tt otUaaooorgy *n I Ins rurw i tit W b.:.k - ?-i ' & 1 . U 1 p%, ! ?t?x? of manV<*;?lr? h? >n op an *1 wltK ? a<, tlio ! i Ltws, the religions, the sentiments, 0:11 the ' t ptssiou*. wltiun constitute the civilisation of r unit. Von m ly, ?t yuu at this ui'intent I j doing, centrulixea c >erci*o power mt Vfatbiflj;- I s I stronger limn the i'rirtoriun b.tnJi. ?;i?n territory invaded; they hare in lin'ainr 1 it iu SlJ honor faUebuof luvantkkfokd> v1nsvih ~ ATf'?)Jii3*;73 A? h'Ayj> axu iyj ')Lft'lT<)ns i v Korrrrv * RUN AWAY! Ium DM ilio ituhooribrr, on lite Ilf? {nMftjt, ! J n?*^ro inuii itmutvl MAKTIN. itb >at fori r- ! ! *. y< in oli, i?>,,Yapdr^t IE & PALMER,' , AIIN-HTH EKT, " * _I ii t U fi.' #?_ W Ifnu inuinpn which lint piling Ml tilll C.?l went into civil, ami dostroye I, perk forever, the fairem l'ortm wlti !? human plit! ophy tnr engrafted upon the in?ttiuuyud nan. Now, gentlemen, for ouo nioinout look at oavtnc of thin picture: for aver thirty year.*, by every mallioil Whioti we oould ourselves, by a-gutiu by aovoreign protest, by warning, by prat by every ouorgy and every attribute we co bring to boar.wp have onde i?..rvdto avert tui mi- voice only, Iroiii iho people ofiivulli Carotin*, iij>i who thouu-J back reustnuce to the death. Thou lea- li.tfi-tUiui o tluoi in sea no n. oiux'it that spirit i of and with ouo vo?c\ one voice ouly, procltinic resirtteuce to l?? death. The people oft tic Strut the ug.iiti iu their sovereign capacity, m you nit here, with one voice, one voico only ordiiuetj of resii^tnce to the l St. Liw retire and the people of tin- tlolf, thin 1 3 dnl II one to mike one of the Unil end L> iciutt* , 1 J lite ilriton nnil the Ionian. No eontuimiiiy of , j origin, no community of language, law or re- | i ligiou, c tu amdgimtto a people vrim-e noveri Auce it proclaimed by the rigid re iiiititioiie of s i ni& n eeitiiy Nature forbid* African t ' Hittverv at the Nor li ?toiiil??.r?? eivlli?.?i ! vmubt iltui ",|icct>urij(t and patriotism of the 1 /l people of 1 be ('utiltJ?ritl? Stolfh wi!i f?e found e<|U <1 to any measure of defence which o ir | honor and security may require. Further 1 obstacles may retard the progress >f th it Gov J ernuirtil. hui cannot l<>n? prevent the! ' progress of a movement sanctified hv its justice. I an 1 sustained by a virtuous people. Kcvcr- j cully let u< invoke the God of our fathers, to ' guide and protect us in our efforts to perpe- j "J - ~" C ' ' ' ' ' I ?i x Ift LI. bu?iii(*ks iritiiMlcl to tlmui will iu.'?ivv | mul.i?, ^_|>roui|ti utiouliua. j () !> 'I Offico at Spxrtanburg C II- | sui"b SUH.IVAN, J J. M. El.ruuu. | J. 0. WIVSMITU. j "ebrmrjr 21, 1801 6'# \y P^j "ADOLPH scuoppaul, i V ! Ill )nAT aTn oiim^ \ ? ct high. When IhhI heitr?i from be wh< ,* In- wnv invur-lii S|>nrt ?nl , , or liid c.'iifiii?*iiif in in Ltutmn .'ail. or * iu rt'vt.v. i lor Uis ?o<.tiirmeui in niiy j ul ? Sjlau*. \YM. YOUKO. ru*-y 21 ftO 8t M~ NAILS, &c. - lauarg imn ovuc, 99. 11, UitroplM. In the Federal Legislature, ihrot *hU long aeries of years, nty cjtaieht* given her ialeligencs. all nor virtue. and all her trioliau u> preserve the Couslitutiouul I'ui and that she had intelligence, t b it *ho had | triolisiu, th.u the bad virtue, is iu proof li by that marble (f4? '"Ml of CilKoun) Hilling lh? hall where the sovcrel nity of Virgiui eoaeuUiagooneeroing the honor endtho rig l of Virginia. In this struggle, Calhoun, MoDui Kliu >re aud Bailor psrisiied, sliuost lLcra in ilahtlh of the Federal Legislature. K ig't ifllntf firestorm with wnich weHreihrouicued ill shouM fall upon ua and couautuJ UK, hearauei pi* the pilgritu of lllvrty, poi-lmpa l'ro"i this Stole on; who in iy be ae irelnng beueotli the ruin* u p.r- Charleston, will find tuc skelton of our souUn? ore sian ling of our ne t gate. ; in lleiiove it ?<>t, air, mat in taking this po.siiioi tie wo have been forgetful of ?be past, or reck lea. Ilia of I lie fuuiro. No, air it ia the g.eti paat ilie, mid our stored obligations to ?he future, wuiol lly. h ive nerved in to I he act. It w.ia tue aplond j\ :ii I - ..I ill., mini wliieli tl.izzlcd our mm l , cannot exist without African slavery. Nuno I r b_i au it race can lobar at the Nji-iIi ; none , hut ? subject race will lab?r at the South. I Octroy involuntary labor, ati'l Anglo-Saxon 1 oivilitaliou until be rciuitt?h wmcu, ny in* mussing, they per? ivI>i?> to vindicate establish and trans, mil to poitrriijr; and will* that continuance of hid tavor, ever grata fully acknowledged, look fow.ird to lucettn, peace and prosperity." p. Ueleivitig the rights violated an J the interests involved arc i lentiul with the rights and ] interest* of ihe people of Virginia, ami remembering their common glory, the people of South Carolina have instructed me to a-k earn- . enly and respectfully, that the people of Vir- /I giuia will join them in the protection of these j ~ } JUUL A11IJ 011UU r\ } m v k i: xt? urcli-^t., Sjmrlanbbar^ C. li, S. ('. "xX. February 21 4tt ly 4, .dininist rator'H Notice ^ LI. pcrnmis buying demand* a^ninsl the i I^Miaie of ItoBKU r MUllKAY, dec'J., are 1 K i>n.Icr*igne?e articles. ami lako in ! die*] ug:? money or any kind of prodnce. TUcir bli UAMP A WYATT. a n?r Main-st. opposite Palmetto lluunt. . . 