r.? , ' -> - i. > . <_' ' ^ Olllclal CorreHpondonre. I Wo copy from tlie Intelligencer the subjoined I > correspondence: I \VasitinijTon, January 8, 1.801. I Sir: It in with extreme regret 1 have jail H learned that additional troops have been orderI >ed to Charleston. This subject lias beef tre I -quently discussed in QtJiiaetcouncil; find when. on Monday night, 81st December ult., tlio ord-er 1 for reinforcements to Fori BuutytVidi c >unter- ; Divided, I distinctly understood front y??u ti.at H no order of tho kind would be mad<- without i - ? UUing previously const tend ftnd dcoid.d iii Cabinet. It is true tli.it, on Wednesday, January 2d, | this subject was again discussed in 1 nbitiot, hut i certainly 110 conclusion was reached, and the War Department whs not justified in ordering 1 reinforcements without Something mure than ^ 'was ihen said 1 learn, however, this morning, j . for the first time, that the steamer Star of the ; West sailed from New York, last Saturday night, with 'Jo(> men, under Lieut, l'artlett. Twund for Fort Siunter. I'ndor (hose circumstances, 1 feel myself bound to re go my commission, as one of your Constitutional advisers into your hands. WLili great respect, your obedient servant, J. THOMPSON. Ui* excellency J.iuies liucbanuti, President of the L'uiicd States. Washington', January ' >, 1HG1. Sin: I have received and nee pted iour resignation, on yesterday, of the office ol'Secretary if the interior. On Monday evening, Hist December, 1S00 ] suspended tiio orders which hud been issued by the War and Navy Departnieuts to send the Itrooktyu with rcitiforecnioyts to Fort Sumter Of this 1 informed you on the same evening. 1 stated to you my reason for this suspension which you knew, from its nature, would be speedily removed, lu oouscquence of your request, however, I promised thut these orders suotild not he renewed itliout being previously considered and decided in Cabinet." The promise was :uithfully observe 1 on my part. In order to carry it into effect 1 culled a special Cabinet meeting ou Wodtics lay. 'Jd January, ISi? 1, in wliicii the que.-lion of sending ( relnforcuinents-io Foil Soulier was amply discussed hotii by yourself and others. The decided majority of opiuiuii' #:t> against you At this moment the answer of the fwnitli Care- , liua -'Commissioners" t ? toy cniuinuuie.t tun In , tnciu of Hist December was rec-i* e 1 an I read It produced much ind.gti.tion uiu >i g the incui hers of the Cabinet. After a further brief conversation, 1 employ. ed tlie following language: "It is now all over, nad reinforcements must besom." Jud u HI icl ! said, ut the inouietit of my dc -is'oii, that slier . this letter, the. Cnhifirt would bo tinuiiMir.us, and I heard no disseuling voice, ln .ee 1. the spirt and tone of t lits letter left no duilit on my luiud iii it fort Kumter would he iui.n d. Utcly attacked, an i hence the necessity of so.tvling reinforcements tiierc without debiy. Whilst you admit "that on Wednesday, Jannary 2, tins httlijoCt wa- a-/ ii. discu - sed in I 'ah iuet," you say, but certainly no e .Oclosioii w..? I. .1 --- > - iwbimi, iimi ii<* ?var ttepartmctil w.t-> n ( justified - in order.tig veinlorceii.eut:1 without something more than was then said" Vou are Certainly mistaken in alleging lliat "no conclusion was reached." In this your recollection is entirely different from that of your four oldest colleagues in the Cat>iii?t. Indeed. my language w as so umuisi nkaVl that the Secretaries of war mi I tin- N ivy p o ceejed l-o net upon it without my further ia | fereotirse with myself than what y u heard. ; or'mioht have heard ine,?ay Von had lieeii - > I emphatic in oppo-itig these rein foremen's that ! 