/ Carolina ?jia?ati. * * >' jtw i^a^STSfl. Th?r?4ay, March IV, irc4. V*"! * > ' l*tRTICiriaiR \OTICE Omr (Hinda inagain notified that ib? CASH (MirUbW rtqalnd for *11 AJvertlniOg mW M Work doat it IhU offioa. W?.ko?? Ikla vUl k? naiaibcrid. x par Pn^er. In* o? m4 ?fl*r tko 1st of Janoarr 18<14, | Pa Woriptioa U tl 44 Hpart an" will k? C *? MUn. ? ' I Advartiseiaaats, two dollars.per sqsare of lis m??. or Is?, sad om dollar for saeb sub mmi l?iia. Lute it Aruiy Kcira. Stsos or <*Cua*lssto>? v4th l>av.~TIif ^ enemy oeaecd firing upon the oily Tusadar V ewellng. On Wednesday morning. Batterr Qfegg opened ire upon Battery Siutkina. Thr hatter roplied. aud being joined J>y the Su'.livan's Island batteries, n brisk ar'illcry duel van kept op for aavsrat hours, with what result wo hare not laarned. tente >? si.elli ' Were flrod a< Fori Sumter Tus?Ua v niglit, eight" of whish stru. k the fort. , A considerable slit was observed among th? enemy's fleet Tuesday evening, oaussd. it t believed, by the arrival of some Yankee officer of dUliuctivn on a visit to the .fleet. A small atsamsr was seen to go alongside the Ironside* nod iinmedcistely a>ter bordcpariure the Iron -- ' aides fired a salute of thirteen gunv. Home uw-.tstial set ivy y has also been exhibited among the enemy's boats in Folly Hiver. ^ A constant passage of river steamers up ami dawn the river Tuesday night was rtpsried b/ nr seeuis Wednesday joruing. A fifth Monitor mv. j he- appearance in?i iodiaations of activi movements at an early day. en their part, are Visible. In our own camps, the utmoewQoufi lence continues to prevail. From Florida.? A correspondence of the ftavaunah Republican writes from Florida is follow** A remarkable incident has been commutieated to me on the highest authority. When Gen. Finnegan telegraphed Geo. Beauregard for troops, the latter ordered Geo. Colquit here. An hour afterwards, he was informed the enemy was landing iu full force, end passing t.'ol<|U:ti ? position. Ueuaregnid ordered Colquitt to held his position, but ilist ight, aa a feint, he opened all his guns sn Morrh' Jsland, and the enemy supposing ?n assault was benig made, recalls'1 their troops, when Beauregard immediately ordered Gea. Colquitt here ; and he reached here in tiint to p prevent the enemy occupying Tallahassee, and according to European ethics, olaiming that to he the capture of the State ; for had the enswy been successful at Oocan i'onds, there was not flve hundred men between them and the capital, taud, jprith the o-tpture of our rolliug stock at Lake City, they would noou havo reached lauanasaea and fallen ba;k on St. Marks as a base and by water held communication wiih the world. Viewed iif thia respeci, it i* oae of ik* decisive battles of liie war. and has preserved (he State to the Confederacy. Maj Gen. I'atton Anderson, who 1ms risen from the ranks, and haa earned bis spurs and majority on many a well contcfted field, from Pensacula to ? hailanoog i, has ho on assigned t to the command uf the troop* in Florida. The j brifadiera under him are Hens. Gardner, Talia w fero, Ftnnsgan, Wise, Colquitt and Harrison. The main body of our army is eight miles Bast of Baldwin and twelve from Jacksonville. Mississippi.?A gentleman who left .Meridian on Saturday morning, informs us Ihsi so far aa was then known at that point, everything waa couiparatitr ly quiet in the Slate, ft waa ascertained positively (hat the Federals had all left the Northern counties, nn'i with the exceptiou of the troops at Vickshurg and on the Yatoo, and the garrison at Nat obex, the State waa olear of them. The people along the line* of Bberman'* march were returniug to their homed, and endeavoring to acrammodate ihem.