CAROLINA SPARTAMF ] ttTHlMM ikk. gjmittai to jNttUut* ?UjiUto, gutttiw, 3U^V?turt, ana IRusrcthnn. ?io fiSHAXisuM ?H*m ri ! i i I ' it-- - . ? :?r ?.-r?r-? 1? iM. J.:1 - -?----- i n?? mm i i mm i nr~i~ n i TTtt?tttt?i?rT?r??r VOL. XXL , SPARTAN MTRO. S. TTTURS'n A Y. NOVEMBER 24, 18P4.NO ?0 M fc;?^ ii i i . . i .. i . , ??? ? 1. ? W To^ in Kind. or4?r? just received. I cannot rc. jT tviVe returns of the Second drop which PMbrqtM Corn. Jfcc. i ibetefore withdraw my appaintasents in the District. L. M. UBNTKV, Assessor. K* H?T IT 2'J if "T NOTICE. ' TpaSBookeof VERNON und OELAND ?* Blnekamiib's. have boon placed itt m.r ^haad* Cor eltlrmcni. A so the Medical acpeunte due to J. J. VERNON, d*oea.) doiett EGOS, fot which f l oll per fteeeu witi he paid. Uring them in imravdialelj ae iticv ard much needed in llusoiial. ^ , f , OLIPliANT 4 WALKKR: "UtrW 28 if TAX IN IilND^ If AK now prepared to receive the lithe MoJL l?*s?< Crop of I8i>4. Where the titJie. of Mlf- owproJuctfr, amount* y? as much ai a barrel, the barrel will he paid for or furnish jL Small quantities will be received by me nt t.?e Tax Depot, and the vcmcI returned to "fhe tax payor. All persons producing more thha thirty gallons are liable. . "A. H. KIRDV, Agent Depot Ke. 1, Spartanburg District. Tithe X^oclclci*. Tr AM now prepared lo receive the Ti.'hc Fod I der crop, or isni. it ts necessary that it should be securely packed, otherwise, it cannot he received. Producers will please deliver - as early aa possible, take receipts, and give in to the Assessor accordingly. A. 11. KlllltV, Agent. Depot No. 1. Spartanburg District. BETWlJr'K the Methodist Church anil Mr. II. MitclialK^fi small gold LOCK.KT ? about the site of a twenty fire t cl.! pi'"**?con 1 ? tainlng a gentleman's likeness A liberal reward will be paid for it it left at this office Aug 'ii la if 13STUAY. WILLIAM Ull Ai.'KWOO'l mill lioforf inr Urge MO It It KL STALLION HOUSK. *bout sixteen hands high, itnppo*t. USAWAV about nix. peeks since, inv ntJA) pi bojf PIS K. Said b'?y is about 2\ yaar? old?mu!*ito?5 11 iuchc* hig , and sreighta about ltd pounds. 1'ink is supjos. 4o be lurking about the neighborhood of Campabello. io .till* l>i?iriut. The above rrw i. ' will be paid for ht? appi?a?. i i.. i,_ Meat in jail. II. U. THOMSON. Ju!j 21 12 tf JProf. 13. l^ilk WILL give to a limited number of pupil*, private lemons in in>truiiieiu?l and vo ?al iuusic, at CiT.lvge charges, payable itivari ably, in a*>un<:o. t or the benetii of those vt ho d->ire to fit I linn elves tor the n.ndi inns ?if Teachers ?n I 11.iv * rtitia?M, a Sep irate class will bo formed lor in iruriion in the theory and harmony of nutsic K? Iv applications are requcMed. J inv 14 11 If ^nrolUnff Office, Si*?itT.\.Nni;ua C. Si.. 8. C. AuguiiaS, 180-1. /' ^ilMl'LAl.N rs have been made to me thai |||_^/ certain [icimiiii who iirvo been detailed tk grutiad1! ol public necessity, are cburging ureason ililc p: ices lrduig 1 * n.- ' eery person, wtio may ne I r i.,-- vi< ur lend situated near the in? of K| in.?. bst|. (' \ ' ! F. H' ?.v : 1 O May 2ft 4 if Inline I I^inu' I I aim*-!! AT ilio kilns, Fn*?s Lime i< n.v ! of the best Quality, for .;v i.. .. g>ruvi*toue. iewther. *ruu eie.. iro p i . earm. Exchange only on the on (berh aid.-H. U . i i. ill I <. %f\-. 1H 4t II 7\\ W uT\o7TkSP OK 1863. MAVJLNG nUtniucd a ?|it Which time the Honks will be Anally closed hdJ delimiters turned over to iintt AwrO'.ng VoH!"w: wluj w,n i,rocei,J " A. If. KIRUY, Agent, Depot >'a 1, Spartauhurg District. November 13, 180L 2'.?