CAROLINA SPARTAN. WM-l3c- TitiMMiiiR. - to ?o*ttura ^iglOo, golttiw, &arirotttorf, .and SHisccUnntt. gaPEii r?_rXjn_r^nj^un_rxj^ui~on_r^-rxj~uj~i-n-j~i_r-L_ri_r?_r-*_??_?l ^'^^-rxjTjj-n_j-x_rxjA-jA -""Xji-n^n^r*" oAAj\njv\xuv>j>jXAJ\ru^j>j\j\AAJVVVvvxAAJV\Aj\AAA/^A/\j\jnj^ "** * YOL.-XX. SPARTANB tJRG, S. C.; THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1808. NO 4 ' - ' : * " il*** NEW FiRM. ^ miANt & eessETT. YTAVflfG, formed a t'opartnerehlp in U>? jfjl. Cbrfeotiensry business. would call at.SwutQu to the public to coll and examine their Stock; which consists of tbHies, Rice, Sugars, Chewing, and brooking Tobacco. And many other articles too tedious to mention. Giro them a call and >eo for yourselves, they will sell as cheap a < tlio cheapest. They can be found on Church St, nest door to Bechtier's Watch Shop. BBIANT A GOSSETT. March 26 2 tf YnsuieianceI THE undersigned Agent for the SOUTHERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COM FTvN Y, of Co.umhia, 8. C., end uf tlie MERCHANTS F1RK IN-UUANK COMPANY, of Richmond, V*., writ! uow lake Ksks at reason Able Rat oh oa lb* lives of Slave*, as nail a* Whiles, uuuou (vtttba * fi'< crj>r pri?? J. M. EL FOR I), A go oi. . March 19?1?Smns TO RENTr A SMALL noat Cottage containing two upper and two basement room*. On the premises are a good kitchen, servants two rooms. A good well of water, and fine garden spot, potaioc patch, Ac. Term* low and will be made kuown br applying to J. M. ELFORD March 26 2 8w MARBLE YARD SoflCb\ ~ PER90XS wishing to purchase MA-RULE for their deceased Friends and Rolati/os can do ho, by applying to Mr. WM IIUN'TKR, oar authorised agent. HARE V PALMER. April * 4 tf TVOTI0ALL person* hol-ling claims again-t HENRY WntTB. deceased. w|ll due donee to \T. H. WHITE or WM. TUSH, according to law , and all persons any wise indebted, will please come forward ?ud settle. W 11. WHITE, WM BUSH. .Tor 27 86?(f Administrators Dental Notice MI' oflico it ovtr l>ob. fl. March 18 ty Till-: ST AT K 01- SO UT HOAUbUNA. SPARTASBUBG DISTRICT. ^Xiratn Neighbors rs. Richard B. Miller and Elijah Barnett, Adtnr B?l' for Holier and to secure funds of absent debtor. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Richard B, Wtlrta resnle? from and without iheliuii s of this .State. It is on motion of Bobo, Solicitor, ordcre-l thai lie appeal- and answer thiu Bill of Complaint. within thrco months fr* n this dote, or tuu liiil v. ill Lv t-' >. ; <> c?.t fr?.?o as to iiim. T. STUBO FARROW, c. k s. p. * -A W linn flci. ntv O^mmr'a Office, Jaonarj lbth, ltwlo. Jan. 1& 44 " Sm NOTICE. PH. L. C. KENNEDY having left his Bookof ACCOUNT AND NOTES in my hands for collect ijn and aettletu-nt during hU nli ejnce in the Confederate ierdt\ 11 personhaving accounts un-ottled, will please onmc forward promptly and make payment. It ut? able to par tho caah, please call and give n nolo, as it is desirahle tu have the accounts Used up. A. II KlUIIY. August 7 22 tf ~C X IS I> f?13 the Jail of Sp trtanlmrg District, a ?v nUnr .a ..,,.1 i?lr.i him ?wir. L. M. QBNTKV, s 8 .v. fab 16 49 If " NOTICE. MARBLE! MARBLE! fllilE ur.der?igned gives notice to those perJ[ sons who bar# left orders for TOMB 8TONES, &c, that he is now at Spartanburg, and is prep ired to finish up their work with dispach. He would he glad if thoce inter tiled would call on Him immediately If they have had thoir orders filled elsewhere he Arould like to know it. RICHARD HARP.. 8urviyor. SIWL'K OK SOUTH CAROLINA. D. O. B anion and wife and others va Arthur Morgan and others. XT appearing to mv satisfaction that Arthur I Morgau and Willis Ellis, defendants in this case reside beyond (he limits of this State, i On mution nf liobo, complain nits solicitor, it 1 ordered that they appear, plead or answer, within three months from th * publication of this uotico, or the bill will be taken pro confesso agaiust them T. STOBO FARROW, r. r s. n. per A. Wingo, Deputy Coin. Cornr'e office, Februa-y ill, 1863. ^ Feb 26 60 8tn * B0?qUBT. j TJIIlS Iborough-hred STALLION, imported from England by 8. R. A J. D. (list, i