jiC - mT n i iipw^?.V**j-^r p.?M ? . i?rw # ? ? ? ? 3* p ; mmm+im? .. ._ . i j !~7^ - / 1 < n ? i ? \ S ~^L ? * pp ^1 T ~T~ I. ..I ..1 I r^4 ir^h * t -J1JX L J?Ll?.?LULLL-l L. A wrrm u JL11J ? ? ? w . . . ? ... , . WM. II. TKI3 m. K7? 1MIKR. m gewrtcil to ?outl ji IJM ;i3 irm iSinhts, politics, L ire, ami JttisccUany. AK1 #a i AjN . s 1 ' ' ?/i ?E R ATV^ri* >1. Ah _ VOL. XYII. ?hf (fiuoliua ^piutan Price, Two Dollar* per annum, in advanc $2.60 at the end of the year. If not pan til after the year expire* ?d.O(). Ma subscript ion taken fbr loss than six mo s: 111 _ , ? *.! -* The Retiring Senator*. * Wc {jive below the remarks of Senal !<> or Clay,of Alubatn.t, in retiring from t j ;in. Senate: M r. Clay, of Alabama. I rise to announi lltllfl. fi?r 111V Anllnniriin unrl *1-- ? PARTANBURG, S War I'reputlottM at tlic \0rlI1. '.or We copy an article from the New York he Timrg. headed "Supplying Arms to Traitors." It cornea from a paper that made jo, itself the organ of the Italian revolutionist. 1- l\'l. .. *1 - II ? " . C., THURSDAY, Important Statement. We find the following communication in tho'Ilichuiond Enquirer of Friday last. If true, it accounts for the traitorous and **rk Herald of a late date : j'Kel inir i NO. 48. 0 m i ii iifcjMMi Blockade. c definition of blockade, hi intermit iuiuil iit the application of Jbrec Inr one be? eut to the port* of another. The uaaUirtf tfin (nrm Ii ??t - ? ? a * J Money may be rouiitted through poHtmn At our risk. viob work of all kinds promptly execute* Blanks, Law aud Equity,continually on li tor printed to order. Advertisements insert>-1 at the usual: Tub SpanTAN circuit, tor largely over tliii adjoining districts, and offers an adtnirahl* and contracts made on roasonnblo terms, dlum to our friends to e.?c.i customers. ...J VW.VU^MV ?MIM IIIJ OVII, lll.lt lilt' jK'Uj sicrs 0p Alubama have adopted an ordinance I separation, and thut they are all in tiivor land, withdrawing from this Union. I wish it be understood that this is the act of t rates people of Alabama, in taking this motnc ' a,ul tous step. It is nearly forty-two years sin j io- Alabama came into this Union. She f tcred it amid violence and excitement,eaus mmm by the hostility of the North against t >ic i> ucn uiai ganant people, uy :i vote ol the of population.s, resolved to assert their indoot pcndeiicc and govern themselves, that jourto mil regarded tlieir cause as holy. Now. he when it becomes a pai ty to as despicable a 'ii- tyranny as that of Austria over Italy?when cc it feels itself part of the usurping |?ower? in it assumes a tone that even Fraucis .Joseph od could scarcely have got up to. For those lie who arc resolved to resist a sectional party * vuviiv.1 vuo wumu VI VJVV. I1IUK9) UIIU should arouse the people of Virginia and Maryland before they arc sold to the enemy : liriu.inoton*. N. J., .Tan. 21, 1801.? M kssrs. Kditokk: 1 learned some rather startling tiling in I'hiladi Iphia day bid* re yesterday. All the peneruls of the H ide Awakes w re in consultation on Mayrland v;..,;n:n i?.. ?i.- - i -* venturous spirit which animates that jrallunt pair, we would remark that the States which arc already out of the Union, and hit which are to he "whipped" into obedience Til t?? laws which they have renounced, are ts aei follows: bo Dec. 20 ?South Carolina ordinance st< passed. poi .Ian. 0.?Mississippi ordinnneo passed. Inn Jan. 11 ?Florida ordinance iMissed. vai PF.N8AOOLA BAT. ^?al Pensacola bay ban rare properties as a twee rbor. It is now accessible to frigates. doui ic bar in near the const, and the channel blocl roes it short and easily passed. The I a.*- fpr t r is perfectly landlocked, and the road- sion, d very capacious. There are excellent uiitsl sitions within for repairing, building and wide inching vessels, and for docks nnd dock- poti? TKo nn.,!.. e v. ...v >v. iii man nvici ur'jn cx:eil Marriage. Thou hast taken rows upon tlico, Long and lasting as thy life? Thou bast bid farewell to cliil ttiood, And art now a trusting wife : ' Way est thou never know a sorrow, Never sigh from cold neglect. til.' 1. ?