I - 4 <0 ' }.' ' All?J, which pTf^txkU our poop T.sfi.r 0? I I loot to war jjlliiSwjtnary mfrtvee ?i? entire- M ly forgot their eduoatlonai interests. Piflcea 1 speaker* wVre4nfiomioed bo the programme. * but only eleven deelaimod, t?ur bavlnj gone to , the service of tholr country. Enlivened by the ' ? harms of murie oavl greeted by tbo bright o/os aid rosy ohoeka of lovely woman, the claes < mad* iu appaaraaoe on the rostrum. Mid o more 1 bond?mo lias* we hare not seen tor many a ' day. , After a rhfm pr*yor by that eloquont divine, , Rev. Wightforrd Smith, and the band perforin- i fag a, grand marob, the President Introduced Mr. Broxiar, of Georgia, on "The Pnst, tlio 1 Fresoat and the Future of Constitutional Lib- j ' ?rty in North Aniorica." The. Bpoaker began , hy referring to tkkt well known lino of Bishop , Bsrklsy?"Westward the star of empire takes it t way." Ho spoko of our post history, tho ' pi udeuce of our forefathers, how they avoided the evils of usurpation, the imperfections of Jove rimenl, of the principles of the old Con .-litution, tho causes that led to our present , disturbances, and closed on the future of our i Southern Confederacy. His speech was a happy effort, wel worthy the groat theme to which 1 ft was devoted, delivered with manly and graceful oratory. It produced a fine effect on the intelligent and attentive audience. Next followed Mr. McCanta, we.) itiliipled to its cultivation; 1 that it is king mid sits upoa its throve of commerce. rul-ng :ne world. Thus ciniod the exhibition on Wednesday?n l .rich treat to nil. And it. must be said to the coiuitieiidaiioii of nil the speakers, ih?t not one re.erred to his manuscript. < i Wofford College is a first class institution, located on a beautiful sito in the mountain rc < gious. sitriaiuudod with rich sccuery, blessed with health mid directed by an able, expert- 1 eiiood sti i learned Faculty. It deserves tho \ patronage of our State nd country. The moral deport moot of the students is good; the laws of the institution strict and are tuade to be , x>boyod. j At night a social party was given in tho two , society lulls, wh re "briglit the lamps shone ( over fair wouieu and brave men," while merry laugliter and wit whilcd away the evening with t mirth mid jolly humor. , Tito next d-ty all were invited to a pio-nic at ( t 'eJar Springs. But being unable to attend, , we l>eg to leave you for awhile, hoping that ( tho pleasure of tho p;o-ttic were equal to those of the exhibition, mid thai with refreshed tvind* ,aiid unbroken hruru the young men return*! 1 with renewed vigor l? ihcir posts of dot . At Alieir Annual uoiuiuoncutueu , in July next, inay I 1 the terrors of war have censed, and may we j * mccv ii^mu iu u tnijiiti over another least of I i;l<)i|ujni-e at the literary rostrum. IL. C. T. May 2. I8ul. For the Carolina Spartan. J Pacoi.btT; Depot, Apiil 20, 1801. A Inrgc mooting of the citizen* of heat ci i- 1 jiany, Ne. 2, 2nd battalion, rt71li regiment, 8XI. >1., and the surrounding country, ussemhlcd > At Paculett Depot to take into consideration tho state of alTwI* vt the country, its homo defence, * And the care of tho needy and destitute families jot those who are in the army serving iu defence of the State, and to form a committee ror j the above purpose. On motion, Ucv. il. C. i Burnett was called to the chair, and William Webster requested to act us Secretory. Cel. II. C. Poole explained the object of the meeting, j and on mature oousidcratioo the foliowjugret/Minions was adopted : t Retained, That yc, the citizens of the neigh- ? fjorhool of Pacolott Depot and of our heat com- | pany, do hereby pledge ourselves to look to and 'J Assist the families of all persons that have volunteered and arc in Ihe service of our State, i that need assistance, and furnish provisions for t Alio same so that none suffer. Retained further. That u-e nl.