_p . THE CAROLINA SPARTAN. BY CAVIS & trimmier. Druolcir la Southern iiiijljts, politics. ^IfivicuUure, am* iiliscHJiinij. $2 PER AOTftnt VOL. XIII. SPARTA!NBURG, S. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1856. wn n THE CAROLINA SPARTAN. ? BY CAVIS AT~TUIMMIEH. ' T 0. P. VERNON, Associate Editor. ! Prite Two Dollars p.r annum ill adrnneo, ?>r $2 oO.it the end ol' the y.itr. il uot paid until i 1 of or tlii* your expire* $.'1.00. ? Payment wilt bo eonnidcrod in udvnti<>c if made 1 within tliroo immtli*. No subscription taken far hm? than six months. i M in-'y may bo roimttod through |Kwiiiia?tcr* at oar riak. i Advartiaemcnta iiiaori.il at t'lr n?ual ratn, an.l | cosirvl* m ul,' oil r as.in.iblo torins. , Too ^rAHr.ti oiri'iilii.n largely ov.-r this and ( adjo oil)x d *tri?t*. and offer*nil admirable iiiodium to oar friend* to resell customer*. _ 1 Job work of all kind.. |>rotiiptly executed. i Blank*. Law -ill I 1? pi ty, eou tin willy <>n hand ' or prin ed to ordor. Chi'lcslo:hn in Kansas. The following letter from a Charlest?>* i * htian in Kansas, Mr. Joseph I*. Csrr, we , in the Standard of Monday. A* this j r letter was written to the Chairman ?>f the 1 Kansas Committee ill Charleston, wo have every reason to believe its f.ivts and statesnients |?eifectly teliahle: 1'lattk Citv, Mo.. Mart Ii 2">. 18'iG. 1 >kaic Siu: Your t.Hvtir of i|i?? 27ili ill*. ' i reached tne ?>ii Saturday t-v.-nino l.-i-i. ami ' t I hasten to furnish you siieh itif-i *ii.iti??n a- _ I haw heeti aide to gather. In mi m-w a country hsICiiuk. much of what \<>n l?* I aire to know is merel nmttei <>1* t?|iini>?ii. < ami, iin|tressed with llie iiii|Mirlanee of giving you nothing hut vvlisl ha- heeii well r|igcs'ed, and is helieved to he eoiieet, I due tiled it ailvi.,.,:'?le to confer with on the subject. lie is mote Conversant with even ill ins; relating to ih? juiliiii"::1 condition of the territory than ant one in | this upper country, and ha- devoted min h ! attention to the scheme of tnii?nlaling K* m- ! <*s with pro-slavery em tor ants. The ie J milt of our confereiu-e I will euthodv in 1 answers to your questions in the ordc in which you have put them. Should un replies not ho as loll as \ou would wi>h tlietn. you must att>ihnte it to your t|ti< ~i that I sh*?uld 'write iuiiiii-diatelv," and l<> llit) importance of giving the information ? desired ill ilie earliest moment. 1. Can \<>U give Us aoournte inhumation * I as lo the relative *lre?i;lh amnio the /win " L ji'le seniors iu Kaiimtx *?f the iwii p.on. -/ c L I cannot toll with any pircisiuii tin- 1 strength of the Ih.i p.olios at litis tinn*. j 1 There lias I too it no reliable l?-l of'I lie i.>i>-^ ,l of either prnty silive last spring. Tint r.* i linns of tint election* ot W'hutiold an.I ' U't j 1 the tru?t vo|o ot the i. ?p.?olii?* partir?fc| 1 Tlioio being no opposition to W"liitti.-Kl. ; ' tint rule cast at liis oiooinui by our friends ' wh? Very light; while at R-e.loi's, tlioro be ing lio legal lostiaiuts, tlio vole was such 1 a* tno ubohlioiiists olu.se tst * roliilous olFm* |o send out can- j ' ^raiit!>, an.l as Mis-oiiii has ali.'ady en ' .lnbuie.i so m on sotllois. it is a | iin] or|.ti.l : .that iho other Southern Stales sli aild now .Co1110 IO OKI KssJslnlHV. i 'J. As to iho possibility of a hostile col* ' lisioii uuinrdiaieli. 1 think ih 'io is uoiio*. not iinlood do 1 he 1 lioio it very likoli liioio will ho one ai ail. 1 1 lie knowledge thai ed aoaiiist ihi'lll will keep iho ihtililloliisls III cheek, all.I preiclil I h -111 again bieakmg out in iii-iirrecimn; ami unless W hUetield s olo. tioii In* sot a-i.l.- aioi a ' new eh-oliou ordered, lln-re .ai.iiot well ' arise any occasion lo. a collision ?at least, 1 until next I.ill. wiiei the el c.i.ui f??i uiombers of the Legislature will be held. if The p issduluy ot sirtoigilit-uiug of ' fecliiahy the hand - o s li pro -noon parti by the next fall elect aunt. And 4. Waal nuintier ot , migrants fn.m he South w ill lie neoess ii \ (,? scciiie in a po l lltlv'al contest at the h i;lot box the iuaj.nl> ! I ty lo the pro- -I o e y p o i \. 1 I'ne election lor moiiibors ..f the Legiv ' latino will he hold 'ii lii'lii'ii* ilii- ? >11<11 i.hi | of Kni*a> Will l?c <|. liuitfiv >i*llI**-1. Till' ' is. Iio.tevgr. a in.-r? IHnlcr o| coiij.vllln-. ' for, o| coi; ?c. w?i niuiiol i? 11 lioa l:ii?i' tin* ' 0,>??>rr:iiiuii Irom I Ik- N"i li will l-c. r From (iiu iiio'i rcn.?!*lu w ** iivrc let! to iliui v?-,. *|iali r?-cci." ''u* ' HHimtior mi^f'tod ami in -re. Tln-rc will 1 jtlso Im; from M?"0'iu it Iji'oi- i-miotaiioti ' in H'lilil ion lo ill use jiIiv.i 1\ in il.t- |?-11 im 11 ry ?r * ? * 41 4 | 5. The pillics ?li ? urrive l?v ilo- lift ?.f Juiimoi|o|i( to Hi alio In I!i?