m dfejk in i i i i lUiflEfbeeeotlo* of oar IHstrfet known u (he "Kwrh" blrMsd with a copious rain on Friday eveoiog last. Ths poo u try about Belioa, wo leant, lot came In for a share. Ahoat Andcrern we ate atitl dry, hot and dusty. We console ourselves however with the thought that we'll got it In the wihtar.?-Anrferaew Oaxttle, July SO. HARRIED, Ou Sunday mommg, 3d inat., by the Rev. Charles Thy lor, Mr. Joint W. Low to Mlas la* II. Clkmkmts, both of this District. OBITUA Rl. DieJ, at her father's residence, in this district, on the 26tb July. Mimsbva N. J., daughter of ltufus and Nancy Lam-aster, in the eleventh year of her age, after a aevero ilincss of tweuty-ooe days. Notwithstanding the subject of thia notice was of vwrv tender age, alio gave the most satisfactory oviddhee that her religious instruction had produc ed a salutary intlucuoe upon her mind, and greatly contributed to the alleviation of her suffering here, by tha ccrtaii: prospect of hvr bappy stute bcvnnd the grave. R. Departed this life, tho 2*J July, 1856, John Smitu. li. S.. who wus born iu 1790, in Ponnsyl-vanla, uud emigrated with bis lather and mother to Lincoln County, North Carolina, where he lived until the year 1838; ho then moved to Spartund*arg Diet , South Carolina. For several years lie worked at his trade at Uiv ngsville, until lie became cripple by n fall; ever since lie has lived at Cinw- j fordsville, on Middle Tvger, where he died. Mr. Smith was an honest, industrious man, and by hi* labor ho acquired a handsome property. Seme two years since he was attacked wiili erysipelas, inflammation and dropsy, nod so severe was the attack, that all hopes ol his recovery were despaired of. Heingsensible of hi* situation, ho beeanietruly penitent, and made his prot'epsion in Christ, and his willingness lo die. lie then joined the Methodist Church, and remained u member until his denth j His last attack was short nnd violent, lie lived but a law days and said but little. Hut we hope ii ia well with him. lie was kind to the poor, nnd a liberal supporter of the Church. >J. 11. Died of diirrheii, at Owprns1 Furnace, on tlie 24tli of 'Tnly, 18.r?6, JosErii KiMrsoi*, n son of Jesse and Heater 1 lollia, aged one ywir at d two days. j Wlien the aged pilgrim, weary with life, yearns for reat and dies, we think it nothing but n behest of nature which should lie obeyed; and as we carry 1 iliim to liia cold nud silent grave, wo feel that we 1 are but performing those functions which the ordinary cour-c of nature denunda. And often do we rejoice tliat his spirit lias mm this Irnil tenement of ciay, and gone to a lovelier mid better land?to n land of bliss, where angels nud mvhnitgcls ckftttt the'r eternal nnthetn around the throne of the great I Am. Itut when youth, with its bright nntieipntious and buoyant hopes?a chihl, n tender, lovely 1 thing? fresh from the Creator's hands, sicl;< us and dies, philosophy is put t?? "die blush, s|h dilution* nre idle, and we can but eielaint, "Tiuly the ways of! Providence nre mysterious mid p;??t lindiio- out." 1 Yes, the word is spoken! and little Joseph is dead! No longer will th?ibereaved parents dandle him upon their kins-*, no longer *? ill their ears lie delighted with the music ol Ins prattling tongue. "Oh wTwt a slindow o'er the hrart is flung. Whoo jicn's the rcqnlcm of th- lov'd and young!?' It was hut the utterance of n sorrow-f>'nck< n heart, and yet submission to the great command, "Thy will he done," when theee impromptu lintwere composed soon nler little .l.ecph'a *j r t Jlrd to the lmsoiu of its God: Farewell. dear Isiy, thy sp'r V f!. il! Thy body's numbered w t'i the dead. While thou .irt in 11 world of I I.** My darling baby I ?!iu!l miss. ANNOUNCEMENTS. mhusks Eerrons: Please announce JKKFKRPON CHOICE, Kn)., as a Candidate for arid' iu our next Legislature. MANY Til I ENDS. Aug 7 21 2t* The Friends .,f ANU'ili A' HON N I.E. K-~; -announce him n* a Candidate lorn seat in the to \t Legislature. Aug 7 21 tf 'I ho Friends of O. I?. EAUHK. I*.?| , ropedu!!y nornmate him :ts a Candidate to reprt-en' Hpurtiuiburj District in the t:exl L?g -I it in?. duly 10 20 tf The iT'rii'h ol Gen. (). li. EI) ?YA KDS rr rpcclfully n onhiate him nsa Candidate to u r-r. sriit SpltMllhiirg P.S'liclitl 111** ll't^t ! .--iakitv.t t? J ply 10 tf PR. J. WINS MTU m(i CpQ 2<' U* Wo are authorised to announce .I VMM** V .VII. HOW, Kq., as a Can i ! it'* t?> rrjir -sent Spi.r m.*1>urg District in the next Legislature. July 3 27 tf The friends of Major e*. Call and see thein. 