CAROLINA SPARTANr 4 * I ^ - ^ f- ?r ?T- ? - ?,,?, -, - n / i WM. H. TJUMMIER gtV?U4 t$ JtoUUIS f*Utfcfc ftUKtOMfr ?S PBR ANISUBt N\i >" ? :?? -r '??*?'1?l' ?-?," "? N ' ?(MU XMlr SPARTANBURG, S. C.. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 20, 18(54. - NO 25 \ 9POST ds*FXOBl4 V AO M T II E DATE. .V - tm *)' for Spartanburg and Union. Rail^ trill elose evocy Ay, (Saturday's except ti> at 4 P'. M mail for Mcrileville, clene* every Wed' feM^Vi *l . 4 P. M * j" The utail for Oreeav|lle, c'csei every Mun 4 4tt, Wednesday and Friday. at 4 A. M j The mail for Scufiietowiij clones every Wed needay, at . 4 P. M * f Tb? mail for Rttihurfwrdton, N 0., cl??*ei very Monday and- Thursday. at 4 P. M t The mail for Lauretta C. II., (direct) clos<^ very'Friday, at . . 4 I?. M . The mail lor Vorkville. via t'Limeatoni . Ispriuga direct) closes every Sunday, at 4 1* M The niiail fur Jacksou's IIilk, closes cvcrj Sunday, at . 4 P. M } ifbe mjjll for FfugeVville, closes every Wed >, > *. weeday, at 4 P. Nl < The mail for Shelby, N. C., closes even / (v 4l?. M The mail fur Yerkville, S. C., (via tjoudye villa) closes every W'educe ay. at 4 P. M The mail for Mountaia itidge, closes everj Jridajr. at 4 A. M /. A. LKE, P. M Oct. 18. ISO I. TAX irv KINI).* SPRODUCERS of Spartanburg District aic here>Ub.lU I tiuu, HUM 1'iIUKY YAKOOliOUQH, (Near Wood mil's.) JAM hid L. HILL. Receipt* from any oilier nrTTs than those above n*mei?trict, to wit s H. ukaty. ii. i. LKllOY Mc.U'.TJIUR. (I. F. Si dl'SO.V, Cr plain ami,Tost Quartermaster. oth C. Lb, S C. Bopi i5 2d 2m nnipiw vnT'rp i , V V III ? t>if l? V IVI4 I ft L!< the member* bc'oiiging to my com r\ psujr, are cumin tnded In rcii'leitniK at h|*.?i-tai>i>ur^ C. II., on t .c lir*i SATUKDAY iu tSoieullM-ruttii, for drill aud iimtriiciion. and to in ?kif all noeiiH'krjr arrange u;uu lor I lie complete organuaiiou o; ilic c >iu|>ai:jr. 1). M. illliil, Captain. Oct 20 2.1 ESTRAY. WILLIAM UUA< K'VOi K) latin im a large SO UK I. L S1ALI.ION llO..SIv tiiuul m:i mm ef :y>-. - . ' J li M V IIS!i ALL Lieut.*nn I Enrolling OQice. Sept 22 21 81 Wunlod to IM AlSttl \ I i.L\ Twenty llnttil- to wm-lt a nu Iron For;;c, in thi' District, for whtci lite highest mi?h pricrs will lie pnul. Applj at tin* orttce or by lettei to the subscriber u l'acoletto Depot. LEE L SMITH. 8ep 22 21 Ira KiiroUiiio* Oilioo, orAU Axuunu * !., O. V/* AII ?11 I O, y^OMl'LAlNTS have b?cu made to me lint certain person*^ ??ho iiavc been dttiiilm om^rouii'U or public ncoeraiiy, Arc chargiiif unreasonable prices for the products ot ilieii labor, l'be necessity for ilie detail of a mm - ceases, whenever his neighbor's deterniini thai his prices are unreasonable All aucl parsons will certainly be sent to the army. Tanners, Millers, Shoemakers. Itlackxnii hs Mill wriglils /to.,' take warning Von arc do tailed for the betielit ol*your neighbors, nut ot on any other grounds J. II. MARSHALL, Lieut, nr.d Enrolling Officer. Aug 11 16 ir .NOTICE TO TRE8P4S8ER8. WE IIKIIKBV give notico thai we wil prosecute according to taw, any tm very person, who m iy hereafter liespiiss 01 mrr hind situntod rear the town of Spartan foitg. CAM 15 RON SuL'O. May 28 4 If PalmHto Sharpshooters, TIIK turn al present absent without leavt from Company M.t of this Regiment, wil . ' return at onoe to their command or ho adver liaed as I>es?rters. * F. 0. LATHAM, Capf. Co. M.t P. 8. 