-lt "EST iiay I; I > FROM the posture of Mrs. P. Kirhy s opprw site the Brick Hou* announce him as a ? andiJate for Sheril ol Spartanburg District, at (he election uu the tit it December uext. The IVteitJs of Col. J RUFU8 TOOLS, re speetfully announce him m ? Candi'la'-r fo> Sticiil! for Sit ii'laiklitn itistru l :ii Li.e ei?e liou on the Oil. nex?. |* Tlie friends or JOIIN S. Kil*.\ NT';i i\ r* i spec'.ully announc-* liim as a ?'-ni li ! fui the ottice of Sheriff of Sparluuhurg I'.- r rt x the neii election. The friend* ot II. J. DANIEL. t-?r.i|>.->il?llj ' announce him aa a Candidate tor ths office o Sheriff. ( The friends of JEREMIAH \VC)i FORI announce him a candidate for Sheriff of S|tartanhurg District to fill the unexpired term al the present incumbent. The liieads of J. W. OAKRETT. respectful \y at nounce him as a candidate for the office of Sheriff. The friends of Colonel J. B TOLLESON respectfully announce him as a ?andii-.fvt ion that tli* le i?i?l lieirs wild rejire tit?tixVtt of JlMIN Alt I.'wH.D, ilecKRicd, vis: . .iimIi Ami dd. Unity IIh.iiir* Arn >ld. Mary Arnold. J.iliA< N. Ar ( n ilil and J 1>. \rtioid. defendnnf* in inia 0*R', reside beyond (lie lint m m this S-aie It n ilri'i il I ilil i lie appear at ' lie ?n.r: of O lina y to IR* h-d-li-it In,- Spat'laithu.'g F>i?u\tv ?t Spat tanb-i-g t'ottrl IIoiiac on th* I7l t day >1 February next. lo >-liew cati-o il any exis-s I wliv a li ai eritleuicnt of I -e e?ta e .it" NIM; Hi Mi \U *t?I.D. decra ed, iditiuld not In* init io ! and a decree rende rtl llitjvwi. t\ i it- h- my liand all I Real of otfi *. Novein bcr 11. IShl". JNO harm: UOMaa, u s. I) Not 17 till 3 m riiHLic s vi.i:. )? will idlrr t^' public outcry a SpurtnnhuJ I'. II , mi Wednesd ty tint 3 lilt inn tin, u i ip properly ??r ilio l.i' v opt J HOST ?)?e i.ot of Valuable Machine.* (/ NSHTlNd OK O N |'L VIS 11, t> i< l.?a4.ii'lainer. * p in i drove* ixnU During i < ' ' 1 + 'in ! Sim M re "in p. (? .< ! ciiiplivp i n . n<; f>r?!>''r. .i J. ?*i iftftiiif arid i\?ll y ? T?j? i . iih oil - "orfmr'ti ,il HersT V- <1 ?> N \ u sisrisr. 11 -IP. - Mill 11 I'Sf'.i, llu. ;? ,1 >i . 1 li i i o. ..\K PIA %'< *. Ono Sowing MiKililtic. m T14ItMS Ot SAI.K : Twelve mouths nfier, Interest frou ?l;Ue. or e*tdi will he received if prefei red J. .VI. ELKOBD, Au'ry. for Adm'ri. Nor 17 29 2w " I.OM T, QN the iutfaol, ft ladies SHAWL. blu? grounded, Mack, while and rod border n i. .1. U ??? ?n?rl ?li*ck*il in the grotliK with clack ami red check. A reasonable re ward will ln> paid for its delivery to me E. J. IILASS1.NUAME. Oft 27 -<> I f Mi's. Itlwart INFORMS the citiseas of Spartanburg, thai she lias opened a S'llOOL fur boys al hei residence. Latin with all the hi/her Knglisl branchy, will be taught if dasired. She no licit* a share of patronage. Sept ' > 19 If im FR ess, And it ill be yublitlifd in a fric d< ye, TltE CAPTAIN VS B RIDE: A Thrilling Talo of tho War, nr w. i) urnrihotoa, .Inn if. c? cavaikt. Neatlv bound in miner, nnYe on ? ? r , I UI'ON receipt of the price it will be mailer to any port of the Confederacy piwtugt prepaid. A lilioral discount to (lie Trade. Thin charming Story has just htecti rur through-the oohiiuns of the Illustrated Mer?mry. during which pit HI cation it was pronoun red liy hnth the pies* and lite public, as ont of tlie most deliglitlnl contributions thai hat been made to Polite Southern Literature. Ah the edition ia limited, the Trade will d? welt to forward t^eir order at once. H. SJMdTH, Publisher Raleigh, N. tfr | 1' 