I f PRESlDBNT itCAY. Tb? South Carolinian of the 11th instant coi tained a communication bitterly assailing llio em duct of President McCoy for acta growing out i lha lata riot in Columbia. To thia be rcpbes tl next day. Whatever wa may think of lha charge t this a tag a of tho controversy, we cannot but fe admiration for tho moaal courage which appeals thorough investigation for justification, if uot a quittal. President McCny says: uMy first foeling after reading tha abusive ar inflammatory personal attack on mc in your pap< this mortiiui was to reply to its charges, and 1 attack the enemies * to have been directing the fierce fire against mo. On consultation with son wise frienda of tho College, I have decided diffv ently. And it ie the object of tills card simply i announce my Grin determination not to bo dritwi by auy amount of misrepresentation or caluinn; into any defence in the public prints ol my c?>? duct or qualifications for me nriwnt office. Tli ? ap|>cnl to public opinion through the columns of newspaper is often the only remedy that is left t the slandered, but in my ease there is another tri bunal to which I can apply. The high charnetc of our Hoard of Trustees will secure to their do> is ion, whatever it may l?c, the full measure of pub lie confidence. To that t> ibutial I make my appeu Nature demands a different course, but the inter ?#ts of tho Col lego are paramount to my own However much I may sufl?.r by tho injustice don tne, I can afford to await the decision of ourTrus less, before whom it ?h.di be my care to bring n matters connected with my brief but innuspiciou administration. My accusers will be there tospcnl and to vote, and my case will be fully heard. ^ "Conscious of my own innocence of every un worthy accusation, confident in the ability that Go has given me to serve the cause of scic-lioc an< education, trusting to the sense of justice and fai play which is instinct in every American heart knowing my own loyalty to ?'?e South and to tli South Carolina College, deii tiding the fullest an most "searching investigation of -?y whole eon due and qualifications" by our Trustees, I defy th storm which prejudice and calumny have raise against me. and await tho ver.!:??t of our Hoar with c:il>\ and perfect reliance that right and jui lice will triumph." Tua New 1)o?s.?The following notice in th Baltimore Sun is another evidence of the great ad vantage of iron, lor beauty and durability, an elaborate finish, in Luiliinpu: ' Considerable attention has born attracted 1 thu iron ooluntts recently received at Washiugtu for tho new dome of the Capitol, from lite fonndr of I'ool and limit. They iiro nenrly 27 feet i length, and three in diameter?fluted, well finish ?d; and the weight of each is near ten thousan . pounds. All the bearing* of these columns are t ( be turned, and ar nmv in progress in the work y ?f<".?e Capitol, u;i ler the direction of Mr. Chan #?prou. Those nio-t competent to ju Igo in sueli ni I i t?NHire wiuram'n tint the arrangements arc ? .a eharartiT to secure l! <: most perfect aecurney i . every pstt. The ointments on the capitals t alwac eslemiia are relieved in iron better than the . cast-be *ni?MMC, and when gilded present a splell slid (in Stii?w lV.CLI.su in Russia.?We take tli t.fvKuwiug lr*.i2 the Jjurtml of ('ommrrrt: "VW.are inake receipt of private intelligrnr ufiniH S'. tMcrswarg. of a rel.ablc character, date early liel uiuiaL *th?-li apeak* in decided trrmsc ,*^he surprise which was occasioned in that eit sa hew itsi cioiis li.tcl heel: sceejCvJ liy th' O-tr as n basil to ,?>easv Ue|r'4bt?uli . The announeenicnt at fir inet wiuS u? tiivur iu ccy class of socieiy excc| niie juorcarlilc, wlMCiilwslly icjoiecd at the ptos ppect of a rvriwd?"f tradi- hoi gradually the liohlbt : hare t??aiUttfxwuusilal as the decision id the Km l^icrur, tuid + me is h *t the 'ipeniat; ?1 the war is still viti lent. Ki.ei'.JfcltVji had ? ? l.iin b tforg<4iss?. kn swuyjliwciw* slwarc ll gh in ran idu not hesitate Iswiv tKu-U'iiJ u,< u> vi r can foi ?! t It til th<" ur.-tleru 5* ovt-s* sopp.*.*. Ti'"* Miter Hat rissiwn ?f tie ("Mlrrltil' e ht-e* tiiuoli dr '-arvloped wn1ti? the p*?! tw?i J'tW, ami tlx- wo I *?:l! (mutt ?<-c that Ru?*i* i* at render id every p.a iieu.'ar than ?he w*? l?e(,.re ties war ctnmneuced. Tit* C??Kv?t:r?jt*?f.? A* weaee ron*. ?,f Ow jwt pera nftlli" Slate a.-i' eojra;rc'l i? ll??- very s?? fi'd tV>rt uf iiHilrr-wliiiittinf (tin strin^k ?f (it <*t?nveuU?? party in the Slate, among them crmth < *liarir*!?ti Afrrrttrjr. we take liicomaim of v?ver the tiialrietx that kxvo already ?lel?> 'gate*?Ail'litwtt, CheMey, Wnrii:??;;< to he expected lh.it it* nucci'J* cwr.ld ho secure without opposition. Imlecd, we have been *U-pri? e l to unto a perfect calm in qunitcrs where <>n wight look for a storm; mid in all sections an np pearnnoe of indifference which at lea?r he token ci Hhe akrence ol hostility. Thus far, nearly nil tli Wip-eotiutry district* have appoint oil dt legation*; sev cral p istponcd the meeting until the fust Mondn ?tt April.? Yorkrillr /inquirer. A Tinno Contestant.?It now seems that tli content lor the Kansas seat is triangular?Gencrti Whitfi-'IJ el aim it 2 it hy virtue of Itin certificate a he duly elected delegate; Governor Herder seek ing to oust hiiu by virtue of the illegal election < tho Top4|t.'t free-Slate parly; nnd Mr. Dolchiiy ill oa:in2 thai Ivan?.i* is a ndverrigii Slate, and tint ' li??i ita (lr?"ii repr.