Ntamngiaim ";!'r ^4ntpei> feAAA POUVMCLRAN RAGS, W*mt*i * b7 - " - -- - - i^lmi 0fc>i. o e. eaward* A telegram to hit relatives in thie pUce OMTtys the ead intelligence that oar friend end foUoar-ekima, Gol. OUeer K. Edwards, died in Qbhlabdro, N. 1., on So p day npSriiiod lpti of? iwriyro wound received in the Wide of Ch^ooellor*TUW Virginia. The aad ;now? te us was moat*unexpected, lev tog been1 aaHored by parados Who had sdeu bio that his wound, though fcriotu, wus not daifrgerou*. In the death ol Col. Edwrwrdatke Church has sustained a greet nod-irreparable lots; the Bar on ab)e l?wyer j society a useful nod ini}uaottal meny*t ar.d the Coufbdefae? a bntve, gallant, and intrepid Officer and soldier/ This brief annoanoemeut la made no the ere of . going to, press: In our neat bene a more - extended tribute will be given. Affeutldn i> called to the following notiee of tW Intandant of the Town, directing the oiatseae to assemble at the Court BSum urant-ninir at 11 A? .t. . . ? wmW ** V IV( IU6 purpose of devising suitable arrangements A$t the reception of the body of Col, fidWords st the Depot on the arrival of the train, sod his interment, whioh will take plate at some hour on the morrow. Town Meeting-. A Meetirig is requested of tho Cif. ens of the Town, at the Court House tlge Morning, aS 11 o'clock, to make proper arrangements for receiving tho body of onr friend, fcllofr-eitiscn and soldier, COLONEL O. E. EDWARDS, on tho arrival oT the train this afternoon. J. B. CLEVELAND, Tntcndant. Wednesday Morning. Amwttier Company. New Prospect, June 19, 18G8. W. T. W ilk ins, Captain; Calvin Me Powell, 1st Lieut.; llenry Lyles 2d Lieut W. H. Foster,3d Lieut. A. v nnuou, 1st Scrgt.; J. J. McDowell 2d Sergt; James F. Jackson, 3d Sergt. James M. Brian, 4th Sergt.; J. N. Mo Dow el, 5th Sergt. J. 0. Wilkius, 1st Corp.; Hugh O'^hoak 2nd Corp.; R. E. Jackson, 3d Corp.; J. B McClure, 4th Corp. Stanford Hall. I R. W. McDowell, W. C. Alvewoo, I W. J Burton, John Roddy, | Alfonous Jaokaon, W. P. Compton, O. W. Smith, B. L McMillan, M P. Jackson, 0. D.-McClure, Booker Botnar, W. R. Younger! J. H. Younger, J. C Demur, J. L. llayiice, 8. J IVilkins, J. T. McCuinnis, W D. Wilkins; C. U. MoMiilen, E. P. dements, Sew. Lancaster, \Y. H. Chapman, Caleb Bullingtou. VIRGINIA CORRESPONDENCE. FREDERICKSBURG, Va. JL*NE 10, 1SG3. . : 1 writ? you another abort note, because 1 may not hare an op porttmity of doing. so any time toon. 1 have j a?t received orders to have my Company ready to move in the morning b\ daylight, and all are exacting active operations, and are at a lost to know what in up- Ewell with bis Corps, is moving uj thjs Valley. Dongstreet is at Culpepper L^e'a IltjatLjuarlcra ere there also. A. P, lint's Cor^s, of which our (Pender's) I>iviiion is a psrt, are now immediately in front of Fredericksburg, and have been held in line of battle for eight duya^in eonaaquoncs of the enemy crossing on this aide tho river and fortifying themselves, uud making I'cuioualrationB of a fight? They left here Itat night, and little eigm of thetu are to be seen on the Stafford Heights. Now wo are going to leave with our Corps, and no one hai the least idea of what is up. The Yankee prisoners taVan from the other aide say (heir nrtny has guue to Washington , hut this is not to he noticed er credited. Soma tbipk we will move lu the direction or Culpepper? omo *ay they hoar the enewj are landing oa.-ihe PlciUMala,' and we are going there ?ethesn say what if we are going to JubjweQ; so you age that everything is a mystery to us. We eauoot understand the movements of our threes. There has bass the gmstnal suspense among our men for the last 10 hy?