PV ; * T . . ?ammi i ii 01UIK?4lH>IN C Executive Document*. Tho fottowinj* import^l oorrespou i% rotation to K?V Scatter hur boor O.L.A J*. -f-lt.- ? * - __ _ _ _ . 111 Government of theStftt# or South Carol ^v ipr|uire of the President of tho U nited fc' ti whether it w.m bp?hit order thut troopi ?i< nee |||0 SUtlue.wero sent into the bur i pub* ofChiirketou to retgfpree fhrt Sumter; if ina, Wo, therefore, see no ruason why the) ?tes may not Jdo a settlement oi existing dill ? to cullies, if time bo given for calm 'and. d( bor liberate counsel witi* those States whic "ho are oqually'involved with South Cnroliui * o C'iiLuhaim Tehhitory.?The Senate i- yesterday |>u>.sed a pill for tlio organisation a- of I'ike IVuke, under the style, title hii< 1 li dignity of the Territory of ''Colorado." It. The name is wiiiL'ularlv ?>iinl?u>i?t ? ?.n?l | J. n i:ior?i, MAQISTHATE, ATTOKSliT AT LAW, ANI> ttOLlCITOK IN Kltl'ITY, |J AS removed hwUMBic from Cburcli Street I I.. tl>? ? v-? rial? ? T* NEW GROCERY STORE IN U1UCK KAN (it, I Oj> poult*' the Court Uoim. _ ' ? flkspMtASMHUI 1 J ?< M5K S'roE imuru. n a [ivni^i 01 uio awwr^ \ revolution now in progress, as w? * to convey to our readers authentic inution with regard to the steps tut the State tJoveruuiout to obtain the ] * able poescs'ton of Fort Sumter, it is f but #rui tu a,, in * 'otivoiilion, devise a wise, just an ci- peaceable solution ol" existing difficulties, ion In the tuoaiitituo, we think your Stat ma. should sutler Major Anderson to oht ii d*?- necessary supplies of food, iucl or watei ing | and enjoy free coinuiunicution. hv uost c " ? ?r"" * ?~ it appropriate, :?ii?i was uioved by Senator le \V ilsaii, at tli?' ruqu^vt of the delegate y Irotu the Territory.?i, Tuim/uy. 'S ^ ?r?J THE SOUTHERN GUARDIAN, Q . A 1 oiiiical aud News Jouruil, ii 1 *n/i/i.tlu r ???' T - ? 6 >uv i vmtv, on i lie Public httjuare. All l>UHiu?>."s intrusted to bin care will meet ' with proui|>i attcutiou. Feb a 49 1 j REED & DUNCANATT0RNKY8 AT LAW A N ll HOLICITOKK IX Kyi'IT Y, AT 8PAUTANBIJIUI r. II All bualncHe iiiirusiud lo I In iii in L.iw ami K<|iiity will ( be |>roin|iil^ iniended io Otlicu uexl door T. M. BOST, RESPECTFULLY infnnm bin friends and (lie public that he haa ojiened A New Grocery More a ^ at (lie above location, where he \ /T Jft | has in store and is daily reeciv- XI \' 'nK " choice stork ol' tiroreries, ^?' MKSsSSwId which be invites attention? ' - I IVo. 3, Bcjek Range, Mais Street,. .lwavi4 on hand WELL B*>eet?l assortment of ^ TEXT li(KJK4 suited to tke ond the Schools. B? THE MISCELLANEOUS de fp Kxkcutivic Urrit'k, ciiahi.ksru: January 11 18til. To M.JJ'W Hubert Ainlertu/t, Uomtttnwliltg Stcmlrr: Sin : i havvthought proper, und< thu circumstances ol' tliu peculiar at public affairs in tli? country ut prose appoiut the lion. A. U. Magrutb and mg- 1>. b\ Jamison, both members nt the K Vivo Council, and of the highest po in thu Stiltrt.il) liri>jii>l)t if) ni? nanai ?, (usual among civilized nations, previous I that condition oi general hostilities wit ' *'"rl i belongs to war, ami not knowing mi .. ; what order, or by what authority, bort St lr * Ut is now held, demanded from major 11 ll,u ? ert Anderson, now in eOtiiuiand of t "!'tort is delivered to that State, That ( ,eu cur,.in his reply, has relet cd the tiovor *c.ou" i to the tioverninent ol'tho I listed States sitioii | \\'UH|||U ,tOUa yuU will, therefore, deint iilitrn. I 1 to special messenger, with the President, upo icli the understanding that the J'resident wi der not send him re nforcemcuts during th iui same period. Wo propose 10 ffnhinit thi oh- ro| osition und y< ur answer to the Presidon hat If not clothed with power to make sucl jfli- arrangement, then, we trust you will mj! nor in it our suggestions to the (iovcrimr ol you tit | State for hi* instructions, i'ntil you hav ind I received and communicated his resnoiiset i> i vilAlVlifi^ 1'. l'r.1.11 A.M. T K II SI X. " l>nily, ..... $0 (Hi ? Tri;VYeekly, 4.(HI s Weekly, ..... 2. uo | Payment lu a?t%auce in* ai inhly. j rplII8 JOUKNAI., niivrrtticriii*upon it* third ' ' 4. yeur iiutler iliu present proprietor, in rnr juuly exlendin;; i<* ci'ciilulioti :tn" - , Q lliiKly, A;{Ut'? ?*. tu. ^ j. i*. ckkii, i>. u. i?rs?:As j April 12 0 1 y T. (>. '? VKKNON7 1 ATTORNE\ AT LAW, 1 WILL l'RACTICK in the Western Cire'di ^ Oniric?ffml corner of Col. W. \\. ' HARRIS* brick building, over I lie ?torc of f| Ciimp ,V (. uunon. nnd opposite tliv I'nliueilo ( Mouse. April 1'2 1" img hi m 'i.iiu-i?jtrowii, t.iarincd iiuii V'y ru'hrd; ('OKKKKS ? Rio, Uigunyra, and Jxti; ?'