[I . .r I TTT1 rna+mmmmmmmmmmmmmmam PL * 1 ? y ? ' i m i V .. . * r> , * wtmmmmmmmmmBmmmemmmmm \ TR f vi MTVTA . -ftp" jL-L?L - . . _ \ T?rr - A AT - WM. H. THIB * T- , .., ? VOL. XVII. l - . IMXIOTt. u -' * * " ^ S Daotcd to ?outt PARTANBURG, S 1?A * JL 1 JL. J icru Rights, politics, ^grwultui L C., THURSDAY. L_ K_J JL. rr, and |ttusttltang. JANUARY 31 IKK ?.* '?, ? ?se r? ? 1 . ' ?}R AWWUM> "" A VA P (BBMBMBimm Hbt Carolina Spartan Frioe, Two Dollajis per annum, in advan $2.50 il the end ef tL year. It* not pai til after the year expires $3.00. He subscription taken for icss than six mc Money may be remitted through post mi hi eur risk. L Jeb work of all kinds promptly execute r nimb. u.u.1 c...tr.. 1* ? ? trivet, to our slavit, to the icorld and to u '* miyhty (Hnth?. \,y man, to lr? noril Tl.mi.rli ir..? k.. < J/- From the Charleston Evening News, re The Inhucn Changed. rc- At the commencement of the Btrugglc oj betweou the North and South the u ha tract etl r?j;ht of secession whs the predominant cr question. That question has passed beyond lis the sphere of controversy. Secession has lie become a fait acvumpli. It has become a u_ 1 .it-. Kewi front other Staled. c Washington, Janurry 20. <] Several Southern Senators Jo not hesitate to declare that they will vote u^uinst i .Mr. Crittenden's projtosition, when it comes ( up on Monduy, knowing as they dotliattlm r Republicans never hud any intention ol al- ; ?f the Government aro interfered with. IMiey have decided to report at uti curly To lay. ? ] The Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. I>ix, urt n forms the. House Committee that $20,- MU, >00,000 will be needed over and above the cvenues from all sources, by next duly, to ul)< nect the cxnensos of th?? (!nvprnmi?ni ?? '.* H >rt Sumter wllbout ProvUlcaa A L< the Etlitorn of the iV. Even itig I'uat: j In thin evening's l'uft,, in your loading icle-?"The Charleston Outrage"-?you I/PMJ ill ijii^st other tiling say that the garrison " . Fort Sumter needs rciniorcciucot, fuel p01* 1 1 provisions, ynu ask "how it happened ilVi fl I ?. % I* ' * - I IT I - ili wmmsrn&i it(?r frmae m BeeM?W t l>rt Moral! rto. * ' '* e followiug, saye the Troy Whig, are :ta of a letter fruui Mr. Follies, a ate of the Kenaaelaer lontitute, bat n the employ of the "Indepumletfi blio of Boulh Carolina," a* Ciril &> n*L- i -a* - * I M?n vuu , UVIUIUUmi^ UU I tor printed to order. I Advertiaciueitts insert-d nt the usual 1 Tmi Spartan oiroul tor largely OW thi [ fcdjoiiring districts, and oilers an adinirald Ihk fend contracts made on reasoualde terms, ttm to our friends to .....customers. Dr. Palmer on Kecenlon. f 4*0 the Editor of the Churleelon Mercury : You have s|>okcn in just inditrnutit iiunil, l""| "? ? l'r abrogation of ull evils, yet, should t ratss madness of the hour appeal to the urbiti sand tioii of the sword, we will not shrink cv from the baptism of fire. If modern ci sudors stand in serried ranks upon hoi mmmm plain of Ksdraelon, tluTc shall \vc be defence of our trust. Not till the la>t iu has liillen behind the lust rampart, shall drop from our hands; and tlnm only in si an of a..a _.i?. iiu pnicueui rcincuy, wmcn cannot be met and ho counteracted unless by application of force, ra- ; The qui stion between the sections is nonen coeicion or peaceable secession. It is ra u- S pidly losing the aspoct of Union by comnc 1 pulsion, and assuming tlje phase of the in best mode of paoific ndjustun ut, by permitan | ting peaceable secession. The border it States, if not willing to acquiesce in the ir- | abstract right of secession, liavo arrayed lowing mem to t>c submitted to the people, '| and tlioy denounce any sueh attempt to dc- ; t; oeive the country into a futile hope of con- j tinned defederation. ! H The Republican Senators and llcpreseutatives openly usscrt that they will never ' 1 adopt Mr. Crittenden's proposition ; that; ] after ciftht years of hard 8truou?rlus. of Illinois, ha* lna leeided tn iilb'i- in *l?? *""-L ' ' .i ?