.... /I*'. ..., ?hi (SaroUtw ^p?rtM. . --..I- .1? ?--?- " IFAtUH0i8i T)iMra4#r. March I^IMS. ii" 1 1 ' ''t'^ ?.?"?! .'..i '* rMMricvhAM no rice. The frliQ^U ?r? ftgitn natTftcU that lb* CASft b iMMhll* nalliNl Taf ill AdvnftMn* *nr? Job WaflT&n* *?t this oBce. We heps this will hi remembered. T" , ' ' Clatiu AKtlkV * . , { ha>e rCoelvod fur the following persona the emwHUedue them from the Confederate Gavefhmett. they trill please cell end receive the unl. CI time of M. V. Elder, M. B. Beeler, utd I. W. Tamer. JUT P6dU5*W F 8 Rishardsou, Hansom Henderson, John W Martie J. U RLFOBD. Ktw idrrrtlnuont. Attention.!* calledlo the advurtileraeol pf Mr. W. J. Wlngo, (eaooeeeor to Messrs. D. 1. 4 L. Twltty) io tkil issue. We here teeted hie emwklag tobacco end prououace it exeolidt. ' Dr. Whllelherd 8 mitts. We publish thie week the* entire Sermon ef this learned Divine, as delivered in the Methcdist Episcopal Church on the day appointed hjkU Excellency Qov. M. L. Buuliam. for * Thanksgiving and Pi oyer. It will he 'vtw iioet eloquent production and otic em* rcot'y suggestive at thie important crisis la our ua. Ueaal history. lu adaptntiou lo the froumfUnccs of the country ; tke spirit o<" re-ustance Which pervades it; the logics le ess ft ita conclusions i the force and beauty of its stylo wilj eeumead it to tbe careful attention of pur read are. We urge, therefore, its.perusal by alL ? fina Jfe Military Election. On the 7th instant, an Election look place at Clark's Old Field for the Upper Battalion, Sdtk Regiment, with Iho following result: NOAH WOLF, Capt.VIK. CALt KIMURELL, 1st LtirTRfAST. J. W. C. GOS3ETT, 2d LtiiOTixajtr. FBESSLEV BBANNQH, In Lticnt. Regiment*The feUowing ofhoers have been elected in see of the Companier* of Minute Men t la the 37 th Regiment: D. O. FlhLKY, Captain. P. F. IICGHSTON, 1st Lieutenant. J AS. WOOD, 2d Lieutenant. ? WOODWARD ALLEN, ad Lieutenant. Broom Corn. ^ Wecull special attention to the comomnlca-1 Hon of Mr. Ilendcrson, upon the subject of planting Broom Corn. It is desirable that this erop tffiould be grown in abumUuce this year. We hope our farmers will call upon Messrs. Foster A J udd, and supply themselves with eeed, and plant an acre or two, with the view . of supplying the workincu of Cedar Springs with straw, so that we may be euppied with brooms, without satortioaery prices. A new broom sweeps clean. Plant Corn. We hope that every good citisen, who has a garden spot or unoccupied pioce of ground, i large enough to spread a blanket upon wi < turn it to good account this year, by planting i 1 corn or vegetab'c* thereon. Let him not only i do this himself, but persuade hia neighbors to I do likewise. If people would geucrally try to I raiso something?cabbage, corn, butter-beans, < truatoes, etc., which can be dene on a small I scale without appreciable trouble, the prices i of edibles would be kept in more reasonable < bounds. Therefore, we say, plant coru come- < where , but plant corn ! So says the Charlee- : ?ob Mercury. < ^ A Good Example. Several citizens in Abbeville District, have united in furnishing corn to soldiers' families at $1 per bushel. The Commissioners of the ( Board of Relief, at their first meeting, ascertained the number of families that needed aid fron the Board, was four hundred and fifteen families. Tho Board resolved to pay to each' j TamilF $1 per month from the 1st January, j d&C2. The Commissioner in each Battalion it , to ascertain tho necessities of each family, and ( report to the Board for a proper distribution \ ofthofStad. ^ We suppose a similar rule to gevern the CoinA missiouers of this District, prevails here. t In those very familioj which have boon re- | ceiviug corn, we notice u large number of boys ; wkinK v- * ?.uiu ob jmi iqio tlte corn fiild aud 1 ' kept there through the y?-nr. The sc.