1\ I >> 1U it,> i/Jr M A U k. [Concluded. j * r ' Yoar ajM-oui attention i* <;;?ruc.?f!v III | to 11t?iiteil in conformity wt:l luw. * 1 lie facti th?rmn .Tikcioh iI art 1a I ?i>iin itiocou'u.'ii-f. Hi?i demonstrate ih it > with ^thl'Ciotu* Ifpula.ion, Wf sliatl be cm 4Lieu io meet all t ? ex ifie timet* of Hie we fi? tu i'ir abundant iijtuarceo, ami ari id nt llit' same time, > mr.Uoilltai inn <* debt an Hoii'd render m ail doubt iwi ou< J capacity %u redeem it. Tlic total rctft'ipiH into tW? ne*Mtry loi tl.e (Mil l]ll?rU'IS Plldllia Ml) he 4lf Il Sop '.'Hit >1, whirl 1 mud add. .1 to iliii bantuec ot o6, leaving a balance in th< r . treuMny on the 1st October, 1SC4, ot 4>lU8, j 4 ?;"),440 . ! TH. total aaioutit of the public debt, at i exhibited on the bunts ol the ll%i?ler ol the Treasury, on the 1st October, 1*04, was $1,147,U7U.20X.# ol which 8do9.34t>,r.uti c... .. a t u v. I vvv fiviv I'll.'.. ?? ui ?i inj^ iint'irni, ' 8288,88'M-*'1 j v ? a?-t;ry note* ol tiic new issue 4- M?taii7?Vr consisted ol the tbiinc ?.-? i tii-iinj note* which will lie con >vi u'O ?iti:cr forms of deht, and witi c - exiat ae'curreucy on the . 31.>t ut n.-x) <> >. ' T(i? report e-er, explains thof, in cnnsrqtH-t.ce ? } ' . .tb rncu of certain returns from iJitifau. *.fhew-. the true am unt ol the debt is less. t>\ aUiut twenty one and a halt millions ol dohata, than appears on the books ol the Register, and that the total public debt on the first of last month may he fairly consiucicd to have been $1, ! 126.881,005. i 'J he increase of the public deht during i the ?ix months from the 1 st April to the | 1st October, was 5'J7 OD'J.iftv, in..-,; r?th ' - - ....... . I. Cll! IllJl . >1. -- > ci miuic man v n^vuv^uv |?vi iiumiiii, siiu 'l w-ill be app..fent, 011 a fn'riiml ut^ie re port, lout litis augmentation would unite " avoided, a positive reduction ol the umouut would Lave bc?M| t-uecioa, but j lor the ecrtuiii detects in the legislation on the suhjcCt?ol the finances, which arc point t cd ou' in the report, and which seem to ! udnnt ol easy iciuedy. In the stall einvntf just made the foreijjn debt is omitted. It consists only ot the . unj aid l a!unee ot the loan known as the J cotton loan. This balance is nut ili.iUH, j UUU. ai d is adequately provided lor by about 250,UUO hu.e? ol eotlou owned hy j the CjoTcruiucnt, even it* the cot,on he ra j l(tl nit ?w?lll hut >i? pi'licf per |> Illl.l. '1 here is one il? in ol liie puhlie.aleht not inc.u lei in ilm lan.p presented, to wlueli \^iir a l en I ion i.-> leu'iind. i he boon , noons pi unused 10 our soidieis w y the tuiro j j>eution oi the act ol 1 7(11 February, ISlil. were deliverable ou the 1st October. '1 he S? cie ary bus hern uuah e 'o issue then, by reason ot an vomism u in -the Lw. no time bun^ thci in tiled tor lliv p.tyiu-Mi. ot I lie hwilds. The ap^re^itc appropriation* Called lot i?j the ditfercul depait merit* of the tt>>\_vTiio?uhluitteu witli iIn* reju'rr, lor.lnc^six ia*nithi> ci.d.n^ on the Jlhh June, I8'H, aiuxint i? C i.jS.IU-i.liiit, while the Secrelurv oli utaiih (hut tliere will rt ipaiu unexpended, ut til t lie mi iin-r ui prnpi iar.'ii*, on t In- i-I i Ua' U \ I "uii), a nui.n.Ctt o> t I ti7 .ltd .) ( ? i rt.iii-. , tlu . i im e, .-cem tui iti. i '!.i .ei !?- -1- i eon la'. ely in .-id I a. i...i i ijm iMiiiiiri i>, aim limt m- aitui ; tiu j. .?, ij?r u- in > * it e re ,j i . I lot in.*.'' in. lit-* i. ii [I'tii.;.? .-m.