-r Vb (SatsKna Spartan. aVABitTiJScT??, < Viandfey, October SO, 1MM. VM friends of Colonel J. B. TOLLKSON \ YW|M<*folly announce him as a candidate Tor 1 Te-elocllon as Clerk or (he Court, for Bparlan kaif District, CwtaMltal?ai?t'H Of P The following gentlemen were* elected Commissioners of Poor at the last election : 1 J. B. Cleveland, O. II. Moss, Oak ' i*aw> FoSTKRy j. q. lanluim, j. v. Caldwell. The Peopie'a 4'oav?nilon. adopt with tuuch pleasure the auj<- | feat ion ol the Courier that a Conveutiou ] hould be called-in November next. ; We ace bj no means ao tenacious of the honor of inaugurating lho~ movement as to op pore any obstructions to such a eonven tion. Our purpose if poaeible. is to disen { thrall the Htate from a condition of things ( aa ruinous, as uupatriutlo, in re^arcl to prices. Let the .different districts of our 8tate act promptly and energetically it the Blatter and our wor t for it, tlie old irun district, will lift bcr voice of approval. Leclarai lor tlie Hospital. With a view to gratify the literary taste 1 of our commuuity and ut the same time ~ > increase the funds of the Ladies' Hospital of our town, it is proposed to have s series ?... 'of Lectures delivcied, which is hoped may oleosant and nmRnKlo Acting upon*this suggestion, the Ladies hating chargo .of tho Hospital, take plea ore in stating that Prof. J. 11. Carlisle* Bet. A. M. Shipp, D. D, Rev. White Ibord Smith, D. P., Ber. A..."Pickens Smith, Prof. AY. DuPre, Pres. W. K 'Blake and Prof. Henderson, have ounsentftd to deliver Lectures fo{ the benefit ofl' the Hospital, aud they hope, also, to be able procure, perhujfS, others from u dia'anoo. It is proposed to have a Lecture on every Wednesday evening, commencing on next WEDNESDAY., tho 2Gth inst The charge for sa.nission will be $2 00, and to avoid tho expense of tickets, the money will be received at the door. It is hoped that the object will meet with the approval and support, not only of those who expect to enjoy the literary treat thus to be afforded our coiutmitiity, but also of all r who are willing to contribute to the coinfort and welfare of our sick and wouuded soldiers, Bojce'a Lellrr. The letter of this .Representative froui the State baa produced a popular clamor of l?? .ordinary significance. We will uot attempt to uuuly zed it. Varioureflnrtu have been made to cxpoee lt? fallacies and to dea troy ita cdfect by allowing the uutciiability i of his grounds, the inexpediency of his suggestions, and the unfitness and injudiciousness of its n.odo and manner of presentation. We have a very high opin? ion, long ago formed, of the ability, anguci 'ty, and statesmanship of tlrs distinguished representative and hence are very reluc taut to attaiu fhe conclusion, thai us a pro ductioo, it is far short of that lofty itand ard, by which his former contributions to the political history of the country is to be judged. ' That it possess weight, Loth phi losoubicnl and locieal. i? ?r- - O ? ? 1 J true, aud therefore entitled t? a fair uu v i . . unimpassloned criticism. We are astonished, however, that those who have a.ssutned the leadership in this nutter have so far ignored the argument while the} have conbated tbe effect. Wc cannot sav that Mr. Boyco advocates reconstruction, , that we regard as a physical and moral iiupossibility. To him we ean ascribe no! such impropriety. It is true, ho^sve , that his views like leaven, are diffusing themselves imperceptibility through the popular mind and produciug such results as