-tson has | ' new come to go to work in earnest, and the ened on our bstie.iesat Tort ' Hudson on the idth instant. A> 1 - o'clock 1 laat night a most desperate engagement took f place. The enemy endeavored to pass our ' battel tea under cover of dsfkneos. The firing waa most terrific and lasted two hours. One ' gunboat succeeded in passing our batteries >u 1 a damaged condition. The sloop of-w.tr Mia- ' eippi was set on fire, and burnt if tffe water's edge ia host of our batteries. At 'J o'clock the enemy withdrewTwo deserters who have long heen in the i woods, were killed a few days sines near Co- t tarn bin. Steamers are now running between Mobile a end Montgomery, without interruption, ? Iteidvllir The eoldiers Aid Society of Reidriite and ri- f einity acknowledge the receipt of the following ^ nrticlee: Frera Mre. Mean*. 1 (Linnet **l?irt end drew. ' ere; Mr* J W Miller. $3.50, end domestic roup, ^ Mrs Snuddy, 2 pr drawer*; Mrs Durham, 6 pr eo ke; Mre Barry, 8 yd* cloth; Mr* FI. Ander on, 1 flannel shirt; Mre L? Andereon, 5 pr eoeke, 41 cute yarn, ft Mi** Andereon, 2 enow caps, religious reading* Miss N Anderson. 2 pr e alttene; Miss A Saoddy, $5; Mre A 11 Dean, 1 oomfort, 2 bottles wine; Mre .1 gtrobel, 8 pks ' fruit, $2; Miss M K Mtrobel, $3, 1 pr aeckk: * Miss 11 K Srrobei, $2, * ehi?-t, \liea M Strobe! Apr socks, Mr 8 Uol>o, 10 lbs nails; Col 3 h Xrlus, $10. The thanks of the Society at* * due to Mrs 8 Drummnud, and Mrs Rush fo> ? wearing, each of them, 1 piece of cloth grand- e teusiy, alee, to Mrs Smith. Mra Knight and Mre Pearson, for wearing at a reduced prioe. For the ggtisfaetion of those who hare oenrihuted to the Rociety. we state that since No j i nter last, the Society has had worm 176 yds ;wt cloth and in ads into ucderc!othfng*f<.r Pi are la the field. I Mr. Bftyor: Permit toe through yooreoliMi toeonemd te our. sgrioultuml Meads, the growio/ ?f Broom Csn>; M % business It MM remnnernttee to themselves, md highly Imi oUl te the community iu general. and perilouterljr to the Industrial Department of this Institution. Whoever shall add hat e single article to the iiel of our doineitio products, thus rendering ue lers tlepeudont upou foreign nations, deserves to be esteomtd the benefhctor or hie country. The enormous prises at which brooms have been sold, daring the last year, ere In a great measure owing to the fact that many of the factories, if indeed not all of thorn, have been cempelled to suspend operations for weeks and eron months together for want of material. Our climate and soil are admirably adapted to the growth of this product; whioh may bo easily raised of exccllont quality, and in quantity sufficient to enable it to vie with "King Cot* tou" himself in the profits which it yields. Bo* sides Uis straw, which may bo sold ot from 8 to 18 coots per pound, or soon more, oooord* log to its quality and the stole of the market, the groin or seed does not foil for below the ordinary yield of inriian corn; and it o valuable article ol food lor sheep, milch eows and towls. Our Steward. .Mr. N. F. Walker will deposit soiuo bushels of seed at the store of {deaars. Foster At Judd, where it may be hod, gratis, by any oue who will register his name and allow the institution to bars tha refusal ot hie orop at fhe iirkit rates, whatever they may be 01 the time. Below we glee the method, in brief, for the cultivat.on of Broom earn1st. Plant the corn early in Aptil, in rows about four foot wide, more or less, depending upon the fertility ot the soil. It Is to bepknted in the drill precisely os cotton, about three eights of a bushel of the seed to the aero. 8d. The plow aud boo are to bo used as though it wore cotton, thinuiug it out with o broad lioe, and when it it throe or four inohoo higj thin it by'hand, leaving only two or throo stalks together according to the strength of your land, which should not be eery rich, ot her wise the straw will bo too coarse. Sd About the first of August, whon the blossom appears and the straw turns slightly brown, the stalk must bo bent or turned down about six iacbes below the straw, which can readily be done wi'hout breaking it. It is generally necessary to go through