lARQLINA SPAETAMf' J hTthimmieh. fnwtci to jkttttora giflbto. Ifolitta, 3UrV?ttu?, and faw?tlann. ^ fisii-annum 1| VOL. XXL SPARTANIumO. 8. CLvTRtTRSTWY. NOVEMBER 24, l*(t4. NO SO J ' iiii til Kind. MMM ?i4in jut received. 1 ouaot r?. J; returns of the Bewnil Crop which { rlmCtra, Ac. I therefore withdraw my IMsImwbh in ths District. L. At. GENTKV, Assessor. it M ir wnrr-sr-r f?; w - NOTICE. tfTtfUl Bonhs of VKUNON and OELAND as Ain#ks??th's, have been placed In in/ Jbandf (ur. K||(rmrnl. A so the Medical imspcqalt dee to J. J. VERNON, deceased. I'ertMb lidtbtrl wiB please cn?l >urrljr and settle. J. M. ELFOUL>. e*#av t 17 _?? WANTED f?A/\ POUNDS ofBWTlEU for Hospital d' "_r purposes, for which $4 will be paid. y Al?i W) tltitn EGOS, foi which $l oi> per sUs>*u will he paid. Bring thorn in immediate- . 17 as they art! much seeded in Hospital. _ . . OL1 I'll ANT A WALKER: ' , ' 28 If TAX IN KIND. Jf" AM now prepared to receive the lit he Mo?r Itfwa* Crop ?f ISrtd- Where the tillie, of M^MM'pruiiucer, amounts ce ? much ah a Wrei. the barrel will he paid for or furnish { jfjL Small quantities will be received by tne at tue Tax Depot, and the vessel returned to tax payor. All persona producing more tfcba Ikirtj gallons are liable. C- . A. II. KIRftY, Agent , ^ Depot No. I. Spartanburg District. Tithe FYhclder. . AM now prepared to receive the Tilue Pod [ '1 der orop. or ittbi. it is necessary that it should be securely packed, otherwise, it cannot be received. Producers will please deliver - mm early aa possible, take receipts, and give is to the Assessor accordingly. A. H. KIR BY, Agent. Depot No. 1. Spartanburg District. ' * ' ? - ? ? ?T>P.TVVRiiS the Methodist Church and Mr. 11 II. MitcheljMBl small gold LOCKKT? ab-oit the sise ofattrcnty firi ret.! conm tahiiitg a gentleman's likeness A liberal re- | Ward will be paid for it if left at this oflioe Aug 17 tf ESTDAY. WILLIAM Ull.tOKWOdl) tolls before me a targe SOU It Kb STALLION NORSK, about sixteen hsrnh high, supposed to he 17 * Id years eld; ?tue hind foot white, and bus been appraised at ?m? hundred aod twenty-five JolUra. The owner con find him nit Ntt:h Paeole't two rnilea above C.mip*a Bridge W. T. THOIt.V, Sapt I ' 1* _ _Jf &1UO X? K NV'AIMJ. K13SAth'AV ebout aim week* .since, tny nei fro boj PINK. Said b'?y U about 2\ 7wr< old?mulatto?' ??;* * inches hig , met weight* about 1 10 po-.iuda 1'iuk is 4* be lurking about the neighborhood of C.vnp- ! a hallo, ia litlt l)l?frict. The above rew*..' will he pail for ht? ?pj*>-?. - - ? ]JM Meat iujail. II. II. THOMSON. Jule ?l 12 if Prof. 13. Italic WILL give to a limited number of pupil* private lt'?on< in instrumental and vo ?*1 tuusic. ?t t'lf.lvge etiurges, (u.vnble itivari abl v. in a^vunco. For I lie benefit nf those vko J(.Mrelo fit llirtn tree tor (lit* positions of Teachers hii I Clwv* ?riioio, ? Separateclass will l>o formed I'vr in atruetinn in the theory a ml harmony of music Ka ly Applications are requested. J ufy 14 11 If j lCriroIiin^ Oflice, fir*ATANnuno C. li.. S. U. August J3, 18C4. ?t|)mi'laint6 have ihtii made to nie thai / certain jier.siin.t who iirvj been detailed | ik grounds ot public ucoo-sitjr. are charging < urcsion tli.c p: i>:es for ill J products <>t iLtu< I , labor. The nvoesnty for life detail ??l it man inmi, w?ou.:vcr his neighbor'* determine ibAt his prices?i'c unreasonable All smlv parsons will c-srmuily be seui to the army. Tanners, M.Iters. Shoemakers, lllicVtmi lis. Mill wrigiits take warning Von arc dr tailed for the benefit of your neighbors, and at on enjr other grounds J. H. MA HSU ALL. i^iciw. ?ina nnrviuni^ imct. I Aug 11 . 15 it ""SiOi'jiti jo "*Vt" K. IlKllhBV K'vc notice iliai ? vrili W proacouto atjisjfiing ?t> i***. sn .! ? ! < mwe ry peraon, liu mmy lie re:: I't or t. o^piM'-nv ?ur UuJ attuned unar 11?<* lti*n of H |..irt^n %?ig. CAMBKO^&rO M*/ 2* 4 if Ltime! Lime! Liru?!! A T ilia Wtlna, Frem Lime i? n?