the nrticlo was not intended'to evoke. By many it is regarded as an absolute uu conditional overture of peace inplytng a surrender of principle and iguoring all ctfusions of blood and treasure. So fur it is uu fortunate. No such deductiou can be made from any thing that we remember, lie is for peace upon the principles of States Rights?for pearc in a mode unconstitutional and therefore not to bu.tolcruted V .i ? r ? -i- - ' li'ji us not iqrgt i me past stiV.Ccs ot this ble reprenscntutiva, however, and for u ( single error eongign him to i>olitical oblivion. Towards him wo arc di?pose?l to exercise charity, and therefore await the d?-Weh prncnts of those sitting ill judgment upon his extraordinary letter - ?T'octor, looking learned, speaking slow : "Well, manner, what tooth you want extracted? is it a moler or ati incisor Lack, m 0 short and sharp: "It isiii the upper tier, on the larboard side, hear a hand jou swab, for it ia npping niy juw like a lobster." uenoral CMiermnn is very tiuthlully do . scribed as u "mail who lias u gaunt loek about liinr?mil'he got bungiy when a bey nnd never got over it. A nervou* 1 man, never quiet, palling his vrhiskeisor buttoning his coat, or twisting u string, 01 rubbing a linger. Tho uioral and npprchcnsivo nature of girls is ukr lij Rev. John 8 Ezell, en Sundi) | moinjng last.* Mil. A tali, I'll US (tOSSKTT to MISS I>1 A DAM A 1'AKIS, all of Spartan ' ^ fcurg District. I Married on Ike J8th September Inst, by tin Ecv. J. 8. Ezell. Mil. CALEB CARTEL, l< ( MISS MARY BELCHER. | On the link September Inst, by EUas V all. Eaq , MR. W. J. HIHTE. to MRS. EAEAU 4 MrD^WELL. all of Hii District. < ' OUH, HONORED DK\D. It U our id jurtilul duty to add the name >f another youthful hero to the Carolina Roll ol.Honor! liotyAKD Simpson lioiio, younger sen )f Simpson and Aanry .11. Hebo, wan born I n Spartanburg 8. C., September 24? 1840, and w?? ins'antly killed :n the Peep llottoiu engagement, Va., August 10, 1864. Ou? young Iriend wn* by nature, modest m.d retiring in his uianuers', but tboae who were thrown iuto more intimate amooiation with him, could iicc that ho possessed un usual energy and nobleurps of character, lie oarried into manhood, to an uncommon degree, Hie innocence etui uatuial?e;w of , boyhood, lie was domestic and simple in his tastes and pleasures, and unselfish in his impulse* and character, lie was uf ffectionale and obedient in the circle of home, and respectful and docile to ull who hud, by reasou of office or age any right to control him. As soon as the country called on those of his age, he prepared to go into service cheerfully yet thoughtfully. He wus, ?.s usual, v;ry reserved in speaking ot hia purposes and feelings, but those who questioned hiui, found gratifying proof1 that he fully -ppptciated the solemn step he was about to take. 11 ia new triula and duties 1? camp, only strengthened and tuude perjianent, the couvictious aad feelings which hud teen gradually gaining n l * ' 1 (NWKNiun ai ma ncart and lit#. lie very soon, deliberately enrolled himself among the followers of the Redeemer. He sought " to take unto himself, the whele ariuov" of the Chiistian soldier, and entered with characteristic energy ou his new life of obooienoe to his\Maker and his country, lie attracted the attention of his cemt ades and officers by his prompt' iicas ubd efficiency ss u soldier, and they Boon found the *' young recruit" was a rea| accession to thsir strength. He <.t)t-r*d tho service (company C 13th Regiment, S. C. Volunteers) in ^day, and it is be | Itevcd was not absent fr. iu his post for u single day, even when a wound would have well excused Itiin for a few days He was hi several engagements ? lo which lie belonged. lle/ought lo refresh and renew his apirituaI sir-ngih by prayer and reading the \Vurd*oi l?od. His atfoc tioua ncre kept pure e:.d ardent by full aud l'retjueut it-it era to his luuiily. And hia power* of endurance and action were developed by promptly meeting, or even anticipating every demand made on him by an eventful campaign. Thus all parts of his nulure^were being] disciplined lor u strong and Christian manhood, when he was suddenly stricken down. One of his officers writing of him -says, "If it hud ptauseJLbts IKaveuly Father t# spare hiim he *ould have made a iiobie man." llui ho wltoeo ?a)H and thoughts arc higher than ours, has removed him hum our midst With borrowing hearts, }ei with a hope of reunion, we lay hiui "in ins early grave, cousecialed by all thai n> dear to lite patriot and Ch rial in 11, Yousu Soldier! Rest! Tut Wautaue's O'er.'' Ciiarliic S., hou oi M. S. ^nd C. V. Baker. was born December 1st, IS 14, in llum'tlton, Georgia, came to Spartanburg 111 1SG1, entered the Service ol his country, | ..a a volunteer, Septjcnill to bccoum' a new spectator of h;a , country's life struggle. lie wmto to his mother, that, "the South Would need all Iter >ons mid lie would not Mm,." lie joined his mother and sister in Spartan- ' burg, May, I SOI, and the army three months later. -'these are the main events in the history of a young man. tl.e son hI Ins in it her and she is a widow.* Although not a na" i live if our district, he lifld attracted the luv^and affection ol a QifcK* ot It lends who sincerely inouru his early neat It. To tlictu his suddeli death i* u peculiar afllic? lion, in addit.on to the public lo.<^ which is sustained by our auny, (which under 1'rovidence is our only hope) when such a young soldier hills, in Ins armor and at his post ?le was a young man ot' etroiurlv ! marked character, lie Vuh unusually gtenial and livuiy iti his temperament am! I maniiorH, i>nd rruunkuhly devoted to his j u.other and lits mind was ready ( and eager in necking knowledge. Ilia let | t era to liia I a inly und iiionda exhibited} uiiuhuuI powers of observation and descrip ! tion for one no young mid gave nrotnisc of j uselulucss on*1 success in alter file. 11 in service* in camp wore nil rendered , to the Kegiincnt which lie lirst joined (18th S. ('. V., ! le(?owuii H Brignfe) and he bore his part in all its sulleriiig* and achieve? luents which have beeohin jiart rff the hislory of this eventful war. lie was pecuiarly fitted for some special an3 important branches of the service, l crtile in cxpelicnts and resources, nnd Bel."-reliant, he 'Hid qualities which (in tlir opinion of one >f hi* superiors of hifjh i a;. Lj would luve I prepared liiui to become <>uo- of life r.lOsI , Sicicnt bcoutu in tliu m : \ 1tatcs o rioiica, Aianaiuii and M issi *sippi, ahum freed iruui federal invasion. This re-101 is, in cxleu , eiju.1 to the kingdom o Spain. l^ut suppose the Confe-Jeiutes vrer driven from both Virginia und Georgia ami in their lui-t rilny, either comjucrci or dispersed in Houth or North Carolina there is still the magnificent lion.uiii u Texas, Louisiana, _A i kitnsas ami Missouri ill extent, vaster tTian the Aust ian uion arviiyi ami the kingdoms of Italy an CrciOe combined, now likewise almost rn ol the enemy, nn?l rapidly recovering it losouigy; in ei.iwoly, seli-su*.