F ' '4^-^; ' P ?1tf (Sluolita Spartan. ? VFy??X.y'Bp'ig?" tor ilie purpose of organising 11 Sold r> Aid himI Relief Association. Tbe Society vva* organized by adopting the Constitution of the Spartanburg Association, with the necessary changes, and the election of the following olli cers: f'rtiidtnl: Mis. lYiry ' uksnii. I'icr PrciiiLiit.. Mis. Caicie Jackson, Miss : M. P. Cumuli. Curre?i'o>id-Hj Secretary: Miss My i n Jaek.-.un Hccoidhty Scci ftai i/: Mm Amanda Clark. Tmixurer: Mrs. Robert Jackson. . UxtruLf (.'t/mmllec Miss Eitphcuiii Jackson. Miss Mary Kelso, Mrs. James Jacksuu. Mantt;/' i s: Mrs. Sain'l Jackson, Mi s Minerva Jackson Polly Kelso, L. \. Clark, liobt Jncksou.jr Marihi K.dso, Jolin Kolio, ' Lou Cull inn, M.us I.izzie Jackson, .1 Jackson, Mm i Ida J nek son, The Association then adjourned to meet tit Mr. Willinra Jackson's on the 3th in-t. The ' good women of North I'acdolte nre resolved | to do what they can in the good cause. Disoiuj\m*i:i> Runtmr.nts. ? I'tider this head he New York Exprosj rays that such regiment* us the 3d fir? Zsjiiavis, who left New \ ajro, and was received with giei.t jiomp and ceremony." II? made a speech on | the oocasion, in which he anuouneed his in e i tion of >uu It'' urn hg lo i'..o rent u! vt ,i ,i< . lo li'.'iio u-.'' In till peace is r*s?n'??d Ti.o General Ims lately written a letier d olinig n ^ ?^^^arty nooijnatioa lot tiosernor of Auivmiohu1 r. M-i tliai ii? will support Lin< oln's I ""'uPg down f mursauy, mpiMUber IV, isbi. Particular Notice. Cash will be required for ell J jb Work when -'eelUd for Ceslt jOl- htjo bo required for all Advent iae? 'IMOIUS when n time for which tln-y may be N>r?l -rod lo be published espircs. TliU rule will tye strictly adhered to. ~~ - ? ^ MtlAD THW. in arrears for P03 l'AUE will please 'fall and pay, otherwl?u their ptleik will not Wl be delivered. , I^ISTTKRH IIECKIVKI) Witu POSTAGE Dl'K will not be deli vend -until paid. J. A. LEE, P. M ^ iopt 12 27 2w t?OJ\FEDEKATE I-OA1N. '^UlUJC MEETINGS Will he held at (he following placet, on days ? pacified, l?r tho purpose of subscribing ootton, vorfi, wheat, cash, or any, and every thing which will support the war. Some one or more of Cumuii 'sinners innv be expdoted to attend and add rots the inert t * lugs. * Citizens, come pt. 2nd, 12 o'clock. j t'ro.tH Anchor, Ttiesd >y. Sept. 2-1 h, " llabhysrlllo, Wednesday, S|I>t 2otli, ' "NV'OodrnTs, Thursday,^ Sept. 20th, " ' Reid villa. Friday, Sept. 27th, MorgmV Saturday, Sept. 28th, " " Vilh -'us Store, Saturday,Sept. 28th, ' " S. B0P.0. 1 N. P. WALKER, - Committee. J AS. FAR ROW, ) For the Legislature. As the time for stlggciditig suitable person- j To fill the vacftiidtcs produced by the nceep- , tance of oouimi?sinna on the part of Gen. Ed- . werdsund t apt* Win. Foster under the Coufed- , 'erato GoVemturnt, we would respectfully ! nominate S. Bobo Esqr., aseniim-utly qualified ic supply the place of one of thciu. Mr. bo bo ^ as all know is a native of the district?identified . with her interests iu uvovy respect?a lawyer of large wild various legal acquirements, none can doubt his fitneSs for way position or abili i ty to meet the" requirements of a Legislator. | Inn ing bisi lite long practice as an advocate ho j has uerer aspired to ?? position dependent up ; u the popular vote. nor in snywiao, sutlercd | himself to be connected with politic..! move j incuts from selfish motives. W lint soever course be persue-. he adopts from .? conviction ofjudgircnt. Possessing n strong mind, high moral qualities ami indomitable energies, no responsibil- i itico cnu arise ho would not meet, ? nodu les that ho woubl not perform. j Thus satisfied tre cheerfully anitounco S. ROCO, Esqr. as a Candidate. A VOTER. THE rricuda of MAJ. T. o P. VERNON ' o&pccifu'ly announce him us a Candidate lo represent Spartanburg District in the State Legislature. This being doue without the kuowledge of Maj. Vernou, we liopo he will content to eerie his District, iu this her lime v: iiotd. A VOTER. ... ~ I 4. amp circling. The Cauip Meeting at Cuuuou's, we arc TojUCKTetl to'state, commences to night, j ^Thursday ) .tikuon letlgiticu t s. ^1 - Jrttvmuu Choice gratefully n< kuowl Idge* contribution* this wreck t"??r ihe I.nd;?? ! Aid and Relief Association from Mm. 05. liar- ! V * ris, Mrs. Thomson mu 1 .Mrs. Walker (Wulkcr . lifUbc ) v / _ V Soldiers .41(1 ?n?l Itciiel /] Association. The ladies of North I'liuelutl held a meeting s?it ilie Ttli instant, it the l'rcshylerinii l.'liiuen. flr ^ "s- ll 11 - I Advertisement. For Clio Carolina Spartan. ' II- Tkicmu-u ?DuabSiii:?i'iCRSC allow nio the spoor in your columns in reply to a flimsy ami false publics! bh iu your last i*"U& Of the Spartan, over the names ol B. F. bataP nil Sanutel Speck. I tee that in 1). F. Uaiim article that he charges tnc with mnlioious allegation*, but 1 can unsure'him, that 1 cnlcrtuhtfd It? such feelings n gainst hint, as I will be able to p.