-aentative. l'p->n the sain gruruvd. that Mr. LMvliay claim* to lie the Kansa rep res ntwiivc iu the lime we take it f?r grante thnt sojjie two of the Topeka e'lauipion* will sooi cl.tan to to recognised *? ea tit led to scats in ill Svnsto. * It ?iH not do to reject Mr. DeMrny** prelcn ninos a? too ahsitrd lor consideration tvh.Ut tlior ?f Governor iiecder nre entertained. They nri fully na well founded as arc thuse of Governo Rocler?They nro So'h in rostra vmtinn ?f tli taws of Kansas and of Congress.? irurAiiigfn k /'mom. ^ A Vienna letter to the leoidon Times says "The evident rlv-in* ?lf the Wfcshingfeni Govern ment lo picjt n ?junir? l with England incites nlteti tion Jsere,and people in ofTiee arc strongly imditnv to suspect the I'rtNideiit of endeavor !ug"u> kill twv birds with one atone. In pluiu English, Ins parti sans nro'bclieved to have two reasons fo'r agilMtinj against England; the onc,to?cc*rethc nrosideol' re dlectipn^-lhe other to make a diversion in favo o( rtu>r.v Ajiattc- is ht preterit on very duccn terrrts with tlve American Government, blit she re girds its continual endem-or* to had a pretext fo meddling in European affairs with such a jcalou eye, that the good understanding is not likely to b of any duration." Well, who etires? Nr.oao DirixijiATisTS.?Tiro London eotresixin d?nt-of the Now York lUrnld Any*: '"Tlif Negro r rpri**cutiiUve of Solon g tie made hi appearance thie ivcvk ?t the (Juccn'* levee, and ii pile iitl llv? ii(Tcct?d eyritpatliy of tlic Kngheh f.i free "niggwi," ho wn* aniiiod a* nmneihing "odi oua and not to be cuJux.^.1' A good jnhoofon Minraarr ul Vane, Mr. Mnaett, lew come oarer In n lie vi na ul a Court lull J.-it< Vy at the TwIJerw*, nw hi* eyca hnpyenid to light on the Charge d'Aftlir of Sojouquc in France, a fine looking blank Sly gate, Aide "W*U Mr. Mar <-n electo-l i regent nf thr Satojl.urutle A?ylut t, it place of fir L;ebor. fMi'jfnp i li'tlli' i i ill a. Kiniax /'ftlri. b- St Locia, March 12.?The Republican's corfcs ] u. pondent telegraphs that the Kanwu Legislature i? i 0j. met and organised at Topeka on the 4th Ihilnut. on Governor Robinson in hia message, which, is most- It i 10 1/ devoted to a review of the history of Kansas, trie ra says it is understood that the U. 8. depbty mar- prn v| thai was privately inatructrd to arrest members of Yo . .the legislature atid the Stnto officer# for treason. tfc If so, no resistance would be offered?h6t a fia^r j>ec c* would be raised ngafoat the federal governwtertt's , authority until th*?? was no hope but in revbJhtiiln. . J Ho calls for military organisation ogainit the ({j scalping knife on tho focst tind revolution Oh 'the *|jc ^ Wit* x "t|?e The fudopendence correspondent telegraphs . . '.? thnt ths Free Legislature . djourned to Lawrence " and was still in session there on Saturday. Gov. .w *' w shannon hnd gone there to nacertain wljat woa bo- ^ r* iug done, and violeneo wm apprehended. There is J some little excitement on the border, and 100 ra" Sharps' rifles and two pieces of cannon hud been " '' intercepted at Lexington, and were being held by tcr the citixcns. and ? ? is b Later From Mexico. us0 New Obleaks, March 12, 18.?6.?Tho stenm hip Tern* has urrivctl, with dates from Vera Crux ?1 to the Silt inst. l.ittlo change haa occurred in Tut .Mexican affairs. Tuiuirex still held |>OKscs*:on c?t ft""1 I'.icblj, and 8,000 government troops were exjKTl- drr o I to besiege it. In c4h?T quarters, tho r?.ry.i:tkxt *'tl? liu? becu quirted. A Coasiliicnt CcagTess ha< 00C b ten formed, with Gcu. Cvmonfort as I'naiJcn > o- ono >v*r- ^ IIci 'j Potatoes?Butt Knob vs. Seed Ivnos?? >nn n'\v ^ Brown, of I?ng Island, communicates the following Wcl to tho Granite Fanner: "Several years ago 1 made some experiments to satisfy myself concern 1 ing the disputed point as to which Is (he best por- '>U j tiott of n potato to plant in order to obtain the Inr- ^ ' j cost nnd bint yield. The exact result has been has , j lost, and a* I have often since hoard and road rw- por ' , coi tions directly contrary to the conclusions which m-# ^ : 1 then doilucoil, 1 resolved to ropent the experi- day [ ' mcnts. La-t spring I planted four rows of equal to " i length,side by side, with two varieties ef potatoes, to 0 j In one row I planted none but the seed ends, so IOC j called, including libdtit one tliffd of the piiitocs, ] and in the next row- t planted tic* butt ends of the mp, same potatoes. 1 had one row of seed ends and van one row of butt ends of a variety calhd IVaeli 0 Blows. The yield of there fuor rows was as fed- yr _ | low*: w),t Pink ryes, hull ends, 21? pounds. j ? " Seed ends, 170 " Peach blows, butt ends, 225 " n o c-cd ends 179 " n Tlie potatoes raised iroin the butt ends were " y much largiV than those from tho seed ends, nnd >l^tj J, appealed to he Irwin a week to ten dais earlier. i. This result corresponds with that of my former ox- fc"' ,1 |H-ritnenl. Had file ferlnde field been planted in U1' ,, [ iilitt ends, the yield wduld have been more than ' 5, ' alio bu-dul* to tlie acre. 1 also planted two rows nn I next to the bl?ove, in ode of which I put only large hut L- potatoes, half a t'ulfer in e; ch liill, cut lenpthw ice m> day ,f | a* to divide tlie c\e* eq'uaHy, nnd hi the other row w''i n I I dropped only small potatoes, one in each hill. ,f From the former I ifttg 151 pounds, and (loin the kxva v | latter 131 pounds. I should add that thr average J I yield of the Held was about J80 pounds to the row; J and that large (not the very largest) potato s were Stu , used for seed vul lengthwise with a hall* of a liber Wi e in each 1011." | >? ?4oi ? , i V ?... 1 . . Ma , anauua.