the Arid at two or three different times; as it dots not all arrive at sufficient maturity to requre turning down at once. 4th. In a few weeks from this time, the seed will become hard nod dry, when the cern should be cut just at the point at which it was bent: being careful to do this before it has bocorne uffeoted with mildew. Then spread it out in a cool airy place to dry, protected alike froiu sen and moisture. The seeds may be stripped off at any loisurc time; tnen the straw *3 ready for market. A specimen of the instrument for strippiug the seed may be scc.i at Messrs. Foster A Judd s tore, though it tint be constructed in many uinereai tortus. The soil should be ..uch ha would produce good cotton, (not too poor) an 1, if properly cuitivated, froui 900 to 800 lbs. of straw may be raised to tho acre. Many tons of thin material can be raanufac lured into brooms here annually. We hope ihat every farmer who can procure 'he seed, will, from year to yenr, devote several acres te this prop, until it shall become one of the itaple products of the District; by so doing you will subserve the general imerest of the country, and confer a ; pecittd favor on many young men, who, though destitute of eight, are letarminod with their own hands, to earn their iaily bread. J. 6. HBKDKBOON. Cedar Springs, March 14, 18?>o. ' ?. UorreapoBdenrc of Ilie 8 par Can. ADAMS HON, 8. C. \ MAUCII 15, 18G3. / The peaceful quietness we have so loug enoyed on the co*!>l is About to be disturbed. It .9 rumored that the enemy are landing on lohn's Island ; and it ciuic (rout a source tbat :auuot be doubted. They arc not coming be 'ore we expected them. On yesterday there sere fire large steamers lying off White Po'tut | ?soma ten ntilcs dibtam from this place?but ia tbe day was haiy wj cou.d not tell what { they were doing. With the aid of K glasses it , iccsute wideut they tv rt} lauding troops. They will meet with u w.t.m reception, and ?v?ry inch of soil they p..?u ? iiu 11 i-u.? uiuuuer. rt'e have no news froui the point to-day; the tickets report ike same several large vessels a sight. iimge detachments of troops bsve bees out 0 day, perhsps 1 had belter not say for vbtl, { >ut it u evident mat soiuul.ung u. me sbapo of 1 fight is on kmid. Axos knvo l>.v? ^Ti.nuil; iwords have been sliarpen-id ; guns have been >righteucd; cartridges hive boon inspected, md Ike full uuirbor .(lo:ly rounds k Issued. I'hro days rations b?\boon drawn of bard trend and bacon, and ordered to be kept^ln iand. The time has come. T B. JK. It seems to be the intention of the Yankees it Newbern to advanoe on Kiuston. They have motion to supply themselves with another ailroad. 200,(XX) lbe of wool, sold in Boston last week it 87$ eta. It seems to be the highest prices iver paid in that citf. The Rockingham Register thinks that im- I tortant army movemeuts in the Tallsy of Virginia are about to occur. Oen. Hardee was uin-iied at Tnllahoma, a ew days since to Miss Rendy.of Vlurfreesboro, " no. Cion. Sterling Price is now commanding in itisaouri and Arkaaaas. There waa no choire of Oovornor in the reeut election iu New Hampshire. Black Reinhllcani are atill in the majority. There rere three candidate* for Governor. New York coi*re*pondeDta saya that Hooker rill advanoe on Kichmepd aa aOoo an hie arm/ an travel. Perhaps he w ill advance on Fred nokaburg first, and then if he find* everything nil right, he will advan ? ou Richmond. Goo. Joe Johnston reviewed the army at ! do bile on the 12th instant. Gov. Brown, of Georgia, will convene the i */isl*ture of that State on the 2&th instant, j k % ' # I l ~" ? II I m "" -1 ?. * r. j We Uxt bee* -requested, (Mjt the Charles. ' toa Courier,) to publish, for goueral iuforuia lion the following. which comprises e full list of the oScofO and appeintmeuts of the night Worthy 0 rati J Lodge of the ladopoudeat Or. dor of Odd Fellow* of thia State, frout January la the present to January ia the next year z | hi. W. Grand Matter. JOS. M. Bl FORD, Spartanburg,, 8. 