~ tAl'ON?llama, Sided, and Shoulders; MO- A ASSKS?Now Orleans and Cubn; ^ 'eaa; Kioe; l'remrnred, and E**TCfl trundled Frulta; |%|B tdu 'iuklcfl; Mustard; Pepper; S^ice; ayij dackcrel and Salmon; Flo.ir, Meal, Corn, Po 'X*l jiIoCb: Sall-^-Inverpool Sacks n??d Fine Table sAssxiKsii, siuSiffiia, rava % 'hecse, lluti er uud ?in abort, all tbe va- li?u uuraii lUI'UIIMI) ? ClltflOC Ttricij TANDARD WORKS, iptcil to the jpunf and the old?totkagiarf I the gay. * * he Mtationory -iy* Blank g >k Depai tment eonlains an %mple supply, oratuoduutd to the tastes of all tfia impending and (he moot fastidious?combining the ? Jtm~ i ?' / vv"" tioi 8 ot the jfrnveat public charactei of the ileepent interest to all urhodepi the improper wastv of life, to indiu deliverjr*of Fort Sumter to the consti ^authorities of the State of South Cut with a pledge, on its part, to accouu uch public property as is under churye. ^ Your obedient servant, ?.' \V7 UlltlTLM I from the I'resident Of the I nited St;i r' 1 the withdrawal of the troop* of the I Hi reeatc . ^{atc>3 pro,n ihat fort, and its delivery ' 1 1 the State of Soutli Carolina. 1 Pv | Vou are instructed not to allow i ? ..J^ I tpiestion of property claimed by the I ni or ! States to einl>arass the assert ion of the )uur litieal right of the State of South Carol to the possession of l'ort Sumter. I -o possession ol that fort bv the State is alt I . , * ? it*\s I the President, of cour.-e your ?tutc will m ted j at tack Foil Sumter, :iud the President wil to i not oiler t > reinlorco it. Wo most respectfully submit those proj my I ositions, in the earnest hope that you, o toil tho proper authority of your iSiulo, tua po- accede to llioni. ilia We have the honor to be, with profoum ['he ! esteem, your obedient servants, me ! Lot is *1. W'lia'AM. <' (' I'l.tV -lr , o . J J - ... |>u?4ll | dViiti'leiict* n?n) enlightened approval. I'.ntlrely || independent II it* Mlilll.'l'{i'liiclil, it has Mood wiili mi wavering confidence upon thesouiiducv integrity nud cunn^iency ?. 'lis principle*, i- Through evil report, ,.s w< II as .(trough good, if its voice ini3 been heard in ? cl'eiice o the v \i.lTl oi'tlio Sou.li: its counsel* have ever been and ore Tor KKSIS'l'AM'H to the . wrongs til tempted to be pot upon us by a *ec' lionul majority. The Soul/itrii Gimrilittu looks (or support to 11... Si .I ..I I . ' > r Wriffhl & Orr, A T T O K X E V S AT 1. A W , Office in Mfij. Lcgg'tt Ilrick ItuiMing, next . ilonr to liubo \ hMwiirtU' law office, upcluiiM, ^ J. I>. \Vitn;nr, 8|>iirii?nhurg C. H Jan. fi. Ouu, AuUcrHuti C. 11. Jnn 3 4"? Farrow A ions articles usually lonud iu it first-duns (Jro? *n' cry. ' lit. 'tiding to conduct a strictly CASH BUSINESS. wit ie pledges iiimself to sell its low as sny oilier up| louse iii Spartanburg, sin' therefore a ska atria' ker J. M. 1). trill give ihc highest market price I f Flour end Corn, and burior lor all sorts of LA uiintry produce. PI March 15 2 1y am omental with the useful, riie Huhsc't ibcr offer* a few Npleiidid Biblen, b a number of favorite wthon in antiqae/ tropriate a* mementoes of friendship or tots of love. J| le will ttoun have ready a plea*big variety of UGE ^ ICTIKLS IT FRAfi&t/ " 1 now offer* GILT MOULDING of differ-' i^uvvi j x: if i iv/ixia.* Major Awlerton to the Coventor. 11 KA l>y t' AKTKHS, Ki>I1. ^ To Hi* F.xfellcncy /'. 11'. J'icktm, Cover, * South Carolina : Sir : 1 have the honor to acknon the receipt of your demand for the si dor of this fort to the authorities of Carolina, and to say, in reply, that tl "J' consistent with the dig lity und safety the State of South Carolina ; but such ] ? session is not inconsistent with a right compensation in money in another guve nur ?/ incut, if it has against the State of Soi ! Carolina any just eluim connected with t 'ledge 1'^ ]>?( the possession ot the fort eani irren- jn rc.rar,l to the State of South Caroli South |M> comjK.ns.ttml l>y any consideration 10 do- anv kind trmn the iJnv..r..i.i?...? - 'i ? 'ut john hkmimiiu,, |u-.n i. fitzi aiiiick >us- 1). l. yulkk, |a. iykkson, l to s. It. m.\i.i,ohv, jJoltN Sl.itki.i., in-1 jki'fkk.min davis, p. jiknj a.min. nt ii ] Ltflicr mf lion. I. If. Ifuf/tie in rr^hj tu .St nolo/ |( |l from Srcnhmj Slufta. 