IMI'IIL ?hf CwaBiCfc Styartatu S JP A Bt, * AH |M?h _ TknndarV SrpMnbcir M,"WC3< , r _?..?? pinnoirLin hotice.. ' " ? Our frieiidi era A|ain notified lU?t tho CASH la invariant/ raqnfrctl for all Adrertlaing and -#oh Wofk done at Lliis oflfpe. Vtm hope this *witl-fta remembered. / v' Aataunl Celebration. ^Tha eeeosd Anniversary of the Mtthodiat ' Banday Bch^ol Kalief Qdeiety onn?e .off in tlir Cturt Houae on last Friday artcmnim. a" ...v .vuviwo uuu cuuurcn 01 tl?c Sabbath I School, formed at tIre Mule Academy, and pro* j " oceded l? the Chapel of the Pcaiale College. After a fcrvcnt.proyvr by Her. A. If. Lost or, r?nil singing of that beautiful and appropriate hymn '* Happy greeting to all." liy-the children under the direction of the Her. Mr. Hutto, ' Prof. J. If. Carlisle of WofFort^ Collogo was introduced to the audience on the subject of Sabbath Schools. He treated it inn niastcily manner, bud wc can truly say that hi* matter was well worthy the great theme to which it was devoted. From h s acknowledged ability -ccu wounded in battle and disqualified 'for any active occupation, and tho orphan, whose father had willingly sacrificed hisltfc upon the altar of his couutry. Tho trustees were. fortunate in selecting > Captain Evins to perform this important duty, | as he himself had been a soldier, until disuuaN ifted hy wounds, and.could appreciate more j readily the sacrifices of the poor soldier, uml ! the debt of gratitude wItich a patriotic people owe to liiS posterity. His appeal, made with I so much earnestness anc force, had the desired . effect as-was proved by the libcrel subscriptions of those who were present. The exercises then closed anJ all who were present, were invited to a most bountiful table, to partake of the viands which had been so prodigally jwcparcd by our geuerouh anfi noble wont en.? The dny was bcautifnl and jdeavSnt ami every thing passed off in the most agreeable and satisfactory manner. The ft oui I lie Ai tnf ? KixaOoi.u. iseplom'ier 2l.? Wc have cnpiur ed four thousand piisoners and thirty pieces of artillery, aud hold lite entire battlefield und .ate pushing the enemy to-day. Atlanta, September 21. We have received reports of a general engagement of n desperate character which commenced on 8*umtnv inor ning about eight' miles Writ) of Ringgold, And continued Saturday and Sunday fcithout ddelhive results. Advices from the tfunt state that the bat tie world be renewed this inct nitt^. The army is in fine spirits mid confident, and is determined t j respoud as heroes should to the eloquent cajl or tieu. Bragg. On Saturday morning, Rosencran'/, forces occupied the line of l'ea Vine Creek, the only water ia the vicinity. To drive him from this position waa tho object. Field artillery tiring was kept up during the day. At I p. in., tho corps of i'ope and Jiuckncr front^our loft made n junction with Hill's, forming tho centre, and advanced to the assault. Our men made a charge through the boaviMtCartillvry and in * fuutry fire ever known, andr carried the.height* bey-Aid tho creek, driving the enuiny from all portions of The ground, which was litorally * > strewn with dead Yunkces. The fighting on both days was of a most depcrate character.' No reliable information . of the respective lo -ses. The slaughter of the Vnnkecs is reprseu.od by the wounded brought in as unpreced ntcd. Their Toss is certainly large, it is reported our* is about five thousand killed and wounded. Among tho killed i tire Rrg. (Jon. l'rcston Smith, of Tennessee, Wofford, of Georgia, and Walthall, of Misslsftifpi. The latter lacks confirmation. A mow? the wounded arc Mwj. Gen. l'reston. ofK.