-wlve* in ex is * fing ciroumstaaoes aa hest they could. Mamy ef the planters were without teams, and had but. little help left, but their wants would ho supplied by those in the districts not overrun p sufficient for thsir own neooasittev. The work of repairing the railroads and tele graph lines was hoiiur nrn?ee..?^.t ?: ??? ?' ? m , v I|aivum^. ?Allmnta Apytal, lUtA. ' R?Domlnu(lon of I?lticolu i Extract from Northern Letter. Nsw Vote, February, 18fV4. *H ia somewhat arousing says tlia Car.iltr.ian 1 to observe the developments-of the movements now on foot a.uong u portion of the Itcpub- { Mean party to secure the renoinination of l.in- , sola- Tha names of the leaders are espori- J Uy suggestive to tho?e who ara familiar with publio men, and indicate conclusively the de 1 moralized straits into whioh Lincoln has drift, t _ ad. They show that he is in the hands of a < party of wire-workers, who tiro identified with j the enormous swindling frauds a* Washington and the corrupting influences by whioh the war ia maintained. They show, in oilier wards, that the cardinal prinoipto of the Lin- 1 aoln dynasty is public plunder. t It nppeard that a ring libs bees formed to ~| secure the renominatinn of Lincoln. The Ira- ( ders of thle cembiuittion are Simeon Cameron, ( and John W. Foney of Pennsylvania, Tliurlew of Now York, Pugg of New Hampshire, 1 and twe Western- men, whe are on'y less no- t torions than the thieo first taunted beosiue 1 hey have confined their operations to a small- j \ ar field. This is tho olaas who are bringing 1 , Llnrals tn*w??.t '?? * ?11 ' ? -?- - ??>?% ?u? tiMWMHT icrm. Phti te letters from Washington are to Hie 1 fleet that old Alio is perfectljr frantic in re- f Sard to his rcnomination, and that he does not. t ischarge even the most trivial official duty a x without considering the question how it will affeot that end. A letter from a leading politician of New Hampshire, giving ijn analysis ' * fthe composition of tlie recent convention in 1 8 !-^ that Stato which recommended the renomina f tlon of Lincoln, shown that four out of every < ive of the members, or, in other words, fourflfthe ef the convention, are either office hoi ders under Lincolrf* or near Relatives 0f the * same, who goes ae their official relatives f Sherman's unity was full ot danger, sain the event of u**? ih<-enemy, fa?i<'*sib!e, from Vieksburgand New Orleans to Mont- J goniery and Mobile. Nay, more?it would liava been a grand flunk inorenicrt, as i* j was-destined to be, against tymerai John I stonkwhifh, if auooeasful, would have resulted, as has already been estimated, "in the tall uf Atlanta and the occonaucy, by tlie legions of the enemy, of ths northern half ot the great State oi Georgia. livery i ruan we might have aont to Mobile would ' Olllv lorn nnlinnnnil lti? ?' *' -- j - .. iuvu tiiv * iv>'ii J ui uur ?:tr} a* il did at -Vie)(?bur?. ? Had (renerul Pujfc I rented upon Mubile, fihcrraaa would h'?ve thrown himself in his rear and cut oft lit* supplier, us Grant did nf Vickabunr whan he threw hia arm/ between Pcinbcrtorv and nil hope ol succor. There could have been | no esoape b/ wafer; for there was Farra ' gut's fleet already hurling its thunder at Fort .Powell; nor through Mississippi, for there was Hanks and Ins celuiiTh marchitrr up from New Orleans. If Johnston shou d send reinforcements to the acena of action. . as it was doubtless axpeoted he would or then Grant wouM fall upon him at ikihun and force him Luck upon Atlanta, rig-inst which it was finally hoped Shvrmau wmi.d be able to advance from tbe West, while Gran* pressed down from the North Indeed, the telegraphic wires inform us that Grant has alreiidy mo\*?d out from Chattanooga, and that a buttle is imminent at Palton ; but when lie hear!1, ns he