^" 'f " ' ' ' "''"' ' '*- ' > ' ' . ^ * "* "' ' ^ ' * '* ii "' i "*lfa?-^t in* i,. 'in mni ., i ' ' ^| ' ' " ' |'iV!?-^SfcL^^afeLj?^ '" > ' IftfTwr i?*J ^ Hlf-^* **'* f"*-*1 'jtitlltfMl 111 ^flMll"B> ^il J?to#n????r " an jgLkakma, ,. Ii^im ? iLm' i ' " r :vC'' '"" ' ' ' ' % r -'J Ei'TnKi? ' - - jr":WS|pBlM^ ' ' "*J'fePARt'AS6tTAG, S.C..THURSDAY. JUNE 30. 1804. NO# . "' v [ M.J_ , ..jt$Z^F? * S JSfrto re^Url t bondjd jf^nto/ *4.? a)dM at? tfetfcuriaM to #oll and dialaitinU il>a n'wi ft>? ?inn??l ftnirla I 2. Dm spirits are to be sold Mh fbr tiicilj a^diciMt purchaser (which must io at! eases be taken) that they arqjp required, and prill be *o used. 8. Agents ttd libera are not flowed to ciu/gB an advance of more than 25 per \ oeirt on the ooet /Ot the spirits, (which is ' f5 per gallon for whiskey, at the .distills. it,) as psrstetion 8, Act 10th April, 1863) V the language of which is : * " That i* shall not be lawful for apothe-" caries, physicians, or other persona, who shall ptpobaas or pioesra any portion of the aloohei or spirituous liquors distilled by the authority aforesaid, to resell or dispose ql the name, in any qmiu'ity, to any person or persons, for any other than * strictly medicinal purposes, or at advanoe ot mora than 25 per centum on its oust; and any person who shall violate the pro vision -ot tnw aeoton snail uo deemed guilty of a unadcuioanor, and on couvic lion, be imprisoned lor uqy iioie pot exceeding six mouths, aud fined in any sum not exceeding fire hundred dollars " * 4.* Agents are recommend to sell in ' amait quantities, uot exceeding one gmhon to any one person at a time. Agent- are informed that they will bo ' supplied ** itti spirita, in turn, ib last as the nme in recered from the central dis tiiicry, ou application to thin department and paying of coat,- including expense of packing for> shipment, freight, Ac. Not n.oru tintn one barrel of" forty to fitly galhum WiU bo edit to any agent at any ouo tiui Ail person.! to whose knowledge a violation ot the third section of Act of April, 18lid, an quoted above, may come, ate requested to make affidavit of the facta .... " before any magistrate, and turorarJ same ' V to VhIS department. lVr-*oii? dcs.ruus of being appointed agent* in any ot the ifHlner* or Parishes * - " in tkbtvit ?" *pjMM?rt>u?!?ln imvc been utado, will send men* aufFneatrou to this do. art . uieut, recuu mciidt'ti by ihc delegation of iljctr Uioiriv? or I'irveb, wiurli will bo euauiittei l) Ins iiscolfcr.cy ifto Liuycnior loY uj-jir-ivo. *ud (touUniulUitt,. 1.1ST 0fcA??KST3. ' . . Edwin' Parker, .^betille Dis'fioi.? Toil { 0?io?>, A'?l?->eil)e b?ri?ville. < . ?? ??, Cu?rlo*wr District?ePast Office r. ** Joiia ,lUjr, Colleton District?Pool Office, *t- Cloor ' 1> J. ilclUo, Chesterfield District?Pool O i.oo, ClieiMW. ? , CliMUr District?Pool O.ficc, ?? , Clarendon .District?Pool O hoe, Fltuu & II irt, Darlington District?Post Oihco. D trlingt.m 0. 11 U, La. i'oiu, UJgvtiuki District ? Pool Office, LdgcbeiU 0. U. W. K. Aiken, Fairfield D 1strict ? Post O.lioe Winn-boro. IL D. Longr, Greenville District?Post Office, Oreeavilje V. H. v BL O. While, Georgetown District?Poet O. Georgetown. / * J it. Normea, lfbrr/ District-?Post Office, Consrejhuro. W. McKoin, KarsLair District, Pest Office, V* , Camden. Joires Crockett, Lancaster District?Post Office, Lancaster C. II. J. 11. lienrj, and J. Ward Motto. Laurens Distriot?Post Office, Laurens C. hi R. J. Epting, "Lexington District?Poet Office, Rope dial ion. 3. ttuutberlaud, Marlboro District?Post Office, DeuneUsviU*. W. 0. McMillan, Marion District?Post Offioe, Marion C. H. ' J. A. Kf, iloimaa, Orangeburg District?Post Offioe, Orangeburg C 11. 