21 6o tr Tabic! ) II. W M. IT J) E A X uad * [NO formed ? copa: lutrrliip, and ialiujf ie supply nil iia wmmi ?f to mark thf spot wlt? lie iIm r?I heir departed rrl ttiuu* mi<1 friaada. p an mil be pwickasbrd tmy vbtn. i>ok cnutifllM of lO MJMEVTH, tnJonbH, T*?1m(?bcs, Kent out-Stone*, Furni.ure, HnrLl. Ik . logiathi*. more than * year ago seeing Morm impending, seeing the waves rising. So \ Carolina sent to this groat, this stroug. I illustrious ltepiiblic of Virginia grave oq niaissimi, the purport or which, * permission, gentlemen, I will venturt "VlerMl the State of S nith Carolina, Wm her ordinance of A. D? IK >j. affirmed right to aooedc from the Confederacy wh ever the occasion should anro. justifying h In her own indirnmaiil in tittin.# the Hubiiiuicj of liberty ha I aliped irou? uui uib gr i>p. For years and yearn we paused a* w< kU b$ld up the ourlain anJ gszel back o ? the uu i. a forgotten gloriet of the hallowed past, mm wr< 'it>1 beheld thu fairest temple in which liberty (to had over found a shrine?.hat whicti iVuniug ton an I Jefferson, Adams and Franklin, liomy by uud Ai tdison. the Lees, Mwun*, lliitiedgc atu her Pinkneys, n conclave ol deiiu-gods, had huiidc en- up an a tabernacle tor im to dwell in forever ter, and consecrated it with the hloo I of our <>wt J n ...A(,u^.iuuo IVI J will ?. Ulinilivt111 IUI1 111 Connection with the ui ilirr ill hand . In (lie free Stales, (lie simple, inaolaicd. exclusive, sole poliiicul principle is a pure ?itmoeruejf of uiere numbers .save a scarcely discernable modification, by a vague and undefined form of reprej sen lation. In those Slates there can be no departure fron this principle in its cxtrenicst 1 | intensity. The admission of the slightest 1 ' adverse element is lorbiden by the wnole ' geiuui of the people an I their institutions, i It is us delicate in its seuitivoncss as personal right s itnil in crests. Mr. President, I have performed my misRion and d > now. in t lie n.iiiir nf my govern- ^ ^ inert, tender lo lit in Convention tin* must cor- | tliiil thank* for ilicir honorable consideration of my mission; and in my owu behalf 1 offer 10 t lie *'on vein ion nut) the citizens of Virginia my heart felt gratitude f?>r their noble courtesy A ami inorit generous kin-lues* u> myself person- ij ally. iu (viv-x.-m uii'iu imi' payment ; aw. I nil |)crtmo* in?lel>te?l will innUc immediate I I ( incut to the undersigned. u.uv o J. C. CALDWELL, Adinr. vl fibnurj 18G1. 61 if l^leetion. ,\>| >f vltellon for 2d nn l :)d Lieutenant* iu '' 111 ^_rlio Morgan Utiles to fill ilio vacancy occ.i- h ..oil by I be resignation of Lieut*. Trimruicr no *u 1 Douglas*, will be liel'l at Spartanburg C. 11. ate>l Saturday, the V*?li ilny of March nevt. ttsirit \M upcnH his Olliee on M-iin-street, ovar jlJOlMJlOVS DliUO Si'OIlK. where he TU?J a e consulted nl nil liuiej uultn Prole?*iou> Ci raven, J i^>tsva or absent. 1' r?jor 7 33 tf please ca ? promutlj l^liborhood (lavsical School. IS n?*w Academy will open its IIrat tea- J*n ion on tLe *i?l Monday ill January. under ^--s? ipvrviiiidn ol Mr. I*. J. Ool-iud. ll ii luit Antioch i MelInwlist) ('Lurch of this it. i?i a nleas.nit mul l? ?1iln VIP r? ?)m Agent* for Iron Roiling for Fonco*. linlconies. Re. > wishing anything in our liao will til. <>r ??ud their order*, whieb will bo r idled. 11 It'll Alt b HAKE. WM. Alcb. l'ALMBR. I If ^ eup Grocerieft. " :ft: .. ? ? * ? *" * """ and in the resolutions adopted by her Conv (ton, tlMltreil th?l she forbore ilie iinuiedi axorcise , miner.i??u:n cu auei ui u?/eiij ? tiiai |i uhhiiim fit- of burn in right?(but prcciuUi inuiiiiiiCiit o tie hum in liopo? that re uge of hupc, ml uvcv lh? of i earth?that world, won I'roiu the wilderness l? | Gml and liberty. Sir, wirh piuui rcvercnuc, wi ire | looked upon nil ill is, an I ye I. wuli these littud.* ia ' of numbers is the basis of nil social agreement ; : iii the Northern .States, A fearful illustration i olt hi* is at this moiltftUt exhibiting its results in [ i tne (iovcrmuent nri>lor which you arc conscti, | ting to live. That goverULncnt was *in,",tu[ | toil ami appoiuisd" 'to protect ami secuic , , c |tta>ly the interest of the parts. IJy the agency , of in-'is numbers, otic *e. (ion has hecu re*tricj IcJ att'l another expamlc-l in territory ; one I -numvmiM. i , ^ g . _____________ wil MAttuo^bv W. II. Uaowki I.. firtj . March8, ' LITTLETON HAGWKLL. Jun. lu Min.MAItTI1A GO.SSETT, botli o!' Sprtanhurg. -L-L. > JL L _ 1U Attention! Morgan Kiflc>! Trou uro hc.irbjr or Icrt"! t .1 ^_the evening ??t the Gth instant, it was o neat, ed that all ponton* residing witlnu the d no< 'partite limits of th<* Town of Sna'tanhnri' t... -n tjrnct mill oi'lerly n.'ig;il>orho?n I ? > '' *-?? I "I. Resolved HHtinintuiti/. That the'Slate