will stand the ensuing season, cotrimencing on 1 the 12th idaiant, at Sprlanburg C. II . and Col.'8. N. EvlHs. He will be at Spartanburg C. H., Thursdays, F idavs, and Saturday of ach weeU, at Col. S. N. Evins' .Mondnvs.Tues days. ami Wedrtesd ij?. BOSQUET will serve inarcs at $30 the seaeon Thoee putting mares will he called on the second week in Juno for tho (tcason money. PEDIGREE. Boequet is a beautiful black brown, fifteen hands three inches high, of great power and f^ood temper and action Free from nil hlem?h,e| or any other defects whatever, lie was tot by Mr. Jacquies1 Gainebjy, his dam Miss i?4ay by Muley .Moloch, her dam Bavarian Tramp, g. d. Comely ty Comus, g. g. d. Anticipation by Benninbrough, out of Expectation by Herod, Oameboy, by Tomboy, his dam Lady Moore. Carew by Tramp, the dam bv Mendicant winner oftha Oaks in 181ft. and also the dam of Beadsman, wioner of the Derby in 1848, g. d. Kile by Hutaard, Olympia lyr Sir Oliver. Grooms fee $1. tV ^ GIST. ./onesviHe, 8. C. ) 6 ?61?12w - 1 *-* - ? BaKgies for Hale, I IT pursunnse of an Older from th? Ordinary ' we will sell to the highest bidder al*y.ime- i stone Springs, on the l&th day of April next, the following -personal pr perty beknglng to the Eat ate of JOHN L* YOUNO. vix: 1 Lot of Blacksmith's Toota. 1LOT CARPENTER'S TOOLS 1 Lot New Busies, Hoekaways, AND many, other Articles not mentioned. TERMS made known on day of mile. TIIOS. HARRIS. Ex or. MARY T. YOUNG, Exectrx. April 2 2 2t wwwm? votitit, rpiIE undersigned hereby gives notice to the 1 public thut lio has been appointed hy-t Governor Bonlmm. to distil Spintuous Lii|Uori> . in Spartanburg lfUtrict. itt accordance with an j Ant ??f th? 1 .iciana. und ?>iliet- pur 1 | sotm.) from the regulations of tin* ('oi'imissary"* 1 | Depart incut irsuol March 10. 1800: * lien tiny druggist. physician or o'.lier person desires to purchase over five g lions of . spirits from tiie agent, they must first give a bond, payable to the State with two or more I good securities, approve . hy the t'lerk of the j curt, in treble the amount of nurutiasc an.I 1 lt tlge the **mc with the agent, con-litinned tint they vriil ttol convey. or cvtnc to l?<> c-mveyed, beyond the limith ot thjB the spirits purch tsed and that they will not resell at >? great er advance than 60 per cent over the agent'- , price, nud enly to aueb ptraons ait will give a written pledge'lhnt they actually rcOrtir-* C.r.-l j will Hue it only ntt-l siricltv fur tnedienI pur ! poses, accompanied hv a regular practicing physician. that the spirit# are needed, atui ite believes will be usc-i strictly for m | I I. Comprising the Judi'-li.'. "isiricts <>t' Pickens I OroenvilV Huurtauburg, At. let eon, t'uiou, j York, Che-tor, Laurens, Abbeville w. <1 Newberry, to supply it* proportion of eluvc labor ninler the piesent requisition. 11. I he Commissioners or lloidi of the severul Districts, and the authorities of the inc >ry orated towns and villtige-i having jurisdiction of the rostil hands within their bound tries will at onee numtnon all persons in the possession : j of slaves Within the limits of their authority I to Iisve tueir sltve* subject to this cull at the : | nearest Itailroad Depot to ihw owner's re-ideuce | on Wednesday, the tith day o*" >1 ?y u -it, ill lb o'clock, u. in., ready lor transportation to | Charleston. Ill All owneve of slaves who have not hith-, erto tarnished auy I tbor in ih i>fu neetion v *JI he required to furnish one hall'th.