, ; < V r? ?| . ** * "" IB CAROLINA "SPARTANi ; wm. h. tbimmieh. ' ftawtodtfl Jfcmthrr* $igM?, foMtiw, and perilling. #a i?je k."aivnv5? VOL. XX. " SPARTANBURG, & 0.. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1863.. NO 33 ^ mi__L_LLJ? ?' * ' 1 ; STATE O^ni CAKOL1NA. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, j Charleston, Au^u or /fir. or a fraction over a j 'number divisible by our /'mrfh will send *?jrward one hand for fraction; or two : owners having sin !t fractions, may unite Httd send one li mil out of evyt y fonr. III (,)ur?.t-i.f-wi tbe -?if mie Tut "S very huudted ( undo, arc m?t only utluwcd J but ifro desired. They ore s ;i< citotf by the owners and paid hy the Confederate author ititw at the rate of fifty Uotiors per month. IV. It ecu: phi will ho 'given at the Ifepots lor the negroes, and they are. as.*es ed in 'Charleston before they are put to work. V The Aet i isj iues tiie attemh'uce of -rtnn of I let I f mi nbii.Mi.ifj ? I 'lie will be met by an ugcut wjthorizod tj lecciut for the negroes. VI. Owners are requested to furnioli their negroes with spades or shovels and three days rations. VII. Owners 'who I ire substitutes will furnish me with a copy ol the tveeipt taken for such substitutes. VIII. It i* regarded by the Roads to be i put in use on this occasion, as dangerous to run extra trains heavily laden with passengers. It is therefore nt cessary that those on the upper portions?il the Koadsshould be in attendance very early wi the morning in time for the reg'Var freight trains; or they might deliver the negrobs the evening belore to the. agent or to the railroad agent, who is authorized to receipt for llietn. IX. Charleston, it is hoped and believed, will soon be impregnable. If so, the slave Ubor of the State will have ac omplislied it. Labor is yet needed in large quantity to sceure this position. The portion of the State wow called on, has poured out richest treas sures of noble blood on a most every field in rttis war, it will not hesitate now when so tnuch IS to bf? iii'i>niniillul.A.I ?? ?? .?? vv. .|-?lO||VM (U nu (|(IK' Oil Utidce '( One earnest, oohibincd effort may put the State beyond diinncr. W.M. M. Sll WNON, Agent of the State of South Carolina. Camden, S. C., August lUth, lrtiid. JKayAll papers iu the Division publish once enuh week until 14th September and forward bills to me. Aug 20 .21 4 w. In Kqnit.t, SPARTAN Ml" ltd DISTRICT. Hiram Neighbors vx. lliehnrd J>. .Willis and Elijah Harnett. Bill lor Funds. IN puTsnarco of an order of the Court of Equity passed at .June term, Isti.'l, ho creditors of the absent defendant, lliehnrd B. Willis, arc required to come in and prove their claims, as the law di tacts, before the Commissioner, on or before the 1st day nl October next. T. 8TOBO FaRROW, c.F. K.D. Commissioner's Office,.June22. lH(il>. T n* * ^ june iso 1 ?i ' ?itn STATE OF SOU I II CAROLINA. OF KICK OK COMPTROLLER GEN'L., (/OLCMhia, August l"?lh, Infill. T 11EREDY certify that J. M. KLFOUI), of 1 Spartanburg. S. O, Agent of i he *1 KR<134 VIS IN8URAN( i:iOni'4NY incorporated by the State of Virginia, has ^Qtnpiiod with tlx cotd.lions art 1 roqtii.itions i 011111/ uinjers, ind will ropo.t at ill s Otlioo, on Saturday, the l.~>:h instant, at 1 o'clock,"1*. >1., tor instructions : lini'ollln? ontcci'H. J A I' 0 it W I L L I M A N. ASSISTANT KXIIOLT.I&) OtFICKUS. IVAim NO. I. MOSES LEV V. C. M. WIKXGEUS. j % W \Hl) NO. II. \Y. It. BllAlLSIOLO. T. A. WHITNEY. WAUP NO. III. OAKJJE DAUUQW: S n. MilUC. U' MU Ml. IV. C. a TiU.MHO. .A. .1. SALINAS. WARP NO. V. ! '. pp.viiritr: t^T u \tr con) WAU1J M>. VI. (j. W. AT MA it. I). MuINTUSir. w.utn no. VII. DAVID lUKi;it. 8. 11. MOltTlMlilt. \V.