Pte - tike Ctoattra Sparine. ~' ij ?, ??, ? ->l? ^ (j.m ^ ^ K^$r/ S3?a?*5!*risu&&t H*;', Tbnmdny, November 34, is#I. I* ^ iun M~3: E- $10 For Annum ?. . . $i> For Six Month* Ey^,. ItATF.ft or AbYERTIKIfjj^. |^9~p?f uqiwc for each antl trery inserEST'*: * fTnn?-Ten line# efr Irn constltvtr ? square Er'fS. * .1 OMrtnrtos *?re charged at advertising tf v - We a-e obliged to hare the cash fur all B fmnlinir IIAIM ~" ^ I? W. NvjMfljjf la onr anthorited EfcV: ".? Affftit Ibr th? aolleotton of all elaints due &. * this 0%*. ^ |;.j MwapHal l?rtarfn Postponed lt? eonseqnenoe of the severity of the season It is deemed advisable to suspend fpr the prrscnt, the course of Tjoetnres ^ commenced lor the benefit of the Hospital, tf It la proposed - after the winter months shall hare passed to reenme the Lectures. Wfo. of which due notice will be given. Bjffe* --- A CVorrld Ulnrder. . V nrc pained t?> learn that Mir Tttrn CftD M. Smitii, a hii:hl> respectrd and in " lelMgcnt dtim n of the lower part of our rirtrjcf, was inhumanly murdered while in "bed by.his own slave on Saturday mnrnirc lyf Ilia death was- prtiduccd bv violent blows ou the head with a billet of wood, 'lhs murderer vftor perpetrating the M, fired the bed mid thereafter the ktoone. A?| awon na the latter w?a enveloped in flntno, he g?te the alarm, it ia supposed with a view to c-e>ite the inipreaaion that burning was accidental. Enough h ?w ever, of the eircnmatances to "prove hia riminality were discovered yid^hring him * 4# trial, the reault of which waa hia c?.n? . vietion, and sentence tn"execution on Friday, 16th proximo. He ia now ia jnil waiting the solemn penalty of the violated Taw.. '. f South Carolina Confrrenre Tbe Aimunl Conference of thia" body," . wsirveaed at Newberry on Wednesday last. and adjourned on tbo 21st. The following are some ef the appointments which Will be interesting to our readers : 8rARTAM?VHO I'JKTRICT? W, ]]. "Fleming, P. E. Spartanburg?W. T. Capera, Alex. W. ^Walker supernumerary. fipartanburg District?V. A Fharpe. Ookeshury Circuit?W. T*. Mouson. Fairfield Circuit?J. W. Kelly, J. T. Lauretta District?W. A. MoSwain, J H. Little.' # Lineojnton?E. O. (Inge. Fhelby?John Watts, kyt Lincolnton*Circuit?P. May. * Newberry-?J. W. Humbert. Saotee Circuit?fl. A. C, Walker, J. W. Wightman. Darlington ?-W. A. flainewoll Jtambcrg (Circuit?A. J. ?te?>kea. / Greenville?R. B. Alston. Greenville Cirouit- -R C. Oliver, A. Ii JeM?r. Chester Circuit-r-S. Laard. Charlotte Circuit?fi. (}. Jones, J. D Carpenter. Komltmtloo lor (jiovernor. Mr - Editor: Wc publish below the nomination 01 our aiilinjiuibhol townsman for the high and reaponeible office of Gavcrmf. Wc heartily approve the nomination. Knotting the man, we fee. satisfied * the selection would bo for the pood of the commonwealth. The Guardian say a, . "It is nndeniably true that the state o! m?r country demands in its rulers and cour? I aellots prudence, sr,parity and practical \ wisdom?Ono who is thoroughly cwtrrr- ! j. rant with the theory and piactice ot law, j A adept in a knowledge of the necessities and wants ol the people, who wot^l re.? ointnend and udvoeatc reforms, not tor ex- j per i men t, but for the public good, whose j character lor pqtilio benevolence and dts- ' interested patriotism has been developed * bj this great content for freedom, a man | of aga,.4>f cxpcrior.oe, of moral and civic I worth, who has never ponpht offiee or in burned by the Yank oca. Gtn? Wlvftolcr (ought ihc Yankees