*ewr daot we came up here and have-been held in line of WU| No one cduld henjr where any of arartoy ege hut those wc saw arouod us. 1 did not learn of Xwel's- Oroasing the Rappahannock until one ? ?? * ? oame from Culpepper, whore he pot the information th tough a reliable source? lb* cavalry who scouted in front M he cresadp. I hear the people at home ov despair ii?g, and soy that we arc whippci. I cannot account lor their talking so. If any ahowM diapeir it look* to me like it would be'thorn who aro here ,1'erhapa those at horn who Are expreeetn# themselves in such a way arc Afraid the liet of exempts will ho out do** ?, >?>^| iwr it me war continue* tu?ob longer %e wtR be cuuipoll ed to oaU onitke tboutooda wk? have been exempted vitko* * olmo. Beeyoct fully, FRANK * 4 ^r-<* 4 . 0 V - J^- ? V M ORYO^OUK ILLUSTRIOUS klWSApjt i .! iln-rjr Oh# patriot hu looked forward | with ifttttee iatelcat tt tlxe cfese ?f~D?r ' blood/ straggle, uud oar tsfab i Iwhioent as a separata aud independent J u^HiiBW iwh*?H mmftme Uiri4 at such u>*iMg east?sanity the; [ blood ef martyred * uiJIHwa* aid cry to 1 Heaven. aga,u?? m, if w; fa.il to appreciate Mr rili>*nt victories that th'o world bis ever l tt s - t v noor tuc same guidance ami ; blessing wo oao, a3 a people, achieve any ( other masteries that lie within the com' pass of human iugouuity ami power. In , no vaunting spirit, than, Lot in humble , dependence upon the all wise Ruler who has thus far uphold ns, it is not far ns to sey what shall be the future of this Coofederacy. Obviously, then, our first duty is to introspect minutely and earnestly, our past career; determine how little or much resemblance there should be between the past and lutore of these 0 on fed orate States, of regard* hath their internal and (heir foreign policy; consider wall our hiomc voscurces and oar capabilities sa a people and then, with an unwavering determination, gird op twelves ~fot the full discharge of what^vpr duties may devolve oppa we, oolleetivj^or individually. AjA pttflfnl sacrifices to be tnade T Let usffiaho ^ein, keeping Btdadlly in view thflKtarejbcQcticial result. Must habits ofififceogHfcgdT Letasatowoetuakesll neeflbeb^MpL Now that old fines of bnsiaesiHhveflMjj^n broken up, and former niodesof Itt^^BQrareestng from necessity, changed?016 he so farorable for ro wjar imt* appointed, by Hon. lu?. Qoltcotor of tho IVnf T?i, AAeeeflT* fx>r Spartanburg (tl?? 27th) Di*triut, add that rhe same authority ban b?w ; Mrs II J Dosn. 6 ; j Mrs A Botssr, 6 ; Mrs TOP Vornou, 6 ; Mrs j 1, Joel Foster, 6; Mrs P Krrbr, 6 i Mrs 8 Cas I* ton, 4.60; Mrs.Prof Carlisle, 'AGO ; Mrs Mary u Cleveland, 6 ; Mrs J Wilson, 4 ; Mrs H Thorn- ' sop, 10yards cloth fl*r pants; Mrs Mary F Thomson. 2 new colored shirts ; Mrs N P V Walker, 1 pound knitting jrsn; Miss ? Moo- .. son. 4 pr sooks - Mrs Dr Kennedy, 8 pr soaks; Mrs McAlpfae, t pr sOok The ladies will pMase bear la mind tbe con- * siaat demand and need ef socks for our sol- . discs in t be field. A fUll meeting of tbo Members of the So f oicty is earnestly requested on Friday next, tl>r 26th inslMitv , FOR CO^GBEO J' Wo are authorised to announce Hon. i u JAMES FAKHOW a caniidate fur re-election , to ike Congress of the Confederate States, as i Representative front the 6tb Congressional , District. * t 9^- nv ar? iiinunxw ?o it. i WJNOO, h t culitUt* for Sheriff of Bpartan- i burg District at tki next election ~ en the id Monday In Saptatubar next. < June 18 12 te I . ~"Y"~ F1. I AMBKTINO of Morgan Lodge No. 19, will be held on Fiiday evening ( next, -Gth instant. All members of the j Lodge aro particularly requested to attend, I as the nomination of officers will be proclaimed on that evening, and other important business will be transacted. J. M. HJjFORD, Sec June 25 .13 It < Headquartors, SPARTANBURG