*iajor Anderson ottered to keep the S"'p ? hundred laborers in the fort if they M|j uld do duty under the L'uited States . "V 5?" &c. I'erbap* the following statement of facta j,c^wr< in Mr. ! ir uj? the doubts of some, falsily tho j *"? tenants ol others, and Hu>tuin the re- 8'-'1 e rLa of this evening's Host's loading ar- r.e*?n r. j ue ichit wis aaarteeed to Mr. Jooes: nder praaunt circumstances toj time en up it Fort Moultrie, and 1 may 3 long bo ordered off to erect bait >rieo down on the ooost, to repel aay it* i-d iiivuaiou on the part of the North. Joit and I expected to be sent off tor, for you must know this State baa lod her sovereignty, and organised bcr the begging, whining, blubbering Suut politicians. Let us hear?let the p hear?what a Southern Parson says? Her. Dr. Pakner, of New Orleans, a n bfSouth Carolina?aud let their great 1 thfob to bis stirring appeal. ^mc have, no doubt, read his ma; cent address, ot' *hich somc or I thousand copies have been printed, bi vaivivi VV HIV MUU %Y IIU IIhern * * * ? * * * cnj)le ThefTniun ?s henceforth to be on coin -the tiun 0f vcMa a^c 1 say it with soleuini ative and pain, this luion of our forefathers icart already gone. It existed but in inutu confidence, the bonds of which were ru ;nin- tared in the late cleeton. Though its foi b'ltV should be juoscived, it is, in laet, dostru it all od. We may possibly entertain the proje I incinscivcs unmistakably against coercion, : direct or indirect?whctlu r hy land or sen li- | ?whether through the use of military lety j <:ions or blockade. Who docs not s ;e the is ; si^tis of this changed condition of thequcsinl tion, the consuuiiuation of peaceful separap tiun and a Southern Confederacy, alter a m little more unavailing diplomacy. ,y. ct Abolition of Tours of Entry anh to conquer upon. As a proof ot this, al- j a though Mr. Cameron moved a reconsider- ) ation of Mr. Crittenden's proposition last ] Wednesday, he and every other Republican t voted against the re-consideration on l'ri- , day. AIIeyes arc now turned towards Virginia, as there is no hope of a return of the sc- a ceding States, except upon a re-construction a of the I nion, which can oiilv he attained I 1 - - v., ..i.v lli;l i proposition, nvatlirming the principles a0;< aid down in the cotiiproiuisc measures of yeiJ H.?U. lie proposes to organize the 'l'erri- Dp jrie-i on the doctrine enunciate' iu tiros* ti,(J ncasurcH. am Washington, January 22. There arc serious apprehensions here ol tec i collision between the militia of Alabama tpr ind Florida and the a "nited States force in 1?:?1 'IM.: . iv_* : -1 - ^ 1 * c. .Mr. Ueorgc .McTuddeu, formerly a . *vr jJ licr of the t inted States Army, for many ' irs nerving in my oomuiand in the First woui the South from Virginia to the Gulf ;xico, she never oouid restore a Uoiotf :n.bered by hor owu madness and tblhy, air, if the worst came to the wont, cry women and children would taker nave not. tne jjtve a ion The text iti emphatically in point; i it: | Shall the throne of iniquity have Mlov with thee, which Irntneth mischief hy a ' Jl'salm xciv. 20.J All th? men of thy confederacy have brc thee even to the border; the nu-n that >vo peace with thee have deceived thee, and vailed against thee; they that ate thy 1 have laid a wound under thee; there it* oi rccoiis'ruettnjj; it; but it will be a not liark union, resting upon other tliuu past ^u: aula's. "In that we 8a)- a new eovciia rship we have made tiio St*"? ?dd, and that whit biw decayctli and waxelh old is ready to vanij , ( away"?"as .1 vesture it is folded up." V vo\ii myself, I say that under the rule whi< , re threatens us, 1 throw' o!F the yoke of di ?rcani|?t secession of all the bonier ( Maes. This is an impartial view of the 'j ease as it now stand here. x i ^ It is reliably state I that the irarrison at t Washington city will consist of threo com- ] pinies of Li^ht Artillery, two of Cavalry, ,j and five of Infantry. Sev- ral of these have j already arrived here. Another company of j Artillery will leave West J'oint for litre to- { morrow Ttin oliinof ..I' !..= ............ I - . i?i v j ii-Ki iii!. j m> ion is am.osi iiupreir- (.lie table, or would bo if properly garrisoned. |UC Chore is one company o' I iutoy (jobadiuh to Edoin, the men of our confederacy, the iin-n were at peace witl> us, have eaten our I) nt the very time thuy have deceived Jaid around under Even beyond ? thu enriching commerce which has i the splendid cit es and marble palae< immeasurably stronger than tho>c ploadi pt]?. in their celebrated dedarati i. '. \|| It is softly whispered, too, lli.it the s'i that vessl'ul competitor lor tie. throne protes >read avers liin purjiuse to admit i-ter M an. Koven,ni lit in a eolis r\ali\o and nation this I'1" AH >\vitij? him all credit lor per?ui bui t 'u* .-r") ,u these protestations, he is, in t!i ,s ?j matter, nearly as imp cent for po i as I , m .