- 111 v i*iuum /\viirrio?i9 *?rn. u ai'* k r has (riitil till tin* I oats of the Nicaragua Trnn- ^ ' tit Company. annulled it* charter, tmd ginnicd rrn ' one to am ilter coriVpmy. Colonel K unify has wrl v published a lc tir substantiating Ms claims in Celt1 tral America 1 1 A rumor is current it: Washington, to tliccflt'Ot *val that the war up on American fillil'Usterism, which (. '* h i* been hinted at by some Knglish an.I French Citi 1 journal*, w.ll lit commenced in the seizure nl nils 5 American steam packets and other vessels bound hou '! to Kan Juun with reinforcements for Walker. An- Or? otlu r rumor states that the Shrhh ^/nr.wf.ich sail- 1 cd from New York last week, and artottier packet tan which sailed on the 8th inst , will lie anticipated be by our era srr?, and on their returh to this country cx? *' will he libelled. |? ,j c Fat'it PaosrKCTs.?Various acc.ntViY* nre given 1 k representing the t lY-ct ur the seveie winter upon VJ*1 fruit trees. In New Jersey, whence a I >rge sup "" t- ply ol peaches in derived, the prospectant a crop '"|i" are still considi red giHsl. The New llruusw ckcr s:,,< it ea\s; 1 "The Cold weather has not hurt the buds any tit a vet, except in those orchards situated in low, wet lit! d grounds. There the buds are somewhat injured, the though not ? ? badly as they nre smitv years. It the huds arc not hla-ted with cold winds, and wet ijlr weather in April an I May, the peaches will proba- j,\.| i- | bly be very plentiful." I y ? e Fortification# in N. Y. 11 arbor?The For I r tifieitioti Hill, reported n the li. S. Senate, pro- pas t vide# f>r e*|>eniliturvs in the Slate of New York, anil as folJ-'Ws: At Fiirt Kichmotid, at the Narrows, frol |t (100,01111; Fort Montgomery, at the outlet of |^ike ] i^ Ctiain|il&ui, $100,000. For purchase ol land for j.,, t. defensive pur|s*si-s at Stntm Island, $l2,2jO; re- ,j? pa rs of Fott Ontar n, near Oswego, $ti,0i)0; re- y(| pair* of Fort Niagara, $10,000; rcpaiis ol Fort : . IVihhI, Hcdloe's Island, ? 1 O.Owo. Tito total ap- ! j, f proprunions |iiop.?snl l>v this measure amount to . s t2,7?J,(iOl? ^ *t[ ^ Farming in- Kansas.?Small farming is a good ( b.isir in Kansas. The Houston Star says that on I ( r gentleman some years ago bought a small farm wot m th't vicinity, on a credit. lie was tln-n over one rtfty wars of age, and ill bad health, and had a ^ r famHy'tfT some half a dozen eliildreli to suppoit \ Tins gentleman lis* paid for Ins farm, nnd now ! j (j imki* atmnally over > 1,000, with no other aid | l|{, () thnii'tiMt trflvirded by his own family, 'llmse who lt expect "to do likewise.'' however, must calculate ' ^ ^ upon hard work and strict ecouoiny. ; |j" I ThK AitCric ?A new mix ety has taicen po*ses j 1 ! .inr, ~t it? ?ui:? l --< -t ' * * ( . ?r> mm iiiiiau 111 irivriiivr hi nit* I (j | Icr Arctic, Oin. Hartslcin. which una sent in pre ^ search of the 1'acif.o. Hit instruction* were t<> 'I'm j run pretty far to ffce North after leaving Halifax, nun ! and thciftur is That in executing orders she haa en- j j countered *ir?ilnr pcrih to those which arc auppoa- tr ^ J i d to have environed the Pacific. The Arctic haa ! not been h?-?r | his own course. Tlfg e i The independent llclge of the 31st ult., received ( 1 ' by the Africa, coutnili* an hgly Wonder with refer- i Wi 4 ence tr. Mr. Speaker !!:;P.\s. It say?t I I M '"The new Speaker of the House is a black of , to 4 Massachusetts, who belongs, rti "n* tulor sufficient- j ( !u indicates, to the extreme party <3 fibolititihism. i esq This, then, is a victory gained hj Hid NartTt bVi-r era * the Soutli." { 1 ( i Tirii or r.nwiN i\ stahr???n hift obituary | |.rr ' * \ <*<>Uiiixi we iKdirt', to-day, ihc death of ^1 r. Kd- | | win ('. 8i:iir. lie lias jonj? bft'ii known to the ! bn* ii(H community of Charleston, ami more re- j " 1 cruil as ifie |V?M.I.'iit of the People's Rink, nt r the liesd of wliiek institution ho presided for the j ' first jour after it was innugurMnl. As a mer- j c " t+isnt ho ?.v*s successful. and amassed a handsoms fj|r r forUM*).-?f'ho?ii , 28,.r>AO; Mi'trolf, American, i ? 20,341; Hood win, whig, ami other scattering votes 2,"J!U. There arc about 40 small towns yet to j hear bom. wb.t'fi cave I laker, Item , 3,142; Met * calf, Aratricun, 2,6fif), mid 70t ratti-cnit votes 1 " kiM year. The Hnne tlius for stand* I I'd 1 )emn- | *')" 1 erats l/i 1-42 op^MMo/wii member*. The t * asked a parson of his landlady one day. dor ntr n ^ conversation almot the eld sami* and the apostles 'pllf. * "Ah, he was n Rw, f..r j c , L* lie oneo said, ) naint eat what is act before us. and n?k no questions for eonea imiec' p|] " uke. I always thought I should likchiru for nboard- > i - ; _ A t No action was taken at this place last week by ' iag j the friends of the Cincinnati Convention We j (ir;i I linvs liccn requested, however, to say that some f,m, * . steps will be taken oi: Tuesday of court w eek to ns- the ' I Certain lite sentiments of lira people on tliis vexod jnst I question.? df"rfo?t Ktor. i > " I FACTS AND FANCIES. l Dr. Win, P. Turpiii, a p*n?icinu of distinction ' I In* State, died at his residence in Greenville, 4 Sunday night lnst,ub<>ut 11 o'clock, of iqioplexy. Wl i bvlievrd li?Vai a native of Newberry Dn- jQ ] t, bin "received Ills niedic.il education and . t4iscd T?fr aevcrill yeara in the city of New ' ? rh. lie li;ia left n wife nnd in.iuy other rcla- 8ft|t a nnd friends to mourn his sudden and uuox- inp ted departure. |Hl'j The editor of the Chcstvr Standard has visited Cm sever il gold fields of Chester District, oud after cjlfl by-no-menns minute investigation, concludes re may be Some gold, but cunnot tell whether ' product will rcpny the expense of digging. Mr. raa ber, State geologist, thinks MoWilliams' shaft, wil sn it rtachea water, will turn out copper?like- (hit 0 prove more valuable than gold. CHri V Mormon wife, speaking of the domestic nr- jjol gcmcnts ol the ?eet, says: 'We agree well; sister Dolly has the cows, sisJenny the children, sister Hetty the kitchen. *,ul 1 so on?all have plenty to do, nnd our husband mil ound by law to sup|M?rt nnd take equal enre uf (0 s -and then wo are so Ar//-bcnt on Heaven!" Yhat Tl'rkkt is likfly to Gain by tiix Wax. '| 1'hc development of the comme rcial resources ol ?j^| "key is likely to attract considerable attention n capitalists in western Europe. The first un- ^ol taking with this object is announced under the J inei > of the Ottommi Bank, with a capital of ?500,- imi I, to be iucrenscd to ?'?