WF* v* mmmmmmmtaammtmmarnam gh< ftaralfrw ?p?rum. >fA?y ij?joHJLSi Tliwfdir.Marchl^ 16N. .rs.?? .... . *.r .. , ritoflCVilK IfOTICK Dur flrlende are again notified (bat the CASH !e regtlifed Tor all Advertidng and Jab Wtff gone at tbia office. We Lope tbia will be remembered. Claim Ageai. I have received for the following pet sons tbe aptuaudue them from (be Confederate Govefutaiaftt. 'thej will pleaee call and receive ti e aamc. CUiwa or M. V. Elder, B. Eaalcr, and E. Vf. Turner, J H T FopU&W F S WnanHou, Hansom Hen Jersoo, John W Mar* tin. J. M. ELFORD. Sew idrcrtiituioDt. Attention, is called "lo the advertisement of Mr. W. J. Wingo, (enooecsor 10 M?in. D. I. 4 L Twltcy) in thii Issue. We liavc tested lit mukUg tobacco sad prououaes it exeallent. m'tmi Dr. Wliilefbord 8tni(b. If* publish this week the* entire Sermon ef this learned Divine, as delivered in the Metbwdut Kpsoopal Church on the tiny appointed by his Excelloucy Gov. M. L. Bouham. for ? *hanks;iv itig and Fiayer. It will he found u most eloquent production and one emiuruily suggestive at this important crisis in our ua. Uenal history. Iu adapt ntiou to the circumstances of the country ; tbe spirit of resistance Which pervades it; the logicaltuss ot its conelusions j tbe force and beauty of its style wilj wemmend it to the oareful attention of ?ur read ere. We urge, therefore, its .perusal by alL Military Election. Ob Use 7th in item, an Election took place at Work's Old FiiU for the t pper lUtiaiion, 36ih Regiment, Willi tho following result : NOAH WOLF, Captaik. CALL KIMURELL, lor Liecthsabt. J. W. C. GOS3ETT, 2o LiKCTsnastT. P&E3SLEV IIB AN NO N, 8d Likctkkaxt. 8Tlb Rcfiuicnt t Vhe following officers hove been elected in no of the Companies ">f Minute Men organired ia the 37 th Regiment: D. O. FIN LEY, Captain. D. F. IIUGH8TON, 1st Lieutenant. JAS. WOOD, lid Lieutenant. ? WOODWARD ALLEN, 3d Lieutenant. Brootii Corn. ^ We call special attention to the communication of Mr. Henderson, upon the subject of planting Ilrooin Corn. It is desirable that this erop should be grown in nbundniice tbis year. We bope our farmers will call upon Messrs. Foster L Judd, and supply themselves with Med, and plant au acre or two, with the view .of supplying the vorkmcu of Cedar Springs With straw, so that we may be suppied with brooms, without extortionary prices. A new broom sweeps cloan. Plant Corn. We hope that every good citizen, who has a ! garden spot or unoccupied piece of ground, farge enough to apread a blanket upon wi turn it to good accouut this year, by planting corn or vegetab'cs thereon. Let him not only j do this himself, but persuade hii*. neighbors to do likewise. If people would gcucrally try to Taiao something?cabbage, coru. butter-beans, triuatoes, etc., which can be dene on a small scale without appreciable trouble, the prices of edibles would be kept in more reasonable bounds. Therefore, wc say, plant coru somewhere , but plant corn ! So aaya the Charleston Mercury. ^ n. wood Cxnmple. Several citizens in Abbeville Dietrict, have enited iu furnishing corn to soldiers' families at $1 per bushel. The Commissioner* of the Board of Relief, at their first meeting, ascer* tainod the number of families that needed aid from the Board, was four huudred and fifteen families. The Board resolved to pay to eaeh' Tomiiy $-1 per month froui the 1st January, 4&G2. The Commissioner in each Battalion is to ascertain the ueceasiiies of each family, and report to the Board for a proper distribution of the ffcid. We suppose a similar rule to govern the Coinmisniouers of this District, prevails here. In iLooe very families which have been receiving corn, wo notice u large number of boys which should be put into tire corn fiold and kept there through the yvar. The season hss new come to go to work in earnest, and the dontand for labor wub never belter, and we think it is the duty of the Commissioner*, when they are giving out com, to enquire, and ascertain if there nny boys at homo able to work, and if wo, cause them to be put to wovk or drop the same of that family, until every one who is able to work aliall go at it in earnest. No idlers shiuld be permitted to draw their bread from toe Commissioners. They will find in the large division they are overlooking, a pleuty % to feei, who a e strictly the objects of their care, and to whom ihe liberal haadof the State hould he extended?and uo others. Battle at Purl Hudson. The Yankees 0|>ened on our batte>ie?at Tort Hudson on the 14th instant. At 12 o'clock last night a most desuernta hiuhmi*-"' _ , - ?