^uin 4.... ..:i ?i * .i d Ibreitrn "u'-iuu^ would |>eruiit the institution ' 01 blockade, which, according to the law c of nations, means the application of force t> ' : etween nations in a .stite of war. i tic le i?l a ol bloukaJinga largo extent of coast, ai ' and thus cutting off commercial intercourse al 1 witli a large part of the civilized world, is is | too absurd to be entertained for a moment io . not to speak of the pretension to establish - ..v " jv.vt vi ?. i??n IIIUVU- 1 J ment is said to he to liolil ilie Federal pro- ' j perty and archives in case of the soce.s- ; t sion of \ irginia ami Maryland, until ne/otiutions arc consummated for an ett?ry order to the I nited States ofli- | 111 eis thi re riot to provoke a conflict uud- i ' rt! ,uv jtossihlo circuuint nces. luiu '! he lull ]>ropo.-i I yc>icrday, authorizing i ' ' ' he t.fovci unieut to?>u?l."-iid the mail service . n the socediii" State-, meets Puuernl . ... . *11' avor anions l lio Aiwlitiouidts an J coercion- '' i?ls. I mi lcrstand it w.ts su^estcci hy ,l 're.-ton Kin". nl Vi tf "N"??>-W Tln> South. ; f'"' ng was tu apple pic urdcr, and the men highc good coiiditi.ii; t}ir?*o days btfure wo tion s ired I rout Kurt IWotillric, Major An Her- fit brought 1'roui Kort Sautter au apparatus sisteti it.->u n i tiro r main lug guns. Tli is appa- ereigl ns was Kit behind at K??rt MoUitric. Statu lieu we urri\cd at Kurt Sumter overv- eigne ng was cjid, miserable, an 1 unliimhod. matte rt Sumter bus ftc- Jtn->s to it, and aoutc sprinj 0 ur ten guns i in perfectly mounted. , j ? fcUO rlaw doctrine can hold no Coiintitumcrcd or make any pledge inviolate, o North is now showing great inconicy ; she would attempt to enslave sov3 States, and yet refuses to allow those 9 to hoW the negro in the sphere ded by Providence. The truth of the r is this : Lore of power is the maing of her policy, to gain which she ha? ?.t * J- * " J^ngiauu as wriitis 01 .aiihticii, lias largely established upon the prod tie1 our .-oil j and (he blooms upon Sout ' fields, gathered by black hands, liavi the spindles uud looms oi .Manchester ' Binningh tin lint hssthan of Lawrence Isurcll. Stiiko now a blow at this syi of labor, and the World itself totters al .stroke Shall we permit that blow to l>o we not owe it to eivihzcd man to s been *vi,,ri" 1,1 ,UI *? mo Is (l than a figure upon tho ]i >'. i oa! rh. >- lum lun. ~w l'"ity which he ou rs liiscltx .I... L iIn- a P:u"ty tli.it lias si-ualiy.iv] it.-, history I pall; lie ino.-t unblushing pfijni "u s What i:.i Land 0:,a 1M! pla?-cd in tho |i ?t. stations .fun r ->i ii a iiinuKirii* with the uibullicicnt naval hi mo ?n> of li e I nitcJ Status. in! iv j Tim. ('iuttkximin Kksoli.tions?We H' think I'roin indications, that the resolutions r of >1 r. t i itteinhn will roooivc the assent u; oi i ho Ilordor States,ami such support from y 11??* Mi h.le and a lew oi the Kastorn States ill as to iustiro their ail >ption; hut the hitch ii is th amendment ol Mr. Powell, extending : a'.togctli<>r constituting a res; eetsblc body- t g 11: I lor our "Republican" President. Von may state it as an undoubted ami ' c settled tact, that Crittenden's compromise : t will not be adopted. Its pending in the I Senate is only a Republican do lgc to do- t ecive the people. a Richmonh, Va., .January 20. The report froui the Committee on I t 1 t 0, * "" ' * ; ? ? ra members will olTi r no opposition to it. | A despatch has been received I'roia i J ' rnor I'i ki ns, staling that amicable reini? gun* cannot Ik* depressed sufficiently using defend the Fort. They are mounted fur peace 4 ran-'' shot, and any object within a Pidc I Ic or a in<'?.* tm i a hall' of this hurt it werci il l be as harmless to it us our present |niriit t on our buttery enfilading the channel urous ween Governor s and Kllis Islands would geard harmless to the boats constantly passing has L the r l'.et Suillter l.li iu? nnir'uinno ,?n. w uiu iuusi uasiaruiy measures, the ncuro as a blind. Let us part in ; it in all we ask ; we may then live >y !*ide in harmony, and continue eomiul relations advantageously to both ss; but force war upou us, and it will c a hatred which death itself might i;ly subdue. The fact is, the Luton ecu dissolved fur the last fifteen years; ecent acts have only been a confirm* i ill (lie breach and stay the up:i.ted t | If the hiiud Salmon lays hold of the |>i which support the arch of the world -dustry, how many more will he hurict ncitth its ruins than the Lr.ls of the 1 istnics ? "Who hiiowcth whether we not come to the kiugduiu fur. such u as this T" Last of all, in this <;roat s'.rujjglc, V frm/ the cause ?