-ir hand*-ub ject in road duty lor t irij days, and tho>s who have furnished less than on a half, will ho required by the Commissioners and the town authorities an aforesaid to furnish cnon.h to t ! make up one half, lVaons owning single road | bands or a number not divisible by one hall ; will be required to send such single negroes or two in such cjnd (tons uny uutic and sen i one. IV. The Act requires lite attendance of one of the Commissioners at eacn Depot, lie will be met hy an Agent of the State and of the Stute and of the Confederate States, and the negroes will he thero receipted for. V. Assessment of ihe negroes are made in duplioatc upon their arrival in Charleston and before tliey are put to work: one copy is kept by me for the owner, the other turned out to the Confederate authorises. .. am uiilliorited to say the negroes will l o discharged u the expiration of I lie thirty days. VI. The owners of slave- are requested to furnish them with spa es cr shovels The Confederate authorities haven dertaken la have such utensils relumed. Owuers will also fur | nisli their hand- with throe day's rations, for wliH'h commutation will he allowed \ II. Over.seeers. at the rate of one to every hundte I slaves, may he *clc?tcd hy the own ers. They will rcceivo compensation from the Confederate btatcs at the rate of fifty dollars per fhnnth. VIII. There i? nr. t tint the Confederate Government will compcnsui tor ..II If*#* of slaves while in their employ. W.\| \|. SHANNON. A^ent for the State of South Carolina. Camden. S. C., >t?reh id, lxflA, The Courier, Mercury, and all papers within tho Division will copy once n week tor three weeks and forward bills, with n copy of the printed mutter, to tne. 1 will oerlefy and return them, when they will bo paid on prosenta'ion to James Tapper, Esq-, State Auditor. Aprils! 3 3t STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Omen op tiik Comptroller Grnkral, ) Columbia, Xtarch 10th, 1863. f I HEREBY ccrtifj, thai JOS. M. BLPORP, f Spartanburg. S. (J., Agntotihe MKItClIASTS 1NHUBAN?'E COMl'A NY, incorporated by ihc Statu of Virginia, has complied with ih?? conditions and requisition* of the Act* of the Gcnbral AttHiiubly entitled. Ait Act to regulate the Agencies of Insurance Companies not incorporated in the State of South ( ire- 1 lina," an?l 1 hereby license the said JOS. XI. ELFORD, Agent as aforesaid to take risks and transact all buainest of Insurance, in this State, for, and in behalf of said Company. W. LAVAL. For Comptroller Gcucrsl. March 19?1? 3 w ? ^;?j Duy Ff*Hviil?. t f?py t?c following, whiob a corresponded' .of the held and Ptruide bweopiad from to. old Magozii e, and aft ill hope (bat a theme ao worthy inay elicit something more acceptable from our native children of song. OBOWNII. P iir Queen of May, the bright young May, Queen of this little hand so gay ? r>weot flnw'ry Queen, to lltee all hail! Wc bring the flowers both bright and pale. The winter's storms have passed away. And spring has brought us beautooue May; The world ug lin assumes the guise It wore when pure in Paradise; The flow'ry god hath walked the earth, A id called the blossoms into irth; His foot hath been on every hill, A ny t be side of every rill; With green robes lie hath clothed the plains, And derk'd them with soft flow'ry chains; And we o'er all hath joyful been T? l.?_ r. ? r .. ..... r..i. o .v, vol ?.?ll SUlljH, To deck thy dark and glossy hair We bring ihee blossoms fre"h and fair; We vc plucked (beni weir capsules wet reposed, Jnii ill with their mingled iragrance meet Vnd yield a perfume pure and swan. Then hail ! all hailfair Q ieen of May? Q.iecn of this lit 'le band sogsy! yt K'.s's tlKPLT TO Tltc CROWXER. My ge'itle (Heir's to-dry fcestew A cor' net to deck my bfn!'; A simple reath of bit i and beil, Snfi't wild wood flowers from ropse and dell; Hut dearer far this gift to me Than ere a mo larch a gem could bel This orown endureth but a day The court as soon will phis hour H ill touch my heart with magic pow'r. And I will dream, dear friends, that ye Are thinking kindly then on me BCEI'TRK BKAKKE. As May her gentle sweets, dihtil* And all ihe air with fragrance fiJj ? Do lhint this *eeptre gently wield. Wliioh trustingly to thee we yield. [presents the sceptre/] OV-irs's KEPLT TO SCRPfRR MAKER. If.. .. ? ? --** ' - ? " - " * .>!