4 rr n " w. n . w \ n t \ T . T AT~ * A Ol5 # 4 > A nrr v K^ ' 1 A "XT I _jl jl^a WM. H. TI v> f f ! ' N . , .JF* I VOT. YVIT vy UMMIJER. 1A.?IV/ IJrvotrd to J CD A 1>T A IMDTTDn 1 J JLX1 Southern Rights, polities, J^gri C CI ^rXTTTI^drv 4 1 V culture, and ^Hiscdlanjj. it t^i tt a t\tt m\ l ?- ? -irTT . -sg ~ . -T= J:\rs J I PER ATWUJU. I iT ri rf** -i3 : .-- * -* * vy XJ? -1JL T XX in ?Ht Carolina Mf, Two Doia.*n* per annum, i .?U at the end of the year. I tit after the'year expiree Mo subsoriptiou taken for lose tha Money may bo remitted througl at our risk. ?Will ? TIIM1II?I ?II avtau. ?TUc (Confederate ,?t n advance, or ?T l*r< f not paid un- DnvlN. n nix months. AUUUSTA, 1'I'bruary 18, IS ti pw?i musters Montgomery Inaugural ccrctuunii U'lll'rn tlll> t I I> MHfn.mt kJJL Ik Li X XXII XJ XiV* 9 \tf (*!? political career, my most earnest des * have been I'uHilled. liut if this be us, ai d the integrity ot our Territc CMldvnt risdictiou he assailed, it will at last for us, with firm resolve, to appeal '',u and invoke the blessings of I'rovidi s, to-day, uur just cause< k^?. v., X IX U : lire will fDpetili of lion. L. II. HelU of: denied AT TIM? SERENADE TO IIOX. ALE rial ju- Stephens, Montgomery, ala., feu. ' Unarms Gf.nti.eMEN : 1 make you my tli fur the compliment which you have LUCi on 1Uy .State. To-day, the delegates tikP KiiOi>iliiiI SJlulou -- ' I, riimtUAKK S.C. from (lac JupnncNN CiubuNaj x ,| Tho Niggara left Kanugawa on tl F.'Gl. 2Gth of November ibr Hong-Kong, brin rinks ,n" lct*ors UI' 'rull> 'bat date. The la ' )#i. j ding of the Ambassadors and the roeept'n }MI of the Niagara's officers have already bc< ..ro"! noticed. A viw A'r?w?. NO. 51. ? The doctors lound hiui dying, soda vi?l?H laudanum being found in the rootu, a ach pump was applied, but too lat tu ba oA any service. H It seems Mr. narris was in the habit offl taking laudanum, morphine, Ac , at timsn^l Job work of all kinds promptly DUnks, Law and Equity, coutim or printed to order. Advertisements inserted nt tli Tiik Si'autas circulates largely adjoining districts, and o tie is an u V diutu to our friends to ...00 custi The Inaugural We publish this morniug the i dross of I'residont lUvis. It is a executed. netted in the S ?uth. An i in men ta yon mm, on C?:i|>ito! Hill, consist c usual rates beauty and gallantry of the St; over this and Military and citizens of tho difteic diuirablciue were fully represented. l*residt "ut'ra. co'iinuneed his Inaugural precis ? o'clock, lie said: ( icntlemcn uf the donyre** of th inaugural ad- rmtc Stntis of' An vricu?dri'iiit plain, com- ...V- n..ll? i - ea " ?- As a euuscipience ol our new coi iso crowd allj wft h a view to meet anticipated in^ ot the it will bo necessary to provide u ite. The UIU| efficient organization ol the b nt States of the Kxccutive Department I uvi nt Duvis c;a| charge ol loreign intercourse, oly at one military affairs and postal serviei purposes of defence, the Confederal \c. ('otifal- may, under ordinary cireuinstaiici stun/ / ? /- mainly upon their militia; but it \ ...w mwv^vv. i. Mitvo xaaiiitu a 1 J UVIfc ndition, (iovoriimeiit and put our banner int 1 wants, j|aujH yj* II|cn distinguished for thei spe 1' - vices and ab lity. At the head is one ranches ercj with civic honors and with la V" 8P?* won upon the field of his country's ha finance, ;))Kj ,U:Xt (0 ],jin stands another, the p< , the loftiest in worth and intellect. I ! ' tales benign auspices this new tSevern s' rov starts forth upon its career of usefu s deem- i ? > 1 - "*y v' lul,a seoiiis to have completely dissolved th ? 1 10 halo ui beauty which the imagination lu r her" lent it. The houses are of one story stand ii co> " on an underpinning of wood or stone, co 111:1 * struct!d :of a framework of light tiuibt ' with heavy heenm uhove while the bid ! ' r.? and partition below and simply frames nc 1 r sticks and paper?the whole resembling vast riec-pai er eauin. which only needs '"<** sti.'irL kin.ll.. " - 1 " as follows: l(j Pa it is, Friday Evening, (5 o'clock. t 1 have this moment left the Court where t the great ease of Patterson vs. JJon (parte, ,r is going on. Uerrycr-?the illustrious Herwho was called to the hur just fitty p years ago?sj>oke for four hours and a half ,n without a moment's interruption. 1 speak ' literally; the Court did nut rise tor refresh: . I IllCIlt until lio ! ? ! .1...... -t * * and u|>on tliia occasion made a fatal ni*-l take a? to (juantity. H I'a'.il 11. Harris was boin December 9, 188 , and waa therefore in hia 22d year.H lie was ;t grandson of Geo. Paul llarringer,H (aft< r whom he was named,) of (JabarruaM County, N. C-, and was a nephew of lion.H Daniel M. llarringer, a member of thefl Peace ^Congress from this State, and ofH Victor C\ BarriHirer. Senator fmm pact, nn rest of the Confederate Siates a: of the Northern Confederate, 1 meet the emergency that may an insane rule and lust of nnwnr. I . ..... nr. \ . 