8. 10U Carolina Spnrtan will copy,turec lintci and send bill. 8epl 22 21 8t Dental Notice. H| WILL he in my office only iliroe days it 1 H?o week, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY nni SATURDAY. C. LEE. D. D 8. ' i ??? ? Lost, T>BTWBCN fhe .Methodist C'.turcli an?r Mr if II. Mitchell's, a small gold LtJCKHT? about the site of a twenty-five rent piece?con (aining a .gentleman's likeness A liberal re Ward will be pa d for it if leR at this office Aug 2* 17 tr CLAIM AGENCY. As many persons have made application to mo to obtain amount* due to their do-' ceased kindred for effects of which they ' died possessed of, and of which no account i has been given. I woshl say to nil such that I oii? uow in correspondence with an * I agent at Itichmnnd, tt> obtain said amounts, and by calling on me at my office, I will endeavor to recover the same lor them, j J. M. KLFORD, Claim Ageut. I August 18, 18(14. ' I CLAIM AGENT, I I have received STATK OF SOUTH UAltOLLW 1 OFFICE OF THE COM I'TKOLLE K GENhi. Colombia, July 20:li. A. I)., 18(51 I HEREBY certify. That J. M. EL FORD t. Spartanburg So. Co, Agent of the *ter cii ints Insurance Company, incorporated l>^ i i.n v;..i,,.J n.??nii..i _;.i. ...... . ..b.v....."II conditions nmi reqir. nitidis of ilic Aoi of the , Uvmeral Aaseiuh y entitled, An Act to regu? ' bite the Agencies of Insurance Companies i ot iiicorjinruio.l iu llie Stale ot S nili Cnrolius," ' mid I hereby Licanso the mi?| J. M. KI lord, ( Agent, ns loresiid, to lukc risks and transact all business of insurance, in thin tale, for, a <1 in belinlf of said Cotr.pnny, to continue until ' January 18G>. ' W. LAVAL, For Comfitroller General. Sep 15 . 20 8t JjjtiSO lioAvard! UKAWAY from the subscriber on lh? . AV? l?)' negro Hoy, Giles, lie is I aliout 5 feel U inches high ; copper color, aloiut 1!* years ot age ; on when he left a blue Jeans coat, besides taking O'htl* c.othes with hjtn. 1 will give a rewariLof Fifty Dollars for bis apprehension and lodgment many jail so that 1 Can gel him. * ' MRS. JUNIUS THO SON. i June lti 7 if I tyliue* Lime! f Jtwf?! ' AT the kilns. Fresh Lime is now on hand ' of the boot Q ia'ur. for exchange unlv lor ' provision*. Iw-iil>er, iron no., fr.tu kite |roilv ' cor?., Kxciiungc onlT on ?ho jri't vioew on | fjorh -i-h- %-. e*un v , Eob la U if ( Knrollin.ll'iu in'l II oil I h'ii,l II.Ml IIIM.II. '.II I .......J " > > ?... - , Wnfe tins o|>|? 1111111 v t-> return to iheir j yciii't >l?i ? inuliiilo? "? feet 8 incites big . m.iU weights iilx.til I |i) pmTtxis. 1'ink is .1 to be lurking about the ?>i I'm |.. 1 ohcllo. in this District. The above t \v..i?l r will lie puiil fur bis-apprelietisiuu un ! !?? i^.? ; incut in iiil. II II iitii .lv i ? July 21 12 IZ. l^siiiw \\ " IIJ< give to a 11 in t! til 11II: 11 > > I ' j |'. * v private lessons in instruincninl m? ' .ii\n;-? ably. in advance. Kur die henrfii ofnlinnc *!io d''?i i.>iii . i> n. lien lor il>e p .siiio'n* ?