>ihr? /\ti?-o?.t?f.n - ?? o" w "" rl ^ < *1*0 pur bent endeavors lo keep gov J order m #11, boat. * m motion, Rot. M. G. Rarnatl was oLacted , permanent President, Gen. It. P Ratee Is! Vice v President, W. Webster 2d Vice-President, and f Wm. D. Tollcson purmanont Secretary. The President appointed the following Marlials in tlio tnlinanoe 01 secession. IQ| The annual m ctiag of the stockholders of the Greenville 'and Columbia Railroad Com pa- ** commenced its annual meeting in their hall In Columbia, on the 2d of May.. The Rlelilund Riflemen in parading through the streets of Riohmoiid, saluted the DapiUch )|c alftce with prcscut arms. H Lincoln's men at Cairo captured a steamboat with $l?i,000 worth of arms and ammunition ou board for Tennessse. The people of ronuesaee arc retaliating by seising every Cineiuuati boat that passes up the river. . Troops am still pouring into Washington from nil quarters of tbe North and West, and of rumors of an attack on Alexandria arc rife. a The bridges on the Baltimore, Wilmington and Philadelphia Kaiiro??', la.ely dostroyed, are being rebuilt. fa Tli? James Kivcr ia blockaded, and commu- vi n'oaiion with Norfolk cut oflf. The steamer Ulcncoc, for Norfolk, waa compelled to return. n( The authorities of New Orleans hare appropriated two hundred thousnud dollars for the defouoe of the idly. 01 Passengers who left Pensncola the second < f U May,report the troops generally in fine lieulib hi and spirits. The t. on federate fortifieatiotis ^ were rapidity progressing, and troops, arms .. and amiHunitioB were daily received. The tldrd and fourth Regiments, sow u Jjiv 20th of May. I Nkw Out,r.Atf*, May 3.?Colonel Vtia Horn, in command of eight hundred Tezans, hns caplured at Jndianoln one hundred United State* \\ Kold>ers, under conioinwd of Major Sibley, who surrendered. The oiticcr* arc an parole.? Others have been allowed the option of joining the Confederal# *ruiy, or taking the oath not r_ to light against it. ?? The tramps called out by the new army and navy orders are. it is said, in tui ition to the III seventy-five thousand volunteers already re- oj rpiired, so thai the whole luunltcr called out by w I he United States Government thus far is : Volunteers by proclamation, . . 75 ?H)0 Volunteers iVr three years service, -1 ?.tM>00 1/ Icauicn ** '* lS.tXLW " of Total 158,000 ^ 01 Moxtoomcuy, May 4. ? The eity of Mont501111 ry is full of people. A co.ps of dragoons . i*just leaving for i'eusaeola, froni which point ln here is nothing new. N General Beauregard has left Charleston for Montgomery, in obedience to a summons to yf\ 1 hat ertoct from I'r sident liavis. The nature >f his uiission has not transpired. J-idgc Luwpkju, of the Supremo Court of . rjeorgja, has iu service of I lie Confederate j States at this time, four sons, two son-in-law*, two grandsons mid six nephews. hll It is understood ill R lion. Johu A. l)ix will er be one of the Major-Generals ?f the New York a forces appointed by Gov. Morgan. qi The Carolinian of May Oti, understands that gu it is probable that Col. Riou's regiment will be fn ordered to Columbia to enctinip The seventh regiment hns gono to Aiken, and it is believed er that the fouth. now in Columbia, will be order d to the same place. The eighth regiuieht has ci gone to Florence. Tiiis latter regiment com- oj tnandc by Col. E. II. C Cnsh, has agreed to respond to any call from the Confederate Gov jrnmeut. This is said to lie the first regiment, l*. which, as n?t entire body, iias made such a prof t*1 for. 95 Judge Uotul h?* charged the Graml Jury in u.