-?-? ddy, 2 pr drawers; Mrs Durham, 6 pr so ks; Mrs Berry, 8 yds cloth; Mrs K I. Aeder son, 1 flannel shirt; Mrs D Anderson, 6 pr cooks, 41 cuts yarn, $4 Miss Anderson, 2 snow 4aps, religious reading; Miss N Anderson. 2 pr mittens; Miss A gaeddy, $5; Mrs A U Dean, 1 comfort, 2 bottles wine; Mrs -IStrobel, 8 pks fruit, $2; Miss M K tkrobel. $3, 1 pr seckl.; Miss 11 B-HtroW, $2, i shirt, Miss M Htn.bei 8 pr socks, Mr 8 llobo, 10 lbs nails; Col $ S Srlus, $10. The thanks of the Society aft * due te Mrs 8 ltriimmond, and Mrs Rush for wearing, each of them. 1 piece of cloth gratuitously, also, to Mrs bmitii, Mrs knight and Mrs Pearson, for wearing al a reduced prioe. For the ggtisfaction of those who hnre oenributed to the 8ociety. ws stats that since No l.wber last, the Society has had woren 175\ds cloth and mads into ucdcrcloihfn^ fvr flers la the field. - ? .. v.v ' to Tb? Farmer* of *ptrtaoburg. Permit me ibroafb jour oolumtu to com mood to our eftioulturol Won do, the growiu/ of Broom Cora : m 0 busiaooo kt omi remunerative to IhmtseWee. end hifhlj beneficial to the oomiuuuiij iu general, %ud particularly to the Industrial Deportment of thie Institution. Whoever shall add but a single nrticle to the list orour domestic product*, thus rendering us less dependent upou foreign nntione, deserve* to be esteemed the benefactor of bie countrjr. The enormous prises at which brooms have been feold, during (lie test year, are in a great measure owiag to the fsct that many of the factories, if tudeed not all of them, have been compelled to suspend operations for weeks and even mouths together for want of material. Our climate and soil are admirably adapted to the growth of this product; which may be easily raised of excellent quality, and in quantity sufficient to enable it to rie with "King Cotton" himself iu the profits which it yields. Besides the straw, which may be sold at from 8 te lb cants per pound, or even mere, aeoerdtag to its quality and the state of tho market, the grain or seed due* net fall far below the ordinary yield of inriiun com; and ie a valuable article of food lor sheep, milch cows aad tuwlc. Our Steward, .Mr. N. F. Walker will deposit souio bushels uf sued at the store of fdesars. Foster U Judd, where it ir?.y b- had, gratis, by ?hj one who will register his uauie and allow the Institution to hare the refusal of hie crop at fhe tnurk?t rates, whatever they may be at the time. Baloe we give the mcih od, in brief, for the cultivation of Broom corn 1st. Plant the corn early in April, la rows about four foot wide, more or loss, depending upon tbe fertility ol (hosoil. It is to bo pleated in tho drill precisely as cotton, about three eights of a bushel of the seed to tbe acre. 2d. The plow aud hoe are to ba used as though it wore cotton, thinning It out with a broad hoc, and when it ie thro# or four iaebes hig^ thin it by'hand, leaving only two or throe stalks together according to tho atrongth of your land, which should not bo torj rich, otherwise tho at row will bo too coarse. Gd About the first of August, when the bloeaoni appears and the straw turns slightly brown, the stalk must be bent or turned down about sis inches below the straw, which can readily bo done wi'hout breaking it. It is generally necessary to go through the field at two or three different times; as it does not all arrire at sufficient maturity to requr* turuing down at once. 4th. In a few weeks from this time, the seed will become hard nod dry, when the earn should be cut just at the point at which it was bent : being careful to do this before it has become affected with mildew. Then spread it out. in a cool airy place to dry, protected alike from sau and moisture. The seeds uiay be stripped off at any leisure time; then the straw i9 ready fer market. A specimen of the instrument for strippiug the seed may be seen at Messrs. Foster