11 u i lU u liiilicu e.-l1 *Ki Ait''* I ^blo ,f'0" ol' 1'liitsS* Kxecutivc t e Souih.? visional (iovernnieiit which you upon which tinted, I approach to I'ischnrgc t is founded is assigned inc with liumblc distrus sitiou he as- abilities, hut with suitable cotiH correct in us , once, as is iu- thc wisdom ol th.we who are to j s well as that ,l,d mo in tlic administration of 1' le advises to fairs, and an abiding faith in tl ise from the I and patriotism of thc people. r, respon- ,.,l advisable, in the present coiidi >f the pro- affairs, that there should be a w have ini- strutted and disciplined : rtny, m he tlnti?*s merous than would usually bo reqi t of my a peace establishment. 1 sil>o i donee in that, for the protection of our liarb ;uide ami commerce on the high seas, a iiav^ ublic af- cd to those objects will be required, lie virtue necessities have doubtless engaged Looking tciition of Congress. \\ ilh a o??i?.s mitt gwry, iiiiu you nave signified tl1V11 con lid nee by the "all hail ' which you cH. con- ^, unable to escape from tl . wo burning ruins. Numerous temples, ho . ever, add a dogrep of picturesquencss oft ' al." otherwise monotonous scene. Theresidcnc * * " ol the Tycoon and his principle officers a great | _J_ . , e.. . 1 1 - - ,J ....... - ... UUIIV, ai miuut u' throe u'djck. I came away with great j regret in the midst of Mr. Allnu's 8|K-ech 1(j for Prince Napoleon, in order to Bend yon 1 these, hurried lines by this evening's |H?st. I The Court, to-day, was as fullus it could w_ possibly hold. Some tickets for reserved I places had been given by the President, ,t8 ' but u considerable space was still left, when lc j the doors were opened, for a ru*h by young rus in the State Legislature, the latter ofH whoiu has been seut for to take charge ofH the body. fl Mr. Harris was <> lie reootnincn Is a spee.ly au I cfl lationof the brunches ol' ihe Kxcc mcnl; theestabl shutout of a navj tabl sliincnt of a well-instructed at army. Liu is of opinon dial the pre ten even if they should eventuale interfere but little with the | our staples for cxp >rt. lie pla pousioilily of any civil war ill upon proper party, ami iutiui iorwar i to the speedy establish:! wi?nt 01 ^hii- (j,)Vcn,incnt to take uuvo Depart- i . lit UII,j ,i,0 ot this ami which by its pre: id disciplines! al and physicial power, will lie bt | to comliat with (lie many difficult i ditlioul ios arjSl? ||-y a t!n> conflicting interc-l in w.ii. >\ii arito nations, I enter upon the < iroduc; ion <>n 1 , _ ' , . , , j , cos ilic res- ' 'he oHio- to whicli I have boei it may arise t with the hope that the be^innin lies tint mi ' career as the confederacy, may no unit of a j differing only i'rom that of our latinthe place far as it is explanatory of tlu-ir well ater nior- intent, freed iVv.m sectional conflicts t'.er able have interl'erred with the pursuit ies whieh general welfare, it is not unreasoi ,s of sep- expeet that the States from whieh \ lot ies ol M, recently parted, may seek to uni i chosen, fortunes with ours. I niler the t ? of our nient we have in-tituted lor this, yoi t obs rue- it of nil* Hint i? -i11.,ii ?#,, ? * ' ?. moil who founded the Kepufolie of the rs in ?o v?a(0St j,,i liut plant mere specula known jJf (j,0 fundamental law, nor did the} , which tlicir work upon empirical rules. 1,1 , l',<> with their tonsil, robust and manly \ tiuhiu to < Sl.?se. they embodied in the ! re have ;ij <\uivtittitioii the experience ol'their to their instrument only embodied, prot overn- al|tj the principle of Manila ( ,r ' ^n" t.i ; and there was nothing in w in .. . uibu gui'Kvuuaiy mien up, ouch having . ' lar^e ;;uard ol sold o 8 to protect the i lions 7 " 1 I mutes. Four <1 iys aft^Hhc Ambassador's, arr'n ' ' the) made a visit to the American Min ter, ami expressed their kind appreciate ~ 1 of the man tier in which they had be ra<"uj I treated. Two days later ail audianee w ' oiven to the .Minister and the Niag r; . " officers hv the Prime Minister of the K it ox J oainMi'B aim inc general public. 'J lure ( wis no attempt to pack the audincnce, ai.d many who had the patience to wait for two j or three hours at the door for adtuis>ioii, met with tlie reward which they deserved. "n The proceedings were opened by M. Lcgrand, m>>ur lor Mrs. Klizabeth I'aterson, t pres nti11the following conclusions: "That it may please the tribunal to declare the marriage contracted on Doccmbct of the Cnitcd Slates, in the line, first (9 the 1st infantry, and then of the 1st dnfl toons, and as Adjutant in the last regimentj^| Twenty-five years ago he resigned froi^H the army, and devoted himself to civil o<^H caput ion und studies. Klect?d to Coogrea^H in 1*45, he resigned to become Colonel the First Volunteer Regiment ot Miasisip-H pi Rifles in the Mexican War, and dUtin?H I w ? QUUUI I1U I VMUU'IJ I UCSiUv''* UUIUI ."