-n* lucky, Cleburne, ofAtkansns. Hood 'Itxni,, lost aleg. Orrg; was wooiided in the Jaw, ut'id Penning in iho breaM. Two lliousnttl j>iii-o-| net's and seven pieces of artillery urc reported 1 taken on Saturday. "I'nv'iob ;ri a on Sunday's report \ heavy . fn-.okc Men in leiu of the position of the cny- I my supposed from burning cOuipuswury stores. ! The battle is expected to lie renewed litis mm n- . itig, with an attack hy Hill eitd Ironslrcct on ; the orient's contro rol's Hiding. Somft years ago a parrot bclongtVlg to a jn Wlncliofltor, Trltii a*ce? was >'"r' | to tlyiirr ay omul ? "licrovo , It j J>r^Tn. ?lay. While il win p^rohfu upon j "v. a at-vke in a neighboring gudeit, a It twk came . 11 ? t Win bore it away. 1'itning ovrr Its own ) garden, in wl.ich wa- at > ?< k n tiny who had fed tho parol many a time, and w ."iff it Knew 1 inyt'li better than it knew the lu?g? bint that ?TJ?Tl it in tow, it <'ft7t?d ?o tlie lioy jn n merry tone, oh. j.n?, pot s riding! ' 'nis soetirinod the hawk ihnt lie dtopped 'Pretty Poll" in ''iirny, and s>ught a utcal cPvwhero. iff?**' , * ' , * aigaged in thin praiseworthy SqcicIj' appear be doing their duty wall, as exhibited lijr thn interesting exercises, of the ooensioa. Dr ' ' Smith made some interesting and appropriate remarks. The little girla.epd hoya ^ttn^beautiful? sweet Ikfld ^jrle and boys, :>e lore'thW all." . They were proud of their duty, and handsome lya the future interest nud success of our young Confetlerncy, and few so itciivo in the preparation of the hearts ami minds of our youth, for the tfiscliarge of these hifch and responsible duties which rai^sl necessarily devo vc upon ihetn. Seldom has an occasion afforded such t an evidence of the great importance, wliieh our people attach to &abbutli School, us the celebration which catuo off at Hcidville, on last Friday, I8lli instant. t At an early hour n procession, composed of I tk. i..? .? ? - , A Plan for liomc Defeat#. Apwng (be ruany schemes which her# been luyiyltd tawinspire our people-to a proper sense of duty, in supporting (lie mtmy ami (he soldiers' families, we rccontincu J tho following.' uutil some other shall bo devised. A District Association cad accomplish, much good, even if ?U should not be-gwueral throughout iho State. It is high time r? w*re preparing for winter, while some Jfeem to behfyiiig up for Ihe enemy. Who uc> doubt contemptatep-aidingthrough our country. lis ihoy nyw are lb Ea*t Tennessee.? We alii! insist upuu l?*yiifj; "hp nothing fur the yuukee.*, nothing fw ourselves but whit is ncec for ocr rym eotnmicsk>n*rics will iitkc the overplus, at Government j ricee, ami a- great dufluieucy fotrrd, when rtie jiuio , coium to provide for those who arc not able to provide for theiusclrea. Wo any now,' sell aft the wheat nud corn, and let it bo distributed ntuong those who a tut have it, and not wait tor hare oar farmers burst out, befqxo .-teeth iuk of ^ f^x uiMH^^Miilfiea?hw ia? that fv nlwnj* have the. poor among us The suggestiou ooate* with some force to do sotnjlhin?. aud while we have the tneaus, lot "Us ap ply .th'oiu to take good oaro of ourselves. The vicqp entertained holow are j worthy of consideration, and we hope they will meet the-uyo of son-e syuu>uthetic honif, sthioti will roll tiway iho burden that spciul.! tioit has throwu over lite price of the neecs sirivs yf liio. if it witi do that, it will do good. Tito priueipttl features are ! Orgnu kto! is the word. Organise! f* the WHlou cty, and rekindle the tiros of patriotism nil over ilic laiul. Let there Irj one inighiy rf- i fort of the people ill the spirit of self seorilioo and the work proposal will he net < imp! it. heJ. , Wt propose, therefore i?? orir?:i;/e our rnw>?. ! Cur this new holy crusade, under i lie name { and title ol Confederate gh>c>vtie*; ?nli, orduiti and rcccivcConf'cd crate money on n hai-iHwf gold unci silver. Jd, To dtvo t our I into and all of our mean* in i lie reduction of {trices to the specie standi! d. Ait citirons wo have hut to org\uizu and . will it, and the work is done. . A.