0. E. W. Deputy Orand Master, A. F BROWNiNO, .CuarltfSion, 8. O. R. W, Grand Hordes, If. W. BYTHKWOOD, Cha La on. 8. t\ U. W. Oraud Secret ery, EL WARD MITHELL, Charleston. 8. U. E. W. Grand Treasurer, J. H. MURRELL, Charleston, 8 C. K. W. Grand Representative, DAVID RAM HAY. Charleston, 8. C. E. W. Orand Representatives, WM. TUAYER, ^h.rl.?.nn B |1 . tu~w"G~r?d Chaplain, L C. LOYAL, Charleston, 8. O. W. Or and Marshal, W. E. SCOTT. W. Omnd Guardian, L J. P \SS.VILA10UE, W. Grand Conductor, T. W 1IOLWKLL. CauniUM on Elections and Returns,?Ed word Milebell, Grand Secretary, ex officio chairman ; T. W. JiolwsU and , D. Meyer. Committee on Finance.?J. N. Kobaon, W. S- Hoott and C. Franebt-rger Commit! ae oo iho Stale of (be Order*?Robert Lebby. R. Caldwell, M. W. Oyibewood. W. H. Trunnier and Wo. Thayer. Committer on Per Oicin and Mileage.?Geo. , Btfoog, J. E. Bo wen u?'l K. B. l>yer. UiaTRlCT DCFITT CRAKD MASTERS. District So 1.?G. Follin over 8outh Caro line Lodge, No. 1, Marion Lodge, No. IS, llow ' ard Lodge, bio. 8, Jetfer.oo Lodge, No. 4, Sam tor bodge No. 3d, and'ltMgevtUeo Lodge, No. 26. i District Ne. 2.? R. T. Mints, over Butler Lodge. No. 2 7. District No. 18.?T. J. Warren, aver Kershaw Lodge, No. 9. DbtrWt No. 4.?R. E. Fraser, over Ilayne Ledge, No. 11, and Pea Dae Lodge, No. 12 , District Ne. 6.?W. C. Johnson, over Pulaski Ledge, No. 20, and Friendship Lodge, No. 27. District No. 6.?E. Elliott, over Lafayette Lodge, No* 8, and Triuitr Lodge No. 22. District No 7,-rb. If. Langslon, over Jocassre Lodge, No. 18. Distriot No- 8.?R. B. Boy is top, over DeKnlb Lodge. No. 6. Diotrict No. 9.?Wm Thayer, over Palmetto Lodge. No. 6, and Congaree Lodge, No. 29 Distriot No. 10.?Wm. Irwin over Mountain Lodge, No. 16. . District .?o 11.?J. J. Tharpe, ovar Pickens Lodge, No. V8. District No. 12.?J. L. Honour, over ."Magnolia Lodge. No. 21, Sumter Lodge, No 2it, aud Catawba Lodge, No 24. Correspondence Loudon Times. The Slaughter I'nder Marye'a Heights. Gone, indevd, they were, but in what fashion ! A glanoj at the long scope between the town of Fredericksburg and the foot of Marye's Heights gave the best idea of tne muguiiuue ve been apiusing themselves in sanding a lew shall* over that way. One trifling battery has been discovered on the opposite shore near the ppint where the steamer Vioksburg was tired inta From Yasoe pas* there ig not a word of intelligence, aud the confidante expressed by aii of tbe utter itupoesibility of the enemy to make the trip, is so strong that no one allows the least uneasinaes to enter his mind on this score* If. by some feint, the fleet ooutd be coaxed inte this trap, we might have strong hopes that lbs grand armada was rnakiug its last voyage, with a good prospect looming up before u tlial they would never get back to their homes again, thinking tbe other route to get below, through the Louisiana ttayaus, the same tale would await ibeiu. If the enemy should manage to get below, it i. _;> ?- -! burg. From a gentleman just down from Fredor* icksburg we learn that all is quiet tbere. The condition of tbe roads imposes wo both sides the nocessity of keeping the pcaop for tne present, la the meantime General Hooker is actively at work trying to repair I ho domoralixatiou of bis army, and to get it iu trim for the opening of the goo 1 weather. It is believeu that reinforcements have been recently sent hint from Washington, and that his wny has beot^ strcngihened by route fifteen or eightoen thousand men. There ij a great deal Of bljr aad aciivil v observed iu the mamv'a W ~ "" 7" camp, awl the indications nfe that lie contemplates and is preparing for an advance movement . We arc assured that the rumors we have had of the Yankee army abandoning Frederickat urg and chatigiug its base of operations, are mere idle stories. There wae never anything of the kind. Tbo whole Yankeo army has beeiflhure all ibe time, hovering and looking down on Fredericksburg like a vulture on a carcass.' The story is believed to havo originated