1(|. WasuiMiTon. .January, 1SG1. ' (1k.sti.kmkn: 1 li ve just received you t)l' communication, dated the loth install ,i(.j You represent, you say. .States which hav nvvxou n .it- iijjinn, imnor une iu'ly satisfied would requit e a J>er?onal pectiou, which he covdially itiTi.es. A. W. WALKER, Hay 4 0 tf \ en a Onro in ami ! * one* wiilt which 1 can nut cj Your Excellency knows that 1 have n gi . .. ly sent a messenger to Washington * that it will be impossible for uic so rt an answer to my dispatches, forward him, atuli earlier date than next .Mi What the chaructcr of my instruciion be, 1 caunot foresee. tthould'ymtr Excellency deem tit, to a resort'to arms, to reler this mat mply. t],', fnitcd States, when the possess ioent- yC ^ 1,^ the Government is inva, and 0p tjle dignity and uflvvts the fat Mteivo 0c tj,e s?tate. l'lnlf po.vsesa.ion cannot ed by come now a matter ot' discussion or no*; inday. ation> VoU will therefore re |u'uel'r* ',:lV0 a Co tit luou destiny with our pci ive ' l''c> a"d expect to form with tltcui in tin the Convention a new Confederacy and I'rovi I iotial tioveinuieiit; that you uiust and iri > . I .1. S The premium fur the best njih'iincn Y b ull I'oauiy ami Superior, liulii ill Co- | liiiniiii", l'o'L conn, v, i-inl nt llcnJenioiivillc. . llcu C.f nml will iittvtul j |ni>ni;illv ?o dl :n'iiue?s iuiruaicil lo liis oare il \\ i'*if ii C. Ili.i iim.nck*.? '?* Furrow, Simpson ltooo. cj'| , Joint LJoiuur, cmp, Spartanburg C II.. s c. Mf c?i 1 6- ly 1'llo.MI'TLY ATTENDED TO. XI - T. 3 in i t li, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, AM) NEXT In TO MR. AI^UER'H ?Alia.KHV SHOP. 1 >! ?T. Tl(>v<^ Docls' i 1? 1 T rIW I) c FOR Til* SPEEDY CURE OR tcrmittcnt Fever, or Fever nd Ague, Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dnnb Affile, Periodical Headache, or Bilioaa Headache, and Bilioaa Fevers, indeed for the whole class of disease* origi* anting in biliary derangement, caused by the Malaria of miasmatic coaatries. No one remedy is louder called for by the "Workington, it would afford mo the s est pleasure to depute one of my offie accompany any messenger you may proper to be the bearer ol your deiua Hoping to Cod that in this,and all matters in which the honor, we lar lives of our fellow countrymen are cot ?d, we shall so act as to meet His lipp and deeply regretting that you have a demand of me with which I < ' UUUMM I/.V I, IU ll 1 111* piotlgc Ol till' ^ t inccr- a; \>illl llJS III , evils ul' war, if it cannot be avoided, an i in enjoy i it with us the blessings of peace, i it can be pres. rved. . I tVel. ^ciilleincn, the force of this u| j peal, and, so far as 103' authority extendi j most chcerJully comply with your rcijuo | 1 am nut elothi ii with power to make tit _ : .irraiiiiciiients you su^ot, hut ptoviii i<- i'l) in in iVoin I- : t|!(< I !l.' I'm . . < ' I !|' . m .lie. :i li< 11:1 - lH'i(> ilicv t.iic nor hikiiih'. ' Mown vvitliin i!ie >nnie ,| 1 n j mil vrlioin ii t"i|\v ii. .lie Miii' lMti. i:. IIIKNoii, 1 FASHION A 15 L K T A 1 L O It. JL. JL. ft JL^/ ^ , ne VI' I! 'mule from a i^Hkny an uilt o-ie iou c iu i^kytirn. ^Uno, nc 'rum lIn* I'l'ilnv. iiio (n'^^nili' llooi^k^ei ha. &c., tit pi/.: Su'oiuoTi'h .Seal, B.kcnaru, (^kfrev, ('a iioiuile Klowcs, (ic^Ki'i, Willi Ch% Tree di llurk, uli'l liny betrv ~ W rl" II ft-". '\v o i> * i* ccaNtics ui the American people than a aura d safe cure for Fever and Af^ue. Such e arc now enabled to offer, with a perfect rtaiuty that it will eradicate the aueue, d with assurance, founded on proof, that > harm can arise from its use in any quan 7 TRat which protects from or prevents this 1 sorder must be of immense service in the mnnmitics where it prevails. Prerentian ia tter than cure, for the patient escapee the rk which he must run in violent attacks of eoiuply. 1 have the honor to he, with the est regard, your obedient servant, HOHKltT ANDKRSOX Major LT. iS. Army, Comtnandi Tin Governor to the President of the -a,- ' Slate*. State or South Caroi.ixa, Executive Ornru, Hkadvm akteiii , Governor regards the attempt of the l'i ident of the I'nitod States, if avowed highjtotinuc the possesion of F?Y>rt Sumter inevitably leudiua: to si bloody issue, a qi ' tiuii which, in the judgment of tlie t no* eruor, Citn have but one conclusion, roc eilahlo with a due regard to the "Sti?11 United yuuth Carolina, the welfare of the ot States which now constitute the I'ni 4 States, utid thsit humanity which teac res*"' arcemiteiy .saiiMu.i, that ?