w\ , ifMnlhtn WlifclfiltiL e: t^n W? ?#?* 5?????: .- .-;: T* ?gjEa*E?ga>. Vkau?iTiOc(?ber at, IM4. IM M?4f of Colonel J. B. TULLBSON mpwiftiBy announce him M * candidal* for '> ' 'y w ateaUen M Clerk of Ike Court, for BparlanBwjttitrtai. .. ?r FtWv. The Pillowing gentlemen were* elected * Cempfanloners uf Poos at the laat election : J. B. Cleveland, O. H. Mom, Oar - - UMD Foster/ J. O. Lanlhuu, J. Y. Caldwell. Th* Pe?fle,i C'enveatlottt We adopt with much pleeauro tbe aogI ' (nation pi the Cottier, that a Convention ahopM b* November next. We eop bj ? means ao tenacious of the huaor of inaugurating the* movement an to appose any obatrnotiona to buch a conven-tioa. Our pnrpoae if poaaible. is to diaen ' c ?. thrall the Htate from a oooditioo of things an ruinous, an uopairiotis, in re^uni to , '^prions. Let Che .different distriets of our State set promptly and energetically in the SOatter and our wor i for it, the old iron district, will lift her voice of approval. Lectures lor ibe Hospital. With a view to gratify the literary taste ?f oor community and at the asms time hseresse the funds of the Ladiea' Hospital tf our town, it is proposed to have a aeries * Of Lectures deli voted, which is hoped u?aj pheasant aiijl pinfuable. Aoting updifthisbUggeation, the Ladies having charge .of the Hospital, take plea sure in stating that Prof. J. 11. Carlisle* Bev. A. M. Shipp, D. D, Rev. White ? - J o :.L T\ T\ ? ...... y aiwu ouiuu, JJ. XJ., A?r. A.,, I'ICkeilS Smith, Prof. W. DuPre, Pres. W. K Blake and Prof, Header**), have oooseut?d to deliver Loot area fo{ the benefit of the Hospital, aud they hope, also, to be able $o procure) perhaps, others froui a A ' 4iaianoo. -v It is proposed to have a Lecture on every Wednesday evening, commencing on next WEDNESDAY the 26th inst The charge for admission will be 92 00, and to avoid the expense of tickets, the money will be received at the door. It is hoped-that the object will meet with the ? approval and support, not only of those who expeet to enjoy the literary treat thus to be afforded our community, but also of all . m wjbo are willing to contribute to thr comfort and welfare of our sick and wouuded aoldicrs. ^ ,1) Beyce'a Letter. The letter of thia Representative from . the State Laa produced a popular clamor of be prdinary significance. We will not aUewpttoauulyzed it. Variouwefforts have I 13. . 1 ? > . - -r ? MO UKJUO to expose IU tuilucios and to dc ' atroy its effect by abovriug the untcnabihty # of his grounds, the inexpediency of his Uggeslions, and the unfitness unJ injudiciousness of its n.odo and manner of presentation. We have a very high opin# ion, long ego formed, of thoubility, suguci ty, and statesmanship ot th:s distinguished representative and hence are very reluctant to attain fhe conclusion, thai us a pro duction, it ia far short of that lofty tlaud ard, by which his former contributions to the political history of the oountry is to be * judged. ' That it possess weight, both phi losophical apd logical, is unquestionably true, and therefore entitled U a fair an i unimpassloned criticism. We are astonished, however, that lho?e who have assumed the leadership in this matter have so far ignored the argument while the} have conbated the effect. We cannot say that Mr. Boyce advocates reconstruction, that we regard as 'a physical and moral impossibility. To him we eaa a-cribo no such impropriety. It is true, ho?eve>, that his views like leaven, are diffusing themselves imperceptibility through the popular mind and producing such results as the articlo was not intended'to ovoke. By many it is regarded as an absolute un conditional overture of peace inplyiug a * * surrender of principle and ignoring all effusions of blood and treaahre. 