from the fact that the cucuiy seut to Newport News a large body of tbo worst subjects of demoralization in its army?Some ten or fifteen regiments. The transports conveying these troops being seen ou their way down the river gaTo rise to the rumor that the army of the Potomac was being conveyed away, and that Hooker Was * changing his hose." The story is^ipw exploded, nud the I nukee army is believeddo be now slroognr than it was in the last battle at Fredericksburg It is vol prudcut to speak of our cwn army. It is enough to say that the condition aud spirit of our men worn never better. They havo become inured to the hardship* of war, and are aa aimy of veterans. Our men, too, were uever boforo in such good health. They arc mjurlcndid trim, and panting to be let loose on Fighting Joe." * All has been remarkably quiet on tioih sides for the last week?cftfh party the biieul spectator ol the other, with only the river bet ween. The pickets are in speaking distance of each otner, and a "halloa, there!" is frequently passed Over, bringing back a Northern paper or some little thing in exchange for a 'dog of tobaoco, which the Yankees are alwr. r ciuiy to barter for. Oar Oho brigade oi Or. >arksdaler of 'Mississippi,) occupy the t.. i. aud the old borough rests quietly under ft rowning batteries of the enemy, win h, no. know how soon, may bclcb forth the signal c battle. ?Richmond L'zammer lOai. Execution of a Deserter. A correspondent writing from the 3Klh N. C. Regiment, near Fred^psksbnrg, to the llaloigh Standard, Rives the following account of the execution of a de-crtcr: '* The execution of lL? sentence of death upon William A. Totnliu, yr.vnto CuiBpiiii/ It., 88th N. C. Kcgiajcnf, vra? don.- tho 28 t ot February. The enlpr i had boon au etuis-ed soldier ucftrly twelve mouths, but li.id never tiouc duty, being under guard us a d.-.vviier. ilv was one of those abandoned characters wltu Could trade the vigilance of the civil officers, a.ter the perpetration of a lienious crime by a change vl locality, a feigned name, a new avocation, or some other Fund. Ac.-orduig to hi? own narrative. ho wao aged 2d years, had | rouuici over North uni .voutn Liaroliua us u j preacher, colporteur, dociov, pill culler, &c., under (welvo different names, ^100 tedious to meuiiow.) his true name being N A. 11. Oaunch was boru and partly raised at Jamestown, tiuiltoid County, ,N C.. Lad married turee wives, all ot whom are now living, had murdered two men, on.* of vriioai was itta brother. Alucli of Mich matter was developed on the trial, nil of which teuded to mike ibe culprit n tit ex^aiplc to cSpiutc the ciiiue of which he was g-tiiiy, au.l which the good soldier's interact and justice to our ouuutry ?o uiucb tie-, tllallde-1. liciug found guilty of desertion and of induct ig inhere to tio i>d, by a court martial, sentence of death Lc.ng pissed and conLrined, the day wis appointed t<>r the execution, ill the prss.nce of tiio brigede. (Pen-lev ?.) Enrly Mor.d.y' inoitiiug, the b ga o. undgr the conamnii '. ;in.d, making iIit Sid 9 of a paialh-lo grain.' The prisoner, scuniugly, a wiiiiug vie titn, was marched ii]i to a slake i i the middle of the fount) au e, and being secured, II,4 the guard Inriued tifircti steps inside flic p.ir- , al'e'.ngrsm, the prisoner's back being towards ihem. the commanding other stodpel back to the guard aud coiunianded, Ready ! aim! tint !" when the prisoner fell a lifeless corpse, pierced by ten Mitiie balls, two of which went through his lie-id. futiti lering the riinw was j nbon" i foot deep, and the weather waa ex- J tremcTY cold, i' a glootrv a <1 ? >pr?the soul of this tsitTiful servaul nnd soldier of Christ pn?ed to its eternal reward. Although placed under J the Providence of God. in th^ midst of his country'a enemies, political animosity seems j for a lime to have suspended its bitterness ; and in the presence of u large assembly of the ' clergy and laity of the city of Philadelphia, and attended by the llisbeps of the Diocese, eight brothers in tlio bond* of tlie Christian mini.