1 thought you would resign in eon equetiee o | my decision. I deeply regret that you have been mistaken in point of I tel. though 1 firmly believe honestly mistaken. Still ti is certain you have not the less been mistaken Yours, very respect fully. JAN1EA llt'Cil A NAN, lion. Jacob Tiiomi'son. TIi? Arlvul ot'llic \o\:i Srollan. It was reported I lint the French fleet w as j about .to quit Uaeia. but a counter runiur pre I vailed in Paris that litis- a tin 1 France had agreed to support Francis II. in his resistance j until spring. The bombardment continue! incessantly at the last accounts. It was stated that a decree was preparing at Naples, ordering an extraordinary levy ol men 1 between the ages of 18 and iV> years Placards hod been posted nt Home bearing I the arms of Victor Emanuel, and lite words, 1 "wo desire annexation to Sardinia.'' These pl-tcards were surrounded by crowds, but no arrests were made. A circular has be n issued by M Scltnierbing, of the Host rain Mini-n- ? -'j, ctr taiu reforms granted. Its provisions are very liberal. China advices state that ratification of the treaty with the allies was exchanged. ami the eolUruntion signed at I'ckin, October -11 h. The French army retired (rum I'ckin Novcmher 1st. The English would remain until the am bassadors left. A large force were to remain at Tien Isin, till the treaty conditions were fit!- j filled, Tho principal clause* rovev al of tho pea- j pie of the Stale. The prompt effort ?Line Whig like Mr. Atulerson. in smj^W^Rl.oth the Ami ercion re. olm ion, at^^niat nt we feel raBsficdthat the rapid march of events will, h -f ire uiStiy days, convince them that too only hope fr the I'ni -n. Prompt and resolute action is the only hope of Virginia. "Iteliherntion uinl "delay " are re- i gnrded a;1 indications of snbiiri sioft. and pirn- ; lyse the arm of the Northern conservative. The i people of Virginia tool noxv as Patrick Henry (lid, when he said : "The first wish of tux heart is American Lifirrlt/ ; the second. American f'niou." This is the spirit ho far evincei by the Legislature, nd such only can save the houor of Virgin ia." Grorglu itiViti-iiM. Without vouching imTL we "tiseri the following front the NoMuVy/ r'n-lo. lie will also be ringed witli the duty of neg tiariug a b,.sis of credit and eve niige. by xvhicii the cot toil crop !:?! be hyp > iiecated in liitrope, and movvd I or joint iteCiiunt. but thenioHl important ed.ity of'tl.o Co lillltssloiicr x?.11 be ilk 11;.II:. e lett to decide h : x?. ca a N .nhirn alliance and free trade with tin South. The t'iiiiuniitsioni-r from Georgia will last rotigihetiel by ihocoti'ui til to ignition of , t he oi her cotton S ales. *| h ? imjmrtaii mi- ' -ion xx 1 dexolop a policy which m iy l.o s i the S uit to ; prevent, if pos-tlde, any uotillict with ti e Fed i tM-Jil lutliui'irir-. Free tra il and d reel taxation j will in* ji'i | I >I ??v th<* seced.n Si 11 it mi itits high sen hyllieh! >ok.id ng South em ports. Till-i policy will have hi important i iitjjf npmt mir I'm eign ami tinniest 10 relations, 1 it mil th oa u111111 Kn.l.u.'l, Km iiv ntd other t Imeign I'nivi is tlio mi us il resisting the imp 1- 1 >.t i"ii ?if ?iutiw upon imp ln;io.i .iiio pot Id i?t* seceding Stats. The recogn.t.mi of .-ncli ' S.iit'-s us government >i j'rgia ('milini?- lonee pr eceds di reel to I nr-ipe, hacked hy the coili-n p..wee. I am satisfied from the through and extensive organi/atimi of (hi* direct trade pti.'ly at tlic South and in I'.iirope, tint there is hell" to he to 11 lul the husi* of nn arrangement whieh will yet pruetii ally conserve the great destiny of the Anglo Saxon race nn llii* continent. I'uder the teachings timl lead id* thin new party at the 1 So tli, I am satisfied that 1 0 cotton States are entering mi a new line of eoini.ieritinl and in- i duel rial ptdiey In the event of a separation ] of the sections, instead of, as n iw a Union of Ste.tes, may lie arrived at, based upon a system of coinmereiaUree.pi'ocity, and Supported hy 1 an alliance offensive and defensive against for- ' eipn intervention in 1 lie affairs of this continent. | 1*1. I. I - 111 I'm Mine movement is under xlit* guidance ' mml direction of the ablest inrn in tho South. j There will !?? u consultation among lend in;/ Southern men to-mnrruw. The Georgia I'numis-donor is expected here at i >u/< tor Kurupe in the m xt six or seven days. The Georgia mission will be coi'dinlly ?uj?j? ?rfifl by the Kepr-scntutives from