1 will remain in town some two or three weeks longer, and if any one withes to earn the now art, I can learn tjicm much quicker man jJaguerreotyping. May 10 12 tf INT otioo. At a MKKTlNt* of the HOARD OK COMMISSION KRS OK TMK POOR f-.r Sp rtanburg District, held St It July. I856,the following Resolti*tion was tJopUd, and ordered t?; bo published: Resolved, That this Hoard request the agents of all the out-standing Paupers of the District to fur- j ttieh to the Commissioners, hv fhe 1-1 th day of Au * I gust n?-xt, n stnienn nt, certified by,the Citizen* of their respective neighborhoods, of the condition of the persons placed under their care, setting forth their a^e, state ol health, physical ability to l.ilior, and all tho nvnilnbh: means they may ham for a sopport. Tlu samo to bo addressed to O. \Y. IIJxgg, at Spnrtanbnrg C. II. A Meeting of the Hoard Will he held at the J'oor UIouso, on the l ltli day of August next, (or the I purpose of desposing of all who may apply lor a -Gnpport at tliat place. CI. \V. II. LKy failed. As n sample : of its remarknble effects, Messrs fVtvia & Hicks, of Aulnugaville, Ala., writo us that it cured a J gentleman of Chronic Fever and Ague, which all j the cfficts of phvetoinns and their remedies rould j not aubduo. itc only took three bottles. The;, ay it aclla very rapidly, and mvntuns its l>igh ' reputation alt through trie eoontrv Aug 7 pi l.ii " R-Oll KlOUH Notice Liberal mind?d Chrlitiiinof *U P?t suasions, a Citizens generally, nrc Invited to attend th? pul of Rev. E. II. Lake, Universalis Mini*ler, Into Alabama, on the 2d Sunday in Augu--l, at o'clock, in tho vicinity of Ilobbyevi Ic, in th'? d trlct?place to to determined more folly by t ritixwi til (hit wetlon. duly 24 ?2 tf WHAT DO PHYSICIANS SAY 01 M'LANK'S VERMIFCJOK, PREPARED II FLEMING PROS.T ur Listen to the testimony of an em.iient j>h ician in favor o! M'Lane'a Vermifuge, which now uuiversnlly acknowledged to 1m? the last uee; even member* of the medical faculty (who a so often opposed to the use of jmtent med cm< cannot wiihl.r^^tbe approval of thin invaluat remedy s Lino, Stark Co., Ohio, January P, 1849. I have used Dr. M'I.j)ne'a Worm Specific, pr pared by Fleming Pro*., l*itt?bn-gli, Pa , in n private prnet'ee, and am prepared to say tlint tl unparalleled success with which I have prcacril* I its use, both for children nnd adults, induct a me | say the moot in ita favor of nny specific or pnte medicine ever before brought to my notice. Tl i itvhIc <>! administration, the amnlln*-** of the do* and the certainty ol its efficacious eflects, give it my opinion a decided advantage over nny oth medicine of (lie kind be'ore tii<- public. iW Purchasers will he careful to n*>k for Dl M'LANE'S CELEBRATED VEKM1KUGI manuTuettU'ed Uy FLEMING PROS ,Pittvburo IV AH otln r Vermilugea in ccmpuriNon a worthless. Dr. M*Lano'e genuine Vermifuge, al his celebrated L ver Pills, can now b? iisd at i rev pec table drug stores. None ganuitie in tho the signature of FLEMING PROS. Aug 1 fi i It ! Col'Xirt ?Rut few of the r-iidin_r nubtic 11 nwnre how continually an editor is called upon advise his patron. on every subject, from polili to the breed of cattle. Tlnonch the whole r n| of our duties none has perplexed us more than toll our renders what to take for u cure whi n tin art) sick. Hitherto this has been n severe trial all our skill, but it will uut be heresficr. We ha been taking, and have seen the evidi nee frotn nth', that have taken, l>oct. Ayer's Cherry Peetrtnn to the s > k^nud that a thfj cure ?i?u*(r>u Ilrra! Aug 7 'J I I Rags! Rags! Hairs! Wit tire taking all tin- RAtiS we can c* t exchange lor GUtlllS. S> t ?.?t litem i Darke*. UKNXKTT vV CU>S. i Aug 7 2-1 tl NOTICE. i rl"MlE Pentale Tenehets in .1 l> Moiitgnir. u j X J. la. I II P IS airy's an i hi. K. Pavii ' i Seats, will lake no ee that tl ?y ar. r*-?p ?-?ie.| meettliei1 Caemu >? >??r? ? ? il eJtli "? \ i t R)>A , I It A IIJ US', lit ISrthel Chnt'll. Itl I vaioilei on ] punctual atteiialunec i> rnpeetUil'v teste I. 1 I nrdo. oftlo* liadiil *( I rt a S? ii.nl Coiimi s^h.ih i AUiT 7 -4 if A. NVI Nt;?), Stfp>t 'a'y The State of South Carolina. Sl'ARTANtil'RO DlSTIUCT. in t?ii: couur of mrdinauy. Ct.nii.iti for 1.1-tti-rtAdo- p ?iint en ( IVHKflKAS I>r. H E. WOIKOUH >i , * ? nppfid t" in" ;??? E turn >( Adm I ? i ! | 4tlil i'l'?tlit?, iif I.J-.\ 1 II. \l Oi I I t!! I I, ii< ri .i1 TIm^C ill" il.i ri-ful o tn fill" In! I; ;T:ui't r !i nil s , ifujn' ir t'u Kin Itv ! ;iu-l err'itor*'if ;! ! r'ct?r? . t.> Mini ii|.(. r.i .it flu* < 'i.ui t ot (.>; . i Hry, t r . : l> Ntru't. to In* It. M .it Sjtiitmi'.iur.' t ?.r t Ho . uii llie 'J"2 I iti-t I'it, j A tijtih!,i ?|i< i i .H-., i' .ii ' exist, wliy miii'Ii letter* nl niil.i Hot L. elJil<>?'il. j ti.vi ii under my l.und mi.I -. ;il uf ofli. , tIt . ; i Jh> hi Aiigux!, lt-..C. ii. II V\ Dl.N, August ? 'J 1 ?t O f 11 1 The S!ate of Soulii fiH'fllina. Si'Abiani?vtin Drfitnt r. IN T'f K COL'KT ?.)I' OIll>INAllV . 