>l I'cac ami < i I ei niie^s, a separitioclaas wiM lie lm < i i?r :ii i hiruciion in Hie theory nod harmony of music f Knrly application* arc requested. I July 14 11 tf TOWN OKI) I i IN Civ. BK it orilaiiii'il, thai from and after I I.e.1st > day of October ucx . Thai all tinu;? i mi mil); at largo within tlic inr-.rji r>te lirmi* nl_ llioiowu. Thai the ownei- ti.eioa' >ti i! In i liable to ihu |-:iy in* i>I <>l Ton i' i; . - un ?.ii 1 each final to In- paid on demand lor ilie ,-auie , t Done and ratified in Council. Mt-jit Id. 1M>1. I r J. II CLEVEL4N1), Iiiiemlant. i J. M. Kluiiui, Clci It. 5 8ept ^ 21 4t , 1 I >i>m I :i I TV , Y office i* over Uobo, Kilwrtrdi & OnrlijU' }T I I'i* * Ulico. C. LEK, L>. D. 11. I .\inreli 13 1 jr Hi: 1IMJIA RTEK'S, coNscuirr department, Coi.i'mkia, September 1, l(if>4. Sir: I'-y hj>ec.iil order of t lie War Depart meut nil members of company K 27tb K? pi j inent 8 C. V., recently dlrbumltil lunch** I unsigned to Other companies in the panic it me ti I. 1 Von will net upon thin letter n* informal in nnd cmihi* the return of nil kucIi men, ubst ii < without leave, to their coin.i.and-i. Respectfully i ours, ROBERT \V. AND, Lieut, nnd A A. Lieut. M aiiiiii.w.l, Enrolling Office, Spin tan i burg C. II tax in iit.\t>,~citop^rK ii?r PRODUCERS are hereby notified thai 1 am now ready to receive tho 'lithe NY neat, Outs. Hye, Cured Hay and Wool ot the crop of 18114. It is desirable that the Producer pay the whole amount due on his estimate at the tuimo > limp,- < poeetnte. mi hh in luko h receipt in lull. { , The receipts of MdlerV who l-nve lie n an | t homed lo collet tho tithe wheat, will l?c j . ink en up by mc flUd credit d 011 the Producer* j ^intuit, ~ hi ell cusen tho grnin inuit I e ury nud in 1 good condition, when delivered either nt the mills or the '!*ix Depot*. J will tiirni-.ii to the i . Producer* gin in suck* for the r returned to thin Depot. J 'A. H. KlllKY. Agent, Depot No. 1, See. 4, *th C. D., S. C. ' *rpl "JO 'otos 1 1IKTU11IN OP EL Cm = (3 ~ BOXES. . ' 2 Sr ' s i Army, . . . 272 267 2 Court House, . . 129 18211 Chmokce, ... . 48 Bethlehem, . . . l'i 9 Beech Springs, . 2 4 1'nColett, . . 10 22 ('iritis' Old Field, . . 14 15 Glenn Springs, . , . 27 8 ! Limestone Springs, . . 28 28 ' Thorn's, . . . . 8 11 McKolwj'*, . . . GO. Walls' Mill, . '. ; 8 7 Woodruffs, . . . 11 ft ; Cross Anchor, . . . 22 21*; I 1 ^Ll _ t wm i . ' &IOUUJ Nf . . . 1/112 Jolinm.nviUc, . . . . 7 12 Hurricane Shoals, . . 7 0' 17 10 Wilkcus', . . . 12 18 " Cunningham'*, , # # 0 20 ' Kiel* >*>'1, , 2 8 Cashviilc, , , , 7 5. f>'< i ?i le . . . 0 C ' i' iiu> 1<\ . . 7 7 . . 0 0 M f"i . .11 10 ii ... 81 vv. tilie: s. . . . . 0 1 )i< run, . . ] 3 0 V rnousville, * . . . 7 0' h?r H I , 0 2 Springs, . . . 8 3 1 Sol tude, . . . 0 00 Moore'*, ... 1 8 11 entry'*, . . . 8 5" I'ampobullo, . ..58 |{ivin.'*vil!e, . . . 20 ?0 lioinar'n, . . . 3 7 l?ra*.-y l'ond, ... 65 7557537i A D D It K S 5 To tbe People of dm Slulp* of Nurlli Carolina .South Carolina. Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Miwiritlppi and Tennessee. At a inciting of the commissioners o pour respective States to fix prices -unil-i he impressment law*, convened l?y orde )l the Secretary of War, at the instance o lie Secretary ot the Treasury, ut Moutgnin ry, on the 20th instant, for mutual confer, wi'h a view to uiufuiuniy ??i price lift ween the several States, an.: by a redtic th-rr oP'pnees just to the (hittrttweif uni lie people, to su.itiiu th<* credit Mujitfv, the ttwli'rifetic3 wore apj"mliit*?Hr Minuiitlcu to address ynu on this importun uliject, and to appeal to you, who of a! Iiuve it most in \oui power to hring uhnii (his desired result, to eoiuc to the ..i 1 o li.e Secretary of the Treasury, to'the ait jf the Commissioners, ami to the ai l eui to t at mw ji.itrio'iMii on tiie j?art ol tin He at l.uui rtuvilliliy to -u, py tiie ii an-> It lew-' t>. ki (e.