'J?V. Gnerson. Newberry District?Post Office, Newborr* C. II ?? , Pickens District?Post Offioe, ^the ot?*?or? would bo nu ; ksfro? tkeio.: At it it b|t]ai( lltot "oil thould pay ,tkolr mite. . t ' .may* 1- 44 candidates fob tub legislature: wo oro authorised to aooounoe "wood-, ward all$n ot t eoodidoto to Sp&rUohnrg District neat L^i?ltl?lf -wo oro authorised io 001400000 Uottoooot B. If.- THoajbOK, aa ft candidate for the L*gtftlfttore, ftt the neat enosdag election. * We ere authorised to announce Cept. JOHN H. BTWd, m candidate for the Legislature, at the next enming election. We are autfcornon to ennoupce Col- J08. WALKER, aa^a candidate for (ha~ Legislature, at the neOt ensuing election. We are authorized to annonnoe MeJ. J. Vf. WEBUSn, pa i candidate for the Legislature, at tlie nest ensuing election. ,i IM ? I ' ' . i, We are authorised to announce Mel- 1VM. M. FOSTER, ae a candidal j for the Legislature. at tha nest ensuing election. It e are authorised to announce Dr. Janes H. Shores, as a candidate for theC- Legislature, at the next easuing election. STATE OF SOI"'] 11 UAKOMNA. orAKiAnuuuu uininiu'. In the Court or Ordinary. Ooahon R?m, Applicant, *. lUndal Reid and ?ir?, an J others, Defendant a. Petition fdr aale of real estate of .Phil/ Hoes, deceased. I T appoaringto tny satisfaction that the Icpel I heirs and representatives ot \L?X.\NDGU KO-S3, deceased, names not knonn, reside beyond the limits of tiiia State \ it "aie therer>reordered that they do appe .r and obiect to the division ? sate of the real estate of Philip Ross, deceased, on or bofore the vOtb day ol AUGUST next, or their consent to the s.?u?c will, he entered of r?-cord . Witness my bend and seal *of office, May S?*?h. 160*. JNO. EARLF. UOMALt, O S I).' June 2 6 Xm i . Cotton Yarn* NOTICE is hereby given to the public, that for the next tltfee months to couie err e^Huul iliijioit of Co:ion Yarn for moory. >i> v'on?>q?irucc af having :o ply the Gorerh i niMii wt.n a u.ge proportion ut wlini wo tuaiinfueturc. ? ? WUCM OJLT KXCHAKOR rOR n|OTIIJli!ll. NOMI ItTU&RS SKKD APVI.VT JOHN UOMAR fC. CO Rivingttvillt, Juut 10, 7-6t KSTIiAV. WRSTLKY LANKURD tolls h?f?? me itr.fi' BAY M^ItE, Hiietiiorimiiitpii bauds 1. gh, .ibout sixteen y+nrn old, both hind feet eb>t?. oue up to the past or joint: her r-ght hind ankle it enlarged, the hue bean appraised at one hundred and sixty dollars. * The owner nan find her 8 mile aboTe Spartanburg C. H., near Cherokee Springe. EWAS WALL, Magistrate. June 6.-1801. * * 6?I f #10 Reward. T~ OST on or about the >0th of day of Febrn 1 J try last in tbn wagon yard near tho Depot in Spartanburg Village, a emnll volumue in pookat hook form containing - tables and formula) for mechnnies and engineers by liastseil. My name is written in full on thn inside lids and on the blank leaves there are given in pencil, formulas fur thn solution ol many easi> wltioh frequently occur in military engineer Lag; so that the finder eaimot mistake to w.buei it belongs. 1 am very anxious to recover this volume, .as a copy, of it cannot bo purcnaeed anywhere in the aoutb. I have authorised* Wot. H. Trim uier to pay the finder a liberal reward who will return it to the Spartan Office JNO. BASKSTON |>AV 18. Co. E., let Regiment, Engineer Troops. Camp Gilmer, Vr.. April 21 51 5t * uime juime i Juime!! AT the kilos. Fresh Lime is now on hand of llit besi quality, for exchange only for provisions, leather, iron etc., from the producers. Bxohango only on the old crises on both sides. W. CURTIS. Bob 18 44 tt ~ekcH\NGG NOTtCS No TT ALL t^ntedvrate offioers aud men who have been delivered at City Point, Virgiuia, at any time previous to the 2otb April. 