* II. ways be foun I iii retaliai mupou t of ilie enemy. In the allusion to himself are fo iug charaet eristic of a patriot ami W finJ no boa-ting of past servie hui forth for honor*?but the lee expression of a loy il ami the Suntli atnl her iiist itui ions. This inaugural a-1 Ires* ?v.ll, if crras * til' conti'leae 1 w.iioli the j t'ou.cd -rate Stales aire i-ly repo-e ??" ??. wu* :l1" i tcil liy hostile opposition to our v "k? co",,ucrcc of scpurate existence, :i 11 < 1 iuJc uu.l the lcn-1- | w,lir!1 w ,,aVU a,,JH tuicHiiiun j blessing ut Providence, intended iss?u?ctninis j tain. I> anil earliest | Our present, condition has been I .iii.n hiuetii ^ |n |lt 11||M.)> mipr ;erir<. i tie \ isiters wore received with "ri V urbanity Simme linden and the other A moa i bas.-udors were also present. After toh: co an 1 pipes had been handed round, ci Vs ' ve: sat it ?n began between Mr. Harris ai *' ll> the Minister, the latter ixpr using thes; U1M,U istaetioii with which his government h uken , |iear,| ,,{* tin* ree ption <>1 the Embassy, a 11 his thinks o the presents which had be sent to the Tycoon. I'inner billowed. ,aj ."-itli, botwoun the late Prince"Jerome ln and klizibcth Patcrson, valid. |C "And, also, to bike judicial cognizan ;e , (doiinjr acts) that M. Honu|>artc, while dc)(j uirtiiilins Catherine i^uiciitu niuJBVti greuuy 111 IILS scrv 1CCS DJH lii- nkill and lor his bravery, ll^c led hiiH r. giincnt at the storming of Moutercy^J a id w.rs severely wounded at the battle ofH Buenn Vista. H Declining the appointment of Brigadier?H t icncral, he returned to Congress as Sena^B tor from the Sta'c of Mississippi,andscrvet^M there until appointed by Mr. Pierce SecrtJH tary of War. In that office he mnintatne<^| tiiey uave plaoe l ui tlu> fi u I of i moat.?M-JU >< Iu , ii or^m of ihe Fiono'.i nitioul ing upon toe ?ecr--i >11 oi S-o:l ?.iys : heir Uovuni ' sh?ul,i u|,er t,r abolish 11,,v j wh> i v 1 thoy bociunc d? -tr.utiv 2C Sou!fi * b?r which tiny w. re cs i lit* drrl iiv?I purpose of the c > from Hi I'.-ir- tin: ! tr.oli It? hi w hit h ?c iiavow csniii otlieiil | w.i to i h justice in u ( oimsiviit- t ii ptilily proV'ili ri ( ir ci iniii ni i i'aroliua it promote - in-rul Wi ll'uv, ami si ! i It? Oll^s (it lit), ii-. Jus- i if - I \ cs ? . ! ...rilv- I .. . I... .. ! - i.i tun in - arc enj^eiuleretl, winch n i ru.acnts -dioiild r? till in tlio .separation <> 0 ol the actuate"I suit !y by the ties re to j talilisheil ' our own rights anil promote <>ur ov tn;?.iet ol | no. The separation tut* the Con itli iraivn. States lias been 1 n ?i*U<- 1 by no do a s uj, in others, ami followed by no <1 1 Jo tie.', convulsion. Our industrial pursuit teure the ret ive i no check, 'flic eultiv.i ami | u- >nli- lb j is has progressed as her ,, , ,,, MM* IUUII \ ??l m-t.ui'l w*||i*n thi'v coin[tuTt'ti tluir iylopom 1 tl,OM' ftouiJifKit Hritain; In the 1'uturi reserve jts resources and power must increas f" w ' it contains no clement to rcartl it- -u ledcia J-,,) ..ri*ss. It hasnopoli icil eonx rre-s:on li(Hl al||j j(< j,ar(j4 ;1rc no! witlmi loin* -tii* , ,i,, sion. Its oru'aniz iti ?ti am ,s. ":lVl iinmy i I' iiitcr sis puvido auainst tl ,'"n ni cc-m-, which arc the mi inlle lc. vtiilori'; ,i. i ' ' ' 1 which i'. t-t rn ingenuity appears to ha "Cl i laycil il-cll t'? {>< rfectieu; hut; strati '> t,MI' to v.iv. the nuoiulaai hihulutu Auiba>sa h u' j riTuM'il to taste, touch, or handle any l''"''s"s" the in hriatin^ liijuore. With a lew co pliinentary ohs. ovations, the company ho 11 I" afterward broke up. 1 The preaouta were landed on the m " L!X dav hut one, and c in j fi- ! a <:uii boat a - machine rv a ..r - ? J Wirtemberj;." ,M, I Jl 1 Jerry er, in his exordium said: "My ~ s client, Madame I'aters m, the divorced j I w i.caml now the widow of the late Prince lentnc N:*| oleoti, has waited nearly sixty (iI| years for this day, ami now, faithlul to the mluet irom which she has never swe veil, he crosses the Atlantic at the aj?e of 8c vj nty-five. an 1 is here before you to a>k the ilistieu of n !'i ni-li i - | tin- reputation lie hud previously acquirec^H I of ] messing extraordinary a?lniinistruti\ JH capacity, llis tirniticsttin what he belie. to be right was unquestionable, and hi^H integrity beyond the taint of susptcion^| When Mr. Huchanansucceeded iMr. Fiereel Mr. Puvis returned to the Senate, andH held his place there hy the firm tenure, the unlimited confidence of the people o^| his State. He is eminently fitted by th^l - no njrcc Willi III." ' M* ? 