the other Southurn States, t?s th sco operation, it is believed, j will mnke still in.n o decided the action of the . Georgia Convention. The postal facilities organized by Georgia ure intended to give the Southern States an inlependent servioo for tho transmission of DXcbuogc and valuable commercial letters direct to Kurope. It is believed that the tiri sliabicr will arrive in Snvaunah iy..n. p.. r l?y the. 4tli uf Murch. The steamers will fly the Knglish or French flag. It is understood that prominent members of lhe diph nnatio corps hoveaddressed this gov- j M'uiuent in reference to the oouiraercisl inter- ' B*t? of their respective countries, in view of the present political troubles, and what degree liant, our venerable aud beloved brother j and co laborer, Muj. Ai?i>n>:w Hauhy, lung uu lilder of tliin church, RtSulrrd, That while we mourn the loss of liiiu wlioiu we venerated and loved, we would how with christiau resignation to the will of IHni that dnuth all thin'gs well. Rntnhnl, That while w^j bow with liuuiolc submission, we will delight to rever and cherish his memory. /frto/ivd. Tlint in common we sympathise willi the oouirntiniiy and church with which he was connected, and so long n ruling Kldcr, in ' this bercuveiiiuut. Afwvrtf, 1 li*it we especially sympathise witli ) j i hi* immediate family and friends ol' I lie deeeas- I ?L Rfsolenl, That (lieTtroKoing preamble ami i resolutions he entered mi (lie hunk of 1 lie churoh srs*i(m, and tlie Clerk he requested lo furnish the family of the deceased Willi u copy ??f the same. " J. P. MI LLC It. Clerk of Session. I (Obituary. />// '/>, of Consumption. Jan. 1, 1 SGI. MBS. 1 ANNA P., wife of MB. J. II. G, in the 80th year of her age. "Messed are the dead which die in the Lord 1 from heuectori li." Tlie suhjeet of this notice had suffered a painful illness for many weary months, during which her thoughts and feelings alternate 1 in four and hope a.s to the issue of her disease, and ^ her preparedness lov the great change. Hut as gold is refilled hy tire, so our fricad was tried in I ho furnace of affliction, atnl several w^cks prior to the eventful New Year's morn she was calm and reflective. Faith had taken tno pluco of fear, and hope was joyous. Though the maternal heart yearned for her two darling children?though she was hound to friends and relatives hy the strong tics of natural endearment, she felt and knew by tlie assurance of . Faith and the renewing of Grace, that lodepart nud he with Christ was far hotter, frdtc tell and knew that her ilrat/i was the birth ol ' her llt 'Viial Life, and with solemn calmness, ' welcomed it us the portal of etei uttl gladness] and glory. Mrs. Iloss was a uiembcrof the Presbyterian Church of this place, nud when her health permitted, was a regular and constant attendant upon its services. Kapeciullv is her niemoi-v precious to tin1 Congregation with which -In- ' preferred i<> worship, in that, by tier refined mid cultivated taste, her skill, lier love for, ami large ncuaintance with snored tmi-ic, she con- ^ iributod more, perhaps, than any other t,o the iuipruvemeut of this part of the worship ot Hud's house. Blessed frien'l ! wh'se memory i?< doubly prcciouA now, in that, by her dying cvideucP 1 wi> may contionplate her as joining the ct?unlle-s 1 host ot blood bought Mutters who, with the j SI me omniums ot' supreme love ami a lor a ion. | shall sing "the song <>f Moses ami the Lamb," the full swelling accent* of which shall rise on the air <>f Heaven, ami roll along the track of oiorual ages in unbroken harmony. K. ' AM13ROT Vl? KS. < ?>ilL W. M. RllOADAWAY has rcturucil to ( Spar nuourg, ami would inform the citi/cns of i the district that having pureha-cd an entire New Stork, lie is prepared to lake a No. 1 I'ic- j 1 ture at'the lowest price. Attention to his Spcci- , metis is invited, which may be examined over ; the Hry (loods Store of Messrs. Twitty. lie ' will retnaiti but a few weeks; mo call soon.it 1 you wish !o obtain a good Ambroiype at little Co.