1864, are hereby declared to be d?dy exchanged. . UOIIBRT OULD Agent of Exobaugo. May * S 8w qLaII papers" In the 8t?te publish ones, and preeent bills to the Entailing Officer of Ihvlr District. * Taxes. Taxed. iwlll, if not providomially hindered, at tend at Spartanburg Court Houae, en sale ysio April. May ana June next, to colhset the balance of State and District TAXES, for .1868. All pert ewe who bare failed to pay their faxea, still have to poy In Are dollar Buiri or unuor, or tOSe 85g per eenl on I bo amount paid Tbo Books will beeioeod after lb# ftr?t Monday in Juno next, and executions will be issued against nil defaulters . . *. C. POOL*, T. C. Mareb M 4? tf Crow Bar Lost SlETWEEN Paeolett Depot and B part ant barf. Any one will be suitably rewardby learieg it at title office. , Fob 36 Jb - tf NOTICEt . aS Monday next. I will resume ay dutlen s Assnoor, la tha Spartan Oftae building. , \yt o.rveE#wj. mi w I'uOM'TUE BATTLKIflEtbB. ?l BNBMT **PDL??r? A* PXTXJtttUmO. ' The railroad communication huvipp been eat off 5>y tbo enemy, it was Uppoaiikl* to ..wet any detailed account (4 operation* at Petersburg.- The Yankees were, however, ajivett ftwujr Tram the mud during ege*?pg, ur>d the whole line bclug again in oar ^ei?i,i^?).iT?t,iie licoeoMry rrpoira frill soon be un*do, Ttvo luilosoi the creek were tie. ?troye-', euch tide of Fori WdihqU Jonotiou, eixteen tulle* fruut iliuhtuond. Trout'* liejoh. where the Yankee* bare rank the veweh, I*4 between Drewry's HI off end Dt^eh Gap. The object of Utu exploit 1* supposed to bo to obetroot the river, to -prevent the eureee of some imag inary fleet of iron dado The effect will' bo to bar the further prngtes* of the You'^^V^rt^'tved"laat'dght foil particular* of tbo fighting on Thu?dhf? ? itw vicia. Itj of 1'etOTabnrg. The enemj opened on our men wi^h heavy guns at. an early hoar in tha mornings ou 1m City Point Koad, . and were responded to with spirt! This Sras kept up tor about au hour, neither, side gaining any material advantage*. In the afternoon, e furious assault was mode apod Gen. iiokc s front, whose division occupied entrenchments which had been hastily thrown np during Wednesday nighf, in a position facing batteries nine to twelve inclusive The' .enemy earn* np in three lines of battle, jad made three charges; hut wore each time repulsed with heavy loss On our right, in the vicinity of Col. Avery's farm, heavy firing continued during the greater portion of the day,. bat late is tbeuitcrnooo it became quite severe, the encuiy atttiuptiug to carry our works l.? 11. 1'L. ?? .i |L. i:_ W?, oouuiu. jl hid puiuuu VI IIIC I1IIC9 WU occupied iu (he morning chiefly by the nti J ilia. The eneuiy having succeeded iu Moving two or three battel ice in that oirec? tiou, ehellcd ear tucn furiously, but tbey gallon tly^stood their ground until our Ddteriee ooahl be placed in position to silence the eneuiy'e tin, which was doue ctfuctually. As soon as regular troops could be brought up aud placed in position the militia were relieved, aud Gen. liushmd "Johnson's division occupied the breastworks, along with the Ma-on (Ga) Light Artillery aud ether btftterie* 'i tie work grew quite hot as tho day ad vauced, the enemy haviug massed two di visions or more iu < ur front. Late in tho afternoon. a charge was made, but the enemy were most handsomely rrpu'aed In the last charge the cju my camo'with* in oik: hundivd jar s ot our lottltjoatiims, but |h.' hie was an tciniic that lliev hu t ami tm-n Ucij liarMr, it .