\ ii in y,.ii il.ut in |.i ' > t M'i? j- I lit CioVei wineiii eX [it'll." s art it wet i, >o iii jitij uriH ii i!.> Iiur i? ii upon vo iy taxation be reduced, 'i o r? iitiet its expenses )ou must uivc valrn to I e i r. ncy, .>o that its puichusinp power ma tie inert u>etl. and tiie largest amount e supj lies M-cui'td with the lcaht*Miiiouiit u n oiwy. 'l'heic ar< two ways ftjprt v.nil to our currency. '1 lie first is to dniittu.-l its volume,' the Hiewtid to have c nti ietic in (aoveriiliicnt securities Until the-e du pvtid upon yourself. Thei< are two way> t<> diminish the Mil wine of i':e tuw tii.i: is, tn.luritsl the (tot. 11.tin ni '.m y.'tn sinjilu- suppln at a it'V> i ?i i * j tiie hi., in iimo-I your kUi jnus money m Ijorcfniut lit secuiittes. I liiUsl lc I'Iuiii tu )bU that tins \\ill*su<>l< 1 your holies tile iio\ eriiiue|il indebtedness wluel will . e returned to you in ititciest u ?> her securities, uud in y?>ur diminished but dens <>t taxation. Ilut do you distrust tit (iivo ut securities? it you ?io, m> distrust youi own cause, jir?5 by rod iv impede ilie ;.rugiess ot yuilr independent-. ,i ii uiio ut \ ur Stales was rentes- nte. bv , iiUi'ii, alid I lie t Ollllll ISsluiRT niaitiro consideration, deii i > uiiuriu schedule ot maxi ( te< 'ih several Slates, redue n. t i -. .ii: i i'ic* s licreloldro about one ti>. i r j i imps sTi^litly more. An ex trnv ti ( - eiu-in^ left arks ol the l'i?r idem will nrloriii you ol the epirit oftli ,1-1.1 i... . vnti/uiiii ,uun Ul lilU \ I'll Yl!ll 11' >11. "Never, in nil my expeiicncc in.tKlilKtr tilive bodies, tinvm 1 seen manih ted hi i harmony, more courtesy, ami more conut.i utioti between the members thcuiselx? ami between them ami tlie Cliait, thai have b :en exhibited in your cntiie pvor. ? d in^s; ami each member ol the (VcVonlioi has, witli earnest ami coiisciciitioUx tanh luliitsH, endeavored to iiscliarjte his Jut; to the Government and the people. "We have unitedly taken an fld\ft'.ice< step in itie reduction ol prices hy th ah liShiuent of a unilorin maximum r",;'(ih?h to sunt tin the credit ol l he . urrcnev. tie responsibility ol which each one ol i. !ia deeply felt, hu* o Hieh' necessity cnuipv'l*' \E>y f "* I o (0.) t ECrriON FOR 1H?4. 1 za T* 55 ?> v. t* ? H ? T" <; k* o * . . i | - ? ? f -r-r ? f * ? 531 i - * U'lff ;? . & S* 72 1??> 307 *00 219 112 V# 171 204 100 120 ?;j 84 80 80 98 84 27 17 12 12 8? 1 7 o 13 4 4 C 1 l4 8 0 12 H 4 13 0 8 1 9 4 3 40701 2 75600 |3 24 U 24 7 7 1 8 5 13 ?, 8 9 7 8 1 10 3 14 10 0 2, 19 21 3 . 3 12 8 8 25 1 7 1* ' 14 21 24 17 W 8 7 10 2 20 9 7 6 1 12 4 11 2 2 1 1 0, i U 17 1 ^ K. 10 A 1 o K - u 4 * IU U ?l l?j V 4 u ?? 4 0 Q 0 ,0 0 0 .,8 0 1 <1 1 '8 20 d a:l J 2 10 4 2d 37 6 5 ' L>7 17 10 7 IS 1 10 18 7 4 ? I 8 14 2 7 11 .0 6 3 8 5 8 ? 7 8 8 0 5 13 4 18 10 13 5 < |2 14 9 9 10 0 1 3 0 10 0 < 0 17 8 21 0 12 13 1 1 12 2 ? 12 15 10 17 7 2.00 0 2 2j 14 15 9 10 3 21 5 8 5 6 Ij* 8 G 3 78 12 1 7033? 4 5 0 8 8 2 10 0 10 7 0 t 11 71485300321 83001 7 0 0 0. 