COMMERCIAL. Columbia Mauct Aug. 9.?Cotton.?The receipts of cotton were light and the sale* unimportaat The quotation* are?(air 101 a 111: middling 91 a 10. Bacon.?There is a good demand for prime sides, aad priosa lor them arc very full, although not q notably higher. We still quote Ufa 121 for hog round; sides Ufa 191; shoulders 10 a 101; ai>d hams 19 a 121c per lb. Co an.?The stock of corn has been greatly increased sinos our last, but prices maintain their former position. We still quoto 70 a 75o per bushel. Psas.?There is a largo supply of peas on the market, consequently prises are looking down. We still qaots, however, 65 a 70c per bushel. Flous.?The flour market is quiet but steady, with a (air supply and a moderate demand. Wo oontinuo to quote $51 a 61 for common to good brands of old flour; new $7 a $7.50 per bbl. obituary! Died, on the 21st of Juno Inst, Mrs. Louisa Ann, wife of Capt. James II. Wadoell, aged 32 years. a J a- t a a J at... .Uslli nf u vciuuni una iu our iui 10 rwuru iu? v. one whoce low ha* becu more keenly felt tlinn the subject of this notioe. Beside tke ordinary duties of a mother to her children and a wife to her husband, she wntolied with attendee care and filial affection over tire wants and infirmities of tho aged parents of her husband. No daughter could have recognised the obligation more clearly, or have performed its duties with more patience or uutiring attention. Two small children, her sadly-bereaved husband, and ihoso aged |?ureni* all fee! that their light has gone out, and that tho spring of their domestic enjoyment is dried up. Mrs. Wnddell added to an amiable and extremely kind disposition that mighty auxiliary, whose help is never invoked in vain amid the cares and perplexities of life, true 4. hristiau piety. She was a member of the Baptist church, and died as sho lived, a good christian The community, relatives and friends freely acoorded to her all that we have here said; nay, more, if it were necessary to record more; and nil freely pour out tho sympathy ot their hearts with those who feel most under this dispensation of Providence. May lie who "tempers the wind to tho shorn lamb" add bis sanctifying blowings to this sad affliction. A FRIEND. Mountaineer and Patriot please copy. ANNOUNCEMENTS. The Friends of ANDREW BONNER, Esq., announce him as a Candidate for n scat in the uext Legislature. Aug 7 24 tf The Friends of O. P. KARLE, Esq., respectsilly nominate him as a Candidate to rcprcscut Spartanburg District in the uext Legislature. July 10 SO tf The Frieuds of Geu. O. E. EDWAIIDS respectfully nominate him tutu Candidate to represent Spartanburg District iu the next Legislature. V. July 10 20 tf DR. J. WINSMITLI it a Candidate to represent Spartanburg District in the Slate Legislature at the nest election. July 10 20 tf* We are authorised to announce J AMES FARROW, Esq., as a Candidate to represent Spartanburg Distriel in the next legislature. July 3 27 If The friends of Major (J. W. 11. LEGG respectfully announce him as a Candidate to represent the people of Spurtn.iburg District in the next legislature. June 26 18 tf Ths friends ol Gen. J. W. MILLER respectfully unnounce him us a Candidate for ru-clccliuti to the Legislature. Am torotyplng. L. A, GREEN' has just returned to his Daguer roan Rooms, <>u Church Street, niul is prepared to take AM llROT VPES, or pictures on glass?a new feature in thu Dagoerri ua art?iu the ino>l approTed style. Tltey are taken iu a moment of time, elear or cloudy, tarly or late. The iinprcs-ion is imperishable, not nfTected by water, liglr, or the tou-h. They are far superior to Daguerreotypes. Call and sec tltctn. 1 will remain in town sonic tiro or three weeks longer, nnd if any one wishes tc earn the'new art, 1 can Icaru them tnuch quicker tlutu Dagucrreotyping. May 15 12 tf LIVER COMPLAINT tSTThc only remedy ever offer id to the public tbnt tins new failed to cure, when direction* are followed, ia M'Lane's liver Pill, prepared by Fleming Bros., Pittsburgh, Pa. It bus been hevers.l years before t'*e pubho, and ha* been introduced in nil acctioua of the Uuion. Where it ha* been used It has had the most triumphant success, und has actually driven out of use all other medicine*. It hn? been tried under till the diflereut plums of Ilcpati* nnd Ini* been found equally efficacious in all. &r Purchasers will be careful to ask for I)R M'LANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS' , manufactured by FLEMING BROS, of Pittseusoit, Pa. There are other Pill* purporting to be Liver Pdla now before the public. I)r. M'Lune'i genuine Liver Pills, also his celebrated Vermifuge, can now be had at all respectable drug stores. None genuine without the eignnlure of 118] Ang. 14 2 ? It FLEMING BROS. Fe?er End Ague?Certain Cure. No more use for Tonic Mixtures,Quinine, Fowler's Solution, Arsenic, Mercury, or nny of the villainous or nauseous compound*, which only relieve the disease to implant anr'.hcr more deadly, and which send its unhappy