/ (i'w/ am/ ciJa/iou. ,rm? wno openly avow tint t:oir oiii-r cue liar.- a ? 100 suMiin itol t . be icstrnino.l liy tl s in Vulioii of covenants or by the sane i i In - ' P iths '/' No; we have wen th trail pi,;, the serpent five ami twenty vein in o 1 ar,. alen ; t? incl now in the branches of tl tiini "iibithlen tree; we 1. el the pan^s o! tic .. tlrea'ly be;*uii as its hot breath is upon 01 r heck. In.-siii^ out t e origin .1 i'aUchou The ' s',aH "?t sur. lv -lie." c> < the pYoteeti >11 of slavery to luture aenuisin tions of territory. Tl is amendment thro ttV | ens to destroy entirely this scheme ut eoiui>! , promise. \\ ? have not the remotest collar , ccj tioii that Middle or Kastern States will lie | consent to this abandonment ol the t liieath :;o platl inn. 1 lie Murder States,to heeonnr s,* tent, must, iii their j Ian or pacification, id, ; io U to th tijufttrr as well as the ]>/'< an I? ! regard ; rinrijife as well as n u in eral delations was amende ! on Saturday, j | nominating: the Commissioners to be ap j pointed to the Southern State* and to the f , Federal < iovernnient, as well as delegates c to National Convention proposed to be call? d at Washington. The report was agreed t to, and the following resolution was adopt- t eJt , AVW/W, That if all i ff..rts to reconcile | ! the nnhaitnv differences between tb? #w.. . . ... i'ii*.hi. it. ip iiiiwri, tl 11415 JlfirU T lolitan tJ uirds, who has obtained a furlough | !' ii 1 ju>t rc:ufn?-a from the hea l quarters . >f the army at IViiMtola, hat on 1 ue day " veiling 1 st, lour hundred and fifty troo|* | ' rrived at the Navy Yard iruiu Mobile and i d is* is ippi making in ul! at present station- ">Jl1 d in that iiuiuediate vieinityone thousand | . iicii. There are now nt rout- near t\v?> { 4111 .uii ire I more fruiii Auburn, '1 u*ke?roe and j J 1 I'. MllWHa *'1,,Jvyl llOU ( idcraun took from l'ort Mouilrie aoine Gc y bjir*!? of flour and ono or two casks worst other provisions. A sergeant ar d squad the t'? men in citizen's dress were sent ashore do nt purchase provisions. They procured 0ue. ue ?ifihty pounds of beef, with vejjeta- denci ike. The Charleston Vigilant C'oiuitce would uot permit thctu to take away At 1 provisions they had j?aid for, and they one t ...? I .1. . i:... . ? ?i- - ? .. ? n suen aissolutmu. -od bye! All here are ready for the , and death or victory u stamped upon jrchead uf every Carolina citizen. We >t waut war. We wish to iujure no But we shall maintain our indepen: at all and every hazard. ? Old Fort.?Fort Marion, which b it the defence* of the harbor of St. abolition spirit is undeniably nthc The demon which erected its throne i the guillotine in the days of ltobesp and Marat, which abolished the Sali and worshipped ilea soli in the persi u hailot, yctsurvive-. to work utlher hot of which those of the French Revolt are but the type. Atuong a people so erally religious as the American, a dis;. must be worn: hut it is the saim-nld tin isiio ; * * 111 >011 HitluMto thd ulloroiici's have hot g I-,. through irri iih a, iji' a--.) ii batli ?*1*tiit'ii. Cut now ?! c vo',1-0 n.ims IV.? JII ol 'he throne; alrea !v, before clatl with t! Tors, o| t?l1i ?*, cro tin* aimoinfin;: < ltion puuri-ti ujm.ii the iDAiiari'h'.x heath tin: il gen- clL'? has gone l ull, that the in.-:it;it !oi raise -"outlieni >ia\*,rv shull i i eon.-ti.iiu.U wit re.-nl- nwi^iu J limits. | lion li natiiir ill 1 their a11.i11u'i iui.'u 1 s>, it' they wish a j iiuia a uent sv ttli Hu nt ol the slavery ipicst'ioii. <- i llie South must not only have its ri"ht. in j entire an 1 unimpaired, to enter with itlie slave prop 11 v any Territory to he acquired til hcreilier.l y j urchase or eon jnest.hut siteh le pioperty protected while in a 'i erriturial <>t j condition, or limitation may be reopened li and sprn-im upon theeountry whenever any .il , sue!, .ii'iiii :iioti r ! . - ?.] ?.. ] sections of the country should prove nbur-! ( live, tin ii every consideration of honor and | i uteri -t dciii.iuds that Virginia shall unite ' ( her des iny With her sister Slavcholdino , State,". '1 he House of !MvP?nes concurred ill | the report and in the amen Intent proposed as uhovc. The House, also, adopted the h loilou inj; : /?...i 'ft ?... : ? - ' .1 rviii^!it. Kcinforeem nts, to the l'ei iiiiuiuit ol .k?U men, aie also hourly oxpoc- j ,IU > ! IVuui .W \v ()i leans, as well as t ome from | 'olumhus. t Ka ll? - -' in 111 i'n.viilc ec? j-ltouM m ii' 1 1'ntli its branch ?Iul,? liJvi* till' 1! iiiy.n tree, to t ikit iout in cO mine soil, here i> a jne.wr MijA i ior ,,, at both, that says ir. shall wi'.licr an.i lie wit t-soll its own ub.iriueii circle. Lilies ^ i' 't say you to this, to whom this nee.