4 0 < 8 2 10001 79001 2 15 0 0 2 10 0 0 2 3 1 i 1 0784 1 7 50024] 2 0 1 10 2 14 0 1 0 17 5 10 12 0 1 in 0 8 4 0 0 1 j ' 10 4 1 0 2 8 1 1 0 7 0 I 412 15391 8272' >0 17 3 0 9 19 10 3 0 1 Oi) 1 223 1 443230' 0 5 9 0 1 10 8 0 1 0 5 ' 11 10 2 1 3 2 1 0 i 0 0) 7 13 33655 1441!* >7 27 14 51 24 40 5 18 2 13 .7 ! < Q4ZdU13&U iau I 0 0 -12 9 5 23 8 0 18 2 y7 088 031 550 547 4SJ 037 414 347 310 301. us tu take in tlic exigencies of the county "'1 lie people, 1 think, will appreciateouif action, ai.?l approved what duty required lid patriotism demanded; hu* wt ether approved by all or not, ours is the rcsporisi I I '?t!iiy; and we leave it to rhe CHitu ju $;- j r iici t of thut pulihc opinion which it ^oes r ?ut to meet, and which, tilled w tli u just I aupreciulioii of the success of our struggling j ciu.-c. will determine justly upon the ineaa- | arcs which wo bavelakeii, linancially, to . uiaiutuiii it*." I CongVias has provided that the expenses I I ?! the Government are to he paid in trousU i r y note! nil J certificates uf indebtedness | pff CVU. iBIiimi, pavuKi* (?.,! ( years utter the ratification ul it treaty ot ' i ;ienoc, ail I tree trwur taxation. These cvr | t.fieatcs are interned to reduce the volume ] | ti the currency, and are the moat valuable , | means olpiyiuent ulle red kiy the Uoveiu? i uieiit. I ] (| We eaiiiiot too 8'rongly ur^e upon ail j creditors ot the Government, n* it measure | lor their own interest, and to sustain the ; cieJit of the currency to take these c iriit! ; Cities lor nM surpluses bryoetl what their I necessities nmy require in treasury note* i ( accuinulutiii ? in the hnn-Ja o^the capital- | i>is ami others being iuvisted ill the pur- , i clui.*e of I lie It 'll taxable six per c-uit. bond* ; j . provided to he sold tor the redemption *>i j I tho.-c notes, the currency wili ue reduce*! > ; lo the aettial l?..siiie.** wants ot tlR* counti v. ! ( I i * credit restormi. piicc* lowered, the ex? i o! I lu 1 i overiniieiit c?*oi.ouii*??d. lux If* dinitiiisiied .41.1 i lie r?? , a.u* ?i i" 'nitu of war, such as we liavu been ? ' a cu>UMti(-u to in time of ponce May wo 1 n ?t > i It reason, L'iii>ii'li'iiiY and hope, ?|i? I i . i !i lit ii\ idiml.* ai tt to all elas-es ''i II I 'ji, I J U III* ill llCCUlllpliall i: , ' hi ?l .-.r.ililf re-U't. A ; : I to hires-, we append a let- i u. ii. .'.! * r t-ri.iuiy ?i| tlie Treasury, mi _ iii.sst'ii i.i the t oumns-ioner?, giving ilic v ui -l cri -i-e view oi i h?? coikIiihii ol i ho | , ,1' v ''*' *i' l ii'iil i he exposition ot the rcu ,, jMi.n wliu-ii niiucuctd the action ot the ; * 'on \ ciit.oil. 'i Tuka.-i hv L>;, C. S. A., ilichinond, Sept. 8, 1S64. Tu tlie C miinii-yioncrs ?>t prices tor the scrotal Stales, assembled in Contention at ' Montgomery, Ala : The Secret ai v ol War having re oininissioiiers n ol the several Stn en, to consider tiie prac ii t'.lMtiillly an i expediency oi u itorni .-coed o ulrs ol prices 1 avail Olyselt ol the Occasion ii to oiler you, witli orrut respect him! deter - eiice, some remarks upon the important Ii subject is lo iiijjhjjo your iitteii'iou. i, i lie condition olilTe currency, uud the i " ?ini?:iir.;H?iiiciits resulting troiu iu? deruiigj i e merit. U1C well kiewn to ull V\ lien |>oid u .se Is at tAi toy lor one u.s Compared Willi i? 11eu-ii \ note*. cveiyb niy umiersiaiid* that i lie ei r ney is dcptVcialcd; uud when It Is I a a nd l.e < ?o?einiiieiil supplies arc pur < , eh !