victims finally, with a wrecked and broken constitution, to nn early grave. Try Carter's Spanish Mixture, which contains none of theso dangerous drugs, but cures by aoting specifically on the Liver, purifying the blood and strengthening the system, thus enabling nature to recuperate its exhausted energies by opening the pores of the skin, and expelling from the body nil impurities and old medicines, which clog and retard its free operation. More than one thousand persons have been curod by Carter's Spanish Mixture, after everything else had signally failed. As a sample of its remarkable effects, Messrs. Davis & Ilicks, of Autaugavillo, Ala., wrlto us that it cured a gentleman of Chronic Fever nnd Ague, which all rtlie efforts of physicians nnd their remedies could viol *110(1(16. llo only took three bottle*. They *ay it aulls Tory rapidly, nhd maintain* iu high reputation nH through tho country, Aug 7 24 lm_ ^10,000 POUNDS BA 0N. ~ r 1 A /WAA Poond" PRIME BACON rB 1 J' I for SALE. Inquire at the Aug 14 25 tf WALKER HOUSE. The State of South Carolina. flPAUTANnURO DISTRICT. IN THE COURT OK ORDINARY. WHEREAS J. M. Bowdetl has petitioned tin* Court for Letters ol Administration on all and singular tho goods and chattels, rights and credit*, of .lone* Chapman, late of said State and District, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and stngsfer the kindred and creditors ot the said dee'd., to ha aad appear at the Court of Ordinary for said District, to be held at Spartanburg Court House on tho 2Bth day of this instant, (Augn?t,) to show cause, if any eaist, why said letters should not be granted. Given ondcr my hand and stal of office, the 11th day of August, 1&56. R. BOWDEN, ?. s. n. Auguut 14 25' 2t. IN EQUITY?Spartanburg. | Grcon B. Mitchell ? Bir.-Janr.ij Sp-rki Priiuaa tor Fuuue, at'-. S r|~HIE Creditor* of the defendent, BIRDSONG I Jl SPARKS, aro hereby notified to come m, I : resent, and verify their demands again*: him, beL >re me, within three months from the date hereof, r THOS. O P. YlRNOK.o r S n \ Coin's. Ofleo, August 13, 185 A 25-1 i > The State of Soath Carolina. 8partanbcro district. IN THE COURT OF ORDINARY. Jno. S. Vice, Adm'r., Appt., vs. J. Eber Vio and others, defendants. Citation to hare Estate 8?Uled. TXTHEREA8 it hoe been shown to my satlshu % tion that the heirs at law and legal repri tentative* of William Vice, deceased, Defeudan in the above case, reaide from and without tho lin its ol thin State: It ia therefore ordered and declm ed, that they be and appear at the Court of Ordini ry for aaid District, to bo held at Spnrtaubur Court llouae, on the 10th day of November ttcx to show cause, if any exist, why the Estate of Mr Jane Vioe, deceased, should not be settled and tl assets of tho some ordered to be paid out nccordin to law, or their consent to the same will be cuter* of reoord. Oiven under my baud and seal of office, 111 August, 1856. R. ROWDEN, o. s. d. August 14 35 13t. IN EQUITY?Spartanburg. Robert Watson nnd others, vs. James Rhode William Rhodes nnd others. Bill for account, partition und relief. BY virtue of a decretal order innde in this ca at June sittings, 1850, I will sell on Sales dt in October next, at Spartanburg Court House, n cord i ug io plats executed nud on file in my offic the Homestead, composed ol several tracts of Inn upon the following condition!. The Bunipun tnu aud the Ira Waldrip tract, two of the constilucn ol the Homestead, will be sold separately from tl other tracts, and from each other. Tho rcmnind ot the homestead wili be sold in separate division as represented by tho plats aforesaid. Tho abo' lands will bo sold on a credit of one and two ycat equal instalments, with interest from thu day salo. Purchasers will be required to secure thi bids by giving bonds with at least two good sur tics to each. And also to pay for papers. T. O. P. VERNON, c. k a d. Coin's. Oltiec, August G, 185G. 25 7t. IN EQUITY?Spartanburg. Eleanor Mason, el. nl. vs. Joel Mason and ollici Bill for leave to sell Real Estate, &c. In Pursuance of a decretal order of tho Court Equity nrndc in this ease, made at June s tings, 185G,I will expose tosnle.nt public outcry, Spartanburg Court House, on Soles day in Octob next, the land referred to in the proceedings in tl case, (it being the tract whereon Eleanor Musi formerly lived,) on n credit of one and two yeai with interest from the day of sale, except the coj of these proceedings, which arc to be pnid dow Purchaser! will be required to givo nil approv security for the purchase money; also pay for p pcrs. TIIOS. O. P. VERNON, c. k. a u. Corn's. Office, Aug. G. Aug. 11 25 tf In EftlllTV Snarfanhmw m.MM * K/|rui (IIU MUJ ^ I Clougli II. Maybry ct. ul. vs. Mary Mabry, ct. Hill for Partit on ot Ural Estate. IN Pursuance of an order of the Court of Equl ill tliis ease, made the 8th of July, 1856, I \\ expose to public snlc, nt S(>urtiinhurg Coi House, oil Sales-day in October next, tho bin referred to in the return of the Comtuissio era