* liiiuK.im] li.iti'n .1 fni.lsuuu uimii'iuiiuii in siiivcry ni me ciOUtli. It this same spirit of hostility at the Nor (B which has effected the secession of Miss sippi, South Carolina, lieorgia, Klorii ami Alabama. It has denied Christi; communication, heeause it could not c dure what it styles the leprosy of slavei It refuses us permission to pass throu; the North with our property, in violate of the constitution ami the laws ofUongro! is tyranny?a tyranny which over rides their th rights and disregards their interest inore is- than any single one until despotism ever da did? it finds no higher epithet than that hi of "traitors." This paper is in a State n- that, mote emphatically than any ether, v. reserved to herself the right to resume the ;li jwiwcrs delegated to the Federal t Jovornjii uient. It belongs to the great State of ss, New York, who in her ordinance ratifying ? uj^inin auaiin. i#y iliu ilYMWill Wl their own journals, the ]Mnek Republican Governor ol the " banner State'' (Pennsyl nuiia") appointed, as soon as he was inaugurated, a coinniitteo to wait upon Gov. , llieks, " the ouinhcr, and before a month has b) elapse., l/oui.-iana, Texua and the great go State of Virginia will certainly have stCcd- an I'd and exposed themselves to the judicial up wrath of Small.-y. Within that time, it V? is more than prohahlc that Arkansas, North an ['aroliiui, Missouri, Kentucky an.l Tonnes til ,cr will also h:?V..,.,i< --- j "w|vpij vi iruiu j?I wat?*r is abundant. Those proj cities. tiliti connection with the position of the hnr- It r, as regards th?- coast, have induced the adis i v< riim-nt to select it as u naval station, all at il u place of rendezvous and repair. The coot per arms of l'ensacolti lay receive the ity e Mow Waters of l*ca river, Middle river eiiiai J ivcauibia river, eleven miles from the nava ilf. inad ?n msiruiuciii in Delligercnt hoses. . i* now the accc pto J definition of blockthat it must bo so efficient as to prevent Bcean by sea to tho blockaded port. Like rub and ot w?r, tho interest Atl J human f the proecnt age have contracted, not rged, tbo souse of those phrases. The il forces of tbc l.'iiitcd States arc totally equate to tha blockade of a long line of ?""V "V K' """ " To shield tbjc an J prot. ot , May your l?-.on like morning clouds ! ilinglo softly inio one. Floating onward, upward ever, 'Till your labor here is done ; And then, may crowns eternal \ Adorn each s: irit-b ?*, Transcending fur in splendor .E'en thy radiant beauty now ! E. W. January 28tli. 18laj tare in such |in extraordinary crisis as the ! I present, he is to he sustained by the ab?>- ; litionists of Pennsylvania! And if his ! party of suhuii^siouists should not be able i . ...... v Vwv? *.j v*i ti va.*>uu \0t misprision of treason," as detiucd by the :?cu(c Sioalley. Tlu* States which have already roused eci ;!?e ire of Smulley, ami arrayed against 90; tlieiu the in ill tary ardor of the ???/ int< rim wa Secretary and tlic venerable Lieutenant f.,t ieuerai, have tiie lollowitijr population, jhi leeordiu^' to the census of 1 Still : ha SlavrT'li-i S'.illlli l\.r C-lll ! ?<". In" IS*. "I" -J- i nl.liA tVU.M At la Rantii llos:i Island in situ .ted East by desp irthwost bj South fourteen leagues, and m1?c mpletely shuts out Pensacola from the gene i. It is s > low that the sea in a ealc trad< mhos its top. It is not utore than one room irth of a mile wiile. The West point of prob is island is at the mouth of Ponsaeola Ann v. The latter is not over one and aqnar t one or two ports of the South tor veufc, in the interdiction of their foreigti u, the question of blockade within the lingo! international law, will, in ail ability, become European, as well as irican, on the principle that the iutero6t m nil commerce are not to be saeriI in a vain endeavor to compel the Mils [From tlie Charleston livening News.] Sublmlli Scliool Agency. I know you like good news, and 1 nm glti have good news lotellyon?ii is this The S Carolina Sunday School Union i? now a "I last." r^is now in working order, ami woik in right good earnest. It ukes ihe | Bfe? formerly occupied by the Vinviicau Sni School Uuion in our Stale, and is now the Missionary Society in the State that undcrt I * " Southern linn who attempted the recovoi of their property. It invaded the horde j ( <>l Southern States, hurtled the dweliin Midi a1"' murdered the families. Habitual vi tixeil liters of the ri^iits ot'humanity, they ha is at exhausted all that human ingenuity e ilace ,1, vise, atnl all that diabolical uijli< ti a.