Coli tloibor, aotli may, JOHN It SaNDi?I*S .tveuuJ sun ut Dot re I Sunder*, Krq., of Col lotun District, 8. O., ageo 28 yours, a iiwui bar of thu 4th South Carolina Cavalry., vi'o h^pcrmi"t -d to ?eu our loved onai )nicj from oorth, to minister t?a them on i bey da|4?rt, to driuk in and treasure u| :K?ir iaat.vorUs, and, finally, to eutoml them, and to visit and beautify tbair las earthly resting place; these are bler*s< 'privilege.*, and' smooth the rough corner .lflh.lt - ?' : 'L ?u?n wmcn ever follows 11 thi wake of I>cath. If Dwth, under tb< mast oh ering light we-can view him brings grief, iww intensified, how agonia ing to s ftjmii y unit be thai grief whicl Mpringa from ihe death of a loved oue ii exile. joqn b. 8aNI>RRR, after twenty on days of suffering, di d among eueniiett am arranger*?tar away from bis houie am kindred No love lit eyes were there t cheer him ; no sweet familiar voice whisp Ared hope ; no gentle hand wiped away thi death dew ftoiu his forehead, nor cloeei Lin eyes when he yielded up his spirit t< the Clod who gave it. Faraway iroiu witi and chi dren, parent*, sisters and brother ?alone in hu agony, thia brave aoldie passed aw y. The nniue, the acts, the virtues of sacl a man abouid be recorded ; ami tlmse win knew I.im will rank hitu high among th< I ? -- - pairima una iier'tng men ol tlna revolution roeaeftacd of high social virtues. modesty warmth or heart, and great firmness o character, he made friends everywhere 'I hough young, he had already made-liii utark, tiiJ bid fair for a brilliant future In (he Legislative ha Luf his Stale, in (hi camp and on the halfe field, uo aian hai served this young Confederacy more seat ousiy and un>eifi?hly than he His tola abnegation of self is atu-Mi-d by acts with nut number Hu responded to (he firs battle cry ; and with other brave spirit! trout hta District, fought through the glo riouM tiiMt M unassa* ami the leader engage incuts which immediately followed it Ueachiug that year with shattered health ?alter havinir a**iit*i< in ?.!?# ? *t?- 45~ n ? r ??? ?' ' atate of glory upon his country * escuthroi ? he c??u d m>t be induced, eeeit l?y uiedt ? I advisers, to with draw from the army rnd seek a pomi ion lean trying-to an itu paired constitution. No 1 the rank* Wat u\* place, and hie deaire to light to the bit ter end Unambitious of honor for himself, hr re Jused all advancement ; and frequently hai he aald to the writer ut thia feeide tribute "I hero no attihition higher than my ceun try's Irred.itt,; I aeak no greater prtvilcgt titan, aide hv at-Je with my couirudea, t. raise hty arm* in her lelcnoo i' J he d j b '.fore the buttle which caused his death he wrote to hta Lithcr : 'i'lio enciuy at< udruiicing slowly, and we are anatons l? in ret them. You know I was an x tone fi ^et where there Was ti*citi*mn?t. and I am at (he riuht place Mxy (iimI holj in lei.fli our rncinii'S euch a lerMin a* ihei m?\? no cr had before.' iic went u.t> rhu* fight, and in tlie hottest ot the en ^Hi?eiiK-ni, witn i pldtvd ewoH ?nd abouri "I victory nu hid lijm, lie fell lar ill il ? :>attie'ii Ironc. 'Alter the contest, and win n ?r wounded were being removed, occur* ui an incident wurilij.tf be placed mi ,rc cord, as ftfttwting how beautifully l> the *?t the unaciti.