South Carolina, still deferring to her South* sisters, nevertheless rospeoifully announces thctn, that it is the deliberate ju Ig iiciu of i General Assernb.y tit it the Hhtveuolduig Sin should immediately meet together to coue measures for united action. "2 Resolve I 'tinaiinn ouj'y, That the forego preamble and resolution be com.mi.lie.tied the Governor to all the stnvcholdiug Suites, w itho earnest request of this State tlicv \ ! Justice an I Ki^ht. Armed in this panoply, f of wo di'?" the curtain and aro ready to uiovt urn : onwa d tarough thecouiiiigscenes otthis soleuit lo | drama Ins j Idontleinen of Virginia, the people of litest tvm | S vttbern Sift cm are un noisy tueiion.'clanionnj ert for*place an 1 p iwor -no liuiigry rabtde, answer nig in blood to every appeal to brut tl passion ? ing no shouting ui*?b, re i ly intake tor their fi iv by eminent a glittering epigram, or a juniat uu ! theory Tney are ti n culling utilities. fester vill itig in the licentiousness ofaOolition and am it | section Ik'i-u aaduly ami oppressively laxed, . j .im I one section lias been to iiuinii i nonI peril; ami in ibis botir the people of the North are consulting wtieih'i* tliey can aub? jugnte the people of the S jir li by tha right of , iiuinhors. Tlie " govermnent by the people" is equally . the rule of the South, but the modification of i lie " rule of numbers" is so essential in t'10 , ! slave S.aics tluit it caunol co exist with the \ ] same principle in its unrestricted form. In ! , I lie South, it is controlled, ceriums made nl>- I tttruciion. 15v order of li.?l J NO. KAlll.C HOM\R, C?|'t("n- u, D. 0. Finilkv, O. S. nc3 Miircli i If i JONATII AN, lb" A \ EltV FINK JAi'K. will stand the en*u be /\ ing season at. l?in own hi?Ii1v, hi J. 1' lur1 *l'Kl'dii6' in i be Northern p irt of the Di<- i J irici. near IV. I'. Moore's Mill nti 1 t'owpens I 1 Insurance. Call on tlic undersigned. I I I,!c ro*?l duty shrill, on failure of { v?!l >> rvc ltoUnrs. on ->r Ibe lit J*y ofM-rj'. Iusiers >ns li able to d > l'airol duty niy t", j,r excused from the "Hint bv paving Two l>ol? . h. J. KAItl.E liu.MAU, Iutcu t. P" I. ?!. Ti.Font), Clerk. 'ebru ry *JI 60 tf **"$ >mi|? 1 1 1 -H T 1 r\ Ti-V . . * T t ri-% ? ? * I , >? imv wT'i. nn i rij:cour-r ~?"AV o pnr-Mic Hirr-prr ivo .it pruhi. In con !: *' n. n1< w? ciin *r\y it !

ce?.ti c.\YNI>t*. k7 In uliort SrroND DEPUITMEST. mnicU u 5IiV? t ,l? . ^ !S?Lacuayra. Java, and Kio. >ES?Nt* Orlejne and l.'ubi, ?llama. Shoulder*, and Mdea. Meal, I'eaa. and Cora, dbncco, Se;jai-?, I. Spice, Oing.-r. Clure*. atxl Nuioarf*. H, Fruits. Ra.aona, Sum. &lc. they keep constantly on baud aeary -ual'y found in a Aral clo?a OCERY STORE. appoint uepuiics, una mi >j>i sucli inemu eH |H in ibnr judguicut, will promote the in. "8. Rtsi'lceii uitunimiusly, Th it a spejial c H aissiouar bo appointed l>y liin Excellency Governor to coin nunicato the foregoing preti ble an J resolutions to th<8itui ufVirgtait, y the fact Hull the r?-eoi?niiion . i ul n specific property is essential to tlie houi.iI ; 1 an 1 political organisms. It", then, you attempt { to institute tlic i nio of either torin into the or . I gutiiHtu of the other, you iiisiantly destroy the : section you invade To proclaim to the North , ; tliat numbers shall not he absolute. wouM lie ; a* oil jii.mvo as to procl lim the extinction of j slavery in the South. The element ol property w mhl neutralise the entire political system at I ; tn No th; ts exelus.nn would subvert tlic whole . or.? .ins.ii ot it.#* S.oitli %t ft. O*. UtUVM. I II March 7 01 % 3t | IN OTIC E7 | VLl. persons i ml .-hieio ?.r honk account, will I n I ' _ incir account* iind note-, in ilic li.iml* of lebt* we owe. nirl j we util have the ui'inov owing to us. FOl.tJCU .v 1511 \W I.LV. \i i - 1 ? EIU< & i'iHJLTlUj . >1 A?KUT. I ?';l\ HIE xuli^ri'-c* 1-,'vh Ctiniincnci,*l tutnj foriucrU | nj.U-.Jb> Mi. It. A U'll KK, mi .Inil-sUe t ! ,,lir ' " GOOD 15 1?: E F , l *. it l : _ i-. r it .... tii kit 1 JuT\ - *->" ! * l*"v Ti.arf TlJlltD DEPARTMENT. . 1 "* * in cio t in. G< < ? *. M; mi. \ Sni vcyiu^. Gc Mnotry. OaU, IV KT $l'U UO |?IT tCB'KD. latent] 10 ki!I bo iwu e ^>n''l Pnro iii-I Uiw?V Composition, audio elocution- cumoniet aiuiaj. I'lu-v rot JOEL DALLESOER. >?l en a Clitn'o buard Tiuiti'ti. tbeiu a t ]y 44 if * o . ill t:ikc all kiudt of Country Produaa nge lor Crocerie*. <>*? offering suck iu iu suiaat* to lba:r 3 an 10 make it a mutual ?rt, the people S >ui It Carolina, tor lliolirai nine in over iwi ty yeai.n joined wi.h tbc party oiginixa ionn .tue Jay, an 1 Uonently. e< ly .iml wuhaa out solicitude g; iv,: bor un minions vote >o li patty tli? sueoens of w t cb boy holiovei no prolong ibn Union. D.-fo iio 1 1.1 litis last no \ having ezb Misled argu.ii.MM. protect, pray counsel, nope use!f, toe p oplc if doatn v' olin i, c tluily, uiioueniati m .ly, wunoai clu bat with a determination as tixo?l an >le l. orvlainol ibis act m iiu? ?" .? ........ .. ? of 111 nt h lees i .1 j guus tired at lii-; C'tjuial ntigni #11- IlllDJll >IC ll M. lJ Wll MO SCOJI.' Ol' <*V 13 HC.'ll'O# 0,5.111 this hgh bat ; atone. *giini in , ! ;ortus o! den.'initialtonal polemic-, hut hi shape , j as liloo ty i.el icri ilile a? rel'giou has c? r assumed -nice Cnrist caiue to e.irih lis r prescti a ive 'lie Church has bared be ami lor .'inrtij i if iiu lleadi|ii;ii(er11 kniii m c&ct-iicm 'K li 111, upon :is j itult.'iltltt term* ni Huy ?>uo. i n._ . lu will |ki_\ " V S11 f >r r?pi-?es. Poultry *rui J j;*. (Ji\u liiiu n trial ami In* will givi? yut? inUction. J. W. UAI'llLTT 'V-brutiry 7,1801, tf I CHANCE IN B l7 Si NESS. , ['KINNEY & POSEY h j l'h?>ir EW PROSPECT CrDr" Academy. B EXERCISE* of il>is "mi will rc conuui'iico on /*?? ?l j l ' KliHT I A') ' imdrr lli? ij? .|M| ' ^ of >11*. TIiok.*. p{>o>iie tlio i'aluieilo HounO. J. F. P.CAMP. T. W. WYAT. rr St 47 if 1XRY TIIEILE. a which 1 ?rnl ro iJ 10 ill.; i'onvein1.111 : "We the p:opte ofthe Sia c of South arol in Ooai'Mtiun .ine u ilc i, Jo Joel ire ? ordiiu, nuJ u in here ?y declared -in J orJ.i d. That the ordinance aloptcd lw us in C Toalioa, on the I wo-iiy-tiitrJ Jly of May. in year of our Lord one t s -rcu uuiiJ igh: y-eignt, vrhorohy liic oii-uiiuliiiii of United SiAlennf Am .tio i r uitieJ. nn l. i I all .\orii of tlie (lonci'.-il A aeiiiUly <>f ihiS jjt. | ti i. in ir-.i ii.e i ior. ii ii t nit 11r uy I I'.ic v.? ce o". Q.ii in in ci:n s up <>.u of in- g iv< iif.i I on :li>) Mississippi mill l. iui?iin i pio.e in l ii -r-eli ilie .iU-p.urhi''Ii ; "ap i.- h t ^ in " fn ii ii t irifi ii pU.'e nl l ie h i 1 of t iiis in j tii n o >1 i.ii.i .if iiuiV.i.1^ s.ivotvijj itijs. .in i I lie sir, wr.ii.-rev-r Virgini.i Ins n h-i.i b von I lioi rod borders, lui vol is i\ low i. It >c hi -e uo p'.' n.a ill.- in ilio itncieut tongue of liis mo iicr. M. Im?. t'r sill -iii, 1. ""10 .ii lilt! 'ill ii ||."u o!" liiol-i so is i-o, i a.iiv toi l uiy i lop ed In ''or ,'u. 1 In. ) oi.i me o m.1.1.? :ivr sworn I- nil oa IV naming n ' the glare of the torch of faum icism?and the i history oi' the iv rid iciW us that wheu ilia svv ir t cleaves asunder. no hums i s.irgery con ! .ie ill In- wound. There in not one Ca..-tuiii slnvelt'd i r u "ie. no mailer how near he uiny ! be lo hii m.'Oli and lowly t.asier who d > not f fa-l in lii< heart, I oat fro.u the point of I toil ( sword is now dripping the last drop of syut paiiiy nli ch ,biund linn to his brethren of the Nor.n. Willi (I nioniac rage I hey have set the i | l.imh ol (Jot between l.ieir seel a id our seed ; 1111.! I t It Y I I.I CTIOV, SPARTANBURG C II., M ais. ii 7, 1801 I j?tl PV ItSC \ N 1" t < or t from I.ietitrti :> t'olo ! n , no! ti. \V. II ?ri election will li? !:? ! 1 ti Spurt.mbnrg fonrt II ui^e. on Siturlnv tlie j C^. ltith ?lftv of tlnreh. for ('iiptitiii nri I Tliiro I lioutrnont to coiiimimhI t I* M ore tu^ oliltitoe- ' Intnntry t'onit-iuiv. to fill tfe nuiint i.. nw? ' 1\ ? i >' t i>m luru n <_uiiri ncramp, v? i.l cull "" " finite the C.AM Tl.i l'occry HusinoNK I'vi a 1.0 olj S:;in.i of M. T. Mi KIWKV. trronl r e itf r (!. I' nr' II wr. whore inuv l>ctouu1iJT, and Deeclaiuai. i $: u? - ''' KE .OND DEPARTMENT: ** Jauin. abuve with Englinli Grammar, i uo*iti.>ti hii 1 111 ?r? .Til >1 AKEH, ^ l>artun!?urf{ C. I-K., >VKit il.VKbV & AUNEWUnBt ry 17 45 1 y /V n A ii n ai*K miivilil lll'ill^ ill i lie S.ll'I It .1! 1 I * e hereby repealed u 1 thill theuuioil now a nut nig between South Carotin t ii'i I the ?n tinier tne no ne of Cue l.'ni.od S:.i of America.' is hereby di -solved." I*-*"- " l\ven at'ier this the pnopte Ol South Carol * ere not satisfied. Tiny till so < cm in: tltey still seek sy nptttiy?t :ey si ill -?o ai thep oiection of their rig it* atti their lion aui tor .hu 1 it.n here to d ty. N ?w. ge.itlc itJit, it ii witiitt m ling tit facts I have en leavorcd to g.-onp b fore y on | i. i.ii- ii, ; m bjf-iiv ill" i ?.; ^ i * j^r ??'. *i i?i' iriu i11 ior la -y will it :ir . lao sniioiy ir.i up is nt i t:i ;'i lies ly ii i .1 .ii' ii n ?t h i.iii i -n it ili- iirniii's .? n< I in ? ii 1 c '.inn.4 up t o.ii iluti h i. t i y w.U ncn. ior, one iii. oo. .i^ *, iiKn iiio.r >* i ? mi 'ioo o iU _ine iv* >,iii.|ii| r coo . oi'hi n v lie..* w;iiO i ii. es* iliti.i Icroil iit.o 'lie of v lio 1 'i. nl. siivs. 1 i i v ; in e ill) >rto. or civ in ? .1 .i .' ? i I uivo ru.i r pnliy iltcse w tit it t.iey perva le tUj entire composition | I i >t ilie soo a: sy-tcuis ot tlic two s Cl ullS, Itlltl ! I t iti there oil*, we lii'litvc the political niiiou ( , .'i iii:;ii*.tl ami inoii-I rou < ; u ic abortive ami t oil less, mve tf thai j oir ttl br toil ol w > -s which must s couic ! from such conjunct ions We believe ns completely logical ami reason .t't'.- *?? atnl | |!h? roiitnuion ot 1, ^titcnuut Kirbv. 1>i i order of Ln-iit. Col. I?e 'X I and j.i'. wis Mini. I,.x Lii'titoti tnt Co iiiuudin,; March 7 ?>1 2t I I1ACOM HACO.Mlj* loi* < 'asli, 1 lll(. , I ? onl\. we will i) iv, in BARTER anl * * i * y sii. the iuaitel value !