to the writ of partition, and represent therein by plats numbered 1,2, 3, and 4, on credit of oiie and two years, with interest jfri the day of wile. The lauds thus described will sold in separate tracts as nuinberud, and u sul cieiicy ol the pureliase money to pay the costs these proceedings will bo 'required to be paid cash ou the day of snlc. The purchasers to gi bond with approved sureties for the payment of t purchase money, and also a mortgage of the prci iscs. Cost of papers to be paid down. TIIOS. O. P. VERNON, c. x. s. d. Corn's. Office, Aug. 6. Aug 14 25 tf IN EQUITY?Spartanburg. Wade Woffurd, and others, vs. Alexander Thoi us, and others. Hill fur Partition, Account and Uclicf. IN Obedience to nn order of the Court of Kqui made in this case, I will sell ou the prem>s< the former residence of the widow MAKY WO 1'OHl),.lcevsi*ed, on the thirteenth day of Novel ber next, the lauds described in tho pleadings this case, and represented by plats executed I Win. C. Camp, on the 14lit and lath days j May, 1856. One of the pluis represents a tract laud owned by Mury WollbrJ, deceased, coatni ing four hundred and unit ty-live acres, mere less. Thr other two plats repiesent real ?-su I ?,t l.u ,1._~ YV'.aV .?I .1? I <" < uu^'iu, iiovi-uacu, i|iu^ (ill r-n icc River. One tnuit containing two hundred h twenty-right ami the other twenty-two ami n li acres, niore or le*s. K?>i a .noro purtieuh.r deser lion reference is invited to the aforesaid plats on I in my office. Terms of Sale. Credit of one and two yea with interest from the day of sale, will he given the purchase money, except the easts ol these pi Cccd'Ugs, which must be paid in ca?h on the day i sale. Purchasers will be requited to give b.> , and approved security to secure their purohas aud pay lor papers. I TIIOS. O. P. VERNON, c. s s. t>. i Coin's. Office, Aug f?. Aug. I I 25 tl IN EQUITY?Spartanburg. Thus. I). Woffird vs. J. K. Woffiird, et nl. I Petition for Account and Relief. IN pursuii' co of an order of the Court of Ivju in this case, nolicu is hereby given to tliu er< iti'is of tho absent debtor, J. K. WoKKORI), come in, present and verify their demands, witl three months trom I lie date of this rule. i TIIOS. O. P. VERNON, c ?. s. d Corn's. Office, August 13, 1S5G. 25 13t IN EQUITY?Spartanburg. Ambrose- Watson and William Watson, in. Jan Watson, et nl. Bill for Account, Relief, Ac. In Obedience to an order of tho Court of Equ in this case, the creditors ot the absent debt JAMES WATSON, one of the defendents, t hereby notified to come in, present aud verify th< demands before nic, with it three mouths from t date of this rule. TIIOS. O. P. VERNON, c. k. b d. Corn's. Office, Aug. 13. Aug 14 25 tl IN EQl ITY?Spartanburg. Cliauibcrlin Miller & Co., vs. the Bivingsvillc C< ton Manufacturing Company. Bill for Relief, appointment of receiver, Ac. r|"MIE Creditor" of the Bivingsvillc Cotton Mr A. ufacturing Company are hereby notified, order of the Court of Equity, made in this cu?s its last term, to come in, present ami verify th demands against said Company, befo o me, on by the 12th day of November next. TIIOS. O. P. VERNON, c e ? ^ Gim'i Office, Auguit 13. Aug 14 25 ti IN EQUITY?Spsrtaabsrg. David 11. Smith, Adm'r. and other*, vs. Talilhn Smith. I Bill for Partition, ami for Funds to pay Debt, A IN Obedience to an order of tho Court of Kui t of Ordinary, tor raid District, to be held at Spartanburg Court House on the 22d instant, (August,) to show cause, if any exist, why su.-h letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal of office, this 4th lUl day of August, 1856. 11 H >\YDEN, , August 7 24 9t o s i) fj;1 The Slato of Souih Carolina. ip-1 ile J Si'AttrANm no District. IN TIM* court OK ordin ary. Benjamin llanunett, Appl. vs. Benjamin P. ge, Adin'r., and other*, dcfriiilmiti. Citation to Settlement. ot tu] IT having been show ti to my satisfaction that linn X, anil llic livir* at law and legal representatives of Klizubvth Beshenrs, deec.-UH-d, defendants in tin* above ease, reside from and without the f limits of tliis State: It is therefore ord? rial and decreed, that they be and appear at thu Court of Ordinary for said District, to be held at Spartanburg Court House, ou the dlst day ol October next, to show cause, if any exist, why the Instate of James Hurchfield, dee'd., should not be settled slid the assets of the same ordered to be paid out according "- to law, or their consent to the sumo will be taken pro eonfttao. tu Given under my hand and seal of office, the .list "n July, 1850. R. BOWDEN, o. s t?. August 7 24 12t MORE PRIZES THAN BLANKS ! ! 