-! ai tnakc uj a hv-word. a hissing and a sct her people. r> | If the foi ls were the properly of tho l\ ?l lts oral Government. Southere taxation helped o- to pay for them, as well as lor those that re remain with the Northern t'oufederaev. n It seems, though that as soon as we move m to assert sed-tiowrnmont, these model el rtj ultli-uft eall this ton Janiental ri^ht in in republicanism. treason. New York stops J to manacle the majority, they arc to have ' the *erviees of 7.'""' able-! o.lied Wide ' Awakes in.in I'ciin-ylvania to :?-.sist them in the operation of hand culling Soothen I slave-owe.er! This i* the Ijincolti mode | of dealing with the border slave States, ( and it is an improvt uieiit on John i?rowu.s j . \ l ? 1. i ; i,verywh. re, in iilaek Koptihlicnn cir- : ! I I*. >?* V ' - * * | M -I" If . ?.? I Ploi i.i i. 8l,b8"> 88,>*oy 11,-. n'ti I Mithauia, 111 7 ' mi _____ __ tin l.:;iM,OG<; ? -J. I it 1.1 til 1 , I t'la Tito StaV-s wliit !i will certainly plaiv , ,pr 'luMii-'-lvt-s, within :t few days, in t ? saint: j.;, ivliclli" is" cuiitaiu the lVillowing i ;in riumlit-r uf in habitants: I jtl / . Shire*. Tl,l i..r FCRT PICK ESS. miss The principal moms of dcf.nee to the ?| e' mill of iVus cMa ha and tl?c imval sta- .'JT n is I'ort 1'iokens. This fort is n first J11"11 m bastioncd fort, built of New York slon inite. in J situated on low ground on the *"e'' ist point ol Santa llosa Island. Its walls forty live foot in height by twelve feet v'cw thieknoesj it is embrasured f.?r two tiers on'y initio tt lii >li ?i ro i.lii/i.nl i*t?/lrt? tk.. I...... 1. \Y t ? . I ion of recusant Stales in a Confederacy rpiala. The position will be taken in >po, that us there is no prospect of gnbting seven States these being ill possesofucnrly all the military approaches t?J r capitals, a 11 purely he vleut one) app oils to you for nid in its ?t n.t.-rl nL-1 ii ir This I'liinii teilUaievi r inli iuiu* mrou/iuiui iin* civmzcu worm. i v and 1?oro nil this for many y< ars, and mi h,s-s have lu?n..' it many years longer, under tl ^ oft repeated assurance ami fondly eherislu iin Impe that these thiols were not the act it wiili and (eelim.* of a majority, but a miuori live, party. ilimi liut the failure ol fln-so promises a. nov our hopes have conclusively proved to i r'l'lat thop? is no hope. The platform re arms destine I l11 is the name that has characterized every ty effort toassert sell-'invcriiuicnt. Turn the jia^es ol history, and uotuo ?d tlie nohlest id character thai adorn themeonnm-need tlieir a career as " traitors," and never were en no of hied as patriots until tliev made i.l their j have not heartl ol' any ?' nninittoi! hointr | nt to your tiov. nn?r; I?ut thev :iro Juhi Inilt in tin* 1 ??-liff tint the Legislature has hern .faek-o'-the-)anterne?l into a position which will rcii'ler secession impossible until alter the jrrrat national huml-t'uilitig on the Itli ol* March. I ' l>e(orc 11 o? 1 ami man I assert that.after] | that event, is the tletcrinination of the | ] leorpi?. ! ! > 4o7.40I 1,'WW.7''7 i _ i.oiii<> i'i i. -ill!. 1 Hit ?; ;??.i;i |' IVxns 11 "..'.t'.i't 1 >%4, ".iXl.O.Vj j J",l< Virginia, 1,007,-173 405,820 1,6113,200 I Ntt 2,482,053 1,400,420 >,043,388 ) Js Tlu' State* which will almost certainly ' IV 'otnmit a similar act of daring before the Jo 41!i <>l March, boll the following numher ! soi :>f "individuals" to be coerced into paying ; nu -? < iiivii ??v |it4i?:uu IIIIUUI HIT i?"III!h m|' tmrheffr. The ut aid ill every possible way. Having cluiij the missions ol ih" State. 4 need men in r on the work. These 1 can get if you will nisli mc the means. and not without. It is us well to tell a plain story in plain liuigi Pardon mo, then, when 1 any ?rt u-m m>n Missionary money?not to -en 1 ii'imid, In npend in your own State. 1 want you l* conic a uicitiher of this Sunday School Sue nnd ten dollar* will constitute you a me: w II 'he llepuhiican party we regard as a d \rV oi duration of war ,u niht tl?i- lives ami i any stitutioiis ol the Southern people. It n Ul" niily r? preaches us as unchristian ai heathenish, and imputis tons a sin ai , , ciium, tail a i-'s \\o;d.? insu timr and liosti it to to our domestic trauouillity. In its dcehi ? *h>. ation tliat our negroes arc entitled to liln le,.v- t\ and equality with white men, it is -nirti. il not in tact: a stron ' inoii.-m.-nf title to nature's standard ol nubility by the 11- iniirht of tlio .