>>r all Country Broil. T. M< KINNEY, II. I'OSEY. I'h* t anuiry 'JH. T>>01 17 tt | r,. :ASI1! CASH!! c" All 1.1. pcrion-i iiul-tu.d to tlie un K'rsij'.tttwI. | vtiiort TMHII) DEPARTMENT: * fpiIK ?b>>ro ntifi N.ifarnl 1'tailosopliy, ^iJ?* I'Oiiomr, Algthra, 0?'>ni?lrv, tfur- country, ug. &c., $10 00 JJtOl F.lL'llTll DKPAKTMKNX: ^ i'i"Tc with Auricnt Language*, I'J in ^ ucli will bv'(Mitglit for uu eitrt A* (II ut : : : : ; : fi 00 Hoping vrl>o wMi.nmybe pr.-^areJ for 'lie Se|>b- ctinre ?n : in nit\ uf iitr O/il Rch. of tutblii M?>?M:riWr r?**pcelfulljr informs the r?n'i of Spartanburg. at) I "iirronnJiug that be tti!I open in a few data, a :k of Choice Urocrrle*, ^OVISIONH, nc*y Ooodxi, from n desire to please, he maj give Xisfuctino. and theiebv rceeiva a ahara c Da'ronaee. . n ji i n i J (.iti-* lab it. i Iti.s Uu^ sullen | thin patience 1 bare bud ATored to s,i >w j [ she Ins practiced, throughout ibis * li da la l over all Christendom, my Stale baa been a* ^ aed of-'rash pre *i pit ancy." Is ii ra111< r the lit 1111 Icr-crasli of (lie lnll>u? avalanc I.t it rash precipitancy to seek lor shell uracil you bear liie hissing co,mug tempi and sec the mono clouJ close down uptn y Is it rash precipitancy to raise your lianU.s protect your heart? . * - n " in I >iu ( tut bi.ui-T Will b: w.tttcn the iiii ii! ' ? 1 ho I u i n - of V"?r4i ua Tii.* w >rl?l kni-.v-i li.-i i J. ii ti> j . ail ku >w < tin hi*. try ib ir s i< in i ii 1 n- uic.ic of a le, a i I kti'i iui^ ii. ii >ii>; li tre iiii;t'I pi Wil'iil.T \ .l'j?i III >VlJ lie, VV.IC I ll T o.lll nil" ar spring, lbviiii- Linenv an I Jii-ued. call nor i? ie.' j ii,; it. Ily birth . l ?:it. bini e.s ?have I pro . or, j iho I loo in teli ui too ii.uiio nl our uiuiu r. in mi. i ii-, ihcliub. w ml'l b worse iHmi bin* photo;, oil.' j -nc wul lake Iter pi ico in tlio l'i out r inks. S i> 10 , will lie, its she Ii itl be. n tor one liiittilre 1 year , >1 -ii (ion* ifrtmii' in* ot'coiilo liM.'ition, wlii. li i iiive convoi'tinl a liovor u.n-iii of consent imou t , iJiicrn.ncnt of I' irco; wni.'h limii driven seven | t -it ites to :ihani|iii) tli it Government; w.iic'i i i.ire. I<>r sixty J ?ya. kept lo t le i lio.nh shells \ I be iring on the women nut cliihlron of I i v""li irl .41011; it.11 "i It tve lurneil too k 'Is -itl ( i ,*.ui- on lot* Oi|>.tai of Virginia ; itn I wli ch. !it Vi giui i muriuur* against ihe~e guns being ! *0 tor i "*l 1 Ineiien* to sen I the ruth.-tin of II .s | inn nn'l New York to re enact tlio scene* of ' , 1 si t .1 i?- ? i 411 | -* a j 5000 POUNDS " j I ; tor ^ ii. .-i uv .> .ne >>r ivjuK .M'cnunt, willpk&M} 'f'm a..d iv' lie lite s:ltue iiuiilitli'li??1 V. niuU" M T. McklNNliV. ,\ > mmry28. 1801, 47 if tiie If .V.N li. OF ~ . 1,K III STi'TE i.F S if I'll CI R 01.1X1. si"co ^ IK : ir e li iviiij; m Iti ini? ? irtrcetit will lie i f ov application to the j I W l? pal, Mr. Uk. J O. UNUKlM. T-TAV Chm Board Tru*: c?>. I"! w T \Vtt . . -...i r - i\ S. SMITH, Aocnt.. ) 4J rf mgci in HuMinesa! 1RK1VUS0F tiROCKltllB! GER & BRAWLEY I Ml |>ur h??"l il?? entire intarnt of r J U. GAKRETT In the firm of 1 venture to assort that never, s'lre lib' came into ttie institutions of man have a p pie bom with more patience, or forborne w more fortitule, then li ivc tht>pn?plo of th Southern State*, in their rcl.tti.un with th Confederates. As long as it w.u merely * fan uieism or prurient phi I inHiropy, wh r proposed our destruction, we did noth in.2. scar |y complained. hrcn wncn partial and m oppressive taxations, continued for yet ground us into the dust of poverty, save lor I. I.v; -)l Uil- ? -II i'l (II i uort V. Siie will s hi 1 licr wit.i hciv uolifte.l una. a >: ,? only as .1 turner. but the gui 1111;? st ir to an ill, c n pi re, nlre. clung iroia iu?r led t ? the tropics, .Sl? i fitfhi i lio Atlantic lo die I'.i 'ilio grander ill r ' P "Opart iom?si router in po?v n ? frc-r in ri'bt hly | than ii ly which lias preceded it ?which wil cj, divide iho rule of the Aitnnii", lie lelt on ilu er* ' tar-honvmg waves o>? llic I'.icitic. and will own ont I Mtc 'inlf of Mexico no 1 ilie C irriheaii S -a. I Mr. President, 1 appoir before yon in h-dialf ? j of a portion of those who belt-vo in this ? on | ? wnniiiuuiu MIMI B Jill! |H Oil i Where these ii.iiur:il and conventional repul | i.-iiN exist, tlie conflict is for lite mi l death. I \nd tli ii conflict ii? now iijioii you, tieiiilcinen | j of Virgin in. you own nil empire: you him very i strong; yon li.'iee advanced in nil the nils of} l I life, mi'i ere very wi?? mid very skillful, you j , 1 have ac licved much glory. and have gieai vir) j i u ? V"U may thus drag down your iiiouiltni . . ] iops and till nj> your valley > : you nay mine , : the waters of remote oceans : You may again , ' pull down civil dyil iMies nod religions, and on | Iter Good Bacon s?c Iiui enj; in 2 Cllv* *i*\ For SSulo ltv ? ,.v.i.u < xv ?j* ?'v iii iiic ay; ui rc*U .Ullg ' iighin ul ^ivcreign y, iliis Bank in n?.w br** ' c el Ui 'li*;fci^k<>! the I in In.; Th y are muni 3sV>^U>> > nn I A:i ojhidtiu i 1 y i? ihnlr;- | LL Iii^r ui I I the \>Mw liii'li l lie >: ?? i | i^o'l W tli i In' 1' enabling cii/'im \ ?'i> part 'it tin; .