80 far it is unfortunate. No such deduction can be made frotn any thing that we remember. . lie is for peaoe upon the principles ol a Slate* Right*?for pcueo in a mode unconA'.itutioual and therefore not to bojolcratcd Lot us not forget the past services of this Able representative, however, nod " for a single error eonsigu hi in to political oblivion. Towards him wo arc disposed to exercise charity, and therefore await the d<-woh pnsents of thoso sitting in judgment upon his extraordinary letter - ^ Itoctor, looking learned, speaking slow : "Well, mariner, what tooth you want extracted ? is it a moler or un incisor ?" Lack, 0 short end sharp : MIt Is in the upper tier. on the larboard side, hrnr a hand )ou awah, for It is npping uiy juw like a lobster." General Sherman is very truthfully dc scribed as a "man who has u gaunt look about hinr?its if lie got hungry when h bey and never got over it. A nervous jnan, never quiet, pulling his whiskeisor L^aa ! I ?- ? * - uuiiunuig ni8 coat, or twisting ? string, 01 Tubbing a finger. Tho moral auJ apprehensive nature of girl* is euro rapidly developed than the mind of boy*, ua satellite* move quicker > than planets, or as flowers bloom sooner in va.loya thou on mountains. II y M K*JS E aT*. Markiro by Rev. John H Exell, en Sund*y moving lasifMH. AbOU'llUH UONSKTT ? Miss MaIMMA PARIS, all of Spartan burg District. Married on the ISiti September last, by ilx Rev. J. 8. Rtall, MU. CALKD CARTER, t. MISS MARY CKUHIKR. On il?e JUlli September Inst, by E ins R"ail. Esq , MR. W. J. WHITE, u, MRS. SAEAii MrDQWjpLb, *11 of tfcfc Dirtrict. OUH, HONOKEU DS^p. It It Mr mjurnlul dutj to odd' (be mim of another youthful hero to tko Caro'ink Boll of.Honor? .. llotfAHD Siwrsojt Bono, younger son of Simpson Mid i^aney H. Beta, was born in 8partuaburg 8. C., Se^i'epiber 24* 1848, and ?h instantly killed in the Peep Bottom ciigageiuout, Ve., Auguat 10, 1864. y* i Our young Iriend war by nature, rood eat tid retiring in his utaunciV, but those who were thrown into more intimate eaeoeiatioo with hiui,' could Iwc that be ponwweed un usual energy and aobleurra of character. He earned into manhood, to to uncommon degree, tlie iunocence end naturalness of bojhood. Ue was dnteiiio mid simple in bis tastes snd pleasures, and uoaelfiah in his impulses aud character, lie was af fhotionale and obedient in lb# eiiele of home, and respectful and docile to all who had, by reason of ufice or age any right to oontrol him. As soon as the country called on those of his age, he prepared to go into service cheerfully yet thoughtfully. Ha ?M. I.a imimI ? a -- ??L , ? . ...t wv?j inwiiTKi iu npr??