\000,000. B|lo fhit to Norfolk.?It is staled in tjic Norfolk \ the raid that the Secretary of the Navy nnd the nl committees of the two floures o? -Congress ' 'e to muko n visit to that city during last ?*ln? k, to examine the United States steamer Mrrno, nnd also to investigate the condition of the ' lie works at flic Navy Yard. rCOt frissisO Vkmrij?The New York Courier i Inti prepiiwl n list of CO v< ssels over due at that ! pen t from Europe. Of theso two have been at I jJje from 35 to 40 days; thirteen from 40 to .">0 ! s; twenty from 50 to CO days; fourteen from CO i I 0 days; four I mm 70 to 80 days; four from 80 C(jjj 0'davsc one from 90 to 100 davs; two for over , Jritisii Flxxt at Havana.?A large dctaehnt of British Ve??cN ? uie daily expected nt Ha- j a when the steamer Block Witfrlor left cn the li nit. The British vessels "During," 44Availv ii "J'crrible," and "Po.vcrful" were in port 0C| :n the steamer left. Their destination is said to ?jun Jttu tf UHII. i 'lie National M. namcltt to lite Fiiiln-r uf His! quit miry, which has been for wnic years in pious at Washington, having fallen into the cxclu- j T management ol n p->liiic:tl parly, (the know- ! liings,) appears to have come to a ilwid stand j ** . The gross receipts of the y?ar from nil sources > e only $7,740. ! {]^ "lie hark Amelia, sometime since seized at Tort ! rov, Prince by the American Consul, an 1 sent limne, 1 ii in forc?il to put into St. Thomas was out sixtv j s, owing I" lc: kngc and had weather, during | A I'll time tl e crew subsisted on a barrel if rice ' on, innumerable rats, with which the vessel j csrr irmed. | son Vraonal broils are gettng frequent at Washing* Vt-rv lately, nt the National Hotel. Mr. __ art, of Iouisville, kiiiK'ked down Mr. Mnbon, of ishiiigton, in the ladies' parlor; and since then no. Wnllacli, editor of the Slur, pitched into I'at. r,c guire at the same ln-usc. ! cont V Kansas meeting was held at Cro*s Hill, I.nu- m:,n District, on the loth instant, at woicli $175 ; G.bO e subscribed. Volunteers being -.';.iUd for to I c|Cg grate, Robert R. I.igoii, John X.^. Wilbur, and ; _ Ilium MeCiiil stepped forward as ready to go to . a*as. 1 'Tre* )|id KkLI.ows' Juoit.RC.?The Odd Fellows of I j icinnati purpose bsv ng a celebration, on a mag- j Jlovt cent scale, in that city, on the 2-lili of April, iu t|JC lor of the annivetsaiy of the institution ol the . < >? 1 ler iu the United Stales The steamer Gov. Grnfcam was Up at Uliaiica- j port for Columbia on the I4ih instant. This will chat the lirst departure, aiul is in Opposition to the ! of Gi rbitnnt freight charges on the South Carolina snd IroaJ. I seri| The hay tdranVis between Norfolk sod l'< rts- bain nth and Hall, more have TesniArd tlicie trips. ! A iu c Groigin r. a. bed Portsmouth on the alii in- to tt at ? be ng the tir.st arrival direct frvin Hnllimorc ter, ;o the 24th of January. ' wni A'e sot.- it is iu agitation to cfv dc into tw.? the i " !" t?-s of New York and Minnesota?we e..ll the i "s " i-? a Slate, though only a Territory. We hope l< r ' ?e efforts w ill tail. | *,At' . tlios \mrkivan Tract Socif.tt.? His re eipts of a|tl( AuiUiieAn Tract Society up to the first ?hy of : a ^i ;>rflar\ lutt are nb .ut ? ! t>,0i?0 in advance ol last |M1<| ,r to the saiAc ilr.tr sivcn^irror \iao.vi* ?Toe l.-gslature link st?-ai ??.l an net to increase the number of professors, e<> n I iino to Increase the number of State students lore n thirty-six tolifty. j ln?g l*he M-lir. Page arrived at San Francisco, from ^ unn-n mi- uiiriugciicv uiai me city ol Ji>l- i win dc-lroyed by mi earthquake on llio lltb ; ^ ^ VClllblT. ... of l lev. Dr. Mouse and lady, of Newark, N. J , an.l (j v. Ail-In >v IS Morse and lady, of I'riiu t'loii, til fr.nn Ni'W York last work ill tlic ?bi|? Uob- , p, r I?. For'jci, a* nnssiuiiarim to Slam. I j' 111 the lOlli instai t. a fearful run i lT lo?>k pi ioc prie [lie SeaWiril iiiul I to.inoke railroad, killing and 80 > Hiding revel al. Tile Iriiiu was smashed up and 1' i ear burnt from n Move! ! our ^ii the night of 1110 8th instant, the cotton house ! I""! A". J). Mcl)o?vnll, of Camden, was fired, and I hubs of eoltoll destroyed, bes.des other prop- ' C |f. i ccip lames Lynn, a County Antrim man. njre'd 100 ",r 1 rs, died in Chester d strict, on the 6th instant , was in the Irish UelM-llioti of 170S, mi fu.lurcof it-li he emigrated to this country. 'inr ?We learn tluit a fire occurred on the , mines of Mr. dolr.t Harrison, sr. nei.r Long , p an, in Fairfield distriet.on Monday last, coll- i ??,] mtig his dwell tiff and its emirs cements. e Hie post office at Iteth Ivlen, Newberry I >.s- ?mj t. South Carolina, W. \V. MeMorr s |x>ptm.is- j I'ea , has been re-established. ! lion 'aii-crc or an Insvkanck Com tan v ?The failof the Atlas Insurance Company, New York, ' ". 1~ nnounccd in the K* press of that city. The income of the Greenville and Columbia (jul Iroad, for the lu?t three months, has been || I; or at the rate of $300,000 |kit nnnuiu. Sub vncs McConib-., of II eliIan I, for the murder '"J A". T. Croat, has been sentenced to be hun on dem SSlb Of April. 'y a I'he sessions of the Maryland Legislature closed llic 10th inslant. .HARRI I: S? ">n the fiili instant, by K.bas Wall, Ksq , Ma Orr i.i.iAM Uaoan to Miss Ann Foster d??oi Sy the same, on the 8th, Mn Wninv Makts ,j dcts Mart Uaoan ? all of Spartanburg District. ,| )ii Wednesday, Fch tith, by .John II Walker, ,| , Mr. James A. Uook to Miss Li?neV Camt ? L ty the same, on Sunday morning, heb. l?tli, A . .lO.NATIIA.N WKNTIIT t(? MlSS I'.MII.V K. K*\ir ly the Mnio, oa TiiMiIsy evening, the 4lh of rch, in?t , Mr. Jams* I'iiili tra to Mivs Louisa ( iist, nil ol S|mrtitiikurg District. 1 I'at We nrc authorised to announce C<>1. S. I* a I'.of Union, at. a Candidate for ItRIG ADIEU aro NERAL of ili.? Dih Hrigndc, 3. C. M., rice for? 4 50 DjJ LAND WARRANTS AVANTKD. 5 ?> X / WkA^'I-ANKWAUKWiy 7 11 '' ' Wanted. The Sub??