ii Judd s store, though it tun be constructed in many j different furuis. The soil should be -uch at would produce good cotton, (not too poor) and, if properly cultivated, from 200 to 800 lbs. of straw taay be raised to the acre. Many tons of this material be raanufac tttred into brooms here annually. Wi hope that every farmer who can procure the seed, will, from year to year, devote several acres to this prop, uutil it shall become one of the staple products of the District; by so doing you will subserve tho goueral interest of the country, and confer a special favor on manyyoung men, who, though destitute of sight, are determined with their own hands, to earn their daily bread. J. 8. IIKN'DEB&ON. Cedar Springs, March 14, 16ti3. Correspondence of (lie Spartan, ADAM8 KLN. 8. C. ) March 15, 1863. / The peaceful quietness we bare so loug enjoyed on the coaat is about to be disturbed. It is rumored that the enemy are landing on John's Island ; and it cauia trout a source that cannot be doubted. They are not coining before we expected them. On yesterday there were fire largo stcainors lying off While Poiut ?some ten miles distant from this place?but as the day was hnay we could Wot tell what they were doing. With the aid of s glasses it became crideut they rv re laudiug troops. They will meet with u reception, and every tuch of soil they po?se?* win be taken at the potnl of tha bayouet. All will enter the fight with that eonf.-i.Micc which always j inspire* our troop*. When south Carolinians are on their own soil, titty will be doubly brave, and be inspired wilfi greater eutbusiasin for succub*. I do not pretend to say what our strength ia at this post, for the simple rvasou 1 do not ku w- It is euough to know, however, that we shall do our wholo duty as eoldiere, who ere fighting for their all ; uusting in the God of batilos to shield us and g.\e ua victory, we have nothing to fear. This morning it i? quite oloar an warm ; no souhd is heard except ihc roaring of distant cannonading, which is like treble thunder.* We haw no news from the point to-day; the pickets report the same several large vessels in sight. Laige detachments of troops have bees out to day, perhaps 1 had belter not say for what, but it is evident mat soiuutiung ii. me shape of a fight is on hand. Axo- have L>. m> gn ned ; swords have been Sharpened ; guns have beun brighieucd; oanridgus h ive boen inspected, nu liie full uuirbar (forty round*) issued. Thro, days ration* have la-en drawn of bard bread and bacou. and ordered to be kepttn hand. The time ha* come. T 11. F. It aeema to be the intention of the Yankee* at Newbera to sdvano* on Kiuston. Tha* a notion to supply themselves with saothsr rsilrotd. 200,000 IN of wool, sold :n Boston lost woek at 87? ets It seems to he ' c highest prices eror paid in that citf. l ie Rockingham RrgU:cr thinks that important army move, mts in the Valley of Virginia are about to occur. Oen. Hardou was tan-iied at Taliahoma, a few days eioce to Miss Heady, of Murfreesboro, Teno. Goo. Sterling Prioo is now commanding in Missouri and Arkansas. There was do choire of Governor in the recent election iu Km Hampshire. Black Republican* are still in the majority. There were three candidates for Governor. New York corre^pondenta aaya that Hooker will advance on Kicbiaead aa sooq a? his army can travel. IV; hups he will mdv'unoe on Ffederickaburg first, nod then if he buds everything all right, liu will ndvance on Richmond. Gen. Joe Johnston reviewed the army at Mobile on tne 12th instant. Gov. Brown, of Gsorgia, will convene the Legislature of that State on the 2hth tnstont. V m 1. O. # P. i We Here bee? requested, (toys the Charles. ' ton Courier,; to publirh for geusral information the following. wlnoh comprises a full list ef the oflkefO uml appointments of the Right Worth/ Grand Lodge of the Independent Or. dor of Odd Follows of this Stale, from January ta lha present to Jaouarj ia the next /ear: M. W. Grand alaster, JOB. M. ELPORD, Spartanburg,. 8. C. R. W. Deputy Orand Matter, A. F DROWN. INO, .Cuai loatou. 6. 