7,707 Priasos! - $102,000. it.? t 5,0 0 0 NUMBERS 0 N I, V ! ,re GRAND SPECK RATION ! FOR A SMALL INVESTMENT! IMPROVfMENT ON THE APPROVED HiWAKTiX PLAN Lottery. ?t JASPER COUNTY * ACADEMY LOTTERY. at By Authority of the State of Georgic. CLASS P. To be drawn AUGUST 15th, 1856, at Concur r ' IIai.l, Macon, Ga., under the Sworn Suprrinten"" dence of Con. Geo. M Logan and Ja?. A. Nia ; bet, Esq. This lottery is drawn on the I'lnn of the Royal ' lottery of Havana of single NumherN; this Iiuh only [c. | 15.000 Numbers and the Havana lottery 34,U00 ( ! Numbers?the Havana 241) Prizes?tins 7,767 ,t(' | Prizes l>Mik to your interesl! Now is the lime. ?r capital 910,000. I 1 Prhtc of $13,000 is $15,000 1 " 3,000 is 3,000 ; 1 M 2,000 is 2,000 4 " l.OOOuro 1.0OO 10 " 500 are 5,000 : 5* 50 " 100 nro 5,000 ? 20 Approximations of $50 to $15,000 nro 1,000 , 50 " 25 to 3,000 arc 1,000 50 " 20 to 2,000 nro 1,000 10 ; 80 Approximations of $12 1-2 to each of the Capitals of $1,000 are 1,000 7,767 Prixea of $8 1 2 are 63.000 7,767 Prixea, amounting to $102,000. Tickets $10; Halves $5; Quarters $2.50. Prizes payable without deduction. 0( | Peraons sending money hy mail need not fear ilA eg being lost. Order* punctually attended to Com * 1(j | menication* confidential. Hunk note* of sound 1 l)LLUSION, TARLTONH, Ribboni, Ulovw, Artificials, and last, though not least, a few tnuruof those beau- Sll tilul Roquet Holders Iclt. * . Aug 7 24 tt BENNETT & GOSS J*"* 1^75 ACRES LAND FOR SALE. VI I r (or Solo tlioTract of LAND I ^ SK now live <>o, containing 1.075 acres, !R ljh'g in the upper part of Union His- m triet, three miles abovo Grindell's _ _ Shoals, on both siJes of tho rond leading from JjQ) S|?nrtanburg to York?:31e, and adjoining lands of T1V " Win. Ltttlejohn, sr.. Win. Norris, I). Mitchell, I j.0* and others. There arc about 120 acres of goal ,c< bottom land, lying on Pacolet ntid Milt Creek; 500 9Pf acres first rnto woodland; 200 acres somewhat "'I worn; the balaueo fresh, and in u good state of cul- nt grea tirntion. ol Custi Oil the place aro n framed DWELLING, Ma- -? ? . chine and other necessary buildings. ] Theso lands are well watered with good springs and aro healthy. The Those wishing to purchtsc lands in this couuti) in my I would do well to call and see,us I with to go West, all ind and will give a bargain. arc obi Also, in) interest in 375 acres, known as Buz compel zard Roost?the location of a Depot of the Spartan- July burg and Union Railroad being at that plnoo. _ _ Aug 7 24 if WM. LITTLEJOHN, jr. a i Anotlior DEAD COCK IN THE PIT! M r|"MlE Massachusetts Burlingamc Chicken turns JL out to be nothiug moru or less than a com- ^0 nion Dunghill, who will not light oflfhis own bsrn- Msg yard. Alter eatiug up his own former abject up- J m elogies, and inviting a challenge from Brooks ho proposes to let Brooks have a pop at him, if he will pass through five States and goto free Nigger Canada. Wo would ns soon run the gnuutlet . -p0 ( through five thousand Indians as to undertake that ' lt job with the telegraph in the bawds of Hnrlingame's friends, to seta m" The Black Republican Iroo soil abolition set at the ! ^ ^ North will toad the Southern Lioti until lie is fair- , j ly nroused, and then, when he lashes li.s tuil. shakes i ins mane, and given one lusty rnhr, the whole pack , will tako to their hii-U, nnd with their coat-tails j Will | streaming In the wind, will cry louder than ever | to be protected from the wrath of tf???r Southern . brethren whom they have to fouly wronged. 30,0 So, fellow -citizens, let us calm do* n, and wait patiently the coming utoim, pursuing our usual j } business?some to their farms, others to their mer- j chandisc. lly-thc-by, speaking of MKRC11AN- I DlSE, we wish particularly to give you notice, that 1 we have got on hand a large stock of goods, which I wo are oesiruus *n in ordcr ?? n,"ke roo,n for 1 our FALL and WINTER STOCK wth!'vvc 1 peet to purchase next month. If you will give us u call, we will tell you goods at such prices as will }00 foiec you to purchase if y\ u ucvd uuy thing in our j line. Do not |tass us by. .j ! Any 7 24 If BENNETT & QQ68. .j GREAT ATTRACTION!! 1 I,. lil.WOUKGKG & RICO. i ... 4 HAN ING just concluded takiug STOCK, in order to reduce tho amount of (loods on 15 01HJ hand have ihtermined to d.spucc of their large ' assortment of , rf SPRING AND SUMMER Ti,e iiumbi St)0i?)S j jit AT AND BELOW COST. ??; Comprising a boautilul ami rare variety of ! j ^ IDi'obs G-oods, ! inur'y I tho lati st styles of SPIIINd and SUMMER of obtn DRESS SILKS, plaid, striped, ?fcc.; Il.iregeu, T'?- A'I sues. Muslins, Prints ol new ami pretty iLnigu.c; a even ? | benuiilul style of ' J?,' aa&ajareiss .'"'or j Romltar. ton, Alpaccn?, and every kind of DRESS j \s GOODS; also, a lot of beautiful patterns in the I Jntw j way ol EMI JRlMDER1ES,Trimmings,Euibroid- ' ,,f jp ered Collars and Sleeves mid Skirls; Lies, Muslin ' |0winc and Cambric Setts, ChiiUsettes, Handkerchiefs,! \u ! die ; the latest and most litehiutinblc styles ot guar 1 FRENCH BONNETS, | with and w th ?ut trimmings; Ribbon*; a line lot ?f |?( : Pr.rasols, the prctti.-sl and cheapist in the market; | a rate as? >111111-111 of Summer Covrriugs, Mantillas 'n't 1 1 ,, 7 i, ' ' seka ; 111 the most recent 1 .HIS desgnsj llead Dresses; a ! 