>e?l v?ith litis depreciated currency, We all nut Island us well (h it the expenditures inii.?t necessarily b. heavy l)ui then. e\lis should not lie allowed to ^o lurihcr.? < i the ability ot the iiovernuieut to conduct I - the War to ;t siiecesslul issue, and the hap I i I pines* and well.ire "I our people alter the t* Will shall llaVC || I III IIMlt'd. mi: l11 you by I'ongrcss M'euw to reside, uu e j ocr existing laws, tlu; only power capable i I interposing a dheck to tlic progress ol i i. depreciation. a i i Looking tin-in to tlio dignity of your of i ficc, and ttic iu>'!iii'iil?Ui results depending upon your in-ill.ii, i have thought it my do j - ty lo e< hi in 11 ii. rat i! to you every it lorina? i ) lion pirns Mod l>y tins dej ar uieiit tliat nr-y aid your judgment in the discharge ol your j I important duties. i i ()i.e active causa of i lie depreciation is i i d.MriiKl ol the tiovernii ant securities ; r- | will <11 I in ' t<> .-liow Hiai this i? without iii.snii.ii.u- ioundhtion. MIB '1 i.e ? piio'.11* <: ',>t. i.. . ] uu*-1 j o * "^iIJIic L tLfciiy funded, wiuj, on the first of Jnly 'Iwt, bout, $1,260,000,000. I'b< e*pen?es from 1st July ro 31 at December are estiii.sled at about, 325,000,000. Making an aggregate of, $1,515,000,000. In this aiuc int is included $250,000,000 >f 4 per cent, bonds, to be issued in place >t a like amount of o^d burrency, funded mder the ac* of l?tb February, 18G4 ; but i considerable portion of this sum will be 'eturucd into the Treasury under the tea ml?or in Vnrla iko akJa aiini v\m. lured by the taxation of the present year, nill be applicable to the reduction of this iggregste ni $1,575,000,000. Let a lib? >r*l allowance, however, be uiade for oppolite contingencies, and let the debt on the 1st of January, 1405, be set down in round miiiltera *kt $1,3 0,000,000. Let tho war ?e aup|>OM*4l to continue, and its progress o add $500,000,000 more to the national lebt, making an aggregate finally $i,000,)00,000. This wou'd ent-iil upon as an iniiuul interest ot $140,000,000. Why should our ability to bear thi bur. hen'be doubted 1 liefore this war, it was dieted (anu in my opinion with great ruth) that a suui tully ss great as thi# *a# annually paid in tribute to the North | ?rn Siah'S. Why should it not be pajd | sritlt erjual ease tc our own (internment, >y whoiu it will be returned to us in the pay nient ^>1 inteicflt? It may be sup|m??d by some that the magnitude of the debt, in proportion to our property, niuy lead to general insolvency uid bankruptcy. lf l??*iriji ruined 7 And what is true ot one citizen in this respect, or of one class, is s?|ually true ot the whole community. The alarm must arise from inattention to the itn[>ortaiit consideration that we are icllng to the Government,-year by year, inly the surplus ot our annual productions 'i here is one way, however, in which the deut may l?e made oppressive, na the Toll.twin^; transaciion will show. The Government paid on one occa-ion 3300.000 for certain supplies ; and the party who received this sum bought with it, from a forand tor the payment of whom the public debt im created, most vastly and naturally learn, bow uiueb letter they are served, when your moderation in restraining tbo public expenditures, confines wulun more nrtidutit limits the mnrlu>vs nnon vonr ?a i ? ? ? r-r- -rv" J"' "" I mips; and with hnw much g.enter safety they may theuiHclvc* become the purchaa-, PT? nl-?