-t. j , Jan. 16, 18&1. A(liiiinisti';i(<>r*s Sjtlt?. ' 1 I i 5 >Y p-rinission of the Ordinary, wo will ex- | | JDl'ose to sale at public outcry, at the resi- j | teiice of Mrs. LL1/.A HII TII A 1.1.11N. oti Tliur.? j . day the ilist instant, the following pcr-nat ; i property belonging to the LstatuufC .lob Alien, i deceased. to wit: 1 I t Likely Negroes, ' Morses. Cow*. Mugs, Sheep, one Wagon, some 1 i'arming Tools, \c. . Toruis made, known on day of sale. j i WOODWARD ALLKN, LUCK S ALI.KN. j Adiniuistiatora i January 17 -15 tf 1 : ft?J^,Kxpres3 please copy. AdminiMrator's Sale. t H >v permission of the Ordinary, w r will ex- ; [[ ^ p.-eto sale in puluie out-cry, on the l?t t i iv ot' KKUR1 ARVi next, at the lut n sldonoo i i ol'JtHIN II LI PSCO M It. deceased, the follow- i itig per-onnl property be', aging to the estate of i siid deceased, \i/: V l.o< ti! 4 aril, rodder, Wlieul, < of ton. Horses, 4 ous, mid other 4 attie. Oxen and Ilo-s, 1 Wa^oii. rami!) t'arr :.ge. I lluggy. 1 Cart, t utt'H tiin, Household ami Kitchen Furniture, Fanning Tools, Ac. 1 Terms made known oil dv of sale. J. II. HARRISON. Adm'r. S. 8. HARRISON, Adm ix. Ian 17 -15 .1 w _ I ol i < VI.!. persons having demand- against tl ? i I-*~i>it ?>t TIloM \S FINt'll, .Led, will i |.r< ? tii them pv?|i?rly attested, for pKymi'nl; nml ill persons indebted to 11?<* -= ii?l estate will make iuitucdiule payment to the iimlers'giie I. ??l \irSMN t INt'tl, lis -r. Jan 17 SHERIFF'S SALES. F??U FMIIIU'AIU lft.I. 1)'1 virtue of -umlry writs of fieri fiieins, to | ) in.. Jiriultl'il, 1 Will -I'll, lich.ro I ho t'nitll IIuiihi1, on i no tir-.t Monday nml Tuesday in I KlilU'AUV next ' , 1 -17 acres of I.nml. inoro or lew. I. oimlo'l hy . l ands ol Win. Hunter, Isaac llraus ami other-; rt.ihl :is the property ol' John t'hiiiuhy, at tho suit of J. 1,. Wi/fliiril. Al???. ITl'acrcs of I.ami, more or loss, h.nin'lcd hy , liimUotJ.J. Vernon. K. MoM111 in, Mrs. I. Hallctigvr nml others. Also. , ^i'i noroH of I .ami, more or loss, bounded hy lands of W. I*. lJickson, Elijah A Ivors. in nml others; sold us Vernon, (his interest,) nt i)p a iij^>t' II. \ 11. WolloiU. Kxo. utois, ami u- a. res of iJHR, iiioio or less, hi>iitnle. Dohins, Aaron (J&sli and others. Terms of wale cash. L. M GBNTRV . a 1. SiiKKtrt * Orrirr, Jan. 11:h 1S01. Jan 17 *15?8t I, Queru's Cod Liver Oil Jelly. I)RK!'.\ltEI> from the pure White Cod Live Oil. The jellifying of (Io*l Liver Oil en ahfes the inowt delicate stomach to receive nnd , retain this groat remedy. For snleat Nov 1* 4?tf J. P.. y. I'hursday, and Saturday oft'oui't W '-ck. ''irl on riuir-'luy. the 1 lih March, Tiiurvlay, theJitdh a) March. Tiiur*il ly. lltli ol April, ami on " alcdiiy in Muy ; at wlii. i tiin.- the Tax 15 -.hs will In- expected i i be clo-ed, an 1 all who tail a? make their leturiis by or tin thit <1 iv. will -object t bein selves to to- il ul>lo taxed: ami all lln-se who may have mail tli. ir returns nml [ fail to pay their faxes <>n or lief "re that day, i IV ill be liable as Well Us those \v:i i iiave Hot uidc their retnrn?, to have execution i it 1 ' gainst them, as 1 shall be compelled to have lie tie mv <.r the Slit-rill's receipts, for S njjlo i- well o* Double Tux executions, an the Slier >11 s receipt tor Single Tax executions i? e.pial 0 the money at the I'reasisrer's Ollice. llui 1 10 hope that all will return and pay their T ixcs, tml save me the pir Jul tiece- -Ity ot issuing jxeeuiions, an 1 save themselves the costs that woill I accrue till the i suing of those exectlti- ti? llltl the eollei ti"li of the s urn*. lltlt when I ?:i\ j 1 iuii compelled to do my duty, I mean what I j t.ty. All Taxpryers v. ,11 be expected to lie [irompt in making their ret urn . livery return ' must lie made u a.id ea h Taxpayer to ?ut spribc lith name to tin' <-ori < no - of Ids retuin: hii I if mn by po ildlity cannot a't ml ' 11 luxp-i;. ill/ from -lokuc .c,- . 'i -wis-, tluv | iv ill ml ii, their returu i? ..titii./, with audi. i ity I i a-?i.a t'.. ir panic ? ivl return. All :riiiisf'.M "i P. il J 'ate imi-t be in t .? knov. n , it ihi time ?f leaking returns. The Taxjciy. . , . v. uh! e.i it * : tav r > u the t',,1'.,-, r u> Will is ihem- 1 . f a v would ii< nd iim i:-. xpay gs in t lie.i ie .u- 11 'e i.elghhnrh .o 1.4.us there s general I j a jjrt it t hm . a' iho Court Iloust , m public da vs. Villagers ctiti !