\KH V i 1 I. J. Mcl'il KllSON. ! '. P. SKIOXIOI'S. V. A seperatc Unil will l>e made of i persons belwojn forty u:id fifty years of and all persons between said a^es are ordered to report their n.mes to Mr. J A COH W 1 i.Ll M AN, Knrtdling Officer, at the Coufe3. Articles taxed at 8 per ccut. Naval Stores. Salt, Wines. . . . Spirituous Liquors. Tub icco, (manufactured aud unuianuf.) ?C->t 1 on. Wool. Flour* Sug tr. Molasses. Syrup. Uice. All oilier Agricultural Products In ndlitiou to I lie foregoing enumeration, each lax payer will be required Jo account for articles taxed xt 1 per centum to vrit : Oeld Coin. Silver Coin. Hunk No*o* and oCier curreirey on hand. liauk Notes (Ad other currency on deposit. Credits within Confederate Slates. Credits beyond Confederate States. Moneys deposited beyond Confederate States " All persons, partnerships or corporations who have, during the voir IStill, made profits hy purchase and s ilo within tho Confederal* States of II e following articles or objects ol taxation, nrc required to return the same to the Astcsor, and upon such nrofils, a tax ol 10 pe.- cciiiuiu will bo levied. Flour, Corn. Hacn?. , I'ork. Oats. Hay. Kice. Salt. I mn. Manufacturer of Iron. Sugar. MolssscS. J.en i her. Woolen Clot!f>. Shoes. 11... lllankct*. Co'tati I lot lis. The taxes levied upon nil tlifnregoii-.g article* or objects of taxation will be collected iinmrd.nt ely by .Major JOHN VV AVMIilll.lt. [Collector fur Spartanburg ("JTtli Collection District,) as they accrued on ihc 1st ot last July. Each tax payor v ill-be required to nmko his return on oath. If tax payers fail to make returns to the Assessor, they will he charged Twenty live per centum upon the asses-ci value i int-re 1 will uttciol .it the foil iwitipr place* Liniust'Ote S| .*r^ . September 8, 18>:). (irn^y l'otul, September c'*, September l'>, Tltom'*, Suptctiilicr II. Clipr-ik o Sprinj:'?. Septcm'cr lit. I'iickIcii, S-pi em be.* II. ( Villi !* |? i 1 n St-plrlnlpcr 1 ("ruv lor Ifvi'ISeptember 11. Kciilviillu, Sep'etnber 17. September 18. Wiimlr -irs. September 11. Cav.r.i'tiM 1'icIJ. September -1. Uohlll SVlllo, ScpUMIlbc* I t ro*s Viiflior, September il-'l. Walti'il drove, Scjili'inluT - I. A. ('. Hoi.tar's. September 111. Veruotisvill". September -8. MniT.iti' Store, Sept tuber 29. lolinmnV. September lit'. Mrs. M. K. Oelatitl, October 1 Uccc't St.rinjrs, October 11. lbiilitig Sprin^H. October '(. l-'-ng Tvillo (.)< tobor 5, W MIn'ii'i Slnrc. October 0. It l.n^r Mill i tctobcr 7. Iti-inpsville. October 8 S|nirtil ail r rturm Itir n*sCH4tiieii! * ure noolo TUGS o r. ^ Assessor i.71Ii t ollcL-tion District. ..jjitvl 20 21 tf STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. AI ?J T AN!> 1NSI\ G KNL'S 01 KICK, Charleston, August 20, 1863. [GENERAL ORDERS NO. 34] 4 CARD, UNDER THE .SIGNA J.\ TURK OK COLONEL J. L lil.At'K, Kir.-t South Carolina Cavalry Imv ing appeared in the papers, invitingbo) ? under conci ipt age to volunteer for mounted service in "Hampton's CnvnJry l.rigadc," it is lieroliy ordered that no one between the ages of sixteen und eighteen years shall enter tue organization proposed, or any other organisations, except such as are authorized and ca led tor by thj Governor and Commander in Chief. liy Act nj the General Assembly persons between sixteen and eighteen years of age, as well as those between forty tive und fifty, are liable to military service whenever the Governor deems that the exigency requires troops for the defence of the IStatc. In the present organisation of troops for local defence for six months service, the Governor has thought proper not to include persons under eighteen years, but they may be ioon needed for service in the Statu. Kor these rensonsjand the additional one, that the Confederate Government has not embraced persons under eighteen years of age in the provisions