0. K. W. Grand Warden, M. W. BYTHEWOOD, Cbaho on, 8. C, t it iii n 1 *j? . - IV. n. unua secretary, SbWAKD MITHELL, CterlfMra, 8. c. 11. W. Omad Tritium, J. H. MUllRELL, Charleston, b C. R. W. Graud Representative, DAVID RAM SAY. Charleston, 8. C. R. IV. Grand Representatives, WM. TUAVER, Charleston, 8 0. R? W Grand Chaplain, L C. LOTAL, Charteeton, 8. C. W. Graud Marshal, W. E. SCOTT. W. Grand Qnurdlan, L J. P \88 A1LAIUUE, W. Grand Conductor, T. W 1IOLWKLL. Committee on Elections aud Returns,?Ed ward Mitchell, Grand Sccroiury, ex ajfieio chairman ; T. W. tiwlweli aud . 1). Meyer. Comniitiaa on Finance.?J. N. Robsou, W. E- Hoott and C. Froneb?rgor Committee on the State of the Order-?Robert Lobby. R. Caldwell, M. W. Dy the wood. W. H. Tntnmier and Wm. Thayer. Committee on Per Die in and M ileage. ?Geo. Strong, J. E. Bowers nod E. II. Dyer. DISTRICT DCFl'TY CRAKD MASTERS. Dlstriet Mo 1.?G. Follin over 8uuth Caro I ilia Lodge, No. 1, Marion Lodge, No. 12, II ow ard Lodge, No. 8, Jeffer?on Lodge, No. 4, Sana ??r Lodge No. 9U, and'itidgevtltoo Lodge, No. 26. c Distriat No. 2.?>R. T. Mints, over Sutler Lodge. No. 17. District No. 13.?T. J. Warren, ever Kershaw Lodge, No. 9. DlMhrt No. 4.?R. K. Fraser, over Itsyne Lodge, No. 11, and Pen Dee Lodge, No. 12 District No. 5.?-W. C. Johnson, over Pulaski Ledge, No. 20, and Friendship Lodge, No. 27. District No. 6.?E. Elliott, over Lafayette Lodge, No* 6, and Trinity Lodge No. 22. District No 7,-r8. H. Langs too, over Jocassre Lodge, No. 18. District No. 8.?R. B. Boylstop, over DeKnlb Lodge. No. 6. District No. 9.?Wm Thayer, over Palmetto Lodge. No. 6, and Uongaree Lodge, No. 29 District No. 10.?Wm. Irwin over Mountain Lodge, No. 16. , District .?o 11.?J. J. Therpe, over Pickens Lodge, No. 28. District No. 12.?J. L. Ilonour, over Magnolia Lodge, No. 21, Suimer Lodge, No 2d, and Catawba Lodge, No 24. Correspondence Loudon Times. The Slaughter Under Marye'n Heights. Gone, iiulrcd, they were, but in what fashiou ! A glance at the long scope between tho town of Fredericksburg and >he foot of .Marye'n lleiglitH gave the best id.:aof tne tnnguiiuue of the toil which hud bceu exacted lor ibeir pas..... - ? . i. - o 1 - ... VI Iiir i > upps i: IIUUOCK. A rule along tile whole length of the line* lohl also a sud (me of slaughter, but w en ilie eve had once teuton upon ike fatal elope sbove mentioned, (lie memory became tixcd upon the epo* ; n ir lor filly years to coh? eneiny yesterday again indicated a reconnoienuce a short dtstauce up tne Yazoo Out or two of the boats were Been in that hi roam, but at no great distance liom its mouth, and they tarried but n little while, when they returned again towards the Mississippi. The u?ual activity still prevails among the Scat, and the gunboats have reached the number of five, though some of them uppcar iu sight only a little while, when they agaiu with- | draw behind the bend above. Some of the transports are seen to carry off troops up the river, white others are coming down with reinforcements. If the Federals bad any prospect of ejocees with the canal, we v on id not hear ao much talk iu the Northern pi' era about a force being sent up to Lake Providence for (he purpose of cutting the loves to get into Uayou Macon, and through the tortuous bayous of North Louisi- i sua iuto Red river. These tores h ado wiugs of their owu moveiuouis ia-iicate very plainly that the canal esnnoi he mad* to answer their purpose, there would be no necessity fo?- a new rauts. To gel bsluw is evidently their only | hope, and no effort is spared to oontrivs some | plau by wbioh this may be effected, without ' the necessity of passing by our batteries Within the last few day* prowling parties of Yankees have again been discovered in the woods on the peninsula, and some of our guns h iva been agsustug themselves in sending a lew h?Us over that way. One trilling battery has been difooverad on the opposite snort- near the ppitti where the steamer Vicksburg was tired intj From Ynsoe pass there i* not a word of intelligence, and the oouAdsnse espregeed by ait of the t'.iler impossibility of the enemy to make | the trip, is so strong that no one allows the least uueasiness to enter his mind on this score- If. | by some feint, the fleet could be coaxed Inta this Iran. * miuht k,v> k ? ? -'? -1 ?,r, ? ?u| uupn inai ilie grand armada was making