- >ve, if necessary The puhlicntion of my communication was in my own defence, hh what I had said, wits published iu a speech by D. F. li tter, as u lalaelinod and lies. When B. F. Bates came to my hou-e, accompanied by Sainitt I S|a-t k, the next morning alter 1 had sent the communication to Maj. IVIuitnter, for publication, (he) II. F. Hafts, mid that a mutual friend advised him to sco me, thai 1 had been teilinir what Hie) H. F. Hate* had said m me ubout Eliphns, M. I> Henley, joining hi* B. F. Bales company, io., and Hfter question- { Jug me o some length, without giving hint any siiisAwtioti whatever on the subject, lie ooiue* out in thin language " Mr. (.lii.siot I understand Unit you have been solicited to write u com mutolOAtion for the Spartan in reference to whir lie hm! aard to me about llonloy, i|tiiitiug Smith's company Jfcc. 1 lohl II. F. Bates i list no tii it ii Imil solicit oil me to wtiie a coin tuunicatinti, but that i had done it without n solicitation from nn * man. 11. F. Yin IT**, then bag|rd me to Withdraw the coiiiinniiiciitioti. 1 told him that I could nit do it, lie continued to leg mo to decline its p hlicittion 1 told him that it wo- tjjo late, then to do so, thut no doubt tlint it was then in tjpe, and could not he withdrawn. 11. F. Bites thun said he Ind u newspaper conlroverssry uhout fifteen yours ago, and that he did not waul to engage in an oilier one, and that it Would probably tuprde the progress of the companies that was being raised, and that it would likely create such toolings between the families as would never he goitou oxer. fader these considerations, I consented to wiite a note for itr* withdrawal, and gave it to B F Bate# to send to Muj. Ti itinnier and said tlmt ho would seud it by Spake in post ha?te to Spartanburg. This *ln-w* wlio was the tuost anxious to "gel the pieec tip.'' This, B. F Bates knows to he the truth, and that Spark has/oaf in stating it otherwise. Now, to show It. F Rattfit pfaiiiui. together with the lending friend* of this favorite foinjiuni/, that about the time tli it <'apt. \ l\. Smith :* ! verliwl to ruiso a Company lor the" war. the) IS F. ISatcs. son utid friends. di?irihited li-tc to raise a company for twelve mouths Fnder ' tin: (Sovcrnorx call, made in July, tli tt tlicy ' could reconstruct tlio old ll.ue-ville company. I and get into, service for twelve months, utider ' h certain clause of the liovoriioi a pi ucl.vitiation, ! inviting the dishruid'd cuupanios, uiio voiitntoerd under the net of 180 1, to volunteer into this scr\ ire.'' AH el' being convinced that tliey wrr running against the current of 'pillar opinion < they dropt their twelve muuli's Company, and thru tried to raise u company in compliance ! with the congress bill. There IS.F Bate> say c i he hue "solicited tunny to join his fttci.ritc company iu eotuplmn e with the congress lull." i Now to fully uu lersl.ihd b'ciieral Bates, when was it that he solicited "many pcisotis to joiu hld./'uro;/f. ib.ni !.? hold Hii'l public, keep sharp." I f in do no c ' if >ou .my subjee whatever. Signed l>y ,1 anics Tinsley, Stephen Kiiby, Kdwurd W. I'iii k *r, dough S.H.: i.d, Henry It Murpii, John (iiiioldcs, II M. Nc ghbors, Harnett Smith, Elijah Burnett, \. IF I'ost* r. Kiuaotn Tinsley. Joclllalleiiger, J.ian-..- Cunningham, J. 1'. Harmon, Daniel N. Murpii. ('. itirch, W asbingtoii Fester, 1*. J. lb-land. J. 1,'. Foster, Joint t". Ilainion, T. T. ltl'ick, lliram James, J. I'. Zimmerman, Itul'us l.aiu aster, 11. A. Fates, Thomas i.iltlcjobn, J. C. Board.in, T. Wesley W'yalt, S. E Ziiiiiueriiitiii, Marcus Kiiby, John W title I! llso.?,i J. K Menu", l?. ?. Finiry, fsiiiiioi l.iti Icjnhn, II. hnbv, JCctliiuiii Hluiiu, W. 1', Farrow. Ciiimt Pmcr. Mki rise. ?i I ~n.\c*nOnSitttrday, 81st nil., on-* of iIi? largest meetings wi?h held ni Ithaca, New York. Ilinl nvermsi'inhied in that town. The Town Mull imki crow del i? etccua, mid so huge ?w?- the uuuiher n iiiumi* ' tain" in*. it'll i- heei c il tu.iv duTioip- it soiue What, hul it can sand n good deal of **<*i 1 weather without se' ious elfeot upon the grain. Th? inland plantation* in inanv sections (" uld have dune better with mere, laina t < j UwsyoM, September 12.?The Nalinnt Hotel was burned Inst uigbt. Lose one bundled thousand dollaia. Washington, September 12.?hiriug comnietu-ed Una bna-nilig it^lho direction ?t Chaiu Bridge. The occasion ia u>?t yet known. l.oi laviLi.K, Stptemluir 12.?The Judge ol the County Court bus irdoied tlie Sheriff to tilkc ilWuV tlin ... ... J.-.. ^ c .. v? < w ever, declare that tliuy expect so serious fight ing for iwo or three weeks. All was ijuict ut the Chain Bridge lu-t night. Saw Vor.k, September 12.?M. C. Stanley has been sent to Foit La Fayette, for tamper uig v ith soldiers. MoCKDRIOcr, -Pepteuiher 12,?ExGovcrno' llriggs, who was accidentally shot sonic lime since, is dead. l.ortsvii,lc, September lit. - Huston front the Committee to revise the Statutes. reported a bill to prohibit and punish rebellion in the State, which was tuade the special order for to day. The b.ll tuakes the waging of w n on the Unit I'd Slates, the enlist men t oi troop** for the t.'outcdci ate States, or the inducing ol others to do so , or the joining or parading with huv company with the intent tjoiinng the * otiIcdcrales, a teloiiy, punishable with one to ten years imprisonment. It makes the invasion of Kentucky by any of her citizens, us t on lederalc soldiers, punishable b, dcatli. The law is to go iino effect in ten day a. Among the r.a nes nieutiot ed for gallantry n 1 the iate light bitw.cn Kosencrants and I I >yd. | are ihuse ot Generals Uo-encrHtilz and Honhum, Colon'Is McCook, Lille and Lowe, Cuprums ; , llari.