>) < i"??i nmjccis. i T'Mir iiu"su of May, A'Xcct i * homage which you willing pay. I'llis aeeplrc. rinMani of a genii* reign. Sit..11 mildly rule the maiden" of my trsiiv ? Nut p'uilpr ?l I'll descend MAY'S-tro eAisliowers, Thau I'll exert itj new create! \ * .?' r c. Correspondence ol' theFiuK Mil Fireside, lllockasle Auction sale*. A letter fro ii Charleston gives an interest ing description of the mode of the conducting the blockade auctions in that city, which tho public see advertised in all the newspaper* of the Confederacy After describing the quiet sud altered appearance of the city, the writer .says: On King an I East Bay streets at lea*t four.fill lis ot tho stores are olosed. and on Meeting street the only oasis one sees in the great ?io-eri of rusp n*i<>n is at the houses v hero the piles of goods which io const am ly ru.i 'he blockade, are auctioneered off Hero, when an auction is to tike pi tee. merchants, proicasionat oharucters. and men of Jaipur* j,i| e igi-r for the accuiuulalion of doll*"*: coltgre- I g>t o iu vu'i uumbors. an 1 t > store ru unt pre sent a scene of busy life, which contra-ts strongly wi'h the retu lining portions of the city. I have, by dint of extraordinary persovera nee. worked my way into one of these densely packed auction room*, and found the iL?* scene presented ono of aufhejent interest to describe. A burly ninn of about -J4-> pounds avoirdupois, mounts a chair nnd announces no til >Hs.. Hil l llli ilcCl-i ill*. if npprovril by the oncer impressing. ?li ill ho Bui il not npproved, t Ins impressing ollioi-r xlii'l send Mie aw ird lo ilio comini^iionnri of the Stole where 11?? yr. up -riy is impressed, Willi Ins rco-oos for disnpproving tin* mme on I Slid Commissioners iimv hi ir ouch proof *s the p.irties iriiv respectively o 1 luce . mid their decisions shall be tinul : T 101 the owner shell receive r f.rice> ff> Sko. 7. I'll Hi I he properly iioee- *rv Icr fl.e support of ilio own ippiiii'el ?s p .vi l "I in ilio first scotniu ol this \0I. under us i, slnil n il be i i'r mil iho invner cm not grt>' us io i lio <| ii mi ty f property nec ssory us iloressi.l ih i d oision* of Ilie Mid ippr i e - -Ii iil i.e hill llli/ oil I 10 o cer on I nil oiber pet" ?ns. See. 8 SVnere pr i,i,?r y n u lie-u i?rr>re**o| for innporiiry use, sn I is |.?si or d -stroyod w ihoui ih? default i t he owner, ihe Government of ih'- l'f nf? Wv? ?fii*< lull par ? ju u that (li t M ile is iiho it to co nmenoe. continuing wi ll the remarks ilint the condi:inns are eath. and ?li i' ii > ts-tte of ihf Hoyer .St hud wig Con federate plate will he t.ik-n- Tli * crier. who n Ktreng'h of lungs of which Sientor himself would have been pr? nJ. mid a rapid iiv of articulation that has never b -en 'turptm ed by human tongue, is acco-upa lie I by a lit. lie gray-haired man. who wutri a woolen cap of richly variegated linen, the crown of which displays the Confederate flag. This little mail's chief occupation is to exalt tin- merits of the g mN on sale, throw in occasional wi'li cistn?. and catch the ' winks and blinks' o bidders which the crier overlooks. A wink is as good it" a nod with tljo little man. and he bawls it out us lustily us if he were giving an alarm of fire, or crying stop thief. The great majority of tnc crowd who attend these cargo sales are Gertnnns and .lews, and ot.e is as much surprised at their nttuiher as at their unpronounceable and strangely sounding c ?gnomutis. which, at the knock down of every article, grates harshly upon the ear of a stranger. F'T the nmusemerl of your uninitiated readers 1 give a few, which it was my privilege to hear, vii; Litchtonalein, Mutlodorfer, Bteink'in. lh?or (linger, Ronenbaum. (iretrgraw. Zteglaiif. Itetscra'iog. 8lim;low. ITngrauphit, el?5 Many ot the merchants hero complain (hat although these immense cargoes are sold hi itiuir very Uoira, yet l^y means of combinations made aiming buyers from abroad. I bey ore tumble t ^iiirchmc articles sufficient to justify tbem in kecp'ng open their store. For example, three, four, tire, or mi buyers may combine and purchase a let of articles amountiii); in the aggregate to one hundred thousand or more dollars and then di ?ide the lot. Tins is frequently dune, and as the auctioneers, who have a most exicneire catalogue to dispose of. go upon lho principle of con lenetng nil they can. the buyer of more limited purse-* ha? no means of replenishing his exhausted stock The mngMiiode of these ?sles is reallv aurpris ing, and the last one made hy K. A- Prtngle & t o.. I und rstan'l, footed up over two millions and a halt of declare. The parties for whoso benefit they are chiefly made vi* : lohn Eraser A. Co., hare already realised $ lO.rtttrt.lhK) Of tins amount $S.tlO'J,000 hare boon inrssicd in Confederate bonds The Soldiers Aid Soeiety of Reidrill- and vicinity gratefully acknowledge the receip of ?0<) yards of cloth from Messrs. J. A J. I? Hiring*. fiv order of the Pr?