*ii Inlior ctniu^li to tiny lor tlicir >uli>i*iciic?\ Ivnploxiim-hi 'i for nil kin can !? ??l?lril .* iii|>- [ tnaikrortioiied to llie different counties, and add- cotitei tig tu our numbers n rib of (lie Kansas , had il river, will not increase our strength, tor vve setelttj imve a majority there now; but il' the South* below frn men are distributed among the emm* protni ties south of the river, their vote* will tell. ; (rod! The emigrants would Mill come up the puuisl Missouii river, ami land at Kansas City or ; Atchison. a? thev might determine on ?o- p*P.? nig to the K.tMeiii iir Western |>oiti<>n of he Territory. Ateliison is nearer t Le ; In .'oinptou, the capital; ami I think tin- bet mont, ter |Miitlon of the Sutitliurii part o| the IV r L title rttor\ now open tor settlement can be Bet j i reaehed from that point ttio.?t eonveliienliv. made I'liese ate, however, matters lor Inline eon- ilao p tideratiou. kei? tr I would suggest that you should seek, prinle ts tar a* po-sthle, to itoliiee all who have a the 1> mail number of -laves to eome out. To tone j aielt litis I- it peeuliitrlv desirable countrv. to can itid tln-y need have it" fear of their slaves be pn 'Heaping. | |K. actual presence ot a good sett-e iti 111 i>?*r of slaves would at once settle litis condti 111131.0U. i tbawn Goii'.s Mercy in the Delude. ! , ; Sin Although we do not often treat our Aitiei emlers to religious n a .er, ittnl to some the "xtetit coii-ider it out of place ? the col. ktng ? f , 1 to me .tits o a purely secular paper, we are in* ^ ^ I need, by the "real la'autv and folceof tiic T't . ~ * 1 IIC 1 ol'.owiug extract, to depart from our it-iiid i> v |'n it-tom. We Hml it in the North Btilish upon I veview, in a notice of sevetal sermon*. ' ""J* 1 I'lti* one was l>\ lb. Guthrie, of Scotland: , ' gllll b "Look, for example. Oil the calnstrophe ;i->;oti f the 1 blithe. We may have our alien- |llH. ,,| i<>n so engrossed by the diead and awful j, v Inn actel ?'l 'his judgment, as to ov er look ,orv ill that p-eee.led b, ?>"' see nothing but I...... .1.., . t "n ll vv Tie waiei* ii>u ti!I rivers swell into akea. ami lakes iiilo alaj a mij: fe'lila lain. ilie i-ea siiclcbrn niu her nuih to |( w fizo iInn living |H>|.iiltii<>n. Suit (lie com)*; iMitir* n-e; ami n??w, in.tii'li <1 with I>.-n-( ? |(.I(t at leimi hu- laliu-tl, iiuii eliiuh l *; ami im*' raili i i in hi 11 H'iiiuU above tin-in like u m*|ihuiIi' enti-iil i in I *ci(Ltil i*u-e- <>l tlit heir !? - ? ii'nji t? (? ?. iiii'U ami l>ca>t? fi^ht eohtiiu i Mamlii g i Ov >111. S;t!l tin- 11 n 11 t r> mar J iiul tin- oiiirfK n-e, till the la-l >uivi\oi ? III ire; (?"tl i -eivaiit has ilnlu- hi- walk; j]1(( to rv.-t > tl'inii In- labor*; hihI. ail laiul ^(,'iiin iin\viii'il?all life dcMmvi?l ? an .-ivvIiiIm ! |??*ie*?*i etice n-ijriiiiiijj ami a t?hoieh-*s ocean n>ii nm..no, 1 )i-a li I 'i once has lu-tliiim (? ?! ; Inn ] '|'||, i?U- in (i itlin|*ii mi tin- (?-|i ?'l x'liie giant mailer ili.i'W. wllli'll, meeting Im ioa-t. II" enlitl ' lent, mi Ai|>. im Amle*. I lin-nk upim, , 1||t. >l( s iuii "I ;ii.'I muml the umhl. i |lllIt,ir e i-lsi.i'l aghast :it 111-com-; ami a* I e hc\ lie c-i |?*?-!? "I gentle eliiMn ii ami Miivl ?ui|ni iitatii- me ijoat ng l?\, v*e exclaim, 11 a- ^ *?iii in ?o.| fo'JJO'.tell t'l be a| iii 'il i- !h- iiii-i .,;irl |, \ clean gone lo-c\i-i f ' N??; a-Mti -?1.y lint. ||J(. u Alien-. tin ll. i- Hi- on-iev? I....L- Ii...... Hi.I. !l iiuk at tin* aik wliuli. sU'i'ivd l>\ :i11 in- ii juj.-i /ISll'lo llUtlil. follies tllllliv 1111. II li! i ll o rio>>in. I hut lonely ship "ii m ^li"io'??s |iki |S va i'auii"> iiiiii\ "ii :iiul \? 11 in ii l!vl. a:ilU lli.it ;ti?* |>iii lied witlmiii sill*I vvitlu*it fii-i^lit itiai t'H'i -iiil Jiny i I till- M'll. 1 !l?* gl'lllS of till* C'llllllll ll'l* j,, here?till* Ji;ilii:iri*li*? "I llu* "III wmld.aiul ,,| |,j? lie lathers ot il"' new. Suddenly, ain?l j.sirn llu* awliil *;l""lll, as she ?11111 - "\?'i tlial 4 t-n?-i U*ml ami silent sea, a ii"i??* i- (|IU (i UMUl; sill* il-"> g iilllllled "II ill" l"|l "I ||||,|(.| A rat at. I In* 't""i i-* "|ifiu*i|; an.I hetie.illi ( (|j (|U. llie sign "I tlie "lin* lualu li 111 ? N l aiili* (j(.r \ j f.irtli 11 -111 then l'a|iii>inal liiiiial, like life n(lll l( fi"in 1 liu dead?like *"ii!> passing Imin u(| \|, 1 fit IPv 1111" a ?ial?"l ? i 1 ki* 11." ?.viHI | I,, alien tlun shall 1 isr al llu* summons ? I 110 f;iets \ ui iijii l I I e mill a in*.? lu*a\en ami a m*n otlieei arlli, iiiul I" set* li.e sign, whieh these j|,,, grnt latheis" liaileil, iiu-iicling the lieail .iiat was t'Miwiieil wilii iluuus j||t, N"i 1 - tills all. Our ll- ateiily F.ilhei's e'.,|"ii liar ictiT is ileai 1" 11-*, am! 1 inii?t miiiiiuI lieeiu t"ii iliat ? !? iiieit'V llew, lik" ilu* il '\e. t" li"_;u lint a?