<> rciiiforeenn nt to will l>?? >i'ut to Fort Sumter in the iuterva and that jiuhlic peace shall nut bo dlslurhc hy any act of hostility towards South Ca v "litiu, I will refer your communication t | the authorities of South Carolina, an ( j. j withholding their communication, wit I which I am at present charged, will wa ^ j j for their instructions. I,1WX. Major Ainlcr.-oii and his command, 1* I_. ?vm. *??.? lilt" ?tllu ucihiilan: ?1?? appear ami pUv.il m I lie Miiil (lrelarai lion. oil in* ln'i'ni'c tin- 171 Ii ix?y-i.in': I final an I nlisohile ju 7 t | it i I The State el South Carolina. "t I III llic f *1 ill 1*1 of ( 'itllllllllll I'li'im \TM)l.'I..I> ro-moet fully inform tin citizen* <>l * f Spurt.iiibui -1 n it in* tin o|M*n<'(l n SllOl' in I trick Itnngo, on i'lunch Street, wbore he will lie pli'usi'il to ' nil all who may favor him ! wiii ihoii [niliouagc. | Jrtu I'll 47 1 y | it. i>. oweu, F A S II I :< 'kin-wn on'v to i li? Itt'li tns oi South Anic- *)0 rioti," mid :i cine fu, *-nll lit-i'.tsci- whioli the i" hoir to,' hut *e obiini to ]?ree<-n, to the ? |.nMio :t truly vnlunhlc pr? jmrutioii. vrhirh every * in14 ill (ib\ sicin t in .1 oo.ntuir_? ivill ;ippio\e jf and ivooiiiiiieud. A- u rented % i'nr an is baleful distemper. Tlii* " Cckb ** expel* c miasmatic poison ef Feveh ak? Aucb im the system and prevents the devclopcnt of the disease, if takea on the tint apoach of it* premonitory symptoms. It is it ouly the best remedy ever yet discovered r this class of complaints, but also the capest. The large quantity we supply for dollar brings it within the reach of every dy; and in bilious districts, where Fever ri? Aoi e provnils every body should have it d use it freely both for cure and protection. CliurlcuLuii, Jim. 11, 18C Sill: At the time of the separat the St-.ito of South Carolina from the ted Slate*, Fort Sumter was, and still the possession of troops of the (j States, under the coinmaud of Majo derson. 1 regard that possession ai Consistent with the dignity or safety ( State ol'South Carolina; and 1 havi day addressed to Muior Anderson a L all men, l?ut particularly those who, in ion of thority, controls tl.o lives ul otli. r>, to Uni- gard a resort to arms as the last \vh is, in should be considered. To shed their l?li uited in defence of their rights is a duty wh r An- the citizens of tin State of Sou h Carol h not fully recognize. And in such n cause, jfthu Governor, while deploring the stern nci e this sity which may compel hnu to cail for coin- sacriliee. will feel that hi* :i^>ur? youv?/o now obtain all nceessar )0 supplies of IikmI (including fresh meat an , vegetables) aii'l I believe fuel ami w; leu ; - , , . . ((j j I terj anil ?o now enjoy free eumiuuiiieatio ieh !ll,'l ppeeial messengers with tli , President, and will continue to do so, ee i" la inly, until the door *of lugot ation slia ^ be closed. tl( > If your proposition is acceded to, yo m..y assure the President that m> uttac y i g. w. mooui:, | vi v*. Attachment. j.! koiit. \v a nm:. ) t lJ 'liy. F.i. aii?*l' HcliilllT, till* lii- llrcIiH ut iol| I"- I In- li I till. who ,:i? ii is mi I i- ;il li m iiI from itml without tin* limits of 111?~ Stnli*, iitul has iieitln-r will* imr utiortit'.v km * i v. ith(1 in tin.* hitiue it'io'i whom ii f"j'> < . ti o ?id ile k cliiiM*ioii ini^rlit In* mtvciI: lit-'iiny l?v 1'iuiid tivcr llardy a. Agncw't ilnrilvt urc Si ore. Jan < 1>?*. Urn, T. IC iivm'1 \VTH.l. priifiiof M I'PH'I N K nn'1 SrilUEHV I ? v i iii foutii't'T ion M'itli l?i!NTlST U V, the ll'ilu" in S,uii far!.ir- "1 u.- vicihi.y. Oftioe ( J ini>. An. 1 l'.i it-'. Uaiige, up stairs. lii'Hi.leiic.' ;it I1. I.. Kniiieily'?. i Marcli 21 ? ?" I.M1 IVJ.YM nruujN, ? rci Wtvk Lungs, Indigestion. 1>v ? >-i.i. Disease* gr af ?lie Nerrou* Sy~teui, Pa . !j>is Piles, Ui- ot eu?cb |>eculiir io Fumnlc*. iK-t?iliiy, un?l nil t* t-ases requiring e. Tunic, they arc nc UNSURPASSED! tl For Sore Tliruni, so coimaou among tin Clergy, ihry mo truly v.il.i.iMc, For llie it ?*tl ;?n "r mc. -< os <>f ) trenk couAi u iou??bi AiiuiMera o the l*u?tiel. -- is hoped this price will place it within the ach of all?the poor a* well as the rich. A eat superiority of this remedy over any her ever discovered for the speedy and cerin cure of Intermittent* is, that it contains i Quinine or mineral, consequently it proices no quinism or other injurious effects hatcver npon the constitution. Those cared 9 ' it ore left as healthy us if they had never iwl fn v?n it-.. Il..?? 1 t > "" "" " ^V.'^wnvu l" f osse.s- servo inviolate the sacred rights of i'tliih Statu of South Carolina justify the sat u in- lieu necessary to secure that end. 