> a dinncc lo n ii;e their icturn.-: on any < : the Thuv- I iys il ovu n inicvl. il. l'OOl.K, T. t Jan. 1 J, ISi.l, N. 15. I will lake it a i sp? lal favor if the M igistrates 11n i-iighoiu the Ids riet will give in- all tlic iulVirmatioii I hoy can as to the Fr ; S'egroet who arc liable to >,. taxed in their dlf ] brent preeinets. \ 1 over lo and under ? , .eai - hi are li ib' t . ; iv tnx. except tho-e who iiiav be proved lo he unable pay. from inline oi otherwise. II. I\ I'. hetdquartkk. r.r.Tll II I'd i f. S. C. M.. Jan. 8, isI>?. Mll'KP. Nt) ? VN HI.KCTiON w'l! be hel I mi the *:h of February next foi a VI jor t > till the va- j uncy occiisiciie i by the rv-ignnlion ot I t. 1 . i ' i i i ..." > u . r >.- IT. Ill c I llinilM I lie I -I |i:f I I li I. >l' the "t'.ih Hipinii'ir. S t". \|. Captains eoiuhamliri:; companies, w 1! call In iheir assistance i.i - r ii !,ii it ill at Ih? ir pom pany rcndosTous from f" o'clock A- M ill . ii . !nc!. 1'. M. < tin- Hirer t'l nil r ion place it t'K" I.nil shall inert at the I hill a ioti Mu?ler around nil the 11 iy all T llie e eeli ill. r mm h vo e*. and ir n in t th ie- ?"t <>' tli c!t\ion t I?i'im i iier linii" il W. .1 I (ilelin. l?y order of iirig.Gen w. i i \\ . II I.litS*i. fill. r. ill Urzl. s. t'. M. \V II.1.1 MI II II \ V , \.|J I .lilt. .inn 10 II If Neighborhood (iassii a) Srlmn!. r S A111 ? n .v \e I'leiay ti I i.|m n it* Itt 1 ? J ->i .?t en the MoihI \ in January, un irr Hie supervi ion ol Mr. I*. J. Ocluud. It is Ideated il Alltech I Motif list > t'lllll'.ll Ol ti district, ill a ph'.i*nir and hrniinv ?otion. .lieI iii a iju ci aii I otderly neighborhood. Tlie |>itruns nieI friend* . that it wail I inducted with iiil n e -ii i-: i' i i.iii in ill u in.ii liver il willi their pillt.>nage. The l ner.il course tif instruction contemplated in llii* School i- a praelieill ami I llnmugh I i:ti tl 111 r ill i ii r\ department. an I a recurrence to elements when deemed litre.* try The intention i* Incite in I he stride*! -''H i>t ihe w??r I. an I tin* course w ill he pm -,U' i in i ?) eCt .ve of profit. In cniiI'liisi. ti. nil we i .hi *ity i- fry i.. tin I y.'U will Hot he dt-ilj.'!' iit'ed. HI 1ST DI'.l'AUTMKNT. Spelling, Heading, Writing. Arithmetic or ..;11 - - - - ....... . 1" I ^13?IUI1. nay seiloini'-, '< etuis |.t?r day. SKCONH l>) !' Ml I'M I'.NT. Knglisli i!: .-in.m:t? . <' < ogrutJiy, History and l!oio|"i>Ui(.ii ( t- either. Si I mi per -i sioii. l)av scholars, 1 - cents |r day. Til IIII* IH'.PA HTM I".NT. Latin, lireeU, Vlgchra, vdirveyiiig, Clooinotrjr, or eiiher s'-'n ii" pet session. Tliorr will lie l*t s.e--mns ol' five month* i?ach. Particular nltcnfion will ho paid Lnglish, Latin, and Oreek Composition, and to elocutionary training. JOKL HALLKNCiF.ll. Clnn'n Hoard Trunteet. Ian 10 i I if OiinII ! < /iixli !! V FT Lit IL i-* day we will soil goods for CASH only. Tl.os indebted will please rail ami settle. II \KI?Y AdNKW ACO. Jan * 4 ... ... i.tnuui oecrcniry. Jan 10 44 if 3InrhlI< >NUx\IENTH, Tublcts.Touibs, Tombstones, Head 7 7 and Foot-Stoae*, Furniture, Marble &c. They are also Agen * for Iron Hailing for raves. Pence*. Hale nii?'?. ito. |? I'goti* wishing anything in our line will please call, or send their orderu. which will lie i rouiplly filled. RICHARD II \i;r. 1VM. MtL?. PALMKK. Jan I" tf >s?i*l Jinlmry; l^emiiio Ai'ndomy. T Jill IS Institution will commence it* first Se*| -ion on the first Monday in J tnnary, IH-il, under the direction of Mr-. SAK \ 11 I,. IU.TI.KK, formerly of Keidville, assisted by her 1 .I......t.i-e \t:/- > if 1 , ..ii.i.ik uu i ur.ii, iriim lUe | N0iiii.1l School in Charleston. Tlio Trustee# ! Ciiti confidently recommend the nbnvo TeneheiH ! a-i iu every war well lualifiod to take charge * - n i, 11 \ situated, an J convenient to the principal hoarding house*. Halt's of Tuition Ft ill A S KSSI?