\vw \ ut k. oity, iMiiiiUAeiiu^ divix j ion. was home t:nui tun iii'.i',, und supposed to he lUOrui.'y Ui/tiad ' i. .* aj.ir ApriJ};? stead, ot' Aiiainy. a |> ?j alar t tlioer, was instantly killed. I hey farther state tliut UuniMdo s ar.d ilancbck* corps are operating i.nim-urutoiy a<< ... wl.?ch wai entirely 8nc?vt..-ht!, tlje encm .. ing driven at ali .p-uols wi'h tSi'lr.vH'? This is a uioet . ot trtmi! i hen. it commands the high hni .1 i rmutfe Farm, fct? the City I'oint lln.id. t* ibis jK>?ition which the cn ciny ch .rj ui a:> I C.iptund from us at a late u?ai vV vo.,,.vUy evvuing. attack on* port cli ptoi*. Monday afternoon, the enemy's gunboats came op the Appomattox and open- > ed firtf on Fort Clifton. They stoo i off out of sight'at long raitgo. and inflicted no damage whatever. ; The fire ol the gunboats waa direotcd by a signal man, who flapped his flag iudnstriouniy from the new obaerjrutory on Cobb's llluff. It is stated mum inai ine enemy ..ueiuptea l hurwUay morning, after the moon went dutn, to asoend bwitt Ureejt In barges, but the stealthy movements of the foe were dycoverc , Jala. at *tt 1 r.VV a ? uinujr ?i mic r . fm * "* ' '> Ua?V I . *5 ' S" *' ? ' man Awe pi?w of aniilm, and oapt?wd theheadq barter* of the Yankee Geo. OA tfMf% having then gained edvatt-. | rage*. mated quietly through the night, | bat the enemy beiuu atill in' their front, breaatprurk* were thrown up, ami other grepahrtions made for t fenewat of the atrwggla on the fallowing day. ' Meanwhile,. 0reaeT Hampton and fill JUeo united their jiivialbna ami calmly awaited an attack. TheJIgbting oommeneed about noon on I SuiHlfov. The enemy, tendered deaperata by their hwaea ott the previous dny, charged bur bvcaatwarka throe timea, and we're aa often repulsed, with heavy lota. Uy nigh-tall, the Yankees were driven from the field, which reutaioed in pontwioi^ of our troops, lieiog thus utterly disourufitted, they concluded not to renew the fotiWewt, and about tnT^fnlght commenced i?m treating, ia the diremion of the Rapidan, which stream, it is said, they oucceedvd in enmsiug. They left their dead and wounded in ur hands?among the latter two | lieutenant ooloncts'. In all, 517 prisoners wars captured, who were subsequently scut to Charlottesville ; and the enUro loss of the enemy is estimated at 1,500. The Yankees wore much demoralised, end being without rations or forage, and their horses broken down, they could not Wo* brought to taec our men the third time. Many of the horses were rendered useless, sud on tho retreat a targe number of-tbe teen were dismounted. Sheridan's force consisted of Wilson's and Grogg's divisions, (six brigades.) numbering in all some 10,000 incn,"with several pieces of artillery Captured officer aduiit that 'it was their design to make a raid June heaa, and then reader* u correct hi at em cut' of f .4t tV known lo be correct, LUUlptwl* 0. li. W*H not burned by ll>e eneuiy, uor Kw4 al?J*. property destroyed uy the r*idk>r? tr 1- ? < ? itUIII^'lUU Ul 1WVIII WVIHCril Turnpike. Their entire ioroe is under liunur, which is estimated?from authentic inioruiuttuu received?to be from 15,? to -!0,uou strung.' Ciook Averill have not inure tbau 4,UUU cavalry, which composes ilia entire cavalry force now opera tint; iu this quarter. They camped on Fancy 1 arm, seven miles troio Liberty, on Wednesday evening, Shd yesterday evening were reported to be within eight miles Ul mis city, aud wery akijguishirg with our men which report I have the bast reasons