'J to do (iovernor does not desire to remind renee President of the responsibilities whi.h Uni- ujion him. Respetitfully, your obedient serv .nt, sting, A.lr. .MA'ilt VTII bave To Hon. !. W. Iluync, Special Envoy t'r ' will l)o uindc on Knit Sumter, until a re pouso lioai the (invt rnor of South Carolin lias been received by tue, and coituuunic; [tie ten to Itihi. With ' rcat consideration and urobilin ar*-' ? ? i . esteem, i our obeuieiit servant, (Signed; If? A At W'.IIAYNK, Knvoy t'roai the (jovernor and Council i South (,'aio'ii.a. out _ - II ! ? llllMUIOI'O 0.?lll*e I. Tin*, till- s.| i I S* ilanl :?|ij>car and (ilr.nl i<> ilie vial !? rl n aia i?>n. mi ov Wi'ii.e die-' it *!h_v ? iIrinhrr next, . \s 1 ii c> will lie in I lie \ c:\r in ??ur (.mil mie I h nian'l ri.lii liuinlicl ami oar; min . wise . til*-*1 all I uli o'ue jml.'iin in i'l ilieii lie j;ivei? ' ..til awarded umiiu-i l> mi. J. 15. TiH.I.KSoN. P. C. 1\ Oct. 25 '> I 4<| jf i y,r.i / /: or sot i n c.wouxa J lilt. E?. t. I ? VS l.l.Tl mill Las resumed tlic J J_ ?nkvr ? l?.r ItookKeepers, Tailor-, i-ainsi ?-?--? *. Siittl.nls, Ar- ffj I i -1 >. .11 i ..11 |'vi .'Wilt lend i.ji n M-rifalary lito. ih.-y will prove truly l,e!n*fn-i..l. ?' As a Uovera^.- ihey nr. it iM't-Minm. irmoeent. j,' :?U?l delicious >< ill.' li'.c l li.'t I I .ilvrc nil / the exhiliratin^ t .oct> ?> l.rai.ly ... Wine. f wilUout i*toxi. .in;.: iin.l nr.- a initial.Ir rente f ilv for per?.us n l.li.-.c.l to .'Xi-csmto use ot ??tr.itia .'. ink, audit i-ht . ef.iiii ..t.. ii. Tlici ^jj are |>u;e an.' entirely .. ftum )it yu?i*.mKmu- : iailtt-.l in i'.to adulter... .! \\ > - ...... i ' sordt-rs ari-e from its irritation, among which o Neuralgia, Itlieumntism, (jout, Ilead ac ha, indues*, Toothache. Karache, Catarrh. Asth- ? a, Palpitation, Painful Affection of tha itifn, Hysterics. Pain in tlie Bowels, Colic, iralysin, atul Derangement of the Stomach, L of which, when originating in this cause, it on the intermittent type, or become periodil. This "Com" expels the ^toisoji frome blood, and consequently cures tliem all kc. It is an iuvuluuble protection to immiauts and persons travelling or temporarily llaync, the Attorney-! euural of the of South Carolina,and have iustruoUii to demand the delivery ot Fort Suint the harhi r of Charleston, to thecouati authorities ot the State of South Cai The demand I have made of Majot dersoti, and which 1 now make toy " au^ealed becauso of my earnest dea avoid the bloodshed which a persisteil ?. i?. itic ."Mate ol Carolina to tho l'i State idoiit ol the United States. 1 hiui ? or? t" l.rttrr.i "f Senator* of S rv./o,/ >' .//. .? / < II m II*. Iltiynr l*o!inu NVasiiinuikn Cii v, Jan. 1">. IS>n. / ikic II. II ty in": on, w ; Wo are apprized that you v ire to Wa^hini;toll as an Unvoy limn the Slati ice in i ; . . .... South ( :?roll mi I- .m.r-i t 5 IUit4'*e .1 UUJiliT. I As soon as lie had bleared a circle wit the old "sti iin; anil halls," lie spread tli j contents ol his wallet mi the ground, an sti ipped himself to the waht. I le was a pot tluii Icllow, who set uied tn suirer linin th clfoetsof the tricts he performed. lie tii . . id all -ipeke for ahont live liiitmti s with a l>1' | the volubility id t'imrhs Mathews evideii . 1 k siyiti- sum thin:,' wit v . fur the icod 111 iiK* i tin in ' < tun .1 rxa-i. I>. I. \ I.. TW1TTY, i,. ^ v Auicl.mcnt. <1 II. K. YilUNoX. ' I'oJm, IMwnv Is t'urlisW*. Att'y. u \ y ii 1:1::: ih pinhiiiii . ?.i. ? ? ih?* ii -t ? ? il.s r ii* obc f'e lti*> declnt 'i II :i ? 1 ii I I ill* iliiillil.nil. wild 111 il i-* <-:*?? I) Ih.AiI - ill mill ni l wiUiiiUl l tic limits i>| tliis Si.no. .*?ii'! Ii..' uoitln-r uit?* iin;* :? t'iritcv LiihV.ii *..c!i .i C. A: Soil, WA1VII MAKKUS, VN!> Miiuul.t him ' ii Jewelry, Ki'|wircr> ( i Wii.c'u . >v?\ All wtirk iniru.-w-I in di'm w 11 inoi'i Willi j>rouijitlie.-* unit Uc?i I. rli. , Marcii ?S 4 if 31ATlIU>iSKS, i 'i ' ?*. >; it v it it i' p ? ii ? i * | rrnii_\ 1< .1. ( ^ 'I Hit:* - ii<> ut.iy I'UK, txit I'UKYKN'l fp, Di * . ami LhhiI-: 1 e t ?cj !?;. .-'II * lio live ii an (i <-i.n,.i \ v.lirti' tin? i i 1> :iding in the malarious districts. If taken carionally or daily while exposed to the in- J i-tion, that w ill be excreted from the system, id cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity ripen into disease. ITence it i> even more iluable for protection than cure, and few will er suffer from Intermittent*, if they avail emsclvta of the protection this remedy afrds. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, juui auenipi 10 retain me possession u lurt will cause; and which will be un ing tu secure you that possession, h ?uce a calamity must deeply tu I ;plured. if consctjuencca so unhappy shall t, I will secure lur this Slate, in the de which 1 now make, ihesatisfaction ol i-ng exhausted every attempt to avoid In relation to the public property i _ . ?. ? .? vUllllllllil il'.lt l that | .. . ., ^ .j Ironi the tiovinior ?>t your >'ato to 1'resilient of the Initial Mates, in ivlat to Fort Sumter. Without knowing jo uc contents, Ve venture to request you defer its deliveiy to the I'resilient fu u ml 'eW J;,ys? ul ""tit you an I lie have eon? .. cre?l tho su^oestions which weheirlcuvi uav- , c> ^ 8U Mill it. it the k,,ow tl??t the p<>s?osmoh of i I aroint . laughed heartily. in the tiihhi ! of Ii:m harangue. Imu v r. lie was .scizi with a lit ol t'liokin.', ainl after an eTorl . Il> ol trying ?u ^et soiurlh.u^ out ut his thru; tlforth a little slip of hainl o.>, like "7 Li> hon tooth piek then another, anil aunt! er. then he mui /? tl, al< 1 out they can * " from his uostiiLs, tli. ii tn in In- eyes, in.r ha completed the tiuniberof UT, by luaki'i l"' one IIIMiear halt w:?v mil . !' < ? < ! .a '.li-. . 111 i i ' .inn' ; ; > li Wl <1.1 i roj \ I I lu- -aii' ilc1,1 < l itaiioti i.ii; t liini. .) li. T<>1.I.E.SOX, C. C. 1?. Ori. _?:? Si in . A ^ ll.ll-llV. ^.uliv i 'I itl\. l\- >?> lillllni It iii ;.- l,i, .ii' sii|ii-t|iir .M AYTK V>.SKS. vr all i.i U- ui* cxcolli'tu .u:tit .iitl-- autl m in 'Jt.-rau |n ic??. Kvl> (0 AO if .V ] i KXTK.l Ut-MVV Gl NNY GIGGING, j 1 *rinii4 !M;iuill;i Ki>i>c. nu iitriiiiri* ni l HI > I?|- tl tHAKU.S W11*1*1 FIKL.lT \ CO., ; Rr th T.s Williitin Street, New York. \ T1 I mi I'MsIum* Ac Iloinitsh, j? Sl'AKTAM'.ChU, S. C. , pr Aug lfi -4 It ! m I [IK M A iK < U in CAROLINA * M'AUTA N ItL' IK) 1>I STRICT. ?.f ik all 1Kb PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, c so composed that disease within the range of cir action can rnniv withstand or evade them, icir penetrating properties search, and cleanse, id invigorate every portion of the human organn, correcting its diseased action, and restoring i health) vitalities. As a cnttsequence of then* opcrtics, the invalid wtio is bowed down with tin or physical debility is astonished to find his ?alth or energy restored by a remedy at once so tuple and inviting. ^vt? onlv do tlicy cure the every-day complaints cvry body, hut n);o many formidable and Urtitiud States within Fort Sumter Hon. 1. W. I la) no, who will liandyo eoiumuuiealiou, is authorized to ^iv the pledge of the State, upon the u uivnt of its relations with the United S of which it was a part. F. w. I'ICKK: To the J'rfsiilrnl of the United SI lira, hut ructions from the Shite Department ^1 ouiiiut oy troops ol tint I nito?i Stn u this cu,l''( l' with tin: cireuui-taiices mi whtchit was taken, is th" chief, if not 01 j - Hourqo of ilitficuhy between the tiuv. inont ol South Carolina ami that of "l cs' Coiled States We would add, tint ^ t'X?, think it ii just cause of irritation ;i ot apprehension on the part of ^our Su Hut we h ive aiso assurances, i ntwitlnta . . in;; the eireuui-taiieis under which M' tliuh:iii)0 (i . c, and tlirii tliriW 111> 1 ?t .-< halls ahont :m inc 1in diameter, and, ]>laciii? them ninety In l'" t vveccn hi.> li|'>, xirlvcd tla-iu int liisniwallo Aid tin- lir.it, a r?-d otic, then l"'' a In in-, and la.it uii iot .1' ? The World Outdone! rpur. int. . ,u.-.i iiiiiuiinitiiI to I' > wlii.-h 111 cf i Iron '1 ii-'tliv Onr< mi! nlioul which thrvr i? li -o .mich i-xriiiM'i n - mi Oil vile l>\ JtU'l. a i / '. tHHi/n;MI i" ohico. ^ Kup Ki lnoy I Linr; IN'.-- Neil l.l'i.i, I >\ -1 11 i:i I I j 11 IJOil III III i -III, i. i- i ' " . . i :y i ll f I - .11 i :? loll fell! ' ; cure* '* hove i '1- ('-.li h?. all ??'ti n ilit C it *'?,;? of ibvAnvil. I <) L I? I! I T !. E It. ^ ^1 1? III n.Flt Mill -t nil t li?* jirwnt nvimm j I (la IN T1IK I'OUKTOF OUDIXAKY. pi Petition Mwscs I.. llradtbr<1. atid^rMo^'" and other*, ts. m \N i Ilium l^adt.n 1. ? I st 1\T lir.lir.AS M?c- L%n&fc>i.l. .I?? Orr. , fa \ f mid witc, < yiiiii.i itud Jiv-Mit^, nt.d ar w u-. Mil .11. I.