-word, The Northern I loot publicans imagine that our social fabric is id hi a highly inflammatory condition, and id that it nee U but the application of a .spark le j.? produce an explosion. This is their r- conception. Next, tin ir lively and hope i" t'ul iniaoinntiou pictures the people of the in South, after this explosion, cumins' ?o i.. .... t.i: i i i c ? iv.i !; lieputitican party to wage a demoniacal war on the South?ami thou Mary-j land ami \ iro'iuia will repent in sack cloth ami ashes the precious moments they ' have wasted! They are pcrhapse th on- I ly States that will he invaded in fore ; and /n?.!'//vi/'.< < //muftituff oi \\ ide \vvaks will inundate them, and -wvp out their slaves, j J'try ??/ rmin f n.> / ifri/'i,i J p , \mtli i i, '.70.,,V:> ii^. 177 1 ,t?ns ;; 12 I -pi, \| is?nitri. 1.0S.*,1 I ^ 1 ?i Kentucky, ' ,707 l!'J-V.itt'J 1.1 -V.? ; r.M |.?j S.*?V.."?J8 Uh7,OI2 1,1 ; ),?. tt* p, l.i,(',V.?7."? l.lCtit075 Jir It will he thus -?'< n tint the Verm ml He llracoati l his warlike adjutants will have l I % i ii IliS, CUIISMIO 1>I u,au oom rty t wo pounder iron frin?. . . Jeer iny-iwo pounder iron gun*. . . 17 ^ ' only-four-pounder iron guns. . . *' (lilrcn-priUR'ler iron gun*. ,5 p'y > reive ]> > The books arc opened au?l we are at iv J'leasc send in your emitrihnliuns to N llu/hcs, Corresponding Secretary. U7 Meet street, Charleston, or 10 the office of the " TSecreiary, Saprtnnburg Cmut House. T your nauie will lie enrolled, nud you wil rcoine part of this Society. t know that the time- are hard, but wo. nj j cal to the t.nd ot Nations for a viouic ot our rights, should re.ncmhcr that wo, nil wo have and arc, are in His hands. orlv insurrection, arson murder an I other ei inn . N \nd, ioa^ijr vale the insult, th< same jih i'lg foriu denies us equality with men or IV i.ne negroes, and brands us a* an inferior rai 11J 'J lo cap the elini'iv of insult to our fee'in-j ami this in ikut to our rights, this par wli . uoiirn ;t\'d for th Ihv.-i! ncy a in in \\1 nioii m.t only endorsed the plat lor'in.and proinisi w'1'1 t > enforce its i i uieiules, but disregardstI We ... ..r .1 ? I l IM HI (Ml ? I (.'III ill i IIK IILV.^, ?HIU I til s protection. There never was a war that W is not wijjed nil a false idea ; anil thi- i> oe tin? delusive one that now beckons on the '< . Ih puhlicans to what they think an easy ?. victory. The idea lias taken firm po-ses iy si.ai <>f t'mil ; and as there never was a Ito p ople wlin would not make eomjui >t, ii e l they thouuiit it was in their power, so ie tie se Ih |>11!>11 ins Will hazard one eatn lican part} would dissolve in a year?with , ' war; 11?? j ;?.;y carry the popular sentiment, ; l?y llanu.i .. the "stars ami strip"*." War , is not oi.'r, their police, but their necessity. ' 1 ln-ir platform sundered the I tiinu; and they are pledged to recover every State that ' has been lost, it'they must wale through ^ oceans >! b'.ood. Maryland secured, \ irginia i~ their next 11! ierf. Slur In.M 1 ilium.-r. i! . .r t. . t.. 1. f . uiieir 11:111 la luii. ]>urtteu;ariy wlicti it i.s ro-1 J" member. 1 that, in order to accomplish their sii purpose, they e.ui onl\ command an aruij (Jo jf about 1'J.Ujn 1111*11, who are now scattered over tin* entire continent, lroui the most Northern boundary ol'Or _r >u to the Uio liran le. A^ a "oy.s ?A r. s> rc , they have, ? r? may-he, Hickman's eighteen millions of ho bayonet-:; hut \vh?oi the ti_'htin^ begins, it no i~ ti: light '!oit th nuinl.' r "t tin* I'enncyl- ha ? the rlii eight iuch mortars. ... 4 Liceu-iiioli stone mortars. . . 4 T " rhorn mortnrs, . .... 6 *re life r>Ul armament, .... 1MU The fire from this work completely cor yout > the Navy Yard, ami in case the latter i ?< > Id l?v the Federal nuthorit'es, it would p^sl t hold out lunjc against Pieketis The iutel r on the exterior of the bar is three miles toot young uumi going iulo the active uuiiiUtervice of the State. Their couslitutiims not suficiciitly matured 16/ garrisou or Gold exposure. Beside*, we ar? >ly interested as a State in training our lis in the paths ot intellectual culture < to prepare them to in liuUtu the high tion tuts State has ever held in those lloetual struggles which are as essential ir in icyeudoiice as is the Diofoi*si.?n of ttiotihl trust in'-ilim who huili s.ti I "give jt shall be given."' Let ns not excuse ours Ives, then. bee our country's cull is ti}><>n ti-. t.'od, who us our country, is uble to take ciirc of u ours, uml lie never lorsnk-'s thai pep e put their trust in Him. I?c culls ,,.i n- n< then let us respond, lie -ays. teed mv Lam Good .men me I true are hi wni in^. 