* C.1I1 iinore, to timl indictnients again*t nil per- ta ? ms concerned in the ailujr of the lyth April, ntd against all known to hove obstructed rail r..ads or iuicm>)*cd tie .telegraph wircf. J" The New York lire.nan's Zouaves, ouc thou- . and one hundred strong, and It. 8. Marine's Vitillery. one liumlred iuid fifty in number, irrived in Washington last niglit. Large niunlaus of Kcutfccki.ine arrived at Harper a Ferry to 4ay ^ Ai.kxaxukia. May 5 ?The citizens are very W; nuch excited by a statement that Alexandria, er V irginia will ho occupied by federate troops tonarrow, who wilt advance fioiu Washington , jy 1 lie Long Bridge ,1' Five transports, with men and munition, pasted up to WashingioTi to day. N Lincoln visited am) jiispccuid the wavy yard o-day. L TF.LI'..! l-~. 1? ? - -- wukikvh i el ry.-vuic 1111.14 Annapolis I jjj ? uninterrupted. Twelve steamers tie 011 tlie ' . outs. The railroad Wj Auntpolit anil Waali- "j ngti?V if ljuai'liyj by federal troops. vi The Baltimore ami Ohio Railroad will soon ! th >e made a military road. ||( Montisomrry. .May o.? Congress waa in locret session nil of yesterday. The injunction ? if accrcoy was removed from an net passed | 1 >roviding for (he formation of a regiment of W:l Souaves. A resolution was adopted allowing all persons W n the slavehohbjifc' States desiring patents to Ini ile caveats with the Attorney General. (j Gen Beauregard and Mr. Russell, coi respoo- })(J li nt of the London Times, havo arrived in Mont.- 4 ( joinery. ' Mouii.k May 5.?Tho Continentals, 100 jtrotig, left for Montgomery to-day, and there 00 rere als* on board the steamer several resigned ederal military oflioers iroiu Texas, intending Bis o otter their services to tlie Confederate States jni loverninent, g<}j It is reported that Mobile -will be blockaded o-morrow. ^ An.yapoms, May f?.?There are now 0,000 roops at Annapolis. 7 these three eHlea. Special 4Mb were IweelUtely placed All over thoee The Northern papers orgs an immediate at ckon Harper's Kerry, Alexandria and Nor Ik, befbre the people of Virginia have time to lify tlis ordinance of secession. The Marylud legislature has appointed flre eoMionistsenihs eotnmiUoete superiutundvid arming of the State. Gen. Wool hae baao ordered from New York rk to Troy by Gen. Scott, in a brief, sharp d snubbing letter. Wool is requested not to lerfere with Scott's ordersA bill establishing a Secession committee of ft v mot sueh resistance ln?be Senate of Marynd, on Saturday, that it wiis onaly recommitd. In Now-York, on Fridn,y a seizure of a roilin of boxes of percussion oaps was ntnde. isse woro destined for t harlcston. A vole? flroni Conneeflen*. The Carolinan has bocn handed the Mowing extract of a letter for publication, is from a young man, assistant editor ' a Bridgeport, Connecticut paper, and ii remarkable expression of sentiment coing from that quarter. Such voices arc :nt, few, and fur between, therefore tbeii rtuc and patriotism are more worthy of >te: " BniDfiEroiiT, April 20,1801. u We are all excitement hero now, and ir people seciu to have gone inad. The lack Republicans, whose work this trou0 is, are now shouting for tho Union and te stars and stripos, and crying out that le government must bosustainud; in other ords, the wholp North must swallow tho hicago platform, and make the South ralluw it too. It is a dose they won't akc me swallow, neither will they, the nk and file of the Democracy of Fairfield >unty. " Our office has been threatened with nuolition, nud 1 have been warned that will bo tarred and leathered unless I >uie out, and unless the paper comes out 1 support of the policy of President Lin>lo. An association of Democrats is formg hero to ho called the Home Ouurd, id the first demonstration that is made ;*inst the 1 Old Farmer,' it will act as old bo said?' repel force by force.' u I am poor?1 live only by the strictest :onoiuy?but before 1 will take up arms i the heck or call of a Hhick Hcpublicau resident against my Southern brethren, I ill rot in prision ere I pny the line lor m-compliance." Freni Hasliington. The Alexandria Gazelle, of Saturday, us the following by special express from 'ashington : w At the