- | ing ot lib purpom and twiidgi, but those who queetioucd him, found gratifying proof1 that bo fully appreciated the solemn step ho vu about to Uko. Hb new trial* sud duties in oarap, ooly strengthened and tuude permsneot, the convictions sod feelings which had Leon gradually gaining possession of hb heart and lifc He very soon, deliberately enrolled himself among the followers of the Kedecinor. He sought M to take unto himself, the 'whole aruior" of the Christian soldier, and entered with charaoteristie energy on his now life of ebttUieuoe to his" Maker and his couutrj. Lis attracted tb? attention of. hi* couiiadea aud-officers by his prompt* nets at* J efficiency as aoldicr, aud they soon found the " young recruit" was a rea| aooeesion to thair strength. He c tiered the serriee (company 0 18th Regiment, &. C. Volunteer*) in .Vny, and it is be floved was uot absent fruai his post for a single day, even when a wound would have weil excused him for a lew days. He was ni several engagements . 11 all ol which he kept paco with the veteran corpe to which he belonged, lle^ought to refresh and reuew his spiritual atr-ng'h by prayer and reading the \Yord*ol tiod. llis atTee tioua were kept pure and ardent by full aud fretjueut letters to his luuiily. And his powers of endurance and action were developed by promptly meeting, or even anticipating every demand made on him by ail eventful cniupui*n. Tluis all nurt* of bis nut ure^ were being] disciplined for u slroog and Christian *u*nhoud, when he was suddenly stricken down. Oue of hi* officers writing of hiui -aajs, ulfil hud . .(ddtae^bw Ikuveuli Father yt ?j<*?&-hiiiu he Mould have made a uohte tuaii." liul he whom] ways aud thoughts are higher than ours, has rouioved hiiu iroui our uiidst With sorrowing hearts, yet with a hope of reunion, we lay hiui "in his early grave, consent ated by ull .that is dear to the patriot uud Christian, Youuu Soldia*! Rust! Tut WurAut's O'aa," Chaklir S., sou ol M. 8. ^nd C. V. Bukcr, wus born Deceinber lit, 1814, in llulldllon. (ic-oroi*. r?n.? til KnbX.l.t-? ;c?, ? " . (~h?iiuuij; 111 1861, entered the service of bus country, | ?s a volunteer, S?'pt.en?b? r 2i d, 1861, made a profeneioii ot* religion and joined the Kpiscupal ( hurch in August 1863, and WH4 iiiMMiitly killed in the Deep .Hottnui engagement, Virgiuia, August 16th 1861. lhouf.li lett fathcrles* in infunoy, lie was j carefully educated by hi* mother, and . should have entered College about the time lie volunteered. The attack on Fort Suiup tcr found him at a northern school surround cd by ibe muat lavoiub.e eircuiuotancea, and by a circle of devoted Irienda and relutivca, who offered him every inducement to reuioiu. Hut though tittle pant sixteen, he ttcotued to beoonr?r a new apectutor of his I country's life struggle. lie wroto to liia j mother, that, "the South would need all | her eons und he would not slatlie joined his mother and sister in Spartan- 1 burg, May, 1861, and the army three month* later. These are the main event* in llioliiittory of a vouhir nmn il>? n>l? ? ' >,. --- .?? . j _ 0 | ?> ? ?K>n m/M tf I K|IH III II Iicr | and felie in a .widow. *i4^Ahhuugli not u na" live of our dialriutg ho J^d uiineied the iovtSand ulTcctioii ol u pilch.' ul bunds who sincerely mourn hi? '45arly death. To < iheui liis sudden death ii-ta peculiar affliction, in addit.un 10 th4 public lo.<^ which is bunlaiiit-d by our , ?nny} (which under Providence is our ouly hwpw) when such a young soldier tails, in his uriuor and at his post lie was a young man of strongly marked character. lie Was unusually gfc?niul and lively 111 his temperament and uianuora, and rnnaikuhly devoted to his mother and sister. 