1 iiey "JLere am 1, scud we." Now. t.iiri-ui.t is. me the means und 1 will send liienl at ?. TIik IVitrii niitt tit t tt r 'i?ll .u i?i , ! lii> oath liy :ij?;?r ..viii** any hiil to jn?.-iv? litl.it >l.i\ iy in tlio Tciiit irios of tl :l"'1 I nitcd Otitis _ A 1 amajority <>! tin-Korti.ivn p> '?;> ,!,?/ have de 1 ar d ! o r ap, rovai ol the jili -ay, tonu and c.ti.ditinti-s ?. t' I lie party in the-in election. It is the suh nin ve dii-t ol" () "17 people lit tile North that the s'aveliuldii puiitn iv lore tlioy will lit.- lliut iS lutluni immik *t in :iii impossibility. ? Let them raise and |ti:j> one army, and l?<* bare it jroini^back tljw/ii thctn dofeate 1 ami 1 iseomiit'e from Ma?li]i ua.?the point nearest the I? . .. ... ... in Lai 1 ot aiii'i ra.? late.! .1 ?? .. !. t.mt, and beyond that there are no facil- arm: es t lor;? in Pensacula bay are ere this qnir rri>oiietl Lv Alabama troops, who were men rited there by the tiovernoruf Florida otbe FollT M'llAK. >'uUI This forlit1eafion is situated on Foste.'s . ink and liuaid* the M'i?t side of the ntth of Pens.or >11 hav. It is a histioned , J I U'lto r The *lay is coming when vrc will ro0 t he services of ail iu different depart* ts, uud is equally hoturuble with th? r. it L? a mistake to suppose that the ig men of our Colleges uiu>t push f?r1 now into the ranks of the urmy, or may never again have uu opportunity. day in all probability, is coining ?i ilt.'M KA J'.-X. ? 1 * - - itus Ixjt'ii ill the work lor several years. an well lu uuainte-l with lire wauls of y?nir S It comes in/ill sincerity with a cniiti.lcnce many will he the hearty rcsponsea. Yours in the cause of ? hrist. w. r. i mi now. State Sc votary So. t'a. S. S. t niu Tiik Lovaluy or tiik Navy to tiik So ?The following i-s a list ol ihe ollieers ? late ITnitoi] Stales Navy who have arrivei 7 "j" commm it'u s of the Smith, are to lie 01 lull-. vircti anil I rami' 1 with ignominy,ami co tii.it >ii!11oil to I'.'.ooia.ioii ami ultimate dtstru tiun. S r, arc we looked uoon a* more h : s than men? Is it cxj eeted ti nt wow (i or can exorcise that uooil like virtue tli In aretli all things, cmluretli all thingst.i which tells us to love our enemies, and hh tli | then; that curse u ? Are we e\j> . ted ' ! he ileiued llie si>n>.iliiiir.. ? tlin ...id. ? r it iml treitiisof amity ami exchange will 11 then lie viitiTi''! into. Then the jioople o! ic- the South will lie roeo?;nire/nnun. A Ma I!. I >' i Y \ IT MM. II It Y Will VIS. ?NaukhU Ks.'M'K? We ^.aiii the follow make ^""'1 its i nh ; eiulenre hv the ?!? ;* mv I ol tin- swopl llll'l bayonet. It seems that I'rovi'K-iiiv re>ervcs this onh al through 1 which every people aspiring to inlejxn j 1 < lei ice must puss. It i* the test of tin ir fitness lor the hoonut which they aim. If worthy of it, they will maintain it if not, their'h ^r.i I itioti ensues. I lie contlict of wars is hut tin solution of national sup? ri : mm. \ ...! i .i . 1 ' V . " |()] lit* tli .? ih ? a visit t.i (iurihal li: ' ,w ' I 1 >tin I thi. ti n!y icrenl nun vii rottii'ie I s ^ t>y his o;v.i It i ily, his brother, a hunk, hardy - a ei| ' .u ^ tvliirh i-ii11111m_< . j ihly u .t wi-er. men | would have affected mystery. 1 was wcl-l .< i?otm?l by tlaii! a! ii in a ni.niiu r which be- i; pomes a m ii tii.ni, an 1 puts i pi tin nt .n i.I. . ..... ^ : t. 1 >u111 of brick masonry, uiili wills . " .r feet in thick c?s. It is ciuhrMSiirod ' ill. 10 lit two tiers <>1 gutis under bomr-profl j - to i.ts an I h i-> otic tier m b'trbrtte Its . . . , . suit inam. ot con ?i.-t? >/un*. uud hi lituc . UC.*lt %v ir requires ;?jriinsoii of six hgn Ire I I titty Oi n. Il.o work cost the 1* ?Jcra' v. riuiiont ui out Itsjjui sr.t?to of over} point of the horizon. It is u llu,>v: , tractive w irk The (nil urmuinant ooin .. WV wvaniuim, tw aont; when they will have u fair opporly t'ur distinction ; at any rate the true to permanent distinction in any purof life, is through preparation auJ eviiou while young." ratrt Shall Mainr Oo?On this tioii, the Bangor (Mniue) UriH-^crat menu thus: ft !:is tlicir lint i vc Mtnic, of arc kuoitii to h< tlicir way homo: Captain?1?. N. lngrahnin. Commander?11. .1. llarlatino. IJcuUMiuiits-.Jauio li. N trili, .lolm Untie Tlios. II linger. Alex. K. Warlrv, J. It I illon, W. U. Dizier, Tlioa. IV l'elot, I'll l'orcher. l'asaeil Asidatent -nrgenn?A. M Lynch Mauler?W. K. Kvans. Asaiatcnt Surgeon?Clin*. K. Linniut*. Mitlaliipiiian?John (irimhall. 