*r'h?r give the v. ry highrst market price f??r UtiJ rrants. A T STRAIN. Tht partnnburg, C. II March 17 1855 4 if The Fair! IIIE LADIES nf the Bat'tat Srwinj ? .rirty will haven FAIR in PALMETTO HALL, t,?. sday night, the 1st Apr.I. They hope the Tub . trill attend. March Li 3 4t w jf0 10F. BtRRV'S TRli'OPHKUOt s. MEDICATED Componnd for preserving, '' l restoring ami beautifying the I lair, ermlieat- ' "IM* *rurf and dandruff, preventing Baldm-** ami f"r*" iv Hair*. It stiuiulnte* nature to perform her V'';ir ilMtna, and tut a preparation it Iij? Ho o^val in ,i,iv wo Id. A fresh tttpplv of the genuine arliulo , W1" r> reived and for aulc by ftrehiaatf FIMITR dr TTfM\fT?iI7 ^ I I I I t I tin. CnAilrroif.?The Boston Advertiser S Monday says: 'We learn from nn authentic source at tshinglon that Mr. Cramptou forwarded T?Y ^ London last week despatches containing information which Lord Palmerslvn oll 1 ho was waiting to receivo before lay- nost. th before Parliament the documents re- 1230 ng to the recruiting business. Mr. to'"1* ? unpton sends evidence of a rebutting I"10*'11' ,meter, but altogether too weak to rrly "?f ke the proofs of his complicity iu the Compar tier; and it is thought that no doubt K"1<1 at I remain, even after the publication of n,!)r-jr? evidence, that the enlistments were of ricd on in this country under the sane- tv 0( \ i of the British government with as Cantrcll ch zeal as ever after the foranl 'Ihstruc- 11 is to tlio contrary; and the English listry will find it exceedingly difficult l> ?-q n itislain their conduct before the world.4' pf Kobe pro|?ert) TflK l>KATl't rENAUTT IE GkOUOI*.-- A i sou. .idt , giving to tlio Judges of Superior j ^ 'y^ irtH tlio power to commuto the punish - ! ot|lcr> , at for capital offences fioin death to ; u? thepi irisonmcnt for life in the penitentiary, II.dc IJ uld the jury recommend the prisoner to j mercy of tlio court, has passed the ; , use of Representatives of Georgia by a ! ct\|,e n jority of 12 to 23. I CIO n ? I of llenr "lie editors cf nil the Paris journals have ; ?f II. p. dved orders from the Minister of the ' ?,''cr*jrior "not to publish any article on ! o, co or war pending tlio deliberations of i ni t|,c p Peace Congress. 1 Carotin: t is said that Mr. Hanks, of Virginia, ' of Su-pl lor of tlio South Side Democrat, will S?>ld ns appointed Minister to Turin, in plnce of an<. j ^ Daniel, who is shortly expected to ; . *o|a< ve home. by tlio ?o SofVun Hard Water.?W.itor i? ; f'u . . 7" | uounuct [iicnlly hard from hold in in nolution a ' south. \ niity of carbonate of lime. It may bo afreet, a ? erred soft Ky lb* addition of a little Prt'P-"r*i i ! A ? una r liquifying Itory, and coaling i s,,me iir moulds. _ A iiru.i Mr. I)u Pre di.il in the Cjuctn'i Rrncli prii- (1p j ' ^ London, on the f>th of February, after an in- q l> y erntioit of forty-tour ye.ua for debt! ! ? PS( COMMERCIAL. !Vv ? T;-~ n.iry, I fartanburq Markbt, March 19, 1856.? * ~ 0 for produce are high in our market, when i),,.;," i raided with those in Cliarleston. Wheat com- ni* da 1 ,*.'0; Corn .15; Peat G0aG5; Oas 33; Flour big bon< i; Putter 124 for prime; 10;gini S. Other nrti- I l,r"vrd ' ! nrrmisci remairt a* before. I money. ?X-uUniX Market, March 15.?Oottcx.?Our :i day. iocs weekly report of the cotton in irk.-t elo?e I : e\t. f , good and at cad y demand for the article, at Term in varying I'r -m S a 10c extrcmca. The we? k f r pnpc under review opened With loss activity, and Slieril market allowed evident symptoms of a dee-line. Tuesday morning the new* from Liverpool by ; Arabia to the first instant emoc to band re- Y Y ing n quiet market, without ftVly quotable ; ^ ice in prices, with mha for the previous week j v i; G.000 bales. o( which speculators took 13,000, ,y ei]virtera 3,001*. leaving 50,000 bales of nil de- j -j-j p-j.-j itions to the trade, and also lea vine a vlock on > ar,.tj 1 of 400,000 bale*, of which 2TO,0llO nre *|,,*!,u* 1 t-riean coltoa. These account-, not o--ining up ' (|.| r< ( ie rSpeCUi.iiina of parties on thisaidc of the w. - ,, ' ? . .. , i ' "tt lite had n Jt-preaain ? .-fleet on our nirirVet. and the 1 ,* iii 4 i i cla n? ml irquence was that prices receded i a ami in . ,.f ? instances ic on hist week's quotation*, l ite j,,,)" ^|, > of the week comprise 1,2*20 halts, and wc al- j ^ ij >ur qiiofalio:.* h? <*orr j*;nd with th p-i-s< s t , ' * til the ni.aikct, and we feel confid.ul that ; e found below arc as near the true value of the ; THE ^ !e as it i* |?i?* 'ole to have them, vlx: Inferior S J i; ordinary Sg a SJ; middling 81 a SJ; goad ; dliilj 0 a ;>i. fair 'J } aSj--. and choice 9| nil], iac.iN ?T.ie bacon market lias bci n qu.et but [?_ ^ q ily * nee ?iur last report, and as there lias Se n llaterii.l 6r quotable chiugo ir. pi'r??B wc there- SPKXC continue our former qne.tfftioVis of I I a II ^ for round; a ill a tl all;, and hams II J a 12). ' J1 ir.l lg to quality. I 'ons ?T.it corn muket has Seen dull through- " * the p.??t week, but as th.-rc has Seen no quota- | diange rft prices wu continue our former ra'.ra from an 0 a 75c |w Ituslu l. ; neither '*Tf.?Tlie dcin villi fur oats is dud and prie s upon nl a'nnost noni nal. \\ e still quote 42 a 45 ccuta *' bushel. frndant 'ea* ?\Yi- have no change to notica in the 0,1 "r '' c ol peas, and ive lh? rvforo continue to quote l*'" bo elits per butdii-l. E f-'ht I lau R ?The tl-iur market has Im-vii du'l since -,n,l :,l> last, and price* are a shade lower. Wo now Rwnrdc tc$7i a S for common to gooj bran-Is; line Marc ily ll-iui $SJ a $J per bW. iiARi.KsTON Ma ara:t, March 13.?C.dton?Co ts Citt.'lt fur tile wevk 19.985 bales?sahs I lAHli- time 6.'MO. Tno inalki-r ilinin . i n..i - * ^1* <>1 the ? li w.mLnj, and buyers witi* so ?|>>i it- *^I'r ' " , (li.it the article receded hi price, cloning at the buu.hnt >u i g li'urev t >rd ll irv to t i.mil t )i J ii.iry. a '"r >;,,d l^.w to Strict Mial.llimr 9J a 93; C.-hI* M ,l- to Rive i? 9J :i I1'; M lail'iiir Fair M'i a ll'i; Fair 10 J !"'r [nr.