-euti. Snyder and Mi'.Vluilcti uud .Major , Murk. U coiiierlrd into a llunlilc. in which have ( already been incarcerated three li ibti-t preach 1 , 119. , W e have been requested by John W. Tliotn | : to stale thai liei.au been liono.ably acquit- 1 1 ted hJ 11 uiiwnintou? vole of the Sena'c of the ! t eharg?8 PicteiriJ again*! hint ? Ji'i.'-i-jh H*g:*itr. j I Pnrr. fi?\vkxtioKr ? Conventions were ' held in Baltimore city and county hint week. ' atid delegates appointed lo a .State IVh -e on veution to he held iieroiiiiur in Iialtittioie. The proceedings were harmonious. Three Cotileiler Me othe r*1 ed through Fairfax Court House on the dtli, r/i ? ?;? to Washington, the hem cm it in supposed. ol a | communication from uur l< ic.'Uiueui at Ktcl wuud. ArTAins in Kkntk. i y. ?Trii ale u U i -in ', < dicate quiet, but eertoun and extensile n ie incuts low aula the separation of Kentu-ny Ii in tl.e i.iacolu Government. It is Itol geuei .IIv known that Coligtcne, t it-In1 ses-.nt:. ! I> i tin* adjournment, pa-nod an important b. I. n the secret cilcndnr, lor I lie extension ol the aid ot the Conlcdcale Oovernmetil to the umvi* < liicnU tow a: .is independence in iteiiini ky. < . terms analog! us to those olh t -d in Mtv-n . t , This wise and timely ucasine of comfort t > Kcntiteky promises the early rn.ditwti-?i* of tIt1 results eotltempl l'inl by it.? i II inipti u - e.iv dry in i li* a spletid <1 d . Ii .n ( to the enemy'*', litre*, wear Alexin it in. At or some sharp work. they rrt'irnol wi Ii tluic piisotier- and eon ider.ihle war iiiuniii .tin. KlCIIMoN Sept e.i. h . II. The light between General Wine and the Line, liuten. at Hiwk n Nest, Western V irginia, han lit en c n li lined. Gen. II .tming-oii directed l1 ~ Con Icdei ate troops I In* e i*iiiy retreated, badly cut up. One o! .li Coiifi ii r ite wa wti.u . I ^ . . I ' ltl(llM('Nl>, .ve|d lllliff 1<}.? Hull 1. 1 1'. Walker, Secretary ut* war, lias rosieucd, uiid it in utidiTsI'msI, today, that Attorney(ietieral Ibnjatnin will iempurnlily at tend tu the dutUNS id tin \\ at I>c|>aitnicitt. Scv efal persons are named as tile successors id Walker, atnun^ them Jlitdiop l'olk and others. Passengers Ly the ears, to day, report a s't tip engagement ou Friday hist. A *h tachiiu tit ot the Washington Artillery and a portion ot Winder's regiment attacked Hall's house and burnt it. The Federal i loss was lour killed, seven prisoners and n any wounded. None injured ou the Colt federate side so far as known. A cornspondi nt ol the Kiclnnond lbs- , patch, writing IVotn Fairfax on the llitli,' says that an aetirri took place oil the 11th, near Munsou's IIill,iti which the Wash ingturi Artillery, with two rifled cannon and two howitzers, supported by three coin ' ' imuiihi iiiiuiur^ iroin i\ciiip< r s regiment, j Ii 1 great cxeenti< n. Tl.e Federal-, in Htroiig force nn?I panic stricken, fled I :iv- ! ing their guns, lints, haversacks and coats The (.Ynfoderato force was four hundred, and the Federals near (our thousand. No Confederate hurt, but the Federals niiHerod sevctt lv. , i The Norfolk 1 >;ty II ook, of Saturday, re porta a ii;i\m1 engagement on James Kiver, on the thirteenth, in which tho Conledorate steamer Patrick llenery dropped *, down the river, near Newport Now, for i the purpose of using the Federal vessels, ' the fcbivantlali, a large sloop-of-war, and the I gun boat I'aylight, lying there, as a tanref to fry the range of her gun*. The Patrick Henry opened fire and the Federals replied. The l>uyli^ht advanced, when ; hii' received a broadnnlo, which lor ed her ( to retreat. \dvaneing again. she wa- met , in like manner, and again forced to ret rent. I The ciix 'gk ok nt 1 cited hall .iu hour only, ' and wax (iiiH'Oiitinuci! when (ot>dark to see. The j a;nek llencry retired out of Jutncn i Kiur. ' ! i i jlpj :l Washington City. Mr Talliafarro, who was arrested and iiupris* oued by order of Lincoln ia Washington City, 1 has brea relsunxl, and nr kes the following < s'aiemcnl ns his iuipreesinn of military preparation* in ami around that city : "He wiys that at any time within tWo'wcok* after the battle of Manassas the city could have been taken by tiive t lioUssnd men, so great w s the panic and constortiallon among tlie federal troops. Now. Iiowoer.it will be lunreditlicuii. Hsihubity .? strongly fortitied, there be ing batteries on all sides, and mi army nf uot less than,ItJO.l'CH) well equipped uien, with an ' h>>iiii .ance of train-portaljou tor a Citrce twice ns large. /VI) soldiers a <1 othcers who are now ' lomiti about i h<* city are it once arrosleU. Wen. Mct.lelaud is u belter disciplinarian than old sc itt, wild liits rntirdy *m>n tabi him. The purpose there ii4 to advance into A'irginia with three columns from tlir?.o different points-in the direction of Leeslutrg. Manuasaf and some point on the lower Potomac |irohublv Evansport or Ao<|tna Creek Their timin reliance