of the Conscription Act, the above prohibition against raising troops from this class, by volunteering for Confederate service, is announced \\j order of the Governor and Commander in-Chief. A C G'MIUNCTOM, Adjutant and Inspector Oeircnl S. C. K&yl'upera of State publish twice August 27, 22 -w Town lOlot'fion, A N Kleclinn is hereby ordered to be held /\ on MONlJA Y, I lie l-ltli day of SejiieinI her next, l ir Intend lit mid four Wurdeus for the town of Spirt anbnrg. Managers: Wni. II. Triinruicr, Win. Irwin, and Jucl K. (iiKslgion J. It Ci.KV111.AND. lotrndant. M Clerk. I -\?'F 29 21 ;in ANNUAL REPORT Ot (lie Npurlunburs and I'nlon ' ltiiliro??l. Bl'ARTAMtUUO C. H. Auo. 19, 1803. To the Stockholder? a/the S/>tirtiubnrg ,md I'hIoh Ihilroad Co",j>auy . The anl DirectoreJinve ike honor respect fu ly to submit the fo lowing rCJr?!"1 for the fiscal year eliding June 30th, 1863. The receipts hare been from paesongers, $.">1301 20 " " " ".freight .24088 62 (< << ?? >< mAila RAIId ltd Krorn Um't for troops and freig.it, 13018 48 Making a total of receipts, $Ult)lHi The expenses of operating the Ilond, keeping up repairs and out (it for the same lime are 41'J79 71 Leaving a balance for uet proceeds of $60U'-0 (I'd The grojs receipts for the year ending June 30ih, lbO'2. w ere $64 5 48 1 t Expenses for same time SlllUli 3l Nett proceeds for lliut yca^ $-.'2161 8> It will thus be men that our net pro coeds fuV the last, are more tT?an double those of the previous year, there being an increase in -money from passengers o! S'-7.41iS.9.'!; and from freight of 8tJ,4.'>9.24j while there was at the game i ne an in r crease of expeuees for the last, over the i year before of ?i)(J8d.40. i Xotwiths umling the high price of Hj most everything necessary for the opera j tion of Railroads, it being impossibles to I get some, and other important materials 1 having advanced more than n thousand per cent, over their ordinary value, yot it was not until quite recently that your Company raised the r ites ul transportation. At the commencement of the present war, 4 we had l>ul two pusSi-tigcr t irs and one old baggage ear, and but three locomotive eagines lit lor service, ;imI one of these not in good order. To tlu>i; has been added one more b:igga?re4 or second class passe ni gcr ear, iuaile mi the Company's shops. Our supply of box cars was equally as limited, one stock and seven box ears, two of the latter have Mi is year been condemned and rejected, hut we h>\- two new ones ii^ ; the shoos now being made, j Our i Ming stock is m-c.vsarily bccom | ing deteriorated, and our 'engines not so effective. Vou will perceive if we were to have two cupines in the shops at once, I under^oiti^ 'epulis, and any accident huppen tu stop the other, we would he unable lor the time to luove a train lor any pur po?e. t:t , we have made our usual t.ips and as regularly a> is po.-.sible wills such I mixed trains as we run, never having tailed to make the eonncctioii with the trains 1 jroiuj^ toward , < 'notiubiii and Chad stou ' There li.es been transported over our lload duiivy tr.?t. fticj.t yj-.-i persons, .">,170 ot whom were .soldiers; and, in the pa*s:iire el' t*::s nnti.hir, vfe arc happy to s: y .10 '-n. \\ jiv j jaicd. 1 "i.c .**;< ckho.dcis should be cncouraccd by the business ol" the last fiscal year, and re especially wh a they i.-member the ' *1- it er.ips produced by the severe drought .i-t suiuti er. no inconsiderable part ot i. freight business has been the tr.mn . . ialion to S* arliurl.'.ir;, ot grain, tlie ; i neipal article ol export lrotu that Ihs! trict, in ordinary prosperous times. | We a* ikuI: a iar^e umuter of cross j t"o.