He Ism voyage, with good prospect looming up before u that they would never get back to their homes again, lly taking the other route to get helow, through the Louisiana bayous the same fate would await them. If the enemy should manage to get below, it it will require at least another month for hitu to mate hie forces, bring down his supplies, and perfect hie arrangements for offensive operations, and the Northwest is already clunumu* about the long delay. Nooeaaiiy will compel him to make an attack soon, and the rising waters out off every other hoj e for him but an as?au|t upon the city, and he may possibly j make this effort very shortly, though be is yet scarcely nroftored. ? Jnektnn ? < ?? ? ??Tho Yankees lose from 500 to 100t? hyr>i^ daily, in the array of the Potora?^. ? Tbefcllutelloi* *tl Frcderlcka-? *. From a gentleman juit down from Fredorickaburg we learu tlmi nil ia quiet there. The condition or the loads iiapoaea on both aidea the necessity of keeping the pcaoe for tne preaent. li the meantime General Hooker is actively at work trying to repair lh? demoralisation of bis army, und to get it m trim for ik? ..r ??i ?? ? ?* k ihv vuvuiuq g\JO nviiiiicr. il IV WB* liettJ that reinforcements hove been recently H>t hitu from Wuiiing'.uo, aud lliut Itii array baa beet^ strong' licned by some Hl'iwn or eighteen thousand mco. There is a great deal of stir and activity observed iu tbe cue ray a camp, null tbe indications nrc tbnt lie conteiuplatea aud is preparing Tor uu advance movement. We are Mimed that tbe tumors we bate bad of the Yankee nruiy abandoning Frederick*! urg and cbangiug its base of operations, are Here idle stories. There eras never anything of tbe kind. Tbe whole Yankee army lias beeirthure all tbe time, bovcring and looking down on Fredericksburg like a vulture ou a carcase. Tbe story is believed to havo originated from the fact that the enemy seut to Newport News a large body of the worst subjects of demoralization iu its army?some ten or fifteen regiments. The transports conveying these t roups being seen ou their way dowa the river gave rise to tbe rumor that tbe array of tbe Potomac was being conveyed away, and that liooaer Was * changing his base." Tbe story isjpiw exploded, aud the Vaukee army ia believed to be now stronger than it was in tbe last battle at Fredericksburg It is uot prudcut to speak of our cwn array. It is enough to say thai the condition and spirit of our tuen ware never better. Tbey hove become inured tc tbe hardidiips of war, aud aru an m ray of veterans. Our tutui, too, were never before iu nueli good health. They arc inj^>lcndiotb sides for the last week ?each party the silent spectator ot the other, with only the river between. The pickets are in speaking distance of each other, and a "halloa, there!" is frequently passed over, bringing beck a Northern paper or tome little thing in exchange for a 'dug of tobacco, which the Yankees arc alwr. r^iuiy to barter for. Our (the brigade of Ue. >arksdale, of -Mississippi,) occupy the t?- i. r.nd the old borough rests quietly under ti Vowning batteries of the enemy, win h, i.e. know bow soon, may bc.cb forth the signal o' batiic. ?HicJirnond Lxamtntr 1 Ufa. Execution or a Deserter. A correspondent writing front the 3tler the perpetration of a lienioux crime by a change ol locality, a feigned nauie, u new avocation. or some other t':uud. According to | his own narrative, he woe aged 2A years, had rouuie i over North au l Koulli Carolina a.- a prone her, colporteur, doctor, pill seller. &.c., under twelve different names, ^too tedious to ineDiiM.) kislrutf tiaiue ueiugN. A. ll.Ciaunch was born and partly raised at Jamestown, 'Uuiltoid County, N C'.. Lad married tnree wives, all ot whom are now living. Lad murdered two men, on.* of wiicoi was his brother. .Much of eucb matter was developed on the trial, all <>f which tended to invke ilie culprit n lit example to etpiuto the ciiuie of which he was guilty, cud which the good t>olui?r a internet aua justice to oar couutry ho winch de-f meuded. Using found guilty of desertion and of in | duct ig oihers to do ho, hy :t court martial, oil I once of death pissed and continued, ' I the day wis appeiuied l??r the exocuuuii, hi tho pitH.uci of the brige le. (i'eulcr s.) llurly M jr.d .y morning, the hi ga e. undgr tin: couiiutii I *?f our i xtvl.eni Colonel, W J. II ike, w if iMiiitd, leaking ?l>r -o si?l s of a pmalhlo gram.