11' t I Carolina, n-? lo tlie via; t.i Intton l>y ilie N ?t. uoi n Si net* i*e.?|iivliii|r fupiii\?- -lav..; ulso cniituuiit, i lie Nai.ii loiVOli l(ie llll|> 11.SO givrll 1m- 111 IT/ll, Wallet, :i lit- ..iino t;ill>-. I boon brought l?y eireu n-nn.oUg.tilts! (tie jiruirij'io< j?: a ...line i hillail. * 1'iio C >n7otuion wlii -It j>a Iitnv emuj esit.^; I i c-. in itivii | i ilei\.i-y. it li.i'.l ln i u \ i-rveiU-d inn wo lii.- ji j: -..isn j.ji wliicii it \i:ls onla ' -I'l'""."V ' I 'i ' trteil I lie rililt* which I III* t u.l-ll <1 I ; II I'- >" i"? | ami < veil should wo I"' involved ili!& ( <'i - i there would In- no considerable ?n the j hi tin- | r??Im tiaii ul the 1uj?1? incil, un>l ' have eomtituted our exports, in w I oil it ?;! cniiiuierci.il world lias a Uee[> i to to tin* ; x-urooly less tlitii our own. Tins ? they weiv j interest ot producer ami consult ul by the ' (jnls he intercepted bvexterior 1'eret this tin s hi.iild ohstruet its transmission to thi! loo j markets?a en .rse of e induct wh.o ...... .>ii.iii^ iiiiu i.ina. icisui leave 1*K5 morals 1 ?*; lius .-a; ; ! litittli??s? ? sympathies she iiis 1 >1 u111? 1. wliirli 0|(j ("nion lia'i e\h iu^te>l it- eap.ieiti i.i ll tli.1 ^0,?p |( J,.,,! roMi.al tin- ] ?"'i ! ' <'l interest, a11 1 11 11I up a hu^e Ilia -oiuiiiou ^ I.Mnlnr ami i i.ijuilieence as the In icr ran ,ts sj? i|. < .?r_;* ?! with prey ami .-< *, wlii.h | |jy f,.JI.^ it w' t- r?'a1. Bonaparte by ,4. atl the imp rial family during a long aeries of year-* as their relation, arguing from this liict that notoriety, in accordance with j t'i renter < ! h.s li ptisiu. v as, in the ' t .uiof the co l-. iud spu'ablc evidence ot his *: itux as a i .-.it incite child, lie ex ..i .1... n - * - - grasp an J character of his mind, his studies? his temperament and his unsullied in teg? rity to be the organizer of a new adraini*^| { tration. H In the polities of past times, Mr. i has belonged, for a long time, to the Statc^J Kights wing of the Democratic party. (lie (ant phrase of the day, he lm^B been sometimes classed as a fire eater^B !5ut it is a ^TMt ubllM> ftf l'l?(ru?1 ilnit 1 greiivd eiptal, utnl | n-- - s .| o ri ble right*." M i*-a "li'i-nim in I SjliitiM a?l ?pl<* I "lie o.y i.i <1 Wi Ii.ii itn: t' liiveutl m i -.11 li Federal C.in^iitiiliuu, n -ir ni.r t". < tslavery p ovuiietl. * * * "I'll linpc rntcrinitU"! I?y ili the Ame.K'.in I'm hi, ili.it -'a gr.i In il'.v extiii.Mtti .ell. i- ni ii t o ii el 1:1 ' 1 1,1 1 1 ' 'IU'0 'I V II >ocltrnliuii i> M|d vcnty tix < 1770) >i<>fi all a oa w r. ' i i.ili.'ii i- i>'. ()< ttic Itiuc nii'l tiC' ..in in the i i : i s ex ivi??\ they, a* suven i jis. -v?""l "Oicr | fi;.a| jM | , , for it^olC T in* in*iii- ? !? >. i % . i i , ) (1 i( t . i.a! an I c.i! .Jiti-uca \er<7frt oi .,i,i i V\.l. viii !. -ale lite reel H title of ail * * * hi ! !i?' vvltu k'l'nv- tlic Ik ;rts of lar. lo; ?i jn of sli - it..- i t\ \v.:l? Waiel .wuii <1 be (i( pr servc the Ouvormiiont ol ot I ll? I . lll'l 11 1 tcen'.lui. _ a, uuju>t t-i\var?U us it \v ih'<1 to In ,1 iiinniil.il in iiiauui'aiturinir un isi-iii nl u,?-ir!:il iliteiist :il>r :? I. SliutlM wore th> ?uii!e llio ::ct uii ui' tlio tn>%i lie iui. ar- *1111111 winch vvi have sojuirutcd, nmiiki i i ,.y ,li t iiiiciit.il to the civiiizcil r ciui .tu t. (|,. Nm ;h, i ii States ii.clw'lc I. lien, w11 , t | ctatcil liv even the >': ii^ci w l.i'o t iuliict ii ur* u mi us; but 1' utl t! full, l i , i... . i ! tii" ol eve v tiut. it in ojiiwli, when it 1 >? _ uKl t e ;i(, t.uU. i,t ,t it Iris *1l l|'o'Hicratu!.iti>iiis,tin tin* sense ! it mi.in lit _.nMtinvt?. '1 litre is seen tin- ?.t:r^i a 1' " 1?.11action- tin- I'm al mark iTi cm ru w" 'f vlr iva ;aiii't .;ii I wrakne-s. 'I hn> ' "J " bee i w : ii our late Fctlcral I t i m. I h u ,r' a i.icli we have just nr^arii/.cil lias v; l.lWiSC, |;1 jts ba>i?. It le ts UIi> Ii.hu in.nlo aj.|iarciill}' tr??m m?iiio nut 1 ?I ?*v ?le>(.tij>l: ?ii. h ill .hi hour'.* ins*11 w 1 tton cii.ihl <1 ttic nu n to work. :h i.e.v jju -" \u with entire su.'Ci.*s. ' ! N iilv .ill thi? t".?r.-?;_riie..s in Japan, lui ? !' u vor, C'?nij'in:ii 1 i11oi:V of tin: imli^niti "*i,s 11 which >;:11 Iiimj.1' 1 iiji'in them; an 1 ' .""l is n! .t tli.tt ill * i rvjmliws ul ccntur ' v .ir<' t.ir tVnin 1 i??^ ? vcii-oiim'. I cars : uml i ti in*.- ji:i_ ci 111 contra action of the iitt^ I ju-ri.il prcci i ding- in pretending to judge t 1 i? , a 'faini \ council?a sjicvi.il tribunal, ( s w 11i?