mil*! .'u tha 2 counts of a i?w hours, that Sherman hue been foiled, und that his part of the corn- 1 bincd movement I as failed, he *.vi11 prob- , shiy retire to Chattanooga as the latter has . to Vicfclburg. t 1-ut how tas this formidable com I) ion- > tion defeated 7 It failed because too mmh 1 was attempted, and because it wh* met by tho Confederates with consuiuumt* skill and courage. The cooperating cul mine wcro too widely separated, wcro exp >sr,i to too many chances of failure, nnd were intrusted to two many different heads. Tile mluinii of cavalry, through fir outturn nering the Confederate horse, met with ( noro than a uiatc^ in those superb a l iicrn, fl Lee, Jj'orrest and linddy, and their brave [ollowers. The comniabdsr of the Federal avalry not only failed in his part of the programme, but it seems that he ha* beri^ ronton back with heavy lose. The retreat v )f (Jen. l'olk was a masterly,, thing. He I j ihowcd great judgment when he d.'olin?J : 0 ft aAJfAh* r?o**l? "--I . ? J t ? w .wviiv uattic uim reurcu ociusU tlie rombigbee, inste d of upon Mobile. Hut n? taken his position on the ea?t bunk rrf I hat stream, it was impossible for Sherm n the Tonibigbee and Alabama, which rould have been pully fital to bis deigns. Nor ahould wo fail to make grate ul acknowledgment of that kind l'rovitones which delayed tho attack of the cftc- ' ny upon the water defences of Mobile by 1 n adverse wimj. This combined movent ant was nnder. I nk4. The middle n f April, perhaps the 1st of May, will cotno II efore a new campaign eah he dutiacd, un#." ho necessary prcpartiotis for il* euoccaafuf 11 kecution. sin the meantime, tho rank# of ^ ho foe are becoinfng thinner every day by ij eaeon of the expiration of the terms for 4i -hioli hie troops enlisted, whilst ourynum- it erii arc growing larger eaih aucceKhire 01 ay. That our oiril authorities ut Rioh- 1,1 ioimI and our goncrala in the field -will, the advantage of theae favoring eiroum- j % ? 4 ^ ?'aiiecu the country uiay fool assured. The proapeot bclore us is encouraging, and gives promise, under the benign favor 0f Heaver, ??f eventual success and independence. Let each and all of as, lh>n, wofk and fight us wo hare never worked and fought btforo. 4,A bug putt, a strnug jiull, und a poll all together," will carry nt? through, mid give us peace and liberty for our reward. P. W. A. ? Cor. Qatfamnh ti>' publican. FV.tuixt;. W* are indebted lo Meeer*. Foster & JiuM. 'PcpoaiUrtoM for this Diatruit. that the^^^^ funded from tlie'9tli to the ICth March, Two Hundred and Twenty-Ave thousand dolKrw." A large amount bad air ady been funded in other depositaries before it was made kn^wn that An Agency would be established ai thin plaoe. ? The fteeerve Ctr.-n ( alUt" out. Adjt Gen. Cooper hit- puv.n?'?l ??r.:l order* No &2, f>rthe eniorc> ?..#?? ?t ?he military bill, to which all ,?-uld gtTo immediate attention. The ?; irr* ?re etw?? a r< ntSfcifiSd eighteen. and foi ty-flee and $:t". r. re to he at o ? ?? com ntandani of r-.tiireipts who iiitty ."t? he prove, grr.nt w detail f"r sixty day" * " 'C >x sohl to the bureau of conscription. Apphca io*:? of pes-otia hetTi*en fr-y^VWe ui.it fitly, '?rra;i-r justice equity -*:?s?ity require t i V-letail. (>r their "jployinent js uecea-ary to the pnNic," ?r? * ?Je in the ittme way nS io the t .? t farmer* Application ? for ex*-ipt1on by clergpmen, newspaper employees, apothecaries, physieians* professors, teachers, etc., are mode to the lo< al enrolling otficer, and His certificate iiiiisI be approved by the Congressional en roiling etiicer. Officers and agents of railroads may make application directly to (he commandant, of oonstAdpts for the ttiato .? . 