-' providential trust of cui-ei \ i >i; slavery now, 'L-iiptieil ? '"Shall the tlii-no of inifjui i the i,UVL' fellowship with tine, which fume * i: . niiM'liii*! liv ? Imu' V" I# Jo #1.1- !...? ... .1 ! "JL!Zr ?x- } llxj ii ri.su tiik Ij.vws.?The New t>* Voik Journal of (t>uinicrce thus modifies h- tin* opinion it has recently expressed that it is the duty of the 1'resident under the at constitution and laws oh the 1 nitcd States, i> j t>> * x< cute all the k vvs and collect the rcvty 1 eiiuo in cvt ry part of the country, lit "I n I r the Constitution and laws of the i nut mi- ?ijirn*M> ui iiu* rvmill- ( cni Statrs are the interests ?>l Virginia, an.1 , t! at iiu reconstruction ul the I'niou can 1> permanent or satisfactory which does in ; secure to each si ction self protcctm" imffor < against invasion, by the I'Vticrul (iurcrii- , uicnt, or by Slates. j ]h>sT?>s, .January IS. J ( '1 In* Legislature has unanimously pussc I i ; >u 1'ort I'iiki n>. All part ?- arc c> uli dent J" >1 fUOCC.-S.? M >.lf Juir,-!/ .\/nrfi*rr. 1 III N I \v I 1:1.1 \\s, January 10.? Maym ! dutiro.of tliis city, lias replied h? an iu.pii ; \ from <'nl.t'luce, tin* en: inati ler ?>t tin- ! lo iorida State flee*, ?\if ':r 11 tut tiro tliou nid tiic 11 could he raided in the eity in "K nrtv-eiuht h >ui>. i >r the a^.Maiice ?>t 1! >. - ''' l.i" it 1!,.. 11 r St .t., ? ..1.1 ti... ?a a hundred determined fellows, a till I'll of St ve of that 1 rt in a half hour It in the moment we ^ct oti the lauding; Unit 1.1 want is an additional number of men of th earry and i.tie the ladders fur the men its as sr ile the walls. En^l ".Major A.h?ier.? ?n never a.-kod the work- year ii to s'.a\ ami lijtht umh-r the American j know ll he it i<1 dune mi 1 lor one Would the t ve stuck I i him as ! >.?_; as he h id nnv- ' Years . Francis. is probably the oldest fortress in the i d States, and is interesting as a relic c style of ancient fortification, and for Lsociation with events in old Spauish, iuh and Indian wars. The preei.->c of its construction is not definitely rn. It may have been commenced by ^paiuurds in ltitio, or not until many i later. It u?i? ^" aI *1 iiittvuV) viuu in iiic i;;?iv n ^iii Uit'llU) Ul cord and aehism, so symbolic of ilo i Under this specious cry ol' reform, in mands that every evil xltull he correcto society become a w reck?the sun mil' stricken from the heavens, if a spot is f< on his disc. -The .Most High, ktmvr.n; . own power tfhicli is infinite, and his " wisdom which is unfathoniaUcan a to be patient. But these sell con-tit uis>- "",v; *v " *1 * " ,,,n u,-u ??i.?K mils, the crisis. \\ hcthcr wo will .i n nt t!i t 1 < own 1111y. It the .south hows Lrloii' this (tir.>n fford s"c accents the decree id'restriction :n utod "himate extinction, fchieh is made the eg i . . ? _i : < ? j ? mien niau.*, 11 is ino (iuty oi the l'rvsiii i vient t<> rolled the r venue in : il tlie ports, of j and to oxicutv all laws in every part of the il country. ^uli i> his general iluty, tlml he :r. c hi not he exported to perforin iinpy | t < s. and Would not in our opinion he J list i s | ti d in attempts which in list of necessity ie, plunge the country into :i civil war. Hut i i he should he relieved from the present Cini harrassineiit by Congress since the time resolutions tcmlerinj; tlif I'resident stleh 1 ( ai l in men ami money as In- may nceJ t. } in.tiutaiii (lie autliority <a-^ the UoUscto>j , itfjlr.ow by a larj^e, ii'not unanimous vote. ! J r\ hill was introilueetl in tlie House fort nn\ equipments The tI?i\??rtt >r has ,"i jU' te i t .at the forces hi' sent i in d ate- j "u y. tir at excitement pnvaihs here, J.ar^c !" iioctin_'s will In: hold tla * ! nve h en pmhihitcl from ] Untiii" anv : ' ni'i -1 States vi v.Is into the harhor. mulct! enalty of death. 1 here is a Vessel asln?r? ' " iiteen miles Ku-t of Tort I'k'kuus. She is i . i . i i *i t *? v ' 'j na to .