11 e11j 1111111 II.unnu-tt, Appt. vs ft-Hj.-ui! ?i I' ^ Aiiin'r., flu.I i?tlii-i i. ili ii itiljiiitx Citatum t" hi-ttli n.iiit, IT !i i?h?u hron nliriwn fza'>i t Ii Urrlinuii, il?-c ;iM-d, iirt< dani:' it' tin* ilmvc can--, r*t'i!c frnniaoil without i limits 11 t'ii? S?aV: It in therefor'- or.Ii risl ami d [ creed, that iliry benne s- ;ti. <1 ami i. ?- . i?of tin- same ordered to l>o paid out .ionn.l i | to law. or their Oonm.-nt to tin- srtmc will be tuk pro ronfrtso. I <1 v n uiiiler my hand and s--.il >f . filer, 11 "! July, f8et?. 11 JW >\Y]>I.N ,*> s r>. ! August 7 ?1 l'dt | MORE PRIZES THAN BLANKS ! 7,707 Prizes! $102,000, 15,00 0 N I' >1 B E R S 0 N I \ GUAM) SPJ-XTI'LATION ! KOI: A S.MAI IN VEST Ml! NT: IMPRQVfWENT ON THE APPROVED Lottery. I A s I? liTci M \ T V ACADEMY LOTTERY By Authority of the State of Georgia OLilSS P. To be <1 raw n Al (.> I'KT l.ltli, I8.1R. at Coson Ilil.L, Mrn Uli, Ox , Oi.-ief lilt- StMil II Slipi'I'lMci ikiirr of Col ( ko. M. Looam timl .(*? A. .Ni JIKT, ITMJ 'I'ltio lottery is drawn on the I'ltu of tli<- U'?y lottery of I litrfttia of singe .N umbers; ties ho 1.1.000 Number- mill thv ILiviinuj/'iU't)' iff,"' Xnmbora?the Havana 210 Pi * * ? tli - 7,7t Prises. I?ok lo your interest] Now i* the tint Capital B13,000. ( Priwof $1.1,000 is $15,0( 1 ? . 3,t?00 i? 3,iK ] 44 2,000 in 2,0< 4 44 ) .0(H) ?r? 4.o: 10 ? .100 are ft,Of fiO * 44 1 (HI are . ft.Ot SO Approximations of 4.10 to 5 I.1,000 tiro I,Of .10 44 2.1 to 3.000 are I ,(H 50 44 SO to 2.01 HI arc 1,01 80 Approximations of $12 I 2 to one It of the < hi pi In la o( $1,0OH are 1. ' ?,7R7 Priam of $S 1 2 nre R3,U( 7.707 Pr'*? ?, amounting to $102,000. Tiok'ln $10; Httlvr* Quarter* $2.50. Prizes payable without deduct ioT Persons sending money l?y mud nerd not l< X bi iiiK lort. Order- punetuiilty attended to t'on muntontioo? ooofid? tuml. Hank not.a of noon (Milk* taken at pnr. Drawing" aeiii to ail ordering tieko*. Those w slung particular numiinn should ord? immediately. The 7..10O Fries of ?$4 are determ n< d by tli drawing of the Capital of $15,000; H the Ntimht that draw* the Capital m nn even Number, lh F If 1NTFR. Mn?*g?r Anj 7 ? I tf >. GOVERNOR'S BALL. I>cl \\7 F. ar? prepared ?Y m^OmSL now ''vr '*>. containing i .075 acres, Ring In the upper part ol Union Dn,f\i - trict, three milm above liriud.ll'a ^ She.Is, ?'ii both *i i.-s ?>f the mad leading from J w Spartanburg to Yorkviilo, end adjoining lamia of , in Win. Llttlejohn, *r., Win. Norri?, 1). Mitchell, rt. ntnl other*. Tlt*ro are about 1 ^0 acres of good bottom land, lying on Pacolet and M.ll Creek; ?>(H) '* aort a first rate wonllakil; BOO ucros somewhat >'? worn; the balance fresh, end in a good state of cul- *i livatiun. o On the place are a framed DWELLING, Machiue and oilier uecessnry buil hngs. ?" There lauds are well wateretl with good spring* y and are healthy. lie Those wishing to purchf re lands in thia country ' pfj would do well to cull and sec,a* I wish to go Went, R ami will give n bargain. 11 ?? A1?n, nt) intcri-st in acres, known as Fur f nt r.nd Roost?the Incuts)*!-of a I h-pot ol the Spartan- I |lt. burg and Ui?h>n Railroad being nt that.place. Alio 7 24 tf WM. MTTLKJOHN, jr_n._ in Anotlior I ] | BEAD COCK IN THE PIT \ j i? | T MI K Massachusetts Horlingnmc Chicken turns | '! tl A. om to he noth'ng more or leas than a c<>m|Jt i m >n Dungh'tl, who wdl ttotlight off lits own bum- ! ' I yard. Atler eating up lib own former ah)col ap- I ""J ' j ologies, and inviting?i challenge lr<>tn Brook*. I c k" rt i peposea to let Rr??iks have a pop at hint, it he j ' an ! will pass through live Sinus and goto I<.-v Nigg- r j ,11 Canada. We would ns eex.ii run the guimh-t j v' through five thousand Imliuti* a? In undertake that I ' jsg> with the telegraph in the h inds ol liurhn- ^ ! g iinc's fri nds, to set u mob on us nt ev< ry Depot. The fact is. hianame is a misnomer?it should laspelt Rorleaijuejjnme, and if 11 ooks ever g'-t* a 11 light, lie will have to take another breed of J to and M*e the cane and cowhide lor the abolition cuts 1 J o* | that are snarling uImiui his heels. j * I All this excitement will ud in the same way t i The Riitck Ileou'.du .11 fret- soil ubol t oil ?t t at ihr . I North w-'ll . oad the South in l.ion until I < i? in rry ly aroused, and then, when het.udic* b s'ail, shakes |(i | Irs inane, and gives ive ?? fniilv to Ho, It-'iow citir"iH>, It t u? calm <1n \ i., mid ??1 MLIK'IIAN ! .e ' I MS II. *vc ? hIi partii u'.