near iiflriflio, but,**- obliged to lad back?die Yankees tfcre.ettimated to 2f?,000 or JlO,000 strong. Besides ilm b.uMPig of Atlanta, Marietta antfTtOioe, it is supposed they have burned Monticcllo and 11 dishorn. >- It is supposed that *-bY>et man will teke - Andereonville in hi? present mute, and fry to ii berate the 20,000 .prisoners ooiit fined there. (i or. lion ham* has issued a;i official notice for the members of fho legislature to meet promptly at the Capitol, on Monday, lho 2$ i tier full Lend way, with full supply ot I hands, and plenty of tunbcn On Friday lust; they lururd out six hui.dredf pair, which is a littla mrtYe th.ui au svcrupj day's work. The demand fur the slior. soles has been esqpcdiiifr the supply, hat ! } the many little incidental delays in set I ting In motion the uinchinary, have all been overcome, and it n??w bids fair tc i.nswer all the purposes fur wrhich^U was intended. The machinery u?ed tor this purpose is simple and inpenieos. It all rests opnn two tables on Vuchcs, at oat four feet /nun ?viii-u ny waicr. A small iron sluft, nboui five leot loniri with an iron cast wheel, weichini; tb-.uf three bandied pound*, is *ttach<' weight. Set in each of thexe wheels are three concave chisels, and one ol which does the work of planing the lucl, while the others do all the work ui the bottom of the shoe aula. 1 he block i ot wood ia then finuly fattened to a neat frame, with two ban-Met upon the outaide with the (tattern of the a hoe sole , scoured upon the iiwer edge of tl e irame < holding tho block. Tbe first operative then pr?*scs the block against the wheel, 1 when the bottom of the ahoe aole ia instantly complete! '1 lie block is 'thrown , upon (he fuhle, and taken up b/ the op < i^n?tive at thd oppo-ite end ot the shad, 1 placed in the Irame, "ith the pattern ot ' ?tic tup, aeoured in tike in niter to tlie lower euge or the frame. and then preaa , pd against tha second wheel, when the ' nirchauicnl work o( the bottom ar I top is finished. It is ti.on thrown ofi to an ( other wheel, where the edge* are round ed off, and parScd "where the last in con- , fitted to the eh>e aole, whore it recrir. , ite form and shape, as we tec them, i; I ia then transferred over to another anml J wheel, whare the grore ia uiadr, aroun?; which ia ta 'kod the leather. At tii a uiblc they arc numbered, ami distributee | to the acTcrnl compartments, handi-omcU I corded op, ready for boxing. One ul the partners, Mr P-ml", give.- ( ita -evera! interesting particulars ol'the or | igin of this Machine. It requires from ' lUbO to 1200 feet* sweet and black gun timber, to furnish blocks tor one day The log a are sawed at the Hivrngavi) e Company Mill in long slats, and (aken t> a raw in the shoe-sole nwiiiufucto ry. and there shaped to the variety of ?i*c- 1 UfcH. I We a] -o'earn that Mr. IV*a1? ? it-- 1 useful machine. Wo aro pleased to know thst he is rea.lxiiig grrtf ?*?*< ??. ' tion ot Jiavin/ put it into chelation. Illexperienc:i- J ?fy *4 ; Of the ntility of these shoes we would , observe lrom conversation with those wh< are wenrfltg ihetu, that in point of omnf >rt. ! lightuc !