'J'heJmreau of consent < is directed\> proceed to enroll ' at otic*"' ail of the clerks, ngonts, ^untd*, employ ?s, etc.. just mentioned in the department referred to. * Conscripts unfit foj ?< ? in the field, and capable of discharging t*-? duti?s in quo*.ion. will he recommended l?v the board ot examiners for such position. .,s they ?cctn best suit ed for. Exemptions are granted to judge* or justice* o! any snpremc. superior, or criminal Court, to clerks, and to sheriffs. Justices of the peace ?le*iuy sheriff*' com ! inissioner* of the retenue. ?rc not npafltsl r B\> 1 ? oil!. VCOMFOKTA11LK Cottage containing four ltoonis, situate-l on Church Street. nil new and well enclosed. Apply f?r par.i-ular* to J. ',j. KL1t >lj f?. March 17 49 4< TIIO or i re o i M.. .I,,, T'.?. ! niuoi AI". U' > 1 * I I'. \ K?'Lu> A I StAJirAtn a Diataict Harriet Il.J. A1 m ., iin*ry, Aj.i .:iApr y Joliti D. Monteo ? . -i. al iJof 1*01 itiott !o P'-I)?8 Hi A. i<. ? *** ' ry. deceased. it\ . -o . form < ' ! rr 1 IT appearing ; > is, ?**' m thai Kowltr on-? ?f ;??e l>e triOtr. ::i '" i' ? t; i ; llitrefiiro mdrrtii ilmt ihe.*.pti ..r at ih\j tr( | of Ordinary to he hnld'n ioi ' ti''?nhHi*g f?i?- j (riot hi Spai tafihurjr Court llou-c oi?jVe 1 Jth * day of June nr-n. io cm <. if n> \ r v*? . why ihe mil of -Mary A. Montgomery I-e* .? - j ed, should not lie rUinitted lo probate in U'.r . and Anlerin form of law. Witness my hand a.id seal of *>r"-r. March ' lfih, 1**1. JOHN KAKL! 'O ?.AK, It. S P. Marc h 17 IM * ;lm Administrators' Notice. A l.L persons havi.tg claim* ncain-i I lie e"- ! tale of }. J. (MliVKIir, deceased, are j hereby notified to present them duly iitonted. 1 to kite underpinned on or before rlie ;b">t|i iluv ! of >111*011, instant, a? a tinul .-.ertl.sM^wit will ; he made before the iry on .bat lav. E. M CALVERT, AdtiCr March 10 47 .1e? pepo^liary ofilip l'rc.Miry (\*S A. SPA FIT V Mi I'P.r, S. <*. rj-^ JJK snbaorihers hart been nppftlni ! de' p?)?ilar.:"H f?r 'Fu*' '. S .\. Trr'iMiry for . Ma District. Wc nr.- fv*parfd ?" reeoi^Con Viifi'Aif notes of "" don-mi..nt.''ti- " fund in "nir per cent IfninJc. All f'< ntorlciwto tot tumlfl before the 1?? ??l" OM'. will^bf , axed 3:iJ cmni* on the ..p .!<-n: fins the mint) anil ' >aying for 'Ltm h Iterti-rnient. ?'a i at 1 It 1 - 1115 to. Mar 1 ? IT - - ?f ' l^t >MT I N lh? sirtfit r?t Mpnrtunhiinr a One Hundred Dollar intMv't hearing linnfcdeUir I tote :? percent, il.iily.) The tinder will ho ibcraity rewarded by lenvin;* the eaone ut On* litre. March 3 1(1 It | W ft ri t jirl or wv/nuin to c-nk?oiir without ??!?il K^UARfUiS ?\ Si 11 March-10 fc 47 It ?tati; ok siTufTc.\ ft< ?\.\s a. "j . 8PARTANltUBU. JHSTRICT. In the Court of Ordinary. ' Robert .MoCraw, Hx'or., Applicant, 'leasuitl McOraw, N J. Sarrnjl. and wife, el al.% Rufrmlauia. l't'lition for final M'.'iloarni an 1 decree. r~"T appealing to my*4ati?faetie*r^0f>tl'l??tB*nt l_ ?i.-? r?w, u'K'ii nnri hu i repra-o-ntai ives of t i Ilium Mot niw decaael, nani known, leorge Mol'mw, Peter Idc'"raw, .) Surra It n ?. Wooil an>l 'i(*o June^knd . A. MriTHaw*. defendant* in Ijin case rcaide beyond the limp* oT thin Male I in therefore ordered thai inejt appear it (ho ourt of Ordinary 10 be olden for Spartanburg ijirirt at Spu/iauburxt'ouri House, on the lit day of Juno neat, W show cause, if any try onn, why a final settlement of the e-^ite f Cabmid McCratf, deceased, should not be iade-and a decree rendered thereon 1 Wit*e?