* The pris itier, rc-ooingly, a wiliiug vie ntn, was marclieil up to a make i > the middle of the fmir.ii sir o, n:id bciug teemed, li.a the guard inrsncd flftreu steps iu.-ide the par- , al!eh?grara, the prisoner s book fcHng towards i them, the coun.landing officer stejpcl back { to t lie guard and commanded, "Heady! aim! i fne !" when 'he prisoner fell a lifeless corpse, ; pierced by ten 'Uiuic balls, two of which went through Ins head, Considering the r-IJow was i | aboir i loot deep, and the weather w?a cx- ' tromcf) cold, i' *a< a gloomy a d sad spcetn- | c?e. 1 conjecture the example will a hap- j py effect oo our tivojis. Dcalli of Rev. \T. II. ltarnwell ! Intelligence lias just been leceivoJ by flag j of truoc of the death of the Rev. Williaui II i liarnwVdl, Rector of St. i'ctera Church, Charleston, at the residence of his brother-in-law, I Henry Fiaunders, Esq., Ucrnviutown, Pcnu- | sylvania, on the 17th day of February, in the 57th year o? hie age. Far from home and kindred?from the fields of his iortner ministry, un l front the Slate he loved >o well?yet not unsoothed in his brief and gentle decline by loved and familiar hands ' in the full po?*es-ion of a'.l his powers, and in the blessed fruition of n clear and ahidiag/<*iVA - w pr?re thai passeth uodorwtandiog?and an assured and tiiumptinnt hopr?the soul of this j faithful servant nnd soldier of Christ pn*ed lo its eternal reward. Although placed under ( the Providence of Ood, in th^ midst of liis country's enemies, political animosity aeems for a time to have suspended its bitterness ; snd iu the presence of a large assembly of the clergy and laity of the city of Philadelphia, and attended by the bishops of the Diocese, eight brothers in the bonds of the Christian ministry, b .re his honored remains to the { tomb. His dust is gathered for a while in the ? hurch of the Epiphany, close to that of his friend and felluw-laboror, in the Cjusc of Ood's truth, in South Carolina, the lamented James ' If Foies. Hut his spiiit the disenthralled, delighted, glorified spirit?oh ! how it exults in the presence and smile and unveiled glories 1 of bis 8aviour and his CM ! Nothing new from Kinston. There is some j excitement on both sides, but nothing has transpired up to the tims of going to press. Thir'.r >si\ tnen and one midshipman of lite ! destroyed frigate, Mississippi, were brought in ' by our cavalry this morning, several severely ' wounded. Married, on 8th March, 180d, by It. Driaut, Esq., Mr JOHN HARVEY to Miss JOANNA KEI1>, all of Hpartanburg District. ENROLLING OFF 3E. HEADQUARTERS, Fi'artamu mo District, So. a., March 17. 1863. I ALL persons liable to Conscription who # have not reported to the EnrollingOdiccr or u ho have uol been eletup c?l or discharged 1 by the Enrolling OtTicor since the 11th of Oc | mlmr, 1662. and all oftcers, n<>n-commissioned < j etboers and privates absent from their com- j i iuands without leave or on expired leave witii I iu the limits of Hpartauburg District, are hereby ordered to report at this Unrolling Office, > prepared to go to ihe l'?n)|i of Instruction on , the morning of Friday next, tneJUth of Mareh , lbtSH. tly complying *nli tliia order thoy will avoui being urrs^iod as closerlois 11 The Colonels cootuiauiLug the Militia i Regiments in HpnrtitaLurg District will report to the Knrolhog Officer all Militia O.licera, who have fuile. 10 in ike returns of all persons remaining in ilieir rr-pectire bent* liable to | t .inscription. #liohavr not reported to the fin- I rolling U.Iicjr, or who linve not pioper 3. M. KLFORD, Agent, aa afcresaia. to take risks and trnusacl ull business of Insurance, in this State, for, and in behalf of said Company. W. LAVAL, For Comptroller General. March 19? 1?3w NEW STORir riAlIE undersigned having purchased and J_ considerably replenished the Stock of Goods ownrij by Messrs. Twitty, would respectfully ask his friends and the public to give him a call at the old stand of those gentlemen. Among the new goods just received are 10 pieces FINE FRENCH PRINTS. 