*!(i*nt. > ' I'lii l:upr??S4iut>iil Hill. I The luprdiHicni iJi 1 the S?? ate on Tuesday. by ii vote of 17 r> 4. hiiiI l> iving passed the House on Motility, anil r? :oived the oj^irovitl of tbv I'residsni,.. Iim htfcotoe a law. The following i? a copy of the bill : tine. I.?Whenever iho exigencies of any army in the field art* such nMu make Impress menu of forage, articles of tiubsis'ence or oth crpropn'iy absolutely irce^a try .then such itn presnineut iu ?y bo uutJe by the officer or ofli* Corn wh wo duly it h to furnish such forage, tides of subsistence or olb"r properly tor uoii army. Iu cases where the owners of such property aui the impiessiug otlicer cm not agree roti the value thereof, it is th duty of such impressing officer, upon an aftidivit in Writing of tlie owner of miioIi nriiiwriv nr fcia agent. that such property was gr.?wu raised or produce 1 bv a r?' cwnor. or is held or hue b -on purchased by him not for sale or speculation, but for his own use or c ?n->u:np lion, to cause the same to be ascertained or determined by the judgment of iw.? loyal and disinterested citizens of tne city, county or parish in which such imp essme?t may be umde. one to be selected bv tne owner, no by the impressing officer, and. in the event of their disagreement. tli?ne two shall chaos an Umpire ot like qualification. w:n>?e decision bail be bnal The persons thus selected, after taking an oath to appraise the p p> rty .itupro-ised, fairly and impartially, (which otsh as wet) as'the all Invi' provided for this sition, the impressing officer is hereby authort Sod to adiuintster and certify.) shall proceed to assess just compensation for iho- property so impr ssed; whether I he absolute ownership or the tetnporr.rv use thereot only is required. Sec. J. That t lie officer or person impressing properly, us aforesaid, all ill. at the lime of said taking, pay to the o net-, his agent or attorney, the compensation fixed by said ap praisers ; ant shall also give to the owner or person c uitrolling said property, a certificate over his o signa lire. specifying the battalion, regiment, brigade, division or crps to which In belongs; that *ii<. properly is essential for the use ot tt-e army Could ti .t Le o'h* itwihc pro<:urC'i, Hill was uiKioi iiirou^r. rii-otuie y ; selling forth the lime and place when and where '?ken. llio amount of COmpciH nion tixwl l>y euid ippr lisct s. ai.d liic mrii. it' uny. paid for the s nne. 8.tid hall he rvide ice for ill owtt'T. its well of I lie i king it -on | |H'-p -riy .or the public use, as ill li nt ot i'.to a no in' ot co upeo-a:iiMi li A I :i ill pre- 11 I. Ali or P'-r-oii I ski i? prop *rr v ??!i ii I intr l* tiled ur p it the owner or Ins at"i!t ? iid cnnipenu ition as hereinoolore reiju -d. the u I owner .shall he milled to the -p -edy p t. ncr . s nne ny the proper dishu ii whi-h. w.noi so pu d s.i i I be in Kitiis,.to inn >! .i'i ci.i; i i against the Qovtirnni -rti oT iIn? 0 oif-lor itc d' 'c? Sic. o. >V ti .n ver the ippr : -? iieni i led tor in the lei e.-ciion of tin* Ac', ahull. for I r.lty rc lion. ho pfitciioihle .it 'he lime 01 t'n. j prossnient. toon, un I in diti oi-o. t ito vVr.e of tli? property impres---.1 i'i ill !?< I us noon a* poe-ible by 'wi> m l ili-?inierestr ! citizens of ilie ciiv. County. r i' nigh tlie proper 9 ibord-tl'ite officers, ao'lm la sue 1 property to b- tak? n for the public u *. the compensation doe the owner fit the sin- t < ' ? I ilotm-m i 'i n.l 1I1.. -I..? 1 1 .i-i ? - ...... ?.n- ? HUH I'lUHU if* JIJ" *JUC I for hi the tinn?l - mhi' ???oj,i:ii tlii. Act Skc. >. jt sli ill he it.