C. II., 1 Jvst 20, 18(13 ( J TTATlNG been appointed recruiting Scr| 1 I geant for the Charleston li&itallion, 1 j hire opened my office at Spartanburg C II. for the pttrpono of reoeiving recruits. Ail persons I nrOilng 11 connect themselves wait tlie organ! I | jit ion. Will give me their lumen, when ihey , will be enlisted and transportation furn is hed. A Bounty of FIFTY DOLLARS will be paid to ftu 'h recruits as enlistedC. II. MAYRRY. Recruiting Serg.'t Ch. Ititltnllion. .Tone 25 1? tf STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ADJ'T AN l> INSP. GENL'S OFFICE, OolL'Mbia, June 17, 1803. GEN ERA OR If ERR NO. 21. KN TRACT. 11. The following persons are exempted by Act of the General Assembly of this State from 14 all militia service," r.nd there tore from dm {lender General Orders No 20, vie: The Lieutenant Governor; the .Judgcs-of the Courts ol Law and Equity , the Ordinaries, Clerks of tho Courts of General Sessions and Common l'leas; i Sheriff's; Mahler*, Commissioners and Registers in Equity: the Secretary of State; Surveyor General: Comptroller Gcnj cral and Treasurers of the State ; uid the , following persons are exempted >r ii?L Act from 41 actual service beyond the limits of their respective Dristrieta," and wiil not te subject to said draft*, vis: The Members of both branches of the Legi-la turc and their respective officers, including 1. ,t,? - 1 ? -? ? - 1 ,uv j-viciiciui biui i lie ftOU<*ll3I> I of the State, j ers.i>iih in ('onfoderate and : State military service; Officers and On- i dcts of the Military Acudcmy ; regularly 11 officiating Clergymen; rcirubrly licensed t pruulioiiig physicians over tho age of j ' thirty live years ; one Apothecary to each 1 regularly established Diug Store of six | j mouths standing ; Officers and Faculty of I, i the South Carolina College, and J'rofev } i sura in other incorporated Oollogi-i and ! Theological Schools whilo such College* ! ami schools are 11. oferulion; the Super-j intend int. Teachers and Steward of the Cedar Spring Asytum ; Schnolti asters hav i ing under thc?r charge not loss th.r twenty scholars; all Ihanch I'il its ; one whit man to each established Ferry, foil Uridyl or Toll Grain Mill, it actually kept by J such white man ; the Frosident. Cashier, ' , and one Teller ol each of the llmib of i the Slate; the Treasurers ol Saving* In !. atitutions oi tho State; tl.o Officers and < men of the City Guard, and Officers and 1 forty mou of each Fire Company of tho j! Fire Departments of Charleston nfid Co- ' < lamhia ; the Officer? and as ninny employ- 't eea of each Kail road Company as the ? President or Superintending may certily ' to be necessary for the efficient conduct of i ! its business: /VrrW?/, That it shall he , also certified that th? duties of said am- j i ployecs cannot he discharged by slaves; t tho Superintendent and Keeper or tho'4 j bun 'tic Asylum, ami their Assistants ; I" I Stewards or Keepers of IV-r Houses : tflo j Keepers of the Arsnnal of tLe State : por ? eona holding otfiiw ???#!-? o? ?* n ? .?W> HID WVIIIVUUIalO I ' titates, exoept Deputy Postmasters; per- js sons employed by tho State or by the Con- j * federate States in the tnannfacture of arms j , uiunitlone ot war and army supplies; all I I persons actually engaged in the mnnufac- t tore of saTt on theses coast; the Members * of the Hoards of Relief of soldiers' families ^ |over forty-five [45] years of age; Over 1 seers having certificates of exemption b- J f suetl from this office; persons ubove the i ? age of fifty years, and persona between the ' of eighteen and forty; persons under i T the age ol otghtecu, though liable to nor- ! g vice beyond their rcapcotive Distriois, will j not be subject to this draft. . o III. The