Baroluui spartan. September IO, *1868. DVL1R fiOTICB re again qutificd that the CASH qui rod for all Advertising and at this ofllce. We hope this wed. onion to the Wat Tax notice in i, making a change in the timo irns for assessment Ao." Military. nn U ttifAvmnil ilinl f'rvl \v:i i'^iwna' Regiment is notified to report to Gen. | "Ripley, at Charleston Companies to reader 1 - * TO us on the Railroads, on Friday, lltli instant. H" Uon!fr'.T).'lilveN. - This gentleman-has reviewed the situation B.. BiL. Of the country, after battling for t?o years. Hk^*. and he finds n -thing to discourage us. Mc ' shall try and pubtieh this letter to encourage the hearts of onr friends, and to give old croulv"srs something to lean upon, while the soldiers BE ..' are laying waste the yankces. Laying up Tor the YanheiN. In view oi the military situation of affairs ? in East Tennessee, it becomes the duty of our 'planters to look sharp for the produco they are making this year. Don't lay up nothing for yankou raiders. We hope our farmers will f 'dispose of their surp us crops as fiust as thuy come iu, at the Government price, rather than they should be impressed by our own officers, '1ST fall into the hands of ynnkec raiders. It is far more wise to distribute the provisions of the country amung ourselves, than to house them up ready for tlie enemy. We have every | roason to be cautious how wo manage our afI fairs this winter, us wc may look lor nothimr ' else but tbc enemy to raid this State from rEait Tennessee. iurli)(( an Evil. "SMre Augusta Constitutionalist give- an in I Stance of a large lot of tlour changing hands Ifl'k^ilJjhcr i>ricc than the Government pays. The impressing agents having received orders to impress all sue., flour, it was seized ou Account of Government. If tho Government intjud anything by putting the price of three dollars for a bushel of wheat, they mean it is A fair price, und thai no poison should be naked more, ejen in Confederate currency It o*orything could be brought to the same Standard, it would end all difficulty in buying aud selling This is what should he done at once by State Legislatures. It would throw out of circulation oue-half of our present cur rcncy. a d mako it more convenient for Sec rctary Memmiuger to keep his accounts, und aid the Government materially in getting rid of too great a circulation. Another good thing -?it would stop !>peculution, and might increase the ariny by thousand*. ? -?nn?> Morris* Island Evacuated. Cdaulkston, Septoiubej 7 ?'1 lie bombardment was kept up without intermix 1 sion all day yesterday, and far into the niirllt A limit, lfl'l nl'nnr ....... ? I. Ml I o -wv v? vui iuuu were kliicu an J wounded at Wagner and Gregg. The attempt to assault G i egg was repulsed. Be lore the enemy had completed their landiug, great havoc is supposed to have been played in the enemy's boats by our grnpfc and canister. At dark, yeetcday uftnoon. the enemy having advanced their sap up to the very moat of! Battery Wagner, and it being impossible to hold the island any long cr, Gen. Beauregard ordered its evacuation, which was executed between 8 p. m. and 1 a. in. with success. We spiked the guti8 of Wagneraud Gregg and withdrew noiselesly in forty barges; only one barge, I containing twelve men, wa r captured. The j enemy rf?v hold Cunuuings' i'oint, in fu4- , view 01 A-ri (imet this morning. j Noon^Z?A despatch fiotn Maj. Stephen I Elliott, commanding Fort Sumter, an nounccs that a flag ol'truce, demanding the immedialo surrender of that fort, has just been received fyoiu Admiral Dahlgien by Lieut,, of the steamer Faliuetto' ISta'e. Gen. 1-eauregard telegraphs to Maj Eliot to reply to Dahlgren that he can 1 n iimyu rcu ,*>umter whi n lie tikea it anil j hold it, and that meantime Ruoh demands arc puerile ami unbecoming. 