tor believing correct, it is also reported, wS what is qceuicd reliable uUihoiity, that on yesterday inornuig they burutxt three considerable bridges on the Virginia and Tehucssc Kail road, over the -following creeks : Little Otter, Dig Otter and Llk. it was upprchcnded on yesterday by some that ill y would not attack our posi? 11on at this place at all, but would attempt by a hank movement ta reach Danville I he developments to day, huwevor, will decide thisa^uesiiou. A uuiubur ot flagrant outrages were coin in it led in Amherst?some on the persona ot temales?the parlioulars of* which are ot loo beastly a character to be recorded. ' The burning of the Military Institute and other property at Lexington is fully con? > >?VU, A IIU IVOIUUIIVO VI Kt'UtIV, liVlVIl| er was also tirud'by the vandals, who would out even tct his wile save her clO'hos. The I residence of Geo. F. II. Suiith as saved L?y hi* daughter, who was in a state ol healtli . Wo hsve another reixirt ihafatill another uaI. uiun of lUu fcuoiny jtfc advancing from ubovo by ma Muutjpin roid, which ia ooxt-topfb Jfcmotfy bat Iruui other inlor ui-iUoii ruct-u<^wlie corfoctnee* of euch report U ot * ^u??tiul nature. '1 he oni|^h? of Ljnohburg have rcmpondod to the c.?ll IU the preaool emergency in the iu instant, ia referring to Grant's wmmat in Virginia/ and Ma "On to Riehatowf' expxKtfen, wm the Ibfedwiag lugeige, show ing conclusively ".the difSaahiee that ho has thee fkr eoooati tared in eodeavoriog ur reach tbat city. Gen. Greet eruaeWil the Jteppahanneck on the 4th May. with the inumtiop of fight* tag-hie we? through LeeYdrmy. UiMi, it ia said, 180,000 iuen with hiac/aed there b no dettt?c that with thia : fttree ne expected to indict a fatal defeat apod Lee, ?u SpotUyfcrsaia, or some of thg eeuotiea 'between Spottey ivaiiia mod Riehiaond. He A -I .1 !- ' ? ? u? Viwiwu uj (UB opposition OB aooiwa meet with; as is e^deut (row his proclaim ed determination "to fight it oat oa this line if it takes all niaair." On the very first day of his creasing, lie was attacked in his entrenchments near Klys Fur J, and driven out of them with the loss of 1,500 men taken prisoners, and wounded. On the 6th he was beaten fe a severe combat wear Parker's Store, and lost 3,000 prisoners.?On the 6th"nnother engagement took plaee near tha Wilderueee, in which he was driven back, with enormous loss, to Chanceltorsvitle, eight utiles from the scene of conflict. On tha Tib he was driven trom tha Germania road, and moved sM his pontoons to hiy!? Ford, it was now that he attempted his so calked thinking operations for the first lime, aud he did it aolely because he ooold make no progress by moving strait forward. It was uecvuity, nut strategy, that dietated hia movements. On the 8tb, he swdbg hia right around his left, and advanced to bpousyivauia Court llouse by a side movement, heptVig to get there belore J?ee; but he had.been anticipated, for he badsearee ly U|}icti poeseMiioo before General Anderson attackedtiiui and drove.him out with prodigious (daughter. Ou the 9th, by moving uround our left with a heavy force, bo oontrved to get possession of the road between bhady Grove Church and SposUsylvania Court House, ond from this position he waa driven oa the lUth by Gen. Corky. I ho oueratinna of iV?'? f? I..4 < ? 1 ? ?, nw bet a attended with luon oo pa railed iu the iiutwr) ot thia wrt. Ua the 9th of May* |>ru?iuu*ty to the . .military operation# ot ib?i il*y, thu udiid paper in Wathir.gloa *ulod lU* wuuibut ot a tiled, wounded. add iij^OiHVwhai U liMW ? vpy-? 