* struggle ami everywhere cripples may he seen whose lulu hodies lest ly tu ihe triglitl'i carnage of the war mid the j> iter ol mod eru jiiojoctilen ; anil, two great arm os an maintained with tlrt.ichllKMlt.? ai d ji irriMfti, in many places, which, il c-iliihiue 1, w.iu i make a third. I hut tliia drain must even tually he seriously le t, there cannot be i lioutil, lite natural increase of |m>|.?iiiatn?i under theao circumstance* has its limits hut it may he urgucd, uflco'a the Northcri lighting streiil^h a.ike with the i.onteder ales, especially as there is now an ultima total cci-mIioii ot emigration lroin ireiam and < criiuiiy, the v.ilun: sons id thes nations coining slowly to the convictioi that it is better to keep lit'jundau hu| thci latins anil plantations, an ? nvmbie iot il comparison with h i in who has neither, ii ohligtd to go to the tii hi, and. |m rhaps leaves a large laiiidy to the tender uieieie o tlicy an Stale officers, and i u> estimate i ove r otu hundred thousand young men hetweeii sev enteen ami ciuhtccii \e.ir* ol aire hecoiui liable lo conscription in 1 M<*> and uhos enrolment lias already been decreed l.y tin J">eerUarj lor war. i ookinj: at these li^ ures. wliit'll I liavc obti'md Irom good au thorny, there i- ceiTaii !y no danger <>l ? x liaiistiun ol men at present, and iliearnnc of lMi5, it, as ilie op, -isition papers cal lor, radical measures ale adopted, must he couie vustly biipeiior liiol.CUgtli to those o V 4 , Whi* Tax IVotice. f jPlllE tax of 2| per cent, on nil anion nnil P grcni rcoeipta from icgintcred bu?ini>M in ' u??r due for I lie quarter, rud'ng :illtli'Sc|ilriu | bnr, utiti nt ift be pjiid by the HtHli in?tnnt. 1 unit niieniion lo'my mlrvr inemcni or ilie ' lilib of September, in reference Io the 3d per . cent. (UK. .bin lux in on pn-fltn arising from ine putrjdmne nml nnle of ilie Article* lln-rein 9 if en tigged?purehaned nine* I lie bt of JnnI ibrjTi 1803, and no Id between "t lie I Tib of Feb | tiarjr and Inl of July, 1801, by yournclf or tl fougli tig ntn in thin or nny oilier n a ket. llwok lo ibie nmlter n* tbc l?w will be rigidly . iTvr..^..i -n - - - g ,T,ulv- g>uu? wiiu ncg:pcv iiiih or any other tax. All return* mutt bo made to the 5 Amos sura, , J. W. WEBBER, Collector, 27th District. 1 . Oct 20 25 If ESTUAYi:i> f*IUt)M the pasture of Mr*. P. Kirby h opposite the lfrick Hottse^Ju t below ilie black luiit h shop of A. J l>nji|Arfuiell, suspended by a long leather collar. Any f Jnform.iltoil lodged at this nlficc or i iron la , | me personally, will b - Iliniikfully ucktiowledg ' eJ and a suitable reward paid ? V* BLUNDER SCOTT. , Oct 20 25 3t COMMISSIONER'S SALE~ 1 Ex l'arte 0. W. HARNETT, and others. ! " Bill for I'lirlition. IN PURSUANCE of an order of ihc Court of Ei)iiily, 1 will sell to the liiglie bidder at 0{i?rmiiburg Court IIou?e, on SALKSD v Y !u > NOVUM11 Kit next. the timi'vided Inn Is helouging to the Estate nl JOltlAI. 15 \KNETT, do cencpl. whereon his widow r< sided to the lime of her ilrnl h. , . Tlie Two Tracts will he sold t getlitr, cmr nr.iomg diM acres more or less. The pi ire is pvell improved, hiving a fine largo I'riek Dwol' ling House mid good o.ithnil lings The lands " ere valuable. niul the lurin in good eon lilioii. J It is one of the most ir? c irici, and imv in Sp.ii'iiii.liur^ l'i.