Vww ?c?a4tb* * ? ?r 'ttwy ^ * tftWrljpiM U ll;? Bpart**" will k# ? TRXac'TN iunIDF "fftn ||t ftunMf ?r Fltni*?. ?i.?u f-n - . .' . ' tall** Ml Tun la K&4 u required by law. * mrMMibid IIMT In llnm Ike oMiinated mlimiflU )x>ftt? 90t delivered. to b* e?l jm-- 5S2 * ?eori,B8 to,h? Ao' ?ro' An M*y'poroona iatkla Dial riot bar* foiled . *' lanwtt tkdrfu laKild, or lo report tkereSjfc,Y jf. ailad mil Mwladrw ilpwd their ie!;taallnpoM to aeoaajon, notice i? boreby gKrn, fm foilnre io do oo early, Ik* law will 0* rigu I Hilt tllUMtd onttlnol tVaM fnwvni ?|M?i Mtn. 0 # T. O. T. VERSION*, j. b. cleveland, j. m. elpokd; * : Aaeeator*. V; Ew Any poroon knowing of aay one In hi*' A bare failed'to mule* a into / report of any artfole of Tax in Kind, either nj^ of the *n**?eorii would he glad to hear froin thin. Ae it ia bat j net that all ahould pay Mdr mil*. May ft I 41 JMBT'W? tab* pleasure In annonaeiag that mm BHinnrr u our town la about to r " * bu completed, ud or# un, an delivered in the Fo tOVbl Congress. It in refreshing to aoo the truth % naJnorlooolj proclaimed and to road sentiments - oa catholic In npirlt and redolent of a a?und HMgnnnl anil olbratod appreciation or tho true w nandhioa of things. It I# ho superficial scam tng of passing uu irr? givieations. !he vote of censure which they ? pmiit, vm a shift which tiiey alone would rel*rt U under tho stinging sensations wliioh its mrtk wad bold delivery prodeoed. Instead of osatiagmealyArgument by argument, they hod recourse to a Vote W expulsion first andihereafter, to 4 Tote of censure which oviuees le fee reeult that the tpir.t of trnth still holds as%M domiaiea over the Congress or Abraham Llaeelo. The most pleasing feature in the Speooh,'aside from the severe thrusts which Kentucky received, -is the reception hjr hii#of the truth that ao parly can favor rcetmstruc" baa, thai we meet acknowledge tho indcpca , deaoe of tho South or exterminate the whole rvoe. This is the true doctrine. Let the North had West eay ee?and we ere content War deasoeraoy is as objectionable as Bleak Republicanism Both have tho same ends in visw, though the menus pr spotted are differRk We Uke Mr. Long na a democrat. " ' ? ?? 4 - Migar. A Wwd writing from Clinton to tlie Guardian mm business od.l* the following interest* lag suggestion: "1 bore found thai exposing . Sorgho Sjrrup in very sUollow vessels to the sir anuses it to ery*toiite, or form sugar. This has boon done in n small way only. When 1 have oorriod the experiment further, I may re-' port results hereafter. In the meantime othon might bo trying the experiment. Success would bo' n groat achievement just now." Black* bubal It tiles. The Yankees are not to be out-done in meat:' seesand dirty work, whila we are at war w ith thorn. The Now York Herald, of a late date, Stye in many instances, the Taukocs are com- | ' iog into our border States, and purchasing with a HUlo gold and a few green bucks, negro men, taking them North, and patting them into the Tanks# army as substitutes. . i - ?Hnnorsi. or th* Tsbasvrt Note Division. ?Ye are requested to state fob general information that the removal of the Treasury Note DivMoa, of tho Confederates States Ttvasury b fUnarlinMt i? P-t..?t-l- ? L ' ?, .? v-iuu-ui.i, ?umn cHi oimi, will I delay far two or three weeks the issues of new astea. About ninety ladies. nttuuhod to this division, will leave to-morrow morning?Etchmmi E>l>iirtr, 