-irly t<> (*'vr vnn ttot'i*c, tli;it t u' 1 ne tunc 'jot on tin (iff n Inrjfi- r! x'Vt of \* hell we nrc ''ennoiix t.t rel(, iii or ii-r to oinkr r?? >m fm ! m loir KALI, .in.I \V 1VJ'I.K t* 11 II..K wlie l> *v expect to |>uic!iie? Itie lit li. J \ < ft m K, li ' * I I i t.l r to ri'Jeei the noe out ? (i |? e., ?i l' l..nnl li .fc ?l"ttnnMi <1 to iL|xnv of th? r |.irg? ? ofciel tnielit ' SPAING AND SUMI-IEli GOODS, AT AND BELOW COST. j Cii'iipi ?'ik' < btNiti'ilul on I roe variety el I>ro3S Grood?, ' 'tin* Int. *: i.t\"x M'itl N' ' inJ >1 vltll.lt "! ! |lRK*lj |ihlJ,r lujnil, ?L'.; I'I' >'I' ! -in ?. Mail!*, i'l ult nl .o a ali i pfettj Ji -,'^1 -j a 1 ' I li lulitnl *1 \ '( ef | ufj&l&ljf C/A Li' J;ii .t l,J , iiem!,.*.* II . Atp-vrt*.! . . . ry k m! of PRLSS j (JuOllH: sil-o. ' i n o< beaut il p.ttttin* iti tin , ' ">' 1 nny ot ?n?LLii;s r- (!'. ;i.2-, Koil.:.*.! , j rtnl t Jitll IIS liliri >iei I'r* ntit it*: I,. \? '.il ' and t .Wllbre S.-ttx, Ct?.'ni?. tic", li lilkiichii -, fte ; the lat t I in i ?.?M >>' oj FRENCH BONNETS, j with an 1 w.tli ut tvi .i ii ij i; R .b u?: a fine lot ot t | I'll'Im>, tie pt tie.*! .Ill 'lo p.*-: .11 til till' .%?. at ' >' n. | owte p? r na rj nil ?t .'? of ladirti' tin itc I ho niiou; . :i x'en- vo clock of a ?| 3^1)711 IBDy ' in winch w i. bo num.I evert art?lo nc.f*r o v t jt r supply i'io *1 <-ii iii>1 ol i!?? p ;itiin?fine (' I .* * I 11 * j FOAIS, I ll.t 11 111 > >t ) ( 1,1.-I . . ||. i S iU mi.I Fancy \ and ?i\Irani ]>utsj ' I'-rll of Summer mi i?; I.n S. k mid la > ii I l:i>, |< ' foliflla.chir.il; llOM l'S and SI II ?I-!S, and -i rer.il a*- t '. invil ?>l (. mli ai ,"ij l'-inr ' " (ioodr - ' In addition, w, have h.ai iti n heavy Mipp'v ol : DOMESTIC GOODS, j i Sit"'-! unc, |; tl s -it ,1 i'u1'. r\; Si'.Fi", l?r i j Whip*, oiui every 11. i>vr which our customers can j ! W'aHt. . j Wo IM nn (hat tee can ?l?ow tho bwt nock a ' i r'e*S " "*' "IK I.I. M \ l? I' JLai.xL.J~ old. rat In i' tl> ii in tl eh, in* n. d I |m ' ) litand pi lees lin. y. 1 \* I pay a i n'lle reward for ln-i > mo ol I' i..m v i.e.. i t . !?r nformat ii licit w :i . able n pi b?>i altfly 94 28 3t F ? KOWLKR JSJotlcc. \ 1.1. lVrsonc bavins Hl'SINKSS Kf| in ihr . " 1 \ l.:.t .1 \ TUIMMII It, i<.- '.I ' !. " I.IVAN it 1 Jti M M11 .It, foi iiiit-n: ii, :ir<* licrcliv " uutili.-d 11 H iiM'i'i w ill tin-in mi Monday, t! ;,l IK?li, lit S| ilulv til 2-i if HI Sparlanburp; and 2 nion If. Road. I lie Siookholii. ra in tin- Spannn'.m if nn-l I'll n llailroad (loinpatiy wll liotil llictr Ann il M- I , iii^ at I. n oiiv.i.r, on the " -<-o|>il Wislin-mloi ( l.itii (|) day) of Au_'?i?-t, Is."i(} '| ho met't.r.n w.'l |.n a )l( very important out-, nn-l n f.ili p-1- .nl mi-n i..!? nl th<-Sinetilnddtm in rrispeettully * -l:?--t??! uy tin! Funident. I(l Tin-f-illowinjf gmilempn wer< npp-ntrd at onr i M( ' last Annual .Mniitio to \?-riir pr-'x \.v I' M) Dav>*. I' H !? t? r, I. fl. McK n i k. ^ T'l l sOllii ll.irillfr pi ox 'I ** ? 'I Jil' l I ail I or M*:id tin-in to f -iiiiii :In-'.-r-i- il.?- ?i <; ot |(| nir?'ll:iff iy . Slm-UmMrH v. i! p'c.i-i- it-.t oe the following i?-. I j Rohitmn, pawn.I al 'In .ilintMl unt illio lit Spartan- i burg: "Rf?olv-<1. That all pro* C? r.nvi* in I'*>:rnre I I. be rt-vok< <1 alit r il- fuel .latino t n-*t } .IOIIN II KVINS, Secretary. 1 *' * .TuU* 17 CI 4 > " Si nuimksT "j? VT the Family Drug and Pi"'i?n Flore | of FISH bit ifc II KIN ITS! I nurv be lind ? t t| DIAMOND sTAK< il. Pig -libit*. White Wax, j ic Com Start*!t, 'faptiKK, lii'iM, Pearl S*co, I', ai l ! m r Rnrley, Ot-l iiinr, Arr.iw Root, Em*! eh Mu.tnrd, S*ii| Mialth Chocolate, Put*' Otoiind f?pi?-. ?, ,< |o ! I >.xt lieil (to**- Water. < ?r?.ii^i- rinwi r W >t? r, Fi t Ii b , eoriag KitrMln, Salad Oil, S.tt-nr and R- 'deant, , Itluek Pepper, AWpiw, tKirr*. Onn?ni t tirijp-r. Ac. ; -hiii '.'fi 1H ?t J III I U ILL J. ?. STENHOUSE, f dkalek in hardware. cutlery, 13 GROCERIES, 8cC. OPPOSITE BRICK RANCE, F Spartanburg C. II. C. July Si 22 ly IBM 1 11 !" Am Urn SES*XW9 i Sso. 2, brick range. [ N order t.? make i-?v.in, Mii.l rnieo Motiev l?r Settlement. 1 must I'ltGE upon 'I iwl'bled to make immediate peyuvtit, a* we rc obliged1 to rai??- Money It not i>?tH we will'or jmpdli-fl toSUJ2. A li. K1RUY. _July 24 ?2 if ADMINISTRATORS' SALE. [> V Perm:** iti <>f R. Powr.leh, Ord'naiy, ' I J we w ;l vll at Public hW>, on Wr? dues lay, j to 6th of AtiiUPi mat, nl tbe Into reaid< nee ot j AMIS V TRIM MICK, all of bis PERSONAL) STATE, coiiaUtina of Three N>vroe* (Ann ami j er 2 ''!l l'lr< i?,l a pair <>f IIor?e? and Carriage, a ' it ot Hop*, a c "d 2 hnrnc wrjjon mid linrm ?*; ait '1 r I. ? IhnieelioUl and Kitchen Furniture; o'so, a irgr rollift'nii of valuable b'?>k?. On tin t-.uno dav, nt hi" tat*- office on CI tor oh not.will b.- -old. ho LA A LinilAKY. coiirial- ! ig of many v tuahlc and now work*; a l.irg" lot ol il.ANKS; n I'.h ! <\ikp, T:ibV*. H< ttl >.\ V, Au^uit 13th, ! 