1 large sloek of American and ENGLISH HOSIERY; ! among *h eh is a line article of lvd Gloves at fit) i ei Ills per pair; all stile's of Li.lies' (. liters and Walk'lis Slitss; with a lull supply uf FANCY I GO< >I?S; Perfumery for the Toilet. \v>. oi..t ......... .. ^ ? ?* nucuuuii 01 vi 1 LL.ML*> j to our ln?avy aid i XtciiMve *U?ck of i HiirAij'tf-mite | ill which will he found every article iit'orKsat y t" , i supply* the demand i'f the c;i!w>ii?fine CLl'TII j COATS, l.iaek an I Colored Cassimores; Satin, Silk nud Fancy Votings, ami every style and pat1 tern of Summer mm*: hire Silk an.1 leghorn Hat*, latest fashion; IU JOTS anil SHOKS, anil a general assortment of Ceiitlrmen's Furnishing Ciisls. In addition, we have laal in a heavy supply of (ip DOMESTIC GOODS, !.$ 1 lit Shot-Duns, Kdlesitid Cutlery; Saddles, Bridles. Union Whips, utnl every thing which our customers ean Tin want. Horn* We feel sure that we can show the best stock gust n i for this market, ami we are determined Thi To Soil Out at and ; Sbum* BELOW COST. theiS ' All we a*k is a fair trial. Coll and see us and prove , ' , 1 the 21 our words r July 3123 tf L. HIjOOMKBRG A HI'.O. J _ * ? arc r. G. E. ELFORD, ?l;> "f NKXT DOOR TO M'REK'S HALL, Jjj Oroonvillo, 8. C. Keeps on hand a large and well selected assortment of the following articles : Juh Religious, Miscellaneous and Cluss'usl works. School Rooks, Slates, I'encill nml Pens. RJank-Rookr, .Memorandum*, and Diaries, A \ Foolscap, Letter, ami Note Paper, Envelopes; a SA Rlaek, Blue, Blue-Black, Red, Carmine and ! ... lmlelhhle Inks Portfolios, Writing Case*, Writing Disks, A fine stock of i>u|H'rii>r Gold I'ens. \\* Harrison's Perfumery, a great variety. * ? | And many other artiehs loo numerous to iiicntiou . to the here, hut will worthy of examination. in the Cash orders from abroad promptly many attended to. Dr. J M iv 7 II ly *'dge, U-til. Notice. VLL Persons having BUSINESS 'eft in the Sieplu liandsofJ. V. TRIMMIER, dec'd.,or 8UL- T. 15. LIVAN it TRIMMIER, for atteiitiun, arc hereby (j R notified that C. P. SULLIVAN, ESQ., the sur- r.jf vivuig partner, will meet with them on Monday, the tificnt> 18th, at Spartanburg, to attend to the same. Pre .lulu o I j ** ? Kitoni 8UNDME8. \T the Family Drug ami Prescription Store with I . of FISIIKIl it IIKIMTSH mav be had? : l"-eul.c DIAMOND STARCH. F.g lllue, White Wax, Corn Starch, Tapioca, Fnnua, I'carl Sago, I'. arl < ^ IS Iiarlcy, Gelatine, Arrow Root, English Mnstard, * olum Swict Health Chocolate, Pure Ground Spins, H A R1 I ><-tilled Kuie Water, Orang. Flower Wat? r, Kla- '"'Id; voring Extracts, Salad Oil, Satonr and Hordeant, " " Rlaok Pepper, Alspice, Clover, Cinnamon, Nut* j WYL trogn, Mace, Jamaica Ginger, Race Ginger, As. ville. a June jg l( Jul) NOTICE. BKiiW \L1. |n r> indebted to the I-state ..1 J A M E9 ! rI>IIl . V. TRIMMIKR, Ksq.. late of Spartanburg _l ei District, deceased, ura hereby itotifleil to make ' era, in payment to the undersigned; and all person* hav- j live fui :ng chotTiH against raid deceased will present the the pr same, properly authenticated. | toinpli W. II TRIMMIER, / , , , ; Nofan .f M FLFORD, s A"n lt ea!s l? July 17 VI tf Juo J. E. STENHOUSE, .ER IN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Dt ROCERIES, 8oC. OPPOSITE BRICK RANGE, artauburg C. II. S. C. BO? WWW& ? u Mm mmmww ' 2, BRICK RANGE. Jer to mnUo n?uin and raise Money for a of tin ?vy Fall Stock, offers liia remaining Stock of nt Co IING AND SUMMER GOODS tly reduced prices, and invites tlic atteution g Lirncra and Purchasers to hi? general at?>ek of ?-? EUCHANDISE. j Notes nnd Accounts of Kirby & Wilsoli are liuiili for Settlement. I must URGE ujsin OI'i cbted to make immediate payment, as we 1^ I iged to raise Money. If not paid we will be Brciu: led to SUE. A. II. KIRBY. lie im \BAMA LOTTERY"! FTHORtZBD BY THE STATE OF G] uthern Military Academy OTTER Y! " DIRS y-mw QS&iss, $ t lrawn iu tlieCity of Montgomery, Alabama, i public, oo THURSDAY, August 13th, 1856, on the AVANA PLAN!1 1IUEL SWANi Manager. aiZES AMOUNTING TO A m.MIHa I be distributed according to the following MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! I jal 00 Numbers?15,185 Prizes!! w Vize of $10,000 im $10,000 " 15,000 is 15,000 A 1 " 7,000 is 7,000 " 3,000 is 3,000 aJn,il " 2,000 is 2,000 " i ,000 is i .<>00 ! quir?f M 1,000 ia 1,000 Til n 200 ia 2,000 3?d ' ?i i?y \H 1C.VC0 l',3t' prizes ol jvvv wr\ !? S'l0.000 o arc $800 , 44 100 " 15,00044 are 400 recl01 44 75" 7,000 44 arc 300 wM i 44 CO 44 3,000 44 arc 240 lar?? 44 50 44 2,000 44 arc 200 44 4 0 44 1 ,f0044 arc ICO J" 1 44 23 44 1.000 44 lire 100 l 44 20 44 2 44 8 arc 120,00 /juf . ^ prizes amounting to ^20 t.OOO Will > 13,000 l4rizc* of $8 are determined by tl.e War r which drawn the $10,000 I'rizc?if that t>j\ >r should be an old uuntber, then every odd r ticket in the Scheme u ill be entitled to |U an even number, thee every even number I will be entitled to $8 in addiliou to any other fl * Inch may be diuwn. |flji chasers iu buying an <|uuit.tyof odd HH en number ticket* w ill be certain <-l thawing tTV ( lie-half the cost ef the kunie. with chance* HP iimn/ other Prize*. |H these lekita eliding with 0, 2, 4, G. 8, lire -all those ending with I, 3, 5, 7, 9, are odd. 63? Remember that every Prize is drawn, and ?6^1 e in full without deduction. BEn KAT lNlHTCICMIJNTS IV) CI.l'BS. one-half of the Tickets are guaranteed to riS we will sell Certificate* of the I'uckugc* J Pickets. (odd and even numbers,) at the tol- /"VP f rates? U i th st the 10 Tickets draw ov-r the amount iteed uoerues to the puielnwcr. ate of P.icka col 10 \\ hole Tick < ts $C0 10 Hall 44 30 Urra 10 t^uartrr 44 15 An < Picket* c*?h?.l or renewed in other tickets. Phyi Ins.