*a and durability, tl?e\ ore equal to | ! the best styles of heavy shoes. I?ii| one- j I trnblo to WMtei and en hi, they knep the pc 1 \ j dal extremities uniformly warm, brine in ! > | no way subject to the transition, heat unit ! ' I ecld we lee I from nixvur. tnthofii* i | within or v.itiinut doom They do not t ! any manner net an cUigs to tIn* et citlwr. | The locomotion of the w?nrcr v as easy ' i .1 ini graceful 38 if the linnet h> mloek con? 1 S stitutoi the ground foundation. < II their ne- , ceS'ity (litre is no dontit*, owing to the high ! | I prices of sole leather and the didh ul y ot ' ?' | obtaining it, even if our 'tanneiics could j ^ supply the \^t demand, It n ect* r? wuni i * which in imperative and could not other t wise he supplied and hence Messrs Hovek, I Poot.t: A Co , de>-trve the thanks and pat l' ronagc ol the shoeless puhlie for their en ergy nod efforts If there is one who doubts their subserviency to the pnr|?ose? ' of this great invention, we would advise i I trial of th-'e worden t les. It i? tme th t c [ f^.V nr<* a little mere clamorous than the : ' I leather shoe, hut not wit list send in" an ! on . . 1 t est man need not fear to wear them. '1 tie 1 noctivigsnt or evil intrt?r might have sonio 1 scruples ahnut their adaptation to his pur suit, no other cm or need hesitate to trst j ! their excellencies. ? i 1 NVe are glad tn repeat, that all tho dif- s | ficuhi.-s, incidental to setting new iiiachiu- ' , ery into operation. l,.,vc been over come by v the skill and ingenuity ot the inventor, ??.t ? --- ?rc; n.r IIUW | rrpMTC l IO ITH'Ct j I .ill order* which ui#y be forwarded to t j the company. I i Large i pair* have v been sold at the Kuctoiy, and art; in con- 1 *innl uhtall he gtutificd io chow them to any one who ban the eu?i? t] neity to joc them. J".. J h Died, at Stanton 11o^pitu), uear "Waahni^t'iii C?ty, on the .iutli <.f?Jun<\ IH(54, of i wrouixi irccirvi ui ihe battle of Cold tl a.ltor, dot I. May, JOHN It AaNDKUS, M-eun 1 auii ol liairi I Sundcn, l'"| ? u* Colleton District, S. C., u^eo 28 year*, a iiimuiIjor of tlie 4th Mouth Carolina Cavalry. "Tn lip mtrinil* .< ?.? ?? * - ~ ? r-. > vi iu wm our loveu unw |>u?j froiu cuith, to milliliter to thciu ere ih?*y doj.ait, to drink in und treasure up their lust words, and, finally, to eutonih them, and to visit and beautify their last earthly resting plane ; these arc blcssud privilege.*, and" smooth the rough corners of that great sotrotv wliieh ever follows in the wake of Death. If Death, under the ninst ch ering light we .pan view him, brings grief, how intensified, how agonising to a tsiui y umst be that grief which springs from the death of a loved one in exile. Joun 1?. Saniiruh, after twenty one days of suffering, di d atnotig enemies and strangers?tar away from bis home and kindred No love lit eyes were there to cheer liiin ; no sweet l&tniliar voice wliisp ered hope ; no gentle hand wiped away the death dew froiu his forehead, nor closed bin eyes when he yielded up his spirit to the Clod who gave it. Faraway Irotn wile and clti dreti, parent*, sisters and brothers ?uli'im iu his agouy, this brave soldier I'MTWtl RW y. Thit name, the ac?*. the virtue* of such a tnah slmmd be recorded; uml those who knew will rank hiiu high among the patriots snd sterling men oftliia revolution. Poj?tea*ed ol high social virtues, modesty, warmth of heart, and greut firmness of character, he made friend* ever?where. I hough young, he had already tuude-his mark, ?iivl be.(Lilly than lie Ills total bneuation of self is attest**! by aets with:>ut number He responded to the first hatlle cry; and with other brave spirit* Iroui his hisliict, (ought through the glo riou* Gist Munansa- and the leader engage inents which immediately followed it Ueacliing ihat year with shattered health ?after having unlisted to place the first it a i* of glory utxin his country's escuiheon ? he c?