-. and .. e n-idcrable co Y"'>r last annual meeting, ?r?rr,ng benches resting t our financial condition. Our debt interest la in/ calculated to 1st ot ' letober next, appear* as follows : The Homing debt eonssiinjr of old rcijiiisi* lions, given tor (trading, cross lies, cu!\ert masonry Jcc., notes ui> t accounts, is iflill, , 473 HU.' The fittide 1 dot,I cen-i-ts t-l, IM Stale endorsed bunds ami coupons this, $412,207 02 2 1, l'ii loiicd stock and dividends, 88,914 81 :>rl, l'ncndorscd Honda of $5<>U.OO each a I'll in'rr??i, 51,317 80 4tli, 1 ncudorsfd 1'..'ik's of J'Jjll.lH) inch, ami interest, ll'.rt'.M i!fl Total fundi"! ih'bt, 8A To wli.chaiM 1 he Homing debt 1.31,473 S3 I .. 1 1 . 1 - - /win ? ?' IIIYC llll! W UUIQ 'iv'ua of liltf l!(? 16 lli" iinnunl iiiiin i upon ttii!? sum i* 84ft,7?i, wliii !i. if Vim i.iko from ?>nr neM income > */*,0U0 H2 45.903 70 ' Lrurcs :? hnlnuci of * 1,602 80 Rut it must be borno in mind that we ore Th need of many things which we cannot buy at any price. If our llnu'l could make any important connection in North Carolina it would not ^jiily.foov ,bc. jn condition to jmy its debts, hut e ventually become a'dividend paying Road. A hip ugh we expect when peaoe returns to our distressed land, to set our Rood go ovcr'thc mountains by the way of Ashcvillo; yet an important c.nniiiunication by the wny of Shelby, N. C., is now offered. The stockholders of the Shelby ! and Broad Riv?St* RuilVdad, will mod otic I week frotu to day, to ur Company by the development of the iron and coal regions, j the Hoad will penetrate the very heart of an inexhaustible li most one region, thus i offering the farmers the means of regenerating theiV old worn out lai'.ds. It is to be hoped that no more lime will ever he imported from the 5.oith for the citizens of this .Vtat.;. We cannot close this report without recotutin tiding for your favorable consideration the different officers and employees id i the Road, who have iremrally faithfully I performed their arduous and oflcn dimserous duties, For a more full and detail cd understanding of the fcdsincsi and operations of tlie lload, we would refer you to the tabular statements of our Secretary and Treasurer, .Mr. A. S. I'riji^s, herewith ! filed. No. 1. Ileitis the cash account of the Treasurer with the Company. No. 2. Statement of amount of I usiuess i (lotto. > No SVulVnn.cnt of amount of business J done at each Station. No. 1. Statement of expenses for worLI in^ the lloud. THOS B. .1KTKR, President. KXTlt.VOTS FltOM MINLTF3 Of St'b'kliohlcr* <>t the Sf^urtmiLurg ami ami /nun Rnilrviul Company, JSjnirtmiLuri/ Court J/uuic S. C'.f Auyu*t 10, I sua : The meeting was called to order by ap1 pointing ('apt. Thomas M. Lyles to the chair. . i 1 A S Kriggs wia requested to act as Se erotary. (>? motion, Colonel (1 W II T?cgg, Maj \\ 11 Trimmicr and J M K ford, esq. were appointed a Comtrittec to terily proiics. 1 resident's Koport read, and on motion, 1 the t. port, together with Tabular State; incuts of Secretary and Treasurer, and Kept..ts of Committees in the satee, were ' received and adopted. On in-iti-ju, the loliowing Committees j were ; ppointed to conduct the e'eetion of ' l'resid -rit and ITircctors : (ic-ncral B I' Bates, ! M Klfnrd, esq , and II W l'arr, esq , l ade the following report : Th; they have received und counted the vo 'S lor President und 1'iroftors for the en uing j?.tr, and the following is the ret u n : *oa I'Rf.hident! THOMAS K JKTKR, KSQ, i who received 2.380 votes, which was the j number received by all the Directors : I S Boljp, esq., Colonel S N. Kvins, (ien. J \\ Miller, Colonel (J W II Legg, Ool. I .J h Young, \V .1 Kccnnn, esq., Johu 1 Boinur, fen , esq., Colonel F Scaife, Col. T .N Dawkius, 1> Goudeiock, esq., Colonel W .1 Alston, W 11 tiilliarrl, esq. The ('hair then declcro i the above named gentlemen elected for the ensuing vear. ^ . w " i On motion Col. .1. L Young, 1st. Unsolved, That the directors of this i Company be authorized to inake arrange inents with the direction of the Shelby A Broad Hirer Bail Road Comjany to sn euro & connection wuh tout Road, nr.d io j that end, arc authorized arid empowered to j issue Bonds of this Company tube received in stick at par, to the amount they may deem sufficient, and also to trunspoit over this road all material necessary for building the same, the cost ol transportation to be j takeh in stock at par. ' 2d. Resolved, that the President and Directors be requested to solicit subscriptions to said road and to appoint Couimis sinners to receive subscriptions. On motion. Resolved, that the next meeting ol rj the Stockholders ol the Spartanburg and Cnion I tail road Company bo held at I tiion C. II. Sv C. On motion. ItcsnKc-l, "hat the President# report be published in the Carolina Spurtau. Meeting adjorrred. Til OS. M. L\ LK8, A. S. llnidiis, S.cty, Ch..irtiUn i i ('ualti.kston, Augu?t ?7.?The one luy'n attack, on our riHo pits Wednesday night was made a -out 7 o'clock. in overwhelming I'oreq. On Thursday the firing on both sides was veiy slow and deliberate, I with no unusual incident. August dS.?The bombardment of Forts i Sumter and \\ agner proceeds .'uggishly I The enemy is working hai*l in their ; trenches in front of Wagner. The firing to-day bus been quite slow. | Our lire against the enemy to tiny has hern very effective. Tlie cneuiy is strengthen ing his position nt our rillo pits, tlireo hundred yards in I rout of linttcry Wagner Kveiything is perfectly quiet except the occusio??i boom ot a gun. | August 20?Tbo fight last night at I \\ ugner was an attack in heavy force on I ear rifle pita, but the enemy was repulsed. We lost twenty live kiile-l and wouiglod. all is comparatively quiet this nqirniog. Fort Auuitor will be U|J<1. cvop in rtRM, | villi the li(L aud bayouet. Charleston, ^ogua^^fc!? my's Iifnd batteries have been maiDt?isMg steady fire on Port guniter uil .fey. The fighting at Wngner was chiefly confinod to the firing of oar pickets on the enemy's sappers, who ooatinue to approach lfettery Wugner. This evening, about dark, -tbie enemy's batter, iea opened a furious fire 4k Wngjicr, preparatory's was supposed.,^ an assault. The following official despatches have just been received: . J F?rt Sumter, August 25?7-351*. M, There is an assault now being uiadc at ifektery Wngner. (Signed) ALFRED R HE'lT1, Colonel Cottfaanding. Fort Johnson, August 25 ?7.45 P. M. The enemy is assaulting liattery Waguer, evidently in heavy force. (Signed) C. U. OLMSTF.At), Colonel Cominanding. Later.?The musketry Bring has CSMOij. The enemy is Bring a few mortar shells at Battery Wagner. The first assault had been repulsed. No more shells have besii ihrowh at' the city since daylight on !! &? day morning. VUIt to (lie Batteries, ? Ora, the Charleston correspondent of , the Mobile Tribuno gives the following account oi a visit to tho- latteries around the harbor ori the 11th instant: | At 9 o'clock last night I accompanied j (jen. ltiplcy in his barge, in company with Captain Boss, of the Austrian artnv^ to make an inspcotion of the forts. Wo first visited Sututcr, thrac and a half miles from the city, and found the garrison actively employed in protecting the walls by piling tires ot mud bags iu the losfdo, some twenty feet thick, the walls ol tli> lort being six feet thick, thus making an obstruction of brick and wind of twentysix feet to resist the enemy's shot. The men seemed iu the best of spirits, and front the jolly mirth which prevailed, one would have supposed that they were enjo*, in2 n frolic, lit the centre of the fort ; was a large morter, which every now and then threw its shell litre Ugh the air whirling over the client's wotks pn Morris Island. Wc next pulled over ?