11 is mind was ready and eager in seeking knowledge. IIis If icisj to his tain.ly and liieuds exhibited unusual powers of observation and descrip tion tor one so poung j?,.d uavp t?roti ..re of usefulness on'1 sucec.-s in alter Tito, lis. - ninibui iii cuiiii> mi rcnuereil to the llcgimcu^ which he first Joined (13th S. (J. V., I Icliowun'a l>ri^n?f). and lie horc his part in all its MiUerin^* and achievements which have heenht'o pait rffrtlte liis? lory of this eventful war. 11# yraS peculiarly fitted for some special amifmjiorlant branches of the service, fertile in expedients and resources, nud se ir.frtin.nt, he had qualities which (in the opin^u^M one of his superiors of hi^*h ratify wB luye prepared hiui to become undjtfcf (?fr''ljkfct efficient scouts in the fW i one 6f group oi choice joun?A^enM#M J ??? i formed nriktag feature in OMuptnjr C, ud were m* element of unusual promise. ' Some uf them still survive to tread io the , lootsteps, aud to cherish the memory uf * their fallen comrades. What a tragedy \ vu crowded into i lew lines when a do- < spatch saddened our community with the ' announcement that Charlie Baker, Uuward i Bo bo aod Lemuel Mooruisu were all killed J i iu a few minutes. i Tbo patript will not peas the three graves * of tbtee young martyrs ou the bauk ot ibe James without oiuotion. The chruiiuu will thankfully- inscribe over them thw blessed words ao lull of Hope sad Trust. "TllBSB ALL DIED IN TMM tAITM." A FRIEND. m a. - -C4 . a " 1 ? ReaonrcM ttlilN Cwafederate i MOfm. t We publtad 'ftoeVUy a brief extract ] from a letter of John n ?.. " ? *4 11 1 U.V tu raj I nav II- WOUIU DO Ml 111* cicul to bed the army of tieu. Leu, while . ' Gi.ii. Iiu d has ui his back tiie Mutes of, j Florica, Alahjuiu ami .Mississippi, uliuoM * (reed Iroiu federal invasion. Tliis region I is, iu exli-u , eiju.l to the kingdom of Spain. Hut suppose the Coo Tolerates were ' driven from both Virginia and Georgia, < , uiid in their last effort, either comptercd i or dispersed in South or'North Carolina, i there is still the magnificent doii.uiu ol ' Texas, Louisiana, -Arkansas Mid Missouri^, in extent, vaster tliaii I lie Aust-iun unm? > ' arch)) and the kingdoms of Italy and't (jreccu cuiiibiiiud, how likewise almost rid "j ol the eueuiy, and rapidly recovering-irtl nwiui qesjiu tor I, ei. t ire.^y, neM^rfts f vrft tb wliiclt tiio (.onfederate u t. iiumntlH (ally detertiiined to re pa r, should, wn?t i.* , tjune improbable, its forces be overwhelm i ed east ol the Mississippi. . In point of materials of var, the (iov-'; eminent, in this respect, is very energetic, ami lias crsaisil I'.niiniriaj ' iinl.it; indc d, beside* numerous military umnuiaciuriug eaublishiiiculs all tnrouut uut the Coiiledcracy, there in p*\v?cr mid at Au^ua a hi Georgia, Which alone is cans* bie of auppiyitg ilic a? in^ uu i navy. ever, there tore, ep'tiko of eih.tusiiim ot this wonderful poop e does not ki.o* (he extent ol toe remarkable re* mrce.1 yet at command ot the Sale and ton Iterate uutlmtiiicH, the vu.it stufin ot Cotton and tobacco yul intact entirely disregarded' lint the most obvious Uanjicr which may threaten to wcakt*u the military s.rcngiii ot the Contcdcraey is the decrease in men. The drain up n the population hus been ' 'terrible, und is daily augmenting; two! honored tl.ousai d victim.