\naTfrr* ?(' rn isstitt rt .".rd ^?ru?n itonii with tli N C . part prima vliltr, in hufki **! ! at t>? tractor, r?(Jcorgin, bag* inclu.h.l, nt fi.'i a 07. A? ''r,, ' " ?!e Mocks are held, mien art* d ffioult. (t.iti 53. "T* s 93 n $ I. No transact ion* hi wheat, anil '|iioi.i- 1,111 *1'? m cannot lie given. Klrnir n increa* tig hi at nt i - u hich i llarrrlia sell at FJ a si for favorite brand* April, ur* niiii colli-c in.iint.aiii former quotations, but * hairin ness limited mviiif to want of arrival*. Mulu- XVI" in n-.i.ill supply, ami at former rater 150 hint* |!,'a rolil at 117 J a IF Salt 9(1?interior SO. 1 '',l? t'"1 IacCs ?Nr. iii-?, fleetly prime, scarce nt 14 i 15 |> i od i s and shou Idem, owing to arrival*, rule lower ? for the lorimr .anil IU for the hitter The ten- 1' y is siij) downward. For lar.l, there is scarce- ! ny drintiml. WRIGHT & ORR, " TTOJIXJi YS AT SPARTAN III'INI, C. II. 1 F> t, tcr in May. lama's lirick Kmlding, neat r to !4?bo A* Ktlwarils law office, up stair*. . I). WaiustT Spartanburg C. II. 4 1 I *s. I. (i.nt Anderson C. 11. ' n IS:"; ? !L [- -'? t n\t: iti:tn ok unit. , IlKA I' rilT'l. Complexion nltil P arl Wh's Fifty oi . t eeth aild milch to the grac'-S ol personal at- the.r R ton, a to! are no iticon* dcrahle ehatms to Fc- All j e beauty. Therefore, for the Hair?-Use Kuj?. will he nny's Kan Siiitrnl For the compleiion? Roa-i? : It.illli <-f n I lulls Hi I Mowers hiT the teeth. It. I "J ry't t*ri .* Tooth I'esl-. AI*o, u?e the tine of this Stale, nnd has neilhir | ill, nor attorney known within the nno up. i> "\rjiI5 rn n copy of liic !?a.J dwehif.ition might be act \ in; < > plant I, is therefore ordered that the Mid defendant do t |e<,t,h| ar and plehd to the said doe'nratiou, on or be- 1 |;|,|,.\ the i lilt day ot I >. < 1 Int. wit ( h will be in the al|I| , of our l.ord one th'?t*and eight It tab! red and nr. tele l< six. otherwise tinal and rtbaolnte dudginC:t nnrlcca Ik- then c.vcn and awarded ?ga nsthiiH. , nmuns , .T B TOLLESON', Clerk, wo II 43 M ' LJ I* !* ?J. I lU'M" "J ' J HERIFF'S SALES, APRIL 1850. fIRTUK ol sundry writs of Fieri Fa cine mo directed, there will be sold, before tho Iouso door, in (he village of Kpnrtnnburg, i first .Monday nnd Tuesday in April c following property: Acres of land, more or Irtu, bounded by f Win. I) igwell, ic or less, bounded by lands Thomson and others. Sold as the property innli 11 mt, at the suit of K. Jncksolt. "(So'd sk of the former purchaser, J. W. Hunt.) cres of hind, more or less,bounded by lands y I>oJd aud othirs. Sold as the properly Rowland, nt t!ic ?ul of I'. S. Hunter ami cres of land, more or less, bounded by land* n Turner, James Petty and others. Htdd roperty of Benj. Price, ut the suit of South i Manufacturing Coni]KUiy. CrCs of land, more or less, bounded hy lands lii'it Tnyl-r, John Ynrbomugh, and others, the property of Wilson Alexander, and :re lot. more or less, bounded by Jas. Birthe south, J N. Nolly on the wist, north i acre lot ovvnc.l by deft., and fast by ?rd street. Also, ?-acre lot. tlfore dries*, I hy lot known as 1). \V. Moore's on the vest hy J. N. Nolly, north by Greenville nd cast by Rutherford stri ct. Bold as the r of O. Burgess, at the suit ol Wm. \Yn!k? r em. H -aero lot, itrire or h-ss, bounded north by ishop, and east by Cleveland's land, south cast, and west by Church strc' t. Sold ai ierty of IV l? Dultou, nt the suit of D. \Y. i ncrc lot, more or le*-, bounded by lot* of Thornton. J. II. Wilson and others, wiik iprovcinents on it. S-ld at the piopcrty of ; * at tltc bit'i o' Tollcson and Wilson. Ij acre loi, more or le*?, bounded by lf W. (J. Iltgh, Whitman and others. Terms: Twelve credit will be given, by the purchaser giv1 to the Ordinary, with two or more upsureties, together with a mortgage of the * to secure the payment ot tho purchase The easts ef proceedings to ho paid in cash jf sale. l\j?-se*N.oo to be given 2otb Dec. urehasers to pay for tithn. s of Sheriff* sales Cash; purchasers to pay n. A. WIN'fJO, S. S. 1). (Ts Office, March 17 lhifi NOTICE* VIRTU K of authority to me given, by e*l, I will sell, on Siilts-Dsy in April next, aubtirg Collrt ITouse, to the highest bidder, i, tin* tract of Land whereon \VM. LITKLI)S, jr., now lives, containing one hon I ten a-i iai, n:<>rc or less, adjoining lands of I Walker, es) , Alexander Aikeir, and |o s itisty a debt s*-euta-?l hy mortgage, made alii day of March !S."?."?, by the parties [5 of t lie* a for.-ma id lands. Sold as the proWm, I dttlefiehls, jr..I. M I. tthfficl -1?. nira Morgan. Purchaser to pay for title SAML'KI, W. Tl"CKKRt h If! M-'itgtgee STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. St?.vitra nbc tto I)tsrit tcr. In the Ci Plaintiff's Attorney. 1KRKAS the Plaintiff* *3id on the eighteenth d iv wY March, file Ins declaration the defendant \\ k v, tax it is sr.id,) is alisent .1 w itfiout the limits taf This State, :iti wife ttir attorney known within I he ha me liom a copy of the said declaration might lie It tu lh.-.f..r,. ....I?. ..I .1. . .1 1 ? . ' % Wiui|\u, i i I.I k III I* ISli'l ??<" do appear and plead to the m.J declaration, tTiri' ll'.o n neteeiith day of March, whieit in the year ?