in artillery and cavalry. ami t Iteae Arms ol t he service are being increased and strt iigtbrued. McCle lnnd aajMthe war in one of artillery. The whole city is in a great alarm There is h urly ex pec I at ion of an attack. People frequently pack up their trunks iu the night, expecting to leuve before duy." Thk Sot'Ttl ACKKOVIKPRKIi A BRLI.tor.RKKT Power. --Though the Lincoln Government still refuses to otiiciully nrco d to the Confed erate States their ackiiowledgtnent us a lielligmeiit power, various military others in the l iderai service aie couli nally doing so without being reprimanded in the slightest from headquarters at Washington. The Memphis Appeal thus rums up the in stances: Butler, when at Purltro Monroe,exchanged prisoners with Geo Mngiuder. I'ol Wallace, the abolition commander at Cnpu Girardeau, has. wiliiti lite past lew days, exchanged prisoners under a recongnixed fl.ig of truce witl Gen. Pillow, ami Commodore Biringhutti ncci pied the capitulation ol Fort llatteraa under the express siiptilalion to treat ('apt. Barron and his garrison ns prisoners of war, and as surh award them all the usual courtesies ap | pertaining t bellignerciits. i t-m-n " |?i*ury unugc ns mm IB mi wort liv i even of the gorilla concern o\ur which Abe Liu i colli presides. I An Ujmai'K Kxilmuah in .Missovui.?The 1 Northern ptipei* have ihc following dispatch ' from Hudson, Mo., September which they ' publish Mioler the head of '* dinbolioal" out rage perpetrated liy the S ee.il nu?t i. J >scph Kailro-id!" I Tin* pns?eng?-r ciproB* trnin bound M'c?t, on | the od iiistiiM . w as t brown into the Platte river. < ti eolisetjtieiue of the limbers <>' the Kiist end 1 of the biidgo having been burnt n?:iv. The I eiitii-e tiiiiu went down, the engine turning |< over, mill the baggage, freight. in.til and two I pnBse'iff) r car- being piled on top. ] The pnsseligei c u - were Completely smashed, nnil toe baggage m ister is the only one ot the I I mm who esc?p"i| unhurt. ? uiidilctor Cunt ler an I frank I. 1 irk, the engineer. Iiolh died in >1 few minutes from their injuries, and Mar- 1 tin Field, mail agent, a . I t'ha* Moore, fire- < man. ?ud F Fox. brakeiiwii. were instantly | killed. A in- tig the wounded, were Mr. Mcdill, of Ohio, and hi- wife, b?ih badly injured. Tin Pi: iv tiki.ii I'm r I)r\is -Foil Pi vy ? I'epirv Mnrnli.il J J Rrasley. of the Pell fed i lie i nil. siiree. .led last Saturday night in ill testing lour enuspii atom belonging to the ! 1 few ol the privaieu Jett. T'avis We 'earn I li it a conspiracy existed among tbe passengers ' 1 liid a J'Ol'll- l> ot the eri w el lite privateer lo ' : kill tho topinio .n i i.tli.-eis ot the .let! h.iiie i I Hid to take lh' ves-el into tlic Jiofl of New V ok.J1 fills conspire s been dt-el- sed siure the ! 1 return oi i apt. < oxetter an new to Cli ir J lexton, tun! i toof ot t < ib - g'i* % of the con < iptmu.rs e-inblished t.y the alii lavit ..i one of ' lb' Crew ll is thought lhai lite c mspit U'-y j I had s tnc ngeiicy n ... r ill ling fJrtf Imxido i he St. Ai.g'is. in.- 1' it r.mitn\ncl or i in f ii\- v body ofTex ins reci'nlly* re ehcl x.< w iiil?-ni * bv an mer land march troin in .r .'-.ti e f? one oi.u ol | 1 I lie haidhl.ij s | hey h ix l.lole. gone luny he J ' formed from the fnt^ihitt. ?ii li t ..e except in M t .i i iiul(kaolUJl.c rund ll.e whole distance, I i'ioo! a .tun 1 ed and till t 'tiii.-s, i. c. ve . 1 w i h i w titer Iii-tll Ite to I w - !< < ' d - p. mi e.-n-e-pionee ' ( ih c >u.s< i it i-nin it the it.-i si* we ks I n j i men wutled ilirongli ih>> w . e. and mud. and ;\ oii-iid.ed a - L s the. eoi.lt w < hint ft.ti -h < ii.g and aieiioW li.-ie in t>i;r health, a prim! ' I ~ o . I pub ;h.?. ,:U ' . a. j , " >j.i? 1*n i. N i?. apt. 'J . ?vi-t wlio i. j , i*.w In-pi i.n I \ jn? i'. Wim*- ii.-t, el n: ?.i in- u i l..i * wh. e < v. .1 - ui lit niiioIm. h , i rici iMe iilil tin; k?y, "I ii' l < Ned. pi\e I i , in- i' .In ii? y i?? i I* . t moulds i ii ti i .ui , i iiift \ 1>u . i - ni it i.iiii', \ .iiin <1 ..i m xi v : 1 lai | i Vt i l line ?.iil gnu lit.it r.ii r i-- twenty !i v I MIC* >ll'll>, llll I I Wit II .Villi!" lllll.skl- ; S. 'l n-111">oil to l.i^ an\ j ;?v. liiil _u\c nil In" , nil'" tm* t 111* good uli M.." .1 .Kir. I' :i \ l" ,'llrl ie S ;! ? Vtckiimrg futprr. Tin- No. tli 11cm j ia I'lines - i v- I liai iivnuvk" > I. o I ?i :? I ten Mcli ...hi wii" I i'li-ici'i'il t In* i*i?iii ii i i" - I, lioll iii' i'l'g.i 1 el (ifluTll liy l.inri'lll. In- waiving iii secure n |n -11i<>ti m the t 'oiitVilei u e ".ili-- \rn?\ -that in - I i . iii . > ami -yiii p .11 lm-? writ* all (ui-(In* SoiiiIi. b it iiiu temptation ?t ii|>i-:bi lling l Till-. PoioMvr?A general r11 uiur as brought d< wit cut the Central train last evening, of retieWi 1 heavy skirmishing on ??ur lutes Front what we can learn however, there has heen no inoveinetit of L*ot).?eijtietiee outside ol the usual brushes between the pickets. i liieoinioisanet* lite hank- of the l'o t in to sle \v that the em my havo perfected i i line of works front the Chain bridge t< !] tour miles south ot Vhxumlria, ha ing i iieeotnplisheil, for a (listanee ot about fit- i teen utiles, a line of we I constructed earth- ' works. It w.t understood .it M i mesas that we . had h-: tilled our |>o>itioii oil tin* hanks tlt i the ri\? r at tireat f alls. Celt Hank's |i [ oliiinn had heen moved tint far above the ' fills, for the pur pus -, it is suppo-cd, ot : guarding the passage of the river t >nr 11oojis remain quiet near Munsort's j Mill (fur pickets, however, are said to: Ii ive t lv ant ed within about eight bundle-! 