commanding officers of Regi j J nicnte will regard 03 valid all certificates ) m of exemption issued front this office to f, Overseers and toother persons onuuteruted ' n in the foregoing paragraph of this order, * and persons not having such certificates, I u but show by proof in writing and on oath that they are clearly entitled to be exT 0) einpted, according to the law us above stated, will not he subjected to draft. hi IV, Tho oiguniaation of companies f ?r e' active servioe under Oouoial Orders No. I 10. hauod from this ?? *v- ,0*' " ?? VM.UV WU inc torn Ol I ft February last, being superseded by Gcocral Oner* No. 20, Mid oompauie* ure hereby declared to be disbanded, lly command of the Governor, A. C GAttLlNGTON, t Adjl't and Iospcctoi General of 8. C T? IIJ5 8TATK O* SOUTH CAHOJgWA. CKKVLXiYK 1?E1* AftTilKST. 1 kjtutftiia, Judd 10, 1668. )l'R v*od ?l foe. uhmTiIc to top# with the 0 oof derate toifV" in the open field, kivo iMorted M> ? wodu of wartare which aroused ic iudigoatiun ol every he n i capable of a palotid amotion. Kot content with wruvtiag ^.Mjvfiil vttttetie Irotu their hone* *ud coufta?*5 Il.-?a in hethavtao duugdotis, aud with. ' ?t>iti? our omentcd fclavee'siul inhumanly Uc'iig thvio in u.!!i!:iry orgmiiA'iotis, to bo . tot down N Hi.? front ?r hetUe, they hnve J ntugunUed d system of raids Into lira interior 1 f the btbU?, stealing negroes, burning citicu I d ftrtu.t, destroying live stock and growing | rope, au?l e pi cad m g desolation everywhere i ?hcir track. To ue?t tbia condition of iiings, aud t j rentier practicable gmict couanqptticu of our forces already in the Sold nd afford adequate internal prolectiun to the (Hies, ilic Prcident of the Confederacy deems . expedient to call for n portion of their reserve force for service within their reapectire iwato. b'pou luc Governor of South Carolina io calls for fire thousand men, for the period f ri* month? from tho ii'M tiny ,of August text, to he fttniihtd by draft, unless in the nteruiediate time a volun eer force, organize i luder the Act herewith published, " l'o provide for local defence and sptaial aervice," at east an equal number bo luu&iered and re>orted to the War Department as Butyect to ha call of the President for serrico within tho Rate. These organizations maj be rolontary, at will be eeen by an examination of the Aot. aud ire for apeoial service only within tho 8iatfc, ruder officers of their own selection, and with the privilege of staying at heme ia the pursuit ?f their ordinary avocations utiles* called for a temporary exigency 10 active duty. Now. therefore, I, MtbLELflBL BONIIAM. Governor and Couim.iudv.r-ia-Chief in and over the 8taie of South Carolina, call upon the people of the Stale to assemble ou the day lined in the annexed orders at their respective Regimental I'arado Grounds, and to raits and nfMni-m f in f. v i-r??s w nallnil f. ?* I > ? I lm Pwa ",a?,*v %,,v ,v,%w v-,v^ tv" ;MV | for ilio defence, of the biAle. For two long > years, your brothers hur* borne the brunt of i of tbis war fur independence ott the frontiers! f the Confederacy. Tits time? Ims now arrived j to show yourselves worthy of those gallant men by protecting their homes, their wives and their children, in common with yfmr own. Until ibt above organisation take place, it is recommended to the citi/cns of the Stair to' continue existing voluntary org?nmtions and to form immediately oil.' rs, with such .irun ntbey have, for the protection of every neigh imrho ?l, especially along the livers mid arms of the sea. Many u deadly volley may be successfully delivered at the ratdern in their boats from the bluffs aud forests lining their tmnks. Immediately after the requisition of the President ie the Governor will tnky ateps for u Wtove complete organisation for neighborhood protection, of such are Inaa fitted, hy years or otherwise, for the sotivo duties of n campaign. Given under my hand urn! the veal of the State, at Cvlumhia, this sixteenth day of ' [L.?.]Junt. A. D., <>ne thousand cigiit hundred j and s'Xty three. M. L. BOMIA.M, H*. R. Ht'.