**rict that i in iy eliooee to ! -livor to Mil- point, nil oil tinJ south *i?lc oi l In* ri ver I li ?t m iy elm >?c to vl i f mi. I Ik* producer c m iittil the wheal in m* !l own liugv wnieli ca lie empi iel .it i Ik* mill. I w mil remly t? leceive wheat al my liouuh ''i.5>"oals Wilis, fi'oin^inv wlin in iy clo>o c to ?le '* , liver in lit i* pine*, cinhraem/ iliat pirt ol il Tsp.viiiiiilnirjr Difiricl, Iy in}? on t!*iclin*. Tnic* |v; eiy utui jle.tvcrdain Creeks nn l cxiciibin,; on I- ward- itro'ib K.vt-r, it cm aNo b<- ^tronjrlii ' in tin* prioi.icor* w,i Iwjri. w.itrli < m In* etn 3) plied l ite lo.nl w.il in a lew Way s lie Worked. lioin .Noah Wibytei'H wine i<> i he .Mill, And e : cili lie vety en-ily looinl. i "mi< li li.i*> h? ii iIk* *.i*i ox'ont nf em'itrri'V . inr ... thn: v .- Ii.tit liron.-li. i.1 l.enr attain <1 ii e .ii ii i n_, re*!1 ct lur a < "ii*o lyr il*'. perm i .? ii ui*. Hi ii I ii iv< !i-rn ilitis ntr "I "hye'l in *. Ii "h/ i a re ?* wue i< at in.' iiii;|s, wni.rli tact \ j ".* ..i oiii"* extent known Ik in my. mi I Wnich ; I ii j: i-l "^y lor litis I-lay in il inc ulticci.s oi t. "Vi inn, ni a I |>" sir rr. \uilis in'"*! resj.ee Inllv, j i.UHOV .MiAliinun. Ocl 2I? 2'1 Jvr " jgik. ' " V r?,mm ?v.V J' "fjr ilifM i xeci* rm: nrr vn i mknt, Col.l Mill < If I. 1 J 1 S person* have iieen appointed l lint ?; ernor to the Military Acad my, ami will ? report at the Arsenal .A cadciny in Co.urn -j hi*, to t'apt .J. I' 'I 1 It IM \S commanda' iii^, on the lirst day ot .lai.nny next: Ft It ST CoMltlhsMONAI. I M sTltlCT. Jj Serjft M \NGUM, (Jo. F, 20th'S. c. V. II. U.()\V|:NS, IVc Dec Light Artillery t St.CllMI I'liMill! S.-IMNAI. DlSTUIOr. 1 fserut. A K. O'lllll KN, Co I, 1st S C. V. TlllKli Co.m i lit r.ssti in m. I Mstiuct. ! liKN.I A.M IN .f .H >11 NM >.\. t! l'ot lt 1 II CiiMillKsMoN.M. IMsTKIt'T. v 1.. YAaCLY I'll AN, Co. A, I lamptoil Fciii 'ii, S. C. V. FlKI'll I'liM-lil.SSlcS.M, I.I I STI.lt'I1. '1 11 i/i thn i' i(i vv \ IMI iv. i? > > i V , U. ?/, <1 \i>. C, V. >' Sixth ('onok?>sion.m, District. S.r-t MADISON 1\ 1IAWTIIOKN, Co. 1', 12th S. C. V. The applicants who have not heon apv pnintcti ?inl who, ui;i> ile-ire to renew llieii hloos lor llie neM )ear. hlioiihl give 1 notice ihereol in tills Department. Ity oiilcr ol I lie Coventor. * ill.' v iri'iirn J?. I <1 III III II, * Private Socreiary. Columbia ami Cliarlt *toti , puloi.-li in we ekly lor two week*. All otlil1 it paper* in the >tulO pubhau once, i ()ct -o 11 w . ?- Central Association, IV CkNTII M. ItrnKM*, s Columbia, Ocl. I, I81II. IIKKKA I'TMIl. ear* will l><> di>|> itchcl rij; tilmly li?r I.<"< ' - mnl II.-aiuvk 11 d'a Annie* on every U pi|in>niliiy, for llixulV Army on 1 tie 1*1, is 11.'lit aii'l a nli ni every month, o*. M. .1.vllOKPK. Chairman. ? ooi : <><>! I Li, 11 ^ IN(1 been itp]> >iirc i Agent to pirXI flt.f.p WOltl. Koit Til K Alt MY, I will |i?_) the highest pi ice in (' \>1J. nr give i;i r* / rlt itigo I'O I' I'O.N V A It N, l ut.h aclic.l S lining* -( mi l t Nnaliii. gs. W i.il i? iniii-ii tioo'lnl to clot lie our Sohliers H in ilit Ii -1? T. mi'l I i in-1 I Mill i!i' |i:tPriulic cili zi'ii" >1 S|?nrt)irilnirg llifirici, *ill r bj 1 bringing hi wh.ticwr Mirplns Wwul i!?RKLL. I A, cnt far Spat 1.1uburg District. ' Oct 1 ? 4 w i J*^ JUL' I | Central AhmcU(I?i. ClXUAL liVRKAC, Sept. 21, 1884. l'liioxmi OP War. ( THE Central Association will forward psckagM. con I lining Cloth ng and Tobacco, for 1MUSONKH8 OF WAR. lo the point tT?i- ( o ntig<> below Itichiimtid. All charges on ibis ( side of the line, will be paid bjr us; I be charges * on the other side, must be paid by the receip? r er. Ais >, nil open letters of one page for Pmi. t , somas or Wait will be forwarded by us. M. J.aBOHDE, Chninuan Association. I'. 