1 vanl- ot'some companies of the enetiiv. * 'Opposed to he New ^ < rk volunteers, in < lie advutieu and under the fire of their hat ' teries. I ley oiid the desultory fire of the [ii< k< ls, there ha I l ei n no engagement or , iccitririicc of importance ?liirfunoud h'.r- i tmintr. j? IlttMIf'IPK.? Alt inquest was held, on ' Monday morning la.-t. on the hody of II ' Iv ndnetl, who was ! und dead on the plan- | ntmu ?! Mr. l ot ik- inii?- iroi:' j lii- jil.i i' i ln> vwlift ol the jury wns. i li.it i!? < i .i-(-1 ? iiim-in li?i?'iitli i'v ln'ii vr ' lint iwi< i\ oin l??a..i entering his breast, iihi thi'other in the hack, ?ml that snspi inn rest* ii|kin m i i eriel Joiii'h, mr. .1 ihs eiven himself |i to the pro,h'r author- ? tict*.? I nionvitU y " / Vo. - ... I M Joan's Letter. We take the following extract fom "JoAw'a letter of Heptombor tlic Oth to the Charleston Courier: g , On Wednesday Kemper's battery, belonging to Gen Dunham's hi igade, was sent some eighleeu uiiles up the Polonmo, to dislodge two | regiments encauiped in the vicinity of Great tails <>n the other side of the liver. The battery opened fire on thein at the dawn of day. l'bvy were perfectly terror stricken and tired not a single gnu, but made good use of their heels. It is liioncrht tliere until lata li.wn louie i wo or three hundred killed and wounded. , ih ae kniTv'(kiriui?ii?? aie hui the precursors i?l" the great eugflgcuicul which must suod o? I BUT. Some five thousand of our troops are in sight i>f Washington, and il' do lelatid has any | truiy and any courage he must giro thetu bailie. It is but a few days since wc saw their pro nine, announcing that they intend to move hi three columns, towards Leesbtirg. Matins in I id Aci|tiia (.'reek. We have saved them the ' trouble of fatiguiug marches and transports- | lion, and stand before them inviting their approach. The question is will they respond to [lie invitation. Mct'hdnnd says that this war must be a war if ariillery. His men have been tried in ihe field and found wanting; he thinks probably tliey "ill do better behind fortific it ions. Seward speechifying on his way West, trying to bolster up their courage, by telling litem that we have no chance of success, except through their cowardice, hoping by appealing lo theui in litis way to inspire tlicui with brutrcry. The poor old m n, whose last cnm|>nign was o be his tno.-l b illiant otic, is MohTctaud's subiialinate Ilia worse enemy could not wish lor him anything taore humiliating: so jeulous is lie was of his military laurels, it must he worse than death lo him. It was the growing nilitnry a i of Jefferson Da\ is in > e ico which roused his animosity towards hiiu; and uiauy hitik that the only tiling which prevented him rotu easting his lot with his native South was because Mr. Itavin was our President, ind he was not willing to submit to liim i? a ruler; for everybody knows that he said ! publicly in Wavhingi jn City last winter, ihat | it the Soutlici it States united in their strike for j independence it would lie in idltona to oppose lieiu and now lo think lie has proved a traitor o his own soil. an 1 ew irds whom lie has stiown personal pique, is oxt allrd uh ve him. The old mini's property in Itirkiiiunu will he umongtlte first .'oiitiscsted under the new law. It ?i< ohm ol | l.e special maul testations of Providence in our 1 fivor that lie was not permitted to join out ;au-e Mur government wouhl. uerhan* Hive learned on liim and his idbecilitv have proved of infinite disadvnr.-'tigc to us. K'rom lliv \orlli C'aroliiiu CoumI. The Washington [N. C.) Dispatch publishes ( i graphic lefi r.pl ion of I lie bombar Intent and i spiiiri' of Kurt* Cltrke and Uniterm.*, written (>y nn officer on IhhimI tin* S. ntcnmrr Kllis. ! l ite writer makes ilie assertion that iltc iota- { , lors were guided on shore by n irnitoroits i Methodi-t minister, named Taylor. The Wilmington Journal, of Saturday evening snys : \ letter from Pcnuforf, dated ilio "?;li, and 1 i received here this morning, convey* the inf-ir ! i na'i. n :h:u :t large war steamer was otl that ! i Inn bur lor the last twenty-b?itr home. We < iiifi thai the people in lit it h-i lion wnl all be ' ready to receive tin ut properly. I '1 here w.t- a inne r ihi- morn ng of a steam- '. i r hitting been seen n't t' imp W y ni and t'oa -de ite I' tint lam in hi. It \ui< said I hit-he md up a whtie tl i ? We can tint touch for lite 1 tecum _> oi iliie lasi inloinntiloll. The Newbiu-rn /' yrrn, alluding io the rc .cut .- ntiij e-l.- from I hat place, i-.ays . 'lh" p.tUiC a i a humbug? one that ha- I.a 1 i its run endexphd d?i d we not* hope i .at men mid women wiil return >in-l betake (heat i ?. 1\ ?