>( our I/ir%l One Tltcuwand Hundred and Killy-Scven, otherwise lin.il olute Judgment will thru he given and d agn ii!?t luni. J. 15. TOI.I.KSON, h 1S, I ST?f> c. c. k r. to builders! ) < 'ommi?nnncr* of IV.biic lITddinga fir nrliuibuiy l)i*trk-t will. >>n t'io loth of i *t, let to tin: nio?t approved h dd?r, the j and finish n?? a oriv COl'KT IlOl'Sli Dinlrict. The Contractor will he ri quired Inmd with approved urrtic* for the I'aith'ormance nf itie w.irk. iSctdid PropiaaW, e names of iswrotios to M-CBO1 Imiiil of Couwdl hi- received by either the C,?inmi*sk,n* lath April. A Jhaw'uip of the Itudduig, lienlfail* aCCMInpanyhij* the wtmr.feJtcept. cifieation* far the interior of the Building, will he ready far inspection hy the 1*1 may he seen at any time by calling oti the inn or < 'lerk of the Ihxird. The Coiuraotol required to remove the old bu Ming, and re material* of which it is composed into itrrct. The time of on murium ami tin a! payment" will be ir. ule known in due time ( . IV. 11. bkfjU, Cluiirm n. i. KnuAitna, Clerk. h 13 3 r.t A S. DOUGLASS, rrORNEYA TLA W, KPAIITANlll'RG.C. II.. S. C. lico lievt door east ol Court ll?i?f. p 80 :> Town Taxes j 4 IVrami? within tfic Corporate Limits ol ie Town of SpurlAnb'urg, w ho are liable t< 1 Uo.i.l Italy, are hereby notified that they mred to pay to the Clerk and Treasurer n 111 Conned the sum ot Two Ihdi.ir, and nt*, mi or by the lirst of March neat, fot oad Ta*. icr?on? fa '.ng to pay Iho same at that thru required to work twelve days upon t!ia lid Street*. , order ol the Town Council. (t ! ".< > \V II LKliO, Intcn?LMit, . Archer, Clerk and Treasurer T. C. a i sa tr S KQMTV?Spartanburg. ic Watson and Willmin Watson, vs. Jatntt W.'l* >n aii I' VKUNON. r e s d. Ofllce. Feb ?0 f>2 .Vn I RUiUtM i: or SUMMER. llhNA Water, a delightful and refic*h? |m rfilin.', pi epved liont the Iio(-hoii5n n'liion Triloba, an.t is esteemed the most . >i>p. mi i^e t > the toil* t. ai>o < i raonW A'l KI5, Ikitifz a veiy pleasmt pc:tn:ne, 'reomittrinlril to the public an a charming >r the handkerchief, hands, and face. Also ni soertiiii nt of |,ul?iii*k tjeiiu.jio Extracts, vhich are several new odor*. For ?ile by fish eh a- iieinit8h, h 13 St' T); ;ni Chen >*t? 1 1 II I I???^ MONEY FOUND. PICKED upIn my 6TORE-ROOM a bank bill of au amount that is of some importance to the |o?or. The owner con lintrc the a.trne by _ applying to me, and paying ihu coat of this. I Ncsr Qlcun Springa, 8. C. J. W. BOBO. March 13 3 St J. M. ELFORD, IfcAGISTRATE, r AT SULLIVAN ?fc TRIMMIER'S ? LAW OFFICE, ON ClfURCII 8TREET. C ALSO AGBNT " * of the Southern Mutual Life luafiwce Company , at Columbia, and tho Southern Mutual Life and 1 Fire Insurance Company, at A (heap, Georgia. t Any information in regard to Insure aft* given at v. nil tnnea with pleasure. S|MirtAiiburg, March 6 1836 " 6m . Z Kf m. w. bttiikwooo. wm. h. ^uth. ' BVTHEWOOD ft SMITH, v ' Brokers, Auction and Commission " MERCHANTS, ? FOR THE SALE OF ' ; REAL ESTATE, NEGROES, COTTON. ; flour, grain, AND ALL MANNER. OF J I PRODUCE AND MERCHANDISE, ? j 204 bxci1anue how, richardson street, IIEFLRCNCES. 1 Stetihiiuee, Allen A Co. ) . . . tVi?.ic*& Goodwin, | Char,colon. ( J..hn A. Craword, j c<(luml/ g. C Richard Aiidcraon, ) ' 1-trmvley Jk Alexander, Cheater C. II. ^ C*d. S. N. Stovro, Yoikville, 8. C. Spring* & McLeod, Charlotte, N. C. Michael Brown, Salisbury, N. C. U. C Conke, C6f!cord, N. C. l>r. W. U. 'libit, I^cxington, N. C Whitfield Walker, New berry, S. C. -j j J. Brown, Andcrmm.S. C. Clower, O'X & Mi'klrv, Greenville, S. C. Jim. Kyle, Laureca, S. C. Feb 21 32. 3m SULLIVAN & TRIMMIER, ATTOKSI.VS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IX EQUITY, Have formed a copartnership for Spartanburg j District in the practice of their profession. Office ' i in New Brick Range on Church atre.t. j I r> r? c... ? ? > ? ? V/. i ..ni.uo*,v ?l. V. 1KIMMIKIU JKVb 2J ?2 If JOHN HENRY ZELLER, 1 CONFECTIONER AND BAKER, SPARTAN BI* RG, opposite Palmetto House, keeps constantly on hand Candy, Cnkeu, I ''riad Hop Bear, fine Fcgar*. Ac., A?., to which ^ lie invites attention Nov. 41 ly. A HYATOfBtRNEY & CO. ? 1 MRRCT ivportrrs AN i) WltOLF.SAt.E DKA I.E It 0 in a ! u- &jiiii r?J5 Aitjj mmmvm DRY GOODS, No. 37 IIAYXE MKtLT, CHARLESTON, S. C. Jf.n 10 1856 40 if Commissioner's Notice. VI.L Guardians, Trustees, Receiving Committees and other Person* authorised to make nnuual returns, are hereby notified to make up and report their annual accounts to m? on or by the i { first ol March next. The items of expenditure ! must Ire vouched. Rules will he issued against all Defaulters. TIIO. O. P. VERNON, c. i.e. d. j Cotqr'e Office, Jan. 3 43 tf. Look Oht for Boarding. FpilE SUBSCRIBER lm* opctie.l tbe house Q j -1. formerly ?>ccupiod hy Hirr.in Mitchell, near , the Methodic Church, in Spot tiinlmrg Village, for "J , the reception of BOARDERS. Can accommodate ti teen or twenty with comfortable room* and lodging. at tlic cuatoinarv rate* of hoard in lliis place*. Feb 7 50 '6m T. W. WATERS- 1 Infallible Worm Drstro;iU; j SUGAR PLUMS. rpilKREis no med eino more indispensable to ' Jl b" kept in fam lies, particularly where there ? are children, than these Pltiin* They have bt-cu proven by ample experience to lie immediate, safe, 0 and efr.viiial, and at the same time very agreeable, *' readily taken by children, destroying nil k uds sf r Worms in the human body. For sale at 0 FISHER A llKINITSirS ' Drug Store, opposite Court 1 louse. ^ j .T -sis 13 4 fi ^ AVniTE CASTILE NOAPT r pIUS new Fa,nay and TOW ET SOAP is held \ 1 in high esteem, and is sU|K*rior to the ordina; i y Mops for its olaiid and emolrht qualities. For J tiie nursery it is particularly adapted?innocent in | 1 its combinations, and free from all injurious nlkalivs. For sale at FISllKR A JIEIMTSll*S Feb 14 .*>1 tf l^rug Store. BldlLORS ^ BALLARB^S NEW and greatly improved Instantaneous j HAUL DYK. | , Our readers who have Rod or Gray llair ore J , particularly recommended to use these Dyes, n* they '( , w ill change it to a beautiful Brown or Black iu 1 t thr?f minutes. Thousands of ladies and gentle- , I men who have used tlfein nek owl. dge them to be , the nw*t perfect Dve? in the world. F.?r sale by , FISHER A IIKIMTSIJ. Druggists, Opposite the Court 11 > ui. dan 10 46 , iiEiMisirs ; i> t i.l.l. ii n. ? x. un mail ?t-^viaivic isor>r rcwirrr# 1 1^ XI'KIUKN'CK Imm pri>rwl tin* Powder, whuh ' 1 j i* loir>|msed principally of vcpeta^ba, tube highly bcueticinl nnd useful f?