1 hero in little doubt that ihla Mateweut wua tar below the wait; but aa Geo. Lee gave no eetiuiate; we have no steam* ot nuriMUinvit i.MH> ??? ? 4|? **?-L rj, v naa I1UW v?| UK OIWI .ruud. lib tiist glide, instead of bringing ;>ito upoti Geo; Lee s flauk or roar, And cuabiing kiiu to inarch uoiuteriupted 16 iUohuivud, baa brought hi;r. directly upou it s iruni at Spottay ifam* Court House, w in re be found him strongly eotreoohad. i)u tuo 11th, the direct attack was tried a?iuiu, and i salted io that repolae of Grant and a leartul daughter ot his men. But the trowoing slaughter was on the 12th, tuMO the lautiAieo columns deep, and dimdtl?ned with wlmkey, were urged opou Leu's breastworks, at the point ot the bayonet. lfy a sudden attaok, bcibra day, j in the midst of a ibiok log, they sncnood; rd ill Obtaining temporary noaaeesiou oi i a portion of ogr liuua, which had- not keen l- Jottipictod, and osptuied- 2000 prisoner*; j but they wrorc .a ?m repulsed with immense i losa^iruutteou different timet, froifi 4 o'clock .V. M.? until 8 i\ 34., (11 hoursJ they repeated their assault# in deep col? UIUIU. tfale behind their works, our tueu 1 a u filtered them in a manner too horriuie ?or contemplation At 1 m thejr courage or their whiskey, gave out, and ihey retired leaving, some . ,u <)n it hi ?? i ' n.j ?v,vwv, uiiicia a great many more, ol . tueir dead ami wounded on the field. Up ' to this time iho Yankee newspapers computed ibcif own Isaacs, trow all woma, at i'o.UUO. Grant remained in front several ays, but be eouid not again bring bis men up to the scratch. On the I4tb, from necessity aud not choice, be again began to mow to bta lett, aud again l.oe "anticipated bim, and again appeared in bis front at llauover J unction. The remaining op orations are n such rooeat c oeurrence that we need enter into-no detail ol them Grant baa ttanked and flanked, as bis admirers' call bu Hidct'mg moTaincofa, an tit ha baa Hanked himself down to Wentn??r wiles fcroui Kiohiuoud by the no*rent road, lu no oue of these flank movements did he aucoevd. He did not for a moment car Lea off from but btM, nor did he in a aingte instance deooive thai General. Iu a?ery one ha found liiiusclf anticipated and bia object defeated. He lias played -havoc *itli his ropututioa, having utterly destroyed it in 011a halt the-time it took ilcClellan and Bumaide to bring then.selves down to their proper level. I'ulike those Ganemia, he baa not boon hampered by an Auhooouecil at Washington. He lias had th* tin diapueal of ail tho forces, neve) sad military, ol the United States lis baa not taken Uichiuond?he hto* been compelled to lutlow in A1 elite I Urn's footsteps? tie baa lost lUU,UUU mou, and ho^a* done nothing. There nover was a more stupe** duus laiiure. Tbe North will hud that out uow. Uumous Illustration or Rub Tap* ? A bout fifteen jeers ago it happened in a oertain country in*Knnpe that the i?rpeotor u?ee at <>t garrisons, while rimtiep a pr orineiul town, observed a sentinel st?~ tinned et a Utde di-tunoe outside the wail, keeping guard over some reined h* tiding* in fee aoburbe. The general inquired el the emtttfeh with noma oariusity, why he vm peeked there. The vfrtieel reverted ! ** titer it UtaOM deeirabie v? pewi tk*r 4?or. Hhile the peiot ?m weft,'e gnerd, ?** plaoed outeide to warn tfco^o who weolia end out; Lot befrro the. paint wee dry, it ,b. SSw remove the sentinel. Sort hundred. *l|d thiftj jertbo goatf tfhooet.had^moe. . _ . r ^ quality remained Over the dooMflMM* / end inviolable tradition, bel-ooe otob leepreeeotod at bottom ao btphea wH|lb ' the idee of wet paint.?