'jt/blh April. am> Pa tree, April 20.?A large force oftheerTenj, eonetatiagof infantry, cavalry and artillery, atiaeked our pickets on the Ringgold roud this # morning; oapturing ten and wounding several. * ~ ' The pickets retreated uenrly to Tunnsll 11:11, when they met reinforeetnonrs, turned upon the Taokeos, an Jfh? cancellation of tlie uld Airrency i* progreeting at the fate ot $W,tM)Upt?00 per munih * All lire hesnUals in and r?p I been lately cleaned mil. Four men belonging lwln the quit ' possession o:iU.witti tilt Confederate,baqne flying from the tomports of loo fort. ?.-* Twenty- three hunr hiutaelf a rcputatiut nth* army of Northern Virginia, end lli? cap tare ofPlymeulii addaf General Jiui-sow, on jeaterdaj ti.orutng. the 20, at Q*y light, and ail jolne< in the praiae of In ptlUntry and'VrtcccM, at thoy had to okarge, Work, nud tight hand tt Laud in the street* aa thoy drote the eaetaj bbloro ihetu iuto thetr large stronghold For William*. Tho Branch P-eld Artillery from your citj (now Fegrant'* Battery) conducted itao.f nobly uua sutlered Irom lite terr tic fir* of the lorn ill I hempen field|dight huudted?yardj distant 1 send you n lial el Ihc wounded, led in miin ber, unw^?IIIVH MJ t/li((lll(Ri In view of the scuroity of feeds of al kinds, let me suggest to your readers ar easy mode of projiogttiug Irish potatoes lid tomatoes ; 1 lueati by cuttings. When the potatoes hnvo couie out of the eart li three or lour inches, on a rainy day 01 after n shower take up all the roots ex cept the one which is to remain, and scl them out as you would tomatoes ar cabbage plants, or sweet potutoc drawers ? 'ihey will grow and bear as early *s those that aro left cn the potafoe. it you wish to iiic-caso your lri*h potntoo crop still more, when the bush Mminences to branch out eut or break a number of these branches froi i four to six inches long, ind set llieiu out as tl they had roots to ihcm They will grow readily, and will bear j?o tatocs later than the others. Cuttings ol the tomatoes also grow very readily. In transplanting cabbages, tomatorr and- other plants liable to destruction bj 'the grub or eut worm, a bit of pspct wrapped around the stem previous to plant I ing, and extending an inch or ?n??r ? above I the surface ol the soil, will cffectiuilU j pr'itect them. All fnnuers or gardceri j knew what ravages they can coiuu if, in the spring especially. This simply pro cess, requiring very little additional trou blc, will have much disappointment nnci labor of replanting. The paper can re. main until its rots away. A. U. TiisCoxricasioN or an Abolitionist. In "A Trip to Ouba," writton by II Dana, Jr., of B'?stc?n, an out and out Abo litionists, he is forced by being brought lino contact with thp negro, to make (hit confession : * "The negro of the North U an ideal no pre; it is the negro refitted by while culture, elevated by white blood, instructed even by white iniquity. Thenegri. anions negroes in a course, grinning, flat-footed thick skull creatures as Cu'iban, bay, ai the laziest of brutes, chiefly ambitious tc be of no use to anybody in the world, lie has but the ta> g-.bla instincts of all creatures?love of life, oi eaae, of offspring. For all else ho must go to school to the white race, and his discipline must be long and laborioua. Nnssuu and all*we aaw sugjested to us the unwe couie question whetli cr compulsory b- better than none." Lincoln