* a merchant to buy and sell without any ! profit for self, or t t accumulate money. As a farm *r 10 sell at the simple cost of pro ! daction, to be regulated t?y an executive committee of said Society. A* a inauufaetiyor to dispose of all arti':1cJ at The simp:*- cost of tnauufacitiring. And so of all rale-and professions until j ,ve shall have brought thi* war to a elosc? ami : established our imlejteftdeiico and intt lonalit \ . I This plan of organization, this enrolling ami ' mnrslm ling of the forces for this ne.? and I holy war will strike every true lover of liberty and country as an inspiration from Heaven ? This, more than anything uise that can he aleviscl, will inspirit .all ottr^ soldiers, rvKtudle their zeal anil establish in their minds the fact, thai their families will he cared for, and thus equalize the hardens of the war, provrrg to (h mii that wo are doing a holy duly at home. Orgu'ni/.e these patriotic societies In every city, town, village ami country place, ami the army of spcctilmoin uud extortioners w ill he defeated and utterly routed. 'I'., !. . . 1 - ? .... . - ...... nccminui uu II, llll g.'ition ! i? absolute irretrievable ruin, and the 1 enemy witliiu is titling mope than die enemy without to bring about i It in awful, thin gigantic calamity. Therelore, we cannot if we love our native lunil, if we love our institutions, it we lore liberty, it we love tlic Spartan nmlkrrw nn< lovely daughters of t e south, we cannot now lie-bate to enroll our iiatnea, our capital, antu|AAi|i(t our dc.-ti uclioii. J This orgauimliou is feasible,* ii is eminently , practical, ami will Accomplish the very pur- \ pose wliich lias so long engageil your niuid aud heart hi search of a retticCy. The planter putH his products in the hands of the uierehant of this organization at the simple cost f production. The merchant with j itiij produce at a n luce-1 rate is able tVlio does not see that tins si'ikes a deadly J blow ki tho he-.d of every extortioner Ami speculator, find hits off from tho country the i nugaiy inouOus winch like a horrible night- ' mure has been ciu.-hiug out her energies. I* this n liiuo to accumulate when liic life 1 anil Knotty ??f u whole lit ion arc put at isaui .' ! 11 this it tunc lo think i gain when the no- ' blest blood that ever flowed m mortal veins. is j.aiucd out like witter, nuil poured out to |.ro- | leel i lie wry tucn i? wuoni we now make our appeal to do -onioihuig iu hchult of liic-e no j hie spirit* ? Are therC no salf-denotl ami self-sacrifice 10 be it it r. J. VV. I la rin on, of Enterprise in a private letter* gives us some nccouu. ot tiie practical ^.ood alreitily rebuhiug Iroiu thin one or ginization, and of its plau of operaltees.? ; lie snj-s. The principal tnrr*litlnt of ibis place, iu connection wiihiilty or more ol tho leading 1 planter* of this sejtion, have sin cessiully or- | gtuized on the principles set forth a it the Ad- ! dress. T. ey have wiilizeni and eitilieslnesS entered upon this good woik. ami he pi.icii cal goo 1 growing out of the organization is telling It.voralily upon the people. Corn cymes down to the old standard,'^>1. Kicc which hut^hcen selling ill dd cents conies down at once to IK cent s. and so of other articles. The Executive Committee of the Society allow 111vi merchant It) per eertl. to cover ' lazes anil abtfoliUe expenses. On Snjf, rottou yarn and c it ton cartls, per cent. "'Other .Societiesare forming along the Ohio i and Mobile Itnii lion I. and in a short while