- luty r ' tne President. an oarly as prtcicib'e nft the p&saa^e of t hi* Act. to ippiiti' i comtiM v??i?r : in cavli ??t< where property ahull he lake'i for the inibli'' u-o, and re.j ic*t of tne Governor l of such of the Stilton in wliic > the President ' another com ins.ion 10 act in conjunctIon wiili ! tli- cointninaionor appointed by the Pre'-ndem. who alia'l receive the c oupon-ft'ion of riplii dollars per -I i\. mid ton Cen1* jvr mile >?? I inilru^, to he p ?iv eminent Slid ci>:iiints?innT" ?lt t>! c institute a board. wit -ae duty n *hal lie in ft* it on tit* price* to be pa. I oy the Oovernni.'iit tor ill properi v impressed or t iken lor tin- pu'il u us illore-ii I. ti to itf o ' j'l-l co 'on to the owner* there1 I. . * i -' c ini n -n.u- oft t -r it ili-y all-ill ilee n it proper: .ml in the even' I h > ahiih toil h ? able to a too hi :mv -liter co ti del to thrui in tin* A* . they "la - II hive piiwc IU nil II lipire ! ? U'CI It* 111' lll'llte1' ill dispute, wli so 'i ill rea-iie llie siiiie i ll' <>l e'iiiji mi - ii him fur i lie i nne he m lull I serve, allowed 10 vi <1 c >*u nijs rp upcoi i vol.v : / V-i'm'/''/, It'll ".ii I com'iiissti.ners ritiit11 l?e reunion'* o' the i ir vltieh tIi v shall be appoint e I: and if t lie llnvernor of any >t*te sit ill refuse or neglect t > npp ?iot said cotn.nisstotie s within fen days afler a reqti'Sl to ?lo m? l>y the I'rosiileui, Hie IVes'dent shall appoint tjiih coin in sioticrs, by und with the n tvi -e of i he Senate. Sue. t?. Tlia' all properly i > pressed or in ken tor the public me. h< nfm esai I, in* I h hands of any ? other th in rlie persons who have raided prnwn ^ pro In I the ninie. or persons i.oldmg ilia - int.' f.>r their own use or coiisii i.ntinii. tin I w!i? ?li ill ?-.> ? ..t.-? hereinbefore required. ah ill be pi ? for a-cor ding lo the echodnle ni pri.ow fitel by ih? cmnuiiMioneri in ii'onni.J. Hot if ibe .olio r improving or i ik* r; for i'*n p ib us - ^ properly, aid ill? owner -liill p ?riy i upr.-op f ir ink n n* et'orceni I thereby in iking ti mil wnhni n higher or lower prt : ? nun I in ih< ? I e Iule. then I'.e owner or ?i? km I ?he olfi *r impressing or inking n< ntirca-iid, hi iy select oncli n diaiwerestrd eilixon of tno oiilifi.-n lion. ?< aforesaid, lo determine the <;> iliiy of r ?id article or prop riy. who shall. in ra - oi disagreement. appoint in umpire of I k iju? - T" ' 1 i MBig cu ii|itn-niion ilu-ri-.iir, (?> ho n-erlnine-l by | ' eppraii-m itppoiti'ed and qualified n? p-ovided in ill-.* ihirJ Mclkin cf thie Act. If niioh prop criy when rrturnnj has. In the opinion i?tiium. yhall be taken f >r the pubiie u?e without th cmsvtit of tbe owner, except in cue of argent n uj's Ity Si.n. I I. Vn ii any o im'niasioticil nrnonc"?ni- I ir.!'io"d o.tij.T or pr.rati* wl.o shall violate i .9 fuoviu.mi of tins Ac*. sK?1l he 'ped He fee lie military etui l of ihe'corpa to which he le attached. on complaint male by the owner or ' oilier per-on. an I on c 'nv.ction I an offirer.-j be en ill ho cashiered and put into tbe rmlt* ; a* a private. and if a trnn commissioned officer or private, he hIi ill -ufler such punishment not i :ncf April fcth, ape iking of the gathering of-the V utlcec niral fcroes for the at: ?ck up >n Ch*rie*ton. says: ' Donng iho f >ren > in of yeater I ty there was a very dscidj-I incre.aa of "the enemy's naral fercca o(T the b vr. sn 1 later in toe day the aspect ot alT lira b -cune such as to encouraee ihe h-tpe tlii: the time for the l?n^ ei peeled n.'ttick i- hi hand- It is n?t unlikely thai we r.tey hear trom the enemy l is day. We bead hardly add that our laud :ind naval forces era 011 the qui vne an 1 icidy. in every respect, for whatever m ly occur j Ti?c Courier renin k< on the same subject: There apponre 1 to ho considerable activity and tiicr- use of 'tie Id ickadmg 'qua Iron Sunday morning. The impression seemed i to e that we inig t * ion have some lively work ; on hmd. Nothing definite was ascertained, hut o ir rn luary are on 'he alert for whatever may transpire. V. I, Vtiilitatiigiintn nl llome 1'?ICi?n O >. Mai :h ! >.?lf?