\t, Secretary of Stte. Aa ,-lef to i'rovid* for Lo-it Deface ut,d H^eeiml Service. Section 1. The Concrete of the Confrdera.'t State* of America do rune/. Thai the President he and he is hereby authorized to accept the services of volmnccfa oTuueb kind nn I in suoti proportion P.* he may. deem expedient, to serve lor such tunc ns ue may presenile, fur th" defeiteo of tvpoiril plac *s or locvhties, 01 .Mich rpecl tl aervic." si h may deem inedicut. Section 2. And such forces shall be nut tered into the sorv'.ca of the l*on federate Stat er, t .1... I I -I-* 1- ! ivji iuu man acieovc or epoetin !"Cr?ICf Wore- ] *aid, the muster roll netting forth distinctly I the son ccs to bo performed; anl iho said | voluntovrs .thai! not bo eotinid"red in actual serxiso until thmcuuto specially ordered by ttie President. And they shall bo entitled to ; .?y or -uhsiiUcitne only f.?r stir-li lime as they 01 .v be oh duty tinil t ti e order* of the lVcaidc".' ot by b'-* direction. Hue; to:. 'I. ?ueh volunteer force?, when *0 Accept el ami ordered Into service, eball be orguiii.-d in Accordance vith Ahtl .subject to all the provision* of the Act entitled " At; Act lo provido for the public defence," npprovod Mrrcii ti, 18'J1. and tu ty be annehed to ouch dii :>i >ns. brio ?de?. regnaeait, or battalia is an ibe fVc.-i lent titay direct, arid wbeit not organise I i^to tia ialion? or regiments before hutny n?u?ietf 1 ia'o service, th?? President shall up - I point tlie Held officer* of t^o buiiliettuirirrgi;n. ?' ? wli.'ti organised as such hy him. ArerovKb August 21, 18K1. bTATF. OF SOUTH CAROLINA, At rri ?tT ajtn lM>rsernn Gsxrb.xi'* Ornci ron iiPii. Jittie Ifi, 18dS. .V .NJ K VLOROKKr* *??. 3?l. o oarrv into effect the proclatnafiois of his t.\o the Commander m thief tmj the Art ?;f Uotigre-,.*, ? ]' provide lor local de- ' rcnoe and special nerr.ee," it is hereby ordered1. That the comui-iiidtng 0 the ore of (lie Militia Ki-ifinieuia assemble nt their u-oiil places of parade, ou TUiiSDAY, the 7ih of lu'y pert, nil pemoun within the limits of heir respective conminud? liable to auy miliary serVtce by the law* of the State, aad call Tor voluuieera lo toeot the requisition of thb J ('resident of the confederate si?t?? ?? ia?? 1 Mate tor troops for local defence? persons I mtween iho ages of forty and forty-five to be j net tided in the call. fl J.hi any Regiment failing to furnish by roluriteei'itig it* <|Uota of troops, which in fixed n- General Orders No. 21. accompanying this mliT, the commanding officer of such llcginrut will iinmcdintcly draw from i'itsc lisol* o actual military service bevoud the limits if their respective ftlstrieis," between the igestf forty and fifty <4tiand 6? > years, a ntftcmui ti ii in her of uiou to make r.p said qtfia. III. The oouiniaudiitg oiticers of llegii. ems ire vqaired immediately to o;g pize the troops bus raised iuto coutpauivs, of not less then iMy-four [t>4] and not more than one hundred tod twenty five [126] privates, by holding Sections for company officers, vis : one Cap ain, one First lieutenant, and (wo Second ieutenauts, the non-commissioned officers, -four Sergeants and four Corporals?to be ! ppointcd by the Captains, apd immediately clurn to this office certificates of said elections mi rolls of the cornpadies. IV. The commanding officers of Heat Com antes are required to prepare ami return to he commanding officers of thsir respective legintcnts ou the day above mentioned, aeeu ate rolls of all the mules residing within their espectivc hosts between the age* of foitj and A.. I J>i ?