* an* e.itim.itcd ! ; have laden in this lout yenr?' nru^glr, | and everywhere cripples may he seen ( whose, torn bodies leni ty lo (lie IrightPJi.l carnage of the war and (he p |>niutittii under ilu-nc circumstances It.-in lis limits, j but il may be argued, uflcc's the Northern.] lighting otruntgb alike with tho nonteder ] at en, especially us there is now an almost total cessation ut emigration iroui Ireland and licrtiuny, the valiant sons of these! nations coining slowly to the con viol toil ihut it in better to keeji life and an humble existence, than to Iced d. .??u. ... -I I ? v ,,u (angib e occupation. This lac' i* made' the oasis of attack a uuuin.-t I lie go*i ru ( incut oi Mr. ihivis, who i? 'accused of iu-i roritism by tin* press J it n. iy lie correct,, htnl it HCftua a cruel thing to ?>up|MMlu lut iW comparison widi linn win) 11an neither, in \ ubliytd to go to the field, Mini, pi rliaps, li'ii vcm a lurye linidy lo I ho lender uiorcies ul clipil/. This looks*ertninly very tntiuli like favoritism. hilly thousand men uio r exempted from Hurt and whose, eiiroliiicnt Iinh already been decreed by I ho/ Secretary for war. J ookmg at these tiy-2 r urcit. which 1 have obtained Irom good an-f a thority, there i- ceiTaii !y no danger of ex hauniiun ol men nt present, and the armies 1 of lb!55, if, as the op, wit ion papers cali , lor, radical tnensures aio adopt-d. unutlie | come vustly sopeiior in olmtigtli to those oi J 804. J Sil War Tox IVotioe. TIKE lit of 2} per o?nl. on all mil' nt! p gross rvMipw from registered business is aw due for the quarter, cud*og Kbtli-bcpteni laur. and nrtst be pplil by the 80tb instant. I call attention to 'my adrer isetneni of the tilth of September, in reference to the 3<> per jr.ni. tpx. . hie tux is on profits arising Crom f* puoaiiusc and sale of the articles therein SMiH|N4?purchased ainee the 1st of Jan4?ry, l8tW, and sold betereen 'the 17th of Feb j ifiary and lat of July, 18ti4, by yourself or | Idongh agents in this or any other nakcl. i ||>olt to tins oiatier as tbe law will be rigidly j l%fore?d against all who neglect this or any ; a her tax. All returns must bo made to tbe 1 Meeseers, J. W. WEBBER, Collector, 27th District. >M>ct 20 25 tf_ + EHTRA.YEB f^BWM the pasture of Mrs. P. Kirbjr ? oppoln site the Brick liouse^u t below the black juiiih shop of A J has escaped k 11 ell Yearling W||I|H V ,llul white, io' blent ?s to amount TO^mPKilor. No paricular ear mnrke remembered. Any Information in regard to him, will be thaukrully remised and a liberal reward paid at this office. Oct 20 25__ t\ EStTItAY. STRAYED or stolen from the subscriber, about n week since, a middle site oow of i lirindle color with distil ct white spots on her Itinder purle, ami marked in the car with an iiiderslit cut. rdie had on when -he left a bell, suspended by a long leather collar. Any informal ion lodged at litis office or riven is no personally, wih b-- thankfully ucknowiedg | >>1 Ulld a Suitable * kw\iVsi)KR SCOTT. Oct 20 26 3t I COMMISsiON. R'S SALE, Ex Pww 0. W. VAKNETT, &nf the Court of Equity, 1 will sell to (lie highest l?i?lf her ileal h. t The Two Trade wdl he sold together, emsracmg 3u0 acres more or lees. The place is sell unproved, having u fine large Itrick lJwel- ' itig House and good ouihnil tings The lands ire vslimhl* 1 - -. ? . ..v Ill JiUII'l t'UH'lll Kill. I U is one of the most desirable small Farms in he District, situated II tunes South of Spar- | ituburg, and oilers a rare opportunity tor a food inve.stnieni TKllvlSOF 8 \ liK?Credit of one and two ireara. wi.lt interest from day of sale. 1'ttrsltaser will lie required to give bond with two tpproved sureies and mortgage of the premises to seeirrc the pnrrrttfse moirey.' T. STOBO FAKUOW, C. E. S. D. Oct 10 20 2w Titlie "VVlioat. 