I this whole suetiou ?ill feel their healthful iu ' dluence. Ere a great while Delegates will I meet in Atlauta air some other mntohlo place, ! sent up to a Convention from these Societies, j to uykt an appeal to the manufacturing, rail- ' runu nun Ul IIIT leading interests JO lull'! IX help- I ing hand. >Ve are eeriaiijly accomplishing great good in this .region, and aide men nre i pushing tiie work with teal. li can Jo nu harm and wc know it i <"doing j go' d. Me.engage in this organized form bo- | Cause no holler in suggested. W? had a mas* i meeting on thi* subject a lew daya ago. Maine i two Jiiuu-otitd were preaeut, and we are no\v J filling die order* of. aovcral cm-respondents in sending llieni I lie A dares* and By I aye* <>>' the Association to inaugiirni.e new Socle tie*." Nkw< fuom thi: I at. a nix.?One mortar l>atlevit'R en 81 Hiv:. 11 * Inland have ir.aiinnined a | steady fire fcince ourjart upon d orris Island. j Moat of the shells were thrown at iiaiiery CJic'g liaiicry Muqkiri* also continued to fire iliroiighoiu iiio dnv The practice from our | batteries itii reuses ;,i effectiveness daily, and | our gt'ffi* nnd morlars are now work. I with >.rcr.i accuracy and precision. * m tin' "ewy'Ssgnns ill Battery t Si egg r an ropo'ted d?s- | muunlt I hy our fiiingy. cidty n*??r ?? ill., runny wwojd- k I sate! riil 4 KaMt'ry ji : wiicvi'tl, >n llicprrrlivti <>(' r? moi l ir l?at tory bearing upon Fort Muuluii'.- Tltey have nt*o thrown up a irnvprno 0*1 (ho N' .Ittlmi'l \ 'largo force is also toiny on llntiory Wagner j ati'l at 1. gothouuo Inlet on lite Moms' Inlntul ; siiJe. * . Ton weather yesterday wit* very stormy, in j tlioatin r th?* near approioh of the Ki|iiinocft:il Tim lil.>w uiul rough doss of the ae% musinI tho to. t iTi'sook slicli.r'hchin.f Hut r.ih( woe l.t in Might limine inlet?',U0:> were present. It ia computed that at leant half a dozen mass cob v*ntioiu> of oach political parly are bei/.g Irthl In Ohio daily. A in tet tig rout Ciltnpyigti ims never bofore known in"Ohto. Thore is eviden( , four on tho part of the Republican* of a defeat, while Jhe Democracy An entirely ran" guJne the 'election of VaUandigham by at least 80,001 majority. -ffts'Drnno'fcad to t???? a tremendous meeting in Cincinnati epon. at w-icL Got. Seymour un*1 Mher leading statesmen wiil be present. ? Guardian. Call r??r ProtrclloiK We would cull nttcntioa Ho the unpt4>lccted state or Urocnvllloand the a^tlrihiyPia' :-j#ti. All theme*- **???' tfftf cotmtry are j in W?*t, in Virginia and gn the I ooaet. We wnuM augggnt, reelectfiflly. to oirr 8:ate Authorities tlmf It is high time effective means wore taken for ita. protection, "flie en etny ie only oue hundred and thirty mile* away, at (JreenTiHe, Tetfh . aod'tlie road be tween the two place* ip'c*'?" it order. Ti.*? rooiidries, colleges fsc:i>ri<.a, ; ( here '11111 in Sparianbiitir. would r ?! *r hy:? templing hail for the uoofty. We li'ave givon unr ill, the bravo mountain men, to defend other parts of the Confederacy, and iu this our time of need, will not all in vain _ fur succor to ogr hrcthren.?O uardiatt. AN UP-COUNTRY LADY. DinilnR t he Sup The manner of (Urging ilie "imp" by the ' Federals in tbo approach to Dultery Wagner :? thus desei*l?o?J: A huge irou nibe, like those employed in no j pteduets, is bud iu the Ireucii, and in this ' three or fun? men conceal themselves. Tuc j one at the end nearest the liuttery digs away llie sand, drawing it ititn the lube. Hit next neighbor scrapes it along to his eeni pnaion, who in turn passes it to ttie rear. II re it v President Lincoln. The liieclt fire burns tor twenty minutes. It will burn on lite waier as well as on land, ar.d earli shell covers a surface of 1IK) siju re feet with j flume. Tlio shell burnt into about 1150 pieces, t or ten times as many as the ordinary shell, j ( II' ^tuir reltt vcn luul : :ii on ! ino'irning. th?