8 li, on the ' P* havana pi an t i SAMUEL SWAN, Manag r. PHIZES AMOUNTING TO 152114, Mil 31" \\ II L>" .' -tr '>;> . .! iiimr ; ii t * tin1 to! wv 10,000 Numbers?1.?. 1SPrize*!! 1 Pr'tt of $Ht,Oi'0i? 5>i >.OI|ii J " 1 is J ' 1 ' T.i'tO it 7,ofU * 1 " 7?,*t**v? * H.Don * I " 2,(>*IU it 2,Q0U 1 " 1,0(111* 1,**UU j ;n 1 " 1,01K* IN ] ,< ??? 10 " 2 Ml IS V.OtMJ J 10 " 1"" ' 111.'MM I | t ju'i'.- ' J J' o np. t>< < 111.000 p #n> 5snO 4 ? ',I?M 15.0IMI nro 40*' j , I " T:? " 7" ;ir?? I ' till " a.OOtl " nr.. 241. | 1 " u.l ' 20'*-Ii " ill.' Villi*. <; 1 " 4'I ] .1 00 ' ? .. |Go 4 ' " I ?" a-- 10o 40 * 2il 2 mi " urr K(.(i , u.OOO ' t ?* v 120,011 pV < nir>..u:,Kic l.OOO TIm 1, ,ikh I'i / . ! < r?- ;.-0 ''.i ii* ?t lij i H irnb'T w|i . It n - ii"- !?4'.',000 1': -it llint , .nil'., r >' o . 1 Of . ti " !>! ilu i.Vi r. i :i , 1 cry 11>1 . i l'i|i I in ll?>* P.'Ih nio w |l bo lit '. 1 to N; il nri ?>\ it iHitiin r, t' rr i-rn v iY.-n niin'i V ' vi,. I m 51 i i ? I ' > " hi :i ill . uii j)i , ..ii,, r j j 'i/e ..! . U ii.. y '? iluu'n. , Pii ' '? ii i i'i >iy :iiiiijUi! .jti ! : ,\ ,f nl. j| ti I Pi-'I i .ini'i- r i . ? .\ : I. r i i i ii ,1 n\\ nit y ""f ' "I' O.tl if llu- MIIK*, wtilt cliiiiiot'K ( iltll illi lijf ? prl I 'l l' ? A I lli"-* i i I.. '? ?ii.i i 2 w tli O, 2. 4, il. S, .nr.. ? ii pi* i nn i / \\ i'i I. 7, .ir i *"# " K ii'riuhi r tu.it f\ry I'i z..- in ili.mt:, ?nd |\ lIlV 111 III!! W |!|ll|lt iji l'll '|!ii*I. ?v*>' Ai Prhi .*? 1 .<'00 iiinl.ui.-hr,pii In m* < ::it-'Jy '.1'ti-i' f nig-<>thi-r l'riivs .i! tl-c ti?u I t in** -?! l!:irlv AII emu i ii i-p in* ntrHiv iMnfiitiMi^The rr.wn i-unilvi* ? I Ui i-rwin.hfl t-> pcri'lmx' mm al.r'rh* . : r 11ilr.-nv i f, W !i 1 I j>l"?Il.i'v?-?, r??T^unr' M " 1'i'z I'. ....I or ifiu iu,! in i.:l\ir ti k is I ' i llii i < Mi < > 'i-rs ii i m > < ,ii H- .pi! in >p 1 to s. PWAN ?v C*Adonis, Go. ?r S s W A N, Miiiiiffiincrv, Alii, t t\ r' | 29 " if Jl MSkj 'i " """ hi; \v. i ant.tu-:, ,iuiy it, i >:.o. i ? r>ni)Kn N.? * IM Tin :;i II ; p?. r'. S. C M, * I p.ini.h' nt r" 'hxiiiii\- Mil I- '1 mi \V?-ti.i!... 1 l in.rn-.i- nil 1 Ii It 1 ,lull-( ..inlli.pp ..III 1 nil. ' 1 Tn w it a |ti*ar llio il.-v pffviotii Ipr drill at..I in- < riii'iinn 'I'll !' i:: i I I . ' 1 Mii?> r !' nlt.'ii ' on 1h>i'i ,i\- s M sNwnnv. < li.ith i: r. ( M o J \\ Wrnntit, X I ! 1111,1 .*1 'v 17 -1 'f ?,| f c M jJjW t t'NIONYlLLK, S. C OKDKUN'O. 1 '! > I< I'.nf nis ? 9*li Hr PCM, w !; ,11 ;,ile litr 1)' Ki vu,*, n* : 'I'u :t !i Hi . " Hi I ?1.11 11 v i\ ,1 |> r :it ?-i: r|i >iir 11<>, i.ii'i liu ? i?v, 7 'i \ nu: Tin ti'li !< . < ' Infantry vnlt j>, ' )?> nt lotiiM 'if OM K.i-.il, i ii WmIIH* >i>, ilu' m.li Anmh< y' p,|j Tin" .iTili R, f 'n?-iit at ^ .kens' OM K.e'.d, < , M iiril.iv, t)i? tr.iK Aiiiinut 11 *?. "1'fir- .'it 'i Ii i'liiU'ilt lit Yor?\vl!o. ii ii Tu-'miI .v, ' li'ili Aiil'iimI Tin- 4*it'i li"U miMil at E'm iii-j, r, i n Tiiui* i.iv. !|v u'9l?t Allium n?~*t. OlFi r<, Oitnnr-s "ii >1 ni',1 nm-Cnmm'M.'r>nni, ' ' roqurid t" ''1,> 'I'll" pr'"i the IV Of 1 { - V i? \V l.f itlH r I ?p"?'tl\! K- no rt M. . tii r.nd i'qni|i|>o 44 10.000 " ' 4 ft 44 44 50 " | ,0(>O ? 44 4 8 44 44 40 4* 400 44 44 3; 8 " " 30 44 ?2'J 44 44 2 40 14 44 20 44 80 44 44 8 ,000 Pi zca of 4 uutu en oei m mber tiokvt >11 * 11 Scheme t??- en.tied to 4 m 1 veil number. then evrry even ttum t*r tick tl.c .Si heme will t o cntitle l t?>$l, 1 1 nrf.ht'on V other I'm Which the ticket m iy draw. I'ureliu* tb in hutiiuf nil equal qu int tv ol ' J even Bunmcr l ekeiM niil be certain ot Ji wii rtily luJf the rf the Mine, w I lit elianotr mining nihet Ihiie*. All t'lewe I U lino wiftl 0, >. 4. 0, 8, J ' O' ctl thuae en4.11/ with I. 3. 5, ?. 0, Me mil HP'Keiiifin tl?it . vry J' /v i? diyun. S.llilo III fil l without 1.'jw0 .in 1 un 1 -r. p-,mrr it. !y ?'! i- t! - ili.iwi'i" ? ntlu-r IV/ ? n. ll.f i ! ni; hi tliiity \?. All C'>initun!i ii . ? * *'r ronfiVr T iwti inniilH-r* wilt ti.u':>rt< \L CUI ?\>K HIIKI"MATlSM, UllKUMAHO ODlTT AND KJIAHVA. 4rT-. 'Itc ini..i*t> j;u.l utM i Patn: ' ? t.'.iatt \ , i ? ;i. .fifull* Si .r ! .m tin* ctlh-m \ ' I ii, i i An l;itii m .t , 1' i* tin- tri tunnit of nou < <.! r.iiin' US- unint ? my ! ? ? Iitrm/ t-c> n titod-Mtul!) trintid r .1 'i GIRS' ?N . tv tli.n ?>ur |i?'i-. i.?l i.n>ii :<>, in which ihi-Ko I'.i'.v.ioi m * w< |>riiic"j>i i -I 1 ! 17 jtit" iim, M TV V\ hi. H C.irtrr, pfi. n r.. M ,-l . D It AD ?, |1 llirwill, 'l h' n i? !t?w|nT?. , i> 1 Ik hi..*. d Net ' - 'i ?t A ft r I** n iS;.. nvimSiT ol it' vulu il c n'.ii * v iu Lo t: . .. tt :i"' - .'inn "f tin ; ?fli.n I'rpj and .- 1 by ' 1 1 l''.III..II (,5a., II* p?-r l?>x Ai: urdi rs d r. i'trd I" I. ? . Vt'.f (.lievr ?i rli'tiil, mi I ft liwt pit I.l ?