-?my band and soul of office. J NO. EAK^K UOMAK, O. H. l>. March 10* 47 im % * Dentul IVotice. I WILL be in my only throe days i t'.io week, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY an hatchDAY. C. LKK, D. D. 8^ NO^ICK. ALL persona holding claims against t >i KiluteofJOIlN W. IV III I'li deceased. q i present tii???? legally attested ; mid nli person indebted to Said Estate & re reEI"T. S. (. ^CoLUMHiA, S. U., March 5, 1?G'?4. THE Uoarde of Soldiers* Kelicf throughot the Mate who have not remittal tl amounts for sale* of f\\Kl>8 and I'liOTI! i full, are hereby re'jiie?ie l lo do so before 1i April neat. All amounts received by litem n Cer Maid date for K?a'.ir< of above, will b-* subjei to tlie deduction ol' SSj per cent., and will I wo received by t Itio Department. Dy order of the Governor. ' llH'HAUD CALEWELL 'Lieut. Col. and C. (i. 8. C. ' March 10 47 8 r All peperw in State will plea no inwe three lint re and rend bills in duplicate, wit copv ol advertisement attached, to this Depar me tt foy payment. S.TA 11. AND DISTRICTfTxrs. j" WILL if not l'rovidoncially hindered, eor a iu imi'ii iaici i i hip t mr? fin plucks heretofore ad vertised in the ( arolin SpMrlHD uniil Mosday the tilst ilny oT \lnrc instant. And will nttcnd At Spartanburg t. If , on Tuesday anil Wednesday the 22nd an 23d days, to colle t the Village Tax ami n Thursday tho24th. to receive the Rallanc* < the Taxes from the Country, a- th-ii will be tii last chance to pay Taxes previous to the 1? tlnv of April, alter which time eneli 'far pay er will lose min third of their money in pay in Taxes except paid in fire dail ir notes, or undci This change in the time to receive returns an Taxes is dona solely for the accommodation ? Tax payers, and 1 sincerely hope that all wi attend anJ pay their Taxes, and save to then selves S3J per eent. K. C. POOI.B, T. C., S. D. March 7. 1888. -17 tf N It. Tax payers will be expected toniaV rhsir own change. It. 1* NOTICE ! C URIt E X C V.ACT. Tl... ..i t- I ' j lit i/t?uwo vi uuuui \ in ncrcn Call tho attention ol nil concerned, t??* th oponitinn-ot' the Act ol th? Cu'.ilclerat > oti^rt.**, jpprovcl Kehriiarv 11, Istil, l> which ail Treasury notes >?l>ov the tie nomination of live dollars not finded i lour per cent, button before the fir.?t i April, proxuuo, will be thou subjected t "a tax of lidh IM'r cent., and they lurch itire notice 1st. That all pcraoat an J corpora ti n having chums upon them lor de? n?ili Hank balances, l.\ rtilie.ite.* <>l J)cj.o 1 t 'li. cka, i'lvidcnds, ?JC" , etc., h'*11 ^rc?cii liteii" clanu^and receive payment Uicrto on or before the li'th day or March, It; ant. lid. To facilitate the ojv:at;ons of Ihty en rouier* i.j iitudin^ their 1 r a?tiry ii t;' our per ee r. i.tunl<, according t til ,i ;,i it Act ot t i hi on {j,,. i?. 4 a ? \t ; . e in ii.lie to rrftoc the .-auto oil d , >? t ntiii the Uth day ot March, instant, ami to pa chrcka dr.ion M_*atr-st tin panic, ci t:l ;h I'.nh idem?hot lial.it os indu-ivc. Sd. .'.tier the I'Jtli day ol March, in stilt. I. at ir. said lhi? it m in avoid, ?oi their depositors and uthers nun o-tcd, the tax ?>t doi per rent., will j roe?.e to fund the frcastiry note* then retuain injj in their possession ,tn lour per eo it hoods, on account ol and tor the benefit o 5aid depositors and other.-, and thereullo pay all such claims in t]?e slid bonds. 4th 'idle 111 nk - will continue to roceir and pay '?ut iiejsniy notes oi the ieuoini nation of tivo (lobars an i ie and will re coive in the same manner as iieretofoi^ the tie.r issues to made un ler this Act. .1. A. I'llA > KOKI?\ l*ret>'t ouinicre>al"lia >? i > n n ... * ft. .1. J O i I s*: ON, I'res.i Cxcbsnge lime >a < ..iiitnb.a D b A VI" Mil.. I'res't Planter's o: Mechanic'* Hank, t'UarlcsiOi J. K. l'res't Hank o.'i hai lean.n. J A M 1.8 ItOSK, l'rca't Souib V* esiorn It. It. Hank. IIKNKV !.. KLI.Ii)TT, l'res't I'U.'T'tr's bank ?