10 FINE DIIIISH MUSLINS. 20 ? FINK LUNG CLOTHS. Few - IRISH LINENS. An Assortment of DRUGS. Fino CotiiIin, l>r<-Nslnyf C?UII>N, Tootli ItriiMlioM, KuitIImIi Pinx, ToiU't Hoiip, ?to. A I.SO h large lot of excellent SMOKING TUll.\(!t.'l), nur.v to c'fc and admonish *11 ami singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear in the Court of Ordinary, for said District, to he hidden on Monday, the 30th day of March instant, to "how cattle if nny. why the said Admin i si ration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal of office, this 1 tiih day id March A. P.. IMOS. JNO. EAltLE IrOMAit, o. a. n. March 10 1 2w STAIE lOJ' SOOTHtA&OlJ^ EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, CnLltMliU, March 10, 1K03. SKKI? time is at hand, unoeoomp&nicd with t he prospects of a speedy peace. Our foes have given absolute control of their purse unJ sword to the tyrant Lincoln Another year, and perhaps more, of fierce war ia upon us. Frutu the enemy's fleets and armies wc need fear but little, from the unwise production of Cotton, much. With the supply on haud, its product.ou uow is not necessary to the *uccc?s of our cause, tin ! can be dispensed with for years to coiae. The States not in possession of (lie enemy inusi produce supplies for them selves, ottr armies in the field, and the families of our soldier: Now therefore, I. MILL EDGE L. IIOXHAM. Governor of South Carolina, do issue this my Proclamation, and urge all the good citisens of the Stale, dismissing all considerations of mere gain, to plant and raise all Jthe provisions of every description in their power. Let him who has cotton seed enough to plant another year und 1 nt enough for domestic consumption, plant not one seed. This is a time to try our patriotism. A great people will rise to great occasions. We claim to have descended (Yum a race who won independence against immense odds ufter a soven years' war of hardship and i privation fur greater than we have yet endured. | Ian ur enact history worthy of such an aaoes 1 try Our gallant soldiers have won imperial ah!e renown in the field, and will do so again and again. Our women are making saoriAeee worthy of any nge. If wo hut do uor duty, all will be wall, ana we shall, with tba blessing of Ood, wear out and prostrate our malignant and hateful foe. In orler to sacure eonoert of action. 1 recommend to the eitisene of the State, to assemble at their respective Court Houses on haieaday in April next; and in that spirit of patriotism which has heretofore characterised them, resolve to carry eut these suggestions. Other Steles are taking steps to attain *tbii? object, lei it not be said that we will not make evory sacrifice whioh patriotism demand*. (liven under my hand and the seal of the Stele, at Columbia, this Hith day of March, in [n.s.]in tba year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixij tlijge M. L. HON 11 AM. ] W. II. H?*t, Storiurj of SlUt. iu*r 19?1?1* Dogr Charleston ao?l Ooluinbin paper* publish three naiee, a'l other papers of the Stair onoe. Hnle oi" furniture. 4 SMALL lot of FTRFITURE, blunging lo Lbe Estate of Wll. Mcl>. PALMER, will be sold e< Auction ou Saturday, the 1 Ub il?y of March next. ui?r .rw-2i BICUARD IIARE. NOTICE. T FOREWARN any person for traliag for a note given by nytelf to ff. J. 8KAY. for Seventy Dollar*. deled March 24, vfhieh note in pan! in loll B B. feEAV. March f? *1 tf % - ? -r / v . v (? G. y*9 A Regular *; vettn^of . CP ARTAtf &OMUL A No. 70. A V. M , will be b?ld Ml the lei Sou J* j night, nfte r th* fttll a? urt month. Brothers will eitsnd eocendfngl/. Otr next rrgulw meeting will be on BehHrlsjr skU, April 6th, 1M>8. J. hi HLFOftD, 8ee*rr. Mercj 12 02 Jj . ~~ ADMINISTRATOR'S MTIM. A LL Mrtou holding claims against tW Kstatsnf JOHN L. GFfT*T,d*e'A,?f? Cere I) v notified Lo present them properly Ml ft ed. And all peraone indebted to ssfd Jfejpta will make pa/sieul. L. M. OSMm, Administrator. 