* >>vv: ; " . i -. f y? y'VvT^F 'V * * ?" '' r ., ;.* . 5 (9 CAROLINA SPARTAN. . * w^ju *i- ritiMMiKH. gnwtni to >outhm? #iflbt>, politics, ^rr-Uure, anil gUwllanu. 95 per annum, ' VOL.. XXL SPARTANBURG, S. C.. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 22, 1864. No|I From ;he Daily South Carolinian. . HOWARD S. BOBO. . n mt ow rmi 18th or avodit, 1844. Bt ku gome from hla hoaae like tke sunbeams, whteh play Ia U^r beauty around us, and then pass away? like tM Hft of the tweet summer flowers, ;u whiohflll TV< Sir with their fMgranoe, bat droop at the ehlll Of the Aral Wintry blast. He has parted with lift, ' >>lid the clamor of War and the chill winds of strife. With the brave of our army?the best of our ' 1 hudHe feared not in hardships or danger to eland; He quailed not when missiles of death sped around? Hot oa?e faltered heat the oannon's dire sound. With glory and hope in his bosom ho fell ? IDs fell, gallant boy 1 at his post, fighting well. His eotnrades are weeping around his cold form; He heeds not their abrrow?he feels not the storm Of strife and of battle; his soul is at rest Where trouble and pain shall uo more fill his breast? Ho fife call to duty! no drum beat alarm! He reveille rob his sweet dreams of their ^ charm 1 He is sleeping so sweetly?Oli! friends, weep not now! Remember that glory and love crown his brow; Dispel the dark anguish which l-idos wiih you still. And sweeps o'er your heart?stings with pitiless thrill. Auothnr star beams above in the bright band To vuide vou in smfatv to thai liantiv laml To thee, age J aire, whose silver locks tell That Heaven la not distant?(here thou shall aeon dwell; To the faahful tuolhcr, whose sad, breaking heart r Now feels that the dearest and best must dcf*r?; l'?? the brother?sisters?may God send iiis lose To comfort you here and to lead you above WESTON. jci.cutUA. Aliens 81, lS'ii. {tilt*) Leif !>um ? Ltdy > ... hi I U K A or A WOULD UE "LADY KILLER." Somebody's Ijvps -Are just like his gloves, Which he puts'on and o(T at pie sure; Ho can vln?j?* ml election. W? art aatboriiM lo tnnouoce Col. JUS. WALKER, an a candidal* for tit* Legislature, ?U Uaa next ensuing election. W# are authorised to announce M<0> J. W. WKBBHR, aea oandidate for the Legialature, *t A* next easuiag election. .We are authorised to announce Maj. WW H. FOSTER, aa a oandidate for the Legists* tera ai the nest>eaauing election. Hi are authorised to aanouaoe 1>?. Jaaaee if. SfcarW, H a aea did ate for the Legislature, at ih? **? ??* **!?&. TAX IN KIND. OFFICE jjbove (he store room forme^rW occupied by Col C. W. H. Lege, where I may he found until the 29th inst. After that time I will endeavor to attend at the following places on the days etatod: Glenn Springs, Monday, 29th August. Cross Anchor, Tuesday, 80th August. Hobbys, Wednesday, 81. Hebron, Thursday, lat September. Walnut Grove, Friday, 2d September. Spartanburg G. II., Saturday, 8d September. Gentry's, Monday, 5th September. Covins' Old Fie.d^L'uesday, Cth Sept emWood ruff*, Wedncs uaiiinuiin, rriuiij, I VCIOOCT. Spartanburg, Saturday, 8 October. Hivin^nville, Monday, 10 October. Packolet. Tuesday,-11 October. Uie'.i lull, kVcdiusdiy. 11 October. AH persons arc re?|iiii?-d t-> render in on will lliu amount of A Ileal. Oats, Sheaf Oats, ltyc, euretl 11 >', and Wool ratscd and gathered in 1S04. . And notice is hereby jiiven that the time of A?sc?suieut allowed is short, and .i l nnrst lie punctual hi giving n the above it cu's at tiist cad oi ttha mo! He Maineu li tail.tors. All the above must be returned according to the weight alto ed |?r Hu-licl. viz: Oats, IIJ lbs; live, 5ti 11m ; Wln-ut, tit) 11m , L. M.*UKNTttY,'Assessor, For Tax in Kind, lor 27 (Vd District. Spartanburg, August, 18(54. A PROCLAMATION EXECUTIVE l?E PART MEN T Cou'dru. September &, I.w*? I. To the Citizen* of South Carolina FI'MIK ll:iiit army of Tenne-'i'ee lis* com pel I* I ril b}' numbers lo evacuate A liuiiii. \\ liiln * '<'(i lor ill* ii it: li? > it i iir.