8. ?Boxes must bc,securcly strapped. Uire : rolinian insert daily for one month; I 1 Papers of the Stntc please copy. Oct 18 24 tf Pictures. Pictures. JUST received lot of new eases, which 1 will sell o( reduced prices. t ome and have your pictures-lakeu while you can get them cheap. i will trke provisions or all kinds for pio lures. Call early as my stock ol cases is small. MOUZON, A.list. Oct 13 24 ^ 4w sa_i \\J ILL >>e koI'1 to ili? highest bidder, on . i H TUESDAY, the 1st of NOVEMBER* next, nt the laic residence of CASSANDRA BAUNKTT, deceased, on Tjrg' r Hirer 14 miles * So .?h of Spartanburg O. II., n purt of the personal estate of I lie said deceased. I CONSISTING OF t HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. , 1 LOT OF BLACKSMITH AND FARMING TOOLS, * 1 COTTON UIX. THRASHER AND FAN, ? 2 LEATHER GIN HANDS. i 1 CARRIAGE AND HARNESS. , 1 FOUIl HOUSE WAGON AND HARNESS, . | 1 MARE AND MULE COLT, 1 LVRGK .CLASSES KETTLE, 1 SPINNING MACHINE, . 1 i And other thing?, too te lions to mention. ( ALSO? t A Tract of I.Xnd known as the James Mason t tract, cunt killing < rr> acres, I.ving on Furgerson's Creek, and bounded ' hv lands of Mrs. ? othnrinc Mn*ou and others. * t'i.i. Tr .,.i - -? ?* - - Willi irrv gonu UOIIOIU f mi l upland iii ii slate of cultivation. ; TEKMS OF SALE?The land will be void oil a credit o? 0:10 two unit llircr join. (Fi)ual installments with interest from tiny of mile ' I with two uj proved sureties nnd mortgage of 1 the premise*. Tlte person il property will be i so d on ere .it of twelve months with ituere?t ( from day of snle. with two approved sureties (or all sums of Five Dollars and over, and all sums under Five DolbirVeasTi. "Purchasers io 1 comply with Terms of S ile htdore the right of I i properly is changed. Failing to comply the procprty, wi 1 lie immediately rc sold at their ( 1 risk. M. F. It Alt SETT, T C. UK ADV. 1 Kx'ors. j Oct 13 24 3t T11K STAT K .OK SOUTH I'AHOI.IN'A Dilation for loiters of Admiaistration by Jno. E trie lloinar. Esi|r., Ordinary ' II EKE AS .1 AM ICS S. SIKOL'D has filed ^ j his peii ion in mv office nravinrf tliat 'et ler* of A ij.io lii and Hint lie*, rijfh's crrdii* of s i -! >1 ! !>.< .1 I ?ie u: ml It.strict, should not bo pi-anted ihem I These are therefore to c te and ndm.inidi a'l 1 and singular, the kindle 1 and ciTfl.tom ol the j aid ilccf ii? I. to be ind appear in the f 'ouit j of Ord.ttary. for said Distric . to be liolden on Mob-lay the 21th of lleiolrr, mthml. In linn I rained! any why the said Administration should tot he framed. VV n m-ss J|i y h.iti'l soil of uffict. this lWll o! I i )etober, I Si; joh.x kaklk bom vrt, o. s. n. Or 1:1 '21 2i' Til K STATU <>I'' soil 1! C AltOM.NA L Sl'A 11 TAN lit'lift UiSTRH'T. I'iiftii n*tur let.era of Administration by Juo. liirlf llomar. K?rjr. Ordinary. I \\* h s w. w.!: 111?i > k - h i? n?i i.i. j 1 t ("'liiMii in my oliic praympth.it 'c trig ' of Administration on all and s'ng-ilar. t c ! good* ami cliatileJ, right* und crcdjs of JAS. UiiOl*K>, deceased, iul of sai l District, should be p anted him. These are then-fore to rile and idmoni-h all and singular. the kindred ami creditor* ol the said deei-a.-ed in l?-? nod it i?... ?l... ''?-* 1 i i- " "o. nf Ordinary. tor ?:ii4 Di-lrrl. lo li liuhlcu nil Mon?lay tin* 1N1I1 ?lny of Oeiol-er. inmant lo h||.|\v ciiisc if ir.jr why ili ?