8 1*. M.?At 0 p. in., the Ironsides and ' monitors approached h'oit Sumter closer than usual anu opened a hot fire against it. Our batteries on Suit'Island, includ ing Fort Moultrie, replied heavily, The firing is still going cn. y Substitute lor Barrels. As an uiisual breadth of* sugar cane lies [ been planted, the w*nt ot barrels to hold j the niolauscs will he soriously lelt. In view of this, J to those making molasses, j to build a tank similar to those in ."orm see.H ut railroad atitios: ? i.inl* 1 - __7 %v?? ? and it aix feet i >ng ?One round tho uuddio, made so 08 to key up and keep the plunks closoty proes-c i together; ulsou iruuiujcantliug should go inside the tank near the j muddle to keep the plank from bulging n , when clumped by the keys on the, I Alter it is all clauipcd up, then eaM.k it I from tho inside with cotton or hetnp, it from the shrinking ol the plank it leaks Key it upas it may roquirc,cover the whole with lids, and you have it secure Irom trash A tank to hoik one thousand gallons will ! com very little uiorj thcan one only j hold* three hundred ^uiloiia. ?fW. ColnmOut Ttnu?. Kxcoution 1!? Ncrtb Carolina He^iment, recently captured in Fluvanna County. under cauiintuid of A'*jntnnt Ma'.Utt, ! who Was killed, will he executed tomorrow, ii in aecorduuce with the verdict ol the court i jnaniul, i? nrcsouee <.-1 < .1. .John-ton's j ceinuiUMk wl hear..; ot Not-tn crn Virgin- , 11 1 "* I *1 ?i ii?iin?Tw? " ??* Patriotic KiCtter from tli? flldw J. W LctvU. CAaiUfvui:. (Ia, August 21, 18'.^. T authorized thu Mayor of I lie City of Ohar lesion to ilrHw on mo for oiio thousand Jol'tw to \Ai vxpvudc ( either tu the purchase of ro freihuients to the noble soldiers now lighting in our dol'oucc. but if not thus ne?d??t, tbeu t< go to tbo relief of the poor and suttcrin^ of tht oity. I authorise, nmt respntt'u'ly request of the (Joteruor of Ueorgm to on mo foi out thousand dollars to he expended iu ih.? pur chase of salt f??v the wires and widows o Oc-orgia soldiers, and hepvjully trust 'tin utfc era wuiuo iiceffi'i), i>v thousands. Ad to midslf, 1 feel a certain extent, I bcloug fi cquntry, yet I respectIully decline 'hi* in vltalion of many lYieuda to be a c ui tiduie lot Congress from thl# Dli'rivt : ut the saint- tinn ! tbougti. feeling grateful for ihi.t ...uriifcstnt on of their confidence in u?o 1 believe thai !* : at present, in the proper positi. n to tlo inon good fcr the TOuutry s and now Imving very briefly' disposed of these matters, 1 ask ?r>nu sptcuju your columns to upon a subject of vital iulervst to the whole Country nt tin present period, to wit : The embarrassed con1 dilion of our finances nn?. in lit and rutiering in every depart tnent and position in lite. Ail thi igeonsldcred, with the blessing of Cod. w? bnvi {sustained ourselves beyond all pr'rtJi-u: in thehts'ory of the world; ami it true to our I selves audio oui cuiso, we shall recover front our recent rcvei *c, hikI v,hen d-oie with gun boa. lighting, and tbo enemy gets spr.-nd intt. our country, in the work of devs-tuii u iht ride of atia'is will glnivtas nmnr ?l ??, 1 foes will a purse- Mill UVI *.1 I rvj'il* ruble and alone, can bring buck our tnnifj matters In n hi'iiltliy mud.lion. tin 1 nfior lonjt thinking, and a close thinking an I hare be. r able ot doing. 1 win satisfied liutl th" Slate? only can' fa h. Cmigre*.* lias already vyie?i the enure credit of the dtnt.? in tliulr conic i c rut e !; ttf llie lunrk.-t vnlu< of otitic and foofc securities. 1 Imvo thus state I the text of our lotttria relief, an I wilt j.romi: . to e at rat" i; in d tails, in any way desired by ih put lie, c the in writing or speaking, as lira* I tony b>- able TH: truth is. we uiu*t have money, and ft) myself, 1 am willing to be taxed one tenth one lifih-^Hkr iialf all ! yes nil, if mccssurj to gain oti^lu.lepeuuer e% * [.lioW.i InUlfiji r:c r. | Jb'rom tin* Is'niuls. Nothing of iin; transpired yes torday; and we have again to ?c-1 ft i Comparatively damage Ou our side, IJattoiie.s diet vis and I la* ketl continues to play Willi effect on tin Yankee working parties in the pits a behind the stock ale defences, In .r cover They l'.ule I to u.aki ! til :ir a.'poivraiice thy r_-? >':!. + i..