-Lwniom ftnjm.: . -xji. . . r. . ' ? (Kaaral llkHtwl UrnM. Tk? >l??phi? (AlUafi) Apprtl, tfM . m<.ut wounded. The 4th 0?a*yi* sharp* hooters wore, order* 1 to the support of Major Kiodriokle hoe, sad aueoeeued re* establishing it, with e ipsa of four or fire wounded. ; - ' . J it b thought by eoioe of the army oas reepondeute that $hartean will attempt to njanaviere u* eei. of our present position^ v -, . without * fight, or will try aud make ue extend oar iiae entii it i> i mere thread,> and then make another Miatioaury Kitlgo ?{ia.r it possible. Our offieera are eeufi> deo? be oeoeot curry out either yhi. There wee xkinuiehiofc ?fc>?g the J;wee ^ on Friday, but no change of parities* Sherman M?pe digging his parallels, and is advanoie* with yeqjc and akerd, perhaps to hare strung trenches to fall beck oe U he makes unsuooeasful gtfuirlrT { perhaps to gain time for reinforcement*, It is stated that a large matalpr of tb? . Y anises whose teraa expire# to go'home, . . aud thay all say thay cannot be iadhtod ft reiuliat Tha ooetnj fa rory bnay with kit rail-, ? way two*. SivwtlffttMB ran to Big * Shanty daily, bringing largo wmati m- '* BU]rpliM and Material seaawj tor ltd army. .* ? tikte prioonero tay that there will W no fighting JoltMtm artaofca libertnan, at : ' > ho cm acoumpliah aU ha wania by ink uiOTbatcata, without bringing on a Agfct. it ia currently reporud aad haltaoed along the linooi that the S'^d- Alohaa* ". .egiwant, of Swvtnaoe adlriaio*, area captured \Vedn*aday oven ng. It ia atatad that the ragiaiont, ihrwa hundred and tt ty rtroag. waa plaoed * frooi of oar work*: ,** m the raoavro uf the pinkot Ha*. . Tho ant toy mada a sudden (anfc aaoaopaoa* auJ.uuceeedod in gaining the roar of tha ' regiOieiit, and captured if all, e x aunt tfca Adjutant and about *?J maa, ?k?> caped. A fedaral doMTtar, wh* rtpwaaata ihat . g' he betoagi tu flurrurt'a epiMaaiid, 'a*4 1 tha p wbili te?* out of priaoa. ??nda b-.way >ouiw hooa Wmlwaiv ?*#* Ha aaja that SIk^ nan a nombaw all tohi an ona hautbpd . ihoaaaad ?a?*y ? ? *??rda4 wi* ?*> Jgk ptaioa, fcowavar, aad wiU ba Um*A m % + : ^ ' a _ ??\ a**;my* - >: -r* . . Our adrieea ftmm tWftMl ?au tJfaMWfw-^ proapaet* far m general eegageiueat are ee better than thm daye ago. Our (Ml * * have extend?a East w&rd, the main body baiog in tho Vicinity of Brtwh iwia?aiu, Loat and Pino mountains We been thaw _ ? donad beoauae their ooeapaoy fu ?o Mg* # er of service. Both armies are reeling toward Boa well ' Our poaitioa, aoeerdieg to high military authority, it the beat we bare ImM nofa Da)toe was aheadooed. .* Hume'a brigade, ot oavahy pi the ltgt? wing of the army, Ubwa j pretty heary akirroiah hue a few uiiea tu advaeed of iu poeitioo, it? front of Bete'a division aad rumhb* at right our main Hue of battle. Our orijginal pertiooe are un*a?fc?i troot otJWarieiUu An hour may -battle, and io either ? hater hiae at it decided advantage. N* A . Col. Hunley.ofsw Alabama fegfawtf > y t' and a portion ol his eommand, were ?el tured the other day while ekirtuibkiog a* the oatuoaU. > - ** The bridge rw the Chattahoeebie, . ? leading to KoeveH, is strongly fortified. * The-nearest the Yankees have batata Boawell is NaAicee farm, tea mike 2lortb* east of MWhUa Both armies are massed io liae of abaat is toilea in length, rompug neastyJCm* and Weal. The skirmishers ol TyW's Brigade ware attacked June l&th by a liae cf the ewe- 3 lay's, almost equal to a ttne of ha:tie, and one part forced baolc. Major Kindrt?|^ of the 37th Georgia regiment, are* d saner ately, and it ia feared mortally, wounded*. Also, fifteen or twenty ol tha same regi