-i\* tiled then i? linn 0f C ?urt, I ling forth that Killktin l;r.nlionl hu> I foi tint becu iim d id iui ui.no lium twenty yrar*, i tic mi.', i- tlici ct'.ro mij to be .lend, vi Iui it hy t.vili.r . ,.1.1.1 l-.l 1 - - I ingcrous diseases. The agent below named is rasod to fhrtiish gratis my American Almanac, r.toiiiing certificates of their cures and directions r their use in the following complaint*: foartrear, Heaithum, Headache hi isinyjrotn disordered omnch, Sansea, Indigestion, I'ain in and Morbid iaction of' the lioipsts, Flatulency, Los* af^rr** e, Jaundice, and other kiudred complaints, ising from a low state of the body or obstruction its functions. They are an excellent alteration r the renovution of the blood and the reatom>n of tone and strength to the system dobiliutcd. disease. Exrcutivt U[/icr tv thr lion. I W. //- President deems it his duty to protect a i de preserve. nit en We will not discuss the|ir:?i.i?. yl * *tl I ?. Him-.-. \c.. il i .->1 it 1 _\ tin- tiilidi (it , in it;it*. I 'i..\?' iriiM more !< . tor 11:?.* I |a-i vim ji ? it ii t . - 11 .in K . :iii(' ii 'iert ' I i >1 \ r I iiilln itlji I lnli^ i .? !>( !.?!. Ii ii vcjjimiii'c jirt'jiuinli'tii \iiin''y iiiy owi> i5i?i* i* iVfiv, ami jicrl'i'i i ly i m ??* t??'Co.'ilinx *> 1. ' i lii* ilii eelii.ii>. v? lii. !i i . .ii; ny i irli Im ii In. j i ! 111* s. t)o ' y 11 'I I. I< i ( m ) 1111111N 1* liijjJi. JOHN C. liUAUl'L.V Sej-i 13 ^7 *f iUASSJSS) ??V?3 & r:iio LVTK WM II. I.IM; A CO. ? ? >riiiir? iu vine iniiTi of die |'rin red< of the land sold by order of ihe t Irdituiry, in the case ol' Jus. Orr, and wife ?. ynilna, v>. V\ illt.uu lirudfoid, and others, uiid Ct urging thnt tot diittibt^tiTe share of Uae said I Willi.tin llradforil iu the pr. reeds of the sale ' I the land aforesaid, he paid to them as his 1 legal heirs and representatives: flu sp are then-lore to cite and admonish the < snd W1I.I.IAM BUAIiiOIlD, if living, to appear before this Court, on or before ihe Suth mi iliV of .March iif v f 1111 t.si al.li.li liu ?v Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOB THE RAPID CURB OB itiuhs, Cold*, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, llronehitis, Incipient Consnmp* tion, and fllr the relief of ConnamptiTO I'ntients in advanced stage* of tko disease* So wide is the field of its usefulness and ao nutrous are the cases of its cures, that almost prv BPPltnn r*f annate* ?!?>....J- x~ ? ? - Month Carolina of Kurt Sumter, now w the territorial limits of thin Si te am copied l?y the troops of tlie (hited S The Convention of the people of ? Carolina authorized ami umpoweret Commissioners to enter into ne^otia with the (fovernment of the I ni'ed S M?r the delivery of forts, magazines, I houses and other real estate within the 1 of South Carolina. itliin touching that property, or the late ar-t!? 1 oc- cither in relation thereto; hut wo thh bates tli .t, without any compromise ol" righjL South breach of duty on cither side, un au;jc,b 1 its adjustment of tlie matter of ditfcreiunw ui tit ns and should ho adopted. We desire fo t tutes such an adjustment, and to prevent war ight- the shedding of blood. We reprex units States which havculicady seceded from I IT..;...a ... n !* " Tin SC IC til's t llil l.lll Oil lilt! gl'OUlld l< show 11 icy wore sol'd, then niacinj tli u between hi* li|>s, Mvallowod them like tb .iinalh r uin s,- but with diAcuity, the ! ..! .s > t iling the throat a* it went dow n Inn ay in re tooth-picks and talking, while he pre par. d two -words, about an inch w ide am t wenty Inn /, very like poll hed hoop-ir>>:i nt eh^hed tiietn l.i-.lhur to ,-liuW they Wen real, and liasscd both down hi. til.oil . I II ."%< yr?< 11o. 4 I.I. |>i . m- i11 I? 'o.I M iIn* i1 firm of ' 1 \ l?i: V\ ,v (iO(>|)i;i(>X, oil! i r 1.^ \..u> or t5 Vivmint. arc licr?'1._v a .I'.iio I to in.ike iioine ili.ile payment. or lliey Kill In- n.n,, en?oi><; io:n, BnTTGg^m8!1 . - - - - * ?-?? IIJ. ur ihp praver ni ^uiil petition will be grunted, mi l tin- jirni*c? il? oflhe -uli- ul tin- lnis.l to which . c i* (Utlticl i- a tore.- ii-1, pH i > 1 over lo (he |>e- 0j] thinners. ! ob (Jiv?