\. j Thursday eveni: 'Jen. tl'.Un r, j^i'..ed by Col. ! * . r in, and other ? Hi or* i visited liatty V ?i uaner. and undo ; in 11 ii t^* 1 lis pee! i in oi :' i# r eaii'e.cHti'Mi. '! 11 c tiLtitv.iit ' ' 'iin .v.* . i^iaed in a hri-'. ti* upon Wj - >or front hi- i.ile pits lvui 1 cImmI:..- . 1-1 ? Aj'IWUl 'J I I'ill \ l?- ' J .4 il? \V*< I lO t'li tliu 1'n iunati ly injurm.; no one. The party Jms-< 1 ??*t i n 4 litlie:i iusj'ovtiuil ? hci y i? i*miI o!* tin' enemy tire. We imiu tii..i ti i.i rti ft timet jrul Colonel IIuiu j uiii t?:ki r?!n J-!, wsoti With I hi' lOiri.' oil dl the bith 'V, if.i j^Ii.mI strctt^h uod power ol' lesi-tauee. il will be j:Hil.inilY deleft led to the n-t. 'lhe I'Ofiti hi of ilie lhvt i- hut little iltiiii*!'''!-,' 4.i.n* ....... .J * i.ik.! * |,^ t: It between butteries liivj;'.; ai:d Warner, nearly abro.i-i of tlie latter A out low liu? remained off Ihitbry tiiiyj.' in tin adtue position s.nee yoitefday. A calcium lljilit in'- been observe 1 illplayed troui the monitor betwen < 1 rotund NVajjnei lor the l.i-l two nights. TlitVty iiiii ve-.-ci.-, liu.ln tui^ - v uion . tor- i< ti'l i run -i'ie-, v.' ie in-.ile ol th b.n yc.i erday, tw nty ? i .In ve-.-e!? r. ri i to . -.ouo, uu'l twenty tin re in 1*' 'i t 1 il? t, L>ef?.ucb eiuhi bioekiiutr- oil the bar. The ca-n.iiii.'.i on our hide lor the last week, iiotwulis.'uuthe heavy bouiV.rdtrient mule during that tiou', have be ,. very s until. I Mi a vi it to tin* tins_-it:iI \ -? ... I e > i ? i * i ?j v ?4 ' 1J '? . "?i > ? . .1 i u a / ? cvi?e.i Cnurnr. '>//? Mo urn mil no ,/x<1 lo announce lion JAM KM EARIIOW u can lor re election lo lite Congros* ol tin: t'onl'.-d rate Mnn-.t, n* il^iirti.-ciU-.avc ftotn iitc OtIt Ui-irici. fifcJ*" W'o a/o nut horj/.ed to mmiiitieo A. w (>UO it i c.ui'li I tu* lor Slicrill of M|?irtan burg LMoirici hi the iioxi election -on the .d .Monday iu Hr^lonilio.- next. Ju K? I* 13 lo ' | >enlal Noiit'o M*Y nfticoisovcr Uubn, Edwards & Oarlinle' Law Oilice. C. LKK. I>. l>. H. Al trcu ill ly s< i*nvi* Stolon Spiirlnubnrg (\nirl IImit n Ilio ^ Ht>? insl ml, it sninl'. III. \u.l? high. IW?> v.-hos ol.I. with iv Hutu's b'.Mtik quihc'i S.>IM>ITON ami wife *?? ' other*. Kill for an'.j of ileal F tato. , m .> puntlKWl or n? OCdW of the Court of' i 1 laiuiiy, 1 will soil, to the higosi bidder, i on ext saleadav. ; A VALlABiiE HOUSK AND LOT > IN THKTOMTN OF SPAltTANBUliQ. Tlic Mouse ir new, large, and coir, contain ng ' i TIHHTKEX HOC: . , 1 and l'r. /./n extending tr'.i ,ic ?. uiit of budding, ! of liuc tln'mli itti'l i nn.Iconic appeal auce. tin i the premises arc al o a ;[ KITCHENT, NE'jRO HOUSE, i' ttrlck Smoke l!ou.\c ;ui(! Stables. Tiie Lot i- luge and s tinted oil one of tin- I un-t Uvs..*itbie -tied* of the Town. I will nl <> He'd u; tin- c:iino tiino and place, I . A FAlt.M, i^ing bti tin- Foicci, 11tnflv* from Span iub:trg |- uontainiiij' | more or lees. Tl>? tartn h.a* h nn.tll house I nd >f sale 1'urch isers however, will I ?> n'lowcd the privilege ot paying the I cash, if ili'sir'sl. It the piirchn can ney i- nui J i paid on the day of mIq the purchasers will ho ? re Cutii'i'.*. oli o, Sept.K, | f . Kept 10 i-l at >\rar Tbx INotiee. \ ! fringe o liair fir M.ikifp: Urtcru^ ! 4 N A-srs^oi will u>teud at tiic following I y-\ places, at the i.tjc times to receive , j lex Uetr.rn*. \ /. : .\( I'ncoet 1-lth Sept.. (il.oni | Spring*. I5tti tvept.; Upto n, t '*1? S.pi , ? r<,? Anchor. *i"i h Sept ; II hhy-ville. IS:h Sept.; . C.uins <)ld Field, 1 h S pt.; ajnut (Jr v . -! si Sept.; ticnirv s -.'