\ llilli, slu* liail s?, ).i il:e wiulil with |;. un, u-i wing-. W eie lllrlr I'lll eight, nid\ ell, eh U^lit sated? Tiieie v*?.ie thousands, nil) ,V-,\|u lulls si light. N"l I s il j 1 J~ I ." ?" < .... I I" |,.e I "i"i*l li"\v lolig a poind "I |?ati? lui*, ai.'l e-seut mail ing, iilul wariiig, ami e"iiipassmn. (."."it. leieiltil I Iiat ill" 'I'lll ili I' 1.' Hi* l>e seell on* llu* lightning tla-hed fi- in alien hallei ii-ateiis; long 1 liiimli-rs 1 ??l along 11,,11 lissi.lvina sk'i-; long ! I" o il"* i li'ials (/unit Mini >i tl iaii tie "l>; long I' 1?? the tl""r /, 7,1/11 hi.I mi|i>? |i .\eui til > ( ilu- a It. tiiul 1 llio |||,. |, u -lii'i iih ii'^i'iirivs 11I "in k liiiike 11 p. like |.i, hi, ' ileek "f a ! 1k''1"' ~hip. alul llu* walei* ve.'lllu usii.-ii 1."... , , , r t. i * i i i ... i - ixn c, jidm -IliK II }JHHI V ?' ""fi h" 111 lit* vx 11 c 11 i lit' ink ll"h|ci| ii u m\ >j I'lll in nwer iiiiiI town, hhI llin-o rmwahil lull iimii, i n|i", u lii'in 11 mi lie ynMiji.* Iiini clu?N ri'tl, iillfnl 111 a 1 .111; < i | ii ;i \ el * alnl cio-t'-, alnl -In cl>- i|i-i-. in*| -Ii.miI-, liiiliij mil llii-ir -initial- ill ili*- 'J'llt M<*~(i'IV Inliji In'l'iili* till-, (mil hail I'l'i li wa? <| ailing mi ini|*? iiiliiil wnrla! ia'|'i'iil;iiii-r. which llnai \lii'\ n*i Wiiiiiinj ill Nual > picadi |iii!ii'( i; ? W a- thane lintliin^ In iiint m I In 111 |,-i\ ii n tin* VC'IV In111 III ||||* ink I- -li'ix !"-? fnlliiW 11"'li -Kir y ; j|||,| ||iil||itier hi 11|?* miIIIiiI nf |?*fn li.i-i* ci-a-uU?- hatniini- In waken all l?nl K'liiK'i he ili'H i Ii wa- iml lill Mi'irl'ii arm nieces ;re?v wan in^injr tli winning hell, iiint. emu* ii list* |||H Wnfils i.f HIV lex I. cl.hi' i|a?ry nf liii< aw uI j-i11 Trim, f-r ami (I nrtv ilny- it laiiii'il iiirt*?aully, ami Inr one live, iiiiiiiu'il ami li Ii y a 1 y s* untie 'the ?alin ,.,,j iri'Vailuii nil lliu e rlli;' Iml while ilia- |.o each | km! nf (iml*- jll-lic i- ra'ckiilii'il |>\ iln\?, f,ireiil< lie per iml nf lii- I'Mijj -uttering wa- drawn nl Oil) Kit into vo ir-; ami llmie was u truce nf j|lt >110 hilinlfel nail twoniy year* between tlif keichi !r*t -irnkc nf llic lu ll uinl lliu fli-I cra-li maml if lliu tliuml?rf Jfonh grow -my prettc-ll- point, l ? mpf ntin<*a?. The vk *or ' <*p?H ii huge laughing mock lor Hie ii; il rUMkI nil it was covered will i of age, hihI its builder* with ttpl of the world; mid many a iesc men t ? l?ear, as, pointing li I lieavelis ahove and an empty , the e nt Ilis coming.'' Mud pn Then, as now, thou wen i?"waiting to he gracious.' " American FI.ij; in I lie City Me December, ]8o5, Mr. hunio, of introdin-ed a resolution into I Slates Senate, that the repm iilin S. l{oln*iIs, Capta ii o| |{ to Oeii. I uig^< concerning the hinted in the cil\ nl Mexico, In ?in the tiles o| the Secretary of > d and all eliglosscd copy deposit' epailini'til of State; also at the i lexdiition to reiiiti-st the I're^i >e a sword with siiiialdi.i device sciited to him in testimony o| ol (Jung e>s of his gallantry and ct. The last lesiiltilioti was i i. The following is the body of in question: Cnv of Mkmco, Sept. 17. 181 : I have (lie l.otior to return icnii ting \i 11 intitisied toin\ kei slot tiling o| (/lii'piilti'pei* and il; I '.lie eit v of .tlexim. \ mil cli was, "i expect tlial flo'J to he latitcd upon the capital of M< \ oiiilii:ss|i>n has hecli es? ctiled, *1 A lllcll.--.li it-nr ll.-.l . ...? it ............. ?. \ " 41 the |i:i!mh* ??f llit* r;ij?ilul * ! I'll)) lll'll III \ nil. ia*al*o I In- jirst plxntcil nil llio tti-n. stmnit'il hii11 iarrio'1 !*\ lino pally al the left of the cue t du'ptillt'pi'O. ia* sil*o tin* Jirst p'antiil nil llio Iniiinii alnl till Uiil l>\ I In* till*ll?-1IV |*f|| (Jill |?llili*|ll*C lllli! MS mImi llll-yi/i< I lilt 1111*? I nil I C at tin. (? aula, anil lliu jirst nti I ot tlii* city. us c*a i iiil I?y Seijji'Htit M inly, n 111\. wlmiii 1 scli'i'ti'iI t*i I'C.ir * i -liftl a lla^j. Mini tin; aliiicipalii liiu-il of In- ilmiio linimr t*> i i* In* cniintiv \\i*ii* lint Ii*;11 11*i i I' to cnlllliuil'l llilll to yolir *p i-ratinii. * |1 to ivmiM liavn Ih-imi it*tii ;li mill. hut lor a *evi*t<; wmitnl t\ I-* 111111 In In* iptarifis. It i* pi sin?ti!iI stale tli.il I'ttas not witli In n planleil n llio li.iileiy at ami when planleil *111 lint Im n (In* tinnta ami the eilv, lia Iclallicl In oil.,|.| lilt* | >i i *niifi * ! tivi* nun liallery ai**au!le.l !\ n?I ptiiv. On in* ectioii \mi vt- iliai ilii* t'an |i is l.e**n picicei l.y tin; I Mills 1 if tin* iinniv. le *s little ipt.'sli ill I'lit l!i it * tvoiiM infer I'min litis ie|mll III It i!*i*lts v\ a* llio ? *|i?*t i;i! ||i*l ultimo ,.f tin* city, ami that a l n| a sai :11 |.re*ealati Ml Woli .! 'litl ill* ?! *el t. It Is tin CHVa*in -?