-try, b .re his honored remains to the ( tomb. His dust it gathered for a while io the < burcl, of the Kpipbeny, close to that of his | friend aud fellow-laborer, in the e.iuee of God's truth, in South Carolina, the lamented James ' H Foles. Hut his epiiii-llie disenthralled, ! delighted, glorified spirit?oh ! how it exults in the presence and smile and unveiled glories of his Saviour and his Gfid ' Nothing new from Kinston. There ! some excitement on both sides, but m illing has transpired up to the tims of going to press. Thir'v o*ix tnen ami one midshipman of the ! destroyed frigate, Mississippi, were brought in j by our cavalry this t<|oruing, several severely wounded. Married, on 8th March, I80d, by It. Driant, Esq., Mr JOHN HARVEY to Miss JOANNA HK1D, all of 8partanburg District. ENROLLING 0FI5E. HEADQUARTERS, graryaxbruu District. So. a., March 17. 18C3. I ALL persona liable to Conscription who i have not reported to the EnrollingOibcer or who have not t>een exenip ed or 10 mike returna of all paraoos ' reuitt uing in iheir rr>pecu?? beala l|*bb to 1 I ( ntcripuou, #1.0 havr ool roportadla I he Ku- | rolhog O.Rc^r. or who have not p.oper (lbcharge* or exemption*, ia obedience la the : order i?sue.l o? the lOih of March, 1868. By order of ! i J. COLUMBUS MILLS, ji l-nrolht.g Officer. March I? 1 1/ j MSaaBSOBBHBgB FOB HIRE:. FUR youan girls, from 16 to 19, flold bonds On* man girl of 12 jrMriJMrM. Um prim* girl vKkiofuit J. M.ELFO&P. March lb?1?2t Administrator's Hale. BY virtus of an order from the Court of Or. dinar/, I vill sell at Spartanburg C. H., on Monday, 60th March instant,-(Court Week) Two Likely Neyroen, Adolpliufs^and Watty, Sold as the property of K10 HARD M. TUBNKR, deceased,' on a credit till tha 4th of next March, with inUrast from day of sale, the property nx to be delivered till tha 1st of January next. Purchasers to giva bond and two good auratios on the day. of sale. If tha purchasers wish to pay the mousy H will bo received. A. Wlh'QO, Adm'r. March 19?1?2 w INSURANCE. TUB undersigned Agent for the SOUTllBRN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COM. PA NY. of Columbia, B. C., ?ud of the MERCHANTS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Richmond, Va., will bow tako Risks at reason nbls ltates on the livee of Slaves, as well as Whites, and on Cotton as well as other property. J. M. ELFORD, Agent. March 19?1?Smos STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Oi ricK or tuk Cosptiollcb Gemk&al, \ Columbia, March 10th, 1868. J S HEREBY certify, that JOB. M. ELFORD, of Spartanburg. R. C., Agent ofthe MERIANTS INSURANCE COMPANY, incorporated by the Slate of Virginia, lias complied with the conditions and requisitions of the Act of the General Assembly entitled, "An Act to regulate the Agencies of Insurance Companies not incorporated in the State of South Carolinn," and I hereby license the said JOB. M. ELFORD, Agent, as afereaaio. te take risks and | trnusact all bunineas of Insurance, in this State, for, and in behalf of said Company. W. LAVAL, For Comptroller General. March 19?1?ow newTToTeT XIIE undersigned having purchased and considerably replenished the Block of ds ownf4l by Messrs. Twitty, would respectfully nsk his friends sod the public to give him a call at the old stand of those gentlemen. Among the new goods just received are 10 pieces FINE FRENCH PRINTS. 10 " FINE DRESS MUSLINS. 'JO " FINK LONG CLOTHS. Few " IRISH LI MENS. An Assortment of DRUGS. F'isio Combw, DrcMMlnje COIIIIIK, Tooth U rimliCM, KhitIImIi Plna, Tollttt Houp, *Ve. ALSO a large lot of excellent SMOKING TOBACCO, nud many other articles. Persons wishing to purchase would do wsll to cull early. \V. JT- WINGO. March !*-??1?tf STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. SPARTANBURG DISTRICT. Citation for Let tors of Administration by Jno F.arlo Boniar, esq . Ordinary. 