-.' i;i i I .. i v/111 yvMi tun railU'fl. 1IM , ou .did consideration \rliich is muted In ' liic importance of the subject. The recommendations ol the report to the repeal of certain p.ovisiona of the tat laws which produce inequality in the but I (hen of taxation; lor exempting alltiof9 i erniiicnt loans Iro.n tuxuticfrou capital, it ':< I from any atlver.-e dixeriminaiToii in'luxattoi 1 * on income do ived from them; lor placing ; the taxation on bnik* on the sutno looting , I us tire taxation of other corporate bodies t lor securing the oaytm lit into th* Trra rj ol that portion of the barii' lirnulutmi 1 which ia Itabln to confiscation o?cn>i>d h it hy alien onc.rtiieef for the eonVorJ?3n >t |'..r tin quarterly coileojvtn of taxation; all pieaeiii ijuc^fi inn (or lugialtition, winch if * iKely Jo* iced, will j?rralU improve th< " I u I 11 o credit, uini ?llt>riul? .he biirliicni ' now lOijiiWfl by the ext.ciue Mini iiuucti-a r nary (Irpruciuiion m tli<* value ui the cur ' l ncy. Tile refuiiim .?( flu I't??j>u?*? Loan Hurcau r are mu^ih tied ?i?!i the rc|?>rt, ? id the hi I ioriiialiiei 'v !, ill.?i lie; Irtit^ury Am'lll'* to the 'I r.nis .t1n?*i?Mj?;i| l>e(>uri 1 iilcttl iiM.i Urn tuHy oti?.?imod. ami it now 111 upcrniiuit wiiii promteC Ol uui'H in'J awU r tmei'M 'i'lie pro>iiti'iiix heretofore ma le in name 1 ex cut lnr increasing the compensation <>l puoiic ofliccrs, civil uiiii (initially* in toil ml ! to Ik; in some pines iimiiii|',at' to their 't support; .perhaps nut inure m? any where * than in hichuimn], ami enquiry wuh a view til ppmprtalc reilte-ly. in miguentciJ ' to your cuiisnlciiitiun. Your notice is ? mi ' en 11 i'i! to the eoiflitiuu nl'cer? in oiBocuMui the Treasury, who w. re ouiit e ? in iltc laws heretofore passed tur ihe rcl of nl oilier pu'juo utiieem, mh tin illumed in tin: repirt J, ?I' the Seireisiry nl i he I rr^.-ury. DM'AUTJM .Illt'WaR. t I Tbc .condition nl the vatious hr.nchcs , of the Military.sei vice is ?;? e?l in the ac? ! coin; anyiuu report ot liie Secret a y ol >\ ur Among ihe suggest on* made tur legial live Mctioii with a view low"Ni to the mini , liei a mill efficiency ol tile army, a'l "f winch will receive your cotfiiicruiioii, there arc i s-Jtiic prominent 'wpies which merit s| uotice. 'i lie. exemption from uiilitarv (intv now Accorded by law to all pu'aoii* engaged in ecru in specified pursuit* or prole ilioiia is aliow 11 hy experience tn he unwise, nor it* I it believed to he defensible in theory. The def ence of home, family and Country ia uni j verbally rcoogtjitcd a* the paramount polit' ieul duty el every lueinber of aoci'-ty ; and , in a lorui of guvgf*iucnt 'ike n'.ira, when. ! each cil.l'Mi an equality ol right* and pr*vi 0_? s, nothing can he iu<-re mvid i< na thm, mi uneijunl distribution ofdutie* t*iwl ohli^ationa. purst'it ri<>r position | enould relieve any one who is ameMo do | active duty, Imui enrollment in the am y, j uuleaa Ins I unction-* of service* a* e mora u-etul to ilio deictice <>t his couiury jn another ? ; here liut it ia manifest thai tins eannoi he the ease witii entile ela-?ei?. All telegraph opciatoni, aroikim n in mince, profeaaura, t-nclieii*. enjiliiicri. editor* and employee- of n? w*p*>pera ; journeymen printers, alto in.ilcin, tanner*. t>luclx?ioiiiiH miller*. ph vMciuna, and the numerous other classea me tioi-ed in iho laws, cannot | hi ili?.* nature nl tint be either equally I flec.?**a y ill their several pmleissiniia, nor ! iniied arc luumi in each locality , iit can it t.e < voi \ a lit ic to replace th a w ti. i he -u is i ta^e >y hi n onl i ..mi to* cupahlc ol active tiel*' service. \ (Iirci'eti?