- li -nr?c ft*--! j"iest urriv I. ai i ; llio rolliil about to lio niuii-ii who'l then ' i Ot tl|C C>ef"-o I" ? - - m i-n at. I | very soon, wonderful i i r.*l ite! !i ! >? > sAt 4">li iip**ijrM in In- lliii, tirv. f in., the c.-etic lor h Si'Vf llioinctll.s. ill pilicl III" cau'e of all the gh.nuiy propivs ! -:i? going on. Tm ,)i<\ ot !%? >* wrep ... .vit" - .in-l littIc our.* citn ho iiu.igiucit wh u they , lie .?ro ?r it nut .t i noon i i.i I in'.i a hail** ..." i 1 *"' ~ ' ' - ... . j - 1 _ i 1'liC Qlfplrii' i>imck lr> I ?n*prtiil--.| animation for over twenty f-mr Ik ins, ho perfectly it" io deceive even the i or< iv>r, the m m * wife .?ti I ail his friend*. Although apparently. nml o infill say d'fn*to, n live man. still tin* ligiitniiiK liaviUK killed linn, the ttoroucr having )?rr>iioiini'eS. (3T II i' arc a'ltborucd in announce Hon. JAAIl.S FAKllOW a can idatc tor re election to the of ilie I'litif 'ili'rHiM Mates. ha lUpreMntmiv^ iVotn the oth t'->iigicsmoduI District. WANTED IUHRDIITELY VFAIt.M or IHU.SK AM) ? t ?T. for a refugee family, whose head is bound to service. ?ALSO?, Several Cows and Calves, CORN, WHKAT, VlfK'Oll 1111(1 I'sfVI'il, for whio'.i the highest market prion will he paid Apply to Major A. II. Klllllt, Spart..nb'org. S. C. 8c pf J?4 25 if TilK STATK OF SOUTH CARNI.I.NA j SlAHTANBUSU DlSTItJll. Citations for Letters of Administration by Jno. Kurlw-Hnnitii, esq.. Ordinary. WIILUKAS THOMAS AllNOLD has file,I his petition in my otlire, pr.iyi.ig that Loiters of administration, on all sod singula! , the goods and chatties, rights rut, I credits of NIMIUM) AllNoLD, docemn d, late . of the Distrie| aforesaid, deceased, ihoubl Iks granted linn. These are therefore to cite and admonish a I and singular, the kindr.d and creditors of the said deed , to be and appear in the Omrl ?t I Ordinary .'for said District. !o bo hidden 01 Friday, the 2d day of October, instant, to show entitle if any, why the said Adininisin lion should not ho grunted. liiven under my hand and set.l >f office, tins t 1 3t h day of September, A. t? . l''V5 JOII S K V.JI.K lit i M \it, o S l?. Sep?. 24 ,2ft 2t Lard <>ilr?"v.'f> IIAIllll'.LS. for ??!? h" I .ions'w. IIAHOY. ' "ficpi 17 25 1i" 1 >(Milal \ol i. U. March 15 ly HAGS m i Wantotl ?t iliifs OlIU'o.i Spartanburg Female College. TllB next 8bm1ob will begin ou MONDAY, October 5, 1808. Owing to the grcnt alvnncc in tjic c?et of |>rovi?ioi>?,'?o-, the T?listof?, after a careful enliniale, feel compelled to make some change in the pile? of Board in order to cover actual expenses. TKUMS J'*USES8ION.. ' S10ARl>, everything included except lights. $150 Of) TUITION. . -80 00 wj* XfcAT 1IOOKH, 2 60 CONTINUANT KKK, -? 2 GO MUSIC, ' ' SO 00 II8K OF PIANO, 9 6 00 Total expense wilttrnt Muric, * ?1W 00 Toiul etpi-nsc with Mhh:c. S2S0 00 W.\k K. ULAKE, Prvs8ept 17 25- . tf s7i>. - * wTtL HP-HOLD ON NEX.T SALES DAY w A Valuable House and Lot IN THE TOWN OK NPA RTANBiRG-, AND A VAI.UAMLK PI.AINTATrON OK . 700 Icres, 2 1-2 >M!cs from I SPARTANBURG C, H.1 ?JI. ?. S.liril uti'l .ih?r? Extra., ... IVC. JallN.sruN'nntl wife >n I other*. Hill fur -141 v of lti at it into. i IN [?ur?iuu??-?*. <>1 :m oril -r of the Court of ' E<|tiity, f will sell. to the Uigrai t>M ler, ! a cxi fulesilay. x vali ib'j; !i:?rsi: tNf, 'i%? IN 'i il it TOWN i?K SPA UTA IN lilJ KG. Ic^ci il iti Ilio picAding* iit this erne, im the j properly ?l JOSt.l'll I'. SMI I'll. t is l-irJ5?"* and s'unird ? t? one of the llloM lit strahic ini'lii of tin Town. I w ilftilso bv'l-ul I in- s ii.i.' Iiiii: nu l place, ' a vali;aiu k kakm, lying on the Purest, 21 miles from Spartanburg ooutaiiiiiig (ilO ACUSOS. more or loss, described in the |>!r ndinpf in this e.ise,* n< the property of JoSKI'll !'