* :-h;ii e in the I." in j ' cleikn <>t the nu^^^^ihe nover*! ?listii.-i- | i' tie?'i? ri'<|iiiri'J ie^pi-r^^i iks ut snberip j? |?y i I. r the Stm'k. ^p.n.ililf^l^^i'iiieiiin will ,J,\ , WW ; ???* in ?".uitr. la .\ IU\f. 1:1 _ "t'L Or. jiinost ono Springs at Un ? MALE HIGH SCHOOL ~ vp.irtaobur^ DMrii I, S. C. | mnd /gr W rl'ilTIS. 1.1. L).. 1 .. . * bruught t_? , V PriHtfina i f i i . rUMiEK & O., will continue tit* ^oory liuwinosii, iiJ stand. under the n.irac and atjtle ef g k r:& brawley, if} tire now receiving a large eupplj uf gar, CoHVe, MuUssrs, Naif, ret taan v other kind of QUOt'ERlES, iivki-? their stock the Urgent ever to this market, end which will be wld IwKiam VI CUIITUISIYO MiriJ^^iC Wo 1)1) C it ] tiently; brcn when many ?i her ooiifedeuat by State an i nmiicipd r i! i', violm provisions of our compact vital to its, hordthoir p.-ople tinder the naotiou of theso r ul^tions, robbed our property anJ miirJei our oiliiens, even when, under tlio same sa tion hand* of wil l fiuwie* invaded ah States and proclaimed the destruction of da ry, by the annihilation of th slaveholders, t States and cities erected shrines to the iticiu .of t he felons; when one conin lorate denim. |. i- *'1 I greatness, ""d who have hy cruel vvrmi; PSi and injustice been driven I'rucn their inlirti tv?J tauco i" the mighty past; and I a-?li Virginia i of i lu c me 111 the majesty of Iter august hi.siory. , i ami the power of her coiir tg and strcugih, .m l r(,,| com.nam! thirt transcendent future. ?c. j Mr. President, 1 have eu leavnrcd to confinr tvi> wv word* specifically to iiic waiter of nty own vp- ! mission here. I fear, sir, that the sccop an10111 led u?c to g>. s ?rv i r rat.rally, b-y .ud uiy in:out ton ; but I li ivi | , lloi veul lired to disca*-. before I his I'oil v.?ni ion i uit'ir rums rei>uili liberty ami faiih : but I toll you. there is no force of hu^ man power?there ts no it*> sanctity ot human touch, winch ran j reunite the people of the \ >r

  • ociu! equals. No, , gentlemen - never: never, un il by your power, your art. ami your virtue, you can unfix the I I unchangeable economy of the Kierual Clo?|. can | i you make o| the people ot the North nntl the ; people of I lie South one people j An i.-r-sisiiMo instinct ot self-weservation ! ? ? ? ? ~ ??e i C*i| HUl I lit* IU RAY Sl HARRIS, ;c 7 I ?o I selling; OFT i >r turtii-kfGg iho I%>r I m piin'|i,t?t; oflllt'VM'ls nciy Ins inadc at the i -nipl nk. or at -.1 its Hranclics It i- pmpi provu m il/n- \t Sc-sioii id the in pupiis ir ptrt-^T who .l.--iro u m iy h ive their rin I :? ills converted into Stock. \ ouih t M KI KM \\. President Prit.ct ''o ton. I'rh. ii iry PJ. Is 1. ft I ?if oil ft J Ntvi'inr. i [. .1 VIVA?? I.I. t , 1?. !>.,? J-- :ii 1' en-a-U!^ Term of thir S *h >ol will com- ptjft C, \ i.oc on TlllUSD.n, FEU., HI. The etc arraii/.iuonis this In si tut ion ha? now , _'r ' * lo'l lor the ciu ni'in un>l comfort oi'ii* irv i i's oiiir.o rr lor peculiar livkltlilulnesn, I * * . .1 ni ?' ! itwrat iml ?*fo rtiraM for Suj L .11 ?, uiiU the '1 termination of the j "V p i > to ktip th's, a ^.iiithcrn 2Js'bo"l, i CX,,!D vrlvci con* "7 . !i i lie nio?i hJthiiccU j l>" .o;i >if,U -\?ic;tiit of tviueni i?n "f th* pre ! o* '?m\v Hliort Pi*oOta SH. or COIN TUV IT.ODlt E. thu d c the firm of OAKKKTT. VOL. <). must ik' }>? <( to POUiCIl 1 llltlW 10 will p*y nil J moods tgiibtl the IxKRKTI. KitLOKft & Co. ' el thankful tor the liberol patronage 1 to thftti heretofore, and hope by at riot i to hiuio fn, owl i j kcopiug ilia i*v 1 loatf ? thai we must bo driven from the civih/. it .of the age in which we live, and another ? its chief lteprescnia-ivc to detains us bef , -the civilised world?beneath all these onor ties see continued to give our blood, our ? and our sweat, to build up the grand uri maintain the power of the Republic; and wl there Was added to this, all that bullied a rice, malignant fanaticism and moral turpiti could devise, to vilify, wrong and irritate wo still gave our Wood and treasure, and otfc OUr hands, iin.l n?ll...l 1 1 ' principles mi which our unlet i,i j of liberty wns insiimimult <1 in Ameri i. n.iei rt. centuries of struggle, from ll-inytn<* lc io Vork town, nor their <1 -.tractive viuia.ion. involved ,1,1 III toe ?l affV-'^'utu UpOn th c uifv I civili ,?j unvl absolute rijrht* of the Southern p-opte, t>\ hen 'I'1, I"* >ple nsi'I S'met oi tlie Xortli I emtio .Vfi ! tc ich mis C invention. Tncre tnv n> iny tfBI ii,|e ! here who .tuiy truljr u*e the words of ilie n slavery, known as the army nnd ( 1 niNy of the United Smics. to attempt the sub| jngalinn of the Soul hern Sia'es. i 1 helievo the question lo be decided by you, gentlemen, is, whether Virginia, like the trem . ..I,,,- LV-. - ? AT COST! I l no RAY & H A R RIS J offer for sale. r?t COST KS, a large lot <>f liimlis, * ' - - ! , w a ? \/ Hi ! scut .1 V'F. tin lei " V>r!iig ?lc ir u? of ri"nOT- ] l,l)t e, nig \S\--t, will oiler tor si u on TLKSl'AV, ! Utb d iy ol' March next, his T r a c t o f Land, 1 n??rd r lilt ie siding of ISO acres, ..ue hundred of which ; Tuiiie 1 Lcssoi W< ><>1> I ^V> 1 > I? I iiV, ? #11 comniriulii io ilie c itiiiuuo I *np , ii i c nu I uco I (Uit au<4 (bo auriwuuU:u2 SELL TEHMS, 'f.viMe ID advance.) ' * ' to merit i i en kcotin.M or rtv? montus. , Lv,il;.riiig. Washing. Ac. . . $"t( 0' Juljr 2 in in nil iiuglinh Branches, . J"> 0>? ii m I'riuinry I'ejiaritncnt, 1"? (jo wjlt in on tli- i'lmo, . . Jo 'tOiiuil So (ft ii* in Vocal Mtiiic, . 