*1 f*ept.; Woodrntt s, i I *J:JJ Sept.; F.Ofhville "Jllli s. pt.; Ue dville o.'nh ; ? Sept ; t'r:iw{ot'dsvi1|e, U' i:i Sept.; ,\. f Uo> I mar's J 1 Lit Sept.; V i ii m v'.lle. t*fh Scpl.;i 1 ISurtoti's. ICth Sept.; .Intinson's, ITth S. pi . ' M. K Otland s, I-'tli Sept.; Ilsncli Spring*. r I'.till Sept.: II llj Springs. 1'1st Sej I.; Cannon, j iSmre, ? ? 1 Sept.; ilknis '4iro, .! .?! Sept.: 1 a' . I - > - .... r - > u i u.:nru < I >11. Mill Sept . Will S* Mill, l.'ull S . All- llvv's*l?.l|| , Sop Much n.-oii'* S .. e. 17ihHepi.; Wib-icia jiuii', 1 hih So|ii ; Hulling .Mil, l'.'ili Sept.. I$;vin;r*\ibe. 1 ~ t S-ji. I r . er ii: u-Miviiii p t civ M m eVop. iiui.v; i\ u n I he iiimii or ol liu->he'i'. hi.' weight 1 , er I'n Ii l'ci>oii< owning < i-i-?r \ i 1?, | O..W M ils, bilii'li - ii ; W |i?f|r>?hli>. i lun Yunls. SliiM1 nii'l I'.out .vli..]'v ii . j nib -i Aliuuticiii ?s who ln:i iiil-icitire ml Ion | i | >ule. ">*c lu\> tl mi I iiijsi ' 'O 11 ^ - col in in ..Hie ou u ho > re I'Jih Sept., ) ,\ii |n i-mis v . i liin i In- ? 'j. itiulniil'K will make iIn ir i i-'in iii to .1. 15 Cu'ir'iui't. e>i|. mi or I v re 1 J: i iii*! it * his olWr, ?-\i-.*i? sue.: buiiuui r.- requires ivgi tl ion, ti UiUtl lie ina-le lo lot ul inv < MIon r.r h I liine. w \v l,l!i:i:,:. t'olii-.-i. i .Till Collet! ion (Sfoi'iliiuburg , D ' Sept. 1U 24 2. ^lO.OO M ; l .N ,\M \ * fri.'i; I he -it rrih r on ? ^ ^ c Sih in*!.itit. ii ; iii'jjni in in Tfrt ! .iio.KN S ii 1 hoy is t i tlmiii fo,-i Ii in boa h;gu, .i 1 ??li- j J |bout 2 * '' pOUUJs. WlnJi l.i-l l! . Ji. 1 iw. mp .* j.i'tm f Tin* y ! i i ? .ri| will t>.| piv ii lor :m .ii. on :it ..iitnnbui p .luii. | ' K. It. SEW. i I r Hcpt Ul if 1 jiMiliXT 1<>I* Salt'. I ?V] I.L *t!iunpi- l.ll.v r?? i; tt I. I1IDK.S I I Ii, ||. Ii 1 wi:.p * "il ill I It i Ct*s : mjIv l.i In lit '' J I'elilS |n-r Ku<->-1 'v'j ,it: '>' cctus j>e- poinivi An l t.ikc i illilo* III |'ll I ill' .1. ' I I r (ltv.tii lliUt-i, 1-1 ceiitf jn-r j?o uitl. j Ui.\ 1JA ' . > 1 f |ii ' [> -( 'Jl tt , | Uvwartl " VML'/ h? Ji'iiit i > tpprcbrniiiun unit I i ? ilelivcrv r i:i:< ?H?i! V UilltMW iiib *!ifi uf ni >( it t mi ui ir l'-irci. S iiil M i-ruM ! i> it iii 'u.tifi' i'i lT i j ni 1. ?i \juil II 1^ years nl :iac,"> , fvt't Injll, IIMI'U CUUI|I I \ i ... ii II Il ill', ull't jcycitUfk, A C ? < K'lit. \M>. 'uVi- i'o I'., l a a i' -1 _ n X < > T 2 <" 5-: LL )'rr-"ii-< In.I.ii- ? ii..- jijriii,st i),?> INiu c i.t VMuttiW I DS'SKil. (1,y ,|. imii in iIki.i |m'n|m'i'ly .i'll iinl in fii.icr | oi?c uf lUc uu lvr i/m-'l f'ir ' v u-ni. ii, li ?NN KU. ! I>\\ HONNKit. j , j | -f. - i | *MS(> tin* ft T .lili < 'I I' i -1 luej-! l.iih oM)r. I*. tvinvMU. dec 'd n?- . . "v<| n*s'C <1 to |inTnd llirnif ltul' Lii*il in s.ii I Kstitlp. Will pi dm* com I i. n ii 'l ..iiil iimkf -riili*iiu*iii. KU'iV. UoNNKIL 1 June IK 12 if r.I\>v\ 11 IOh'i'1 ion, \N Kleciiou is Imrcltv ordered to lie lirM , mi ?i>S l>.\ V. tin* lllli day of SpjiIi iii [ I Ui'i nrjtt, I'm- Internl ni it nil lour u urdcu* for i J ii.i* i'i?* it t *s|* in inlmi-^ ; Mil ui^pi j*: Win. ||. T i*i in in i vr. Win. Irwin, i ! nml .1 in*I K. Iloo'lgimi J. U < I.K\ Ml.AMI, Iiilcixlunt. J. M MI.lMUD, I'Ip k. AuK 20 22 !'*\r j j I'll i; ST A I K <>[ ' M)| l II ('A 1<( >Ij!> A SI'AII I'ANISI"Hit Ills : Mil r \\. T lilt I ANT AND WIIT. l.l CN . *]>|.l cunts, vs. ADMN KIM MY; it. ni Dcfoiulnnts, Petition for sale of re I estatc of Jfrptniah Kirhjr, tlvc'd. IT appearing to my i trsf.iciinn lliit Aden KuLy, nil I I lie lege In*' i niul rep sen tn.ivos ol Ki'-aitu.-l K r . ilee'd., names not known, reside witlinni ti - rfinie. Ii i< iliei.* Iurr ordered lliut tliey ai cur and nlijo.'l In tin* tli isimi jr anle of tlic rt I en'n o ??1" Jciviuiali Kirby, d.-oM., on or bet r? liir ? It d.iv of (vober nr\t, or 111c";. t ii-vtit to i 10 fame will be entered of record. Witness toy imd mid m." of ?..Y.e<\ .Inly j 1868. J&6. B tdMAR ? . AogVBl (5 . II Bin 11 I AK( - 5 \\7 ANTKI' IMMEIMA'I \ \ I.MiO ib. ! 