>ii -In-uld he vcted in ihe mi i? tary nuihoittn.*. no thai a Muh' irni uuui t cr *1 ill- hi: < -si lit ml lo tin* | nolie service ni uhl lie ut ill ex e"optmils lioir service ol tin entile ?-as i sin uid be wholly ah.imtnm'd. li alioM* ^ laeility for alnncs, oti. r* tin l?-ii.pla - j Moii. iis well as ready menus of et-cap tij: 1 I v* \ ft- by ir in I'lieiit device- ami i* one ot tin* obstruct ions in ttie eihcid i I opr-retton of the con-ciipl .a-v. A general imil'la tax oe I! li t 'tie ihTcivm > i she pit ? 1 . ti i \ ' ?>,i -IIMI I'l y M? . I'i -!?. it.|??wr? .mi i: ?I unit I <>? ,.].i n " !??? :11 ''?11 _1. ill i.i. o jii i J.-4. i| ..' iii^ tit hi lltlH. .1 ?1 lit! )i .?- . ii ? such | .< t iht* ill :t> I' . ! I. til. ft '4 I.:* . . ; i i : v i\ i . '.-i?? : i . . - . I i . - ... II . I Hit I il .i ; . . ... ii. . in n'.r l. r ii< . Ti ' wilted 'lllji I ' .'III ' ! lol ... | H*ll I -It,' , VI. . . !* ' 'I O IV * 1..1111 , .. . i ... r . . ?.i ; ' t" 4 I Ii ... ill -ill . I r I' s ' ? : ' i II- II I ?: ? i*i - i . ! . .!?? .*, ii.Ii .HI - i ii i I Iti II t I. it? > !lc*i|.It'll till.I I'll! i < t .ii>--t*ii * ii .it a^tiiiuj riit't* iiti \. . n >.! j. < is .uii\ 111*?414*ii in (ho >i. n .it ?'* i?; tu t wi. It 11in.- .is it? lit pr ipi-i itn* isuro.i Kir rot niuii f, branch t>l Hit1 set v co. I (tic rrci-.nih n.lafi > a* t!ic 1 i.- . it >i,. ii ?u j t > I:', a t'T'c'il (nii? - I.i i.\. ii i.j h) HI 1 t irod. or ul .1 ultciiif. t r j i i?i Ml Hp, v ! > III.* ex> r-isrt 1 l>?t11itt tin in i.t pii jii'i 4?**_ri, * ! provision. Die it'.f.inl in ilii* Man-. rs who 11. ve h* ri'toloro nerved Willi i ' ore In, si.'i,l which it believed to bo 'I. f j controlling motive that has hithcrm ? !?i i M ructed leoi.tlution "ii thin subject. lio? v r j or honors' h* ami proper; m iy he carried \ to a |i*ii:i* wlri \ rfeifoiisk injures the put> r tic S" "l ; ami it this be the e.i ' it ran i scarcely bo oil* nioiieu which of the i v*. ! ,l.".?..i . V L. ..II I. - - J I I vMii'ViitinnuHi r'tuuio uc iieemtvi piil.t -1 mount. i The Sccotitrv'' recoiritnonilutii.n oti 'h> 1 ?il"J?'Ct Ol J itlr ;ii*o on tin importm I luil.t.tiy iii> .?> ?jiii n n le t t f ! Mitir l.tvor. I lie i?e? '< ? t'i .. y. 11 y. < --ill i"? : , i > \M-li ifi lit- i*? 1 .' ill. ?l 'l . ? II : '.V11: . .1! J ,v- . ' * ? I. ( i t i-;.i r i' / i !,- ? , i?",.i.; .; i'H Vlflf (ii OUftfi'k 00 IM ' . , n. ' j I " . II "? tit : .1.1 't ' i' *?'. . " >< i.. 1 rilll - ii" \ '.I tin .i*i ' , i? f . I I V"*' cJJ', '' )' . II !? : ll iri H 11 ii a i Miifti niliai A lir . i> !(' ? . ..i . i... : i i wi i ii i vjv* vi iiicu' urr jii i \ *!?<, ( buln slini ?\or rem on /. I ?_y law. ii*i I 11.11 a ri. .1 ,-i |> >11 a ot the annual tvreij'i* It 1 turnip the war nliaii he id n, rt < n?r t!u jiiailnal extinction ot in? mi -.union amount until it shall li.ut .1 r ujii i l ti 1 8l5U,UUU,UOO) in,.,, i h. I he pledge a::i appropriation ol >a ijtu .i-m (,| tin tax in ItinJ. ao' ln Kin-It 11 an' it nl year alter the fr: u 1 s-i ia !>. v,i !i uiwiit tor tn. .>1 liie volt t cnctllatioii. j/l.m, tin r calculation* .< j, t.- ?lh i cicticy ot its t/jM v . ? . 1 vail tniii tru I .1111 ?J..?? I I* - -- - .1 ..-J ?J y JJ , of rtM >iur.i 11' *tr ha* lioan IrBijO'inlljl preaoutei in iornicr iianMiKes and reports and u luMy irwifl . b) the Secretary , fhe solicitude ot the (Javrnment lor the , relief ui our captive fell >w citizens In* known no at> itciMfiit ; (hit Iiu<. on the one trary. Ic? n ?ti|i more deeply evoked by | the additional sufl.rtnr* to which they ( ' have been Wantonly subjected, by deprivu, tiou us treatment t?y the unfounded allegation that tt wm ret j'iatoiy for like conduet on our part, an oft? r wan made by Ui with a vie* of culling ?M pretext for mull rccrimiti ?lioni or pretended retaliation '1 he otter ha* bi;cii nu.