*iJ >1 ittin I rat ion -Im.ilii not l><* grunted U'iincio my hand iindeeul of office, tliislPtli iliy of IkliiWr, A. l? . I Sit I. JMt KAltl.E ltO MA It, O. S. I). Q(l 13 . *21 "Jw TVet .1 23 '.'m 1 lino Stono I rJA||K snh eribers have rceeivcil EI.KVKN I II (' N lilt 111) POIND- OK It K ?I. KN(I l.iSII Dl.ri: STO\K.. which they propose to sell us rheip as run tie hough in % ,y market. For the convenience of the people, the following Agents have been appoint<-<1 to wit : II K. 11KINITIS11. Spartanburg C. II Ol.ll'IIANT & WAI.KKll, d by JNO. BOMAR & CO. Hivingiville, S. 0., Oct 23- 4 losrw AVK i v ! y\r HKIIKAS M. A. HARKN tolls before mc j Iff a *"*ny rii|>poi(C(l to be about H , I year* old. n? r ilie cutnaion site, red color, 1 wi:li a ?t*r in her lace and some white about | Iter I.in I legs ami under her belly valued at >8in r brands in a swallow fork hi < a h ear. | W >i. C. CAM 1% Magistrate. Oc fi 28 1 in jpon XH63. , | St?tc and Di>(rictTai Notice. VS thrr>-are a number of Tax returns which i hive tint been male, ami the Taxes pan) lur DOel. TImsc coiicrrneil wouhl do well to at tcml to making therein, ns, and payingtheir Taxes iniinediately, and save me the trouble 1 ud themselves the expense of the issuing and jcullerilng by liXKl'U riONS All owners of lots in town, who owned ihem the l?t of October. lHti.'l are liable fur Taxes. Fn'C persons of color, between the ages of 1 ? and lo jm's, are liable 'or Taxes, and would do well to report, and pay iniinediately t ?that is, those that haveeiol doae so heretofore It. c. 1'OOI.K, T. c Met ."? 28 3w No.ire to i'om.iiissi.iurrs S. B. U f MilH Conitnissiuners of the Soldiers' Hoard | I ot belief, are hereby uolifieil to ineel at * Spartanburg i ourl llouse, oti MONDAY, the ' 2-ltli October, instant at wnich time each Com > mission will l>o re<|Uireil t<> in ike a lull report i to the Hoard t his actings and doings up to I the liOlli tilt., the end of the ti?cal year. This I I report must iiiilitme a full liM ol'tlic nnni!< ! i iiml nun.Iter of fmnili *. and alwo the number of (In!.lien relieved hy the llnar.il? nUo; the 1 amount ot mono v. Til lie. Tax in Kind, grain 1 received from oilier Mnirrea, cloth, nail. \c. 1 It i* fill important that each Commission ' ) should have his rejiori l.ofore the Una don ' ill n day, as a nil report uJ the ?-arue has in he made lo the Tall Court oi Session*. Should , any Im ttna'ile income it. person, lie iiittHt send. ' tip In* report tiv Mutt time. .1 li. fXKVKI.AM). Chairman S It 11. <1 A. II. LIXifi t Seeratary and Treasurer. |i I Oct 5 u i Hit 1 HeadquorteKA, KKRKKVB KORC?8|% C., Colombia, SopC It, 1844. > EN ER Air ORDER NO. 7. [PURSUANT to General Ordor No. . 73, Ad'jt an J Ins Motor General's (Hkw, eurrenl feriee,* (fiemiiito appendof) * he Brigadier General eouiniaudinp He?rv< Forces ot South Carolina h era by ao* tunics control itfid direction of tbo cOusorip.ioti service in tho State. , . 11. Kxoept aa hereinafter apeeild, the irganixation ot the Conscription Dipirt* Dent in the State, including the Esetuia* ? . . * np Boards, will be preserved; and ail ex. tiling order*, reg ilutiona and instruction* >t the Cooinundaiit of Conscripts will bo soutiuued of foroe antil otherwise or cred. 111. Local knroUpg OBeer* and Exituining Boards will report immediately Jo . he Commandant of CoHsevipta. and tkw*mli Tin communicate with (bme Hexku^ricri, >D'i will. through hint, receive orders sued instructions t ? IV, All cornitianteuturns in he Conscription Mr vice in the Stale, and ill applications tor exemption and detail, oust be made through the Commandant of \ Jcnifcripts; comuiuui at ion* on all other mbjecly will continue to bo made through lie A. A. General of the Rcterve Foroee ^ 0. V. The office of Congressional /JistrieC Enrolling Otbcer being abolished, all oflh ' :ora heretofore acting in that eapoeity will oport by letter to the Cojhmpndant of Coocripts for iisnigniuent to other doty, setting" nrth tbeir rank, corps, position and prr??nt assignment to d-ity. Competent officers will be as.