** w1. the Suite, then looking to the possible conflict which is now upon us, could boast as gallant a body, of mounted men ? ninny ofihem now over filly ? as ever flashed a sabre in the face of a foe. Many of these are doing good service in the field. Let those at home unite with their younger fellow cilisens in organising companies for mounted service. Kacli man must mount and equip himself, exec hi as to a carbine, whicb, of tlie most approted kind, tlie State will furnish. The horses, (one to each otbeer and roan,) upon being registered witb the captains of companies, as also .he equipments, which (the horse nnd equipments) shall be used for military purpose*, will be exempt from impressment, seizure, distress ami execution. If in a regiment or district enough do not unite to form a company, let them organize with from fifteen to thirty, electing a lieu ennnt, untie with some organization in another regi- j ment or district, so as lo make tip a company, and selecting a captain, determine the rank of their lieutenants by lot or -otherwise Upon the organization of companies having in the *KXre8al*> including four commissioned sud eight non commissioned officers, not loss than sixty-sight, they will he received sml armed . and when the number of companies in suffici ent, will be organized into battalions and rfgimenis bj ibe election of Held officers. All persona liable lo service, who do not attach themselves lo * mounted company, will be organised tn one of the two clas-os etnbiac edin the annexed order* from I lie Adjutaftt and Inspector General's o I ce. Citizens of >outhCarolina ! You entered this contest resolved lo lire free or perish. Your brothers, sons and fathers cf the army and Slate reserves are already in the field Place yourselves by their sides, and make good your determination that no foul minion of the des ?>ot Lincoln should ever place, with impftaity, lis unhallowed foot-print on the soil of your Stats. Make .them rue the day they attempted to efface you from your heritage and give it to others. The ray of hope which some sanguine persons supposed they saw in the Chicago Convention has gone out in darkness. He .?ot deluded. There is no prospect of peace froin thai Quarter. Peace is to he obtained alone 'under the blearing of God. through your fortitude, your aneriftces mid your own strong arms. Given under my hsnd andihe fenl of the Stale, t Columbia, this flftli day of September, A. 1). one thousuud -eight hundred and sixty four. M. L. RON HAM. Wit, R ift'xr, Secretary of State. Sep 8 < 10 It gQ^AII papers in the State will publiah this and General Orders No. 10, till Moa lay, the 12th inat. l>entai Notice m/rV eCheeisover Doha, Edwar s & Carl sle' JJfj^Law^O?oe. C. LIB, P. P. ? 'a CLAIM AGENCY. Jta many persons have made application to me to obtain amoanta duo to their doearned kindred for effects of whioh they died ]MWK*?fd of* and of which no account hna been given I would sa? to all such that 1 utn 1. j Heaven, Ureeu Hobby, Jus. A. I llrnwn ,1) R 11 hid in, Thon, P ' Keller, J A 8milh, Edward Hembree. Kobt Pntne, Isaiah i H unmeit, W T Petty, Joseph ! Foster, J* II. Ofllce, j Si>ahtarruko C. II., 8. C. \uguitt 8, 1864. COMPLAINTS have been made to mc that cei-tniu persons, who have been detailed oti grounds of public necessity, are charging unreasonable prices for the products ol I heir labor. The necessity for the detail of a mini ceases, whenever his neighbor's determine that his prices ars unreasonable All such | persons will certainly be sent to the army. Tanners, Millers, tShoeiiinkers.-liluckMiii.hs, Mill weights &c., take warning You are detailed for the benefit of vour neighbor*. * uinl not o^wftVf^Uicr grounds ' J. H. MARSHALL, Lieut, titid Enrolling Ollicrr. Aug 11 15 if I JCnrollin^- Ofllce, | SrAHTAjiBt'Ho, S. C., August lit. I8tm- | 1 imhIi I hem, or place lliem under gu.-ird. it tliey i would voluntarily rrpnrt iq inc. 1 will stale j tor the benefit of all soldiers who arc improp- ! erly absent from their ennunands, tlint 1 will j Hot punish or pi.ice under guard any one who | < will voluntarily tepori to me wiihiu n reason : .ib e lime from this dale. 1 will furnish the.ii I i ii.?puriation, and 1 trust ttiai many will cm | brace thin opportunity t<> rtiurn to their duiy. | ami I.iiis wipe oUt I lie stigma ol desertion limn ! llu ir mimes. J. II. MARSHALL, Lieot. and EnrollingO.tjeer. August 25 17 tf committed"" I i rpsi i j \ 11, ,n S 11ii11| iy 2d.I instant, a NK ! 5 i, M A N. win. k.14 iti? niin? I, t!i?l. I . " ""v " J ii'l ili.ii bo belongs lo D.iv'nl i.a nit. i>| ! > it i ii_(. v-o i it Kichiinl ih ahnii ! ii i^. niil. uhmii five foci lngli?Imilly I'ux ! 