-!t conhssodly Ind no jurisdiction, exI (vj t over niiMiibi reef the imp- rial family? |ur;*^B has heen calm, and dignified up to tht^J to went when s< cession cauic, in his judg^B tncut, tn he tli?> last and necessary rcaourct^J for self-protection, he was for figh'ing th^H battles of the Cou.titution, and iu th^^ I'n'on. He clung to the Union hopcfulh^| Cil l-Ci Ol ill II IV till ill' ? C I't II i < wlixU liave i.ils ; e-1 . 1 .0 preiliv "Until I 7 .11, II I ill.'l I'M I chici'eiihui o in i lie >!u e > nii^. tlii s eonhl he ivi-ner i'> I i > I nil I it MVinc 1 'h ii i.i erj lie fore . be t'ouiiil oinv in ihe .-if ri-.'uiii . nan mi'l (irnr^ bill I lie ju'i l. oii llie 111;i1111f id ..i f : . li if .-ei'ii Jul* cliangct I ne In"" oil ii> ii - 1 fnii'iy miniil llial it i. /.// .. ma ihfe.il i/'iiinn M . .... 1 , i it- ['. I u r ih. - K-m 1. tilia< | ril :it til * I irI it ol t! 1U :i i m ii I t!.c It Im'im ..It r.v ! am! re aJii.no I i Tim fir i ot I o; righ s of Stages hiiIisc jii i.tly it r "" ii* j,,{ , : | i,!.,;, I .1. n,.j. n:.r l"ii 4 v ..ti i , , , , n /. ;i: tin- |mi t :i; . u r to re it tlio * ariili | . ' < ..II la wliial. I nntlnm;.V ? ??- '-e.^ ureses ? cm riitl, tie . | newt, 'i Ims llu* mivi i .. ii matt j. n e in i-i ilieii . . s ' it ii lnv j i" . I to 'o In yj tA? cot ?n | |idi |aev, am! ii i- ' v nil ultimn nf , ,x I x j W Iir;unj Mill II"* |>r. . . i; - , is.?~i u lio S 'leciilf, :iii l tin* Mill, ul wliuli ni t j > - will l" :ir testiinoiy to tl ti tli?' :t;ii ,\ i ki'ilii-1 of our : !n:. t iitiiue' tlo ro will rciuuiu t ? 1 ro t. t I*' ordinary iviiu'dirs I#? 1 ?rc mi:.. tl.- e. tlo: well known ri-o rw: I >r itl v :u t , i ii o;i tin: i miiiricc id a i rin'in I * , 1 "V i'lx .'ritT.oo, in |iiit lie .station?. u .lin in -ruli: tu tin- wliic'u v? ur I. I ' 1 "i' !' ' ti.iir. Iirrloiu lias or^ani/ed us. ai ' Imr li is ^ivon us wealth. <)ur civilh 'O fo \ ,(s U|?,|| a natural principle ?uj?c 'r:~* ordinance of I'lovidence?ami this us oi - , lVl. jj jv.un decay, and our tjovert. j from corruption, re.aha j Although only ~i\ 'tars arc now \ V .it our liru.aiiicut, there are hcra'al r. I s til a it* ii-H us that tin' seventh is on her way. illdlie.-s i will tin* count wol. ? ' 1 entoi taimal of ail iii>| strangers. t?< I ? followed hy war with , it? horrors. Tin u_-li the currency ty li '1 i"1 n settii1 tluriiii:the visit t> t Wl l! country, no official notification ol it li "" hcen made when the Niaisira left. ("alii . at lloiii^ Ivuiij; t he steamer t-ok M r. \\ a ,M " tlie Aui'-rieau Minister to China, froui tl ' V " |iol t to Adcli. [ A < ir )" /. ('' !! Iif rein/ I fraud of the 1'ivuch law;' that it was only .t j : voidable lor want of proper publication and , I the maternal consent; that no legal slop I i ?m- overtaken to set the marriage .aide, ami that the tir.-! Xa'joleon s dciicrnte atlau ? . . |)(r tempts to treat t >c marriage as void?his j" u p at<>.| Jecic< s. containing implied a.lui',8 t t sums that all Ins former acts against the marriage had been iieflicacious?his oor| ro.sj>un Hall ol tli(>SotilEieru ( ? We wore Jilonotl to nh-ii-rv.', u trnncc into (lie llnli of tli Smii tiou yc.-iterjiontotl in our j il-iv, il in* I hem ii-iofnlly an I l> united with picture*. |d n-od nt il the Committee l?y our citizen* i>.. >i - ' i -> "J " " Si:vt tli.iia-t lia- i .:* !? iimi imiii: | ! Sntur- willi lot. i11 nation- is i*li.?i?_: I. niiilii \y il '0- I .in, > 11. *. iiffrssallali . int?Tru|?t tl 10 di i?o?ai of j |)nyl0lin] rflutions. Sustained by ? | ll til ( UlllMTCtl. lias taUJtllt iii.' til > ' > v l t i '. iiii l .li-app'iiiitui' "t. arc tl "" ' I us' oIIr-mI vK-v.iti >11. ^ "it will svi ! 'MS ,v roi m to liir^ivi', iii any ric. tlirr, wheel into our galaxy, until tlit* < in.ill) | h avens shall hiaZu with tin- mi to toler j iiri_'litnc-s-. The < >M I VMiiininii, wit eithel | Star at Kmnirc on her forehead ; -hi e, that oarneil two-third-of the 11 volution o of most at shoulders; sin- who j_-n\i- h a h sitv has i ,\ar and statesmen in peaee; .-In- e: ili.-tini- < ami will not aha.-i- lu-rsell at the foot ,liwtr??il I - ? 1 *' ''' '' ; \Vasiiini.I"N, l'< hru 11y I?The for 11 biil of Mr. Stanton, ol Ohio, was taken !l 1!" in tin I loll-n lo-d ij, causing an earnest < w "" bate ami intense excitement. " . r Another hill Was introduced, the < ' tinet \ avowed 1 >j.et id which is. to id.' 1 within the power and reach of the I'ri -'<"'1 .ti - . 1"' " ,,w i VIUTCU to .1 (iiitil tlic marriage?a11< 1 hisrejecaon of th K-lt:*I opinion of the Arch-Chaw el loi ('.unhucerts, whose advice ho asked? ! t all showed the knowledge of Napoleon 1 j1 .hit nothing lutajud cial decision, which it was now too late to ask for?could set the marriage aside, lie ticluded by ex . ] his 1 di< f that the judgment ol the eomt wool 1 confirm hiiu ii. that respect . i..