liaa appointed Commission jrs tc sell land in the rebel States, and the following is the re: >it as far no we have heard from: In South Carolina, 103,574 acres of land were sold f.r 827,300; in Virginia 640U acres wore sold lor $110,407 ; in Florida 124 acres tor $10,002 ; in Tennessee Ian ? were sold lor $52,500. The expenses in the District ot South Carolina arc 115,805 ; Florida, 114,400 ; in Virginia, 90061; in Teunassee, 97122. Tub Mariktta Paper Mnxs, though among the very boat in the Contederucy and though the Government and ticwapa "pcrs are clamorous tor paper, aro not work iug up to their lull capacity. The cause vi this is tho w.lht of hands, some of their best paper uftfkcrs having beon eonscr b od into the service. This ought not sate r>c. Oovetnment should unliebitatingiy do tail tiie neoeas ry |.ir?e <> keep every iuil! in ?hc LoUiCiierarv ui w^k to its lull capeoity. . vaaaah R?MaMlc?B. '^Highly iutarietiug d?d important .kite I iigeMf has beep received hata from 0 i north stde*of toe PotQtyee In relatiqfti I ? .Gen Grant'# campaign In Virginia. * It reported and believed that hie movou>ci * upon Richmond ?U1 b? by thr?a col ami * ~-anylu)# by%l?ro. One of there oolutng x Starting from hia prcaent lines on the IUj * rt.li.n~.tr W^-il??? ' ? " kt "? "ni*a? H)IW?II. ;i|? M * |o?L wifl move under Buriuide ou rt I: south -side of Jam*.* rim1; dud wHl seek t _ 1 eat oar communications at Wcldpo vlP Itersburg; and tho third will move apt! ? Peniusftla from Portress Monroe audi Beast Butler. ?houkl there I* any e?r< ' in this staUuiOLk, itt eonsuts in plaoju T Ituruside on the south side of the Jaiae as the information to baud lea res it at*!1 s what in doubt' whether he wity opera! i against our lines of communication in (hi dirAfeloa, or maroh up the Peninsula. I I the Istier erenr, the enemy will come i . us in two oolutnnr, each one starting f?i i. a different point nnd baring a distaj \ base. 1. t J T do not feel at liberty to mention it f source from which . this information w; a obtained, n? the ohanncl through whicl 1 was communicated ; but tor the pre*i you m'uy rust assured th >t you have the ke to itrnuL's BToinCteil Vir?rini , r . - ?. T - e???'"' 51'??" x Frqpn- th Kapidati tno news is slso in . porta nt. 6rant is certainly esuceutratir * his foreea in Own # Lee, as Sherman ' concentrating his in fVutil ot Johnfti* ' As towns on tile M i xi and Kentucky have nea 1 I ly sM their garrieun* Tor ij b ruin form-itiont of the latter; *?> have ft o in Mary html, on thn co??fltar Virginm ti; f North Carolina, and pcr1faj? some ev-a < , thoso on the cuthe"ruiai and that under iiajiks, hich there is rc r son to believe has I eeorae cxtricably e * tangled in the network of Tirer*i bayou ' awainps and ennebreuks by vhj?di the r.i lay of Kid river is reticul ?ied. In ad"', tinir ?Ki? im? ??? ?? ^ ..... J.. .VJ, ? clirlllj pvo UJ> in III i month, ill u measure, all rhey have'gsim 5 in three years. Hut their necessities lea\ J them iiu choice. I A very remarkable esse oicure of a sti r joint was recently effected by thesurgcoi >* tit oue ol the hospitals ot this city. 'I I knee joint ol a soldier had been tor sever , months altogether unbeudable, ami he ha , keen lor that reason assigned to post out The Surgeon ol the I'o-t, lor some reusoi was le t to believe that a cure could be at | looted, and he directed oue oi his as:, is I 1 snce to put ihc mau under the influence ? i Uhtorofomi. 