>u d ui't be induced, even by luedi v?l advisers, to with draw from the army mid seek a position lets trying to an im j ; iiri'd constitution. No ! the ranks whs i ais place, and his desire to fight to the bit 1 trr end Unambitious of honor lor himself, he relu*ed all advancement ; and treqnuiitly has j in' said to the writer ?>t this fecide tribute: I 'I line.; no niuhiiin* higher than mj rutin ! try a Irrtdtiii,; I *e?k no greater priTileye than, side hv with my Comrades, to ; raise niy Ainu in her Iclenco i I he tl j | b Tore th* battle which causeJ his dcaih. i he wrote to his Cither : "The eueiuy ate advancing slowly, and we are anxious to I meet the in. You know [ w an anxious to yet where there wrus oxcitiuent, and now t am at the riuht | lace .May (rod Inlp is ici.'-h our rnetiliea mo h u lesoon as the* nave tie or had bclore.' itc went into lhat fight, und tri the hottest ot the en.'unCUtent, witti I plifled rWopI and sb"Ufs I victory on his ltp.i, lie loll tnr in it e the , a*t the uiiHCltisliuciM ol hi' character | doomed out Some nl liis com rail s ware j cartnjj him off, when a i?|u id of the C-'.n ny's cavalry wore seen Approaching '1 lie ?? and litis-noted nt we deeply sympathize with them, a d oinnnt them t<> the keeping of fh it mere: u Father, w'ho alone can heal the heart a vnunda. * They h ive nno consult".. hi 1 if# i n a glorious one, ii his < eath m a o liniment upon who c unspotted lr i niceeifitijr generations i. ay re *tiit consti- I tiles trite greatness, ai.u icarn to emulate o bcautitul an example. A Kill KM>. , NoTF.? Young Sanders went to \ irgina with a twenty day fiirl..uj,h in his pock i, which no won t use alter lie le mod lis company was ordered off, aI tw.? ex? j mpfinn* in III* poekct yrhci* lie went into lie light. In contcclion with tlii< oUitil iry we append the following Sett* r as ap impruitc to the sul'ji ft: (.let i'H, l*(>4 Mr. /in rill Siim/rr* : Mv Ol.Alt <51R : Allow me to otter my heirtlclt cmd?cnce ami sympathy to you and yours in lie sad bereavement and loss you havo all nstaiiicd in ihe diatli of so fine ami proiusing n young man as your smi. War, nth its desolating hand, lias 'hiust in its .oklo of death and reaped into its harvest lunv a promising son ot South (Jrolina; 11id standing prominent aino g them w;i? lie na . cuI'doHN It. Samikus. Men nf ligh Ktanding in ilie* halls ot* our Legisa uic speak in the warmest terras of tho inelloet ot Iiiiii who now lies buried in tin: mwl ni ul r:iiitr(M 4 f??i I tii iHf I SiA??i ! .*??% - - / " 'hnrleslcn have told me that time alone van wanted to expand hi* intellect and nnke him one ol ('arolitin* brightest jew ds. Hut, ho is cone; may the sod real chtly on his manly lorui I lis Ins* to yon ill is his eternal n; and you have tho consolation ot know in he died a christian, knew him well, i n'li as .1 hoy at.d man. le died where (if he Ita i chosen to) he iced not havo been; I>111 li.s was a mi'n o hat could not stand still and see Ins onun ry bleednnr and torn, and not contribute us mite to her d M.i> the Utni. hiv littler of the I nivcrse c< tnl?