* orders t?-r Picket*, or Cert-tiektes of Rcru ges lit Ticket*. either to subs S. SWAN & CO., Atlanta, O.I. ur S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala. Aim r 24 _ 22 tf j pleai I oct dlqLuarte rs. | c"tn^ ?i 1'Nit?NVII.LK, S. C Bou 1)KR NO. ^ ?pW i?*punfni? ??i viii nrigniic, > .M , w .II ; *l" i* for 1 >rill itnil Review, us follows : ' *?? 3,"?th Kcfiiuiil of Iuf.iutry will parade at pa^ iville, on Thursday, 7th August ihxi. j tn rj ot'ith Regiment of Infantry will parade at i ate i r's Did Field, oo Wcducs.lay, tho I3dt A u do. ext. T*'1 37th Hffiincnt at Wilkens* Old 1- eld, on orijf lay, the ltith August next. i nf. J i 34th Regiment at Vorkriliv, on Tuesday, i itlt August next. ' aUy 4atli Regiment at Kbenexvr, on Thursday, I drea st August next. 1 the eers, CaiminiMioned and iion-Comm'w.ionod, ! !"n -quired to assemble the day preceding the Review of the i respect LINOH'S ? inti-Rhoumalic Powders- {j** FE,8PEEDT AND RADICAL CtfttB whei >R RHEUMATISM, RHEUMATIC j Jf1 COUT AND SCIATICA. , J0Vp E, tho undersigned citisens of Putnam T?r' County, Georgia, cheerfully hear testimony ! ^ etlieaov t-f 1 inch's A nti Rheumatic Powder* 1 14 . mini treatment of acute or chronic Rheumatism, oases having been suoCcsslully treated by bile . G. GIBSON, within our personal knowl- Into iu which these 1'owdcr* wcro principally l"nfl ' 1 J altci T*V vi irnnh.nn, M. D. Win. II Carter, rcgp n It. Marshall, J> It. Adams, , ^bili Harwell, Thomas Re*j?ess, som Thomas, J. Niehleson Ac oiheis. and " Any reasonable number of individual corh can bo given in attestation of their effic aoy. ,h"' pared and sold by J. G. GIBSON, M. I)., i ion Ga., at $a per box. or f, orders directed to him, with the above sum in tl d, and a description of the ease, shall reoeive the i ihr Medicine such advice fls may suit any 1 su?* irity th>rcof. FOB SALE BY ; IIKR tt IIEIN1TSII,'Spartanburg and the* bia; W. I1'. PkATT, Newberry; E I*. ana S*KIT, Yorkville; G I PUNS, Edge- mild WARDLAW & ETON, Abbeville; l>r A !. IUJGG1NS. Darlington; REEDY A u"f IE. Chester C !l , M. B. EAREE,Green JJ nd throughout the State generally. 'J 27 1y \ s 8SSK.1CK W JAMAICA SIRGBft. Pn IS ESSENCE is a preparation of unusual tcelhnoc in ordinary dmrrhoM, incipient chol- , short, in all cases of prostration of thedigrs- { _? actions it is of inestimable value. During!, 5 evidence of epidemic cholera, and nummefl nnts of chtldrcn, it is pecolinrly ?rti . < . nb.? nly or individual should be without it For FISHER Si HEINITSH M J* tf Fhsrmace?it.?ts. ^ A] - ? - * S. W. GUEH31EXY, CALER IN 8TAPLE AND FANCY ? DRY GOODS, TS, 8IIOES, HATS, CROCKERY, Ac. fj NO. 3, BRICK RANGE. S partanburff .II.f 9. C. % ie 20 18 ly w ? i. elfobdTmagistbate, % AT SULLIVAN & TRIMMIER'S $ V OFFICE, ON CHURCH STREET. H ALSO AGENT ? JS i Southern Mutual Life Insurance Compnnj ~ ? lutnbia, and the Southern Mutual Life and ?3 Insurance Company, ut Athens, Georgia, n for mm ion in regard to Insurance given at w tea with pleasure. m irtauburg, March C 1850 2 Cm 2 rOHN HENEY ^ELLEH, ? INFEITONEK AND BAKER, * M kltTANUURG, opposite Palmetto House, keeps constantly ou hand Candy, Cakes, I IIop Bear, line Fegars, Ac., Ac., to which rites public attention Nov. 29 41 ly. j>> yjAL'JiiJi, MAGISTRATE & * ENKUAL COLLECTING AOKNT "pw Columbia, 9. V. p ( til 17 _8 JX ' HYATT, MeBURNEY & 0. fjff :cr turoRTKKS and wholuili dkai.krs in Alfi EDSlEKSaifll? , '? DRY GOODS, picas.! Ho. 37 IIAVNE STREET, is bm CHARLESTON, S. C. health i 10 IS5G 46 ly mry I* ______ . lire le WRIGHT & ORR, TTOllNEYH A7 LAW, SPARTAN BURG, C. II. Tht ;e in Maj. Legit's Brick Building, next over t to Bubo A Edwards law office, up stairs. and I1 1). Wrioiit Spartanburg C. II. kid lie; i. Ii. Orr Anderson C. II. disens it 3 1850 45 tf attach . . i iocs RIGHT'S LIQUID CATHARTIC OR reduc* FAMILY PHYSIC. wl?j DAPTEW to the general wants of the com- U,H,|, ; munity, perfectly pleasant to the taste, easily a?j ^ itietered to children, as well ns to adults, and noijoe r and safe in all cases where nuy physic is re. , ., One I use who are loo I.est.dious to use the nauseous < 'cry d sagrvcablc physics in use, can avoid all <> unpleasantness in tbw aw of Una Cathartic. CliiMi jihers will rejoice that at i.u>t a sure nn?. ?!- ,j n pru.'