-s to t i.e w ork w hi . It t w ail s I hem. | . '! he s.iliir j a per h i- the t 'W ng : i i As h'tig a< we can nT:a-. T'u ler ,.i. 1 hievca o II ii'eras, t c r vp ?.>rv t" r.-ointiMoiio'hiiig. lor \ can not harm us. mil tl.r xpeit* ot ke ping ti e place, to tiie iV.lst'iil dote nno-iit a'Tl to* immense; ami there iIt .. | ii-i-i l.i- kept Vim iiit i*frl!ig a in a i front Vitginla. mi I e\? i, with oil inn-r. ring ritli , c ?i :n? for \ ii gini-i. w cnu keep itu I." * Hi ' ' trnni mIv s? ' :i ' .;!. ( \* n.n t I i tl. i. I i > i i! u Iii - i w i 11 mi I v ill i !i i luty. alt'! u> lIk- iii .it.- nt' tli Iciiil ii;; the i n i t Mini jiinltn iinjj 11:i- . i l.'i'ii- nn I j i p i ri\ tli-tmii. I In* 1 coj-lc will do it. Wi- ii , t * 11 til - l.i ^islaturi-, t lii-t ef.irr. lint In wilt ; l\ i everything in Ik* ! hp liy tin* funic 'er.tt ' NIIIIOi I mM ri in -lit. In.i t.tliC .ilcj . til III civ - iu prevent tlu- a-lvaiuc ot the invader* The Kclrntl )?:i|iorn fny there i? hut one Irav hack t?> the re.Milt* ut I lit* n mil ih-iuoii trati iti iij) n Hattcras Inlet, un-l that i->. the j iejiaitine ! jneei.iely a* much |k>pulai iii h- the wuole I'iuoii coutuined by the cen iu? -it Itviit. Hie South, therefor**, is only about one general ioi. Im-Inn i all tiic L'uitcd States by ite census <-f 1 800. |? Tln'ic are only about throe of the civilise! , nations ilint exceed it in teiritory, probably six in population, nil'I about one iu wealth ? ami uolie no free. The locomotive factory which has been conletupla ed by ciuei prising oilixun* is in good progress. An eligible site lias been offered and ample resources in capital nml assistance cuu bo r?a? lily c >(uiNitndvd. It is only necessary now to secure mm early beginning "'at tit ' leading rail roads oftlie South, connected with this city, as to a conveinetil mart of supply, should give assurance* of oo operation. No pie lyo or bonus is expected, hilt it is re i|iiested nml d -ired Ihil vail runt companies give notice wlieth r they will or will not e\i?nd patronage to ? Southern factory for good 1 locomotives on good terms and whether thev will or will not reopen orders for the North in rase ot an early restoration of commercial relations. We invite the attention of all rail road Presilents and Directors, and Supeininenls, and of nir friends of the press, to this statement. It is a fact of deep significance that, since recession, the Sin cs thai have been lardiest in threes and IJ,"> privatera. prisoners of war, oiilined lis^ie since the battle of Manassas, cave tuts afternoon on h special train for ( 'harlestoii ami arc to be confined in Ou-tle 1'iuckney I'hey are escorted by fifty Louis- 1 aiiians, commanded by Lieutenant lfrcckett. Among the federal othcers are t'ol Cocornn, 'ol Notf, Major I'oticr aud other subordinates. rim train will probably arrive in Charleston | i\ cliM'sday nighi, at ten o'clock. It is rp tried that t 'ol. Gregg's and i ol *\erhaw'a regiments have been ordered home. ' ? i? also currently reported that a battle took dace in Western Virginia, on the Ad Sep e a it. in which (Jen. Wise defeated Gen. Cox, mi I Wili 'd tidy of the enemy. Pl . t- Idedsoe, assts nni Secretary, resign- ( 1 y. rterday.- CiurrlfHt^n Courier. Y.vraii nvwn begin before they get res lr i pt, !,* .'.I ?..o. ?w-# .u _ t ... V nrioro in?y (C^lli u f * ^ -l^r "" "ii 1^11 -r- - -~" - ~-f % The Ferit Haiteraa PrltoMra. We learn from the New York ptpwi thai, on Wednesday, the prisoners taken at Hatter u Inlet were transferred from the frigate Minnesota to Port Wood, oa Bodloe's Island,, and to Castle William, on 8*y?roor'i Island. Oaring to the fact tliat ifcs Bar, Dopartuent | inteud titling out lbs frigate Brandyw ue as aoon as possible, it was decided not lo have her converted into a prisonsbip, as wqgt-firet designed. Therefore thpplans were altered ? so that forts, uot ships, will be military prisons. Tbo Commercial of Wednesday afternoon gives the following account ot the removal of the prisoners from the Minnesota: This morning, about nine o'olbtk^the steamboats Saturn and ^ Stevens went off to the frigate lor the puvposianf taking the rebels to their prison home. The Stevens occupied the vtarhoai d side, and the Saturn lb, port side. At a few minutes of tea o'clock the eiubarka* tion commenced, and a more interesting sight baa been seldom witnessed on the waters ef our bay. The roll of the company was called, and um each insu answered to bis name be passed over the side, down the gangway ladder, thcuce crossing the deck of a coal barge lying alongside, be stepped on board of llie steamer. As fast as they come op board they wore ordered to be seated on the after port of the deck. Kacli nisu, ?n he came down, brought hi?traps with hint. These c<>usUtcd for the must part , of blankets. old couts. slid perhaps it few old shirts. Some men had small trunks, and many ! were provided with valise*. The embarkatiuu was performed in a very rapid manner, and without any accident. At this time d.?*eii* of small boats had come oR 10 tbj ship to see the process of disembarkation, and many of iheui couiaiuod ladies. In their uuxiety to get a good view of thepris oii *i #, nicy crowned around I lie ship loo closely to be either safe or lawful, and tlio officers ot the ship in vain tried to drive thein away. At this juncture Ceiawm Xevbilt, of the harbor police, came ?