>( till'i' I- ', t!uii| ri*c?' t'l tin' Ml.' c.llr Mich Itiv.CC .V UIUV Mill ti i l l. It '.j ill r d. i on s.M.r. rv nsilius .v llUN'U-Ml. -y. -v...'ur-? d btmiMni W. P PRATT* N v!- ?*' . I\ 11N I.: I', t ??i V" ?5 I- i'i*\"N. jv . WAKDI AW ?V I. V? ?N, AU* V ; I n nr.. !> . i.-t...; i:i;edy YLin.Cl.ikt. i ( ?!.; M M. KAl!!.h*tir?s ' n i t!:t **_ !i r: tit St. p-t '.t y. .ti.lv - C. * 1> G. E. ELEOKD, Ni:\i i> h>it To m ui:i:s n.\f 1.. f7rTr?r>i-s-rr-(m <-w *?* < ;>? <>;i ltftti I .11 '.him .v II ;t,l \i. ?if t'.f f<> . .w r.rt c : h ' *l'*?. M *t '.Uf..;;s an.! ( "!;. 7 ' M !. n. - M I'. : . I . }' > tl.r.l. *, AIiiiioi uidi-m* !> ?, i U< > Lsirr, and N ?* IV|>< Ft I * I> u ... ; , -isu-k, i:?-.i ? ,. ..? .> ! >.? n" !*:>*, li it vv. . k'.iirt' i .1'. _-.? I'.it!. I. .. ; ?/ i _v ? M iv 7 1! ! > tto.il INiiilf for .Sale. I:AI:S; citpri r\fn "MllStr t ..f I.: IM ' NT A TK V Iviunr.t IJ.*n !, i ti t. t i1 >iK mt 7 * *, iij if. 11. < . in* it > ; it h ii'tl-.y .< in - rtjiibntj; .ii is .ii* ii i it. ..ui* n - . *\ til :.i' r* ?fii y '.u .1 ii * a?. ?i a all t .1 r.rn i*ii| nt-1- '.i f t.!'.<*w the land lie# Ii* ' ? "I 'I, II U ? * . an. it 1 .* till III ! IIIIW-l's" < '.fill. I >i I I* ( *.*i. *r./i( ui . iji.n '.inhi. . \rI.. Hfii: It: it. l?? r?*j:i,?:*i fi ll JiVic . 1' 11 .1. t ? I t> ..nVroil *>? . ' * i * , fit !-* i! iv i. hi .. r *i nt pith . ? ri: S;, *rt>?i,i.i, iir M.'ti?e .JuIlN B* ?MaK, I *' >! July 1(1 i'O t? i w HIGH r > ! I jmi> CATHARTIC < !: r\>!iiiV rnvsir. t ! > A IT :.!) * * .* - ' V mill: *i , | )>' . til.* . m n ill If H 1.1 I*' re i, .*.**. til l. .1* til In Itlli Wl'l* ill .1 If.': 8 wilrfl* nil. ] u s ? I irtd. 'J i use \i in* u'.* I ***i.t .; . lit e use j'n* I . . .j ?i,. c r .. us*-, c:c; if iff' -i 'fi iJf'/ u < if f!. i l ; r! < . Mot In rs ff (I r it iif li*t ; 1 lit i' |i|.%f o li.i? b> < it finiriil, w li t.i lltp' . Iitr !i fin I :y t-h- v .ilium >ir?i',<. :t: i liv n I. itiim dl i I, rltabni i, tfboi, tr< n? i I i *.! b; F1 MI'/R &. IIUNirSI! .lull' C"f li ' \ V J KJMMM-IK. r.... i ? . s . ntr.i t, tl' .'nt* ! ii In n . \ it 'ii' W. u. TflUlMlKR, I . . , . m m,i-'our>; i A .T \ : Ci ti in w ft i i Si v V 11 j ii uFTTciTsi MI IS II-iSI* V( R ;i | >i ? ; :.i!..n of i.rn? \fi ii. liOf ill on' i ir\ il irl liflpn. lu*'|>iclfl "!i I, .11 nll'Tl. in Ml) < .:? ?? 14 I Utrj' l At t'.i-rl.; i< liiiicfioM .1 > ol iup?t*in?Mc vilm i bit1 ! pirvi)?ni>i >>t ? | <]<-in o eho!> t n, no'l mi.on rtiji tin:* ' ih -inn. it i? icoii! >i-1v ?fik"c >l.iiri Iv rt Ip.Vv Jcrii hmiM hn ? 'h'uit t f a i.y immhkba nsixn^ii. ,?nn> ?r ! S if I'KArnWKi u'i't?. iceTTceTice"! ^ ?. it* wpfi'v nf *n? MILL 10*- r> i L. Ttny f'eonJ nt ?!u 5>'ivp "i it. I> O-vci vi Jlfin jr. ^bti 'It M?rt ft. V?y fl ii '.I Ys. w. ""'i' DEALER IX STAPLE AND PANCT DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HAW, CROCKERY. NO 3, BRICK RANGE. ia SpnrtanburffC.il., S. C. J?a? S6 18 If - J. M. ELFQRD, MAGISTRATE, B- AT SULLIVAN & TRIMMIElfcJ LAW OFFICE, ON* CHURCH "STREET. AG EXT of tl:?* SostVorn Mv'cul L;fu In?u?,ii?ce Cumpsrrj ikt Columbia. rtjfl tb? S lutl.ern Mutil&l Lift* nud Kir* in?uriuice ComjvtDy, i?t Atheu?, Ge<'rfr*?. 'Any informal ?>n ;n rtpaiH 13 Inr-umiirt g.een *t nil tinif .< I;lj SpniVtublirg, M*k IiA J8SS 2 6m " JOHN HEURY ZELLER, ) ! CONTECTONER AND JUECR, 1 SPARTA XL URO, oyporit" P*lm?4tn TTnurr, traopa bund Curdy, Cakrr. iiniid liop Hour, tin?- St-gsr". Ac.. & ., to wbici* . li? 411 fitf* public a'.t.mioa Nor. k9 41 ly. ? , 3>? 00 MAGISTRATE & ]JJ GENERAL COLLECTING AGENT ' Columbia, S. C. j j 10 ? 1y nnrr, McBerney & co >0 Dir^ccT ivroiTCHt avu wiiolr* A LA. DJCAi.rm IN , Z vmiam mid ( j;; DRY GOODS, >0. ;5? ri.iY.rr ^tkeiit, OH ARLESTON.S. C. " .Tin 46 ly_ I T A S. DOUGLASS, u! A TTORNE Y A T LA W. I I SPARTANBURG,C II, S. C. ! 0 to ' . ' 'Ti-C 11 XI j ' . tf al Court i ,? , _Ja"J E, Lr. 154 WEIGHT & 0RJR, ,.r I /? TTf)l7 \,T \'W J 7 / .IT!* I. - - - ? X fj M.X M 1J? 1 ? ) . ft*??AIITAMILRG. II. ' >n r .?: in Air* llrck J'ettd.linc, X) \t * , i >1 ' I ' I > Is- . v.. !? i:.r.' ,i :!j. , up t ,i?. " 1 ?' 1' AVmciit t?j' ii'iHiihurji C II. ^ .'a*. 1. ''s* A ndwr.-n C. H. | J:JU 3 rijf, . 45 tf n ... wv. x. bdSETIwE ;n I TA \ INC tc>'iii.- ] the. *?-niral pract'T o' l A MKDit INK, i?i '??!!umom>n w.'!i O-ntifttr. C ! i. ri'j -cti'ut!) il'-r j ii?t .-lurictw 11-tUc cil i*).? o* i, | : trt. i.b.;at.ii . * \ !?.*i. :y. t'tlivr itx \-.-v J r. k i< rj" X . fwtror.il %( ! '. .1 fJVir.-h 'ifft, ?! >>?..',. J. * Mrr?h 7 a if MM) \VARHA.\TS WJM K?. Qi)^ fM \i \ ' ' x:cr' "VAVXTS ' '* ' AVati?"rt. "1 l?e Sul>?,-i iwv U H v* i|it ?,n I glmt . i-vi pricv :.?r Ijtd 11 V r!? >. ' A. T STRAIN. V f-' u'Tnibo-if' n. 17 !