>N o r | | v i: Mont 11 1st Class Sjp'-lling. lo ad.ii; and Writing, l'ritiiarv Arithmetic and Urography. S 7 Oil ; Jn.) t lis# ?With the above. Arithmetic, History. ,:""gr:ijdiy, KngKsh (Iraninmr. - - - 10 (hi Id Cuts* With tl>" above, with Algebra, (Iconic!ry, llotany and Chetnis;ry, l'J -i4.' French, extra, - * - Id (HI lb-awing, ft (Hi Music, *J0 dO Contingent, ..... 50 1.1 Se-sioii fiomfir-t >1. aday in January to l.i t Friday in May. 2nd Session from j third Moii lav in June to second Friday in No- ; venibcr. I'.y order ??f S. IlilllU, (_hr. I? ('. Ji i>i?. See and Tres. Jan 0 4t ST. JOHN'S >!!!.!! SCHOOL. (MiisnKmI, Mathematical and Military.! THE WINTER VACATION til tlii Scito-d will tcriiiinaie. and exorcises be | re-oimel a Monday, tl,o 21st ot Jauuary, I It-til. W1I.I.1AM 1KW1S, Principal, liec 2 ? 4 1 tf r3?W PStOSPECT vkG&demy. riTMK UN l.111 I F.S of this School 4 I, i .l re C" iui* lice oil / ct ? -T .' /.'/.'/? ' I) under (!,? '?11; ?fll ii'. t It*. r\ !tos, I ji'o, - J ; a- i'liiN. i; vi.. i i by Mr. SAAll'Kl. I.A.N- , v VST MP., it, the Mngli- h Department. The Stu Mrs ire follows, with prices as be- ! low naincl per ses-iutt: FlKsr DF.PAUTMENT: Spelling, Heading. Writing, Vrithtnetic Prim ,ry (i-ograjhy. and Ih-cclilitation. : : : $5 00 S:. .(?NI> DMPAMTMMNT: The nlmve will, F-iwli-h (.raiumar, Cuiii| .sitiot, and lli-tme, : : : 7 oU Till1'. li l?l* l? v f I'M I'VT Hi- above wnli Natural I'liilovpliy, A"!I'fiiiiiiiiv, Algebra, tie- utelry, Surrey ing. Nr., : : : : ' : : *10 Oo K.tl'KTI! DF.PAKTMCNT: flic ii' ?ve wi'li A net ut Languages, 1? &0 Frcii ii will l>o i aught for uii oMra charge ol" ; : : : : u 00 All who w i-lt, iiuiv In I'nft far (lie S<>pli<>:u >i c ri?>i in any nt our l' >il g The >Jh> i-ti>- Vc.ir will cti-m uf two Sc?j-.oii-'. "I about Five Moitle, each. A SI XDW si 111 ml. will be kept up under I the SiiporimoiulHsive >?f the Principal. I I. in llie Prima y 1?>'|> irtii.-eiil will l>e i rliarje-l J > ci ui.s Ini'.i.i'.i in Fee; all others ; Oil Colli"4. i I ri - .ii? wishing io enter tin* School, may > ' a'x'criMiii ilie 11" A- ihi'il, hv application to the ] Prim ipal. Mr. Lr.t .1 ti. I. WPlil M. (Mini. r><> ml Trustees, v T. V> iLiv,\ . Sco'y and Trea-urer. i Dec i:< 11?tf RKI!>VII,I iH Male lliuli School. AnwimmiiIi' I *i*lii?*i|>i? Ik, I1. C. 1>1 M AN, \. It. ?T. I. PAPKllS, A. It. _ ? ' riMIF. next Sc-doti will eontinctioc | on :>.f t'lusv Mn.\/>.iy m ' Willi ihe opening i.f the term, x|' Inly Mll.lTAItT liXl.KCISKS on JftjT tin- ii'-M will lie intr ll pi tll'lei r I ' \il unwilling to undergo fiel 1 duty, mibl in in.: a written -ignitionion from tlioir parent* i or guardians to iliiit etieoi. nuns t*KU mkhsion or rivK : t Indies, ... ... J1C ?M? Higher F.ngli-di, - - - Jg (mi j I'riintirv, - - - - - ti tM . Hoard tincluding Willing, Fuel r*?j?l I .glits) in (lie village, - - 10 titi ' A mile or two in the country, - - S 'ft , For Circulars containing further particulars, address T. I . RUNCAN, Split ftulmrg, S. C. Rv.rr.iii m i:h. ? Rev. It I!. Reid, President ; lloirl Trustees, Ucidville, S. C. ; Knr. \. M. Siiipp, l> 1, President Wott'ord College, Spar lantmrg. S. ; Major I*. F. Stevens, Citadel, j Charleston. S.C.; l?ev. J. II. Thorn well, I.L.R . Columbia. S. (' ; Rev. Win. M. Wight man, i I.I. I*., Uicenshore', Ala.; t'liancellor Inglis, | t'lioraw. S. <\ ; Maj. F. W Capers, Superin-j tendent tieorgia Military Institute; Judge J. . N. Wliilner, Anderson. 8. C. ; Judge A. H. I l.ntig-trcci, President South Carolina College. 4 | Dec 20 42 - 2m J mmm+mmmmm?m??eeni ? iin. H I^IOVAL . SCDOPPADL ?fc BtHttKNS, ' l lrtot Hlioe Mqkei'M. c 1111H nAwribtrt hnve formal a oopartnerfor I he purpoee of currying ou (he Hoot nnd Slioe Maklnx HtiMlne?ii . in the town of Sp>irtanhiirg. nnloin Street. ? p et-iirs, where (hey wnuM he pleaded to sorvt? ihe citixenti of (liin and adjoining dtfttriete. They will | llUlkl' to oF?l*?r I i tvli t uiilrol..^ al-l *? 