-tiv k lo. On the contrary lie wo* j the I ?st ;m\i l is to get riJ of th : many extra | in IT utli- tli.it wvre eating up the provisions j extrr wan' O t'?r his own men. As to uli the stunt t the ji:ii>?rsa* to his impregn* i high it \. it i> all balderdash," Ae. Ac. ! nlos, 1 tiiiuk 1 have here given nearly r?tri?i- . is su < the state.ueiit ot' .Mr. McKaddr n. If'it ' It is of any value to you. or if its publication work .. uaiMv.il ?;j 1-ilCfTl Tnc a>tlo of St. Mark, and ?ti completed 70. It is situated at the Northern unity of the town. It is huilt of its walls arc about twenty one feel , ''terminating iu lour bastinaded anat the several corners each of which riuouiited with towers corresponding." i caacu.uted and houib proof. The is euelased by a wide deep ditch. I.* 1 rcioruiers must i|Uickcu the activity u liovah or couiind his uhdicatiou. In l furious haste they trample upon nhligut sacred as any which can bind the en eucc. it is time to reproduce the ol>.? idea that Providence must govern man, not that man should control Provide In tno imperfect state of human ?ooiet pleases God to allow evils which clu c'i ers that are greater. As in the l'liy 1 ,jt. uiiM-ii in in r ninn.t_hu jdll r**(- hni>. HT tl ulirti' l'"ulllr.Vi anil tho^ II will invoh aJul in?Jfnl, U'liipciruryMMpRttl^T umjUHiMti t'iier. 'be ilvko ot ll'iinu 1 mu-t be cut to >a ,j lief Ir*iiii tin' tioo|* of 1'liilip. Hut 1 \va nth countrymen (lie hi.-to i?* moment on sical passstnl, nuvc return.-. It site will ari>o , It is eomo, wo think, wlu'u -the seceding 10- inu.it l>o recoynir.L'd * Jcpaer ] rate pouters, and as such the reln^una helie j#P\vn iiXhc gi'iii'Tal (jovcninfhnt and those o, | States :irejtiO|?ci-^uhjects tor negotiation and arranm inert, U|>on such basis as shall vo , promise to best promote the happiness and rn | welfare ol thr whole people. *11 ? M ' 'I Uwcr iir ('hi i Mm o. Sun > n enrollment and e<|Ulptllt-Ut ol liO.I'i'tll Men. te invitt 1 to speak J j A tneiuorial is to he Mlhiniited to ('oiiuress t !(>r the icieitieat lull ill I In- .-V 1 ? 1 . 1. 11 I in in* ini> ,-mi; J * IV slorc-sti;]), with .flierr.- of the N ivy Yard aboard. It is. expected ih.it Lieutenant Sliintn -r. , lie < >inuiainlei' of 1 ?rt I'ieko is, will -air- j en.lei" t lint fortification. Tile Florida State '.trees have twenty live heavy kuiis ready ' or sort ua?. i j hi the Legislature of Mi*si??ijpi, tiu 'oiinnitte.'on Sou'lu rii Fonle h r icy r j? ?r- |( ? luju a, ?vrj?- ?'iiu ntcd in our military bureau at Wash- whir ;tl. the - - ? inter Anviri: nu?m kaih.v.?In gaddtiu? a of da . - 1 j.:.a- eded .1ms: I first showjliim the passu i'Ju-. ll'^ou pu'.l him uUiut or blind Au^i Mjii iui t iunks M>un tiling is wrong, audi 4?\\ j jrcrpcnuicuiar walls ol masonry, over h la thrown a bridge, which, was na'ly j rotected by a draw. The fort i ?ca wall, a mile in length, built for main purpose of a breakwater. The iur of thid old form** i* said to be full rk gloomy retreats and subterranean ige. A little work of "Sketches t.f St. u-ti: e," publishes in 1S48, says of it: lItiu the bastion of the Northeast an. world, objects arc uiovcd forward not ingle force, but by the coiiipctdtio forces: so in his nioruludministrutiuii, t nrcchecksund balances who-e intimate tions arc comprehended only by bin But what reck they of this?these li zealots who undertake to drive the eh of the sun t working out thu single false ide which rides them like :i n marc, thev dnsh nthwmt tlm ki.Ii. r... I iy a her '""jt'nty, mi J spink now as with il n 1(j voice of otic man, sin will rollback lor; here '"'if. tin* curse that is iijioii her. si rcla succumbs now,she transmits that curse isell'. M" heirloom to posterity, ierce N\ e may, for a ocnera lion, i njoy coi ariut l'arative case, gather up our lect in o and beds, and die in peace; but our childVi iwht- go forth beggared limn the hoiucs i?..r. their fathers. fishermen will e.isi ib. I"' Tliu lurtliest range of a liuti died-pound shell even at an elevation ol thirty-five dc ? -roes given to the gun, is 4,N;?S yards; the h-" iiiik* of 11 iglit being thirty-five seeonds The ! 'jiv.it twelve iu>h (\dunihiad,*tho largest ii* ! gun made, loaded villi twenty-five pounds o! powder, a she.1 17- }>ouiid.s and the piece at ail elevation of tliu ty-fivc degrees, has ol made a range of only 5,4011 yards, the pr? ii- . :i ' ' * tic.-, by Mich u compromise us may bedeeiuc I expedient, i Mr. i ted pat It is here, and denies that it is his intention to run oil'slaves. Sr. Lot is, .January If. The House concurred in the slight amendments made by the Senate yesterday { to the Couvei^jon Uill, una tlie bill \vaH. II.. . 1 viuthorn ' \nif ih'raey ami tin- otabimhuuml t (j ( if a I'rovinion il < lovi-nnm ut amount ilio 1 l((| kiv lin^ St.it' >. ati'l al> ? |?ro| ???inthe a- ^ nnlil.i^f of a S.'U h< rn (Viivctitiuii at ^! ?nt j~n 501m vj, on the fourth u|'February proxiui >. ' j j, N KW VnKK. Ilinil.irv li'J. ^ I Thirty < iirlit c?