*"**>* ' ! tf _ ^ CATHARTIC PILLSL "ni (vPBRATE by their prweifM influence on the ! j ri ' " internal viscera to purify tho Idood and atiwu- J ,,u late it into healthy action." They remove the I * obitriirtioni nf Ibe itvmich, liowrli, liter, Uid oinrt A orirana of tLe body, and, by restoring tluiir irregular ! j action to health, r rrec', wherever ther exist, cuch ' '' deraneetnents n* are the first eafnies of di?ea*e. 1 0 P. An extensive trial ol their virtues, by Professors, 1*1 yMCJ.ui*, and Patients, has shown cure* of dan- I i, permu diseases almost beyond belief, were they not ! j( , substantiated by person* of such exalted position i and character a* to forbid the suspicion if untruth, j " 1 Their rertifie.ite* are published in my American i Almanac, which the Aitrrt* below named are picas* t t > f,:nn*!i free to all inquiring. Anntxed we ?rive Dirrrfion* f >r their use in the J complaints whirh the* have been found to cure. j i' Foti CofTlKsw. ? lake otic or two Pill), or lb lUcl) qo'.ntitv aa to pep'Iv rjovc the bOWtU. C(e? t tivfr.cs* is frequently tha rgtrrav sUn* eule of Ptt.EM, and the cure of one complaint is the cure , of b< th. No person can Icel m,-U whfle tinder a J costive habit of Irodr. Hcr.ce it ahould lie, ,a? it , 1 can lie. promptly relieved. For ilesPKinix, which i? sotnetlnjes the cause ! ii , of for) ' uert. and iilnays uncmif ittabie, take tnild j d -* f'-?ir,iiiiettfc' ? - i',i.. o.?.. and live: rnto health* ai lion. T hey trill do it. and .* A"If." rf>, fyjr:\bum, alio ? . ' 'ir>i (if riv?pep*>.i wi.i t.ip: !!y d ,pi>)w n't ? forirei what ?-nraa v?>u. '' For a l'"ot i ariN?CU,of $fortnd Jnuiivr-of t-h* > *?4 j? h : . in i * rwieiai unl atrenKth't ir tiireil to t'ie tyitcm. ' 1'nii \i:hv' -vi - si. k 1T?t i -tir.Tf . Pa i in the Sr i'i fh, It tK, or S.H'. take fntfri f^nr h to n.?ht p'JN on c i i? tubed lit mi tivl per- m : te *ufTi.-h ntlv, take mot t.n* next ' > .mil t.iey y do. '1 nc?e complaint* "111 la* invent oil froir the ^ *\-ito:n. Don't ?ear tl r?o ami 1 r-r lutii'fd div nr?l : - tin* voir ?t 'in i li i> f" m'. 1 nit v ? v i \, r; '* ii 1 r'f 7>ikeo?** > of fie > ? . take t'it> l i. tT'Vv Mid r.-vrjvi'imy, *? I' , ) Weep I-, i. . v. la i.tif'i. I Iih ...! *.u <; :.cr- * ' r'.e ' 'ii to I u.ifith ?nd I'tnapia ft M? .* , (trend ill tt era rt.rl * in* hate hew. lual*r! tip by ; *rt the pin - i'ia and pur;: inu e u et of ttuae I'm, an? ' ! inmr ill rnntinjc iliaXain nftirti rurmrrl tn*j? it ti 1. f - irl . 11 i lutr. << j>' ' .v laMel ?' thert- ^ n ii.f.iient" ie ivn.jf t\a kUtfen-r tn |?rrf <1 Loadtk. J it I.'* } nr ll'itj to teu-u ty lolti.dl thai Von , <.. ' khoulit tmruile ronrwlf Rjflnm! ttte r? .-!d fo'errd ( , erith pt iip.i . tii' tcfw ?. ulcer*. ?orr? and "h?r .?Tir , ?>f the i.ii 1 n rl.*eanea gf the fchin, beotnna your , ( 1*y?tem mr.ta eleatin'Mt i 1 i J'oiupt TH* 1". on. tV.i^- *?e t'iO he.?t tn-ili- j ni efhe evor tl?*eotired. llioyalinuld l e t^kVn freely , ..! (,r.j I ;.t'.. -:n.l t if* nil . 'i ? the S need- r?t fneiiriiMe (li tor vrn oti' of the ? ri *ti o iike clriff tie'.ore t:,.-wind, ll v thia property , t u-y do n. i; gi.'jd in nrw I tl ,.n- sa *? ,.y ] , i the einarkable cnt*? mid *h tt.?n nX' miking rvory where. htwa flavrt t**"". * h*vm .. i 6 n i? 'reijoetiP V iVo'.iT- ' n.ned t>y in*cU.rr rm-f. I.id . f'P jO i? the v\nip- ' r torn. Do*''actio i i the uuc*. wruch empties ihe ' ^ bde ii.t 1 " ? it* h c 1" .* tl f .,,4e it> r>k-ei "n* j ( nt'i tb? hlfM.r1 1 hi* pr.'dnre* Jtiiindioe. wilh * [.j lftr({ m... (l.aigrrftirt tra'a of erik. C o?ti\enc*?. or , ? el- j'.(ornately r'-tiren.-mi ?nd daorrha-a, jrevails. ' I n I Vvetiali kymntop a; l n- jfunr, low apirita, vr?ti?rinaaa, ri *tle**ne*?, rp I incSnrhnly, with cometiine* jr.- " n' tv to sjrvn. , id soi.ietiiiiira emit rlroiTairiM. sontefmtje Ibtri' it ttrrap^n in tlir ildr; the*kin ' and tha white of the rya* become a greenish reKow . tne stomach acid; the bowels sor* to the touch; ,4u? whole sjatefti rritable, w.th a tendency to fever. ' which may turn to bilious lever, bilious colic, bflkm* , v - diarrhtra.'dysentery, Ac. A medium do-e of throe or four i'ilW taken at n.ght, followed by two or three tn the morning", and repeat. .1 a l?w day a, will resnove the enua# of all these troubles. It is wicked toewfer .' aitch paint whin ynt can cjro them for 36 cents | UUBt/MATISH, (intTT, nnd nil Juftiny ?atary Ft- | rer?, nre rap-diy cured hy the pimtyiag effects of j | theee hills upon the hiooj and the stimulus whieh , " thev atf >rd to the vital principsl o: lute. For thou- , r J and all kindred comphunts tht v should be taken i? ; " mild doses, to move tho botv. l* gently, hut freely, f; Asa Djs.vck l'tht. this is both - reea.hle and No TM! ean he in*'.e mote plensant to t*k?, i a.,.-^L, . nlv nr. re hut been n ide ...ore effort-til to J , the purp.iae for which a diutx-r pill ia atupioy?