> CuuitinngV J Point, at Jhittery (iregg, . which is 1,30Q yards from Sumter, on Morris Island. Wu soon landed at the Leach there being but little surf, and walked up through the sandto the officer's quartera. Here wc found all quiet, and procured three horses to rids down to lfattcry Wagner, which is about three quart rs of a mile down the boczh, being 2,500 yards irom Sautter, in an air line, aud four and a half miles from the elty. * Tho entrance to Wesnfef rrminds or.e o? ! Ac discriptioriS of robber's cafres, which, ho read of his boyhood. Entering a nar-. I ro** passage from tht* north side, yon pass ! through the centre of the bastions of tho work, which is supported by immense timbers and ratters, covered over with earth uud sand some 'JO feet thick. The interior of the work i.s called the bonafc?proof, where the (quarters of the urcn and officers arc ami the magazines, &s The j garrison was all alive, battle lanterns wero | passing to and fro, and the men were, i cheerful hnd in good spirits. Frotn the j oentre of the battery we ascended a paic, : of steps to the e-St bastion or sea face of the ba'tery, over the glacis to the rant-. ' parts and parapets. From thispoint we watched with eon?iden'ble jnfercet th^. bursting of the socll frcin Sumter QTCfj the enemy's works. Our pickets w6ro about 1?*>0 yards from iKe enemy's, end a1* _l _ - ? * i uciucnuicni was ooing sent oat at too titnd ! to relieve thetn. For prudential reasons I atu not permitted to give your readers a | more perfect description of the works. It : is very close in tho bouib-proof, but the uicu ircqueiitly sleep outside, except when ; heavy shelling is progressing. Tho ene; my's advance line is now within 800 yards ; of Wagner. < - - .. ^ In it is letter of the 12th ne gives us i bonte information about the negro question, i which wj do not remember to have seen mentioned elsewhere. Last week (lencral Uilinoro addressed K note to (leneral iteaurcgard, of s most object ionable character, charging him i with bud fuith in uot having dent back the 1 negro prisoners, and uiuking s demand lor . tl'ent. threatening, at the same time^to j put in execution the dfetalirfttv'^ proclamaI *:~ c i i ./ .?-. o#,.i *. i w ? - i' viun ui nf oi me ouiii tinij t*st, j declaring that lie will execute a rebel soldier for every Vnnkec, whito or black, k.lled in violation of the laws of war (I) ; and put at hard labor on the public works/ a robe] tor every negro Hold or detained in , | slavery. I learn th.?t (lencral Hcauiegartf i has tfada a Very dignified and severe reply to the most impudent demand, showing the want of good laith to be entirely op. ; the part of (leneral (lilmore, wh'o eottltf j not plead ignorance either ?f President ' Davis' proclamation, or the act of tbf. ('outbderuto Congress on the subject,? The negro prisoners will mb-t certainly i not ho giroa up, and tiic issue is therefore j directly made on this point between tba 1 two belligerents The result is, as before slated, tho war must become one of cxiter? miimfion, and hereafter ihcro will be net ' more exchanging of prisoners. From \utclicz. I The Miadssippian is T>?"init!e?l to nt&ke the i following extracts from a prirote letter, writ1 leu Lv a lady in Natchez, <>u the lOlh ineutct, Ito a fricrid fn Se'ma, Alahams: .. I _ . . I.'_ /_ I .I VI.L.V.^ Ill Jl - 11'II ? xi I. V I : 1 VI . * IIV" CI I in ' "^*uur| I and I'orl Hudson, Natchez. was garrisoned bj j (teneralu ltnn?om and Ord, with about ft OW' troop*. The street# are ult barricaded. tub. V Tbe rirer i* f*?ll of gunboats. It la a hard a'fhi ti? are the negroer, how th^y fluek lu ilia Yankees, and lm* they iyl> the c.tucuadW * everything valuable.' m * A