-liiii-sa ol hi- trharnotei (doomed out. Some ol hi* couirad s watt hearing Iti>> off, when * e-ju id of the a.n my's cavalry were iH*cn nppro.iohing '1 lie i?lem iaw (liat the* would all he captured it they jiersisrrd ?n t ying to bear liiin off. wlun- U'i Mie iin- er d ihey might cacapo .\lu??>*t in tones ol cmiinianil. lie sail: * * J ??*\j ui me down and tun lor your lirce ; I nm wounded ami of little use to any one?Hie cocntrv need* your nerwees!' Willi eorrowHic in art - tlicy lelt him, and he beuaiuc a pri*< ;ii??r. Save (hat he wm wi.ui.d?il and a prtso ner, 1.0 further intelligence reached hiI'nuiiy. For n>dii time hia tale -In lined in my-tcrv then came tiding which revived hope ?n their nrea*t* ; hut, recently, a letter from the *eue of hia ant tenupi dashed t Hut cup trout their lip? and >ut)tii itutrd tor it one ot wot in wood unl gull ?/ie was dead. gone. perfected through suffering, to Heaven. '1 tin announcement ot hi* drrrli comes wit it appalling force upon hi* family. bruising their hearts, and creating a mi 1 never to he filled on earth. \\ c cannot mitigate the agony which so deep a griuf create* ; hut we deeply *y tit put line with them, a> d Romniit theui to lite keeping of rh Lieut, Floyd is a young man of spotlcs 8 o Hereof 6s, and is everty trespeet waHqaak tb discharge tho duties cticuuibon I upon jx Sheriff. At tho comnienejoion I el ^re War, bo nobly volunteered to bntth " toy the rights and liberties of his country " and now carries about hitn the high-at ev| idenoe?an "armies* sleeve" that he is i i. brave and gallant soldier. Spartanburj i Distriet would certainly honor herself it ' electing her patriotio, wounded son to lli< office named.. e \ Fathers, mothers and your.g ladies o 1 Spartanburg: Lieutenant Floyd hay loa 0 an arm in your cause, in nobly battling t< ^ aare you, and his bleeding Country fron 1 degredation and ruin, now show your big! 9 appreciation tor his gallant services. Yot a will but honor yourselves in thus honorinj ; the brare. M ANY FRIENDS. From Caeorgtu. 1 Augusta, Not. 21.?A raiding part; ' vof the enemy tapped the Central Ratlruat at Griswoldviile at three o'clock Sundaj f aftsrnon. A luu.bcr train Was capture* I' and destroyed. Nothing slss is knssn sx * cept that heavy firing was heard thsre i f>-w hours afterwards. Tbs movement o; . Sherman upon Macon was siuiply a fein < for the purpose of concentrating our foroci - there. The mid upon the Central ltoai 1 is fur the purpose of keeping them there t whilst the wludc tore* of the enemy movti , upoa end capture* Augusta or Savannahj Slicimen did not advance his infantn further down the Macon & Western lloat than (JrifBn. but his cavalry came a* fir ai 't Hrowusville. He has crossed the Ouinul, gee with his infantry, and that line neni Ind an Springs, and the whole force of tin ' enemy is moving in tLia direction. Then advance was three miles from Union Poin at 11 o'clock this morning. Savannah, Nov. 19.?The encmy'i advance was at V.'allafio, eicht miles Iron \ Milledgrrille, this tr.ornin??. This Inforu ation coini" Ircn the President of tlx , Central K.iilioad. Another column at, j tempted to cr.ise the Ma<*oo and Western , Ha-lmad at Forsyth. g"io^ Southeast, hul t t are rtported to have been repulsed. ; | H.