'i ho opportunity was take wh- n the suiiject was louud asleep, and a ' iiistuiitaueous bending ot the joint was ll esulu in order that the patient uiigl have no doubt oi the perfcctncsa oi h I eure when he shou^return to consciou.* ? ness, the leg was drawn up utid tied wit s'lmndkcrchici*. Upon coining to his sci | scs, and to u realization ot his conditio' the pa.icut struggled manfully to struigh en ana stifl'en his leg, l.flt it was "uo go.' llis limb was pound, ami up to ?Ue iei he went, lie lias played his trick *4 hu cosstultv that wo arc assured tint some I u: .1?J - - t | DuuiuKut.a ? no nave uceu associated wit i liiiu fur months, honestly believe tliu.tr ? was tho Chluroiorm that limbered hts-ic; I (tanoiyn A MofT Kxceilknt Mkabcue.? member ol Cougri ?s i'lotu Tennessee It. ; now in his pocket the draft of a bill whic . he propones to introduce at lite carta . posMbie moment ut the next session, wliiel It adopted, will CUI speculation ott at tl knees, and iuilict deserved punishment u | on the sharks who have been preying upo ; the wants and nece allies ot the pcopl . The bill provides that every one ahull t ; compel ed, under oath, to report tho tiuioui of the sales and the per cent, profit he In made, and that all profit beyond what just mid reasonable shall be regarded :yt tax Qui lee ted for the (J or eminent, and ?*ai > over to the Govern ment. 1 hose who r. r > ed their prices upon the parage oi tl currency bill to cover the depreciation < the money, and co..tinned the same j nc< .-'.tier the one.third was deducted, are p .r > . neulurly provided lor. Such a law is bt^ i ' ly needed, and we believe wou.d lend to i J greater extent to reduce the present exhoi hitant prices than anything that could b devised ?Mui irH'i lirb< /. [ s?n? ? ? UinuioiTv iifi? V o/.i./s k!. 11 are pcrni'tted (says the Southern 0i>? r cr) to mukc the lotlowing extract IVwin letter, written by a lady in Ynzno City 1 a friend in Alabama, relative to the reuei visit of tli s Yankees to that ci'y r We dreaded very much to nee thcni-coli! > on account ?>t the negroes. Most of it uicn w ;ru negiocfl. 'i'hey, as soldiers, ai the most ferocious and unrelenting of hu man beings. We dreaded their cottar 1 us ot wild l>es*ti*. Oil last week lliey ton : an old in.tn from near Satartiu?Col ila , ris?and be.?t hiin to death wiilr a fem i rail. Tlwy captured two o! our senc > and, after nhooitug them n !m i knocked theiu in the h. .? : >ii >i r. it n?. Such bar uriiK S as these, ,o . i_, committed. Knapsacks Disc'ahiiki) ?K impute! have tailen into gene ai disuse unddiserei it in the (Jontederato armies, and 111 den sion ot tliein the soldiers call them "Inn | organs. \\ tic never a company or rcgi ' j incut is rein marching with **knap?acl slung, ' (lie taunt issure tolullow : 1 m | you've gut jour organs, wlierr * your moi Leys '{ You lelt them behind.. xpcenTy i Ond bigger and better monkeys ut wn biflo I Ac. A blanket and oilcloth, twisted iufo th . shape of n boa Constrictor, and slung al? i | the shoulder*, is ilio ligh* equipment ' ! Iieavj, rapid marching, now. The Hon. Alexander Long. who dclii ered the speech int'ongrrss which cea't 1 such :i flutter among the lief ut'icsns, is ? ' representative roin the county i.nd iij " ! Ciueiiinntti. lie is about forty j ars age, florid complexion. quiet in . his inai ' ncrs and exceedingly