commencement of the present ouble, Geo, Scpit advised the Adminisation ui Washington to invite Col. Lee, 'Arlington, to assist him with his coun Is?j?ro!iouncing him tho first military an of the age, and declaring that his coloration at that time with the Government ould be of the highest importance. Kvery due nient was accordingly offered by ic Oovernti out to persuade Colonel ec to lend them the weight of his talents id military skill. Hut in vain. Neither ficial rank, nor promises of pecuniary aolumcut could move him. Geo. Scott cut to Lincoln with tears in his eyes, and iplorcd hint not to issue his procdilution early every member of the Cabinet op|?o*I it also. The 1'residentdeclines that he rote it himself. We are told by old Wushingtonians, thai this time the press of Washington js as unpletely inv./.led as that of Paris js by ouis Napoleon. 'J'hey dare not publish lything reflecting upon the Lincoln Guy nment, which is fast assuming a shape oi military depot.sm. Outrages are com ittcd by the soldiery, which never are en in print, l'rivutc property is taken r the use of Government, citizens threatio< by rabib Kapubiieaus with the direst ingeance, and others ordered to leave the ?no freeman dares now to express an union. Disaffection to a considerable extent it believed, exists among the citizcu solcry, and if a demonstration was made raim-t them, a majority, it is confidently sorted, would throw down their arms and kc position with the ?oulli. Numerous families, many of w' 0111 origally came from the North, are availing lOinselves of the open facilities of the ong Bridge, to go over into Virginia, From lit Hapoll*. Annapolis, April 21).?Yesterday the aval Acudumy here presented a more irlike appcarcnoe than ever?two ateams were constantly engaged in Liking the oops from 4^10 Federal fleet lying in the irbor, and landing them uu shore. Kight ousand men were lauded, principally froui c? York and Hh >de Island. The citizens were greatly alarmed to-day r a re|H>rt put in circulation to the effect at by to-uiorrow no person would ho nlwed to leave or enter the city, and that c male portion would be lorced into scree, consequently a great many left lor e country, taking witli theiu their hum's. This rumor, however, is supposed to ! ctroncous, from the fact that the contct of the troops here, with one exception ive been exceeding by courteous. In addition to the troops landed by the rmtnn this morning, another regiment was nded this evening by the steam-tug from avro de Grace, making the total nuiur of troops landed, 12,050, ol which 1)00 have loft for Washington. Auione ose here is n company of artillery and a mpany of cavalcry from Boston. Augustus Gassaway, Esq., the gentlcrnly postmaster, has been uiing his ut Mt endeavors since the troops took posjuion ol the railroad, to convey the mails Haiti more ami Washington by pony, miner, or otherwise, hut the troops have ircha&ed all the horses in ami around the u city, mid tho captains of vessels are t disposed to sail under the present state affairs. IIow changed.?Before the New York erald was brought over to Republicanism talked to the New York, capitalists as folvs: Tho States in tho Southern Confederacy e SIS,000,000. The Confederacy itself es nothing. The Slates in tho Norther.i deration owe 8174,00J,000; besides the bt of the Federal (iovernmcnt, making in alxmt 8200,000,000. These are points the consideration of capitalists. Congress has determined to net prompt.* and the numerous offers for the service 11 be imtmdiuUly accepted. T?