* VAVNAII, No*. 10?liATKB.?Mr. H j II. ujler, l'rcmd.ut of the Central Hail ? road, trlejjtaph* irnm Mumn tj?at the enr nut's cavalry blunt Motwicellu and Hitl>j lorn' yesterday, and w?-rr nine in lrjn r the to Macon. 108; Macon to Savannah, 190 1 Atlanta to Augusta, 171 ; Aup'vata to Savannah. 182 ; Augusta to Charlca'on, 187 Atlanr^ to I jnejftrarf* VnT. 330. A Aoitbern paper repmt us having 30, | Out* men at Florence, Alabama. J The Chicago Journal says a i'urloughei fu *it of Sherman's staff eta'c* that lie hai i.p n ordered when liis Iran cxp'roto tej. i i i..'s eoy?mai;d at Suraunah. 1 he Tim -" contains i rc? rt of Soid# I -pifscu '?n .Uomlay. lie sayj ihc war must continue noli! w? or lliot , give up the oonflict. lie wants no arms I tice, no cessation oi Inutilities; no negoliiT| turns wilh rebels in arms. *He charasterI izes the Pciuocruts ns a pussillanimou.t faction u.iijority*of the North. , The New Yurie Congressional deloga lion stands lI'J Union, and 1) demoer.i s. I Fernando Wood beats Hj-ooks 111! Vjtes.* The World claims Lincoln's rc-elt'Ctioii", -) claiming, however, New York, Kentucky. Net* Jersey and Missouri for McClcllan The Tribune claims only JOl) majority in New York. , There is one charge against General Far ly?relerred to l?y a correspondent of the C iarlottetvillc Chr niicle?that of intern? peraocc?which t.ie editor ol the Chronicle has inquired.into, and is entirely satisfied that it is untrue, and it affords hibi pleasure to emphatic illy deny it. It id reported thai the Tallahassee en? ; to re. I tliu Delaware break water on the 3d. j and den r >yo ! several vessels at anchor; ' then afterwards landed at L iwis, Delnwa 'O, at.d robbed the poojiio o! a large amount of pr. pert)*. Tour vessels of war nre now ; n pursuit of (lie Tallahassee. Tlic J >a hi more American contains the latest returns from New York. Tlic telograph says the Tribune claims for Lincoln all the New Haglaud States, Pennsylvania, elawure, New York, Maryland, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Min? i.,-. ..-.i ? - - ?"na niri ?'l IUIUI | ot 190 electoral rotes . NOTICE. rilllK Machinery ?tJ M. IM)ST will not be I Hold at the tune mentioned. No* ^4 80 If -.lunieH B Alt Libit and llAlil CC l i bit. Will b? lotnid at all timet over Col. Shiver's Store ready to nerve the public in lits line, and on reasonable terms. Oir?. Imu u cull. Hot. 24 3d If LOST," / \ v ti.i. ....... .u. ....... u tliis place, a I.men Cambric, Hemstitch ll.i.VKbKClllfciK, with initial* E. A. W? euibronl. red in ui? cornor. Tuc tinder will be rewarded by leaving it nt thu oliice. Nov .4 8U U ^ . _ Enrolling Office, Spa rt aw nt'tto, 8. C., Novpn bur *1, USG4. PC It Si* ANT to or.iem received at this office all 1'ernoi a detailed in this District, si-o it.t tliose wbo have be n recommended for Light Duty by il B >ard vt Colmnbia w II p lo v > t* at tins iffiSe ?mTCffri.l VT the 9Shh instant, tor tlie purpose of being oiganised in to a company. J II. MAI18J1ALL. Lieut, and Enrolling Officer. | Kav si no It . '411 , b.V*?TA>'BUIwr DISTH&pT. _ Office Court v( ?foenerd| (BeeeUns Jjg| CoMMt " f Vlemt T J. JJ. T0tl'*8o\ Clerk tf Seta 0eaH X) *n pursuaj.ieof IH-* direction* ef tike Act oft he Legislature in such esse made and pros Tided, do hereby give public notice tbnl mn election for SherlJ for ttpurtnnburg L>t?trict "* e.?t baring rrtipfdj wiTf t he hold on TUBSDAt. the sixth def if lffe " CEMHKtl nest, at the tu'ial places of ele??ie?, ' throughout the Mid Diatritd. e Wirueoo my h?ud at Spartanburg Cetirt House. tbia2nd iky of November, 1854. J. B. TOLLEMON. C. C. P., 4 0.8. < - _Not ? '<7 6* SHERIFF'S TALK'S. ? T WILL sell before (be C< Vt Houy door i , 1 oi*Sales'ay in DBCBhfBEt?-?es,? tout, 140 Acres of land more or less, ' aHualed hf0 tweeu North end Middle Tyg.r Hire."?, divining lends of Col 8. N Kvins, David An demon, t and others. Sold as the real eat el of "P. Tenner, deceesed, for partition end d? *iot ion. TEUMS.?A credit of 12 months, im.<**?at from date, purchaser giving bond ^nd g?. ^ ) security end e mortgage of the premises J * , deemed necessary to the Ordinary to secure 1 the pnymont of the purchase money. Novera1 her 14, 1804. ? J. B. TOLLESON, C C. P. < ? and acting Sheriff. Not 17 29 2t , To the Voters of FparUatarg. ' * Fklt.ow Citizens: Mjr name having ^ 1 been presented to you ana Candidate fur ( j the office of Sheriff. I take this method j ??F accepting the nomination. 1 Ijnva lived | iu your midst fur-over 45 ycars; You all j * know me. You all I^ow my merits and | ? claims, and your dicixioo in the matter f will be satisfactory to tne. This is the I first time I havt: ever asked a favor of the kind at tLe hands of ray fellow citisens Yi ur votes will be gratefully received, and ' if elected, 1 will do my best to serve you , properly. i Very Respectfully, j ALEX. J. W. LAND. r To (be Voters of Spartanburg. 1 Fr i.i ow CITTZI.NB : My dm me has been i announced by my friends as a Candidate . .IdT Sheriff of your DialriIt. 1 regret exceedingly that it is out of ray p>wer to'ehsrt you personally; for this, however, 1 ' trust the patriotic voters of Spe'tanburg r will excuse.me tshett they know that I am i serving ihem it; the field. On tlieGth day n| December nrvf \nn will La J j ? ? ?yp | to choose a She?iff for the next f<>n? y?ai? | 1 I hope th people will po to the jolts .-*1 vote impartially. I nin rowdy to rulutit to j tour choice, though at the saute time would 4 thunkfol'y receive your support at the ballot tox. < Very respectfully, . Your obedient servant. V W. FARROW. J To the Voters of Spartanburg 11 a* my been ann< nncrd as a Candidate for the office ol Himff. made vacant l-\ he re-ijrn:.t en of it- late wnfhy*mcmn 1 nt. i cannot withhold my content te en t th?- field It i* t:ii" that i am a yoyoy in in. hut wini; to in disabled condition t? r field service, 1 flatter myself that I 1 nmy be of seme u*c to 'lis District and } Country in the position to. which 1 aspire. It is net for the purpose ol nrnidiii^ the j tcpoiisihiiiiirs of the "Tented Field" I iuik y ******aU 2i at?? c r ed in my taxe in the opii ?mi n por-nanant, physical disability. to petthrm a so dirr's duty. Tliue situatSi 1 putv not in i sp? k the responsible jswitinn. My chnnn-l ter and qualifications are too well known j bcimr a mtivc of the D>triet to rcoor., ? I woid ol explanation. I I ritdied y-n I in nitcrc* , w.th 3011 deeply inter*)*! c-l ir C 1 rlie inMics m.w pending fr..u> ihe w.