.:0 lias been found, w hich their children ( readily take without forcing, and by which ju| d'lm-s o! oil, rhubarb, senna, &o , are avoided. 1 real* by FISH EH & I1EINIT81I. ne 28^ 18 tf AND WARRANTS WANTED. M > l~ AAA worth LAN I) W A KU A NTS '' ''' Wanted. Ilia Subscriber ? jive the v.rv hij;heat market prie?* for IjihJ "oW '' ranu. * A. T STRAIN. arinnbiirc, C II. Mar. h 17 185.1 4 tf Ok ATHARTIC PILLS RRATE by their powerful influence on the BV TI nternal viscera to purify the blood and atimu- KOKV it into healthy artion. They remove the ructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, andotber ARK ns of the body, and, by restoring their irregular liiMI in to health, correct, wherever they exist, such ngements as are the tirst causes of disease. "RIO extensive trial of their virtues, by Professors, *>cr ricians, and Patients, has shown cures of dan- cvr, C us diseases almost beyond belief, were they not other tantiated by persons of such exalted position ,j|%. u, character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth, ir certificates are published in rny American anac, which the Agents below named are led to furnish free to all inquiring. *_ unexed we give Ihrtrtioiit for their use in the . plaints which they have been found to cure. 1 ,al 5 ut Costiven rss.?Take one or two Pills, or I''1* 1" i quantitr as to gently move the bowels. Cos- mo th less is frequently the aggravating cause of I h. km, and the cure of one complaint is the cure pons i oth. No tierson can feel well while under a i v. v..Kit It...... .1 1.1 w_ ? I. . llia< 1 . . V u?i/>* WI wv^i. ucuw ii UVUIU W, a? u , be, promptly relieved. " J >K I)YRfKr?ia, which is sometime* the cause inonll MlWMN, and always uncomfortable, take mild IM s ? from one to four ? to stimulate the stomach and d liver into healthy action. They will do it, and My heartburn, hodybitrn, and tou'fnim of dyspepsia ^ rapidly disappear. When it ha* gone, don't . ' 0 et what cureJ you. untv 1 ir a Foi 1. Stomach, or Morbid Inaction of the owrlj elt, which produces general depression of the Tin t* and bad health, take from four to eight rills yeari rst, and smaller doses afterwards, until activl'y ? strength is restored to the system. "'in jb Nekvoi sness, Sick IIbadaciir, N'acska, , , 1 in the Stomach, Hack, 01 Side, take from four Motile ght pill*on going to bed. If thev do not oner- w>? .d lufficiently. take more the nest day until tliny ^ cllo These complaints will lie swept out from the boiiltem. Don't wear these and their kindred dis- weekrs because your stomach is foul. j sit ScHori la. Kkysifei.AS, and all Iiueaies , , Skin, take the Tills freely and frequently, to ' 11 > the liowel* open The eruptions will geiier- j '* '* soon begin to diminish and disappear Many so eu dful ulcers and soros have been healed up by ; used 1 purging and purifying eifcct of these Pills, and I |?w j c disgusting diseases which seemed to saturate I whole system have completely yielded to their 1 lenre. leaving the sutferer 111 perfe t health. ! ei'ts1 your duty to society fusldds that you ?"iag, ' ild parade yourself around the world covered itt the pimples, blotches, ulcers, sores, and all or any it, am he unclean diseases of the shin, because your kind em wants cleansing. them ) Pchify thk Uloop, they are the best nreji- .. ever discovered. They should lie taken freely "V frequently, and the impurities which sow the i*ot?l?i s 01 incurable disease* will he swept out of the ahoul fm like ciistt before the wind. Dy this property ou nu do as much good in preventing sickness a* by found remarkable cures which they arc making every sj:,?e'i Ivrr COMPLAINT, J At'xriICK, and all Hilton' . '!l ctioiu, arise from soinc deraugemcnt ? either I uiitv, congestion, or obstructions of the Liver from jidity and congestion vitiate the bile and rer.d'T other ntit for digestion. This is disastrous to the t,,r hi th, and the constitution is frequently under- wn<* >d by no other cause. Indigestion is the syinp ?'?Obstruction of the duct which empties the | ,? 4" a into the stomach causes the bile to overflow ?UV? the blood. This produce* Jaundice, with a ' ri'.'n 1 ana dangerous train of evils. Costiveness, or 1 new I -nately costiveness and diarrhoea, prevails. r a snsli symptoms, languor, low spirits, weariness, lessness, and molancholy, with ?ometime? in- j ty to sleep, and sometimes great drowsiness; j ctunes there is severe pain ill the aide ; the skin the white of the eyes become a greenish yellow , stomach acid; the bowels *ore to the 'touch ; whole system irritable, with a tendency to fever, "I! or :h may turn to bilious fever, bilious colic, bilious rhma, dysentery, See. A medium dose of three Tf? lur Pills taken at night, followed by two or three \y le rooming, and repeated a few days,will remove 1? cause of all these trouble*. It is wackod to tuffei , 1 pains when you can cure them for 2d cent*. ' hiymaTIsm, Gout, and all Inflammatory Ft- \ S , *re rapidly cured by the purifying effects of C. c Pills upon the blood and the stimulus which a . atfnrd to the vital principal of Lafe. For theae all kindred complaint* they ihould u* hi I doacs, to move the bowels gently, but freely. laDiSNVH Pitt, this i? both agreeable and | V ul. No Pill can be made more pleaaant to take, 1 ij, certainly nona baa been made more etfectusl to ; wjj| _ purpose for which a dinner pill ia employed. w ? PREPARED BY DH. J. C. AVER A CO., C. lotloal and Analytical Chomists, < y? LOWELL, MA88 , AND SOLD BY SHER cfr 11 ElN ITSH. SpatUnb.rg | JT )1IN L YOUNG Vmonville, and by all h.mta nnd Droggiala everywhere ' < AVILANO Jh HAHRAL. CtwrlMtoa. | ^ ^VH outsit* AOSVTS. prfl 17 * 4m jfj I ii m ^9 ?5^ h Tj H HJM S ? t* (ofi am^so a19^ siiglis:^ ; P 2 fc a A ^ KaH spa ??2 > &?a tt K -E3 * 35 S 58 _?3 i ?s? iS?