<>igtud as 4 Inspectors ol Conscrtpion * hi the several Congressional Dist>iot*. VI/ With a view to.compliance of Her.. [II. of said General Order No 73,* tho Jommundant of Conscripts will, without iflav. order I lie medical examination of >11 soiiiinisnioned officers -ami other person*(exr^pt those ot the "Invnlid Uorj*") employ U in the enrolling service of thin State, .'oiiiinissioned officer*, as to whoiu no disibihty is found to exist, will hold their.? tcivcs in readiness to be assigned to duty n the Held as soon as practicable. VII Application lor assignment to duty is Km oiling Officers, Assistants, Clerk*-, mid to other |Hisitions in the Conscriptioir service in this State, will be rcc-iveU Irou* ffieers, lion com missioned officers and pri? mtcs belonging to the Reserve F-rce*, ?r.u .roni retired and light duty officer** ind ii.en, and Iroui persons not liable to set vice in the field. Such applications, i-ncloting tcstiiminial* of character, intelligence and fitness, will be addressed to M*j. U. 1). MKLT'JN, Coiiiiuaudant of Cuu- t cripts, Columbia, S. C. liy command liti>?. Gen. ClIKSNlT. ED. H. BARNWELL, A. A. Cvu. Sjax. State papers copy three iuics. Oct 0 "Sd 3( Wool Notice. ra^tl L' L' e * ... - a 'nr. r nniirrs 01 ,inurr?in, I'lCHvtlS UntolT, | Spartanburg and Gritnrillc. are hereby culled tt} ? ? iu sell ur exchange their W(M>Lio iny Agent* on the following liberal term*: For 1 lb unwashed good Wucl, 67 in cash. For 1 lb unwashed good Wool, >do. 4-4 Sheetings. For I lb unwashed good Wool, 3 jilt. 7 S Kiiinings. For 1 lb unwashed good Wool. !!} yd*. 8 a*. Osuahwrgjt. * For I lb unwashed good Wool, lb*. No U Cotton Yam For I lb unwashed good Wool, 1} lbs No. K t til loll Yarn. For I lb unwashed good Wool, 1 lb. No. 10 " Col I on Yarn. * , For I tb unwashed good Wool, { tb. "No. 12 i .?i rict I.VMKS I'. KKENAN, Union C. If., for Cnmn 0 si i ict A. II McllOXKIJ , Spartanburg C. II., Sj *r? im>b rjf liix'i ici VV. H. IIOVKY. Qrerniillt C. If., Tr?*rl ?| Agent. ?md for (.?recti ville District. i II IS L. L)A V IS, Cftpl. and A- Q M. S.jj I IS rtt mail (vl Mil 111 C AitOLlN A. Adjutant an i lii?p'Otiir (truer , s vMficc, CitLUMHi.t, Sept. i!-i, 1 864. (iKXEIl.vC OUDEUS NO. 10. I J. II TOLI.KSON of Spartanburg Die # Iricl. it* liorvhy itppoiniel Colonel ol the iiiii Uejrtntctit South I'?rnli*m Militia. "auJ It *' I'OOLK. o Sp.irtHnliurg District. t eluncl ot the J7th Kegiuit tit. South ('truliia Militia They will lortbwith t?|'ICIV7 VWTJ?.m into cucinirn all existing orders applicable to them, and also such as may hereafter b? issued. . a. By command of the Governor. G. A. FOLL1N, A. A. General. To Cot. J. B. Tolleso*:, Comd'g dCth Kegfimrnt, S. C. M. Sept 29 22 ' tf Wollbrd College. rilllK exori.i-es v*t Moforcpt 9 19 If IN PR QSS, And will br vubhtktd in a few dry*, TBK CAPTAINS BRIDE; A Thrilling Talo of tho War, HTW.li MKRMIXISTOM, ItKB X. C? CAVALRY. Neatly bound in paper, price $1.00. UPON receipt of (he price it will be mailed to any part of the Confederacy postage pie|tai