*r in . progress. I sdudl ever iruuin s?i h ywi ' .hiJ share thai weal or vroe wlneh our uii- , developed destiny uia) etmtain. To nay , that i will feel de ep?y p. :>trfivl lor yoni I ? nitci in miprrfliiuUi*. My c*?7*p*iitorn are t .ill honorable men. 11 rilkcr ss wxcled , r l?r this office in place of mysu.f, he neurit i Mill how most humbly to your rhoiec nr I believe that the popular votrc ? ever o. | the side of 1 Tght. , Very icsj eellellj, 11. J. l>AN!KL4i| , __i .m ? f To (lie Voters of Spar; an I* ar?. ? " hav? offered myself a* a candidate fyi < 1 JL Sheriff ol your District, oa tl?e office !,> ii >\r vacant and you? are called *to ' select a snitahle porj} i> to fill miuI t?ik???. I lav 111/ heretofore served one term .of lour ' ' year*, i feel justified in saying that I am ,1 well acquainted with the duties uppcrtnmnig thereto, "and letl confident nt my *)>} j I ities to discharge the sane. 6h?.ulrdanao with ?hc wish of ( many friends, ami again hare met with t every call made ujxw .me by jhe Con fed i | erato States, and hare been examined ro- t | poutaiy oy a competent bo.mi ot'physi-J I ciam in '.'ohunbta, ? many times as unfit tor fidd service t 1 now offer to serve nay Country ?ird State, d as Sheriff, believing i ean be oi unite service in f>uch nu office, than I can be in the s office 1 miu now assigned to till, but it k?' lor you Fellow Citizens ami Friend* to mj. * If it is your pleasure to think otherwise 1 and select some other favored friend most cheerfully will I acquiesce in your views. ; ti Sh .uId I bo the tuvored one, I will mn*t k tsilhlully serve you and discharge th d ? h tics of the offi. e to the utmost <>l my n il y and I hope to your perftc satisfaction. I d With kind thanks tor many past T*- *.l vors frons you, I beg le?vo reepoeilully U to a?k a cohtiuuanee of the same. J. RUPLS POOLK. * Spartanburg, Nov. 20, 1864. apjV* war. j^?as^r?v DtiteuMuK, A. IX C? *r r it. 'J be cotntrai?di?ff ttftwV| Corf?)>a?iea will iuwcai^tclr ittwWpw Hiben of ikeir rMPMUtt i nipwli^iii^ well aiail perawM wttkiw tbw iwtiw menu 10 ?i?ion inejr tMMy and vlwtef# not been earettr.d, bat ?k* aha fiaKira* dutj brjtHKf the itorto af Alll IHdkyblfr ta ?>?ea)bl? at 'be most wwWiMn^ J k? bo lino of railroads, pnppaLd # jrib:ecd otice to Hatnbprg. ill. i'bc iroopa will prorixie tk*a?aJ?W wii b havei.^arfcs r1 !*w: . ind such ??ipj lic? of cloOuag and mMm itensils us are .ndispeosaUefbr ibair aag^ ort in the field, w about rn?1isriM| hcu*elvts with aueh arsiatw a* are Mr kbsolutclv niC*>Hutry. " V: IV. tfomnaav oS;Mri mh I muc certificate* lor ir^ttpoTtiliwi . sera of their respective fcrnaiaJh A V. The pcreons liableto thin amf^aat . . ill pennons between-the agce efwiMaMMB icTcntMD year*, and all pwimiiMMk * tevenieen and fifty years of ag* vho'fiiix.mpt I rum. Confederate rcrvice, kt tH(|ii c. not exempt bj the he* of tibia ttMh Irom Si ate service, which luelwde^ i !! jthcr utaKsee,-4all bonded afcricol twists tHbe tare hern exempted by*Coofederate antherty as owner and manager of their - own !V plantations. ? VI. Companies convenient to TTeMwrtg will aelrvt their own means