1IIAVE go! Alt;. MI I.Id A it 0 IIAVNKS as Miller, at ti e (Jfintlle Shoals Mills, whose reputation as*Mitler, lias been long known in Spaitanbiirg and Union Districts. 1 have given him an interest in the mill, and it is likeiy lie w- II remain lor several years, and will, 1 have no doubt, do every tiling in liis power to give genera' satisfaction, .lie will receive a.id receipt at this in ill all of tt.c lithe wheat iljrlli of I'ncolett. in Union lii?. iricl, and any in Spartanburg I'istrict lliat ui ay choose to deliver to this point, nil nu ihc tulllll side of I Ik- river ill il ui iy cllOi.se to d'1 mi. The producer inn n ml tiie w heat in hi* awn Imgi which canhufiiipiied.it the mill. I urn ready i? receive wheat at my Trough Snonl* Mills, ft oin\ny who tn iy cleuee to dc liver to tins place, embracing that part ot Spartunhnrg District, lying on Undue, Thick ?iy and Jleaverdam Creeks nod extending on wards lipoid Hirer, il can also Jp- brought in Hie producers own hags, winch can he cm plied The load a.II in u lew tiny* he worked. 11 * 'in N<>ah ib'tcr s store tu Hie Mdl, and can tic very ei?-)ly loutid. >u< h lias hum the i.e-t ex cut of etnhtirr 1*9 iiisii,- that *>a.? heea liroiiyhi to hear against n r in :n niy rep ci* tor a Coiisi.iprahl. period at lime. Ih it I it ive heen thus lar t|-layd in h .tig in readiness loi'liie rer [ lion and grill I nig the t the wncai at my mills, which Inct is .'i -utile extent known l?y many, and winch 1 li g to .diet' as an int.logy t o- (hi- I day to luc oliieeis ui ^iVe.iuiielil a d j>'" >kiie rs. \oois most respect tilIIV, LKltOY .Mi All 1* III'It. Ocl 2d 2*1 J \v ST A'l 1-: Ui '>1(1 N A. $/M(St mmS&f EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Cm.i miiia, (k'l. 12 1*ia, to t'apt J. 1* 'I NOMAS commanding, on the first day of .luiuiry next: First Cummikssionai. I>intuict. Sergt M \NGUM, (Jo. F, 20th"S. C. V. If. II. OWJiNS, Dee Dee Light Artillery. SkCONI) OoNilltESfloNAl, DISTRICT. Sergt. A F. O'lllllKN, Co I. 1st S ('. V. Tiiirh I'o.NtiRK.ssioNai. District. HKNJAMIN.f JOHNSON. Folk tit Coxi;ni>s!i?NAi, District. L. VAid'KI 11KAN. Cii- t ll:init?. 1oil 'll, S. IV. kuril i.'onciii.smon.u, District. TIIKODOKU O. WARD, Co. 1>, 22il <. C. V. Sixrn CoNokkssionai. District. Serj/t. MADISON F. HAWTHORN, Jo. F, 12th S. C. V. Thu applicants who have not l?ecn npminted mid who, tun) de-ire to renew tin ir ipplieitio.ts lor ili? nrM year, bliuultl jjivc tolicc ihereol in tiii* Department, lly older ot the Governor. il. F. ARTHUR, Private Secretary. K*x\. CoHimhia and Charleston naners >ul>n>li tri-wcckl^ (or two wtseks. All otht iihihtm in the Stale |>iiblisi] otico. Oct 20 25 It Onlral Association.. O.NTR Ik It I* UK A1?, Columbia, Oct. 1, 1864. IlKREAFTKlt, cars will be Ui?pitchcN V A IIN, Unbleached Siiirt ing.n iti'l t Niinbiii j?r. Wool I- niiieli needed to clot lie our Soldier* II lilt field, IIII11 I trust tunt ill - patriotic citi riis ot Spartanburg District, will r."?|?>??d. by iringiug in whatever surplus W ? ?