>rt nd console you in your sad aHlietiou, is he earnest wish and prayer ol yours, with igh regard and tecna J. TV F; I . . ">!1 imit. Kditor : Without his knowledge, l.ieutchont Uarhi.son Floyd, ofthc 18th lte^iincrtt, 8. G. V., is respectfully nominated as the vert/ man fur the office of Slier IT ofSpartanburg District, now vacant by the resignation of A. WlNUO, Esq. Liput. Floyd is a youpv man of spotless character, uih! in every respeet well qualified to discharge tlio duties encumbent upon a Sheriff. At the curameiicjmont of ^ie War, ho nobly volunteered to buttle tor the rights nnd liberties of his country. I atal now carries about hi in the h idlest ev? lUence?an "armless sleeve" that he i8 a brave and gallant soldier. Spartanburg l)iri?riot would certainly honor herself in ehcting her patriotic, xcnutultd sou to the office nauied. Fathers, mothers and yourg ladies of Spartanburg: Lieutenant Floyd lias lost an arm in your cause, in nobly battling to save you, nud his bleeding Country frotn degredution and ruin, now show your high appreciation for his gallant services. You will but honor yourselves in thus honoring the brave. M \NY FRIENDS. Front fjieorglu. Augusta, Nov. 21.? A raiding party vof the cnenty tapped the Central Railroad at Griawoldviilc at three o'clock Sunday alternon. A luu.ber train was captured and destroyed. Nothing else is known except tliat heavy firing was heard tkore a n-w nours afterwards. The movement of Sherman upon Macon was simply a feint for the purpose of concentrating our forces there. The r.iid upon the (Neutral lload is for tlie purpose of keeping them there, whilst the whole lores ot the enenij iiiov rt ol 8ow.nd* -pieeh jit^Aui>iii it on Monday. lie ?.?\I lie war must continue unfit w a or l lit* \ give u;> the* ?r?il!et. He wants no artu ? tioc. lio ensealion ol ! >111 ok; no negpliiTA ti< ns with rebels in arms. *He cltaraclcrizes the Peiuocrals as a pussillunitnouf faction n.ajorityof the North. 'I'lic Now \ ortc Congressional dclega lion stands J J I'liiou, and 9 dcmocru s. Fornandu Wood heats l'g*ooks 1-1 vjtes.' The World claims Lincoln's re election, claiming, however. New Voik, Kentucky. Neyr Jersey and Missouri lor Mct'fellan The Tribune claims only 30d majority in New York. There is one charge against General Marly?referred to l>y a correspondent, of the C larlottesvillc Chr niiclc?that of intemperance?which t ie editor of the Cltrutiicl* has inquired into, and is entirely sati-funi that it is untrue, and it affords hihi pleasure to emphatic illy deny it. Itisrepirted that the Tallahassee entered the Pnlaware breakwater On the 3d. and des roye 1 several vessels at -anchor;, then afterwards landed at L rwis, l). la*a o, ai.d robbed the poojilo Ol a large amount of pr perty. Four vessels of war me now ii pursuit of (lie Taliuliusscc. The liuhiiuore American contains the latest returns from New York. The trio graph says tin? I rtbiinc claims lor Lincoln ail the New States, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, Maryland, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, 1 llinoM, Wisconsin, Minnesota, iowa and Kansas, mailing a total of 19D electoral rotes ? NOT1CK. f|MIF. Machinery olJ M. lillST will not be 1^ sold at the nine mentioned. Nov 24 80 if .Itum*N BUllib.l and ll.Vllt CL l i bit. Will he louud al all nines over Col. .Shiver's Store, ready lo serve the public in his line, mid on rca-onable terms. (iir> liiio a call. Nov. 24 3d If ON Friday llili insiani, on the streets of (Ins place, a Linen Cambric, Hemstitch II v.n KLIU HILI , with initials K. A. W? emhroub red in one corner. Tnc tinder will be rewarded by leaving it at this otiico. Nov 24 80 U lOit l-olliiifg Office, SpAftTasnrno, S. C , November jl, 1804. ? ItSC A NT lo or.iers received al I his otbee I all 1'crsoi s detailed in this District, sl-o a.i those who have be n recommended Cor Light Duty by sp-?c: il ii riril it i'oIii nbi* w |l r -a lo v i i * tvi tots il!i''< .i.iTCRil .t \Y the 'JOth in-taut. lor the purpose ol being organised in to a compel, v. J II. MARSHALL, I.ieut. end Enrolling Ofhecr. Kov CI 30 It THE ; the ua'tal gluces of elect ien, throughout the said Disirit-'. Wiinems my hand at Kpirtanburg Court It,.i.