^ 2g9 5 u > mm > s?! >h ^Vi i cds r- r o??> * 2 kb 3 9 0 C9 5 ^ 1 S fcs^ :f i113 iLJP iebokee springs. "A^'TRELL, Proprietor, K&k 1 Ph-aannt Summer resort is bow ;&L m ?"?>plet* r | w live ? n, outs ning 67."* acres, all 9Npw woodland, except 125 aores, which I 1 have cleared in the last two year/, and iavu iu cultivation. This la- d lies in the bp* irt of L'uiou District, 10 milaa from Lima.Sprin'rs, 4 miles from Broad River, joining . A. Goodman's and Col. James Jeffriin' It ia well adapted to rwiaing cotton and On the place is a comfortable Dwelling itlisr buddii gs, all new. The place is well ed with fine springs, and is healthy. Other can lie bought joining it, if desired, we wishing to purchase I.and in this eoontfy I d<> well to call end sec. as I wish to grt west, rill give a bargain. K. D. W1LK1X& Ikinsville, July 10 20 2m Gsyott'a Yellow-Dock Sc Sarsaparilla >w put t'p is the Largest Sized Bo'rand is acknowledged to be trs Sarsaparilla made, as is certified ie wokdkrful cvus it has pebikd, tue origin al copies of wrick' in the possession of the proprietor. i.mder, this is the only trve and inal article. idula. Svnhil - At - ...vibuiuii voiup aii.:a, i.ingrvue, Rheumatism, aud a va?t variety eX diseases arc speedily aud perfectly cored by it* of this medicine. Read the following Certificates. TiuirooM, Co , Ala , Jan. 2, iSi'd. am Sir: 1 send you this to certify to you our extract of Yellow-Dock and Ssrmparilht irforined one <>f the roost wonderful ciiiCs oh .it has over been effected ou man ire Won afflicted for lorty year* with crupi>n niv logs and feet; in 18M> they got so bad had o go on crutches, and "rh T8d9 I had one mpuUtcd tlie kuoe. In abort nine i.? after my oilier leg broke out in largo valid running sore* Iroin my knee to my foot, acharged a gr?*at deal of offensive matter, roin also brok<> out in large lines, trtikh ilia ed inncli offensive matter, and at the aame ny left hand broke ocl in large ruuijing sore* f to my clbp'.r. e misery tftat ! Lave suffered for the hog two* I cannot describe to you. I was in audi that ! ncv?T rested day or night, t let bor Inst my ?>n brought inc one of your wrapper*; 1 read it, and found reeor?l I ?<>me . rful cures ( eiioriiied by your "Extract of w iVck and Sai sapnnllft," 1 sent and got two s ofand commenced taking it. In two i 1' 111 >' grout astonishmeut, mv soreiall bc?*sy, and I o u'd sleep all night, a thing I ot duoy for two years. \YImr I had taken At Us, my sores hod nearly alt healed. Wy got well as if bv enchantment, i have ?<>w n all otoht bottles ot yonr "Extract of Yellock and Snrsapnrilhi," and I now consider i well. Ureal all id the afihotod to try this medifor 1 belivvo it will cure nny kuowu disoam i world, l.ny at' it- all prrjudiee and jus; try 1 proclaim its great worth to suffering mattuad cutioal ikvm to take it, for it will cure ' case is We'd known in a large portion o* i Oarchua, Georgia and Alabama, and if any J doubt the ub'ive enre, I invite them to calk ,?nd I will show tlietn the scars. I can be id Tullspoosa . Alabama, one mdv irons Kerry KKNAJ*. The proprie!h in It ik pwimimi a great number of ocrtifiof cures performed of t'.io above d? "cripti.-n. .?-*ure the afflicted, thr.t a bottle or two of Dr. ott'e Extract of Yelljw Dock and Sar*?pavill at once regulate thoae difficulties and relic natural energies. r" IVt up in quart bottles?Price $1 per Sold Wholesale and Retail by ovil L Mead, 111 ChartmSlrfft, T. B. ii*ial Agents for the Southern State*, to whom dt ra mi'it be addrcwrd. SOL!) A!-SO BY 5HEU A 1IR1N1TSH,Spartanburg, So. O. . 1! WATSON, Greenville KRUTCH, " CNNON A NORRIS, Unionvilli, R. HENRY, Laorenaeiile It. II ARRIS, & CO.. Ruiherfbrdton, N.g. Til 94 _9 _ 4?n 100 Negroes Wanted. if'irh to purebaae )00 LIKELY NEGROES, l ween .he egee of }9 aod 25, fur which I my fair Caeh price. Perwoue wishing to aell >!?vaee inform Mr. Alfred Tolleeon, at Bp*r? rg, C. 11, or tnyerlf at Nowberrv C II., 8. R. R IIOLMAN. rrberry C. H , 8. C. Jane 5ft 18 tf ~WM. T7BBSSEL7 jf D. AV1NG resumed the general prvctiee n( MEDICINE, in connection with DenttaTmr> tfully offere li e services to the etlucas of unburg end n? n< nity. :vv> id New Brick No 2. VetoJ^ . Church e??fet, *pp.-.a.te IwLnei'e TTcuao irch ?? ' $ tf