* -+ 1 J\ of tho beat quslitjr, for oi in i ;n n- !' > pri?vbiou. Imtrtber. irtm etc.. > i'.f |-: l . dan. Exobunge only on the !ci >:e on fb?cit ?idfn. \V. CUiil'iS. ii|*sl. 1H 44 u TU K uTxbT ckoi' OK iHtiiT HAV.LM.i .uUltuuoU a special or lei- to reopm iJ*e UOOb-ft1 % J?>{, tr.r 10 day* onlv to rwei?? 4t?un |ierMni who, faem ?*ritiu." ?tu tSic inet awt, M erliidh linte the Honks wilt be Smelly clo?e Wl" P,ocer^ 10 JCM^~ A. If. KIRBY, Agent, Depot Sa 1, Spurtauburg District. NoTomker IS, 1804. 2!J--lt ' ENTHAYEI) 1 .lRl>M the pasture of Mrs, P. Ktrhy oppor site the Brick IIousl, jo I below the black fnilk shop of A. J Daniel, Kaq., lias escaped tk Bull Yearling with spots of retl and while, to blent at lo amount to a ronu eolor. No parIbwW ear marka remembered. Any informalion ia regard t-o him, will be thankfully received sad a liberal reward paid at thia office. OM 30 25 it. NOTICE. LL persons baring claims against the K? i m iw? ui rf. m. win r, uecuaseii, will preMill thaw M one# fo J. M. Klford, end all perMM indebted to said Estate, will please call early and settle their accounts. J. M KLKORitt. A fly for Estate. Rwrl jtf ?t " NOTICE^ J* FOREWARN all persons not to trade for a k mat# given by me to John Paris, for Eight wadrod Dollars, dated Octotier from the loth to the fOth, 16414.) Raid note was giveu for I'AtW far the Cavalry service, represented misw* mm4 la net. I therefore will net pay the aWlMt oouj yelled by law. A. P. TURNER, Jfee S 27 rf | For Merit'. | The friend* of I'ATILLO W. FARROW, re Hpeetfkilly taioaM him as a Candidate W? Sheriff, for Spartanburg District, at the else lion on tho 6th December nest. * Tie friends of ALSX J. W. LAND, respect fully announce him as a c andidate for Sheriti ol Spartanburg District, at the election ou the Ot it December ucxtThe friends of Col. J RUKL'S i'OOLE, re Bpeclfully Announce him u* a Candida' for Sheriff for Snarl an hit i-lt District, at the eiec (iuii on llifi Otli D?*oo?ibor neat. |* Tl|e tricuds or JOHN S. ROW NT'lLK, r* i epeotiully announce hiln an a Can ii lute Km (lie otticc of Sheriff of Spananbury I'.?iiy announce'lnui m a Candidate tor the office ol Sheriff. . / . The friends of JERKM1 All WOi FORD announce him a candidate for Sheriff of Spartanburg District to fill the unexpired term of the present inc. mbent. The liieada of J-. W. UARRKTT. respeetfully ai.nonnce him as a candidalo for the office of Slieriff. The friends of Colonel J. B TOLLBSON respectfully announce him a* a candidate for re election as Clerk of the Court, for Spartanburg District EXCHANGEt vSM .. fJIHE undersigned ltrts on It nil a lot of CART RIAUES ami Ul'dtilK.S. whiclt he proposes to exchange for PRODUCE ol all kiuds, w? the n>'*! reasonable terms. Alto, Otic 8lUn FOWLEfl, FOSTER & CO. Not it M tf AVrp rr*i> rpm: tax or 2^ per cent, on nil saiet and I gross receipts froni^cgistered business is tiuur due for the tjiiarter. etui ng .'Ithli tScptein bcr. on i nrtst be punt hv the 'Iit in-taut. I call attention to my miter isetnent of the lutli ot Soi?I nnhrr ii? rnfmv ?hm. # a t ?!? --^--1? ?"v ,v I'" ccm. tix* this tax in on profits arising from ilie purthnrfo fiiul sale of the articles therein mentioni'il ? purchased since the 1st of January. IH'io, and sohl between tLe 17th ol Feb ruary ami 1st of July, 1H?4, by yoursell or through agents in this or any other nakst. book to this matter as the law will be rigidly .-aforoed ag inst all who neglect this or any . titer tax. Alt returns must be tuad? to the Aa'j.sora. j. ur. au^ctt, Cellertor, 27th D.strict. Oct 20 2ft tf run statk o;-' south carom'.i a 8FAUTANMUUG DISTRICT. Thomas Arnold, Administrator, app leant. TS Nat.c R'lilgsrs. ami others, l eft-miauls. I'etnixti i?.v settlement and decree. IT appearing to my satisfaetion that ilif le irol heirs Niid repre-? matters of JOHN Alt .^tl.D, deccAird. \ix: : a rail Aru dd. Heme riiotiia* Arn dd. M?ry Arnold. J.ii