*. 0 L. Vnl1 tu i ? i in., 'no lit .-i of Congress, from the Diyiou. Ohio d sir ct? arrived at home in this c:'y .u 4 < ' litis afternoon, and. nl hough hut i?.i d iys' n-itice ?o n id of his cmuing. rtc >iv -d ?>n of id grei'e-t ova:ions ever given i?? -inv in in to O no. Ilefjre t e hour of arri- I ill t ir lie ir .ir. on wl.ii.1. i- J - I .. ....... ..c " ?CVn r to thi* champion advoc ae uf coustitu' ti >ni\l right* Two html* of mu*ic enlivened the occasion, while n cannon hcJched forth thunder ten. a of ! welcome, awihetung the valley of the Miami j a* i w f seldom r'ir awakened before l\r- -ntly toe w'ti*lling of (ho, ln?jiuutiv j w.t? near I. and a* the train tieired the depot, the thousands of per* oi* rushed forward, all . ttifr iii oncli the Hi-.' *ig it r?t die man who ii hily. ga mile. i i tcirlea*lv represented tii - w iite in hi * internal in the Cyngiesa that I ' i* adjotirnt -I. I lie cr..w I w t* *.i dense tli it it was almost \ impo** t?lo for \lr V ill iiidigham in reach the cari itgo which w i* in re ultnasatq convoy him < to the court h >u*o, ton t.'ie steps of he we to *|?#*^. 11 i*.ng at lengih been almost i carried io tn* carriage, and being seated, he hirw I tii* brow r . tlie hr. ? / ? ami *.?? l wiiti deilening rhoT'. wkilo the cannon re?p i . ie 1 i wjti ji . ?iii rMin la. ftt pi 'Kvitimi h >iu^ proceeded to the court li ii? th - reception apceoh w i? nit l>? by U ?r?. ii i?if the follow n ' metem ?nt, it beinz taken Ir > n <>iti i il * i'iree<: Two ?l iy? before tlie bi?l le of Mnrfreeaboro, I I. c it en mi C 0. VVir.te. tump; tiy A., j 1 )i ii ja.mi a t'a.o ma Re/iin.-nt. mi picket It i't it in b: hi fro it ?n" wU'' titit* Hnvrug t tkrn tlnee in-n .an I ? irtrnl to f?i.ib'iih coui.nnni-J ratii.ii with t lie pirlti-n oti his ri^u?. he ?;u * ami lenly -urr un I R by a pinj of Ya kee , cava iy. nod -I'-lrrcJ o surrender rieeiu .he \x t * i iv r,"0 * ! O'i ll ' .Jive op III* A war J. The I. ? rnia it c on <\ iii i i^ the \ uikeve thin or il i bin to tIn* rear, lie started, hat no itcintf lb" Yankee I n>k- Nig arid, iiiiittvdi ueIv wn.t .f inH.wl .. .. - ' * - . .... f% ?????? tuning it) IIIH three men t * Kimck ?i >v?n u* munj a* ihcy emit and hi* c oup my t ? raj'y to h.? a* M*iium U iv iii;? -mi > ? ir 1 n killing a *?ore he wound d <<*-?i ?1 Ot 'lie enemy. and kept iIk*m all *> .litT sill hi* company mme up, wliei lie ci'le! ntit loihem. " Shout ihora* cilia ? '1'Ci ntiiiil hi i " They tired k.11 ng * inc a id <1 iving utf i he revl. By liid lima he h vl reitiriue I tn* company, he w?? charged by n praity 1 uge force of cavalry, whom ha j refMila.'ti witn ii Im of fourteen ktl ad and three w uindod. lot upon Die held. Among ' the V inker < killed . ? We liave information thai a portion ol' Orn. Dodge'.* to roe* from Corinth onc hi oleic 1 M portion of Van I torn a mail ni Tuehia la-t Suitdiv. nn 1 iliit the lauer were utterly fti 1 co iiploieiy inured About 20(1 of the r veiny we.e capture 1. toghlnrr with 200 liorv*. "Hi' pi ce of artillery and a large rail- ! ro id irain. Our force* io?U po.*e#*ion ot iha i >wn. mil 0 --trove 1 all i>?? Intii.ts.? ?1?L ' ^ " men li ill h vn < ccapie I l?y the te'i.-l troop*. togeth- i ei wi b o >in nisHiry, qu trie m xter ivnl oni- ; uit) ' ah ivn cng t{e neiii, il h*? 1>md i rep? rteil that I bare were neveri) oilier ftghia in tli it tlir?3ii?in. hid uotiiing i? Uehuitely 1 known. At la)jf pin* terra*, ite MWMlftlil ~?r. Ftjm the L&j of tte wealthy, the hte?4b W? are gaiter**, a rwiaU partieOB tewd. To tfriM for Utr ttwi of suffering tel. Our bono it tte format, tte wnfla ibMp ?i*?K T Oar dwelling the pins and tb? palate** fMh TIN the note of tte Ba^le through aniHF foa Brings (ho summons of bailie to Jnte'tMl* Our test blood sh?U erimsoo tte >MH of HI ok water. Eryre fur a moment will ooom Iftl htii AteMhough our aote terretegre# fertile wfch We sa.b- ?l free me a or tread Usees UW mora. Hooker and MeCnll we laagh' to neons; Bat when tte wild asuele >t Jenkine'-tete