>1 ihoy nniy n??e. ' .\. II. MclHlN K*,L. Agent for Spububurg District. Oct 1 i 24 4w LI JU?JWWB?i Coatral AmmUHm. Cimu. Uvuac, ltpt. il, 1854. Piiioxiu or Was. TIIR CtnlNtl Association will forward pack- | ages. cool lining Cloth ng and Tobaco, for I'KISONKKS OF WAR. to tbe pohsc efWxo nnge below llicliiiietid. AH obargoa on ibia aide of the line, will be paid by u*; Ibe ebargee on the other side, must be paid by tbo reoeirer. Also, all open letters of one page for Pju. sonant or Wa? will be forwarded by us. M. IjAHORDE, Chairman Association. P. 8. ? Boxes must be,securely strapped. ar it T- T- lunri uau/ iur one Uiooilli Papers of iho State please copy. Oct 18 24 It Pictures. Pictures. JUST tKcited e lot of new cases, which 1 will tell tu reduced price*. t ome nnd line* your pictmres.tekea while yon een g*i them cheep. | 1 will irk* provision* of ell kinds for pie > tuxes. Cell eerly es toy stock of cases is snutll. &JOUZON, Artist. Oot 18 24 ? 4k I Executor's Hale. WILL be sold to the highest bidder, on TUESDAY, the 1st of NOVEMBER*) next, nt the lete residence of CAS8ANDKA BARNBTT, deceased, on Tyg> r River M miles So.th of Spnri.-inbiirg O. II,, apart of the perhoiiill estate of tlio said deceased. CONSISTING OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, 1 LOT OF BLACKSMITH AND FARMING TOyLS, 1 COTTON GIN, THRASHER AND FAN, 2 LEATHER GIN BANDS. 1 OA It KI AO K AND HARNESS, 1 FOUR HOUSE WAGON AND HARNESS, 1 MA HE AND MULE COLT, 1 LVltGE CLASSES KETTLE, 1 SPINNING MACHINE, . And other thing!* loo te lions to mention. AI#SO? A Tract of I.Xnd known us the James Masuu tract, containing 75 ACRES, | Lying on Furgers<>n's Creek, and bounded , by Umh of Mrs. t'ntliarine Mu?on and others. This Tract contains some very good bottom and upland in n state of cultivation. TERMS OF SALE?The land will be sold I on a credit ol one two nnd three yenrs. (Equal installments with interest from day of anle with two u| proved sureties nnd mortgage of the premises. The person tl property will be (1 on rri* .It nf ? ?* , ... ...... V mum tin Willi imriTBI from ilny of halo, with two approved sureties for aH minis of I'ivn Dollar* and over, and all mini* under Five Didtsrs'casTi.' "VurchnsevS'td comply with Terms of 8 ile before the right of property is changed. Failing to comply the proeprty, wi 1 be immediately rc sold at their risk. M. F. BARNKTT, T. 0. HEADY. ' K&'ors. Oct 13 24 3t Til K ST AT K.OK SOUTH CAltOMNA Citation for Letter* of Administration by Jno. K irle llotnar. Ki?jr., Ordinary. 1* ' HF.IIKAS JAM1CS 8 S i HOLD has filed { || his petition in my office praying thai !et lers of Administration, upon the estate of .SARAH STROL'D d"eei*i"l. or. all nud sin! gular the good. and chatties, rights cre.lits of said decoi.i'-d late o! .ml D.strict, should i not !? g> anted iliem I. These me therefore to c to mid admonish a'l and singular, the kilidrel mid cred.tors ot the said decease 1. to be and appear in the ("out I of Ord.tiary. for said Disfric . to be hnlden on Mnliday the 24lh of October, iM/nst, Ift ibuw cause.il any why the said Administration should not be grained. Witness my hand nnl of office. this 10th ot October. ISiil. J'MIX FAULK BOM.YR, O. S. D. Ot 13 21 2i* TilK STATU OK SOUTH I'AUOLIN A L SIWRTANRUKO DISTRICT. > t'iiati n"for letters ol' Administration by Jno. liarle llomar, K?qr. Ordinary. * 11 liuK S W. W. R||