*, I lien hue llial tin* Irieiitls ?*t tan. ami tlio-i* \t|io welt* amuo i* p?*ifoi nit'il in the closilin . n .. .1 ' I r. I ..... 1 : ......Ml HUM i.lUM' |.?l , -Initial In* init > ii ii-imiiI ,i> tl|.> ii ami viiiticc-'titit ill** a U.? l llic liliu* in 1 SIS ? Ik-ii , till- |?1 -111 X li-. I'll i.. \ . .i ii teler llie luallei In 111?* C"Illu litaiv All.iir- xx.i- a<_jr.'i.l In. 11miiiiiitee. in uiili-r In .iiiiti- a ii ilio eoiiMiilrti ilia* j.tin - vxlto xx el i-iin | v\ illi tin* : points >|h*i ilii il. at.il iln-ir \\ i leiil* a:e J'uli iilii.I a-* a |miti<. juiit I lu'-.i* .Hi- 11 iii*i ii in el Lminn. C<'li.iiiai.il.*. ol tinnnl. Miijui Critlciulet) ??f tin* It* 111, I ' jnlli-l (itarv. I'l till* Si' it-lit i'l !' lili-\ Italim \ i It Ii 1 ? i . ii'l'nt Ijiiiimiih'.t Mall, jiihI I i II, lit lilt* i " llll-v U lllli.l I l'n . | l.'t** a- ill t nil <1 ! '. tfll'M* Ot II1 ! ' lallv llllll I t'lilll tin; M.111 lll.'l Ji*i|i.*rl**. All < I lliclll ili'lIX Ii till- I it.f tl'-pl IM'|| III till' live V. nr a I I III' (r Ilint ill* 11 1*11, lai|i*| 77 mih/ ffi! ; rm^rl a! ii t/e /.('in it'iin iff11 <>! tin' Pah 'nt. i. in I it ?.i* llifii* ili?j'lati'l ii 'iMilial nr.!.-1 1.1 I ii-iii r il l^nilin |iaH1 ii*?t |nirt nf tlie \v!|n'o > m* iijr ? ! 11|?* ^;ilf of Imm ii, lilt? 1'.iluie'.lo ll lif was i;|i *? ). i ee ln-cii can if'I, anil (lit* lif t llh iliatf, I'i|il. N i\In |r i \- *." in?f hi >!' tin- nil.hi. Ill till?- illlfl lllf'll.ltf i>illt?TV. <% I iii Ca|lt. It*?lmm i*' If llf i , flatfll i. ami 111 *|M11*?I willi ji spoil ?>t rivnlrv, lilt* 111it>jih oiiv eitv. In mi |>:l l of llin war li. witiifssfit a r||.n??f so iiiiti. l i?>i?t>li ii fiio M? M'vtoe mill ili * I Im* nlliium lillil llti'll III till* <1 lllllialltls hinili 'ii'^ili tu iiiifi tin Hilling fill til Ills wlllllf slM-||ot|| ust. Ilit* unit* a iis if :t< |ifi|. (i llll.lll IfHlIm^. IfII|? <1 tilt* line'i. II l I Ul'.'is Wolk, Hllll WllU'll Ills I iff, fii||in\ov as many of Ii<-? as i on I* I |>r *s.s l)nii)sf|\fs t?i Tim position was takfii, ami ' ^ wh? at ?i oil ! teemed oura. (idietni l'ersifor Smith, 1 li the ! remember well, pulled out hi* wau-li, and ^ the I cuoliy remarking Hint wo worts nuw in ilio j j iioor oitv ul Mexico, announced tlio liotir ami the j tin- I minute. nik Tins city had beon taken at its Mrmi^'-t j " ( ? the point, wlicre it 11:t?I hoeii -uppo-eil impieg tictti nsrb.'ts alld ollr (> >-!:i m, wiilmi a lew linn- > w to dred yauls o| the cil.iilel.oonlaiiiing.il wan * *(> -apposed, nearly ten (linti-aml ineii, any tiling t>u a pleasant one, llie li.o was * ^ . . ternlie, ami c>itiliiiueii'?.'iN|i'd lliat si tl-i ? should bo till-oil Ittru 0 tsi- to siiiiioiiiue our po-iimu ami btlcce-s to Mate, the oilier ilivi?ioii> of the sniny. (teiieral eil in iiliii.ni ordeied a ll ig to In- rai-eil lor tlio siino puipo-e. So tar si> I osm leiiieiiibor, llmie | iijeiil was iio American ll ig tle-re; there was ^ I a lo certainly none poulticed or o\iiibilt*i|. I lit' A voting ollicer (>v|n-e inline, 1 an sore good to -hi, I ilo not recollect) ot the South- ' ' a tilt 'Carolina Itegmieiil. bionght forward tlio the I'uIiiioHo il.ig ? ili<- tin.: In- legimetit and ' " State, niu! wi.h two ..| In- men snui Lieut. v j W:lco\ (oj ( liillni.an'- st ill) ehl III 11 led lo , . IN < si i ,jM. the lop ot si Imie -lieu adjoining the sicpio p.u" duel, and upon the tight of the gale a- wo eta- OtUei I he cit \, stud loin the lop ol'lhit little 1 .i ... -Ii-d, he tai-cd tho lh.illietln ll.ig ovor the ' the acijiiediict, and there h -I I it sutiid a lie- , j| titeiid m- tin-, provoked lor .a lime into inami cu-a-ed seveiin upon ihsil point by llicdis* " '* sited |d'(j "f the ll.ig. I bolts being no liie.au . to secure I lie llag III It- place, (ieneral - . " "* . |j , ) ] | Cull in ui oi del ed it ib w s; bin bob no litis five coliid be done the g.i lant ollieei who I :?.I j ^ ' my planted .ami held u v n- -In I. 1 .aided in .' ,1 1(1111 .low II. ' 11 III IllOtW.i llll'lt \\ lia || t?l > || it t?l 11.15 ll ijr W ||.-|| III* ?>tli J"^|' I-it- ' 01 W;l> w nimlu.l wa? Iiiuim-.I ?li?it ju-t a? r,.,,i (? "?J??*'I t<*atl\' i die ?? * *'*x, I i-? cttMiMil ? ami tii?|.iii ij? lite l?icaM* ?>l ^ ( ..p , nil aiiiiinl iui uilli hw ??. n cli.-.ilul <1.?r i]i? nil*. II"! r -tenuous lieiui-in, ami cmili.lciit .j'"' lis 1 " vntny ul an tiiiiiic?.liatu, glutiini*, ati-l Una! t l.an j ttiumpli. j j' ' l5,,| I lie ? .?ir111i11ix parly rcinuiiictl at tinoctal I'"1"1 tliiuSi^li tin* 111_ 11 , all 1 lit** HoXt "U ni?*i ! I ii jr aliiiciiiiiccd tlic mi 11 < mlol > ! llic ' ,n...| one.ny. I Iki city w a.- linn.-I". mo t-i:Hn- H'-'t '.lie lianivl won. (ion l^ n'.nian j tlio 111 * * iiij? account o! tlio all-.lt: " H,.,.- Attoi coloring ill.