1 ..p. O'l'l-.ilMllJH UWII ?IIU I Shous of ll?e laiesl nnd most approved styles, at ilie loyest possible prices. Tito best of nm- . lerlitld will lie kept on hand. v Kepairing ??f every description will alto be c executed by iIkmii wiili neatness enn tile corner I of Laurens and Main-Sticuts, where may he found, ut all times, every article usually kept , in a - I FAMILY GROCERY STORE, ? of the bv-t quality, and at tlie cheapest price. We will keep always oti hand, Suyfaps, Collee, Tea, ; Rice, Flour, Corn Meal, t IR ? X> 3* & ? and hi fact everything in our line likely to be t called for. Give us a call and see for vour-elves J. P. F. CAMP, BcpfJO 29 tf T. W. WYATT. .V CA1?D. i The fub-c dl?er take pleasure in recommend- ^ UK i'? uia diu irieuu- una customers, and die public generally, the new firm of ('AMI* & 11 A V ATT. a- Hltujtetlicr de-erviug of public puti ouage, uml beg- further acall and a trial, knowing a* lie d ie* (hat they will girosatiafartion to all who may far or them with their patronage. Nf AH CANNON. Sept. 20 JfirtO 3d?tf r TOKti i:. (iOOlXilON, J DRUGGIST, 11 Mm* sign oft ho Uoltleu Slorfar. * CO UN K11 Clll'HCIl AND MAIN ?TS? * Spai'tniiburgf, H. C. : o : * Moot] Food, for Consumption, ? rilllROAT nud Lung diseases, such as 8 | bronchitis, Coughs, Asthma, < >D in Con-nmptiun are: to soften the cough, bigce the nerves, strongtlien the hjstern, allay the pros- l iruling sight sweetinereeee the physical and mental energy, cucrieh the blood by restoring the lacking red globules, increase the appetite, and re-tore color to the -kin. F >r sale by J. K. OOODGION, j N"V 1 35?tf Sign oftiohlcn Mortar. Tarrant's Cflcrvcscout Seltzer .V 1* i:ui K x T, ! s IS a new general strong!hing apeiletit, ;oni- ! bitting efficacy, ec. tiomy, and porta! Icy, prepared an entire new priueijib> ' from a late and aceurtUo analysis' of ffle i elebtuted Spring in (iermany. This much- I -1 esteemed preparation removes Dyspepsia, or '' luligv-tiou. Headache, Acidity of iliabtumnch, " I.os- of \ppetitc. Nervous Debility, Nausea, or * Vomiting. Affections of the l.iver. ,Vc. For sale by JoF.I. K. GCM/lKilON. N"\- 1 So ff STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. . Iti the Court of Ordinary. Harvey Wort'ord, Applicant, vs. Oeorgw Stallion-. and others, De eudauta, iVtitiou for proceeds of ileal Estate of Kli-ha Stallions, deceived, lo be | aid over to aduiinistrntor, \r. H'AliYF.V Wol IMbD. Administrator of the estate of KLISIIA ^TALLItlNS, b-ct i-o.l, ha v i ii j petit!.tiicd this Coitit, pr.1} I ing tii it a sufficient amount of the proceeds of '' the snlr of the real e-tato of Klislui Stallions deceased. be paid over to him. to enable him to finish paying otl tlicdebts ut ?aid deceased, the per-onal -rate le in'* iii-uifieient tor the same: -I li i-th. ref >rc ordered, that Uenrge Stallions, " liet-y Ann Ifshiebls and her husband Simp- '' son O'Shiehls, and the children of Louisa and 1 Lewis 11 arrisnn, deceased, if any, defendant* A1 in this ease, who reside without the limits of thi< State, be and appear before the Court of Ordinary ( be holden for Spartanburg Di-trict, Sp Court Home, on the liHih ,, d iv of January u si. to show cause, if any they can, wl.y th rayer of said petition should not be gtatite I. It is further oiderod, that they reu>lei in. on or before that day, an account of all a ltaii' em nt- made to them by -aid de- ^ re is ,|. in. order that the Ordinary may know how to pay out the balance oft! e fund* arising from the sh e of said real estate. (liven tin >. r toy hand and s,>al of office, this 'J3d dav ut Oct ihcr, A. D.. lSbu. ' <:.t). EAULB HO MA K, o. ?. t?. ? Oct 25 34 3n? t ? ? . ? ? - - i Tin; statk or south caromxa ? i t-PAUTANnURU DI3TH1CT. t 1 V 'I III.- I-I if It I lll'lllllllv III V 14 I.. Ura Mor'S. >?n I win-, anil others, va. William llradford. Il'' IIKRI! \S .More* !.. lira.] find. das Orr, || and wife, Cynthia and ? ? Jo-din. and wife, Matilda, have filed their tit ion in this Court, netting forth that William Bradford ha* not hern In-aid of for nioru than twenty yram, ami is therefore supposed t? ba (1 end, aim if living, would bo entitled to one-third of the pro-red* uf the land sold hy order of the Ordinary, in the case of .law. Orr, and wife t ynthia. v.?. W liliam Itradlord, and others, and ^ jir-i\ injr tHut ili<- diMliih:iti*e share uf the said William 15r.idt'??J in the proceeds of the sale of the land afurv->aid. he paid to them as his ( Irjtal heirs and representatives; Tlu -e are therefore in cite ami admonish the I U II I I tu nil i 11 L'i 11 > 11 :? i < .