1 - March 12 62 la. ~ ADISN1STR4T6r'S noticST A LL peraona holding claims against tfcp A or JOHN O ULLKDG E,dec'tL, a* | hereby not fled t? present them properly iliai' ed. And all persons indebted to said Eslht# will make payment. L. M. GENTRY, AdaUiiinUv# March It 62 la SHERIFF'S HAI.Fji fob bpbil nee. * g BY virtue of sundry writs of Aery /hops, (e me direetsd, 1 will aeli nereis the Coast se door, in the visage of Spartanburg, aa the first Monday in April next, 02 aires of land, more or less, lying oa Camp Branch, waters of Fair Forest. adjoinlsgiaods of Dr. Kennedy. J as. Tapp, 11. Bttllmaa, and others, Bold as the property of Jefferson QNp* "non, Trustee; lo foroloee a Mortgage la Arer of Jno. W. Maxwell. Bold by consent of parties. L. M. GENTRY, a i.a mar 12?62-31 notice! ALL persons having claims agaiatl the Estate of J. W. Cooper, Deo'd. will please preeestt them, (proven) h/ lha fiset af April next. M. C. dJARNETT, Adnsr. March 6 61 ft., STATE ^DF~SOUTFI CAROLINA. tmartasarno Distsiot. Citation for Letters of Administration hy Jan. Etrlo Bomar, esq., Ordinary. W HE It HAS EHW. J. DEAN, has filed bis petition in* my ofhoe praying that letters of Administration, with the Will annexed, on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Colonel JOHN M. DEAN, deceased, Isle of the .State of Arkansas should be grunted hiui. These are therefore lo eitc and admonieh all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the # said deceased, to be and appeal ia the CsaK of Ordinary, for said District, 'y be hoiden oa Baluiduy, ihc'21at day of March, iuat., lo shew oause if any, why the said Administrate* should nut he granted him, jointly with Co*. O. E. Edwards. . Given under my hand and seal of ofioe, tlia 73. J. EAR Li. DOMAR, o. a. n. mar 12 62 g0 Aclin t n i ?t rater's Sale. HAVING qualified aa Administrator's an the ratals or JAMES JACKSON, dee d, w? the undersigned, will expose to public sale I at the late resilience of the deccaacd. o? North Pnoolct, seven miles South east of Coliiiubur, X. <\. near Capt. Robi. Jackson's on Wednesday and Thursday, 2&IU and ^Glli inst.. on c*edir of six tnoaih-f ailli interest from dale, nil the petsottal property translating of Thirteen Likely Young Negroe*, $ MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN: Five I load ot* Horses, 20 or 30 HEAD OF CATTLE, 3 lion's and Nheeps Corn and Fodder. 1 Wapciit. 1 Ruggy and llnr?e?? ( 3 Yoke of Oxen, 1 Ox Carl. LOT or WALNUT T MBEB ^ Hags ot* Cotton, FARMING TOOLS, HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEMT FURNITURE, And other articles loo tedious to mention. All pencil* indebted to tho EsUto of eaid deceased, are hereby noticed to make immediiite payment and settlement. And all persona . baring claims against the same will present litem fur payment withiu tho time prescribed by law, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recorery. ft 8. ABRAMS. Adra'r. ISABELLA JACK80N, Adio'rx. March 2, 1B6?. [ March 12 _ f>2 tf | THK STATEOF"SOUTH CAROLTNA SPARTANBURG DISTRICT, l Citation for Letters of Adminiatration by Jno-I Karle Homnr, esq., Ordinary. ? W,HKURAS DR. W. E. DEAN baa Wed hfv ' pcii'ion in toy oftce, prating that Lot' tera of Administration, on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and srsdfie of JAMES 0. HARRIS. Jr., Into of tho DirtfCet aforesaid deceased, should bo gran tod him. These nre therefore to cite and admonish all aad singular, tho kindred and creditor* of or Ordinary. for said liiatriot, to ha hoidea ? Friday, the 20lh da/ of March iwtaoi, to abow cause if any, why tito maid l>Ui>Utr?lion ahould net be granted. Given under iny hand and seal *i ?ica lldt 6lh day uf March, A. 1>., I?d3. J. EAKLB BOMAR, o. a. a. March 12 62 2t 8TATKOV SOUTH CAROLINA. 81'ARTANBORQ DISTWCT. Joseph Thompson and S? M. Saoddy. >? tore applicants, va D S.Audarann -j' and wife el al defendants. Petition /or final MiUvmaat and Daaraf. s FT to my aaOafantlsa that-Du4R J^-Andaman and wife Franeia J. Astern, and I aura rtnoddy, defendants h> this e?a, re-ide beyond the limits at ikishstfa lt-|? r here lore ordered thai they appear illWftel of Ordinary lo bo holden far bpssc?tem Distiict at Spartanburg tkmrt Houee, ea tM Ath day ef June r.exl, to ate? Minlfity they can. why a Anal ?l0??I saA itf I of the Estate ol John SatyMy, Jey, d-e'd, nhgtdd not be ma le, or their no?tto the ?pptpfBbe takon ;* ? cegArso. Uiun \ DOov my i.wc March A M ?, ^ . ? X. ^ if.