ot transports ion to that point. VII. The commanding offioera efanegi ncnts, and all general officers,* an well an lie officers commanding these companies, ..i,- ??i ? i- : ? o vuHi^ui Kim iiiu iiiiHlttllXI UMMWI iih*M orders without ,1'urtlier notice. VIII The "Battalion of State Ckittt" in i jjie rnu, nniia ofltanpuc.rrd ialiirtrr I l?,.i:a;.d?d Vy CSptul^r Frederick atrd I'* rcivai, will hold themselves ia fwliraa . o take th'e field at the shortest notice. IX. 1 he (Jorernar and (.'omniMa4*?r-in* Ihief' enjoins, as a amtter ol" the i tai iiiportaiice U> thr pah! a drfeuco. t|w iioinpt exrcu ion ol" these orders, and the iwriuUlin^.' of the troops at the petal dainflated without delay. Jlj command: * A C. GAKMXGT(>5r- T Adj'r and inspector tJvaer.il S. Cv Xoe _4 % 30 . ' It' Bg5u 1'spc s ol' die State pwidtah one ? VC?t. * ^ STITB OI' Koti ru CdMLlSAe ' orrit'& Coi.tJiiiM, Not. 2. 1841. IKNKRAl. ORDERS NO. 14. * I 'I ho coinuiatidtn^ officer* of ccmjM? nie* or^t.iized under order* fmui tbi? illice for urvicc beyond their hi.'itrtet*, rill forthwith retaru to ihi* office fall Both I their reaped ire coiupunie*. inclndinjc i... .? ?. - i ? ? * ? in- ii.i"nn i |'ci^i^iiHn<) iutr upon anoe*? Hine*, ai'djjtlm have fnitcil to p.-n tii.iir imiiu-s, the c-iuipmwea h?lt r.> f.r'h red i.it . wrvitv sriH be arreal'?1. c.iri ii-il into camp and tri? d by eonrta Haiiiivj. in |^ii iuuio-c 11 the provisions of he Act ol 'ho (irnor.nl Assembly. * ' l\r. (jonnral office rstrml the commandnjj officers ol Itegimcuta will extend iheac Kslers. " * By command: fW, ?- x in aiiM iveaiiu y 'i,"? f V. V JiVI ft ^4*, AHjt and iojp'etr tian. 8. IK Official? u. A. Ffoti*, A. A. G?a. Not 18 28 ? tOF i'a^ers atihc Stale enpj thr^c tuaaa. si i*'b i unv MU f u AiliVvrM FOR THE COAST?DIVISON NO. I. [COMMISSIONERS ol Rem** am* ihe Town Authorities within the 4mtie al Districts ol Pickens, Sjxirtsobrag. ireet.ville, An 'eraon,'Union, York, Ofcener. Laurens, Abbeville and Newberry will or with summon all slaveholders vkbift heir respective limits to deliver ONEI ALF-/j) ot their slaves liable to. Road lotj at the Railroad Depots nearest their evidences on TU HSDA Y, (he Sltkhfof voverub'-r next, to be trmnsaeshiC tor... .wr?# a L"e ortifioutiess. II. Negroes deliarc?ndM0?e CbtrisK* & m>u'U Carolina LLulroad will take a train Inch Cave# Cbarlo'te at MP 'eUok * u., on 29th. November, f Those delivered on King's Monet si* iailroad will tako the Passenger Tfaia lown on same day. . j t|M J.K- t i iiimc ueuviTiN. on uraonviiM UHW via lUiiciMd will tike a train ?fetch leavca it?Mi?r.le at 3 o'clock a. m ., on SMMidsp* Thoec delivered on Spxrtanbarg 6 Unau Railroad will rake the l'vnnyt Hmm lowo on sutneday. Those delivered ?i laumi Railroad rill take a train down on name dajt, 1 hose delivered on Hloe Ridge Rattrocd rill t-k' a train which loaves W albatta at? 1 o'clock a. m. on acma day. III. The amount of labor rfcyated em his eall sa aiaty ((JO) days to aaafc Road vaud. It poceiblo, *11 credit* will fea H' aiis tad. IV. Tho attention of CommMmmi'm. rented to C;reaUr of 10th testate? Vpura his office, and they sra tor rard tko Hot urns called for *rtkft dtfey r n. tommm? Agent of 8tato of Sooth C*(ditoOct 27 20 4k j