Is iiaard. at ike signal hill, ralley and te| - ? - - ' C.CUU our wujj ab ioi*ly when Pool* hot th* drooJ ww not* of JeaW**' M*. But (hero wt* once ? tim* whoa ourfudntd tl bond Wer* tut orti*oot, trade"men, tiller* of Upd, W*r* peaceful end hormle**; ey*, (hot WO* hofor* I Th* ruihl*** Aoronder* hod p*un**d ?o mm tor*. < | ilarrultl f?r.lh? ongot? no p?ue miut * taMT i Till our own Carol' n* io rid of h*r fo*; I Bull rod be our weepnn* and fiercely till tbon I oc snouiea tuo w?: cry ot Jenkins' men. A Bli AKP-HHOOTKR. ImpreiHiuenlit. ? . The Impressment Act recently pscaf? by Congress, say* the Richmond Whig# should have the effect of increasing the supplies of provisions and linage in thin market, and consequently, of reducing the prices ot the same to something like a reasonable standard. Farmers have hitherto been deterred from sending their products to market from tbu apprehension that they would be impressed at lass than the market rates, or without "joat compensation."?The recent order of tant Cooper declaring that "no officer th*tt at any tune, unless specially ordered to jo so by a General commanding, in caco of ! exigency, impress supplies which are *rt of producer* to watf aoppiiea to market. On the contrary* with the protecti n now ^u-tranlied to thcM by that Act, ibey should esteem it a duty to relieve the distress occasioned by th* 1 scarcity of provisions, in those portion* of 1 the Slate fjoiu which supplies hare b?UB wuheld. T!rey h vc the incentive of fVmiincrative prices, and should not forgUt that under the operation of the Tax Bi?|, and othor Act* ot Conj;rca?,a decline from currant rates is more than probably tonfederuit ilnaucsi. We concur with our coteinp'rary of the Mercury, in uti other very imported! matter, besides that of Conlcd.-rate Fuadaldes. The burden of taxation Statu and OwMaaerate, should b: laid, as lightly i?n possible, on our suffering people of th* present d;tV. We to dav nri> t?a?rinA - J X-J -;*w '^rprito ot our righteous war of defence in blood ami wounds an.] death, in heartp wrt ung and a (initialled by the loea of lathers, husband*. son* and brothers, and in every sort ot privation anj Buffering, wild it is but just and right that paatrril^ should pay, in uioney, the price nf lk|t heritage of freedom, prosperity and glory, which we will bequeath fhemjlby the ac< cessful prosecution of that war. 'Most off us will pass from the stage of sxistene^, long be lore we can enjoy any cotupeoaatiou tor the blood, we are iiow lavishly expending, and the suffering* we are nod painfully enduring, while posterity wiU reap all the advantage-', political and commercial, pub ic and private, of i^eutherd emancipwtioo Irom Northern thraldom. Let our antboritics, then, Sum *?4 Confederate, f ariessly task and *tre oil the pilblfo credit, to its utmost extent and extremes? bound, in ord? i to tarry on the war. -o i^.it fixation may not crush to the earth our already ever burthvued people. e i - ou mote ib uo. f'kttrl ?* ? Cterur. A writer in the .v>* iu.k E retting 1'iati lit'cibrn the iiioJum operandi of rMk> dcriiig Uirp.'doJ* harinleiM, ax follows: Am the rely very much lor the dafunccol their tmrboors on the torpndoaft placed in (he clt.-uiiiul waya, I would * ?. C st. if not to > Kite in the day, a map!* method of rwi lerinjf them liurioleee. It l* merely to tiro from a cannon a ba l l rth VUII * ' I IUJU BIMVIIW I" II. preCIMIJ MM done ou our coast* whan a line is pwj?I o?i <>n b isrd a wreck in the brcaksrs Tho ball having dropped to the bottom, wbn hauling back bjyhe line will inovitoMy dra^upon the wire* to whioh the torpade? are attached, and either cause their *?*aion or cut oQ^tlieir connection with Um shore, and thus reniof the in liarnUep*. "tnr. War is NJuxico.?liy way of sa^ Francisco, the Northern paper* claim tfe have news Iroin tin- city of vlexioo to tkf l'jtn leOruary, wh'? i reprcaenU the M?X> icAiit in ne.'d con.titan and bpiri.a t^r?aiat the march of the French towarda itata, capital. It i? btatcii that they iMNp i| their army at 1'uobfa thirty four f hnnta^jj tr