(hmp m tu p?-s into the IiuiiJn uf loretiiiiem Tim whole question, complicated an it may a first ap|**ar, i? perfectly simple and lien in a nut elicit. CtiigresM has ordered the iollowiirg cx|>ciiditure* to l>c made, vis: For pay of the army, $75,000,000 F?fr clothing, alioca, uiatciial, traiia .pOruttioii, d?c. 125,000.000 For provisions lor the army, lUO.000.000 fdO ,000,000 pigncr# 815,000 in gold, deliverable iu Kuglaiid. With the WdO.UOO obtained, the foreigner then bought an ei{ual amount ot Government bonds, bearing 7 per cent, per annum interest. li follows that arthe end of the war, for ? 15.000 thus acquired hy t e citiseu, the Joverament rill owe a debt ot &>o0.000. The citixcu will receive annually $1,050 interest; the Government will pay annual I) $Jl,UlM Had he. on I he contrary, boil' ht thi.' boiida him elf, the $21,000 an.... '.i.. ?.? .l . n . ?> ly |IUII| uy lll? V*ov?rittUOni WOIII'J buT? been r.ceived by one of i s own citiHons, mid ilie country, "4-< a whole, Would have been neither ru'iirr nor poorer. I ?i ui(i earnestly "impress it | ton your e?naiduration, but when traced through ad their various ramifications, this is at la>t the un itoriu result ol- every cits : in which su|?tiliet are sold to iho Govei mnent, au>i prop crty of any description in bought with the money, to the oxclusiou of Government so curtties It should be borne in mind that we have now no oomtntrcial chow in thin country; (hat the banks hum hut u limited capital of alsiiit $?1),OUO,()OU, and beyond this sum hate no power to purchase Government b.imis Thrgieat tunas ol our cititens then, of emry ciasa, inu-t combine, and take Government securities, end notb ittg else, in exchange for Treasury t otes, or liic piitjipJPltuuo in(.* 11 thiv iro abroad. i here m ih> mttfgltiviuvi ot'uui own citizen*, who have rtitfjpotter to p?troh*.?c aid hold > I /xJ-J.OOU OT bond* The (|U< ation then i.i between fmntiedeht he r.g taken bv our entire (*<;ot ( There faii be no escape from the ) pay inent ol the debt ; it held by loro^ncra, \ie could not eva In it il we wou'd ; it held uou JII-ujiit-, WW WOUI'J I1CI II W ] Cou ! been made, and the community io be is possession of the 93001,000,000 ot Treasury notes, tho nest, will tbej pass them about from band to hand, change for property at extravagant priors, Until tbey gradually fall into the bands of foreigners, and.are exchanged by them far Go eminent. bonds; or will evoty eititea take tba Government bonds himself. I have endeavored to nrnvs that nn? im* U. wrest consist* iu following the letter course. Hoping that jou may concur in these views sod that jour deliberations may re suit in proiuiting the welfare of our suffer* iug oountrj. i remain jour most obedient servant, U. A TRKNHOLM, bec.etarj of Treasury* To the foregoing letter of the Seereiarj ef the Treaaurj, we ckn add nothing to the coll tfpou the iuterest and patriotism of the people to ootue to the support of the Government in a measure of rdform which we are attempting to inaugurate, and the suooeas of which is so essential, if n> t indispensable to the life of