11.^1''. l't ' " lit.- passions, the reason, the instincts men? I lave \vc not pride and honor.' 11 a wc t o c isc nt' shame, no reverence f>r o 'hv. a leist'iis, and care for our posterity? i la we 110 lovcot'our home, of family, of fr end " Must we con less our baseness, discredit t! lame of our sires, dishonor ourselves at degrade our pastel ity, abandon our hoiin lice our country?all, ail for the sake rrv. i . m n * - lowing information from a p-nth-man who passed thrush here ahout 1" o clock, yesc terday evening from l>ecntur: 1,1 The mail curri? r between this place :unl Vl Ih-catur, when about forty five miles from here, on his retain trip, was startled at hearing the howling of wolves.ami turnino to ascertain the proximity of hi* thinner, discovered, at no -Treat distance, a pack of \ a hundred or more wolves, apparently fren urn > wr 11111? iuiii *. i iu .^oriu tiouius ?>i|i faj icily, it regards tin* South as unlit for ' 1 or unworthy ol the iii'lej>en ieuoe it aims at, and tin- i:i 1 i = - it ions now arc, that the 1 people ol tin' Southern States must stand i shoulder to sh iiiMiT in the assertion ol their | | pohtieal stutng. I lm seizure ? fthc arms inj tended lor the South was authorized, we < j have not the slightest douht, l>y the tiov- i em r ol New ^ ork. It i? an aet made upon 11k ill\ i at > is . II - 111 -lit mo oil this n. vvlat-ii ho plat: 1 in :it i-vrry in ;il next him I v 't-ir. nrl } >.nt I Kit my 1 ?? I as on of th 'two I j. hi hi* own moth. I :uv ju'?'ii a ^ ^ proudly m I gratefully?pride in the courttry ; whti-li 'i.n ib.. ti coal I not speak too ~ _ iftcii, ior tin moral did, oven more than the ' mat rial 'i-.-l nnv, which if h.nl r< tnh : 1 : Italy ; ami wit !i gr itifu Ik to my c ntntr. tin n i the I 'it is not on tntilcfo, hut a suificieut iniher of ^:nw are in battery to in ike a ry ir ? I ?L fence in conjunction with 1 nt Pickens. llchnv this fort is a Wat r a . tfory, which mounts *-01110 eight or ten u ins. The interior o! Fort Mellic is jiro- Pn.,s> 1 >i with the necessary shot furnaces, olfi;> arel s ! Iier>' ijuartcra. magazines, <.te I'. of In t'llll r itAUUANC.YS. ? 1 111 In the midst of this great revolationt so rapidly progressing, what duty does ne owe to herself? It is a melancholy mortifying faet that, for souie reason, ne has ceased to be that thriving and porous State which she was twenty, V and forty years ngm liming the ten years, her per ccutage of increase opul ttion has been much less than that n v Si milium Still ?inl iKun *!*??* It. II. Baoott, P. M Thomas, J. T. Walker TlIK GoVKItV.MK.NT IjOAN.?Oil Sfl day last, the bids for an additional loai five uiillions oi' dollars were found t< nearly triple the amount asked for. \V viewed in contrast with he bids wl were offered about a fortnight since for same amount, the question will re;o y? as to what the marked change is to b? \ nitui: .musi we a^ree in live uinler tl ban n ' >' Co: federate and hostile Stati , jH, |iolitieal faith constrains him to deny ? our Cunstitutinnal rijrht Must we consent to live under a j?ovi r ,|,c raent which we believe will heiicelblth I iri>c administrated by those who do not on a'- deny us justice and equality, but brand i M' y.ied with hunirer, ami with lolling tongues, 11 rapidly lessen in.: the distance between them " ami the horror stricken mail farrier. View' injt thus his thinner, with desperation l?nt 1-v despair, tin? mail-carrier immediately i put whip ti? his horse, hoping ! > train a ro! titjre ore the hungering wolves could overj take hint; hut the wolves gradually gained 'y j upon him, h<- beginning to think that his l's I saiuls ni"lite had iwarlv rim mil a ?_rii it i< >11 of a coinlit ion of war, i' ?r t !i <-i r i ' M'i/mv, as contraband oi war, can In* < ' I plained 11 [in nootlicr conjecture. I! I i tin n, is New York, the S' itc that, with ' ' more i iiij'hasi- than any other canto ii t ? j i the I uion with the di>'.net understanding i that she reserved the ri.ht to lea-sonic tlie 1 I powers delegated to the federal (iovertl- 1 meiit, whenever she thought proper, coin-[ I uiittin" ail act of h -1iIit\ utioti the author who had .-out nit? with th- ir ii-unnt'ct ol ! itheir itl'it i i letters, I left him with ? " In.