1 \\ of H \UC<> V f" vr no mi tee. WaLKcR Hl'USE. OWIN(J to the advanced nge ^ and the inability of ''ll> rroprii'ireM o! this* 11 Of - K. fl with I lie great increase uf ptt'ronuge that ilii; Iloifc lias been receiving from day to day fur month* past?'being seldom Ion than from FORTY M SlXTY-elio will close the same from and after thin dale, nnd no buuiders or j transient |>er3ous trill he hereafter uccumtno- j dntad therein. This House, in the town of Spur* ! tanburg. with sit hitch of land sit tinted on Main strict, midway between the Spartanburg and Union Kail K<^d l-epot ntnl the t'o'urt House, sud whieb has h en regularly kept open as a flotel for upwards of il'J years past, wiiliGitt uny intermission is M)\V OFFERED FOR SAI.I), with the Uurni.urc contained tl.rrein. The House coptains FIFTY llOOTttS Several of them i| u 11 c largo, at least 10 of J iheni *j0 faa ma. C., Sept. 8, IHtJil. Sept |0 _'l if TIIK 8TATK OF s?u; in .<;.\PM4ihA 55i amtaxmi: ro District. Citations for I..-iters of Administration by Inn. Ivirlc ISuitnr, e?q.. Ordinary. TfTIIKKEAS (1. W. ||. I.IKi.r. has filed f f his petition in my office, j?r:*y i??jc that Letters of administration, on all and singular, the goods and chatties, rights and credits of II. II. A. LLtiti, deceased. of the l)i?iiict aforesaid, deceased, fhould be granted liiin. These are therefore Incite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the rmu ?n:CU , I<> l> in ilio ' urt of Ordinary, f' l* naitl l>i-'ri-t. t<> Iioltloii <>n ihe J!!*t day o . < ? ; *5'- V\?, |?|i | or instki , Ih'j'i. (JKNKll \I, OB!>! :?; 11?^ rt q'.nv-t >1 t!i'- 'ojiin, (M'lin^, Mm>; ()rticoi>, uro ie<|uiri >l j < ? in-i, 111 i ucir i ?|K CM vi' IMstiat-, tut \ cut* to iMIM:FdS Mvllioi: L\K>r, nii.jit lr- ? r !vr. to work oil tao defences l' I -J .1 II i hoy v. i:!. as Tir :is pr.tctie iMo, iui? r? -s mi I v l In-vcs <> tli) i' p. trim li tv<- i t I: ru'i ! ?rv furn i !ud ilicir niioUt. \\ 11 li I!ii^ view, they m !i :i?mn rttin Iruui t licit "on:mi - il tlu- ti.ttti > ami ill'iVis oi ;i''i -Uo'.i ! : 'li-. :i11 1 at Ol?C>: pfu i*itj i - ' : .1- ami betid tlipui f..t w ur 1. III i In y' ? ,Ji (. t their n?i.-t it.oc as in iiy mti'.c an t ' it i -iit a. uis as uyiy I ej in'1'i' >.-i'\ t.) ov itc i 1..s iiuprt^iii. ut | !" II.j- I ? \ui Yimiiiiiar. oniitii'u:inns [-1' )?hi?r wifi tic i- .1 ii -tl. s ' i ll !. tlN. ( mi' i.iiiianf 1.1' * ti-crijits. Sept !U 4 / I xr. t 'tf- iK-li .1. . Wa/kly <\)i.ri.r and, M.uuiy copy flu v. t: in# : all other pupor. ur the ti; itc til.- > nth i:\i;in/i . . Tlianktul In lirr pali-oii? I'm j'i '.or-, -lii- ^u'.icK ii continuance ol ill . t'l-V. 5 s hi r r 11ion : I i?:in, %>,;.? : j j .;0 . Ii branches, ?-1.00 I ?r mi .4I1. I'l'itriii Urpy*t it,eut, . . . 3.10 co-rt 'i;; ",t . . ..50 1 . v 'iaans . 4 1 1:1 :?-?! 11I' in.uiv. I will leave again 1 1 . !!'t ! mi !. \ 1 . mi or iib-nit tlio lOlli ? : |In-1. In .Ii" ji irji iio ?>f Bilctiiling In ' I 4. Ii in '.v . 1 i lier*. Snlciol> ill?- 1 cttugeii .'11i iiiom 00 vxiihdml (iirlouj^hit 1 i - A 1! .tl.' e.ii I'liuipatiic* that have 14 .' 1 - I?1 1 . i..1: n .111'1 pi i oi' I I'm li finale*, ill !- 111I1 ti?ii-1 a 1 ln??i? ii'il linriU)* heart] II I in, 1 . ' , . 11; i- . I v1 -ili'ti 14?i iii-ii Im j a si. u .lii?1 v?r a 1 ;il -in me ami make impure IV. I - Mi, - i i i-i have t] civ fur- ' tin \ ,i, I .1 in 1 in- ii \ in- 1 *. ii iif Orio'jiir. I'l la 1 - 'l.'.S III!,-' [T..-CIII I icir ills- I ! .4 1 *1, kLKOlIl), Agent. \ - w .-r i n ;WmitiMl l<> Slii't*. | 11JKII \1< w:i"<- will he pai 1 I'nr til' Jl lr? ii i r twenty linini* t>i A It k till ! i;uM:1!NM!