>cs u( tim>kiat.1(1 aiumoin nun 10 ? liSf, saddle hy j it on aiiJ oil several like i u'8, ami nil ir r.^lit. In mounting, ti*>, This ntletneii u wioug, as they do about at-1 after n?t ever)thin.'?(Jaughter}?a'.wuta horse.1 the . y hear their weight on the h? ?t in tlie up. i nip and try to eluuh up. so that the horse or it i;ke a fly on a | ane ol gia~^ ? his weight the ?i one side. Mr. Karcy then proceeded: illustrate his met hod ul in lUiiting?stoid 'a under ground, is a dark dungeon* 'eeesa, constructed of mil id tuu^on work, j.luce was accidentally discovered soon tiic work fell into the hands or \tucrioun army. It wua then wullcd As to the history of the place?whoihwas once an inquisitorial chamber, or icone of vcngsunce, there is silence." [ Providence Journal. ly disregarding the delicate niechanis Providence; which moves on, wheels \ in wheels, with pivots and balances ^ springs, which the great designer alone control. This spirit of atheism, \v knows no (iod who tolerates evil, no I which sactioiis law, and no conscience can he bound hy oaths and covenants, Selected us for its victimes, and slaver !i. I li 1 * - ? " in of IM'ts whore y<>ur proud commercial vith- "l,w anchor, ami dry them un< and ?',c s',0ro now oovi red with }our halflP call Uerohaudise. Sapped, eiieumveiilod, u hich ?*/1<) mtiv.iu t?I .1 1* ijt'i'tuu u copying iniriy-iwo .seconds in its | llight. I?y increasing the elevation to J" i thutv-iiino degrees only 100 yards more ii the steamer Monticello, which ' vns sihout to sail for S.nannah. j( ( do I'kovii?r..n? k, Uiiodk 1st.and, Jan.22. ? 'j 'I'hc Senate haa rcpcilcd the i'eiHuial jl(, .iherty Hill, liy a vote of '11 to !h The ( uhject was calmly discussed in the House, ,k j >ut was postponed until Tliur.Ml.iy. tm ~ . ... : i ; close to the horse and bearing bis Pi ight ujio'j the horse's ah ulder. Now, a j Irate ha-, groat power in polling his head ! hurt* an, put i tt'.e when it is pulled a-ouc-side. last, is shows you how to stop a horse win n i )'?ar runs awuV. It'yuu inudo a dead pull) wher > lik"1 a man trying to lift hiuisclt' over s'uf nee by bis bout straps. l?ut if you; 184(J u him round (illustrating) lie is power i her i I irave eatu of Lola Monte*.?Thia eel* >d woman luu> ceased to exist. tSbe waa d near New York city on Thurwdaj Lola Moutez was born about the 1HJ0. llcr tint appearance in Pari*, e she went upon the Hta^e as a , and created quite a sensation, was in i. Inl847?be went to Munich, where elatious with the old Kmi; of Bavaria her iiiitut v vjk? * " jls issue. res immicr-cry rings oui air upon the air?"liberty, equality, frat< ly," which simply interpreted ineaii dagc, confiscation and massacre. Wit tri-color waving in the breeze, it wai inaugurate its reign of terror. To south the high position is assigned o fending, bctbre all nations, the cause c religion and of all truth. In this we I we are .resisting the power which L'HCl V vu?nvc? \r i ouiin .?IUI U 1111 * I er?j. denouncing the hlindncs* an J love <>! c;i Ion which have left ihein an inj^.iiu>nce h its woc' ts to Ol't'OSKIi in t Ii(? N'c the Vork World contains a lotfcr fr.>tn? llo f de- Henry \\ Milliard, of Alal?Jtu;a, >fro fall which the following is an extract: ^ trust | " Now that some ol the Stat<5hav7? d wars j solved their connection with I'm > which is tin* greatest that lias ever heeu >?' accomplished I y any pun in our service, cl 1 In* lii_^l?t occupied tliicly--ix seconds. < liarlcMotr is, therefore, perfectly sale IVoiu w the puns of Fort Sumter. If it were even ,, willi.n the furthest l;n#e< of those guns, the ui nple of elevation necessary to uecoiuplish such a distance is so extreme that lo hit the is. <*ity i ou!d he a matter of extreme unecri, laintw '1 he nuns ot Forf^Snmt.-r ? m ..i.K lore a joint convention of*both Houses of the Legislature last night. { Tuknton, N. .1., January lit. ; The majority of the Joint t'omuiittee on National A Hairs, retmrletl a series of resolutions to the Senate, fully einlor-ing the * Crittenden resolutions, ami instructing the t . Sefftiturjt of tit-' State in Congress, ami re- t lilllicMli r it.., I? ------ 1 n \i.i Mill, .lanuarv | There is :x wiJe iliflorence ui <>i>ii>i >:i in j lie l,e<_rislatiire as to the time of liol'iinjr 1 jUrIn State Convention, which may ilethat tin he bill. rat , . i n .1 I 1)1 iK f-MAIM I S < II Mail It I- ,|(1 tafed in connect ion w ith .1 udue Siiialh'v's I w |( haruc to the t Iran i Juryol' Nov York.' U1 hat Henry Wat I 15 ceher, Horace (Iron- tjif -coo- ! teSS I If u horse jihs you in the stioct, ami re- florin >es to go on, don't attempt to spur him;! <|ue? ii him round and round. lie would j mem In r go on than keep turning any tiiuo. 