>t K.mrtei t. (J HO. f. AMllitO , J'rcs t Hani. ol 1 nearer. J. Q. 11 llNMNli. Fres't Itnuk uf lic-jr^elowtt. WM. WII \LEY, Fres't Parmer's ami Exchange Hank: WM. OO P.lt.V. Free t ^lfcliitiiic'a Bank oi Chrrawf \\ M ?i. d.MWll, Fro.Vt Uu on Itauli. CIIA3L M. FI RM \N. Fres l Rank of tjio State of 3 C , Charleston. ANIM1KW 31.MONDS. Pre.Vl Branch Bank ul'S. l'? ?i Abbeville. JOHN KIMIIKit. Fxcs't anch Bank <>I 8 C. at ? oluuibia (JEO. 15. It HI I), Fres't Bank of S t nrolina. 1>. L. Mot AY, Fro i l'ci'jilc * Batik. KL?B A III' .S'KBBINO. l'rea ?- State Bank. B. l>. flOVD. Fres't Bank of Newberry. March 10 17 ?t Jkif- All papers in the State publish L.11 tin 1 tit It M arc It ami ?cml hilla to the Bank o Charleston in Columbia, ,s. C. I A>st BETWEEN the Wuf^er House ami the I'al uietto House on tliu 1'Htli nit., i iitatvy (ioltl King iftul a small Fish. By tear ing the same at this the limler will hi liberally rw nihil Mnidi .1 I IXr particular, applv to J. M. Kl.FORD.-or nt this olfief, Marsh 8 48 ? | STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. n I UNION UI8TKICT. d Id Iho Court of Ordluwyr.' WHKHEAS WILLIAM T. Bill ANT Administrator of i>10 viil(? ef.JEUK MlAIf KIliDV, dec*imI Httltd e ami tl a| pftrii)|> to ray satisfaction tint tbt II following defendants reside from and beyot?< i" * the limits of this Etate. viz: Adon Kirby am ? cl iidren of Etnauuel Kirby, whose Domes art unknown. It i* therefore ordered that they appeal personally or hy Attorney before in? iu tht Court of Ordinary, at Union Court House, 01 the 27th day of May uozl. mod object, or I licit 10 consent to the same will be entered on record >f C. OAGK, 0., U. D. y Veb 20 46 . - 8?i I Jme ! Inline I Lime!! A 1* 'Iu-- bilns. Fresh Luno is now ? bant * f-\ ol the beat quality. fur exchange only4?h previsions. leather, iron etc.. from the produ cars. Exchange auly on the old i rices 01 4, both sides. W. CUKTI3. Keb 18 44 tf Kstatc Notice. ^ A !;L peiaont. baring claims against thi J\ t-lme of KOUEK1 LlANlKL, deceased ate hereby notified to present thvin duly at leaied to the noderaigced for pajracnt. on oi > before die I lib ilit)' of -March next, t> ifigl 'Cttleni'in of I lis estate will be made befon the Ordinary oit thai d*y. ., MAKV J. DXNIfL; Xdin'r. E Feb 25 46 tl WaU'ii IjOWf. r- T 0:ST ai Mrs M. B. WAliKKH'B on thi i t JLi njgbt of ibe ?Oxl? i islam. a medinm sixer ie 17au1KV WATCH, Chatelaine and Key at laoheJ. Maker J. It. Losoda. iHiudon. No 2bi8. When lost tha watch was witkoui crystal and not running. Any person lrarinf it pt ibis office or giving any information lead w in" to its recovery will b# liberally rewarded rt Feb 26 46 lf_ i- ilrtU II. KltlLIttMII. - VT? FREIGHTS will be delivered from tht _Lsj Depot i?t >|>.triHnhurg until all chargei arc paid. Mon;e r II be c).urged in every i instance. wlicr. ii remains in the depot more I ' tlmn "I'vrn days, (loutl.t shipped to tho curt u of the Express ompnny, must bo convigucil h to a doctor in Columbia. JOHN W. )LARDY, Agent, d Feb 25 45 * tf J STATE OK SOUTH CA UOUNA, ADJ'T AND INSP. GENERAL'S OFFICE. ii CnLt'MU, Feb. 25", 1804. | GENERAL ORDERS NO ?. r, A AN Act of Congress basing declared al d < A persons between the :i?-?sof seventeen am ,1 tiny years liable to t oafeflerate etrvice, it n 11 deemed unnecessary to proceed with the en roJline.it directed to be made by General Or dcrs No 2, issued from this o nee. Ii.- Genera^Orderv Nos 2 anil 0 are there fore emnit ortnr mled, and tho appointmi-nts o Enrolling Offieera and Surgeons, announce* liv General Oiders No 4, are re\oki d. S.ai> _ officers will p e*cni their accounts D-r way f* tlic time tliey hare been on duty. at this office for approval. 111. All orders ptiSlisiied Tn the papers r the -Mate in relation to a till enrolment will l.i discontinue'! r.ficr this date. J By order of the Governor, c A. C. O Mi I/. SO TON, c Adj't and inep'r Gen'l S.'C. jy Feb 21 -I "> )v Stock." SWttI'ANBlilit; AVJ UNION R. ft. ?