temperate in Ins hut its. _ St. Louih, April 25. ? It is belicr< that Gen. Lee would not venture on an c I , fensivc movement. The Tribune's spoei , despatch says the u'nth anny corps is nr j 40,00'd itrvng. V Wc hero some additional par|ieokre-el " the capture ^"'lyuiouth by 0?l> tioke. | !c The" force eoga>r-d oe oer aide wu? ' HcJfce'a brigade, cornmended by Cel. Mer-? is\cerf of the ?J?t Ua- Kaiitotu'a brigade, 1,1 VouidMndod by GbtiT^ Itpnaittt, cod Kcrl tuont, oouitnundod by Major Norton, was * through luiwd u skirmishers, tad the 9 ueny'i pioketa retired behind tfieir fbr"i tifications. Judu tho firing coiuuieuccd ^ a white object won seen in thd field in front, 10 which was ra^bwd ?f bo a tag of trfiec, but wbioh proved on iuspeatioo to be a ? i target planted there |hy lhc Yankees tor U artillery practice. In the sutue field thcro 111 were several targets planted, and by pre? c* viouo practice the eattny hud goUeu a perfect fungo of all the approaches to their to works. Tho Yankeoa opened on tho akir\* umbers with tho lar^e guua in the tort which thc^ were approaching, ipr^hiuh "^(prss mounted a lUO po rider I urroit and H J invirUoluuibiad. No assault Was uiadc on Sunday afternoon, though the akifuushcca * wuie kept oat. >- During the ufteruoon a gunboat came opt froui behind the town and atarted up thf riven,hrith a pleasure party on 'boaid. F*( Our artillery opened oil hwf, but, though r* -siiuck,*ahe proceeded on op the .river, 10 landed bcr-passengers, and that uightat~e n-inpusd to drop tiown to the town. fcjhe d vrits iin aitucked by the artillery, and bj T a-me >h?rj shooters posted on the banks "f tor the purpose', but without stopping ber. "* On Monday our luroos held the poeitibn m&C * ? .lacuiui'u ouuuuy evening, ibe ouiuuy sliel* itup, u-< tuiMualy u( times. By this >hel? ^ ung the lullcwiug casualties, ot which we " have hctrd, occurn ?i in rhel?t Virgihta a* Kgiunn': e Me.Minn. wwnudcd rn n* the aide, HupptM ti mortu I) ; <- Frank Jo* afph-( unkic cvu.-hed ; Tbco. J. ltobcrUou. '* tu eight places, ah alight; Lieutenant I" i'ay tie, lute, slight. ' Un Tuesday, it MCems, heavy fighting iHMUrrnl, with varied ?ucm*, and on* ttt e neaU.iy morning the place wum carried by assault, llukc(n brigade entering uud charging with the Iwyufict uptlie priiivt? pal ?tM(& Col. Mercer who led thctu, ' was killed.* Uuritig Tuesday onr art?ilciy, "* liie'udirnFaha Wmui?? A-.I.i ? 1,1 p ? - ........ v IK iniri J, til ivicnurund, \vu.i planted within 15U yard* at the , (unifications uud opened ore. The \ruy cite Artillery, it is stated, suffered heavily '* Iroin the enemy's fire. The g-inboat which went out ot the Ro, ancte it in fctid made short work of the shipping in trout of the town. ' Sunday uiorniug our CuVulry pickets round a negro spy coming into our lines ^ wcarihg the dress oi a field Laud, mud bating a red handkerchief tied around his ,l liead. I nder this dress .was found the >H lull uniform of a Yankee soldier- The negro was hung cn the spot. or General lloket the hero ol l*ly tu iuih, i. a North v arolina, who wtJut to ' Virginia a* a Lieu otiaot in the First rcgi tiU'iit wftich Ictt North Carolina under the command of the gallant and distinguished J ??vn. D. II. Hill, '1 fats legimeut gave Beair Butler a blow he no dudU will re . member ail his days, Ipr lie has never since ut himself within gun shot of our lines 11 \ieneiul lluke has fit ed