-epted, an I e^S K >w?Tnni?*n In lu'fj lor to bo allow*! to pro. i-io ni'(siw?rj' oooilbrifl to itn own citizen* held e-ajiti e b? the otlirr. nul'Tu I'ltorn ;tro in om^re** for the immediate execution o| tin- n^rwuicnt, an 1 it in Imped that hoi tew ?lavf wnl elapse before we nIiuII be mil ;ve?l from llic di^f tossing thought .hat (iiiului physical nufferino en Inroil by no hi .ny ot our tellow citizen* : whose lorti.ude n captivity illustrate* the I I.. - a. I ' | imii iii.d be loumi impracticable to oi>? | tain tlieiu by oontrac; with the owners. The law couteiuplated the hiring >uly of the la or oi t'le.-c slaves ati-1 imposed on the government the It* ility to pay (or the v.t.uc ol such as might be lost to the own er? tioui casualties re-ultiug tioiu their employmciit in the service. 1 lit-, act Inn. proiuc-d less result than was anticipated, and iu tiler provision is required y render it etReaeiowa Hut uiy ( {oeeciti po.'tairc is to invite your consider? J alien to the propriety ot a radical in ni.tica ; turn lit the theory ol the law. Vicweu merely as property, and therefore as vie su j'-et oL impresatuent. the service or .abor of the slnv* has lioe-t Ire? qu> it11v claimed tor short qieriods, in the co. .mi action ot defensive works i'hu 1 t, however, bears another relation to til - of u pcMon. The law ot I si February contemplates only the reln' tiou ot the Marp to the master, and limit* i he iiiiprcssiiioiit LO u certain term * ?r? vice. Jiut lor the purpose* enumerated in the act, inaiiuclmn in the manner ot encamping, mmci.illii and parLintt tram* in I itii'iltui, ho thai even iu ttii? Inured employ'lo'ir. length ot service a ds ? eittlv to to Va uc ot I tic Ultf ru'n labuiaa Hazard i? aiMi eiicoiint red iii ail (tic p 1 luitid loyalty aod t??i III this ispeci ll?c retail .11 ot per* oi predominates s . iar as io ren ter it douotiui wnether the prnaic ol property can C osisfeutly and Ui'lU'UUiJlO t?C colli lulled, .til d it Wolll i h a III piUpei IO icqnile tor the plltilic ?er? j > u:?- nit' uiiiip' j.roj ei v 111 ine i iur ul Mi. | s.dte, uiui i?? |mv llureloi due tMiii|?en*a? .!.>.i, laitiei tu..n to iiijire** his labor tor ?ii..ri it imis . an I linn the uiort^ oaj.eom'iy .? ? lie flu01 Ol 'llf ll? < 11* .aw T?oi? J VOM iuif? fiidii |> o -triy. in ail mim-* w here tli? i< 111 _: * 'it roe. i. lined, at'or ct>wj?"i?? -ui.oii iur li?? i''M.? lim i been |?aui to the |iri: i?n' finer v\ h? mm r I hi* entire pruierr ' :j in l.> mtvi. o ft a > ivc i- t ill* a">iuire>i 1 lilt ii'jti'ii mi i ?. (in >I >I**Iinn pre i.e. ^ li'inii' It .*! uii i bf hel.| |*ii ! t he ?? re* allied in servttiiile, oi ,-ti u i.i* r-iiiauei. 4U011 be lie i out to tl.tii . .1 uiVfii 1 In tit it 11 let i >errice. r h!iuu1>. 1. o ^lautiu >ti onof uii rtie |'roiu.*<- ? * 11 mi mo 1 ice, u'ul, 11 fin .liftiiati il, * hut ac ; '.o.i no taken to-ffiiie tor ilu tree i| u.aii tlic tii-i 111 i.*a|uii ol tlie >lalc t'loiii which j ue w 1* i:|..\\n i.ireMite with n it.s inu at u i me ru *e. ul Dm 1 u'dio *en ice The ( 1 i ir. 1 iv* on eoUei iloa tie-** l?- io> r>t reudi \ .1 c 'tmil ai a if\v.iii| for p,i?. t othlui , uud a Jouoie ui live for /tjioU Mi Oil I ?? ?>l 'lu!\ would ilill- V>?: III iii.-i- i i.| i.ivc t :y Mil! om\ i i iiui iii, their I. t*?i"Ui iiiui tin' LVuii i ni iii- liii'ai ,