* fllllE holders of this Sfeck are r.otif.od If } R present tbe tsnif nt L'tainnvilie. lor re iKinjilion, witbiti one month frutn I lit* time, m p i ilie iSiridenda accruing therein. hereafter wli tiot l?e paid. TllOS B. JEfKIJ I'rasifhuit S. A U. II R. r? Mar.-h ? -i* 4t If SAL& M LAM). -<*? ? -am i? | TT)V authority of tbe 'a*t enllot the l?!o ITL f I B # II- II. Tlid.R.Sr'N. 'le.-eue l. c wilt \ , I ^to pntihc i-ile ' ? h o> i!?t Ai'illi. the I dlowinj! ' tC's of Ulf t t.i *r t : "I ,i .? .. i ... t?.. v tr .-! * ? ... . . 4 4 f ^ in^r t">I ' hill a II. Wftiker, whole tract containing i n, \ ancs* v LARKIN B\LlNtJXU TRACT, lying on the witcrs of Lawson's Kork, nojuiniug H. W. Harris ami others and contain* 4iJ aor??. ll'Si. BISON TRACT. tioarOl'eroktc^jirtDgi " ontninitig 1UI and a ?t> nnoihtfr tract tw.tr t hcroucc Snritijf". containing 1?acre> { and Ihiui'M by I bo lands of tlcmy dines Beni_ i lie au>( oilier*, kliutru as the t unions km ate lands almi another tract on the wr?ter? of Cher '. okee creek, containog li?7 acres and bounded by the Ian.Is ot bl.talcr, Hennet and othsis. f Uso the SIMIAIT fKACT. near the Chero keo Springs containing IfiO more*, j. Al*o H '? oi a tract ur parrel of I md, near t'li r? kre Spr ings, containing 100 acres m I known as ine lirrtnld laud. Also t c CARVKR MILL TRACT, on Peters * creek, containing 1 I'd acrca. adjoining land* ot Caiuion.'Patieraon and others. A s i ttic PKA11SON Til ACT, n?ar Canipohcl! i ?w-ui'ig Ian Is ot lValm;i. and contains di \ one naif ; I ) of rhr tract held in Common by th? estate of H. 11. Thomson. diceasad. uud J.tn in Wall adjoining lands of Henry Dodd and 11 others, whole tract contains 2W arras. Also the CLEM KNT TRACT King on Lawion's I'ork. near tiie Village, bounded by lands o' l>r Bit ng and others containing ld-l acra . Also a tract near the Vjjlpge, an the Laurens road adjoining lnnaa of Mrs. Kir by and other* and contains 4t> not es. ?AI.'O? Tlie following Village Iiots, Vias The i) i.ee l.oi. vijoin.ng l>r. Kennedy, fronting Church Street, on whicft there is a two Story Brick building. Also a Lot near and in rear of the Depot containing about d acres. Also i i.*?l 9 ? Church Street, adjoining Mrs. , Kwni'n, Until :i ?A? building lot. * I \l o one Lot attuafeJ > > Hamburg neajr the Female I'olicgo. Alto Two Lot# situated an the Kail Road near Uio Depn:. known na the Calliua Uu, .Containing about 6 ucrea. Alan >i Lot in roar Af t'ol. Legg's re?idaaoe, near the Female Academy Ami ali i several ot her small Iota below .lack* son Dan.el's, well adopted for building purp? sea ^ Thin it a good* opportunity to inraat and .tuoh opporionii iet "are hcl loro olTered, c?ntl prising some of life mom valuable property within the District or \^l ?ge. Any ef the ! al ioto property can ho traded for. privately. TKKMS tnmle .known on application to ua and on d*v of sale. J. WADDY THOMSON, 11 II. THOMSON, t J. 8. R. THO iSOf, F.xecetora of II. II. Thomson, deceased. IjmtA- Daily Carolinian and Guardian will i please copy once a week for one month and ; send hills to this office for payment. Mapch 3 lii St JIIST R BC EIV ED AT < p. >4. s >1 ith;s ! COFFEE, SUfi Alt, TEA, SODA, PEPPRR, I SPICE. MADDER, Arc. GUN CAPS. PENCILS* KNIVES, TOBACCO AND SALT. All of which will be aoll cheap for CASH it or exchanged for all kin4 i Conscripts far the States, will bo forward- * ed by then for blaring, when any plansi^ ble ground of appeal is set fortb. ; eeoiaber.. I i860. * Said note has some credits on it. K : now consider said note paid off, aad I will aaft pay aaid note or enp part of it* nnleoe oea> polled-by law. * WILSON ALEXANDKE. Feb 2S 46 4s Notice tc> Creditors. I ALL PERSONS having