- ,.a ii c in |.ti fot a v j, \r fen lll.iin.-Ui-. anM.ai- i? uii| tlio mi * i ~ lite -e Iiiultiiu.lo i t Mexican* w ln> w. r?- "v (I|^ I inking tl.iwii .Mi lli-.- -|io.'ia> !?i fimii the "'j 11 tt. | li-i!??i|iit->, win.I ami lo.if-. .a li.iti?c-. 'j'' 1 >i\ xv"lt tlio importance ft ll - cei.-imnii, I i\ - >1 : . in- in? . I: i t-'.-.l I . .! ,1! | . . Ill .1 ,, j,? nix principal ...it. ?-i. mailt M. . ILiivi.'. liavc t tti.l nil !. n cuuttiry , . 1,1 fi||,. 1'to -l >r- ami Mi j? ?. an I tint anv toguiioli . 1 tai cli.ns, |i. i ! on 11,?- ttaigs'utt over the] t i I, . r !,:i ^ It'll- ill tllUV.'IIU'l.l > w.-ll* JJII 11.-1 1 vt u tl.?' cli\ ? ! i lli.* a..I ?t..iv .a i!. .t I.>>il i? HI III ' " . I I ,, Mi -tali Mil. i*r liav i 4 -oUvli-.l U iiitam i-. * i l!if l 1 i I : I - I" |' Iff Hill 1 I 'nil || t'ti|.i|i l lie I nii,,r tin? Mexican |...I.ics ill ?i ???li r jir
  • >: ill. arm- ' |)( i tti'lv |t|fif lilftl III lltf \\ l|i i|i* 1111 -. - luii-- ' ! tii i- ' ' > '* "* *" ' 1' lI* I,*?I;.11 " l'it|ii|> |n\\i ir.I. ? 1 h 1/7 xt'iH St t, ftlii/. K IX A I.. i . i in. li iiiii. - 1 in* I'.n it In- n i-urii-|iiiiilrinc ul ilio Nc-i \ hi li L\jiut. I i i - H-: ' ouli li h:i% l.tti-lv aiiii?iliiiCi-tk tii ' an o\t'ffi 1 inn 11 in^ly Iniil.anl amlitiiri, .mi mini* uim.li ilnci "J VV If III.mi Vflv flfn ,tilll .In? 1 l.i it *. hut t It li 11| .tl Weill II a lii'iIIif mi i in*III -111, i|m*| ili-liii i| li\ niif i.| I In* limit t f .fin nif t| l-ifi i In in : llif :mf. ,\; i i M it llt--i|!m a i*. : 11 ' ,V mill) fl III lir.illtltill I 1 .. i lull III- .11..I In-ar I ! || .' ' " i? _; i l lut: in lit. I- i I n.. iiif, n vi'iiii;; I.nil i> j? ?'iii. n.fvi l.ilin;i, ,|. ..int ifij.if-lc I lu i luiili.ilnl a |if ' "'h in I. .n| Iht timii the li ill. urn 11 ' ' ' Mi Invf." -.it j tin-n,.|| If man.mi leaeli- will |V" -r i 11 I In- 1.lining |ti.no mitiiilf, "wi|if vuitr i in fit, l.i- ii- n a hliii- ij.iit 111> a tl." II I i-. V . Illlli li -it > | > l-fil. t tl i in .1 In |i ink ' hi .?i in*: ii-il flitm hi tilt* mil rnii-ii vi.lniniv til '' " " a -11 *| i llift tva-ro a?inn. aiiil via, aim.n| Wml ;i 111 i 11 in nlitfivf ili.it iIn* KiU'tt' nil li>*r '' "I I I v 1 1 " f f k- li a.| in-fiiin l?l in*, in c-m?o. j if in >! ' - " ' 11 A I.if t emit al llif "III im.tlOII liMllfl I?V 1 tin n it ii, j.(,.|,?Ii.nl nn'il in in i'%111'-'I'r It.H i-.\ j ?? 1111 ii-1 ii i. Sin* 11' 11 * It 1 v vvij.fj 11 i l"?u ' / 't |.iff. ami *l itl<- I her v?-\ ill-m III till' I hhi^IiI Imir i .ii 111:11 -Ik- >1 h hi i* I till* i in r?flt 11-\t-n jjt-tl "ift . II| ??ll li t- t> Ik i I t.111-- in tin- ll tll. In ?-:> ) ' l\, lit*' > . lit- t |.l,il|_r it lln-. Ill I f|||, (In- "lift! , .1 *111-111- In-- m |,, l||-||f|*,-. jiihI |Ik- ?i-li in ll-t'ii tll;iir 111, i' t unil iti. ivilt- ii 1111 t-i hur-t \\ 1111 I iii_;!i- h'jfil it-r ii iIm- - .pit nl clit-t-k- itiioiV, IiIik-, t-'f| ' IlilK'k. Illlli'l I lit I Ollll-I fuliir-, ulllcll II i\\ ' "I "| '' 1 * III. Ii|<- tllcll ;t |. j Il>?ll(.-t- III lilt* -illfi-l. S.KIIf "Ifiil ' i-l lilt- I HI it-- nli-i 11 it I ill ?i n 111 if i ii t I f.ir | I ilii-in-fl\ f- i\11> \ ? <>iii|i'i-\i ill-*. n?-y t In t k-. " '* fur.il l.ji- iiikI t-lfiitv iii-l'i t*\-, wi-io -ii Wl,h 11.iii-.li>iin? I tii ,i 111\ tv.nil.| liuvo cxciU'ti lllf ftl-'X ol il lll-ll.-tlt k. .,ii.!- Illl-iotl tt:t* llimltt Iti ii. T o " lo In- p oi-lnoiit-r it-iii H k-<1 tIi it lie li i-l i I.o.ik froii - i-i foiiimniii--I i i v w-in! nf it. mn| I I iit-.tnl oolli [inn- it I-Hurt*. I'll Mil- llio clorgi ui.in I ulHv llio i.lnl- i-i.-il, ill ii ill" ii I'Ih? tt i- w litltMi 1?y 1 t * colli Ii hi-fit' i In- ttii-k pit-i imi- in ii- ili-lii t-i v, tini tin- mnl ilii-n t.Hv 'lii- n?t'riii-ii rmil-1 uo| l?o lo?ij tlio correct. The tn-\l ?l?\ lie n- ciiid u?|iloo- nlim it oh. | -li-.l O'l^V of Welnjtor'* lOotiouHry. | h?'U! (iK.s. MUKUAN. inong I lie incidents connected with the ' ng years of this rude l>nt patriotic sol- ai , the luilowmg, onginaiiy p?il?Ii->iie?i in w Winchester Republican of 184-1, may la pganlcd a* evincing in the narrator a pi ular combination ol fruiikiass,simplici- i* lid p.illniN i b< I he'liiiimlcrbolt of war,' this 'brave a jail alio never knew feat.' \vn? in camp c? i w.ckcd ami \ eiy profane, l>iu never a -Ii uln-vei in religion. lie testified lliat (a ell. In bis latter years, (leneral Mur In profesvd religion, ami united himself 11 llio 1'icsby leriau chinch in this place, w r tin/ pa-t ual caie of Hev. Mr. (now ; or M il. who preaclieil in this house some th years. ami may now be liearil Occa 1.1 illy oil London Miei-t. Ills la-l days g? pas-ed in this town: atnl while sink- sn lo In- grave lie related to bis miiii blunt manner, am ng many th i limits, that the night they stmmed en bee, while