succeNUVfly^-ery '* grudo, 1'uni Lieutenant to Major Central it may now be said that he has the mtui^ taction of having struck the first ami last, and lung to be remembered blows the frnoiuy has received in this war.?Eds. liuattfct l'i a n.J ,J Quick Work. P Buekland, in his Curiosities of Natural " History," says: ' . When in l'uris I paid a visit to the horse ? slaOgliteriugplaceatMonttaue.il; there i saw from tiilecu to twenty horses, tied up o? in a row, till to he killed that day. 1 was i* uifd that souutiniis il#y say double that dun her. 'i ke horse being killed and the d rfLin being taken off, the carcass ? cut up " with hatchets and thrown in a huge tun. ><* big enough to contain the bodice of several -d horses j when it is lull, the top is fixed on ** and steam turned into it. A iter a titue - the lid is taken oft, end it is found that ' the steam has gain into it Prussian bluo. The bones are ground up in a mill tor manure; so that in a'eompttric ativ ty short space of time, the iu?r>r huv ie ing worn Out his energies in the service of re man, is converted, one-half into Prussian i- blue, the other into loaves ot bread, through >g the ine liuni of ihr; wheat which obsortw his powdered skeleton. Thus the KmnoK r iuuii practically carries out the threat.pt o hi* urge, wh*, when lie auielt the Etvaun iisliinan, pronounced the following tiicuiM M^ainat hWu ; ??, :i I", t'l lUUi t tJ 1 "ine l iho bit ><] uf an Englishinaa ; He In- alive, or be he dead, I'll iiriud his benct to Make nay bread. IS -r>.? m m i- Hat it vn or a Uich Resolution.?In t- the Federal Senate, on the 7th instant, .1 I ? ' ? in ?>lr. f*At;l,8Bi:RY offered the following : i- 1U.^?I.VKI>, Thaf the chaplaiu.nt the t* Senate lie respectf ully requested, hereafter, y. to pray and supplicate Almighty Hod in it iMir i-??h ill. nuil noHocrure Him."it feruling n> II tu vr' at to do, or elate to Hint under .' pri'teHee of prayer, hie (the said chaplain's) ' opion 'it retort nee to Ilia duty aa ike Alio mighty ; and that the said chaplain W^turii : ther ro 'Vited. ua alor?j?aid. not, iiuijor the i"'ir j-^rayer. to lecture the Senate in relatfon to the question* before therV-iy. The resolution was ohjeotod to ivy aotne of the Mack Republican members, who thought the prayers of the referenda about right :u tone and color, and it was laid on , I the table. < * _ I if Nf.tv York, April 27.?The atcnmer ^ Greyhound ha* been dent up the Junes Uivcr and ordered down the French vesI sell which went to Cit^Point about two >d weeks ajio. It is expected tbej wtH red?i turn without the tobweo. ah Gen. Ko?4cr hoa aftdiad for a com maud w in the field lie will probably be assigned; j to Hurnnda'a corps. Meade reviewed*^ oo Flidftj bet, and ftiat ord#* <* *?# thb Viek 9*b fire days r*.iba? bad beea kanad it 4k Yankee am/. Atbqakt iu frft.* Obai?oe 0.Ilr. April ST.^-flbakgrew* prived a picket pool of forty woo ikflutor i Wood, Fiiriki county; be bat, oapiurtng eighteen p?n. Tbe not ceoupod. Daring the day iha aueuiy purl auod Mosby, re-capturing Ibur hum* and taking prioooor Lieut. H outer,' ooawaad ing ootnpauy A, and weubdiag Link BTaL oo of the aume aowpaay. A Ma ko tween Mooby and the Ibnkeee at* erred ' ut loeolibtfrg on Nondfy week, in which the Yaakece loot three killed and mft wounded Our km ?u ana aw* wemd ad. All tl?l>|raokaaa bare left the vaUek^ moat ot thein arc coming to ratinferad Meads. Avcrill boa gon* to gooihuail V ir^inU on a raid. Manda was reoei*? iag^l/ntorcemenu, over the Alexandria Railroad* Uicujsoxd, April 27.?So aigp yM if a fl?K of truce boat with there turned prfo? 1 #n< n? ci|?vu>(l last wtek Member* of Cottgrasfe are arriving ?!owrly, and it U beli vLl'iit not m'aro than half a air> da.?The eiMuhiitiee aj?