-:\T STUiSJi IIOl'SK near m A 1st ii IK pot, |'ti:??;i*iii of s ,V I ti. A j' (' It. It. Two or three Carpenters are 1 desired tritli implements for hewing, Ac. 1 S. (5. M K \NS, < 1 'aptain an A. (J. S. { Srpt. 8 tf ; STATK. />! ' SOl'Tll CAKOIJNA. \ Sl'lltrANIJUKtt l?ISi'RK'Ti I \V. I'. roil.lilt, applicant, \.s. J. K. ) ? i al ili'lpiiilnutH, IV'iiuon fur i'iId ft i;<- il K'laic of Thomas V/. p'owler, ilcC 'l. IT sppetritio n> niv N.'ttisfaclint) Ihnt Ah?n Intn ! >t> > nml wife Itii/.ahelli llulm, until t |'o*l r. Kecti l nils in ilii-* c;\se, reside ' witk'iul iliia Hi.ite: it i? tln-rctore oriloreil thai ' tliry il? ap| ar n?i?l object in ihc <1 vision or ! y?vle of ill" Ileal Kstaiu of Tims. W I'owlais I' ill r I, nil of bet on tii ' 'l !i il ay Ol November | I lma I. or I III' I'"li I I I .11 I be wilt I..I I * 1 . lit I . . I I ! | . 150M \ It, o. s. 1?. j I F(-j>t 'J/. Um I j \tliiiiui>ir.t((M>'s Nolier. t \U. holt] ng eUimt tig-iinst Mnjop | 0<>\' ?s till.I.S. Uiccii-i-l. will p'en?e iu>itf> .1 M. K i. ft i It It. <'?,| , Hi-tli' \ imiii 1 irntors, ' tfort the l*t Jfotrcwhet* next ?t* hoi- i iIi'Tikii', i n i . i'!i'. ! iii I u to ell | . '..lit - H "V 11 ,.i o. j >i * v V v'l ' ? > . .1 LJM .1 II I H STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA Pa iTr.KrL'TIVK 1'r.I'ARTMKPCT, Charleston, August 25. 1803. WHKHEAS, TUB PRESENT CONDITION OK the country requires the organization of an uotivc and efficient body of troupe who may tuko the field upon a n?o* ment's notice to meet with promptness any sudden incursion which may be made by the enemy into our State; and whereas "for t lie purpose of sable that the entire armsleering population over 10 years of uge, not In or liable to Confederate service, or exempted therefrom for public purposes should l?c organised into companies: Now, therefore I, MILLKOGK L. 1JONII AM, Governor and Commander in-Chief in and over the State of South Carolina, call upon the people of the State to nt oiico ~rganizo themselves in accordance with.the orders hereunto annexed from the Office of the Adjutant and Inspector-General, f.] I TO CARRY INTO KITKOT T[I! ] 1* OI{ K< i()l N< 1 l'roclanuthui of 11 is ij.\vi"lli ucy tile Governor, it i.- o:dered that '.lie billowing Voiiuile?* SlateTroops be uc ccpted into her vice, viz: On - Regiment of Mounted Infantry to consist of toil Companies, two Cn'iipunii s of C.?v*lry and o: c (.Yinj any o4" l iving Artllkry. 'J'!ic Companies oi Mounted Infat^Uy to consist ol not le. - than seventy eigty and not more one hundred men, eaclu-Kt? of esumission ? il oflicei t, ol Cavalry. toC?msi?t of not than sixty (Gdj and mrnwirc than- e'gh'y (80) men. exclusive cf Couiiiiis.-ioned of lic?is; and the Coin) ?ny of Aitillrry not less than eighty (80) a: 1 :i >t more one hundred (lUOltneti, exougivc of comm s-innod officers. When tin Compm-.ics ol Mount el Infantry and C?valry Keen organ ized and ncceptei, 1 ici I Officer? will he elo< t"' )n under orior trom this ofiicc. II 'Jho Cnnpat'ii nu:ftV>ri/ed to Go raised under the preceding paragraph ol thi> order wil he eoiuinised of cHoetive men who at< e'er tiic age uf sixteen \eais, ?h.i arc not - /"ject to, or irlio are exempt * *!:('?*?! .'.ill* ( Vtiwri i.t ii?i? .1 not he ion^ t'?the orii.'.rjizatis"! lately order i d ?>t t roup- ?r local leh-iict; i1j ! . ?; x t ii sped il v rfice. Tltefe troops will bo arm id by thd-Siatc?the Artillery to hare it llniti'ry v?i lout pieces?I?nt they will j ? ?vide lIiwiii-elves with it r>"s I in ir | it\ to when they are ordered i<>t > ;?e?o i! nevttce) wi'l bo tlti'dimc :i.? ilitt flowed ii: t!; Confederate service, icclclin^ lurt\ uenM per day lor oath horse. They ail li d 1 lhet::* in leadim ss |or the field at i iiioiiu'iii s i, utui *v isort ice ia .tie. par? ol lite Slate, uii ler the or b rs ol the Vi ivorimr. 1 i.?? Companion will he accept on m o' u-T in which thei rol!-. > o jL "1 Ci&;uM'i#*r? jn ^viTTi'.'t nt *?l.;s < 'die-, am! itiey Will de attached lo the Militia jiepi nieiits in w l.ich i < y are raised, until ordered iiitoactuil "cfvioo. 111. In addition to the above or^aniznf.m, Couipatiiitt or^aTii.-.ed in naoordanui Willi the Act of Con^ii. e.