-.. >1,;. 0...1 j... inc. J J.*IL TOLI.t>/)N. 0. C. P.. & 6. S. Nov a .'47 6l siiKKirrs $ali:s. I WILL sell before llie C? yrt Housa door { oreSalei ny in DKOBSffBBi?* nezt, "about , HO Aero* of l.tnd more or leva, situated Itttwecu North ami Middle Tyger Rive."?' adjoining Inndt of Col 8. N Kvinn, Diivi'l An "lervon, and oilier9. Sold ns ilio real email of ON; 'F. Tanner, deceased, for partition and d? ion. TERMS.?A credit of 12 montlia, Interest froin dale, purchaser giving bond and gc security and a mortgage of the premises J* deemed necessary to the Ordinary to secure ' the payment of the purchase money. November 14, 1804. J. B. TOLLESON, C C. P. and acting Sheriff. Nov 17 29 2t To (he Voters of Fparlaabiirg. Fr.LI.OW (.ITI/KNK : My name having been ptr*enteiatri*.t. 1 regret exceedingly tbat it is out of iny p >wcr to'visrt you personally; for this, however, 1 trust the patriotic voters of Spa'tatd'Or*: will excu* when thry know that I min serving ihcui it; the field. On the ur y< tus I hope til people will j?o to the | o!is vote impartially. I tun ro?dy to sui iuit tJr \our choice, though at the same tiiuc would thunkfal'y receive your support at the ballot tox. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant. 1'. \V. FARROW. To (he Voters of Spartanburg 11 a 11? t* been anm uticrd a* a ('audi taie !or the office ol Sheriff. made vacant h\ he re-iirn.t en of it- late w..r hy? inc itr> nt, 1 cannot withhold my c??n~????* te rn * r th?* field It* that i Man ji yn'i'ij mm. hut win?r t?> in disabled condition l< r field sen ice. 1 llatfcr myself that I may be ol M ine use to >h? District ami t'ounirj in the posit ion to. which I aspire. It is n<>t for the purpose ol nvoidiii;; the icpoiisiiiiiiies ol the -Tented Field'* I Ailk y?H*r All ll?w Jl??r.L h ItM 1HU1 | e r ed in my ease in the ?; i' 1 -*11 ??, physical disability, m net form a .>0 ilirrV duty I 11 it.- rituut <1 I pause not to se? k the te*ponsib.e ]n>Mlion. My eliaiat ter and <|Uidificatinns are ton w vll known j hcino :? n?tive of the Pi-friot tn rft|tiiro a i wind of explanation. Identified with in interc* , wall you deeply ti.t< re,s>??1 tr ! the issues now pending tr* vt? the War in progress. I shad ever remain wi li yon i and share that weal or er?> which our tin? I developed destiny inaV etwrtain. To any 1 that I mi! feel deeply piatrful I >r ymu tote* is superfluous. My coy?pi titors .ire ali honorable men. It either as se> rted j n?r this office 111 place of inyse l". he ns-uri? | | i will l ow most humbly to your eliniee a? i j I believe that the i.e. bar \o;r: is coif o. t ; the Bide id i Jght. \ cry ics; eel folly, U. .1. 1>AN1KL. * I _ . _ _ v? i l\> (lie Voters of Spar.anburg w~ iiiiv nflFeretl my'scll a4 a eumliiinlc lyi A. Sheriff ol your Ihstriet, ;? the office ; in 11 ?\r vacant an 1 you an* eaile-1 i?j?o*i "to select a s tillable porg ? to (ill raid ulbve. | ; listing heretolore s-r\ed one term ol lour V I year*. 