* Nrw Yuek S?v?HT?! nk'il*kk*t. - Tin folio vine is frgin the Baltimore San. of Monday One of the members of the New York 7th Reg iutent reached this city on 8Aturday efternoot m rou/e for his home. He etatcd that whet they offered their services to the Government it was tar the defence of the Capital, and no to engage iaa werfnie against a State Of States Fifty of the tnemWre reused to takg the oat J after reaching Washington, and the reiuaiudq look it oonditiobaliy that they were not to ht called on to go out of he District of Coluinble The gentleman who came to this city, say that the feelings of the regiment towards tu v .1 ?a -i |Kjv|>ig vii umiiiiivru Hre ui nil' KHUllli'Si C liar AC tar. and that they cojld not bo induced to lo ado the soil of Maryland, or of the South, f respect of the whole body for Baltimore is ver; strong. From Pkniaoola.?Twe of the eo'dier? stn tioned at Fort Pickens hail deserted and wer brought to the Navy Yard by one of the boat of 0on Bragg. They report that the negro* who were reeoutly stolon from iheTortugan ar now on 8auta llosa at work?that there ar about nine hundred men in tho fort and on th i island, besides sixty from ships?and that onl; six vessels of war are now oUT the liarhor. Gen oral Bragg is progressing rapidly in his fortifi cations, and is nearly ready to "entertain" th forces at Pickens and in the floet "in a hostil 1 manner." The troops of the Confederate Arm; nro in good spirits, and arc sanguine of suecest i But little sickness prevails, and the troop ' generally tire in good health, sun burnt, an< ' ready for the conflict.? ??? ?????? Jttjmcncol. Married, on Sunday, April 21. 18H1, by J Bankston L>ayis, Esq., Mr. A. J. 11EAG AN t Miss KL1/A BONllA.M. All of Spartanburg . >U! rswMMMMBMWrsg AN NOl'NCEM KNTS. Tlio friends or J. KUFU8 I?OOLE reapcclful ly iinnounco him as o candidate for Ordinar at the ctituing election. March 28 3 te We arc authorized to announce J NO. EARLI llOMAR a candidate fur re election to the Ofhe of Ordinary, at the election to be holdcu ii August next. Notice. JM. EI.FORI), ESQ., will act as my nu M thorized agent, during my absence. J. 1). WRIGHT. Spartanburg, May 2, 1S??1. 8 Qfcf i Notice. MR. J. W. HARDY is my tuthorized A gen during my absence. C. E. FLEMING. ! Spartanburg, April 18 -It IIEiDQIiRTLHS. LIMESTONE SPRING J, April 2-Y lKf.l. rMIIE 1st Battalion 37th Regiment S. C. M. J| are required to assemble at Willis Allen* on Tuesday, 2Mb day of May next, armed :iu equipped as the law directs. Commission* and non-commissionc I oiheurs tlio day pretiou for drill and instruction. Tho 2nd Rattalion 37th Regiment S. C. M. will assemble at Bagwell's Old Field, on Thorn day the JiUth of May next, armed and eqiiippci according to law. Commissioned and nan commissioned oUxcers the day previous furdril and iust root ion. Captains, Lieutenants, Sergeants and Cnrpo rals who have charge of companies, are re quired to extend this order. W. D. CAMP.JScnior Captain and t.olouol yro lent. May 1 td N E W STO E. .. K W GOOD S! OpiojoU" thr 1'oUuetto at firming' a Jro. J'rout UuihUuj. Gentlemen's i?urnisliins ST O XI E . G out lemon*!-* W(?ai tir eVKRY |>Jt. AU1.E TO TAKE A PICTURE FOR 75 CENT! WHICH CANT I1E EQUALED IN THIS L AT 1TUDE. CALL EARLY AT HIS GALLERY Main-st., Over A roller's Saddle Shoji April 18 f, tf HBAIMlUAKTrnS. *~ ORDER NO. TITHE 2d llnttalion of the8Clh Regiment S. (' 1 M. will peraUeat Roiling Springs on Satur lay the 11th day uf May next, equipped as th law directs, for instruction and drill. Tb commissioned and von ?omuiis>ionod olfieer i will attend the dav nrcviniit fur insli nriii.ii u... ' ?lrill. 15y onler of (J. W. IL. Lege, Col 3'-t) j S. C. M. Vf. IN DI8IIOP, Mnjor. April 0, ISO). t'l I>r. M . C. BcmcIIi PENT 1ST, OFFICE over DKUO STORE of J. E. (loot tfion, opposite rnlinollo Hotter. Feb A 4H If NOTICE DW. MOORE bus totlde an ansigniacni ti tis of all Ins otf.-rts villi a view of p.ayiti; lite tlelns en I settling up hie iifTujrs. Tin creditors are therefore rptjuasleti fo c >u?o for wnril arnl select an ag?nt on Saturday, the till ilay of April at ' > o'clock, A. M., at the Stort ! Hootn of 1>. \V Moore. The creditor- also an rtqutttled to file with V Win go a proper state meut of their detfcatnjs, by the loth of April A. WJNOO, > . S. H01I0 J A-t^neea. I March if HI II III I mi nmmwwmmmmBmmm Pp?t Ofltop Notioe. 