7" 11F. UK AS J? S. K/.KLL, has filed liU y\ petition in my otiicc, with the will annexed. praying that Letters of Adtniaitdralion, on nil and singular the g oods and chat* tvls. rights and creditsof WILLIAM TIIttMAS deed., late of the District aforesaid, should be gr.miud bini. These are thcref >r* to cite and admonish all ami singular, lite kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to lw? and appear in the Conrt of Ordinary, for said District, to be hidden on M mity, the dtlth day of March instant, to ! sliiiw rill'.* if nni- * I- - ?IJ 1 1? .. j tno Hill AMillin i si ration should not he granted. Given under ray baud and nmI of office, this 1 tit 11 day of March A. 1>.. I Hi;3. J NO. E.YULE LoMAlt, o. a. n. March 19 1 2w STA?E CF^SOHTH CAROLINA. EXECUTIVE PEl'ARTStENT, Columbia, March lfi, 1808. SKF.I> time is at hand, unaccompanied with _ t lie prospects of a speedy poace. Our foes liurc K'vrn absolute control of their purse nnd iword tc the tyrant Lincoln. Another year, and perhaps more, of fierce war ia upon us. Froiu th? enemy's fleets and armies wr need Tear but little, from the unwise production of Cotton, much. With the supply on haud, its production now is not necessary to the success of our cause, and can be dispensed with for years to come. The States not in possession of the enemy must produce supplies for them selves, our armies in the field, cud tke families , of our soldier: Now therefore, L MILL EDGE L. DO.VHAM, Hovrrnor of South Carolina, do issue thie my . Proclamation, and urge all the good citisena of the State, dismissing all considerations of mere gain, to plant and raise all ^fhe provisions of svery description in their power. Let him who has eotton seed enough to plant another year and 1 nt enough for domcstio consumption, plant not one seed. This is a time te try our patriotism. A great people will rise to great occasions. We claim to nave descended from a race who won independence against immense odds ufier a seven years' war of hardship and privation far greater than we have yet endured. Lei ur enact history woirthy of such an aaees try. Our gallant soldiers have won imperials' ahle renown in the field, and will do so ngaiu and again. Our women are making saerifieae wntrlKv nf tarts* -? '"? "* n " - ?J V. ?I WW "HI UVUHi tin I J. Mil will be well, and we shall, with the blessing of God, wear out nud prostrate our malignant uttd hateful foe. la orler to secure concert i4 set ion, I rseomathJ to the eitiiensef the State, lo aasombtr at their respective Court Houses on Saieaday in April next; and in that spirit of patriotism which has heretofore characterised thorn, reselve to carry tut these suggestions. Other 8nten are takiag steps to attain *tbi? object, let it not be aaid that we will not make erwrjr sacrifice which patriotism demands. Uiveo under my hand and the seal of the Stale, at Columbia, this 16th day of March, in [t.s.jin the year of pur Lard one thousand eight hundred and sixty-thagv M- L. tiONHAM. W. K. Hrire, Secretary of Stat*, war 19?1 ?1 w Aodrt 'barlastan sad Columbia papers publish three uuies;'a'l other papers of tho State onoe. Sale >oT Parnitiiro. A ISM ALL lot of FTRPmiEB, belonging XV to the Estate of Wll, McD. PALMER, a tit be sold at Auction on Saturday, the 11th J-y of March uexu m .r IW-2i _ RICHARD HARK. NOTICE. T FOREWARN any parson far tradiaw far a note giva by myself to W. J. BKAY, for Saeenty Dollars, dated March 24, L83&, which aeta is paid in lull B. B. SEAV. March 5 hi If V - " ' ? ? ? ZL*r S 6V . . i! A No. 70. A P. M . will be hold SM thel* Monday night, after the ft>U MM il Mlk month. Brothers will ?tMi em iiQtf ly. 0?r next regular meeting will be on Sahleday BifU, April 61k. 1868. J. M ilLFOKD, 8e**r*. . Marc/ 12 02 Jf ^ ADBINISTIUTOa'S HOTIC#. 1 LL persons holding claims against the Kstatenf JOHN L. GENTET.lee'd., are hereby notified to present them properly sheet ed. And all peraonfc Indebted to said Patfto will make pajment. L. U. OCkTBT, Admhilatrater. > March 12 ?2 Vm. ADMiNISTRtTOR'S NOTICE. A LL persons holding claims easiest the J\_ Estate of JOHN OULLEDGB^dee^ ?f hereby not fled to present them properly etteefr ' ed. And all persona Indebted to said Kstafif will mil* ? >??.! 