>tl, ?ud aoou kept the boats at a proper distance. About 10 o'clock the lines were cast off from the frigate. and the Stevens headed down the bay with over three hunJred private# of | several different cotnj* nwes on board. Lieut. Franklin, ot the Miuneaota, was in charge of 1 the party, and was not accompanied hv i single marine, or even a sailor. He wore his side arm- only. No uoise or confusion was appar rut, and everything was conducted with great regularity. On arriving at Bedloe's Island the Stevens wis .-ecured to the (leek, and the prisoners on the forward dork landed in single tile. On the dock a ;ew regulars were drawn up, while a guard of i he Fire Zouaves were present to escort the prisoners to their quarters iu Fort Wood. As soon as the poitiou on the after deck a ere landed, the prisoners were drawn up iti line, the roll called, and all found cornet. Tliey were then marched up to the fort. The embarkation of the remainder of the pris tilers wlia b were on b > trd the Saturn was rou liicfeil 1:1 the -ante maimer us 111 Ihtf ense ' of the Stevens. The oftr-ess were, however, the last to leave the Minnesota, the lowest in j lank leaving the ship first. Ai lari cm sacl.'oniuiodore barron wlio was dressed in uaiieria similar to that Worn by our naval officers. He I eeuied to be. in lolvi:i>dc good -p.rits. aad w is i earnestly engaged hi couvei-ation wiihone of his officers. In taet entire number vf offi per- were looking remarkably welL This load ot prisoners, numheiiug over three ! hundred, was placi-d on board in about forty miuutvtt aflcr the em atkitioii began. It w:?- j Boa In led wi;h tin accidents, -ave to one ?>r i iw i cliiiusry f Hows who fell down the ganrivay ladder. L> -ui. Foster, of the Minnesota, nan luu par'y in charge, ? d w a- unaccompaun-1 by any ga ud. T?.e ^.iturn lr|j the ship at 11 o'rlc *k. and ii first lieiuicd J iwn the bay, to that tnauy supposed tint -he w ts going tu mil her p i?-cng.*r- at IS dice - Island also. IS.it -he sa in altered her course, and after run mug up the Kiel river tor -nine di> mice, she ' timed tier head ?i d -led tov\a *d liiel\ .11 11 iicnmrs i?.?a..il V. livre -lie [ in ide t'i-t .in i I.ki I.mI her jn -ieoirers. Tiie pti irvi ? v. r fi. *t bifdc I nil I ?lr;i wu ii|> in In*. I ii el then tin* nHievr- were taken i?si shore, ) :s- ! sing their men. ?? each li.nl un opportunity >* ie#in! I'irli ?' Ii c i". I'le i were liicn roiu.v.d >? . . .1. ? in r g . iril. The r.-.] :c-s n; a. N'i o >'I'li'iiiY i!ion ';1< !n rtinlluwcil with l.e prisoiiei 'j.it ii ! > tin-l. -( >-ii Iriiiii otlici r? o I lie f.*i il< that *.-r ? !'?'?( lie subtile tii a.nl ji ivaie 1!: li.iv.r decide I that under tin reu instance-. would tltey u<* tin rcume wriifii g i! n>t lit I mi 'il Sill en li.iveriiMicut. Adtsp-.'cii w.i. i u to \V;i-liingiuii. u-ki.14 if mum >1 l.i jn i-Kii in nianite-leii this loyal * lib -ruled mi tak tig llie oath it ji legtance : tin-answer wm in the ncumive, i 111 I orders were i-su U to keep the wL.dc party elo-c p i-oiiei'a. ? -e) a a- . . _ Sl\ .11 Ml Sli'.M AT TtIK .Noutii.? It is .still tliat in portions oI lYusy van in tlic people I p 11: v ly i efu-c to have anything further to 10 wit; the w*r, uml talk openly of robclliou I ug.uusi the Hot. rmiiciil, -huul.J it insist in ] pl o.-ViMIt lllg It. Iii ltolaw.ire. says n Northern Republican i nirii il. tiiere are almost an many sccc-slontst a- any body cl-e. itr also see it stated that the people of Bellast, M line, are greatly agitated by the arrival , of a number 11 hoses in that city lro.-n Hum. n. containing intisttcts, cartridges and oilier mu- j 11 il ion n ot war, which has go no into the bauds 1 of about -'H? men. who hare openly proclaimed their di-loyal'.y to the government and organ- ] tied themselves into a company, without- any ! authority from the State, declaring it their oh |cci to i c.-i-l any attempt made to draft any ] member in their ranks into military service and the payment of war taxes. la Connecticut. the Legislature has found it uocessarv to pass an uct tor the suppression ot secession meetings, and tlie latest Northern paper* tell of a sheriff who had lo ride o'er to a neighboring town to haul dttwn a accession tl.i , and that h) required the aid ofa considerable poitt in order to accomplish the object. I'liestt facts look rather ominous when taken in connection w ith seventy live Northern newspapers th.it openly denounce Lincoln and the war. How \ M in Kt i.i n win s iik is Shot.?we take the following Irom a letter written hy one ot the L.wa volunteers, who fought in the battle near Springtiel I, Missouri : 1 w m standing, or rather kneeling, behind a little bush, reloading my musket, just before t 1m- reb-ds engaged in thi? clo-?e w jrk reti eated Suddenly I tell a sharp pain in the shoulder, and fell to I lie ground. Jumping up, one of our boys asked me if 1 was hurt. I replied that I thought not, und drew up my musket to fire, wlu-n he saul: ^ os, yon are shot through the shoulder.' I think it was this remark. inorr lli.in