- #i... i i - | ' tru>:c I. lie ?ai originally of the State^fl 1 lights* wing of the old Whip party (!e >rg'r, - 11J en t'.c dissolution of*the olt^| < rganization, united himself with theState^^ lligbt Democrats, because they showe^H the strongest capacity fur obtaining all^H ance at the North for maintaining th^| I 'nion with the rights of the South. H When the North overwlnlined us in th^| late sectional Presidential election \lA WII ..h vmuiim: i n. r.4- lilt* v hi! may he seen a 1 i-( of ' he gallant corps ? isi ii i,i in" the ?\ llicnt ofSniltll Car.i i:i s > -lis uj; Mexican War; next i > il.as is a representation of Washington of 11..' ' ll t?!l ! ' t '.l- Jil l -.-Ul ? ..111. ?l.T;iC ilinciio jiiMf. < ! from ai.v luiv^ar-l on on ;iual.t->l in in. Mh li obligation*, or any failure t. iii iuij.i.-ni\f (.Vu|... tuutii.nal ilutv, ami n tmvuruiir In- , , , ,, , ,, no inter. or ; i - -1 n to inva. c tl n-i I.. I lie I 11. r-nieiii..ruble otnoin, aiiXJOM* to cultivate |> next i.i that, coin lilt ice. Willi all nation.--, ii Wt I'..!,.it, "t tie hojic toavoi.l war, wc in ay, at Ic.i ' 'lu" 1 '7 " that lui-t, rity w ill ac.iuit u* of liav nt of Dixon , , 1 J . . . " I'TUi' l-l | j..,,, the (. .>!?lil.il.I'll' of tWat >.-ll y, did lint njM,|, voiir wiidoiu an inved l.y \v,. hav?- I our coM-Mituent ii- n^lit> | tlio sv>tcin ??t* (Mir (iovcrninci oacc anil ?,,titnti at 1'nno I l>y ".ir t.it ",,t tliat ul! lic.se < \miIVderate States. i>t expect ti>.. ?s,tio? ot' it, an.I in judicial e< induced- i.... .. . ' 1 .v.. ui i > i .1 ii ii v ami lanal ici."in. We have timeiiL, the I'uiiMilutiou which w n made la it ism, I dead; have &a\cd it from h lie per ci>ui ami fraud : have 1> 1111 arouml i hand-. almj%c it a new temple, ait 1 now a-k t part", juiii _> here lit the ohl wor-liip and it. ami ' ,iu;e. I u tilt; ol 1 North St ile, \v? [her", i tidenth appeal. Iter .-0113 move .-1 In their |,ut the-, mow with the ~t -;i< 1 tramp uistrtic Koinati l,c.rion. 1 hat hrave ohl Stat ... ... .... .... iniiiiui} lurci s inui can la* ? f**cn tuiiicd from the regular army in aixtyda ' u.' it is ilniiic i b^ its friends that the ) 1 J?,.e iii till- bill i-? t? defend the puh ' *1"' | > r * J r t v. resist the inarch ??l Southi ' 1 ' armies, ami subjugate tlit* rov. ..utionis and at the suiim tunc blockade tin- j>or;s 1 " 111. sei'iiiiiip States. uU l-v' In reply to a <|iiestion, Mr. Stanton s: ,l ||.> did ma'dfi-ui ;t um'.'iisti uti'inallv to 1> e lias (l_ , im. in-iiin uiiicu uc iiau cUcrialied through ;i I0114 life." (,r. -Mr. Aiiuu?u iluoiii ami very good speakju. or, ami a first-rate advocate, although rn o niipar itively little known?opened the case for I'linee N.ij dcoii. lie was hold ()j ' . noiijh to say tli it the e' ?piciit advocate : opposed to him had very little hopes ot (j winning his cause. The ease was overlaid j with nan nice, which from the lapse of Stephens wan among those who coututcllc<^| joint Southern co-operation for the acoo^H ?ng of the rights of the States within th^B Inion, or for joint and concurrent ih-part^B ure l'roui it. The tide of events rolled and washed this ground from beneath feet of thousands of the purest patriots itfB the land, and, obedient to the will of him State, he embraced her cause, not grudg^J JI. Lewis, a representative in t\ Alabama for a nuiiilier of your*, over flie President's desk. i- ilie | immortal lien. George V a-hingto Stuart. There are n few facts connected tory of this portrait which are pet itig especial mention. We are formed that it was given l?y Mrs. t Benjamin Smith, of Nhrtth t arol bale of his estate, it was purehai Moore, who nresente.l ii t<> \le I' , If Sl\ fill! I '? < 1 111 it. jiigross Iroiu J n .-> liiiint'iliatfly Ihuibly justilie.l 1>\ the abscMloe oil nit ot liw ,,n n|tr part, an 1 hy wanton aj^i ii, |> lintf>1 l>\ |||(, ,,f others, tli re can lie in Willi the hit 1'loulit tint the coiiraj."; ami j at -hups l.-surv- the people ? !" ill - I'oiile lerate > ere-liMy in he Ibuinl ei|iial to any measure u usiis lotien. | which security may rci|uirc of an 1 r,;l* ^ tural people, wllOs chief interest oil l?v a Mr. i , n port ot a column Inv r. .i .n.-.i i.. " it ii.i" i rn i\ ??i, \\ c uavr a n^n ivveaU its true meaning. I litis inol wron^ ;ls tuju>t iutorprrlatimi ..I tin- i??->ti vs-.on nil ,||,1 uvni rriiu'inlieriii^ tliit all nil ? can.' I" |,.|t tru.-ts lie!.I for tin: j i-"j In, ai rmtisai nl powers am In lie >irietly ?