- two si retaries. to take *i tjiiiet survo\ o| m Ii i- island houio. And as you aro aware ot .-;l 'h? aji'm lit ii ..hi ent rlain. <1 ill liritain *"' tt> air, Mid ieii atlat k on him, 1 sorauih - i j 11 ' llli the h. lie-.? .liviil.n in!.' . f .. 'tli du the Nuni.-h tort. The fort is a hast ioued work; S1y lit ot hravv masonry, and mounts forty ne ?U!c?, and in time of war requires a | Valu rrimii ??| tun hundred and fitly men. The | e;? m iiuont the \v ?r!? is fully mounted, 1 Cou, i it> magazines are in ?;ood order. In prnj i' re mi- t.f the fort i* a redoubt: uliieh i* r_. ?uch of tlit; Northern State* with two ptiotis, Niw Hampshire and Vermont; vre believe we sta e a fact, when w? that, in proportion to her population, is the poorest State in the Union, her ition in ] roportion to that population the least of any State. Our State, itry and town taxes are also heavier in tortion to onr population than those of H tributablc. Then the rates of interest v H so enormous that the Government prml V ]y declined the largest portion. Now I rate, though more than h is been hereto I asked in times of ordinary stability prosperity, is nevertheless much less t ^the rate asked about a fortnight ago It is a lamentable fact that nothing K since transpired to impart additional e< donee in tlm miM-o iminl y choice or compulsion u halt ^''r rule of those who present, us t! alternative of an irrepressible conflict l,as defence of our altars and our iircsidi >nti- "r ,'4e manumission of our slaves and the ...... admission tosoeial eunalitv? \<> sir nev< [ ' denly a tree presented itsell to hi^ gladder.' '* ed vision lor which ho ro ie tor dour lite, and finally gained the asylum of lus hopes, | with the savaye beasts close upon linn, and "* | jumped from his horse on to the limb of the tree. The wolves cumc up in a ino? 111 ineiit, and alter howling with diappointineiit "* lor a short time, at tin- loss of a warm sup " per, gradually settled down in quietude to r ? ? i .1 - ! itivs t>t a *?tato that lia* .* m?t?lv o\erciso?l , this reservetl ri^ht. \\ e see tiootln r course I ; It'll tin? Southern Slates than t<> hcgiu at ( : ' once, measures of retaliation. \\ u wmihi 1 i like to have peace, if we can jjet it on hoii 1 I 1 orhie terms. Hut if the property til tin 1 j States or tln-ir citizens are t hit - seized, peace i J is an impossibility. A Southern liovern t j incut must spec"lily he oruaiiiceil ?its pie- i 1 1.- .? ...hi.. ! . ? . ~ 7 . '" w' ovv I tv Ik t lit r r.u'.iiu' ^ exist l??r 11is lunulas Iron. :i ? the ?i|i|.i?site coast. The people here ?ici. it the i.In of any ho?ly of men beiiio t u>u ! larin^ :i 1111 t?> attack him in front, an i "I v any other way it wuulil take a bisiy of Wl neii hour* to work (heir way, even in ?layioht, over tfie irranite rocks, which, > -.? Worn ami honey >'otithc?l to their sniumi".*, tin ire eviifentlv of volcanic origin. 1 urin^r ! w.i t. i . . i ". i I - .... . - , ? mi v xiliaty t'> Fo t HarmneuA Some CKtene repair* have recently been completed who th * redoubt, and tin Hanking UnwiUor* W;ls >caipaud counter .scarp can bo mounted th very little lal>or. 1 H; Wl Ns1111* Ol" ri?r. Wi nhip b celcbr.it'h1 Ma-oic-hoseUs atl?l< to, who top* n a?fiiti?l tint out th ea ijips 'hut have tor a loug ! buck broitiI?tiV mailt'. I In- ciiiil'u?i>>ii ? ami ilissati.sfautioii which inevitably result ! fmin i nt-t >in | m tent elect inn of hi>;h tlicial. I lit it t bee.ireiully ^uanletl against, ami eve I rytliin^ |>ut in the best possible ? >?ii-1 iti mi I lor tin- M-v.to ofileal which awaits us I ois ; cutting iitlthe munition of war li in North (til p ?rts, will be lolloWt 1 b\ a block I'le ' to cut oil like supplies from |] n ipe l b - I in- 'i.iv me iipiiit;ii wm very inueii en^ag- ih :d, hut l>'Wards evening hi* 111iX?>< 1 wah hi.-* ?o rieml.i, :n. I emiv r-i -1 freely > atld when n?> i\ inn-elve*. in lu-> own mom, feeding the tie ire with roots -his only fuel?he spoke 1 V? i !\ ami warmly of the lirttish people, at m 1 o! the stand inn le hy I. r?1 Inhii Kits- mi .ell III I iVor of Italy A : 1 r -upper, in >r. w write ami then to lie I, wli re tor h iur> lit lie it ?5iet.ititi_^ To his two -i ereturn s I , p > * world, In* nu t u superior iri th?>> per Uu^e ii of one Willtaiu Tliumpson, who is con- in^r ctcil with the Chicago tio toiirnumcut, Slut which l>r, \Yinship performed his irreat faitl iseulur feat of lifting nine ke^s of nails trcm ii?hii?'