|M?iutad, by tbp Yankee Congre** to iu<|ti.i? ii into Florida hasp made their report. Mast ot the facts sK . forth in the report barb already btMn^ tuntially tnade knqen. Top committee Uirtf tM make it appear that the object at the expedition ?o -cut of a r.rb source of the enemy's sapj iies," "giro an untie* ior Sutton,""aaa "up??i a fuv.?r-ble ield for the etturaient of negro rrqppa." Rot the ! real otii'ei ?f in? "*1? ' ' ' ?4 |/v^nv?uu am UW (MftU I by the following letter fiota OKI Abe, which was brought to light by the inreetii gat ion : v. . EXECUTIVE M ANS10M, "I Wo.-dilngtoii, January 13, 1U5I. J M'ljor- Central Gillmore : t v I Understand an effui'v is Wing iu da by gome worthy gcntleuicu to recount iee | legal State Government in Florida. Fiof ' id? i? in your department, and it i? not unlikely that you may be there in person. I l?ave given Mr. Li ay a corn mi* k?i of >1 ajur uitti tout him lo you with eeiwn bhnk booka and other blanks, lo aid in thtf^reconstruction lie will explain as to the manner of using the blank:, and also my general views on the subject, ft is desira blc for ad to co-opcrate, but if irroeoneila blu differences ot opinion shall arise, you are master. I wish the thing done in I he uiost s|?cedy way as possible, so that hen done it may be wtthiu the range ot the ! late Proclamation on the subject. Tho de I tail labor will ?>t* k-? L- **' " ? F..| w. IM10 Ml UC ffOflf! by otbri*, but I shall be greatly obliged il you will give it audi general supervision us you can consistent with jour more strictly military duties. [Signed] A. LINCOLN. As might be expected, the OQunuittee gives as the cause uf the disaster oi the expedition the same did convenient excuse? that t-ihc rebels gresi I y outi.s in bored them, and had grvutlj the advantage of position," tNiV; pKR.HKVKRANCfc t'SDKR DlFFICULTIE^^liiiutraling what cm t c accomplished towards matting'the Country sell'supporting, even in the midst ol u desolating War, Governor Vance, Ol' North Carolina, (who, by the uy, u dcrslaiids that the uuhsioii ?d a vjuvernor lias us much to do wttb the uiatctial welfare of his people, us with the writing 01 potiitcoiucUphy>ical messages,) iu a icccnt speech, narrated au instance that came tltucr Itii immediate observation, where a poor widow, with three children, tue eldest uieapubie'ot taking care of the youngest, cultivated, la>l year, a patch el rented ground with the assistai.ee ut* a little steer not uiuch larger than a ealt. Afraid to leave her little on.a ut houte iu her c ibiii, 8eat on the platform. There hud been n? cheering preciously, hut ua the old bcio stepped up where the crowd couid ??e and recognise him. e span htiieouA iiiul in>ot> >hou * urai forth to acknowledge tue gr-Uiue**4 Ka*drW m4 frtemb to r* t?d * */. Sickaluga?dU> ATS8 FOB JHK UM3lBLAT,ii^' Wa arc *alboriscd UtU??M? Miuw k dj M1ULS&. aaaawndidftofar tU I igicbtxip . attW??? wfbf wwhK ',' "V;"' to MIMMt BOBO.'bq., Ma candidatetor tto Lugfctofa/ nt the next canning election. * "/ W>art atoheriand * umomv UmU?W H H THOMSON. waceed datcfbr ttoctaf* . t.Ufr^a.tbc to?l?fh|dtokn> > 01 We ?n eatborised to mumn OW|lt JfMtfV" | V. EVINrf. U a candidate far the Lcgis>?llre, l >* ?