. SMITH. deceased 'i tie an i Ion a'innli hoif" . lid other out-buildings and t!.e Innd i? \ dun- i hie. i 1:30, Four Valuable Mules. TERMS OF SAT.^. 1 I'rrdii ?f ??'c, I\ii> iiirti y i. s, tilt It in lercM t "in -11*' of- tic I'ui'cli ?? i * In w. ver. *vi!l Jic allowed tin- pri?;!v~o n| pay in 2 ilic ' c.nli, if JmiviiJ. It the | > ii re It a ? mutiny i.*? not j ji.ihl mi lite ! .() r Vl'.ltdW, r. r. *. i?. iVm'i ntlico. J5! jit. H, |Vij.{. So jit l>) fit KNttOLMNti 'JFiT K, UK A I) jl'AttTKKS. Sl'AHT V vtlfli'.l .11. Si (.1 1 1 "... | A 1.1. a iiiie inile j***v*iit:i- in S, i,.n biiijt 9 I ! I **l. 'i" * ili! I 4 i. ii >t ilii inly in Milit ny Si*io i j wi!| r--.ri at .i it* Ilea*!*; Virlor- I*ii* cxan-iii ii i*?u i*n the Tiii i i 1 S I; I't* hoi* next, ox**--jil i'.** folui-.rli*tt. i? : ?* tiii In.I I'V iin I'll*-, ll'n" tt'Ti ?*r i*. . v' .nil ol *. ill I* i *i .* Jii-lr : i , ulfl i on* o\ n| ?*>l by i(u* !:**ii .1 linn I in? the ? hi .hi i i.ii .\t.iv, u:rl the 1m i . | ^ July 1 i-t ! i > Ai. I l. i tu t yet earulloil, .ill I i ' ' Bl in, ! i . oil I. I > ! occupAtf >ti j | m ' a -*:r c. :.a. 11. c t to ; vo .i i ; i;n ,\. L : I'' Ml < l.i . II 'II. !. I' it I - Hi*'If. I. Ill I fill I .1 y w:.'l l I ii? ile .ericr*. ,1. s. it. l'llt-USON, l.'.irolUog ?j:ii.-ei*. Sej-l. 17 2- if sr?o.oo jm:waiu). 1) l.'.s WV .W Irrnn I lie *uli>orili r oh ^ ilie 11 ) iiijinnt, mj negro m m M.'.UV Sli.l l>.iy is ('opjierl'iilnrnl, ahotit > fee. .1 iti.uUM nr*l tv?ijti. iilniiit I ill |>i his Jcli ?l j Al Sparla?lnirg I K. Ii. i-KVY. Soft. 10 21 if I joat lu'i* ioi* Sale. I WILL oxc linage l.i. AT: 1 Kit fur II1DLS lipi'ii ilir following scale ot price.*: .Sole I.cither nt 31 J 1'eiit- per pnutnl. hujiel Upper. .VI ceni- pcrpouuil. Ami take libit"* :> payment. foi lircu Hi'lc, i.', . cut." per |K>un I. Dry I J.\ ? - # So 1 propose 'I iitthis for iliu benefit of iho community in lime ol w ir. Ii is :i little belter tliiin I ?li'l iii time of pence. DAV ID \V. MOOUK. Sept. 10 2-1 ' if fjc:to?oo Ut watd \\ ll.l.L.> p ii I fur the apprehension an I ? f delivery ol" C !.' MO i K .iiiKl.oW, to |M. >llOI " ol S11 II I .Ml Off l??st|i dark V I'. l'l)l'KI.A.\l?, ''?i t. O* H., l-itli Uejrt. S. O. V. .II ir S( ?>1 ft"-i iiiclii ). very b|ncV\ nml ipaiig intelligent. Tit. tliicf said it* ?ouu? uf i lit , nrcriH't lit? win a 'Icsoricr lie endeavor- , ? ?! Ill ii iilll<*r? alitor ii.rr?i..A- ? 1"~ ?: u 1 .?> . in ivn vo h i' ii ii I til. lie l?>l l i ho iio-jron* Ii i 4 ii iino wis Wllron, >m>l lb it liii lioinc was about two union above Newbwr| Court House. Ifo iiu'l the negro wiu t> '"i ut Hopes Smtmn, mi tlioir my tip the iiiujI"^-. 1 will give siJ'i for the apprehension of Mm negro. ami .. I,o'w> fin Uio nniie man, with cvulenco t 'JtT ST A I :: OF : Ol'i II o AiiOl.lNA. 'I'll H AT \TK ?>! ' Mil. Ill rAKitl.lNVMrxuTANiivyn i>Miiiit i. Cilaii in fir i Hera > I" A 11 II i i i -Jt .H11 CI? by Jno. | ly t rle II inr. t'nj., t lr?iin try.. \\J I IK UK AS JOHN SIMI-cSON * Ii 1.4 file. I II bh petition i.t my r.'.ic- p-mying lh:it 1 II IS of \ || III.11-11 .1' II, Oil -lilltlll MllClllnV llio good* nat' ch-ltte'". lights Ill.ll riiillt it -1^1 N' W. WlllTH, 1 <" ':l i' I, ljIO nl* (lie 5W11' i fS ntlli f'nr linn bo-iM go inftvl liltn. The-e urn tImreforo t oito hi i .i in-otii. 'i nil Viul ingtiiiii'. tl.n kindred nn>l citililurn "I tiir suiil ilocortrvil i" ' ? and nppem in (lie Court >l Ordinnrv, for mM I'iMrict, in l>o hold, n 'i I.iv, the i^tl; 1 ?\ of September, in nliow exusn* if any, why the n.??d A.Wnini.