wailing in the daiknes* w slotm, with his men paraded, lor the I to advance, he tell unhappy; the fu ipiisenppeaieiiiroiclh.nl peiilotis, it j\., ied lo hi in that nothing less than ami |'j could biing them oil safe from an en Iv iter at such an ann/aug disadvantage, or tepped aside and km-eled hy ilie side h; mninlioii ol war, and then most lei c< Iv pia\ I that the I.old (i-nl Alini^h ps oil d he his shield and defence; for fu ing h-ss th in hi Almighty arm could ai i-ct h in. I le continued oil ins knees pt lie woid passed along the lines, lb- mi believed that his sulciv during that sn it of peiil was hum the interposition of se \gain he said about the battle of the' -t pells, w hich CoVelcd hllll Willi s,i|,iu. || (.l tll.lt 111* I*! si I ?? lie i-uiild, till liis men ' w .IaMie-1? ?n?I ! " c"u '1 >4" "" finllier. le *111-4 11j* ins ai in\ Ili??-** "II I!I?* ide, coin i cm I .it i ii ij the ???"i*ii? "i 'I'" 11; nee I lie jjlilter id I lie ad*aiieiU4 eiiu- sa ? In: *( -inI*K*41 fn llie tale "t ?| i_v. tin- t\ , I" tlie w ..ii.N in >lie rear, lie kneeled tii w M tree l.i|? and jxillied mil a , raver h I tin liis ai in v, fur iiiin-eil and eoitn . 1 i Willi relieved *|.mt* lie returned t- ^k iu<--, and in hi* ruii^ii niaiiner elneied in i l"r llie lij?lit. Ai lie |?a**ed ahinjjr, |>< ainweied liiiu lua*e!v. I he tenilde in me lli at l"ii" viil I lie deadI \ aid ut III* I d>aided the viclmv. In a lev* ill" . I.< l> l iilet-'ii tied. 'All.' *aid In , '|?en- ; il, -aid "l-l M -14.111 ne*er feared;* 'ibex j>. /lit "ill Mmjian neVt r prayed; lliey did kii"**; ? ' 1 'Mim^iii ?:a iiii*ern!d\ ei An I d" it had nut heen. in the eir- i st. lain t * nf the aina/in^ re*|>"ii*il?iliiy in | In li lie \va-? phw e I, li iw could he have I t-? liraVe; dl I'iie ft ?-f !ii< li tie t lien are u-> *11 it-is ut >.ii..- na. tnr a l"Hj* , j>; i\i -> tli it -dialed liis eajitiviiy in Can- I *e weie semi in (his \ illa^e wa*tin^ n?.n |*>? iad"Ws it'* their vmilli,eeleln;it;iij? wiih ,|i u*i.i*iii I he ninlil "t llieii hall'e. a* the ni in.led 1..and?i'eter I. tuek and .1 >h 11 i'.IZ. I "it ihey h ii'e aiisaeied ll.er.dl "I death, and havi- j dm d tin.ir h-adei; li i 1 d\ i. in- U a" 11 I 11114 thai !iii''z, tli eldest "f llie haul, W11 111 lie had *<> ni 1 earrie I ihimtali die *ii"*v* of (' mad 1. ?i ill "inlive hill). There is interest , u ill tli?* !?>t of mum ac-ij'M'." iu: K m:iii"s I > i teuton?In an art irk- i he llihlintlie.-a Sana. the wriii-r. Mr. m li>, >a\> II Is ix.-ln-i ili \ iiillltillrii |.\ 1 nnists that o-i.iiii i-liiMiiir.tl eotnhiua jt. < i tin* i*aili -i p.-ii.i.l nt the faith's t*??r i| i *it ,|ii m|iii'i'iI r.niihii?li hi. titr re*ilit It a i-ll I iliraiiili'-i'i'iit 1 I \". wlit'li." l;, i 11.11: ii. (irraino s.?li.| in t!..? exterior ;l| ; tliir* a snli.| rrii?l was t' >i m<-> 1 c ?ver \ ,, i l> hii in; tl ii I in i*>. I im |?r.i .t a-1- ri I t tiii-* iiiti-i i<>r lii <; a 11* Vi.! aiKu-. J |;, " ( liny, anil 'ti inci. im! lirat in j? . hi a.?. It i- i'-i a-si-rlnl t v llit* n-1 : j, t<-? n! ti.i> ilits.iv i-i.it tin1 >iiii, mi ac {. ,i| It i-t il> in.hi.-i.*.- >i/.r. ha* Out t i-t I'ool i, an t'? i he i-. .a.lai-'ii ill' n.ii j?h km 1 i 111 > I -11\ I v Mil til it ?.* 1 < I i< ?ll; In-ll.-f J|| i i.> I in i-t inrin* ? it' tt iiiv ? v\ In-ii tin* will fi-a-o In i;r.* Ii^ht, aii.l wliell it |,, k'-ci'inr a .lark l*tilv. | a -it . in 1 *ijisci-: ok Xi.r.iKits It junto tiik ji xrit Kmi'Uik.'?I Ins is a i|tii->iii.n -tart , i? t m N.-W \ villi i'.ist, wlnrii stales , j till' three lllnst i'i.||>i Icrnhle of till* ilii'iiia! ji-iwi-rs i.l" K in?|?i'. exelil*ive i>l Hf, -.1 Mllf. Mill- MHCU Sfll?M I 11 >11 J ?I ? for tlit'in>i-!vv*. Tln'V ,ti*rinnu'?l. Vl \i-ir- n.jo, ll.it ih? in tic tle?i en-lali* of - Napoleon ?I? >111 1 |hi tec ir.lc.l as tlx* apparent t>l Itis crown. The empire, uliiio to this arraiioeineiit. was to he i> N tpoicoii's on 1 \ for lift*; \v en lie . Iins.it, A n?t i i t itinl Prn-sia plfiiovtl i woi'il to e ic!i othfli "to restore the tj 'iiiiate iieii o| the tliroiie," ami to re its,, no other. |!i( 1\M. however, is jiitiion t!ii' Louis N t|ioleoii will tin |i telly exert hi ill sf 11' to have lhe?e , j| o?*s c ttieelleil, now tji;?t peaco is a ho it I j p v Jiroclaiinetl. , I (). I'.\?sienorr Link or It u.t.rios-9.? An i'm otic JCrtr taut |>ro|ioses to the people J ihloriiia to run a line ot halloomt lie |( a ^in Kiancisco ami St. I, mis, to tie- j I up it the oreat easterly etirront of the i O! r or icttiui liinlos lor its propulsion. (| . t! riiir'y mile* an hotfr without ?lelay p i station or lue tic ?