*ni taU's Will | will 1im|ii',I)J 11:i 1111*_r. 11 ill tin: ! ili'lmn'r maiKV of my ilutio* I n:aj i a^rii'iil point y our exportation, V?t to retail i- tho exIrtirii?ix, soinethinj* ol tin: j?on -tructnl uor have ri^ht ;m 1 iever in v.i ruiuent, vokoil In r I . w i- consoerati iirjt ari iheeailie.-t n.'. , mi _'!>ri.-s ol ni I hat | Involution, am I ? whi It In-r^i Ah he It, m the very il.iwn ol that poiior- strn^"_'h', Vft fla h over h r hilU ami >' ili-aj< lc\s. 'i. Ik r I eunliilently a|'|'f.il. ii, when : l.,-.s hy too -nlc of my own native : ill an I 1 anil a hl??w iVt.in her w.ml.l * - 1 1 I'01'3 1,1 Uio manner prescribed by t i?. in- l>il1 ,tj ji% Mi" lioewk, of Virgin,.i, styled 11ii- l t|(i, an ??j en declaration of w.tr. and said i! il' ml pa.-sed, Iiv wanted tin; j???. >!?? ot t 'ic it pr, | are lor litis. V ij Mr. linnet, ot Kentucky. propose! t! ^1^ lite 1>. i.i icrat.-i sliottid coiiic to a "tit ad loc '"i House business, an i nit conlinuou until tiie lib Marelt of r. sntiin ' t.< I'.ri I mm', it was UiHioult to refute. i We Bprc ili'cjily ({rii'vo-l yeiicrd-iy, to linarul j tlio >li ;ii lint 1'jiil It. Ilirrix, who u:-poured, WiU'll we l:i-l saw liilil. tile hran iileal of nimilv he .ill h. vigor, uinl hr. Ho w is fur I wu or i thrue j < ai- :i -iiiili'iit 111 iho -?>u:h I'liruiinii a _[, r llo/e, utid whs hi hlv ustocnii'il l\v hi-in-trno, tin- an l a--oei.iie- h.-iiv 11- t.m.l ' - til ifiuij,, mil Willi Hie M'arnilll Of generous heart ami the thorough dovotio^M of his brilliant Intellect to her scrvice^B Never n subinissioiiist, he is the represei^H tative of that noble class, which; i litht'ul tfl home an 1 to duty, sacrifice the inere punc^J tilios of private oj inion to the comtno^^ cause of the country, and gave himsell resetvedly to its service. A brilliant or^H t<>r, a chivalrous gentleman, nil acute an?^| (mother of Judge A. B. t'liihoraU, in whose possession it has bv> n f?? It is one of the three original pur Washington now in existence. A second one, painted by Trntii White House at Washington, and ml portrait I lint Mrs. Madis >n e frame when the British attacked in 1H11?. The third is in the pot gentleman in Huston, Mass Next to the portrait of Wnsldnp ttl.. ?1sities v.ill per 111 it. It . alike i , est, and that of till those to whom hull, imii the .. . is tlio itlonti- s'"> ana truni. whom wo wotiM ut nut of tiic thoro .-liouM bo tho lowest pr.iet Washington strietions upon tho inter* hange of taction ot a itios. Thoro can be but little r .1 . twocn ours ami other maniilae: ;lnn is tlint t>l . ,ii_, 111.ui- c*> 11 !l l? f li-i * with wh, ll\ 11 \v*.:!c< ?XII? * policy is trance into ofticc. Ii our in* It i^jovous, in tin* midst ol ] mil' inter- times, to look ar. un I upon a people we would in In-art; when one purpose ol lii^li huy, that animates and actuates tin- whole, icahle re- the sacrifices to I e made are not v com mod- i,, the balance against honor, rioht, ivalry be- and eouality. Obstacles may reta urino or they ea ii not Ion*; nrevent the oro uiy ?-H- IiUiw from a sister's hand 'lo all Southern .-inters we !ln- .-ami' a |h riluu- t > unite with u> in li.ir i.otiiou. union. till 1 ted i > .in 1 lioj.i are tile same, an resolve eauiiiit t>e loii^ divided They must where their faithless confederates ot the Nor rei^hcu tlies 111 u-t sink down in vassalage liberty. , wretchedness. I'.initlei.-ui will not | r?l, hut ji( jt> inureh of aooression ; ami they Ti'(? lit - I ' : - ur a ^ * " j (i mi.'tit.11'\ t;irtl(s tu ilit-at llit't ill. ,| "" l-'S"' ^ V ^ >r'\. sai 1 ih it w l )ur ">sai_v, as Mr Lincoln lias express ,j w . Ueclar <1 "llierc was no cau.su tor alari leave a,,t' w:us l|,,rt ' th or Amid preat excitement contusion :i anil ('C,T ?'? luio tin- liill was carried over [ au?e 'K considered tomorrow. It is doult i wl'vtln r it will pass 111,. Sen :to. ri. i >... : i ... i ?rt off iiicili iting a t ichim-ut ami rcganl whcu j, over he a^carcil mi?l h-ulo fair to ho ? man of sly ' murk ami u-eltilno^H. Pence to hi> ashes, ami a" ; honor to hi* memory. I'iiai*ki. llti h.N. (V.lVb l:>, 18t?l. til 1 > >: a it r.M"tt>s: It bi'outiHM iny ntult<> aiirho'.y tltity to announce t lie stnMon tlvatli lul ?>I I'nut l>.trrm ;i'r Hurt is, of l.aiieastervilh*, S ?ur 1? t'arolina, which took jilaec this after i.u .?ct inj.' >tatt\->man, the association of hi^H name vilh that of Mr. lluvis, in the Kxc^fl cutive functions of the now Union, in pledge of the consolidation of the entir^J i .?nutkern sentiment in one f.-clinj* of alily t? the tinvcrnnicr.t. an I of an uubr?]^| ken front to its adversary?. IB [.V " Ori ih? 1'iroyune. 'NoTIISfl W?n*r?"