1 feci justified in saying that I :un . ! weli iirquainte'l with the duties appertain- j ing t hereto, "and lei I conhdent ??! my nihil- i i ities to discharge the n.i no. Sln.uiti it he i 1 your pleasure to select me as the- favored } | aspirant frhm the many that have offered themselves tor (he same position. At or j Incar ihe commencement ut' this long p o ' tract ul war, L served ns air officer 111 the L 13th Kvgituetif, S. (J \ ., bnf owing to | inj health and physical disability as as < ?ertel the Surgeon ; ; of the. Regiment, T resigned luy office, and ' I returned home to recrwit my health, since t then "I have r crvei 11a CoUuici of'lhcStiih Iltcgiiucat in JtccmjUn*? with jho wish of many friends, and again have met with ail/.*.- .. i* . !? ------- i- " 1 ' ' '* ' ' .i-i.j VMa I IIIV1U u^'ll III!] uy JIIO UODItM elate States, have !>? >?> examined repeatedly by a competent board of pliysi?. j ciam in '.Vdtnubia, -mi hare been proj iiuuiieod unlit (or field duty, and was us signed to duty?first as Cler* in ; Maj. Cantev'a office in Columbia, and irom : there transirrrud to the position I now . ' hold as Coinuii?s ry or I'uichaiing Agent, j which offico forbids lue _ ea:.vx>3ing the I ]>iatriet, and visiting the c t ileus iherool. These lacts are stated as the question may arise, why uut I uot in the field as a soldier? 1 hope my reasons given will prove satisfactory to all as 1 have even been- ! willing ty 8, rve uiy 0 un'ry or District t in any capacity when called upon, ami that I was able to pet form, being pnmoan j ced so>m:tny times as unfit for fitrhl service 1 now offer to servo my Country and State, as Sheriff, believing 1 can be of mme ser- \ Viee in such illi olliee ikun 1 win Kn in ikn J office 1 uiu now n.?.tyncil t ? hli, tut it t? ! tor you Fallow Citizen* and Friend* to say. I If it is your pleasure to think olherwutu ! and Mlect some other faTorcd friend m-wt; cheortully will I acquiesce in your viowa. i Sh iul?l I be the favored one, 1 will most , fviihtully serve yon and diachi r^e th d - j ties ol the e to the utmost ol my n il y ami I hope to your per tec satisfaction. j. With kind thanks for many past Tavors from you, I bejj leave respect I illy to ask. a continuance of the same. J. lUJFl'S POOLB. Spartanborj, Nov. 20, ISfW. k ~ - 1 111 r ? v iMa< APJ'T k IK0P. GJ5NL8 OffIC& ? ,* qoi.vmkh, 18, OKKKRAL' OftTCU* U. H ? # I'illfc %oc#pauiei org*tM i? ?Tttf militia regiment of this {'rate, #M lurwiih proceed t> tUftioql, B, > .r a*4 rep >r?. lor duty I* 6tL WiMNf^ DeSaur*ure, A. D. C* ? ? '"5^ * 11. The comi^andsDj^ W* tM companies will immediately etfn^lfpn. rtfifc, members of their respective compsti^;^ well ui?ll persons within the mihtie regiv I menu to which they heleeg and who have not been enrcdWd, bat whe nsa liable t# duty beyond the limits of tfcihr Mdndk In assemble at 'he most MindSNlit JMsMw or, ho line of rs?ilr.'*?ds, prvpervd te |rececd * wire to Hamburg. ill. Vhc troops will proride th?*m?feed' with hsvei.Nieks and toar daps' ratieee, and such supplies of clothing sad asokiM uteiihils us are ?r?dispcnsnble for their eMglort in the field, without casambenmg themselves with sueh artiatoa aa are aw absolutely tucf-ssry. iv. Compaitj o&'Mn are ntkiriM^ lw issue certificates tor tr*insportatMM?.ot mnk bcrs ol their respect ire eoinMadk V. The persons lisbls to this asrvigs * ? . all persons between-the agef 0I (ixtenM seventeen jeers, and all penon keteaa seventeen and fifty years of ape who aow ex ujpt I rom. Confederate service, hot w%r am not exempt by