the Confederacy. joun j. Moray, ^ * WILEY W MASON, I Committee. U. B. WILKINSON, ) c ,.i 07 i on t **S vu i^UUIVI J J ovpu <61 y lout. UEORCIA. We are atitt without uj defiaito iaformotioa from our army jr. Gsorgif, omUfc . wa ?pyBM, to the embargo lay* by O?. Hood on the -ending oT The tuMowing uMMta wf jaiki k| dhptHiaflf j^' the fog which just now bhroods everything iu that quarter: The affair at A1 toon a hoa been greatly ? magnified iu importance, so far as the movements and lotoes of our loroce are oonoera ed. Gen. French's division made a recon nuisance iu the dircetiou of the eucmj** position, bat finding them strongly posted iu greutly superior lorde, withdrew with comparatively a alight loss. Oar ioibrmnut does not liolievo il-.e runmr mirMnt ? the city yesterday, list Stewart's corps had Altuom, with two thousand prisoners. At* toona is one of Sherman's largest depots in his rear, and of course lie it strongly gai riasoned aud fortified. A private letter from an* officer or Jis* tinctii u in the army, dated Dallas, October 7 th, 'says: "Stewart's tor pa cut the road near Ack worth, tearing up twelve or fifteen uii os, sad capturing the garrison at Acworth, big Shanty, Moore's Station and biuui'a Station The prisoners taken number about four hundred, (leu. French at* tncLed AI toon a, took two or thiee works a. d about one hundred prisouer*, but did not ?it'ack their last position, as he did not Uwns.der the capture of the place would compensate for the iuovitable loss of life. We are at thi? place, going??where I will uot nmy." hUerldan'M Moveniealt. It is (lie impression tu rnrnie quarters, that Sb?ti?Un, after leaving apart ot his foro.-s at Stnwburg, will tend the remain- ? der to reinforce Grant. 'iho repair of the rail road from Manassas to 8tra*t>org will enable hiiu to procure hia supplies from Alexandria, au?i alao to facilitate the tranaporutiuii of his troops to Alexandria, if he ooatewplatas sending them \>y water to the aid uj Clraiit. The enemy has been ru. pairing the Alexandria au 1 Orange ruaj, but thC reuiof .1 of (bo uiaturiab from tho llappakauuuok. where they had been ool looted tor liie re building (he bridge Aorosa that stream, loukiu it ha had abandoQQd the idea of moving in the direction of Gordonsville. 1 Wo libera from Fredericksburg fay that OltO Federal cavalry jrere iu Stattord wu Monday last, marching in the direction of Fredericksburg) but is they were in the upper part of the county, they woro probably only a raiding ?.?*J ti.iun; u V'^nn^e ivNilruud, and not the udrancu of an army. The concentration of a l?rg? furoe at Manassas h ive been with the original intention of moving in the direction of Gordons*ilie; bat tc,ent? in iki.Vatlcy may have euused him to chango his jfrtsgrainmc. \N e are of opinion that the tar- v ger portion of tlto tro ps under Sheridan will he runt to Grunt try transport* from Alexandria. Footstep* or huv^?The first step towards 4ovo is 10 piny with a oouaia, i here is a "freedom trom starch" ia tka mUromrsc ol young people io this relation* that ripens as naturally into affsatioa as buds into fruit, or tadpoles into Mlfrog*. _ _ . A friend of oura IMS lavsntsd a capital - ^ way to prcagM tbo swell if eoohinff ia a house. It ia to hare nothing for Hreakfttft and warm it orraa diuner tad sapper. At