??'N??n<.nv Si i k'?'J me --wui nero ?Andrew .inch; order, an excellent one ol' Alain jguished son, lion. \V. I,. Yatieej Mr. Melntyre, of tliis city ; and n of the great orator and statesman, and next to that a historical rcpn the swamp encampment cue of i when ho invited the liruiidi oilio of the scanty faro; and on the e of the door, entering into the lla picture of (Jen. Washington, bet artistically wrought unon cmvih v.n ; iu'\i in ii 14 "gii?mil; foiiiiiiiinni. s,Micli as I nua's ;?ioil will ami kind li'din^s. Il.ni > t 11\. ,.Vt.r j,;,ssi,,|, nr lust shniiM clniid mentation <>t 1 . . . . i.n Mil-am, "tent or iiiII.i>>! * llii! an.t.it,mi it i<> partake Sliiltwo iinwt j rcpnrc to moot I xirciiu' i" i ii 111 stinl maintain, l.y tar fin: ll. i< unoilicr J,, (1j ,,f tlifswurd, til*' n is.linn 1 lit it .ill v ami t- . .1 ,i , . Iiavi' assumed aiimn tin n itnu i)K4itii tin , ? lie Slates tlie movement sanctified l?y its just t follow, sustained l?v a virtuous pcujilc. Ui ilmuld in- lv 1,-t a-, invoke tli Ho 1 ? t* our la ll, how- ;iii 1 protect its in our i-Hurts I lie j in I z- |ictiiutc the principles which, by Hi oi those iu_'.'. they were a', le to vindicate, e the finer- an l transmit to tli ir posterity, am il a. hitra t lie continuance ot tin-, lavor, evei which we fully acknowledged. we m:i\ In I- of the I-. X ... I . ... _ it 111 Mien saiety now, or tin y must r? he :.inl -i little later, by the lirfht ol their hu Veroiit ( homes. tilers to 1 hit, ^cutlcliicii, collie they ijuiek to per* conic they slowly, or come they novel is bless. separation is litial, absolute ail I eti -t:il>li>h With ns, reconstruction wouhl In ili> I. with tv. We haVij taken our household " ^i it. |V.on the ohl temple which our lathers .p. fully but which fanaticism ha< |iollute such bill. Ill the I 'r;H'l! OolitlTl'lllV to-ll IV til1' (* ilocea-o wore peculiarly ?lisin Messing. .lie was a uietiihcr i tin* Senior lie Class ot tin* I iiiverMtv of North Carolina, ' 1 Init ii]> >11 the secs'ton < I South Carolina ae- he iiiteil an aiil of tiovcnoi lie Ihekilis, which place lie resigned uj<>n l1? helli!-' elected Seenii i I I ?Sosa)i Abraham Lincoln. Withi^H flit? past mouth hundreds of basinew firnt^H in Huston, New York, and other citie^H have uileil Many thousands of a f very er * *ii eultli. ^\eli.i\ei I e I 11ji?>11 .i a .1 lornnuill i 11 11*|>eiuleuce, ami it inn t lie rr' jnii'Micl. I liioii^li hi.my wars i versy w til i.iir Into avsneiates, (Instates, we liavc vainly etulruvei n has iv-i mi- cure t r tin(:ii i' v :ml olitaiu re-|> > t in of ft.null rights to which \\V were entitle ii. e. . ; v, ti 't a r!n>iee, we liave n l.e 11 111e I, ni -f I' l ilioll, aiel In ? 11* ... ' . I .1.. i - ^ nni.iri n> nurrt'fs, U> I'llicc < ir-.-ci* of , nopt'i ity. infl.xil.lv - ? l?f ntlltlT" W \--III N?tT never will earry them bark. I trust tlir ii.ir.ituiii will lie in.iilc in ju-ai-iit il should In: otherwise, wo will not tin- responsibility. In the lanv;u i^e ? oil w is j,,yiiriibouu ol'tlio South, . ^Ir l ooi thr W(, ^t?,w (|).it : "libelly, in its l ist no e I on- js j(lJj j|u. p|,?u] eif the br.ive ! ' !?,. |{,|| W\sliinuton, February -I ?Tin e. No eeeil.ii:; to ilay were uniiiilHiil.ini fli it J''1 'y- llo saiil lu btliovo.l it woi . | it !>? a?io|iti ?l tomorrow. ' u|,j I In- Sproial t'oiiimittce of l-'ivo lu I tin- afir<1'^ tu r, p'"1 :l roitilutum to tho lion inlis ? ct'ii>urinj? tIn- SeiTrtary ol the N;u v t<>r i <*r|>tiiio tlie resignations nt otVuvrs of l N ivv from tin* soivling Si it< wlnn tli wviv in open Inutility agiin.it this (iovo 1 pro- incut. C'/iue/cston Courier. n - - . XIVUIVIIMill III lilt >ia !. iiH'a.t(cr \ oliiutccr^. liu returned tii^H snffering, when they could f irm a proce^H ' sion many miles in length, in a single citj^J of operatives thrown out of en plovtncnH on account of the political troubled HuH still, in each successive s;roo; ;t. Line i!iH If in. K 1 w ); I t Jlic Ti-ciMiiry >>! S ;"!i I ' > in i. . tlio r scijil i>. * i >111 ' i iic 1 JB-|. ' in . ' III M i IM' ?l II ? | ||| ' .t '.-i v of < I'it.i,- own r?iirmi l :li j. ' 1 '' " ? i i'"/. ii !i w li.iv ?. Mel nllon, '' -'.t"*1 i" ' , ' ' unitu il iiiU J' 1 '?*it u Jx'.u 1? t J ill?m: i>.ii Ill r i.l ll'-TIOII W l? ll.Ki II I till- III llti'l*. 'I I j' : lilt \ III (ill' |Hlf I till Well! II11 i III i Hi.Ill I'iriiii'il. . I lii' iMialr, iii i \< culivr I* . t .-!i;i'.l lii ?MJili "III >11' ltl.ivl. .i-i .1 II.'- it nl' M'l'Ui ' I|- V III" < 'oil . I n> iv ? .IflrjMili mii llliiiiiis, I'iMiusyU aiii.i, it .Ivra.y, < )tii<> :iti>l I?li<>? 1?% I I iii>l will ] r.-in-r I l?l\ vofir i ?r ?lit; bu-.ler St it - pr.?j> dm git tomorrow Tho Virginii lUiegatea lio >livi?lo?l. Nrw Mun. Lincoln and Mit-* I-\m M rob* Ilari.et Lane, it is said, has in\it .1 M Lincoln to accept the ho*|>ii.iliti? <iv*^H |j dt?gu?to.l witii ihiTilriv, li t tlp-y !ovl ^ IcctcJ.?-' ttnVmwin, H