the laws of this ^iQ I run S.atc service, which iuelu4o, ummI other ulasses,-wtI] bonded agriculturists Who have been exempted byConfederate authecity as owner and manager of l|Mrir- own plantations. VI. Companies convenient to I!alhfl| will selrst their own means ot transport*tion to that point. VII: The commanding ofnceTs af>regiments, ard all general officers, as well aa the officers commanding these companies, are charged with the immediate ?x tension of these orders without further notice. VIII The "Battalion of State Cadets" an i.thc n m, mm* oftttmubtcd infsutry c -tc&st.iUd oy Cdptaimr Frederick sod I'trcival, will hold themselves in r'sdinsas 10 take the field at the shortest notice. IX. I h? t.l??vernor and I'ommsnder-iaChief enjoins, as a nmtirr of the 1 tn 4 importance t,? 1 h . pah! c drfence, ifiw piouipt executon of these uraera, and the assc-mbling of the troops at the iminl de ai^natcd without delay. Hy command: ' . A <\ 0 \KUNGT(>5r Adj r and in n^cfrtr Ge neral S. l \ _ Nov _4 % liO , It tt33u i'ape s? oi the folate on? . ST ITB ^rili forthwith return to tlii* office 1 till I Colls ?d their respective companies. including the names < t pernors who hare liccn added t the rtdls since (heir orijxiit^i or^anixa? till m * [I. (jeneral an1' field oluct r* having in .h. ir pi?-*i f?-nni lite Rolls above specified e. ii al*o in.ilc r? turn* id the same. Ill I' rs.ns who are linhlt to serVtea i t -aid ctitiii ;iiif>i, aitd aim hare fnilVj to p. rt tt'- u" names, wflen the companies sli ..I ' .vi *ei \ t?v wiH be arrestoil. c.irr nr.. mmp ami tried hj courts niuiltaj. in |hitQiiure it the provisions of the A*rf of 'he (ieneral Assembler. IV. CCeneral otRccrslmd the enmmandinji ntlioets ol IK'^iiuouts will extend these orders. Hy command : (Signed) A. 0. ?AM?ISlUTVS. i j:. _..J I ?.'j\ uuu ia.i|> Vir UfD> a. U-v Officialo. A. Fm.Liw, At A. Gee. Nov 10 28 St tei)~ I V ers of the State copy thr^e tiw. SL'VB LIBOR FOR TIIK CO.\8T?DIVISON NO. 1. I COM MISSIONHltS oi llotdi end lbo Town Authorities within llM Jsrdie al Districts i>t Dickens, Spartanbreg. (ircei ville, An. rra>n,*lji?ion, York, Cheater. I.aureus. Abbeville and Newberry will lor with summon all slaveholders within their respective limits to deliver ONEII A LF-(4) ol their slaves liable lo Road doty at the Hailroad Depots nearest their residences on TUESDAY, the 2?th 4|yof November next, to be tranattoshtC W> f - ?- * ? * ? * *-*"* ^ r?--A: UnilMKUIW. II. NVu'roe* Jeli-veredjMt (kirlette & Sou'U Carolina ILulrooJ wiH tale a Inia which tjavce Cbarlote at l.ty e'cleck a. ui., on 20th. Nuaeniber. Those delivered on Kind's Nottftliia Kailxoud will take the Paaeengev Trat* tiuwn on same day. TIkwc delivered on Greenvilha & Colaaa bin lUiiixwd will tike a train wh'reh leave* Uceeiiville nt 3 b'dacl a. ? . aa aaaJiv. Thorn: delivered ?x* ?p;.rtarvbarn t tlor1011 lUilroad will take the Imm dow.i on sutneday. Thucc delivered tm Laurwos Railroad will take a train down on same da/ 'I hi?so delivered <>n Itlne Ridige Railroad will uk' a truin which leaves WalhaUa sH 11 o'sloek a. nt. on uur dsy. III. The amount of labor iiylwd MO this roll is sixty (GO) days to uaull Rood hand. It possible, all cred:ta will ks a*-bu listed. IV. I ho attention of Cucnpiiiiilxiw t> directed to Circular of 10th iustawl 'Icon* '.his office, and they are requsatsd.t# tor ward tho Returns called lor m it haws daisy Ru li in voniu D? tlvHTOvn jf Agent of State of South Carolina Oct 27 20 41 3