1'iti ? *>l fin- owner will come krwaril, prove i properly, pay otiarges uml take lijlti awny. 1*. W. FA KKOW, J hi lot-. v hit 1 II if J S1(M) ltE\VAKI>7 RUNAWAY nlmui six weeks since, niv lie- | gr<> Ti'ijji I'INK. Sniil bey is about 2"? i year* olil?iniiliiiio?;i (eei 8 inches big , ami ; weigh is a him l 111 pauit'U. Pink in (iiippn?ril , in be lurking atioui ahe neighborhood ot Camp- ' obcllo. pi thin l>i-ir.cl. The above reward 1 ; wiil be pa id lor ii in apprehension uml h?ij;e? iociii in jail. II. 11 THOMSON. J ? si 21 4t i:jsth WERT LEY' LANFOKD ioIIh Itefore me * litrjie HAY MAKE, MXiecn or itevetiteeti liaudi high, about ?ixieen > enr* ohl, both hind feel while, one up 10 i lie punier joint ; lier r'ght i hiiul tinkle in enlarged. lie Iiiik hec appi'Mined j at one hundred and sixty dollar*. Ttie owner cult find her H mile above Rpnrlitnburg C. 11., iteiir Cherokee Springe. HI.IAS WALL, Magistrate. June 6, 1S?;4. B?if Pr6f. lO. Falk \vn .1. ii\ ! : i'eil number ol pupils. | * ' |i ti trumcnia! and voe:il tin. . c" i , ? . payable ytvnriahl y. i. it r- h t > tesireto fit llienieelve? > !i oi I', ic'uer* and Oovernne-*. ->< n.ni ln-**i he formed for inI Htruelion i. . lhet.r\ and Luriuotiv of movie Fatly ,iiuni< :i rotjiiestei. J uly I -I II If ^5(> Kovard! | 'Jj UN A WAV IVotn i ito subscriber on tho JLv -11li inat., my negro Hoy, Giles. He is j about f? feet '.I inclitM high ; copper color, about i ! years of age; hud on when he left a blue ; J en os coat, besides tukfrug other clothes with ' hint. I will give a reward of Fifty Dollur* for liia apprehension ami lodgment in any jail so that 1 can gel him. MltS. JUNIUS THOMSON. June lft 7 if taxIn iiirvi>. PROUUt'KllS will take notice thni alter the la* SetHemher next, all estimates for the I crop of 18(13, unpaid in wludc or pari, will be transferred lo tlie l)i?lrict Collector. In all case* where lite producer hold* a re ce pi on account of Tax iu Kind for ihe year lHtid. given by Army Qurfri rro>asters or lornmisanries, purchasing officers or bonded agenis. Ofhcers in command of iroops, bonded agent* in charge of public animals, or persons specially authorized to collect Tax in Kind, such receipts will be taken up by the Hislrirt Post Quartermaster, or his agents and credited on Assessors estimates ; but in all cases, where proof is required that the producer was deliv{ crcd as Tax iu Kind, the estimate will be trans * ferred*o the District Collector, h?fore whom the proof will be inkin a* provided for instructions Iroin Commissioner of Taxes. J. W. HARDY, A. II. KlttHY, Agents for Post Quarlcrinasier, 6th C. D., S. C. Auicust 25 17 St . Limo ! J^inie! Lime!! AT ilie kiln*. Preith Lime i* now om hand of ih? be*i quality, for exchange only for I provisions, leather, ikon etc., from the producers. Exchange only on the ol?l rices on both sides. \V. CUHT1L Bob 18 44 tf Dental Notice. T WILL be in my office only three dnv* In 1 (he week, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY uud I SATURDAY. i C. LEE, D. D. 8. IM'Cicllaii'a'Acceplance. The following is the letter of Oen MeClcllan to the committee announcing hia nntuinniiiui -*_:J ? .? >?? Kukgg x iCDIueuCJT OJ the Chicago Convention: Oranuk, Nkw Jersey, Sept 8,1864. Gentlemen : 1 have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of. your letter, infor mitig me of uiy nomination by the Democratic National Convention, recently assembled ut Chicago, ns their candidate at the next election lor President of the Uuited 1 St tea. . It is unnecessary for me to say to yon that this nominal ion comes tome unsought. I atu happy to know that, when the nont| i nut ion was made, the record of my public lite was kept in view. The effect of long and varied service in the* army,-during~war and peace, has been to strengthen and luako indellible in uiy wind and heart the reverence fur the Union, Constitution, laws and flag of our oountry, impressed upon me in early youth. These leelings have thus far uuided the ' course of uiy life, and tuust continue to do sd to its end. The existence of more than one Government over the region whieh once owned our flag is incompatible with the peace, 1 the power, aud the huppimss of