10 IM uiitl Jit it i j m mi i'ic (iuii ir Jit (Kt ? - [eta afford. and INii AT SHORT PROFITS, . I continuance a tit! increased patronage K W HlLUEK. fi-21-tf A_BHAWLKY. cheg and jewelry. A H N RUiV , v.?v<. uroMirrcn. I '11 no lancy picture, 1 use no declamatory as? ^ lion. There is nf?t a man in this CoiiTcnl who may not cite twenty eAMl to meet ev Item of this catalogue. Hut when at ist t fanaticism and eager hast for rapine?niingl their foul purposes, engendered those fernn >ting millions who have seized the Constilut -and dlatorie its most sacred form into an wtrument of our ruin, why then, longer si mission secured to us not only hase cowardi but absolute fatuity. In Sumh Carolina we i mw fimur nit- principles or (DC (Iuiit's of liberty i(>r ; ami truth. i n it knowledge, goulteineu ot Vii ion ! pjini*. is your birth-right cry ! I will, however, a-k a few minutes more o his i your lime, wliile 1 aileuipl, very r.ipiilly. an ing in (lie in ist general leruis, in exhibit so no ol en the fundamental causes whi-h I he people of tin ion | South regard as justifying tlion- belief tha in- there never nug it to ho, and that there nevei uli- ! can be a retonsiruction of tlie laic Fedora cc, ' Union. Leaving out of consideration the fne fell lhal the liculliescene wrliirl. .11. ' i^jmnn, will skiiik i<>r shelter tieiieiiili cite ci iiutIjIiit^ fragments of |hih( greatness, Iio 11w? 11 under I lit* scourge of it haughty, l?ut mean l:i-k master, or wlicihtr she will step I or i h uiul wllli one vnige hush the storm of war. ' < nnil keep ilie ancient glory of her name The ' limes must he tar more distempered than now ?indeed prophecy dare not seek, for it can 1 never reach that future?when Virginians will ! r hesitate to deeido this question ' Mr. President. the people of South Carolina 1 have declared, in the language of the various I m ?. a ^ . X .X. ! ; >4, ' Trace Chains, I'ad Locks, an J a great many '**"1 other articles. slot They hImi ntfor as po 11 an t^nrlincni ?> fall | r.a; article* belonging in their line ol hu?inc* a- ( I ran lie found in the market, and at prices a- 1 to I reasonable as those of any other huti*e. 1 am. March 7 "it 1y d issolutTonT" null' nainnre iroin j*n I iti r\ ?.nv| ?l?lf nfeulli ' Fn*n< I'tti -liuildifiji in jr'.u I unlet*. 11 mile* ; I'm* o nli uf S|?in iiit)ir .r V'iiltj?i* on tin* lWmK S m o ks lti>a*l. \l?u uiir ll.m l Wikgnu, out* k'.ir t Tn* inn* now Still. :iii-I Simiili. i iin>nll ' UMS will bo in i.c?i on i? during the Winter <"*<"] t ni l is w ill 1c?t? S-itvinah *n r> i)mh on the 21*1. lie will he happy to j barge of any Young Lioiioa on In* rut e. j IX'? i 31 47 If j X ^ w t>. ii i ? M :>i it ii 4 1ST REC LIVED A FINK LOT o r >I.D AND NILVEH ATCHSa O.XS in w?nt of ? reliable limrpin*, buti i< lo th*ir inter?sl to purcU*** ?f t... .u? -' - - mm, 10 remain one hour under such ndomii Xion we would merit the destruction earned our own folly und baseness; we feel that there was one sou of a t Carolina sire, who ?m counsel such submission, there was uoi a h side or a plain, from Euiaw to the t'nwpe from which the spirit of his offended sire wm not start forth to shame him from the laud desecrated. We did not. find nir enough inll little State to give breath to such connthere was not tii in earth enough there tor i BIICIl OOUtliullor to ?i??'l ? ? 3 ?>' iin.- I tie I nioii, w in enforced by iieCeHidty r.illici by ihnn free consent. the iruili seem* evnleni k if every in mi wu.lm d ires to *pe-uld'o ndvisedlt nl I mi the mmiiiesi principle* of rovnluiin. ill- . we .ire now enacting, I lull llicy ilo ininlvi- fun ii*. diiincnt il >ind irreconc 1 thle I vwcuit ies, Ivtwoor ii Id { the Hjniein* on Wiiiob sUrvlmliling nml lion ho ' Klnveliolding comtnuniiit** tony endnm W< h at | t?ell v? that tliexe oj? 11 o 111 diversities pertniii ivl, | to every Attribute wlnuli belong loilie two sya>ne j tern*, n11)I cons qnenily that ili.s revolution - coiu|..ici n lift ween dirin mid i heir confederates, that they always retained tln-ir sovereignly 1 'in I ind-pcudcuue?that they, witli their con- ; 1 fc Icrule*. did delegate certain powers loa cuiniiiiin agent; thai by their confederates this j compact has Wen violated, and tlie government | ostilihsliod under it has become destructive of, t lie purpose* for which it was citnliliihcil?and it it. therefore, their right to abolish thai > government. *0 far as it concerns them, and institute another. They have solemnly ordained mill are iinw ?ml ti?v? fi? - - ? 