1 ? ? ?- ?MJI in* UClIVXIVIa AjdmlBiainw*, ^di w ^ . ca la SHERIFF'S SAJLOEB FOB APRIL MOB ** ' T)Y *l*toe of sundry writs of fivryfmd**, to l| do directed, 1 will mHVsfsfre the Court House door, in the vltysge of Spartanbnrg, 0U the first Monday in April next, 92 sires of lsnd, more or lees, lying on Camp IS runes, waters or Ifair Forest, eu >islng toads of l)r. Koonedy. Jss. Tspp, H. Bnluaaa, and others. Sold ss the property of Jefferson QNp'non, Trustee; to foreloee s Mortgage to ftw of Juo. W. MsxwelL Bold by consent ef pap- ' ties. i > L. M. OENTRY, a. a.W * mar 12?52?3t ts^OTSCE; Ahh persons hexing claims sgsiast the Rstste of J. W. Cooper, Dee'd. will please present ibesa, (proems) by the first af .Ap* next. 3 M. C. dBABXRT, Mw. March 5 61 ft < % STATE OF SOUTn CABOLWA.*! Sl ARTANBCSO DlSTBIOT. Citation for totters of Administration by Jan. Earle Domar, esq.. Ordinary. r WHBUBAS SDW. J. DEAN, has AM ty petition in* tuy office praying that loiters of Administration, with the willaineaed, on all and singular the goods and ?battels, rights sud credits of Colonel JOHN M. DEAN, deceased. Isle of the State of Arkansas should be granted hitn. ineae arc therefore lo cltc im adnon'-h all and singular, the kindred and oreditors ot IM 4 siiki deceased, lo he and appeal in the Cowrt of Ordinary, for said District, to be bolden Ml Saturday, the 21st day of March, inai., to tl4? mum ir any, wliv the raid AdminiaUslha should nut br granted liiiu, jointly with Ce*. * V K. Edwards. A Oivon under my hand nnd seal of ottce, tU* Ttb Amy of March, A. D.. 1WS. ^5 J. EARLK BOM &?, a. a. ?. in&r 12 "62 31 T11E STATK OP SOUTH CAROLINA SPARTANBURO DISTRICT. Citations for Lett on of Administration by Juo. Eirle lium.ir, esq.. Ordinary. VTTIIEREAS ALEX. WAKBKIKLD ban y\ filed Ms petition in my uflioc, praying that Letters of administration, on all and via gular, the goods and chat ties, rights and credits of JOHN BENNETT, dee'd, late oftLe District aforesaid, deceased, should be granted h-rn. These nro therefore to cite and adroenish all and singular, the kindred itrd areditora ef the said deed., to V? and appear in the t 'rurt ef' Ordin-try. frrsaid District, lo be holdeti oa / Monday, the vHJ day nf March instant, to show cause if any, why the said Adoiinietratii?a should not h? grr.ntcd. ( iron uuilor my lund and seal of office, this 9i!i day of March, A. !>.. 1hC3. J. EAR Li. ItoMAR, o.s. ?. mar 12 62 2w AtlminUl rotor's Salof UAVINO qualified aa Administrator's ea j the Estate of JAMES JACKSON, dee d, ^ we the undersigned, will expeso to public sale at the late residence of the deceased, on North Piwolct. seven miles South ens' of Columbus, N. near Capt. ftofct. Jackson's en Wednesday and Thursday, 26th and UGth inst.. en a e-edit of six month-, with interest from date, al! the petsonal propeMy coneiating of Thirteen Likely Young Negroes, MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN: Five I foad tion should uot be granted. (liven under iny hand and seals/ ftth day of March, A. D., lltdd. J. EAHLP. BOMAR, o. a, p. March 12 62 jl 8TATK OF SOUTH C A HO LIN A. ' STARTANUCRO DISTRICT. Joseph Thompson and S. M. Saoddy, 8Map tors applicants, vs D. S.Andsrssa aud wife et al defendanta. . . Ten lion for dual settlement add DMVPR a TT aivueaiiar to n* sathhmha afcsa.ls?m 1 zAod'erenn and. wife FrkMt J. dJbddMMt and Utira Hnorfdy, dsfeodapto ha Ikia epM, rr?i>l? boy end the lliuite of ihttiMa fch rlicrator? ordered thai they appear itllNdkM of Ordfcaary to bo ltoldca far HpaMaaheerf Diatiict at Spartanburg fttourt Hwn, ? W fttb day ef June r.exl, to ahMi MWiljfcf tlaay caa, why a final nHhgoai of the JUtate o! J oho Saeddj, >r? dL^d, ahydd sot be made, or their eaiantt to tfcMCNNt'^fB' l?e takes jvo w*/tm. Qiun i ndrr my Urnd and Ijal 1 f?c* thia Vveh 9, 1*W. ~ ? v % *? 3. K. a ?. March n ?,j ? ?_? ^ % - V . ^