* ?? [tu mill o thr Rials publish weekly until the 4th ot I ily. I " tHJlIiiHi -X STATE OF J50UTU|jAllOfiI5A. 1 QM't and imr1! oftfaul*** Cjfrion. J cultxdia, JftM 19,1&8. [N answer to tnqairi?o^|ddraipod to bU ] Excellency tj?* Govern** and to tbia / fitc-M, it is boreiy wade known that no j a art of tbo quota of troop* Coifed for m L lor tho foregoing proclamation rttrW ordtfroj rill be accepted as MOUNTED AJ EN. L. Or a: t.qAaoinvfi\Ji,t.. I Adj'f and 1 pspaotor-G anoral 8. C. Juuo?5 lfl St fiSaijr Paper* of the Btato copy threeiimeo. ' state or .soi rn ciEeuxi. ; EXECUTIVE DEfAETM EXT," < I Columbia, Job0.17,186S. 1 IN ooewer to UMoy.lotton.OMn tbo nub- -J loci of tbe exemption of ft afcmtiratoe, it is 1 ita-cd for tho inforuiati >n of aril oottceraed, J a aL. #1 .J - # o . i '?. iiiui hit uorcnwr aocs no* ictl Ctllva UpuD to exempt Magistrates within the conscript igo ftota military service, iifemuch m tneLegislature tiwi that subject Under eatIdoration aod did not prrrMe for it hi tfceis Act, JW order of the Governor. B. F AMHCB, *., i Pi itoto tteerotnvy. Mr Al! papers in the State publiehoeco. Jane 29 18 . It - - In Equity, BPARTAJtBURU 1U8TWCT. Iliraai Neighbors ei. Richard 11. Willie and Elijah Bs-.neU. Bill (or Funds. * IN pursuance of an order of the Court of Equity passed at June term, 1868, tho creditors of the absent defendant, Riuhard B. Willis, are required to come in and prove their claims, as tho law di rects, before the Commissioner, on or before tho 1st day of October "next. t. stobo farrow, oa?.d. Commissioner's Office, Juno 22, 1868. June 25 18 8m 1 lendqua rtei'H, 36tla Regiment, S- . Mllltla. ORDER NO. ?. IN pursuance of orders to mo directed, 'all persons liable to do Military duty,! now within the limits of tho 86th Regiment, 8. C. M., ore summoned to appaar at llomar's Old Field on the 7th day of July uoxt, fdr the purpose of complying with the requisition node boon this Retr 1 intent by the Governor, for its quota qf men for nix months service, either by Volunteering or Draft. (?u plains ut Beats are uhargid with the extension of this order, and are further : rryuimi to prepare and return to the coinj mnnding officer, on that day by 10 o'elock, [ A. M., accurate roll# of all males residing , ?tt their respectivo Beats between the ages : of forty (10) -ind fifty (6'J) years. By order of * 8. W. SNODDY, i Col Commanding 36th lfegt. S. C M. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR HALE. rpi!K ?n letnlgocd |.rfq>o*?an T11V BHD AT. _| ttie 2rHtl in-lnnl, to sell In tbc hljflu sl bidifcr. .si Spsrlsaburn ("euri M.mw, lb* MW iug large utaoutij sad'Uii.'ij ol properly, vi/. One Negro man named William, once forward the funds to me at this place, by privato opportunity, by Eapress, or by Bank checks payable to my order. Remittances ot bills by mail arc not authored. WM. M. SHANNON, Agent of the Sttto 8. C? Camden, June 13, 1863. 12-2t L<>8T, AHOUT one month ago, a Gold PALMETTO BADGE, with the letters "0-*L. 8.," marked on the snu.c. ALSO. Between Dr Vcrnn^a and the Pronbyte. rian Church, about three weeks siooe, another BADGE of the nmu description Any one finding the above described Badges, will bo suitably rewarded by leaving them at this office. June 11 11 8t ~L< >HT, ON" Friday, a Hair Kar King, and tt Jirty hi?i a Twwrel'U^ld broooh. Anv me finding the sane wilt be gratefully reward?r.(r a:i 1 farmer. 1 womsa, ugrJ 21, ? good cook, wadter ?wid imner. with her chiid. 1 girl 10 rear* old good nurse and house servant. 1 hoy iunic-1 Kd ward, very likely. ?*n t well (M u, ijcd U?