*n under inv hand seul of office, this '-10th t>u ivv of 1> ceiuber, 'U1 J NO. KARLK it OMAlt. o. s o. Jft.i 3 43 3m cot iHI; ST \TK or SOCTII cauollna. S* h>l\nr\MIIIU. IllMKICT. y? _ v. vwuuu j mniunus 111 (irnKHll pUD* ly known, who have been restored from alarming d even desperate diwun of the lunga by its p. When once tried, its superiority over every tier medicine of its kind iatoo apparent to escape serration, a.id where its virtues are known, live' Mic no longer hesitate what antidote to employ - the distressing and dangerous affections of tha lmonary organs that are incident to our climate. hile many inferior remedies thrust upon the' mniunity have failed and been discarded, thin' a gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits the aillictcd they can never forget, and ccd cures too numerous and ton remarkable tm The circumstances which caused (hi terruption of that negotiation uro k' to you ; with the formal notification << cessation, was the urgent expression o necessity fbr (ho withdrawal of (lie tl ' (* the 11 nited States from the luirlx Charleston. I he interruption of theso negotia left all matters connected with Fort ! tr?r ottrl ti'A/n.o !?? I kt* * W..U.u i i.iii-.i, > n iii nave (lone ho noli e in- the fir.it of Kelnuiry next, ami which w iowii meet your State in Convention on or he ft >f its the fifteenth of tliat month. Our pe> | f tin- fuel that they have a common tlestiuy wi mops your people, ami expect to form with tin ?r ul in liiat Convention n new ConfeJerati and Provisional (iovcrnnient. Wo mi tioiiM ami w II share your fortunes, suffering wi Sum- you the evils of war, if it cannot he av >i t' oikv, until they stru< h i lie hails with at aiulihlo eli k; wit. (hawing these, lie | 1-ieci his h in ls behind hitn, and alter m-vci i l" apparently painful trinls, each hall rose ii the throat, and fell from tho month to tin ground with a heavy thump. Other ti iek "" ho |'To\ r??|>.'ctlnll\ inform* i I " i i i11 h<- 1 reiui hi-.! i<> 111Ik'Uh* ii III N IS \ I I.LI'. \ I. A. nth-rim I neve, ill inniii Im in >I. >>iIv iiwl h-ihl.-ts Ii:|>r??lc--.'>u ii ?ci'. i - i.i iIn* itlun-1. Dr. i' i ofnr.i to rhc inn 11 .? |m ..| oiro- lu? 'him rlFootr-l i *riinin tlie l.i - I , u ; ? .is a- |iriiiil' ?u m? "kill in ilio iro iliiii-iil ii. i lie-1' iIi-tiim'*. I ll.il.I.. Hi. \ ... . I ? l--l.ll 7 II I.. ' I 11 t lit* SI?ii <>I (lir^uldrn llorf H r. I COKM'.K ( ill Ki ll AM' MAIN SI'S., N S pa r I :i n tut ]*<;, S. f Ileal Kstatc of Nancy ( uuk, clciulutils. II' appearing to my satisfaction that llohert West, nud aife Maria West, James Cook J il l Mutiiion Cook, Oefeiulantii in this case, ??* psi.lc ? about tins Stale: It is therefor* ?rtler1 tli >1 lliey >1 ? appear ami object to tin* tiivis n or sale ot the real estate of Nancy Cook, forgotten. * PREPARED BY BR. J. . AVER Sl CO. LOWELL, MASS. H AVI LAND. StKVhSON Jt CO., Charleaton, Wholesale Agent*. an 8 43 if M o BL onzle's OA F JR T f O .VU R r, Wiiu UI uiu I IIIICU OIUIOS W the limits of this State, affected hy fact, that the continued possesion oft in w:is not consistent with the dignity ors of the State ; and that an attempt to torce tho troops of that lort would no allowed. This therefore, became a I hostility in consequence ol which tho ! of South Carolina plaod in a conditio defence. Dtiriv^ the preparations foi itir'i ot of $!H). In the course ul 11m ' t!i \ of received from him the remittance of>s."? Id, I laving been unable to oollect the dej t in in- the regular way, he had "boarded it out icr In concluding his letter to the linn, In >r. ; wrote: lie ' "1 havo retained ?3 for my services, iii. ikaiiiiii lt?a ? ' ?? 2 . i ...? i * 1 NOTICE. nW'ISi! .' . . i 1 , I V it. !l T. tit ii- V ; < .. i- jIIlr?iIIill-f, VI j a. ri ?. u. ll i111[ r.>v . 1. At .. i i? ItUll'K I'.l: 1 t.l>lMi ' Oil Cliiiirli ;tr1 iriilnt'.". ' I -?ti ?II : In- a). .nil ..ir a f-lmi l Iimo. Tifini rw Ulinblti ' | I IT I < Mil II I IMM, ? I ^ Hi IIIV i> i M r 11 ? v ?4? 111 I ?' 11 ;iu' : to sot'ien til.- i-.Miffli. Ina tin- j 1,1 Hi- it-s, Mivii^tlieii tin- -_\-i?mii. allay tlie pros- I ti i.i-hi ,-wcniji, increase the pliv*i<-al hii.I 111. 111 it I i-iury, fiicricli tlie lilcccn?l H". \ 1?. iNi)'. M jn(>. kaiilb llnM.VK, o. a. d. ,c Jan *. 4:? 81a ni" osttiiiT'?4 Celebrated Stomach Bitters *?h JVHt SALK at GOOlMITfffl S C Nov I 85?if t uuieription?. l>ec 1 fi 42 ly 1 M li ml >' ot loo. an attempt was made to reiu Fort Sumter, and repelled. Vnu are now instructed to procec Washington, and there, in the name t force ul jxjwer or the will to make war on S->u Carolina, and that the public ponce sh ;?1 to not be disturbed by any act of hostili I the toward* your Htatv. tuwu^ii mm wvmniin^nin UUl "7 1 >'? I ill have only to any, that if yon new the I K1- \l!iu:\ Still US ..( all ? S iV I hy J<>KI? K. UUUINIION. fan 21 10 if a % 11 iii :ig<, ,\ifu in.'- i'iipiiiu-nis, I'uifiit Mi liciiK" 1'jints. m1- mi,) |)ye St nil*. lYrfiiincvy ami Farcy Article. All of which will l>c nel 1 Vnv lor ctuth, at Sign of UoUlcu Mortar. "i" Jan 21 16 tf ? ^ I ? krroM'iic Oil Lamps Vl. AIUiK ASSOKTMKNT of Ij*uip5,?ka