d*ui?iidi against Ibd > Estate of Ellas Fleming deceased, ?r? kcrak/ r notified to present thdlr propertjr attested ui - the under*igucd for payment. _ AMANDA M. FLEMING. Eseeetria. I Feb 18 44 ? WAITED rTIO purchase, a likely young NEGRO FXfc' | LOW. For one capable of diechargiag the duties of a Body Servant in camp, a liberal price will be paid. Apply at tbis cftee immediately. _ Pet I JT _ ?f , 1 JLOST ? ,4 T BIVTNG8NJLLE on Tuesday, Ike /\ instant, a l'OCKKT BOOK, eontaiaiaf TEN DOLLARS and twenty-five eerta. a pair of EAR RINGS, and a lot of Needlea. The finder will he liberally rewarded by leaving f the satue at this oiliee. j CYNTHIA C. SMITH. it " i ?o ir i, \ IV otieo. HARVKT RUSH lolls belors tn i BlttR Mure MI LE, punpn?i| in b? three jurs t nl.t, no brands percrieablc. Appraised by J. T. Wood, D. M. Wood and H P. Wsod at Pour Hundred and Filly frsHars. Paid may be found at said Hush's larm, on the District road to GifeariUe Court Honsc, ftsutk 'fryer near, this S2d das of Dscstnhtr. IStS. 13HAM WOOD, Magsirare. Jan 4 40 J^onnd Crawfordsrille, tw? weeks ago. ? sum of > onfealerate monsr, (bstweaa and two hundred dollars.) which ths owner e?a , h*ve by sailing on Jaa. D. iiiviags, Cr.wlerwari'.Ie. /*. JOes. 10 _ 37 * . Kcidriiic M.i!? Acade r.:y ! rTtilE E*?pc\jc? of ilr* wr*# V? I i CuVtf n?a In. VI D MT VII lUhif * ^ I -m. ? ----- ??'? vA l W m M ^ j I.CAItY 15W4. TEIOfS: j <.'?**.-io! -cSipi.-jrw, 540.00. , Knjrl ?fi Do. ^'3 >.. Address Ivt. Tllf:0. F. SMITH, tvaaipu. Kei-isille, Sj>oiUuburg I>.n id, S.'C. J>.n 14 40 ?f . . m ill I) YILLE Fcinfl]0 llijg-li Mohools 11/U.L enmnpntf* ibe lat MUNDAY Ilf ' H FEBRUARY. IIATM U? TUITION: Preparatory, SI A 00 Collcgiato, S*0 aad 40 00 . Fieneh, * V0 00 Music, SO 00 Contingent Tea, * 1 00 Usi* of Piano, t 00 Board Fitly Dollars per Session, to be pn:< ill UfAVIli Jllft. EI ??! ! T?r? r\I 1- ?rlli f? ?, ? ? I t -r? nirh their sheets, hlaukets, kr.if* and ferk, and tumbler or rup. Patrons who ore unable to furnish previsions, will be allowed to par the money. REV. R. U.'REIO, A M., P. C. JOHNS!ON, A. B.. Assoc.ale Principals. Jan 14 40 if HOUSE AND LOT FOR SJLti. ~ ^ * rpilE Ilou*e and Lot formerly occnpied hy ?_ l?r. KAUSDALE, and situated ncar*CM. f. O. P. VERNON'S. 8. "BUBO'S and the aid Baptist Church Lots; and bonnded on tto Knot. South and lY?n sides hy a thirty fcok street. is offered fur sale upou rsry reasonable terms: * The HOUSE is a*two story building, and contains four good rooms and out-buiidinga. In conucctioh tritli the above Lot will to sold a LOT OF WOOD-LAND. Containing 18 acres, two miles from Tows.? For further information, apply at this oSlae. Dej. 24 Stf If PUBLIC NOi ICE. 4 LL persons art notified not to trad* wiHt A or employ my negroes in any ataaaeT what.rnr. No application to the -oatrary will be granted. J. m. C A It SOU. " Jan 11 40 * *f ?. --d*r Claim Aironor. 1 T"VU1".IN0 my abnonoa. parsonadaairi ngiha* I I clams filed for deceased haxbanda araona, will pleaae Cill on M?6 %t LOST. T OPT at Bit ingnvillr FACTORY, on tha lftth 1 J instant a Fancy Port Monie. It containing even one kuudre^ dollars in paper monoy, four pieces of Silver. also an order to gat a Hunch of Yarn. Finder will bo rewarded by louring the raine at this office. Dec 17 SS tf * - ? ?? - , I^ojst or Stolen VT the Dcrct at this plaee, on Monday tho 11th instant, a C RPET 11AO, eoatalaI uig valuable olnihing The clothing contained j therein ? n? marked. The Bag was eotmaVk, c<1. A liberal reward will bo paid for its delivery at this jflteoor for any information eoncernmg it. [ JanvS ^ 41 tf Crow Har Lost BF.TWr.FX Paoolrtt Ita>ot and. Spartan-* burg. Any one wiiff* suitably reward| ed i>y leaving it at Ihra office. Fob 26 4* - tf V '*v