| the l.'Jih (krtn In r. 1M*. . (In tew ill. j cl ! oil.) will bene ei ptc Ion fori.Chin;; tlieiv i ills as required hy said Act. And ore of... I Cu.t.panic* in each J'l lieial Di-'ricts CO.t -.i-iun^ ? (' not less than eighty men, exclusive < t'officers, ind havinrr ii* rendezvous at the Court 11.His* of tie' l>i>Triel, will iio armed by liic State. The retiufiiidcr ?>t" the Com pa ? ;;i i.. .i - ....... ... . ..KHivuBs win amis Atninctiitioii, as far as the nivalis of flic Stat w.ll permit, will Lc Ituni.-h.I to all t ho ('oiti panics. l>y couiuial) !, A C(iAH!.i:?;ToN, Adj't and Inspector < lone ml ?t'S. c\ No. -J?.?AN Al l to autho;i;v tlio l >riuation ot volunteer companies lor loci! defence. l'h> I'oujra* fj thr. Cnnjulrrat- Suite u/'Ani'-rira'i/o n\m t, That lor the puipose of local defence in any portion of flic i'onfedet ate Elates any number of person* not less lit .11 twenty, who arc ovci r'nc Hire i>1 forty five years, or otherwise not liable i a Military t'ompimy, elect their own officer*, and estahlisli rules and regulations tor their own ?;ovcrntuctu, and shall be I' tiisidcieJ a- bcloii^in;.: to the Provisional :vj; l'vj -1'? t without pay if allowances, and entitled, m licit c.i| ui'< u uy the enemy, to all die privilege* of prisoners i t war : / VonuYt/, lliut such Company sh ill, us soon ua prac licuMc, transmit their muster roll, or a list >1 the ilium's of the officers and privates lhereof, to the Covernor of the State, the Commanding (icnciul i t the 1 >epai tinent, ir any Hriasdiir-CJeti. ral, in the State or | i 'oilledi lat, m-I'ci,".*, to he lorw .: ! >! t o tlie Secretary ol War ; hut the I'resiileiit i:.triets in which the Act entitled An \ct t further provide 4 >r the puldic deIc'.iee," approveil Apr 1 1(5, JM>J, and the \cta amen 1 .tory thereof, have heon sirs pendefl, persons of any aj?e, resident within such Stales or Districts, may volunteer mil form part of sueh Cu.ijianies, so lonj; is such suspension may continue: J'rr ri | / 7, no person shall hi come a mem In r of such Company until he shall have first taken the oath of allegiance to the | Confederate States of Anieiica in writing, i copy of which shall he. filed with the nustei roll of said Company, as above IMWVI k^v" l'apora of the State cftpy throe imcf. Sept. 3 23 Bt I A >S I\ VJ.AKtiK < .1 l? I'K \ IIi>l.l?KU l'< nril, willi :? ?! ? k >cll At).I a' ill j Any i' f 1 .i" nii'l ciiiriiiir *f. will Jn? ' rtm** ii . ?. k w ^ . Z ^ ' V i wrntrnssmammm^mmmm \ NEW"STi??E, npiIK undesigned having purchased end 1 considerably repitiisbra the Stock of uocIh owned by Mfssrs. Tt.'ltly, would reapect fully ask Uir frleuds ami th?.public to give * Iiifu n cull aI (lie old stand of those gentlemen. Among the ucw goo')c juat received are 10 pieces FINE FRENCH" PRINTS. j m 10 ' FINtf DRESS MUSLINS / JO " FINK LONG CLOTHS. Few - IRISH Lis ENS. Ao AeM>rtui?nt of DRUGS. _ * Fino CoiiiKflt, Drowalnu Cloml)*,-; - y I'oul li llruHhvM, ' v Kii^IInIi PIun, Toilot Soup, Ate. ^ ALSO x 1 urge lot of excellent SMOKING ToHACfO. anil many other articles. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to cull early. W. -T. WINGO. Murrft 10?1?-JO Iii tlio Court ol* Kfiuitx'. SPARTANBURG DISTRICT. Wm Wcblbrouks and I Wife and others, ) t?. 1- Bill for Partition &c. JVtu. F, CoTlngfon | - * n/ul wife un i others, j 11TT appending iill of Complaint within pi^ea 1 months fro to ilie date of this order, or the Sam# I pill he liLen ore co.ifrA** as to them. T. RTOHO 1 arrow, c. e. *. v. Coinm'rs. olGco, July 14, 1868. July 10 10 Sin STATU OK SOUTH CAROLINA BOBHUT GAINS and wife Applicants. ** MAUY EDWARDS. ANDREW WHEELED et ui Def'-u lants. Petition f >r s.le of real estate of JANlv W11 EELEK. deceased. IT oppearriiig to my satisfaction that MA BY KDiVAllDS willow of AUSTIN KRU ARBS, deceased, l!ic heirs of DAVID WtlMKI.CK deceased, name not remembered, ANDREW V.' II KBLElt, JOHN WIIEKLER, ALEXANDER ? IHll l.r.lfand W1LEV JOHNSON and wife- MARTI! \ s- - ??