_r l.i'HO pounds, atnl r.u>iii?, with Stat e aid ofliarnos oil his shoulders, 1,517 i to *> unds. He v?:i.n sueceed'-d hy Thoiuj.s >n, disi> mid detriment of Maine; but inch belter present condition, v. hi 1st sbo will 4 to the I'uiuo with true heroism and >tion so louj; as the other Northern e.?? .shall observe the compact in ^ood i, yet she cannot ho tolerant of secret L-hery in any of tho middle or Western es, nor can ahe afford to )r a promise made i 1" Lincoln wm f tod President Mr Pay-on Weston, ut I! lord isj^oin^to walk from Boston to Wi in '""i: iiion io >uj?|m? r ihr ? l the I nitctl States. I witlnlra from litis hotly, irit<*ii?Iii?to return to tl -To! bosom "I in v mot her ami sh re Iter late at lee- | inaiutaiii Iter fortunes, art- 1 isli- | In one of the Dullish colonies a cotnpt the itive examination was lately held lor tl Mr. purpose of appointing lit persons to Home avs. the (e lost, together I with the mail. I li'u /i r I it/ft y ( /nirri) /i> rori/. ;:rl ' ? " u:r.?_;< * .it 11?? .Ninth are tin* l'nr<>ru ;< . nl rucrri'hi iiii'l war, arcl ?r 11 | Nurih [ ( a'ulin s, \ ?1"i111:1 Marvlali l, K litnekv, I Tennessee, Missouri, ml Arkansas, will recognize lln-ir ^i_ri?:tii n e, ainl prepan themselves fir tin' part tli??\ intern! totak i If they arc resolvcil tu In- with ill Smth, let them prepare fnaet their part in such a manlier a* will I nil y viti'lieatc the j?? >1 i i i ieal -t it lis nl their lienl-le.? fit, in a in Ir I'j'l 1 'Ml t ? - l < |t, .111 1 in 11 I'll I .inn I k I'll nn 1 J, ill nn i- iiiiirt ; I'll! Millie hour* ln;|nrr ilo [In I.iv In- vn.i-, it nn'111 k with tlioiu :i_' iin, :ui hi I I i- i i i i i I* u it I t.vo hour-i alter i de I ivhr k. I iiii'iittuii thi- mainly In ex-1 sit | , . i li"?N Hi I ii In' Ii.i- In ho. ami tne\< H?a* 1,1 liiin l<>t any ilisajiiMiiitimnt to hi- enrre- mi I ni l lit-. >iirn?>ra IVreM, ti e j/otural'- ah I in 1:1c r. i- i Nc ri ji'.e isant ancl^uiiallc'Cti'd in v .i'ii ! \ I i:' > i k - nn 1*.ii 1 ? I i ?, c nuiiK'iu'in^ with tl?t? last lilt 00 'J.OOO, J. l:',0 pounds?a very re- | saer irknlde 1 it, the latter, to be sure. He Mai io experimented with dutnh bells weii;h- ' and ur 1 t'O and 10. > pounds. Another oom- l,ct I.. . ............. ........1 I'.irtia )" __ 1 ..r ? , south. Wc would excite no unneeciwndurtu anions our jicople ; hut we would have them insensible to their condition, would we have theui betrayed. If the die States have it iu contemplation to ities* New Kngland for advantage, let tie at Icavt take time by the fore-look, foil them with their own weapon a. it he remembered that Maine has *A?y>a, and his arrival at the inauguration. will fours {he State House in Host m, noon l. A in.hi is t < 11 v him in n cuiria^' to ore that lie luiiiU B agreement. I Ill- dates inadvertently s|?? 11 the wnri? y.?u not k n> ipi- >ir. that lliero is hit one in n in Venire his | ?' '! In n e^^s must, he \ i ry senveo there was the vea'ly reply. The candidate passe i h um- iih* c ijmioii, ,\ .>< ? rt-.nurc ni Hi" \11nT1r hi 11 vol ill inn. ' a (jui li?k pajwr mv li While the North ami the South arc on llio -I c\c of civil war, it i? interest injj to h irn nn w wc Hie lt> iiis'i \in | rican * I'nioii. I' ia i ho mo.-l hopeful iiiovi il. incut -if the hour" Tltr.N 1'ftN. N .1.. .1 :tll<|:ir\ .1 \ lii.l ll n It.VII iiiir'l in tlio Soiiitir |>uim?Ii ii^ ?? lotmiy Ilu> ilrliv.'iy nl'iimi" or iniiiiitioim <>i wiiiiu my | ill'ilio i.-.'i-liii/ Si'i'i'i, nn I |>uiti-liiitkT onli?t- j in on' in lli-ii ?.-i\iio w ili i i r nnionl I'nr | -i-vo?i >? ?rs iiii li i lu -ilu r .Mi'iiti'iti ; In' it? tailor ilin tir hi-* I.i(!i r ; It i> wry iniich tin' 1 ai! >r, in Ins rod tdiirt, ami I ur lir.ni/ . not I nk. r.nnploxion ; It bids lair Ini ( ? !>i i v. i\ strung man ; is now twenty , ..jr ,i> ..| i^.>, ami y>? areawaro has alivady ini ill tin^'M.-diod hiiii-all in tho Into eanipai^n.; to uii^ ^ > iiim.i." , if mil t \ hi un, i'wiiv i illlf 1 -t I M pounds, nii'l then 150 pounds in i 111) pound* in each mitt ind. Hut ihe loat of the evening was the c1*m1 anil lift of Thompson, and the judges so f ' nsidared it in the a w.rj of th.?WPri,<-,?*, him. gitv me i^OUIII lias* coutm. ik Kkm mnh <>r Okmrral I.r.r.?The Cmn> iH) Appoint*! to come Ihf remiinio(0?n? Hurry I.o? from ' un?l.eMnn h Cer dim from Colonel ii? Owinn, li e present Uhbf Miltinry En. er ol ilml Ueftthlm.?Itehm> hJ /Kfxrfeh, #