llii* wound urliieli ?nil it... ?H it once (o commence whirling aroint 1 lue in a very strange mnnner. I started to leave it, with a half ounce musket ball in my shoulder, and nee or twice fell down with dminMS, hut in short time recovered sufficiently to be ultle to wnlk lioclt to Springfield, nine miles, where I lie hull wa* taken out." Wf nre authorised to announce I'Oli. (1. F. I'tllV.NS, of tirernville, a cnnidaie to represent the Fifth Congressional District hi the Congress of the Confederate States. Sept 11 Ifi?te The IViends of Col. JAMKS FARROW resreutfully announce him as a candidate to rep- ) e^ent tho fith Congressional District iu the) 'ougresa of the Confederate States. July 19 19 to I txxest A LLpersons who owe Tares for the yr\r /\ iMltt. or prcv one, are herehy notified ohI longer imlulgeuew cannot he given. I am ' n earnest. R C. DOOLE, t c. J is i " Sulk I DBtt(iM?|M) Rings. fWr tkaJK ?r > Arm/. A^llhMhafftfiMb tutfjftii ir. wtuU u MlT?a?l?SUkB *t A jfbCLESON^SBUrtr*, wW? Umj MLiMritoTUr # ?&!&V2t??r?SZ' *z& %? 'tt&s&gstaztti I or pMMMiw. W. c. BENNETT. I * *87 jte " |d i &1 tto'ts Conrtppnip hoof? thrir Stock of Ooado ? ft4 id(1?4MUumUi< markets wilt allow ; a?4 | will lifffLWw 0 V GOOD LIPiBEY* WOOI.EN SO(^K8, COTTON RAG#, TALLOW, Ac., &?., Ae.(, ' , * Just received a Urge qoutilj of BEST C\R0LINA 00160. Jfct * L TWIT*Y. 8epi M 17?t?/*r ORDERS NO?? THERE WILL RE-AX ELECTION HELd for t.'olonel to eoaniMil the tb Kegu, S. C. M., and for Mtyor to cotninuai the let " | Battalion of said Regiment, on the lUth day ox October next. The Captains urOffictri in command of Companies, are charged with the exten-ion of thia order, and to hold Mid oiootioaa as nbove stated, and meet tlm ensuing day at Bomar/s Old Field, to oottnt the votes and make proper returns. lly order of Coj. W. B. ALLISON, Commanding. W. P. Bishop, Lieut. CoL 36th Kegt.S-C. M. amateurtoncert. 0:0??? linERTHE MA!liGEME9T PROP. E. FAti^ A T T H E C O U It T il O Vj&Jk f MONDAY EVENING, SEPT. '*&gL_ For I lit? BcnoUt of tho dies Itolirf Arw*oci(itle!t and lleiiiitsh. 4. IVIii.je ing Winds, (piano solo) Wolleo* lamp!? Mis* Mary I.tgg. o. Nignt Dews are deeping, (duett) Verdi ?Mias.ea Je-sie ?itd Sue Smith. ii. Dear Moilier, Was It Right, (solo) Stra* kn-cli -Miss lirtlie Smiih. 7. Dixie hand, t variations tor piano) Grebe ?Miss A ice Lomax. H 1'a swell ilie Joys (trio) Straiten?Mist* es Watkc.. Choice aud It. K liciniish. W ltd Flowers, (solo) Donizetti?Mrs. Carrie S.uiih. 1 i. Our Southern King. molo and chorus) Faik?Mis*** Vernou, Choice, Dr. Ruasel, lie inlsb and oihtrs. 11. Taemea de I.mla, (quartette for piono, tin ii. n o! t o violin-) M airs. Ku.-scl, l-etg, I'oHcsuu and Falk. Itt'.tM-miM.'aiuu ol* 1<> Minuton r ART Al.t 0\D 12. Kroll.- Ikitlkhiuye. ((i ni h inds) Litrofcye ? Miseea liohu and I hiicc. 13. Wandeic., ^has* solo) Schubert? Dr Nils. T liuntl. 14. T c K1 >wers that I have Culled, Loic. ?'urechman?N.iuti Cnoice nud (.raiding, and Mra. C South. 1?. Home, Sweet Home, (piano solo) Thai* heig ? Mtsa Sall.e Dul're. Dr. Come into the trarden. M.unl. ) Halle - Miss Clementina l.ecg. 17 1 W"?ild tli.it mv 1. .?e, (duett) Mendelssohn Mi- Mary Vernou and Dr. Russet IS Concert 1'olka. (p sold on nm reasonable terms as possible. All who will give us a trial, will find a full Stock of* School, RELIGIOUS. MISCELLANEOUS, and useful ROukS, together with l'APKR. PI XS, INK, and every variety of STATIONERY AND FANCY ARTICLES in our line. S. TOWNSF.XD. T. 1?. ANDERSON. , Spartanburg, Sept. 4. 1861. 116?if xM>TICK. ridllilSK having demands against the estate of W. D. WOOD, dereased. will have , ineni properly attested. Those iudebtcd are i requested to pay up. J. A. WOOD, A dm V.' Sept 6 26 if Til K STATK OPSOUTH CAUOLINA sr. i n ta \u rnt; district. ~" 1 n tub Court of Groin art. Malhcw P. Gossctt, Applicant, vs. William Qos sett anil other*, Defendants. Petition for sale of Real Estate of Gabriel floeset t., Deceased. IT appearing to my satisfaction that William (tot sett. Cole man C. Gosseti and Nimpaorf tioAsett, Dcfood'ta in this case, reside from am* without the Limits of this Slate, it is therefore ordered tlust the}- do appear and object to tho division or sale of the real estate of Gabriel* Gossett, deceased, on or befbre the 22d day of November next, or their consent to the same will be entered r?frecord. Given under my hand and seal of office this 10th day of August, A. !>., lbt?l. J NO. EARLE BOMAR.o. s. t?. At? Cii fNli Wanted ! A LI. persons indebted to me on notes and accounts, up to January 1, 1861, are requested to make payment by the first day of loCTOHSlI next. After that date, if not paid, I sh ill turn over such accounts and notes to J. M KI.KOKD, esq., for collection. 1 am compelled to collect MONET t? carry on my shop. Leather is a cash article. Aug 2&-2S-4* R P. ROOER8. South Carolina Powdrr Mill*. rpilK undersigned beg? Ye infotrn country 1 nicrclienm, end others wishing to pnrchnse n No. I nrtirleof I'OWUKlt, Ihnt he hue drpenned n forge MeortmeMt with Mtwn. Ctewefoml & Hiving*. which ihoy will sell on reasonable (orrun, either wholesale or rotntW* W R. BOW?S, AfOwt 1 Ppertanbnrg, Mej 17, 1841. tf ^ ^