  • lll' N ch'HMO iit.c ol tin iiipio, tm hi- pow?%riui .hi me n' 11 ? ' * )n.-> .luiiiiu. i lii. polic\ " ' /. H"1- ?'? ill-- in fill on bin ?i .ii.|uino iilii-r m mor lu.tnni \ rt nderf.i, -r in- t uii iireh-i.ih.t- tn ol'^rau ti 11tiin- iiiutc iii.niuiir? m i. nr t ??f e mi i _ In in in * i\i . e. if fh.a ! JMII'.U, rlimt t nii'uiinUi u-i i no i IM |li?" jiid^: . nil-Hi ut thiti^it l< m sii0i' i<*J tint, in . j iMhioii t?? i tic tiiini'* li'iru nfon* ptx^m uiy Mm n..ivi*. ||.- niij-lit Ik1 tulwnita^iiiU'i) ii,i i,. I .i- (.niin?T i.rl i ujjiiicei' libnrcr; n !. in that i-vrut V* it '*'> ' ituiuher vho I u | in- ai!;'m :ut t> lo^y t!?our?ai:il. i | Ji'vnii'l i hi* it mm an I tlic-so i tiij.iMV i?? "iitM it J * -> not >cuin i .i tuc ilrsiranh* : U'i t-.r cv- iiij; ctrciiuiat.iiici'n, to p'o. A tl ii.i i iiii'iai lii-iiiitiun cii?.i liottvp** lh? I u< ol -luvi'ii u.i ,-i !Uicr.t in ihi* ilottfiiOrt o! I; .mil lioiin-?, uii'i the inuiloiu-nt o| tin i - Itin- |U!ln i||H to iliSUI IVCtiOll .IM-nn-t t'n-li i in i-u-i"9. I tic onu is jtt*ti(iuhl if ih-.< ! i tn-other i-? inii|i|itoi|!4 no i unworthy ?>!'?i people ; ai?y oar i n inic-I in ail ivaix prior to that now erased again*t i >x. Hy none have tin-!in?, o| wlu.di > tliey are now tn11y. been n t itnced wild 1 greater severity Ihaf by them-elvo in tin { two wats v.ttll Ureal Untain in the lax I a.til ii tin* p rose lit Century: and in tin ' ?t elaru uni of ill dependence of 177'* when imhioumxtio i wax made of the w*o'i? wlncli justified the revolt front' threat Hrt teiM the climax of atrocity vfa* deemed t to reuetied only when the Kr.gliwh niunurol was denounced ax having "excited domes tic insurrection adtiurgx'. tlx." i The snV.joct is to ho viewed by u?, then fore, solely in tho f.r'ifc of policy find ou< p.. J p? ?^ ' I social economy. When so regarded, I !*( . ! dissent intiu ifco-.e wlio juirise a ^nMral j lcv^ mikI Mrmtiiji ot the slaves Jor the d(Mj[ i ot soldiers IjimJ our white population shall prove iti?ut&<-uuit for the 'arbif** we require ami can te'Krop in the fifl'K ' to cmp <>y a* a soi-ber the ne^ro, who boa merely been trebied -to-Tabor and an a in borer. the white mail, aceastoimik) from Ma , youth to the m+> ot lire rums would ec<*r-e11 K be deemed w-V* or aikau'ageQU* by any; and this in,the qu *;ioit now before ua. j but should the i teiontive ever |m? preeentI ? I ot su' ju. at ion or of the orupl n tnent at the ?laee u* u sbldWV, iln tr seems no rea?e i to doubt whet should then be our deei*tow| W lieihar our viuW cnibccos what woul >, in sc extreme a esse, b>. me sum of misery "Ulaili'tl nv fl>A i?i> nl'rlt? - ?* ? - , " "? /t The roetntned uoUdy to ih? qjmt >pvn |h? , wetture and happin.*- of the nein* p??po>' In tniii Uiem-nl*#!, tl.f ank w -aid beds* | name. The appalling 'ii'iuoraliaa- ?* , Ml* Icing. dtnea.*e and dc?.ti whio'u b i*e beeai 0 uaed by partially Mioetitutiug tbe inra? j drrn' system ot police, tor the find relation ' proTiou- y ?uh*istiitg between the mantet ami n'nvr, h-ive been a nufficimit detuor-v n'ruiioii 'hi(t**ti?rial inteiiercnce with en# institution ot duu>v>tie ^larery is pnniuct* tv? ot evil only, it tbe subject involved ' i??* ??tb?