>f trance ? no fear of . . rt si.in ami no |?ossihilitv <>| tannine <#rt ^ tiack?will hiinc a halliMitt in tlnee fioin the shores of llitt S.iCrin>e1llt> to p toot of the Alh chore*, ami I ami Iter ^ [hi ami p tsseiijjei* fresh at .1 healthy tsi al lie very throshohl of their '6* * 1 U< Spring Fa>bions iti Paris. Pakis, Maucu 20.?Charming toiletr ? being |?t??j ;?r? :1 for the fesli?ities whit ill ?1 i-t?ii _?ni-li Ivi-ter week. For you 11 ilifi vvliile silk cn11e is a boinpiet of daisies. fbe tnl i-eves nre pulled. Iong enough t<> rem do v the herthes, and leave visible nam:' >UoUt l of daisies which loop llieiu up j o sides. The silk jietticoHt is covert ilh tliiee double tulle skirt- without hei pbiii; the three skirts are gathered : ie waist; the longest one falls without at' naincni; the other two are looped up I1 the* on the left side by a bouquet ot da L>s with branches falling on the Recoil /#. The fashionable style of wearing tl ir for derrwist"lie* is in double bandeau e under one lightly puffed, the upper or diet] inwards, ami passing on each siil er the eordon of Powers which ornatnen e front of the head. On the haek Inii \rarhvpvijjnf. there is a group of flower illi the foliage falling on the heck. The spring fashion for bonnets and coi ie- ate both simple and elegant; in pe cl tH-le and without anv exaggeratioi lie flow ers w orn in these coiffures genera consist of lulls with drooping (tranche cache entirely coveting the line iir. Some are ciiiuj)i)se<] of lihlO of Lu dors. other- are a mixture of lose* an ui-ies, ?>r various Hower- and fruit*. Coi re- arc also composed of Monde, riband nl violets. The lie:til dre-s is made on tiled tulle foundation, in vvilich are place nail tufts of violets; between tlietn runs tow idonde; tlie form i- round, and euch - llnj Itair like eairhrjHii/iie; a bai ati, composed of a small Monde rucli udtletl unit tufts of violets, passes frol leli side on the foieliead. On the si I? :lie liead are placeil Itovv- of green riliati id long ends wliieli fall behind on tIi loiildeis. Willi liis coiffure tlie rol oiii w is (for a large dinner paitv) a vii l >iik of a huge square patle u. eight incl wide. arranged like a chess boanl, altf ,;. }* Mack wateu-d Silk and plain v iolt tin squares. I In- ilicss has a skiit i ateir.l -ilk witii a tunic, at the edge ? Inch tails a Ulack lace lloiiuce; in tli am ol tlie tunic a doultle hand oi oreiu le is seWeil. The hottoiil of the loll ill is lined wi'li buck I ant to support conformity w th the piesciit fashion. Tli sly is th-coialed with a fichu of Mac die. tiiiuuicd with tluee tows of lac lie half slo.ii sleeves are o|a'ii in front an tillered vviili a nariovv plaiting. Uudt ie sleeves tiiere i- a deep lace flouucc,sU| tried Ity a tulle puff. ri.ee is no diu.iuu'itMt in the cireuinfo ice of the jupoiis itiol flounces of the fa \. The Ulaia'lamizetl streets are a ye v? jto.d iluuugliotit, after five daw < instant rain. Nothing can exceed the i villous figure of our small dailies of il i i-ton in ihc protuberance of their con id It dies, as lltcV endiMVor in theil wall t defend tlielllsel v is t'follt the III lit]. 11 lit 1 y one of the most renowned of 01 nipil uators. the AM?e tie Dejjiierv, ol rie.| in a sfiuvni. "Women, letvv a dav r^.*t in a-losu?li:ng ninjilitinlo i>f tinili.tt the g-.tu-a *4 lieavvu nrc vci irruw " Power :o A brogue a Treaty. Till? Committee on Foreign Relation* i lo United >lHlei Sella.o Ii.no lately ha ii.lii con- U i i ion a .iomcivhal iutcre-tin il'joct, 11liio|?>?ivor t?? abrogate a lro.it iii'dici reo-hito excitni wly la the I'm uiand Sena;-, i?r leuinino tiio furin .i'iil ul C ?:i11-^.-? ln-fuio il car lio os?rc'"o iio j'.tesiio \iiiH liMiu^lii liiilniu tin* Con nitre kii a toMi>u;ii>u ol ilio Senate iliiei 10 that C intiiillee l iiiijuiro as to l in e ilic-iiiy ?'f so.il*? act of l- jii^latiuii. Iiuvii ll? Ciillv !|l lOIU-f ol l>v?l!l I J.ills M ill Calibre? v wlticli 111 o treatv with Denmark, it*j? 11i11_j lii- >> hi.i Due-, may l?c ellecliiai I't.i^ ilcil, in Cuiilo'uiiiv \iiiii tin; rcoiiir iciit,i of the Coiiilitiiiion, uiiiler whit . iv iicaty ii "ilio iii]nt11no law ol il i?i?I."* ike., ninl especially il Mich leoiilatn 0 ii"l iii'i'i'.n.ii \ ?>? i h w 111 in order in mi 1 \ a defect ill I lie notice u liicli ilio 1 'ieaidci I llit* FlillO'l Slait'i Inn lilnlol laktii In ?ii 1 >.-iima k, without the authority of i n| C moron., allil in disio^aid ol ll iiii't.oiii tlio House o| Ih'i'io cMatiios i no louiuiuioi' declare no itiell action l* iici'.'i-ai i; tli it in to iliis convei.lioii at 11 othcii ot a iik i ihaiaclor tlioy art? cle > the oninioii that it ii coin|>etout for il mi.lent nuil Senate, acting looelher, i iniiiai it in Hit* Hi iini'T "reicrihed ! o llili aiIiilo. without tlio ai \estel in lli- President anil Se le, two third* of the Son itn s jirosw.Mil c?? in 1114. 