1 ' rrtUB OAcs will b? Qpeqed ?rrt day (BanI tlajw excepted) flrgnt 7 o'olocfc, A. M.. until 1 u"M., ut which tine It will close until 8 L\ M., 1 Mid-than upfu until 8 If. M. I TH? Southern Mull will clone ertry 1.; closes 1 Sundays ?t 5 o'clock 1*. M. I > ? J. A. LEE, I\ If. iXotioe. TAMES II. ALEXANDER Is my auOiori**! i *1 attorney during uiy Absence from Spart.m hnw IU.M.t u o if-ii D ? ? ? it. r. wiui/vy ff pbit. i April 16, 18G1 0 81 \ wig7! , r AND ALX. KINDS OF ' ; FANCY HAIR WORK, : MUS.VVM- MAST KRAI IN, Agte FOR IIBll SISTERS, 0 Misses M. St A. Ashtoa, Of 72, Market-st., Charleston, S. C. WHO MAMOFACTrsr: 1 WIGS, BRAIDS- CURLS, J TUZITTES, all kinds of j MEMENTO DAIR WORK, .BREAST PINS, Bar Kings, Rings, Necklaces, Charms, and Guard Chains in the tno"i faithful manner. All orders forwarded by Mrs. Master man f will meet with immediate attention, g April 25 tf i FREE TRADE AND , SOUTHERN RIGHTS. THE umlcrsigtiod still carries on his various branches of business, in Spartanburg, E next door to Lee & llriggs' Stora, to wit: : SILVER PLATING. and nit kinds of SILVKit OOI.I) lilt ASS .?.! - .? < "i 1 FURMAN. Preside?!. Charleston, February 12, lMtll, hi?tf Dr. \V. II. Piulj^ett. U VYING located six miles South of Spartanburg ('. II., respectfully offers his prot fessional services to all who may favor him with r a call. Having had three years' experience in e the practice ol Medioiuc, lu? thinks he can give entire satisfaction, and trill attend to all calls . in the vicinity, day <>r uight, oxocpt when pro fession.ally engaged Charges mo lerafe to suit the limes. April IS tf 1 other metal work repaired iu the neatest and . moHt substantial manner. mm smztskihg, Stocking excepted: Herolvera. Repeater* atul other fire arras repaired in workmanship style; Flint and Steel altered to Percussion. Alt ' kinds nf ' -T E W EERY Repaired in the ueatest and ohenpest manner. GOLD PL A T E Pt eparetl for Dentists. il AH of tliu abotrc branches 1 warrant to put tip 1 in as good work.nau style as can be done in s the State or elsewhere. Call and Judge for Yoursclrcs. JOHN >1. MASON. 1 April 25. ISC.J 4l ! FOLGER &BRAWLEY VjkTOULL) respectfully inform their fri?ml.? * f uu'l customers and the public generally, that tliey are still RECEIVING WEEKLY SUPPLIES or GliOCEIilES or " Every l>osoriptioii CCU AS ? Rio, Java, & Moco Coffee, BROWN. CRUSHED, AND C SUGAR. New Orleans, Muscavado, and Cardinas Molasses. t SALT, Pepper. Ginger and Spice, Ct>NFHt'TJONAltlES of every kind, t'ASIHKS?Assorted, French and Fance, PliKSKUVKd and Jellies, 9 FltKSU FllL'lTS iu Cons, Fish nnd Oysters. T> T3 ar T t3 * jL. v A JX -i.^1 9 1*1*1*11 18 " BACON AND LABD. 0 Corn and Corn Meal, superfine Flour, at SO.70 per Saek. In fact, our assortment is full auil complete, njud will be Sold Cheap for CrtKh. In addition to tlie above, we still have a goo! assortment of Shoes, . HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, China and Glass Ware, Oils, Paints, ?Sto. We arc thnnkful for the lifoeral patronage given u.s heretofore, and respectfully solicit a routing ance of the same. FOLOKK & BR.iWLg)' I April 11 0 i?_ ' Or. Kliliu 'Jt oliiml. HAVING permanently located one m?lc a hove Mr. 11. Smith's, on I he Hlack stock a lload, for lite purpose of prncticing medicine, offers his professional services to those in need, - and the public generally. He hopes by a laiihful attention to business, together with lus for , iner experience in the practice, to merit at least a reasonable share of public confidence i_ I and patronage He may always he found at home when not professionally absent. lliirRRKNCXs. ? l>r. G. H. King, Glenn! Springs, y. C ; Hon. S i. Craig, Tyiersvillc, B.C., l>r. \V. H. Hill, Sister Springs, S. C.; Hr. J. 1>. Phtton, Tyler.