*(r il i >n .?11 >11jJ not bft jjrajii eel. Ill von ior my hat Tntnl 5. ,,i otflro t? i -? 1 Jib il \ of Seldom' 'I-. V. l> I*- I. jno. r \ki r :;0"m \'.i, o. n. . aopt, 17 J "walkouKE^ to (lic? - ?1 v will iloae (livinnt from nn?l ??11r tb'? date, rind ni boardefs or triuixieiit fill' l?e hereafter somMndated tli< rein. \ * , ' Hib llo'irt, Militated in (be town of MW unbut-g. with nix imfrt of land, situated on Main street, midway between lb* Impart mi bttrg iibd Union Hall Road Depot and the Court llouaa, and which lias been regularly Kept as a Hotel for upward* of 34 years past, wtr|:i>nt any inicrtnlssioai, i? wirfc tlie Furniture contained thereinThe Ilouttc cunt'aitKi k . V 'I I'vrV Hf?OMS Several of thooi quite lm*e, at leaat 10 of Ihi'i^^O feet square, and the balance comfort- 1 able cliaiuVro?alt "well ventilated with large j window*, au-t well nhaded with largo oak trees' around tfle Tim lion*? is In pcrfMl order, and needn no repair*. nnd well unanped for imwliAtc iin. Tcrmn made k^'wn t?y applying lo the IV?- , prietr?ns. Tim Servant? bolonginc to llic ll.'ii-p ore wel akiilcd, onn Kc hired if desired* Sufficient unioim* of good woodland to rervo I ho ??B of the llu'Ut fyr many year? wlilun l.l t??iI? .-* of 'ho j.I.i- c, 0*i I)? purchased-with tlio promise*, if *<> ilniri"! . ?M. It. WALKKRj l'roprlwrpis. Rpartn.ilmrg. ?. C., 'sent- H, 1603. 10 . ~ I tf ry <> rr i cT5 VI-1> person* holding claim* against Iho IMv? or \M?KK\V IIONSBK, dec.M, will present iliom property attested, to either one of the undersigned for -?oi 1 loiu?>nt~ M. 11< INN Kit. I .. KUW BONN Kit, J fcxor" AI-SO. those holding claims against the Es-' tal?; of l>r. 1'. ItONNKit. dee.'d. nrc requested 10 present ihem properly attested lo ihe unit 1 signed. and those indebted to said hastate, will phase coui tor ward nnd make oeMlewtenf. EUW. BONNEll. June 18 12 tf C ^isiim A VT I lie request of many. I will lots* Again for Richmond, V.i , on or uhoul Ihe 10th oi purpose of fiVntlinjt to cl urns ilu "o ueeease ! snluiers. noJdicrs din-' eh irgcd. and those on extended furlough*. I stiaHj^isji ilie different iMinpnicK that have 1 I? this District to o'??.un Captain's CcrtlficMc*, those interested, nnd those not having lu-anl irti-n iiH-ir ?*i:iiiit!? ntro my nuu fur months pn*t? will ?lo wc'l to cill ou me niul make iji, contain an a. c. s. Sept. 3 - tf STATK OF SOI'TII CAUOL1XA spau r\ ?su tttt t>t .-Tittc r. IV. ft. Ft) XX I l it, ippli-:in?, vs. .'. F. KOXX*l,Klt. ei nl l/fcn-hint*. Petition for .-ale. of Ileal K**:itc of Thomas XV. Kowlcr, ilceM. H i ijipotiriutr to .;1V Miisf lotion that Ah i I ? i. I... .... i -f- ? J uly l(i 10 3m St rji^ |)iirMubiirf; Courl IIutt?o on ilii? Stli insliml. n .small I1LACK MARK, tiixiiii luiirlrru hand* high, fivo y?-nr* old, Willi ti mtui f ITl.icW i|iiil.ed SADDLK, and n c 111 i %wi urniuio on. A liliuril reward will l>u paid for the deliveiy of itin said mure at Sparta !' M my s wiafHction that Ail en Kuhy. an1- hi?i? in ino rem ott'nic or ji-rmmiiif Kitliy, tlto'il., ?n or Vioforo the JiOih ?Iof O'MoWr ni-sl, or lltolr c.iimeiU lo li?c same will !??* onwrprl . \ogU4t_li J'J villi ? "? ? "ur ??V? II IxMjU, RKU .1. i'. I--.,*. I.v. J i,t <1 iv.l* in ij?i? ? )? >??. rr-iiio wiw.itii itij- ." .i','"" it i? tSi epfon* nrtlprptl tint tlipy 'I njj i :ir m'i'I iti-jpt t to tli' Iviaion or n!-' f t'.ie !. ' . Me of I'lin*. \V. Kow'or , on or tn'iorp thtt iltiiii ilttjr of Nnvtuultc i \t. i; I tho " line ni'l : ? out i. f ' r : . 'I < " :? umlci my Lninl anil sc il of oflicc I 18';^ JX'V F.. 1?oM VR, o. t>. u. i-i S 'ja ;;- I oM tig el ?i?ni "ft tinsl M?ior _ ' '? V ILI.S. 'It'criu*'!, w ill |>!p>i*? l'I K caij , ortlio A.Imitill . i< 11. . :?