1 1 j mr. r.opurin?'v?-inp lur ilu> | raiVi<-o i>f I,aw | luTcliilore rxiMing hciwet'n iih, i? tlii* l>\ ini*iit-*I ( I'ti-vni All prrnuni imlrliiril to tlio laic firm of j FA Kilo A M i IIIA K |( lor frrs jr co.ti j are re- ; <|ueslril to make piviii lit. j J WIIN K Ml How, 1 W. II. W II I TM'.II. : i.. Fvhruary 2S M lm j * J \ >1 K s I \ kkowT * lift - I J (\ n, A Murray ?'i?l oiIt r>. Dil. ii iun s. i Peiiiion for fmuin in pay Prhm. | f nppc.irni,: to niy saii"f u'timi inn Arthur 1 * J llr.iwh'y il litrin; and a if.*, Nunc. .latin Of tIk ikIi-y, iivfoii'1 nit" in this ou?e, reni'lf li 'Voii'l r?*um limits of ill. * Sl.ilo. Ii is therefore oruor <1 | lM?l. il iln-y appear ui tin; court of O liiriry, to hold'ii ai ^pnrtunhurg I> "tt i< l on loe JT'li Iiu< V ol M IV I1C VI to ' 1 st. joiin'.s iiiuii scnooL deal, Mathttniticil and Military. FI 1 of every 9LE WINT. R VACATION i i> School will tentinfti* and rxt>rci?cM he j Waroli tc?l on Mwu?iny, the 21at of January, : lv. and I ' Book I WILJ.iAM Ill\VIN, Principal. I 20 4 J If I ^ ^ ... -... IU' IW ( IV ii'll Ilieiu chopper Hua they can lt? vhn. NE JEWELRY il'-scriplimi and latest m vie* (J- A H TIC 1.1: IS WARUAXTKD, ice. Clock* anl Jewelry, repaired a??l* ti rea*>>uaMe price*. Sto'?. Brick Kmp', Main w. Nee ? WILLI 4.31 r. JO\M. I pray you, gentlemen of Virginia, to paid me tor referring with some particularity to I position of my State in connection with tin I matters, bocau?o she has been much .spolteii and not much praised. I mn here as the Co tniasioncr of these people, certainly not th r eulogist. ] am sent here, as I thought,mail because among them 1 ii ito always, with so pride, proclaimed that I sprang from this s< ami because they believe that I would tell honest, earnest story ol their wroiie* ' ? I iiiit* i?|i:nniiun?ilnt (i.xiniiyr/itMii -t* none on cident ; ilini n i* no merely oumi il re nil n| ? (l,? temporary came: llint :t ih n?> evane-ternl iiult Bs<, ' ble of popular error or irritation , lltat it in in ! *? 11 i* ? revolution reotlting Irmn the ^jl ' doepoaf conviction*. tlmidm*, the aenritnenta, ai| lite moral and intollectnal ne"'ssilieH, of earn ? , e-t and titi**i 1 irt*itt toeit. it is not r?ni? ? - - . .... . .. .v "? .11 AIJ 'ir?j i IM'Cn maintaining that ordinance by anus?that all | 1 political connection with the govcrumenl of the United .states is dissolved. ' The admitted rule on wlitcli they have resort' e<| ii. arms is, "That a violation of a ported right, either commit!od or oomtuitting, or wuh 1 which a p?o|>lo is thronlone< 1 in the future, jus11 ties ill" undertaking of war - amicable means ' having been tried in vain. When it is evident that it would he useless to trp guoh means, justice requires a resort to arms'" A TTOllXE Y A T LA IV. c*; ? CHI ash of SOLICITOR IN EQUITY, f Spnrtanburn C. II..S i . t? Fob 28 61 2m ,lcl Notice. ','1 ^ T.T, person* intlebte I to the subscriber. ! j >1 HIBJf | i. vrliy I In* jiroci- !< ??I" ofliioretl nl <>i lltilii'ii Murr.i)', diii' il., soul l>y onlor ^ I he Orliniry l>.r |> *r? it i??n mil ilivi-e.ii, | >11 i'I it it lii" i i: I iiv.t in J ?' I'lMwell A I in?irii >r ol the h 11 I Kulicrl Murray, ?lrc il , In- > |>) *iim! I'v Iiiiii to the p.iyincot of the Uisoi ilh>>*.il Kol.ert Murray, f Kf'.ru ?ry, 18'.1. * * n*t " JNO. K VKLF. nOM VR, o. n. n. . ,ll? b \-h J 8 ft J M _ 1> 1. i\v? \Vo?tli Iloarinir. __ \V ! \l 0,U Z O N SS? \S r*?lii? intienJ of a buric*<|i?c of umun f*? r ilitiue. Boho. c? COM one come nil, ornoy A1 1jAW? N'OlR. CALDWELL. CO. N. C. .1. ho in nnondanoe at nil oft he Court*, H?th Oounlj ???d Superior. hold at CoFolk county, tinu?in*M intrufi?4 to kin t?r? srn S. C. ?Jn?. Farrow. ?<).. 9hnpwi 'q , John Horn nr. otKj., Spartanburg 0 _ n ---- - ^ tri.-tls; im?l if jroti will permit nin. 1 will f k farther allude to iL Never, |cll1im?n, *ii ^ liberty begin her struggles in the VOTUi'Jm tn-j' :Y Hnnut'i ho mirts'l on the rremhli r i m ,111 | nnl ti?ver-?lying *rup{'r, na but it i* tb it alill si.*ru?r o Miflict which ?lii?or> ,7 ?* ! Oi'Wf* 'v.i 1 '1 -'it<-jr ttr 1 th?< lin/i* uii ^''<1 ui fiiis rile llie p ?oj>lo <.r South Carolina h?v? rc->orte?l to nruiM in defence of ft perfect right." As I liftva stfttcl, thojr miiint lined this pos tion for x rentmn >le time, n >t withstanding i thed ch>f bsrhrtr has be*n hWVad^d and ihoir /\fllW by n^te or in>?>k account. art re. I i peci full J called upon to pay nj?, ns longer in- i (liilpom-o c.innot be given i T> W. Ml HIHt. -1 rah ?i if ; 1 I 1 BLUE STONE ! BLt'E STONE !! | . FHKSII SUPPLY for ??' hj i C,? L, ? 3 t.nooDP.iav | lv A, Sot 1 *,_(f Drunfftt. .t;r I r..m > xiiori an! tall, j M?rcl Cwtlo.lMtf come ?in ill, I coon or not nt all. iic to.H8 Oollcrr, orar J. I A cbrr i. rbc Cmipi- llou"* ? -C\, tuar> 47 tf j #9r yl $ T* ** ? 11 _ 52 ' y Clj^aiu! iigiir*! TllLi: ?un;4y. frr ?? hr *>?? H OOW?1(>N? ^ * ' '%* _ - - J I 1 " IP* K I 1