*v a in ill S I ease, reside without thi.s State. It is ordered, that hejralo and objecl to the sale or division ot the ;e?l estate of JASK WHI'F.LElt. deceased en or before (he (tth day of November next. < r their consent to the same will I t e entered i f record, (men uttd. r if:; baud and teal ?.f (dice'tliis Stli day of August. A. 1>. 1*03. J.SO. E \ltl.E lHiMAH, o. n. t?. Aug 1^' -'t ' 3m 1 >c.serU?d I Altoai t!i Camp of the 221 South Carolina lo'jiiiii-tii, Evans lhig-tiio." near Livingston. Missis.-tppi, pit lite 3*it It June, l8?io, r u?laiu T. J. WaKcflcId, of crrpadfc veers, light hair, dark cuntpl xiiri. kvuv eyes, 6 feet 10 incus*, (post iJiec llctdville. urg (tittriul, South ''aioltia. V rew nil ?.t t.ltO will lie paid for It is, arrest itui oooti'ieiuent i:? the rpaitau!?ur;rj il. or dvlivsrr i.i-InU.. < ??? ? - f, , iv-iou, vo. Iwubit, ?5. C. ?ALSOSi-co'i 1 '.i.> ;fc:? int JOHN M. TIIOMA8 of rnn;n:iy <*, win 'lc-:cP??' I r.i ilie ?-uii?o nrrsc.; 'I .11 yours. hrrht liuir, dur'? c 'Mpltliul, nil ; I'VCI. < fll't ? inches iti/'t. ({> >?! ot1lC0 ;*!f1:? Ort'suv.lli) District, South .' ir.i5?:in. / A i.w.?;1d!' !? JA tKI vritl bo or I?t- a**;'cs?t o.iu.Aiic.v nt in the Spuit.u'nir/j.iil, ur till.very to Col. JyJin 8. l'tcston, nlumliiu. !">. t! t'lniji nt 1 |k: 2J! South Oorollna A(V(Siit?nt it So-ir ccun'y, Mi-."i? Vj-.fii. 27t!i -Inly. JfitjS. JAMES O'C'INNELL, ; L*ott! (' I r*?.?sm lul 1 ric 2-il S. C Hor. 1 A ij rovvti . IN ctirumati'a of J'itg- litucta Kvaiji. A. *... KVAN3, A. A. ^Ang f. lit if (IF Tin: SPAiirAXBl'UG & I XIOX R. ROAD. l'o lontnit'ncc 0:1 S ">:li instant train. UP Til \IS. (, ten"' AN*on dully si n. |.t A. M.. and return to t'ou.t i!ou.r* nt 1*. M. 0:i Tucjsd rT#*and Fridaya I T?- -1 ? ' - ? .... ; r.illl Mill U-.1VC ur;.1lll)Ul^ c. II. it -11* A. M.. :iii 1 nri'ivc nf AUtun at 'J l\ M. Lo tiring ui J 1?. ,\I . rxnj roiuru to Hpartr.ul.urg II. at 7 -2d, 1*. M. Itv ili.^> Seiu-dule detention at Alston in iviii led, by tip on Mood iya, WeJttPMUy* Thursdays au I Saiurdays, and by going down on T tie-days and Fridays; Mid on these two, day ?, prison c uaajig down on ihc On envillo ituiu can go up iltu/i.ird ihn urns Jajr. TSZttsi. ?. JST^, Pre?. t I'l-viglit will ha received unless j plainly mail.od, alld iu good shipping order. April Sy 5 tf POCKET KNIVES! Jus received a Large Lot of ; POCKET KNIVES, PKAUL. AGATE and 1J0HN 1JUTTON3; JlAlR PIMS; DKESS1 ;r. r.t. l FINE TOOr 11 COMBS; TOOTH llia.'SilliS; LE AD PENCIL* ; MOURNT\?; l'f^vr*. tiiNti UWMlt tjvr* (11F.i i\S; PINS AND NEEDLES SHOJt Til It K A 1> , ?U\ POWDER, Si t. t It AND ( oflof, 1SIII<>){ Popper, BLACK WHITING INK, &C. All of which are in store and f..r sale hy TJKT. J- "WIIDU GO. j June I 10 tf INSURANCE NCTICE. 1AM now prepared to take any niinmui front t?M. to ONE lll'N 1>11K1> THOUSAND | HoLLAHS INSURANCE ON COTTON, HI II DI O.S.d) }]RK('II IA1) j Also on the lirei of Slave* or Whit**, *(i? K*fo 1 companies, )and at low rates. I. M. I'lJfOAD. i Spa it anbury, May 2, 1803. ' if ; May 7 ' f. T11E STATE Ul' stffrU CAUUL1XAsrvarAXOi'iifl Citation for Letters of AdmijvXfration by Jno. > E.ii Ic Boinar, esn^rdiuary. HEItP.AS INK UTMITCilliLL Us filed ? ? his pei it ion kr u?y olboe praying that loiters of AdmiiiiyA'ion. on nil and smuuisr I lie goods and yfloiicla, rights and credits of ? apt NV II I \yTCHKLI,. dee.'d, late of the State of Hna should he granted him. Tlie-c therefore'to cite anil aumonleh all and -.s^nlar, the kindred nud creditor^ of the - lid tie 'eased., to ho and appear in iho Court ^Ordinary, for said DiMrwt, ? he holden ou IN ?dno>day. I lie Mi h day id' September. to show ciiiisf if x:ty, why rh?: sAiJ Admiuirfiratiou should not bo granted. ? tiivcn under my liaud and *ea' o{ office, thia 'Jfetli day t?f tufMHi. A. I> IW. i vo t?t r t? r ?