-.Tottili >r ii' Kt for sei. t *' . will plea 1 in liar to *H ci.itui t iiil -i 1 t:o. MLS. A STY 0. MILLS, T L LTUKTON, j Ai lit. Jim I - >1 I II ( AUoLlIi A it 1 ' :Nan ' wife Ai-jliaotils. va MA. \ i. W.\UVrf- ANDUrXSr WHEEkEIt ct al ^I'tVii-Unii. Volition f .r t?-i!c of real enLife of JANE WHEELER dpccaitotl. j T j>] penrring to my suiiafuctlon MA ItY g i.un iiiuo wmow 01 Ainn.< r.I??Alll'8, (lrrfii?cil. the l?cirs of I?AVIl> V? lir.r.l.KK deceased. homo not remembered, ANkUtBW WllftlbLEIl. JOHN u HEELER. ALEX \NI)KH \\ HKKt.MK and WILEV -**HINSON and wile MARTHA. ltcfendanlt In tin's ei>c. reside without this State. It is ordcre?l, that they ?!< appear and ob'?ct to the sale or div.-'.nti of the real o?t.ito of JANE WI1KKLIII!, defciwd cn or before the ttih day of November next. ' r their consent to the same will he entered of rccoul, (liven under my hand and seal of this day of August. A. U. 11(Ml, J.Ntt. K \RLE DOMAR*o. s. t>. Aug n ii<> t ? out In 1 li?* Court of* Km cor>f**i > as to theni. T Mono PAKROW, u. k. s. t?. "C.imm'rs. ntfice, JuTy 14, 1803. ^^^TzrT||j?r||jDi RntlTH. niiDiUBi^t * v i V7 KxEcc-nvi &imTii**y+^ WHBflEA8> TflK rUjS?>f iMlDb ^tt^ ' TION OK tbo ooQittry -~T--t ^rn^ : ?> T uatioe rf-?t?"~x~ "^tiiftTnfiT_f ]?i / ?*( 7 ^ UP0Pf .^ik? ^*lhe'aSddhofTLE *' A/ ' (fcent's notice to meet mtff t>*ot?ptno??eey " sadden incursion *Heh n?ay o? < tlio enemy iWo oar Sute; cmd rhorcu t#? Get? i thcjpurptwc df saW? that the cut ire arm*- 4 r tC - *?? exempted -thorofrum Tor |i atlcohed to the Militfci KogiI incut* in which they arc raised, until ordered intoactn i! ten ino. . ? i 111. In additiou to the above orgnnita! lion, Companies organized in accordance frith the Act ot Congress ol the loth Ocuii ber. 180:1, (herewith published,) will be aci cci.toil mi fnriii-diiiM' tlwir r.wMa .? ? "t - - - o \?y p.?td Act. And one of said Companies in each Judicial I?? -.:nets consisting of not less tiiau eighty exclusive of officers, and having it# rendezvous at the Court ; lions') of the District, w?ll he armed hy the State. The remainder of the Com pa' nies vrul provide themselves wiih arms, i Ammunition, as far as the means of tho I Statu will permit, \ve4l bo furnished to all the Companies. * Dy command, A CG ARLINGTON, Adj't and Inspector Central of 8. C. No. 28,?AN ACT to authorize the formation ot volunteer companies lor local defence. The CVi^/ecM of the- Coujetlcrat* StaXeg * of America (Jo cum f, That for the por> pose of local defence in any portion of the Confederate States any number of persona not less than twenty, who arc over the age of fovtv-fivc years, or otherwise not liable to military duty, may associate themselves us u .Military Company, elect their own officers, and establish rules and rcg^datioM for their own government, and snail be considered us belonging to the Provisiona\ Army of tho Confederate State*, serving without pay er allowances, and entitled, when captured hy the enemy, all privileges ofprisoners of war: 1 VooAfefC | hat aueh Com|>any shall, as soon as prec? j ticable, transmit their muster roll, er a lip*. * of the names of the officers and private*, thereof, to the Governor.of the Mate, the . Commanding General of the Department/ or any Prigndier-Gcncral, in the State o^ Confederate service, to be forwardod to the Sec^^trv of War ; but the President or th?wBpinandc-r of tho Military Distric* iiny^Tt'any time, disbpnd such Companies : I'rnvuM, That in the States anc^ Districts in which tlyi Act entitled " A a , Act to further provide lor the public do^. .fenee," approved Apr 1 111, 18GJ, and tho Acts amen latory thercot, have been susj pended, persons of any age, resident within such States or Districts, nuiv volunteer ' J ml form part of su?.h Companies, so long j as t>uch ?u4p(,"fijsion may continue : 1'n vt* I