the people. The preservation cf our Union was the sole*uvowed o> jeet for which the war was commenced It should have been conduct cd tor that object only, and in accordance j with those priuciules which I took occasion ' to declare when in -active nervioc. Thus conducted, the work of rceoneiliatiun wi uld have been easy, and we lui^lit | have reaped the benefits of our uiatty victor ie? on land nod sea he Union was originally formed by the exercise of a spirit of conciliation and cum premise. To res ore and preserve it, the saiuo'spirit must prevail in our council* and in the hearts of the people. '1 he re I establishment of the Union in all its integ! rity is, and must continue to be, the indispensable condit 011 of nny settlement. So soon us >t is clear, or even probable, lhat our present adversaries are ready fur peace upon the basis of the UiiLii, we should exhaust ull the resources of stutes uiauship practiced by civilised nations, ami taupht by the traditions oi tb: American people, consist Lilt with tiiu Itoio-r and in I crest ot the coumiy. to* cure, such | cacc, lu estuhllnb ihe i iiiou, .mil ^uuraiilee loi the lutore the coiisiuoliuoal riclita ot ev ery Jitjre. 'i tie L'uioli is the one condition ut i>c.?c?; we no mure Lei me add, what 1 ?luul>( not wan althoug' unexpressed. the sentiment oi tlie Convention, a> it m ut the |>eople tli*?y represent. that wiien any one Male is milling to the I itliai, it slmuid In- received at once with a luil guarantee ot all its coualilutiouui rights. it u trunk, earnest and persistent effort to obtain these objects should tail, the responsibility lor ulterior consequences will tall upon (hose who remain in urins against I lie I'ti.on; but the I ii ion iiiu.it be.prefer ved ut all b.-raids. 1 oouio nut look in the face of my gallant comrades ot the army and navy, who have survived so iiriuv blo-nly battles, and tell thttui that their labors and the saerifice ot so any ol our slain and wounded bre-bren Lad been in vain?that we had abandoned that U ii ion Ibr which we have so of ten periled our lives. A vast majority of our people, whether iu the army and navy or at home, would, us 1 would, hail with unbounded joy the permanent restoration ol peace mi the basis ot the I'nion, under the Constitution, without the effusion ol ; another diop ol bio.id Ifut no peace can be pcrius u til without union. A? to the 01 In r*subjects presented in the resolutions ot the Conveution, I need only say that 1 should seek in the Constitution of the United States, and (he laws trained iu accordance therewith, the rule ol my duty and the limitations of executive power; endeavor to restore economy in the public expenditures, re establish the supremacy ot law, and, by the operation of a more vigorous nationality, resume our commanding position among the nations ui the earth. | 'J tie condition ol our finances, the depreciation of iho paper*mo..ey and the burden thereby itn|>osed on labor and capital, show the necessity ot a return to a sound financial system; while the rights ot citizens and the rights of States, and the binding authority of law over President, armv und ' people, are subjects of not ie?s vital iiupor; lance in war than in peace. Relieving ! fli.it tlie views lior>> i>TnrMiiuut ? tb.ui.. ..I'i ?- ?- " the Convention an ? the people you represent, L accept the nomination. 1 nWize the weight of the responsibility to 1>C burnt* should the pe pie ratity your i chwicc. Conscious of uiy own weak ties*, 1 , can only only seek lervently the guidance I ol the Kuler ot the I oiverse, ami, telling | oil His all poweilul aid, do my beat to re store urtion and peace to a sobering }>eoplej. and to establish and guard their libI crlica and rights. j 1 uiu, gentieiuen, very respaotiully, your obedient servant, KKOKtiK B McGKKLLAN. Hon. 11 oil Alio skymol'h and others, v oiiiuiuice. The Yankees claim that two hundred ot i I the prisoners Ciiptured at Fort Uuioin have | ! expressed u willingness to take the oath of | allegiance to to the Federal UoTcrnoiuM. j A wife's tears, shed too often, harden he husband instead ot softening him. '1 he eyewater becomes u petrifying water. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS* WE IIEItKltY [live notice (liar we will prosecute acc.mlmg lo Jaw, any tn 1