*?* tu-x? catting cicoliaw Mto-ar* nuihorfiau io r.nnotiac* ><;ok? Jdt. I WALKSR as a ^aj^a?? (bribe tcgU^tfpp.' at the next enauingi the neat ononing oUotioa. We are authorized to announce Ihtf 4. W." WKDBE!i. m a cindidate for the Lt|bUUrt, at lk* next Mnuiitg tlrctie*. % We art aothorixcd to mdovbn Alaj. Wttl M. FOSTER, aa a eaaddate for lb* Legiela tura, at ika Was* ensuiag election. Ntiitf to Soldiers Board of Relief, Tha Commissioners of tba Soldiers' Board of Relief will meet at Spartanburg Court Houae, ?a the 2d Monday in >i?j neat. . GEO. l^iT^LKGO. Sic'rjr.& Treoa. - 1 :?: rr-? ? ^i. -raay Young Men Waste*. BiuivAt'a IiuKa, AprilTtk. ISM Young n?& under i he ago of eight com (IS) ' will bo received in Captain Bftrki' cavalry, MiupaD/l), attached to tha twentieth (SOtb) ' Regiment, 8. W V., a certiteale.sbaw??*g that the consent of the parents has bpon gtoen in 4 necessary ; which certiftooto will also serve on * a paoaport to thecompaay. Each aicmbst furn:?h*a his own horse and receives twanly-foor* (iU dollars per month. Thj* tonpuj Is rmeil irith Ka??l Btpwlwi. The plaoo i? wy healthy itl ba* Hub probability of leaving; Mr Wrrd, at Paaelst Depot, 'vitl giro any ialbrmation rasp aw lag lie ossipaajr. 8. rt IN ot'iee. ' J will give W.YATT LlPSCOMBE aotiee. , _|_ I bat after t ho 1st of November, I wHI no longer join fences with him any longer. Each man must make his own fonoe. and give seven feet Irou the line. This the 26th ef April, 1801 DAVID LIPSCOMB. April 28 M ?w To Rent. A COMFORTABLE Cottage containing fane Rooms, situated on thumb Street, all new aad well enoloeed. Apply for partiea-r Urs to J " wvafcvmsk March 17 40 "" Found JN the Sftreeta of Sparisaburg, M Salesday ImI. * email ameun: of monej, which the owner can hare by Identifying the nae Mid paying for thie whifrliieBint Call at lbte offic*. MarlO . "47 ,i . . . i i 11 t.m Limel Inline! Lime!! AT the kiln*. Fre?li Line is new on hand of the beet quality, for exchange only hv provisions, leather, iron eta., from the proda* eers. Exchange only on the old rrieee ? boih sides. W. CUftXIf. Eeb 18 ; 44 tf Watoll LiOHL LOST at Mrs M. ?. WALKER'S en the night of the 20th I Ml ant, a medium sleed La ft IN* WATCH, Chatelaine and \fj M> inched. Maker J. ft. Lesoda. London, la. 2018. When lost the watch wae wifteet crystal and not running. Any person leaving it at this eSe^or giving nay iaforasatlea leading to its reeovery will be llhseeUy .rewarded, Feb 16 44 > t< S. AND 0.; tuiLtete. " NO FRBlOflTa-wfll be delivered ft*a the* Depet at ttpnrtaabevg nhtl! all ohargee are paid. Storage will be charged fa oxer? instance, when H is at sine la the defet mess then seven deys. floods shipped te the teen ef the Kxprese Cetnpeay, mast he evneigned te'e Factor fti Colombia. ? j/mv w n???v? vvm*i "? nnnvi| fiM* r ** * For ?ale. jnut^, A few good eobaleetial Clf< ?gnPgK riarea and Buggies wlU he mU at ^ w - reaaenbla pnce ta be paid Mia Mjr hind w< proTuiona. Fer further putln* lara apply to, ITL'ttvjr * A. HAKVBT. ,C ulki Dental INotice. T WILL be la my office only three daya la 1 the week, MONDAY, WBMUttOAY ?HT SATURDAY. C LBB. B. BS. . LiOtfc 1 4 OArr AUI'S Military Cap trimmed wMh /\ gold l*oe. By leering It at tbie ettee the fader wiU be properly rewarded* . NkHkt ; At . H