< gears' 1 boy Morn?, i years old. One fine draft nud Sadd c horse, C yp?rs uW. 1 pony, works well. 0 welll?rcke Ml'LKS, from three to six year* old.? 1 KINK MILK COW, with young calf, m:r excellent milker an I io good roiifltlvn. Fifty bushels of Salt, 13 head of IIOGS. 300 Kushr's of CORN, 1$ bushels of ItVF., 1 -I hogs of N \1LS. from 'j to 2U. 2 g'.od four-horse IVAOOSS with harness, 1 good 1 horse wagon, wiih harness. Top Uuggjr and hurnens. a line lot el* ahoes, a large quantity LEATHER, I AND A FINE Af^pRTMKNT Oii1 i i * ^ jkmiko ar 11 i*i ilTUPr?4 One foiij-ei?ht g-ilfofl Still, nud oce bixi,) fiv- Hi u S I ILL, ^illi in sjw?A or- | il?r, with nil I be ueccssurjr uppuriaaunecs of j each. The above property will be hold iu small quantities to ;>uit purchasers, with the privilege however, to mt one to tako the whole. TERMS OF SALE: Cash on delivery erf Properly. WM. U. WALK Ell. .lone 1* 12 2w jNotlco THE Con ?ui:sjti-mors of Iloada and Town Authorities,baring collected fine* for default f?r slave lal>or on the cu?W. will at flpiiWIrni t^r* IttV i.# 4 Ik^klAf an/I rAfl v BMitiAiNnf kft flilMiH4FlBBa South CuvUaft lfeMlttfMt DEAF AltoluM AKMitiH^ $53)^a SPBISI, A. l4ur JdLy ! ?i? iwjlSJ. DlllWllfiil A? on* of th* btaevMnl MUOWhaMMt* *f tli* St*>?. lb* iutiiatiM ?? iur, Ike Philanthropist. nd lavpr ?f 1 lu every portion of ijM Rt^MwIlk end wit ores for lUemaatona. vbl UH mMfr * of eiience and d*rb?? j whe, ultbn? dkw lion, ?doubtpdly Ibrmtha yj wie>^M|o friends of well as ?ha JftWs nenarally ore nap eel lh By inwl taartaadl A awlH of the BM #>. t?n'i?ic? and attention, I taJia ibit i^naNi ty of tnforfli^g'nU person* intcr?*i?i ia iQF official bu.vic.?e* that I al'.sll a.tend ragulsrljr tt o?y office, on mrjr Baturtlay of 11F. on 'er signed baring pare board m4 | cnn?idemt!y replenished the Block af tieod* owned by Meears. Twittjr, would * respectfully aek Itia Irirad: r??4 tl wiMh aagff fI him a cull at the old stand of tboon yilian. I Among the new gxxla just reoeived ere 1T? pieces FINE FRENCH PRINT*. 10 " KINK DUKSS Ml'SLUA. V ' 20 FINE LONO CLOTH*, lew IRISH UroMMlnff Colnlw, Tooth Brmhoi KnffllMl PflM. Toilet 0onp, Jkey ALSO * large iot of eietlltat SMOUNft i i I'. tCCO, and mauy other Mrti?ler I'rr?on? witkitg to p da ffhO* t? ctJl early." * " * \ /. J. WINGO. March 1V*?1?If . ! Hradqtiurters 131k Rffft*', S. , CAMP OKKGG. VA.t March 9t\ lilt/ DESERTED from my C?apMj (hi fatlMr* / tag member*. for irhuM ?pprcb?i?n A* > [ itiiui reward of thirty dolhn will h^nU, to , wit. JoilN WOFPOBD. IV yoara old, k ta* r > 11 ichcs high, blue e/ao a ad dark MhVfi I fair cotaple-ion. Wnt M. 8TATOS, tljwh old, 8 feet high, dorfc hair, dark nw. awl.ikit completion. JL COPkhAML, 1 Capt Co. 13?b BogW S? r >"r ir t M ntoLBN, TIBOM |he cab rooa at Ndaarllk ah JP Tuesday, the 28th uH., a E**afc MAMKd ?. s* MA Wis with fringe, with mm of tbt JHa|? itteo off. A suitable reward will bo paid, If Mt Ok fk* . FACTORY. " , . ~ WIDOW MART BROW*. May 7 +*? ? '^wroir~" a ii ij penoos UTiag oauai Mypm Estate of Kleador P. Swoddy, *Haaui, % will prcMBl thorn to the tmdasaigns# #r settlement immediately, nod -oft thorn iedebtt d by Noto or othorvfae MM pie^e* ' pay the mme to mfcrthtHM, M I ffefae# to settle the Kstote vidua three witl i WW. P. PKAKdON, Adm'r. Jnno 11 11 , ? Admloidrotor^ Mellot. "* following estates to vi^: J. T. fee eeaaod, VlLLlA* COL*, WfUJjfl* BOBBINS. and J. J. X1MBRKLL, ere. hereby notified to Siaemt the attested, f the ni-fiaosd fisr noimdat [ ^ as final settlements of the oatataa atf ?a* ? tiaoeaaed, will ho. adh aa fiastt aa the la# anil permit. SUA# W*U* May M ? #L T HAyiToT ball?MtSyfiJSlfflSjnV*. rws& ifcir'ia^ rj. t liHihini, I n#try wiv^i John Wheeler. M. B, iinWt. I .uc+nd* HviftM, OWtf ^ r P?rtit, r 3 H