1 So >u rouieinln r the mule who u>e to go 1 ysis 1 ough a brook to lighten his load of suit,1 she v ,ieh dissolved in the water. His master her i re 1 him by loading him with sun 1, which ehari ? \V:?ti*r tnniio * 1 J . uiib naiii a'aicu vounjf landsiclt, with a pension of 20,000 is. The chief ?rents of her kubt>?> t career are yot fresh in the popular ory. me months since an attack of paraU brought her to her death bed. Here ras found by a lady who had known n childhood, and who tended her with table care and religious devotion.? i ' * against constitutions and laws and i parts, against Sabbaths and sanc-tun against 111<* family, the State and tlicclu which hl.isphenionsly invades the j?roi tives of (iod, and rebukes the Most I lor the errors of his administration , wl if it cannot snatch the icing o! empire I his grasp, will lay the universe in ruii his feet. It is jKissible that we shal flir? nn*M?f ? com-j force is not to be employed n^nfcrst ifo i rics, I lie w hole theory ol our < i overnniffiits treli; | scd to it Force m iv he employed, a^ain o^a- ma.-scs oj individuals, however nyiuert^ I i_ 11 j never ucninst politiciilcntiitimnitbsor .it'll, j " 1 lie Southern people are uneommgp. ti't.ni hie. The race which pe >p!c thc>. *' is at never he held ill liunda^e. New |oiifie.d*> I de- tems iuu>t now he eon-tiu ted, aiet let i t.? - ' 1 , . - . . - ?) u in- raised to a*i elevation ol thirty three tiev riVi , nil ut't'Olllit oi the^c.iseniale*, .'Mid b( , ruth, aieiitly o.ui 4m. it" damage beyond )v a Ik >nt t wf? it> i !?-.-> and a hall. g A ten-inch (lolunibfcnl, at 5in elevation nl a- thirty-tlir?e decrees, will throw 'a shtdl hi ahout three miles. There are no sueh jjuins in bnrhwtte at Fort Sumter, and if there are u any fascinate ?uns c tali.it e.t4i>re, irtwucli mi i m iii.iii? j-.> i ? mijij' ?n i tliein. Th?y will l?c J next w?< k | ?. and hy both I Ioiim*, iio doubt. I In- i ^ eniiiiu'.ttee al.Mi.call ii| >n t'i?n:?rc?n in order ?_ a National Convention in oa>e t Tittcndcns i or similar measures are not speedily adop- t Washim?ion, January ' , , " % The I Ionise t'otjiiniiteo on IVist.il A lF.iir> v \ iitni r*? u i: >r .*ew ir?l, have each l?*?c*n > rved with :i > 1111111 v.i* to :ij?}?? ir before i? ( In* ' r.iii'l I i?i|Ur>t to tmswcr Kticli int.rro |(ii piti?? ?<* ;is in iy he |>nt t ? them there emi. w|, erniinr certain ^nve matter* with which j . In v are supplied to have complicity. Tiikuk would not he much hirin in the j,u rid.ly al\\a\> h>l].>wiiig the fashions it the aU( vi-C m'iv iihv.iv'i t.i iet tliem v. I. i*w UUUIil * /|f/f vo accomplished such n reformation. Mr. ' rev thou took a dram showed it to the ^ r>e, ex pluming that horses only fca ret I were i.it they did not understand, as bevv r< d I the-faces in the dark, unless aocor v knew them to l>o pustcrboard; and 2,-81 it, rattling the drutu over tl?e nervous-1 Her, eniielu led this part of his lecture ' id hearty applause. J icmoh M?wr?!r. iioKS.?During the past wrck thcro shipped by rail ami se.a from li^ton, io?-> outside the New Kn^bnd Status ding to the Shi?o and leatbor Ueporter, ? ease* ease* were sent to the Middle Slates, lo tho Western State*, 160 to tbo hern States, '1 to Cuba Of those shit* I l itis argument, then, which sweeps r the entire circle of our rclatiou.?, ton tin four cardinal points of duty fi K ' I 'k. iiuii' i niu j.'Hiiinnm' <>i MIIII \\i ov??r nituitli ujVmi the circle ol ibe licav* n*, tl clic.o South and ilir North ninv )ut dwell touct f>ur- cr in jHOce." 10 novation eould he had. 'I'lic upper mii I'.hc 10 of t lie gun would xtrike agai.nt tlio (i>|? ol !i- , the embrasure nt nu elevation tar short of ' thirty throo degrees. hud this inoritin^. holore tliein a hill todis i conl111ii<* the jKistal service in the seceding i 1 States, where the operation oi the jmst.il ( t ' laws with reference to the exintingcontract* i It is iiicutionofl as a etirinr* circumstance, hat a w.ilch shmil l he rutnii?o TM iy t'.iil to t money but t!n*y generally . than loutli ai! cases went to Charleston, S. (\ cfer not charities til) death. II* that so is rather liberal of another UM" a hit own?/toewt. - - ____ . .... .. v' .