*1 t. i him I.?I wiiii, li 11 \ 11!^, IO IIJ?- | pear before this Court, on or before the IKHh day of Mun-h no\t, and bin identity, t or the prayer of said petition will be granted, and tiic proofed* of the sale of tbe land to whioh 1 e is entitled u* aforesaid, paid over to the pc- ' I itioners. Given under my hand seal of office, this 21)111 day of D.-comber, ItftiO. .1 NO. K Ull.K BOMAR, o. a n. Jau 3 43 tint BLUE STONE ! BIXKsfONKlT ; VKKESH 81TPLY for -a'e by i J. K. GtXt'lXUON, ov 1 ? tf IbncgiM. r - . ' ? ## . : ^ V" v. .' ^ ? T - - ' I s? ' * - ?..?-** : ' HI Li.: 111 ...iji jj.lL- -I...I-I..I.JI A. C AHI>. rIK *ub?p on ham! . . the best IfoAf, Ml TTOS and ORK which tun >>o purchased, aud " ^ rill sell fur CAJSU only. ADAM MILL Kit. Deo 0 40?if Change in liufdneSH X isNolu(iou. ^XOTICE is hereby given to all peraona la. drhtcd to DEAN & 11 \Y. that the firm in* been dissolved by mutual consent, and thai tuiuedkate pavtueut must bo made. W. B. DEAN', Oct 18 31 tf WILLIAM II. RAT. Co-Piirt 1111E subscribe giro notice that they will continue the GROCERY BUSINESS, ua- e| lor the tiunig of ... RAY & HARRIS, t the room lately occupied by DEAN A RAY, there their friends may always find a full aaort incut of "" CHOICE GROCERIES, nd at prices to which nono can with reaaoa hject. W'c wish it distinctly understood that we will ell only FOR CASH or its equivalent. WILLIAM H. RAY, Oet 'Jfi 31 tf J. O. HARRIS, Jr. iVatches and Jewelry. j. A". ITrnnjpmaw I AS JUST RECEIV ED A FINE LOT * O P (iOLl) AND SILVER WATCHES. pVIllSoSS in wHiii of a reliable timepiece, | will find it to their iuiyM-t^te purchase of mi. !?- lie warrants them To satisfaction, ml can sell them cheaper than they can be j 1J el>?-wlioi-e. FINK JEWELRY f every JcicripttAn ami latent styles. EVERY AUTHJLE JS WARRAXTKD. Watches. Clocks anl .lewelry, repaired noaty, an>l at reasonable prices, llook Store, Stick lUtiigc, Main-st. Nov 8 RE3IOYAL, H. J. MOUZON HAS REMOVED HIS IMBROTYPB & PnOTOCRAPBIC A L. 1-4 E R Y ImOM hi- oil stand on Church Street to tl>o ' corner uf Main and Jail .-trects, over J, li. lit her - Suddcry Shop, Jd story, whore lie has iled up a superior light. lie is now bettor han ever prepared to jjive those who wish a ti-tart tvok soinet btnjj handsome II. J. Mol'/.ON, 1'holograph 1st, Main >\rc<7, nearly ujy SOUTH CAKQL1N A sl>..>..>..? ? w? vaiA^OWUU \J\ I *"T IN TilE OOlttT OF OHDINABTPttilitb for sale of Heal Kstate of Nancy Cook, deceased, il^rcui Cun or sale of the real estate of Nancy Cook, Icoc'tsed, on or before the 2Wth day of March text, or their uimseni to the same will be en ared of record. (iiven under 103' hand and seal of ottoo, this 27th day of l>ecemhrr. A. D. 1.S10, J NO. KAKLE BOMAK, o. t. n. Jan .1 4d Are "STATE oFsoUTIi UARULINJL 1 n the Court of Ordinary, las. E. Viae. Adminiatrator. Applioest, tre, John rt. \ iso, and others. Defendants. Petition for Final Settlement and DooreeIT appearing to my satiefaetion (hat the Heirs of WILl.lAM VlriK. deoentod, limnft ioi known. Defend.mis in this case, reside without the limits ot this State it is therefore irdered, that they be and appear at th Court >f Ordinary, to he hidden for Spartanburg Diarict, nt S)iartanhiir(t Court House, on the dUth lay of .lanitary nest, to tim* eawsc, if an) ex *xists, why a Final Hettleuiont end Dewvee of he K?tate of Mrs. Harriet A Docker, dec d, diouhi not he mad*. or il.-.r ,L , ? - W??h? w entcMcl of r?0"*. ISfiO. JNO EAKLE UoMAK, o. ?. T?. No* 1 - to ?m Final Notice. VI. 1. porton* imlobtwl to Gm rgiMo of HF.NKY Tl UNKtt, deed. ore roqoimt io .iwiWe iMiuMlinio pnyuirni. ?iu) oil (wmoni holding demand- ftp*::.*! lttfd csioio will proton! Lhoiu legally tllioti 1 f >r ?e i Miion!, lo *M |?. FiteTEK, EiMM Job. t 41 fT