1 ho treaty in question wHi ere il li) llic will uf the treaty-making port iiiI it contained a lo^orvaliun by v liii 1.u m I should be levi.ked or its exorci a?e mi a stipulated notice. Il is thus il ill nl ibe treaty-making power which 10 subject of revocation, nu<| it fnilow.s (h or revocation -s incident to the will. Tl resident niid Senate could certainly to un ite this treaty or any other, with tl m-oiit of the ojijiosito contracting pari y the negotiation uf a new treaty in tcin until ing it; niul what is the |ne?ent ca nt sat h eotisent providing in ndvam-o f ? lermiiiHtion on a Contingency, anil wit nt new negotiation*. Tiie coniinittee a nis satisfied that the notice authorized I ie Senate ami given by the 1'iesidciit ?.iiinnk was a jimper e\erci*e of the ligl >server! in the treaty, ami that its etfe ill be to annual (lie treaty at 1 lie expo >u of the limo limited, both a* regari e two ( in* <11 uilielit s ami the citl'eiis all ihjec'.i of either.? fiultimor* America*. If yon wonI?1 h.oe a g hk| servant lak fit^vr a k'tiMlian uut a frrond. iiv/. ?J? French Gossip. We translate the following from the Cou* r rier dw Eiat* Unis: i A Muucl Parim 1(all Flirt.?A lady who Iihh .1 very exlvutive circle of friend*, i? | and wImi is passionately fond of the guy [I, world, Mine. d? N., lias
    p n?al>Ie. "An le hour? grand Dieu!" exclaiming Mine. N.; x 'these men of business are astonishing, ic Tuey talk of an hour as if it were the least Ic of things. They imagine that one has indifis fereiitlv an hour to lose, or tallier one hottr rt to Gnd, in the thousand occupations which command so tyianuically all our moments." , However. Mine, de N., who hud learned f. so well the value of time, knew also the r. value of foil line. She understood all the ii. i importance of the interview demanded. |. Hut how to act was the question. To .i. sacrifi e the quiet so necessary to tho day's k duties wai impossible, and to sacriGce a o : soiree was much more impossible. la ,( , this diflicult conjuncture Mute, de f who is a woman of ingenuity, found an i expedient to relieve her embarrassment, and n iu reconcile iicr interest with tier pleasure*. ,1 The solicitor received an invitation which a tli'ew him into great amazement. This j. was for :? hall at the house of a Countess, ) in the Faubourg Saint Germain, who was. P) not his client, and whoiu he did not know. n lint he soon luid an explanation of tbitf enigma. Mine. ihi< invitation, and that lie must not fail ,c t<> he at the huli of tho countess, for that | was the only time that she would Lava to I confer with him on his business. r. , The solicitor went to the hall, and Ma i (1 tine de N. gave him his hour, by frae,f lions, in the quadrilles and waltz**. liut^ ,f i-tfier all, conversation was necessary, owK. ins ' and gallant talk of lie attentive cava-' ,r hers, ilie 'conference was completed, and p. when the hist words had been said, lbs | solicitor oh?e>ved: "I must see you again, { soon, to make sotno coinmuiiicaiiona which jr ! demand new direction*. "Moref" was the |. { reply. "Yes. It is iiHlisj eivsahle that I ,f should have with yon a second interview j. t i?j coming week?" "What day!" "ThursK. j day, for instance." "Eh! well, let it be so*. ^ I Thllfsdav I rri? l.i llm '~4 1 - J f-y - ?*'V UVII9V V?* <1I(receding seem* to us quite ingeul nintu, and this ladv, who makes her ap, , ! poiniuii'iits for luisine**, and who receives v" her solicitor in the halls to which she isinvited. merit* to be cited as a mole to follow. ,1 Nothingcan be inoreconvenient or moreski,j Ifnl than thus to carry on at once the serious u matters of life and its pleasures, when ws t have no time to lose. The saloons where x. one finds diversion in the dance is, wrtlr,,, out doubt, the most agreeable place that ? c in l?e chosen for an extraordinary inter,, view with one's solicitor, debate with oWe'e ;v notary. Conference with one's agent, or cooy sullation with one's physician. ,u A Xovrl Sffoe. >ii ; Stn vstoi'ol, heh. 20.?There a 1 , lively and novel scene at 10 o'clock this e morning at Traikir liridge. At its further t end the while flag Was hoisted, and jfNt (> t of preen sward in the t t ie ir of tlic bridge. At a few minute* l?;i?t 10, General Barnard and some staff * tdlicer* rode down through the ravine b?twecn the two hills on which the battle of the Tehcrnnya was chiefly fought, and cr?>*s a mut' lual embarrassment a* to what subject to jiiieli upon. 11'uses were n natural theme, ! and the Russians expressed much admiraj ti^n of some of those present, and were ^ probably intlier astonished at. their good ^ condition. But the gieat object of cori(| o-itv t ? us w *? the l'or-cap|>ed Cossack*, i around whom the allied officer* a*? their enemies, ami also bad evidently *9 ! cvn to the rusto ebuufe. L