-ville, S. tJ. March 21 Bin 15.visit of THE STATE or SOUTH CAROLINA. ritlTr: Legislature having at Ua late session, | auihori/ed lite Issue of Honda to fit* amontif of $076,000, bearing an interist of ?tt fn cent., for the purpose of providiugthe fuuis>c*j*?ired to sustain the Ft ale in the act of resenting Iter rights of d^voreigiuy, this Ihuik/s ijftw brepared to disposiVof tlic Itonls. Tfoejr are issued in aunts of $50* $Yyo and $000. An wppotvuniiy is I It us afforded- every citizen to make a secure and profitable tyvestuieul, while contriF lulling aid to tiwe cause *ia witlcli the State is 8 engaged With the vjew^f enabling citizens ? in any part of the State to\hnre in the Loan. , the clerks of the < 'ottrls of tfty several districts 11 linvn rit.ui i f...l I" t,..t,U 1 a?=~H?ip? PATTAJJON OJuS?MO. HPHtt lei Batltlion will s??bto nf ToaUmL I ooi<*t?rtU/lfce4thU?y Mxt the a M ttptmlHoo ?t Uniting springs ou ftilfHw 1 Ihi 11th day of gny??xt Air drill end e&oreise. % n.ecouumiyionednad nons?)aimUaIoii?doa;er? will woe m We th*d?y pre* 10149 %lthr}rpc9v treiiua ItetiuiiM ptml* ground* for 4r)U ttikd J [ni'rue ^ IV toe tub Defence of the Confederate States :o: x)r Hith-11. ju-t reeciva*} Jkjftday anjl JV for sale by J. K. Gt M>ln?i< >N. 1 Sign of die (iolUB STOBtlB, i . f Col. Nathaniel Gist. twelve utiles North of LTnion Court House, on the m+in read leading o Spartanburg Court House. AY8GAKTII win aenre Mares nl F1FTV DOI.LAliS insurance. The insurance money sill be expected wlnen a Mare is sold or traded fT before it is kaown whether oho is with fold ?r not. PEDIGREE. JWsgarth is a dark brown, sixteen hands ligh, of hue but of I*rinceas Jemima, by Remembrance. Harmon's dam, Martha Lynn, brt-d by > r. Miarju; in 18H7, got by Mulatto, her darn, Ledn, >y t'elfco da Fein, Treasure by Catnilius. Inheritor, wiuner of the Liverpool t\oj? 1831, a^ a three year old. and in IM7, as a nix fear old. Aysgnrth. bred by Ilarnton, dam by ItibcrLor, Mr. Ridley's, at Durham. carrying 7et, was uscond beaten ahead, for the Sew Stake, tor .wo years old, (M entries.) Mares will be sell token care of, and provi, led with fond, nud barley lots to rttn on at -4W rents ]>er .t IILS OWN ST A MLB, near Limestone Springs. Mares entrusted t* he care of the undersigned will lie well e.ncd Tor, aud fed at the low rate of forty-conts per lay. He will be let to mares XI Twenty Dollars the insurance, payable the first of December. 1/ A mare is parted with, the money will he ?le, nur.dod. 1 trill not be responsible for any acr cideuts or escapes that may occur- >'? ty Ccttia 10 the Groom. DKSClllPTlON. THIOliF.TY is 11 years old this spring, tatt jxleen hands liigh, a rich brown dappled bay, I* utost beauiilul Color imaginable, with a a Auaotiinionly fine set of leg*- o'td muscles hi tbundance. WVATT LIPSCOMB. flj) ?O0rHxpr?sa wpy, NEW GROCERY STORE " IM BRICK RANGE, OppoMll? Ikd Court ll^uwe, J. M. BOST, Respectfully informs hi* frwt* **.1 the public that h? has opened A New Grocerj Store 1**^$?nt it* 8bo?e location, where )>? llJti^aaEMore *?d ' doily rcLciv1 mm9V k choice ."loch of UnwirK, dwHHBio whicli h? invites nttsntioi.? (ousisiing of SUGARS?Brown, flurilifl nn?i 'ru-bed; COFFEES -Rio, Laguayra. and Jiwrr, HACllN ? llams. Sides, and ShonliW? MASSES?New Orloann and Cuba; ^3QM| r?au; Hire; Preserved, |Jpod, mkI yfl KmnrtlM Fruit*; Eta, i'icklcs; Mustard* Pepper: Spice: deck ore I and Salmon; Flour, Meat, Com, To otona; Salt?Liverpool Socks and Fine Table BAJ53?:sa? tb&isras, saws 3 "Miecse. SuMnr and Bgg*?in abort, all the r* joiia or tie lea usually found in a firat-?laS4 Ore* ,crv. fot.uding to conduct a strictly ' CASH BISINKS8, 10 pledges himself to sell as \&m nu any other lnllln in 41- ' 1 ' * .? ?-?- -? ?au * uniTTWT A|(KS A TI"Ivj T, J. M. U. will give tko higheftt jnorlcot prico >f Flour tui