*r consideration 'lian the mere right ot property, the nacriticw heretofore made by out people hare bcon such as to permit mi doubt of their remiioew to surrender I every p mwi'Kjn in order to aeoure their ! iudepundeiiee. But the social aud poltii1 cat question* which in exe usively under the control of the several States, has s fur wider and timrc endur ng importance thau tiiat of pecuniary interest, in its mani*? told phase* it embrace# the atabiiity of our r>;pubiicau institution#, >cut'Usr oa the aet> U'l political equality ?*f all its citisena, and 1 includes th> fulhimant ot the tusk which I han been .10 happiiy bejtfn^-Kh'a't $ Christianitiup nud improving the Rendition o? 1 the Atroans wiiu l.are, by tho will oftof. 1 rtdenoe. been place I in our charge, j Comparing the rc~u't# of our own expo* r;,>nc* nritb tb^ae ot the?'iperiui?iiU ototh I ?r? wiiv have borne similar relation to tilt ! A l ik'ju ra e, the pe 9f the Mfrtral State of the C riffieraey have abuodntlt rciwon tu be satisfied with the l*at, and to use the (ert'tlart circumspect iou iu drtertniniug their cou sc. i hex? considerations, however, are. r-tber applicable to the improbable cou in^rncy ut oar need of renottiiig to th s element of rOHit?n?e than U) our present ooudition. If the recooMMpdatioti above nude, tor the iraiuiug of forty thousand negroes for the sort ice ii.dioatci, .-hull Hi eft your approval, it is certain ilia* rnii 1I1U itu.itad number,, by their pirp.iratory training iu intermediate duties, w- uUI loiia u more valuable runeiva lorce, I -H. y. th m three fold their uuiuher suddenly rulh-d from field labor; | a.-lie a fioah levy could, to a certain ex| lent, supply then places 10 the special ear{ vice toi winch they are now era^ioTCd. Ol'UiR OfcJ?.iRTMENT:J. The re^uiar uituu il ro-rorta of the Attorney tlid S?cietavj of the Navy and the i1)ftuu?tur Oou ral a in appended, u .d ulve am, re iuloriiuUtou relative to the eouuit <>n ot liio ieapcL1CK. i flu-, a..ip.>-.iiu.u hi t)n? tjovernment for * u-kceltil soti'ium tlu* which the rn.iuy iian reieiroi n> me ar'-itneient ot, m nr.u.1, bio Ln-ei. too <>tteu in ?nitested, nod i.i to., will known to n??-d new assurances. * I iiu' whi.e it i? true tint in iv.dtiuU and | j.;ir?iei in lite I:uiied Sutes ha~e indica| (H a icure to *einnaent ot our?-h. titics have too often and too clear* y ?xprv.-s?J their resolution to irate r-> j [" I'll r in (lit lei'UIS (II (MirDllOnumOMI j ituttiumiiui liti degradation, to liAfi Uii *nv hope ??t iIk of lovttlitita an t ' tii l e UeiUMnn < i th-ii ability 4o "bouquet ii* in diNjieiwt Antony those who are ?1i real a majority nf the Northern, (ii-oph*, rhi-r wi.l br produced tl at willing* iiesa to negotiate for |?ca e which ia nun ee heat ami uioat certain.y evoked by the d.-m ui-irati-'U on out ; pi t of and uusluk -ii ilrfermlnati ?' | : ? defend our rLhrs. ami t.r hoi I no earth' ! y price dear lor their puroftiieC. \V hr ti? ( . * or shuii be on iSn oar ^rk, niiin a dceiro for p.-acc, \\vco Trill b? ? ?? | liiSiull) in fiudiii^' im-ns by tthi-k n?^>> i : ion- em be o|h?iio?1; but it m ohrioa.t 1 j (hat no i^fKCy tan be oalleJ into action mil) tiiix dosiro shall be mutual. W-hon 1 . i bat cMio loss lor means 1 adapted to Hceoinffi jb > desirable an cad. ' i the day will nuou btr ' | reached, wUqp,- under lJiwuc taror, theso .States may ha o'lowed (<> enter on tboir '' t.inner peaceful puraoiti, and ! derdtopo . t he abundant natural rtooorftvttoih which i they are blessed, lot us thou wwolatolybon , I tinua to dvvotc.our united and unimpaired -tieroJcs to tho dtfcncaXif ouf horn as, our iyes and our libortieo. This is the true path to pcute. Let os tread it with ooafidcnoc tn the adored result. JfciFFliKsON DAVIS f Riehtoo-.d, Nor. 7, T8