<1. ; * .n , PftSTAACn BY ! v Y>It. J. C. A VUK A CO., 1 ' Praotioul and Analytical Chemibta, , * LOWELL, MASS., ot I A>n eou> by 7IAIIKR A' HKI.SM^rt. Sjts n?vm ^ ! f, Y, Rrxi by ah, iM? c.dt.iMa ,it>.l I 'r.1* ^ su ere. HAV1LAND dc i! ARIlAl., t'Urwhi., y i.?, WuoisaALc Aosier#. , Apr"l" 8 4* if 1,1 '== ""ijlssi 2 ^ 2 !T3 *- jv 0 ? ? 3' 2 s"5!# * : In..--? Q C 3&? ? m . 3 ?, 15;c 0 fe -Z | Sis? " =1 p ^ S 5 <6 ^teeS KB5a sSS 5s*! a??52s35^ >g?? ? o tr OS ? 3 gJ3 r5^?=^5tt>S " Its pzfsg sj| ? ^9"M - =? -*. jt *>* ? ? 11 11 .# # CHEROKEE SPRINGS. P. I'AiVTREliL, Proprietor, AjjWL TIII9 plpase.ru Summer resort ia iwm# f7?.?r \ in complete repair, nitd ready (or tiro eiitertarauieeCof a }*r?* company of Ti i? :.*.-ui*J 8 nulra, northefwr of Spirtacbtirjj * II.. v?* l'>e ' m ' r?Bto*l??dine to Rotl?*rf?*?Iu?n, k. ?> , "ii nn rW*?t?d cml aurrtmod^i ** '.-a- ..nt walk- tud rivca. Co? p vd rooiua, <>nd pktzu* to both atari*# tli# *cr Untrth of th* tiu lr thMr talBuSI* m?}lcal proper! ire, mi t artk'uUri) Ur iap>d ict'in on th# !>*? * and ...riMi; ocncnvua in cctar.cov* >? ?? ?. A Sh"*?f end P!on<^v R&:ii? etc *lw< tmcfiod t? the Sftf'rg. The Spring itmdf #?* in* in a Ruck li-tjin, nftd tht? itrtfroewmcitt h?* ci?trict. 10 nrle? (mm Lim?t?>n Springs, -i in.lea fn-ni Broad Ri??r, joining >r. S A. G xwlmiin'e and Col. Jvnrt Jefflne*' vl. It fa W,II adapted to talking cotton and 'ri'ii On t'-e } !* ?? iv n cn'ii.'.rUbU Dwelling i?l oti.er Hn.klii ga, all r.c?. The place te well k ..f red wult line nnd a healthy Oliver j>i la O'ip he hiuti i joiu.iig it. It Rowfe-l. ' T'.uar "ivl.mr t , urchnn>- I-wd in tLia country rn ijd du Wi ll toe ll in I i e. i I wfah to gu wnt, till W'll *'Ve ;i U'lrtfii'lV. . K 1) WIIJCLNS, Wilkirumlle, duly 10 20 2m Gsyott's Yollow-Dack & * Sarsaparilla s row put oh is the Laroe?t SikoBot!.';s. AND IT ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE Til* lr8T S AHTAP AltlLLA MADE, AS M CERTIFIED IY THE WciNDEKFCL CtKES IT HAS FEB* "ORMEt). THE ORIGINAL COPIES OF WHICH i RE IS THE POSSESSION OF THE PROPEIETOB. vEMKMUPR. THIS 18 TOK. OSIT * *-** ?va ?.ll!0*N-At. >rTTC1C Sct-'lo^n, 8tj.I-.1V M croori.il Complaintn, Guncr. R|i, umatirai, and a vant arid* \t Pier nud perfectly rur?i? !?? wr.ify to Jni it j iir ?xr i?i ul fdlat* li-wk nit-? S i su|?r;iin + rf-. ptfri"ruK-d - a of jtie mil1 ?fn#djrl?i * ??* cti ie tk \ I.an cv r hem ?Recid? nti n-ao. 1 h.v- Ih1 n -.fH> -ifd fiT uv-ry vrant ?'.tH ?-mj >n? t>n my l?-ii? nn.t W t; in |Hl>< iht-y got wiud at I Ha I o t'" ?>n cru'.cl.ox aod in i>49 1 li id oivn JJ l-lliJ'U'.Vo! a'.r.rc t!t.Hiid t niMi'nj i-k> out in Ijw-jc Mio. wirtct dinnm it .-t i?5iv?- u.at'cr. ninl ;4 tlic nam* it it v t 'Li I i.: '-?*-? a' *M Vrn> r uniting noun . r'y t?? Itty t- Oow 1 lie ftX.'iy .I !;jve e.iffvitu! f-r rtigliU I (ies l-ot it?v ?m or ;uj>}u in- oaf tf your v -i r 'f?r i - huu*nt,my norrt *!i b? a.! I u ! < p nil itijW, * ttt itg I ..it t it-no i?>i Itiitf-x, Win a I J t"! takrn ji I-. !.t, v ntvn Hnii to a; y nil h?nUd. My t l'-'* ??'tl ul >> fi-elinutmeot. ] Imic it"W ii !. ? . Hi hoitU* '! >i?ar "Ex'r.el o.' Yel v I 'k nn 1 s?.n? -( u.lik,"1 nr.d 1 miw conntler t i"W sc. 11 mt'r..it .!r rf t!t?i tfflic'.fi to try tlar m?di . b-r 2 N '? t > I ciin- any Jtoonrn c'. i"-ttt a* H.n-tli to laiHxri inif trtwti ! an ! tutftnt 1 cm to 'like tt, (??r it will core ty \ly r:?" ? wi'! l-rov. r. inn Ur^n portion 'A . a*,-j, i an. ut ' - i- ~ 1 - o-ia AHUma, ?J:?1 tf ?l>V i I Ir)?id<> ifc-ld'h. re ithiltp .m >. ; ! .? *y i t mivrruni dipi-hur-jo, cod .. t ti--?v-r* p? rul ?i'to it>r r ?? *. Tlie po?pr'?i l>. ? | -im* >n i nttn.bn ?>f c.-rt'-fi v? of ? !!( * |~*rti?j-Tti <* ot the nh k t5itr*np?ii i w,n .it i ium d.lTweiii*. e;?d rrtiv t; r u-ixjt.ii I'tttryiw. , "y Tjt up in qua; l boU'ee?IMcc &! ftft trir, F-o.l T\*Ho!r4i!i n?(nil by SmvII i Ill rhirlmSirrrt, Jl. i> 0' ?> !?' tAm (At tSe S?atkerfl SioUe,*? *T)4).? II (>r4?ri wr*f IK- wiMeu-l' sold a i.mo r.T n-illEX .t 11 KlMITiWI. Hpurtenbur^, (to. C* W. 11. >V ATbOM, Git^uYille J' K KRtTTCIl. KFN N' 'N it VORr.TS, rIt'or* 11*. * 1* K. MKNKY, " C L 11A LUIS, ? CO., Keibw&trilien, N 0. April 2-1 9 . *j 100 Negroes Wanted. r W.hU : pureW* LK> LUCKILY N HGHOKa. I h?- . n . e >.i? o 12 ?t< I < r wlt't'i I rill i y fdr Oiiili pfi*< . Prriiiw \io?liinj; H> w k vi't |>li lnf>rm Mr. AKr*d T??-l*-n, .it ^p*?.? Mifeur^, C Hi ?*" npMrh NewSwfM C. ll , S. 5. R. H HOLM AN Nrwtf'ry C. n ,F C. Jan* ifi I# t" Application far Charter. ["VOTH. K . ! *r? be f-r?n Hud *f?ffbe*tlon w:lt La b tn '. <> :l ly-tr^kituiv *t it* nnt ? i?r t'w itditpifMirfl of n N?w pnlnrntiA C?y iy ? tNo rf SIKH tmihprg. V? ?u giyl ] uc i-Kj?.n , ni .oh A to >?? 31 fi? K>n'rtcr\H C Jiuif W !l .no