-r tin- cure, and n? a preventive of nil those disease* to whieh that j 1 noble aniinni, the Home, is subject, n? l)'.?trni|iC*..;K???, 1/?V of Appetite, In Ward Spr.i ns, Vellmv Water. Fatigue ftnm linrlv and perm.no nt euro for I learn, Slwrlnos of iifeUili ??i* itr-.'ki ii ilid, Cuughx, Cold*, SiSt'l uii | , k in!nil disease*, ot '.nation from infl munition of the mucous membrane ol the lmi-.pt ot Horse*. It f ' is a emiihiiiatinn of the nw?t approved vegetable I ingredients, such as are welt known, ntid have been . successfully used against the nbove d'?en*c-s, and is wm ranted to be an elTieaeioiw and safe ?|xbifio, and i a* such in reoonnocii l.d to al! w ho keep Hdrtin. i K'.r sale nt FISHKR Si HKIMTSIPS Drop Store, Jan IU 46 opposite Court I It-use. Notice. 4 I.T< I*< VsonA inolt icd to me, eiilier by Note 1 \. or Book .voount, arc earnestly rn)nv?trd to : enll and act tie the twine. They will tind me in ' i I >r. Wm. O. Bennett's Counting Rdotn, No. i' Ih ivk Ridge; in the house formerly occuped by f M- ssis. (told up ?V t 'linipbil'n I have sold out mv at<>elt gf Hoods to Dr. Ren ! i | nctt, (with the exception of .a portion of refused 1 , J jjoOiW, whijh wi'l Ik* sold at Auction,) at a lnrjje j discouut trout what t)i<* goods n<-tua)ty c??l mi- in j <'a?h, in order to wind up my btis'.niss nt once, j All those who litvu not the Money to pay now, must close their account* by Note. And th nr I : ? ho w ll not d i that; iVflM not complain if they have to pay Co?t. The holiness must ho closed u|< 'ooii, n? I am compelled to a t down here, and wait { uu til ilu *e Mthmtn'.t can he mads. J.in 31 tf 1HKAM MITCHELL. j C. C. Huggins, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, Spartanburg Court House S. C n'ArS iiia ahop on Main street, over the Hook . Store of William Walker, where heIs prepared to till.ill orders and execute all johs in the lattit styles, with neatness and despatch. Callaud see hire. .Tur.? 9 16 ly ' SPARTANBURG^ ^ "APOTHECARY'S HALh* TllK NEW MEDICINAL, '* )RUG AND CHEMICAL STOKE, 18 LOCATX0 IN RrARTANBCRO OPPOSITE TUB COURT HOUSE. rllE aubaeribcra reepeetfbl'y null tlie attratieSl I o< the citixcna of SfMrtanberg, and of the djaeent dh?tricta. ! ? their NEW I>UUG A*!*' MIUMICAL STOKE. iocitcd in the villag? a* pnrtnnburg, where will altvaya be foe ad ^lt upplyof ?RESfl AND GENUINE MEDICINES, mbrruing nearly every article unuxlly kept th Drug Itoree. Mr. HENRY K 1IEINIT II will have the ntire manaprpicnt of tbo atore. and all PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATION will bemad* ?t himaelf, or wader hie immediate aoper?i?t?au hie Rivee to the eoujnjuuily the naawranee thai ill nrticlca from the*, store C~? genuine, and i? cordancc with the jpitfartdBea rales of tbe U. S, ?b ?rm?c?peia. They deair* nUa to atatc tU.it their conneetioa rich the WHOLESALE AND RETAIL mUG KSTAIH.1S1IMKNT ?t Colombia wUl nsble them to receive and supply large orders at ery low prices. Phyaicinne, Plan tar a and Me* hnnta, "Will do well toe/ill nnd rutmuae the atoefc md prices, and judge for them*e!7ca. THEIR STOCK WILL CONSIST OP MEDICINES -& CHEMICALS, DYE-WOODS. OD DYE-STUFFS, SlLS, PAINTS & PAINTERS' ARTICLES VARNISHES, Window Glass and Putty, Glassware. FRENCH, ENGLISH md AsausfriLosim 3P>o7iTtti2iiaffy,# FINE TOILET AND SHAVING SOAPS. FINE HAIR AND OOTII BRUSHES, PAINT BRUSHES, SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, fJi;D3S^3 ft SD3>3>?:&'?i85lS OK ALL KINDS, SPICES. SNUFFS, MANUFACTURED TOBACCO. All the Patent or Proprietary MEDICINES OF THE DAY. Su-Ofit*!<> ? Twatw > 'UHE WINES AND BRANDIES FOA MKIiTCISAL PIRPOSEB. ljA^i>jElEITE['a CELEBRATED GARDEN SEEDS, CHOICE TOILET AND r A N C Y ARTICLES. Wo our purchases for cash, and offer uoJs equally n* low oa they can l>c obtained froaa uy similar establishment in tbia section. Warranted to be Freeh, Pure and Gennin*. Order* from the country promptly filled, and at afarlion gaarautecd, with regard both to prioo ud quality. FISHER Ac I1EINITSII, Pharmaceutists end Dispensing Clicniiatn Jan 3 45 * Tho British Periodicals AJfD TUB FARMER'S GUIDE. I HEAT 1IEIHJCTION IN' T11E PRICE OP TIIC LATTER FUBLfCATiOK. SCOTr Jfc CO., N B\y YORK, coniinae to publish the following 1 sailing British Periodical*, viz: 1. lie Lo tdon Quarterly (Conserratire.) 'he Edinburgh Review (Whig.) * 3. ?he North British Review (FreeCharaU.) 4. lit West minister Review (Liberal) 5. llackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (Tory.} Tha grr.it an J important crei.ta?ItiKg'M.a*, 'oliticnl, and Mili ary?no?v agitating the natiwna f the Old World, give to these Publications an inrrrat and value tlicy never before possessed. They ecnpy a noddle ground between tlie lustily writ- < rn news-items, crude iprculatiultl, nhd flying run<.r? of the new-paper, and the ponderous Toms 4 the historian. written long alter the living interat iu the Invt* he reeOnU shall have passed away. The progress of the War in the East oceupiee a vrge ?p.? e in their pages. Ererv movement ?a lowly criticized, whether of Iriena or of fc?e, and ill -Itori comings leaihaely pointed oat. The Wtera front the Crimea und from the BCtlllc ti Blackwood's Magazine, from two of ita moat H>pul:.r contributor*, give n more intelligible and cliable account of the movement*of titc grr?t belIgerente tluui can riven here be found. Theae Periodical* ably represent the three great wlitteal part.of of Great Britain?Whig, Tory* ind ltn.iic.il?but politics forma only one feature of heir character. Am organ* of the most profound enter* on Science, literature, Monility, and R?igivn. they aland, a* they ever have ?too I, unriddled Lu the world of letter*, being considered inl:?| cu*ahle b> the scholar an I the professional nan, ?li le to the intelligent render of every claaa licy furnish a more correct and satisfactory record f live current literature nf the day throughout the A-orld than can be possibly obtained from any other lource. EARLY COPIES. The receipt of Advaurtt Mieftv from the n.'.-l. ....i.-l..? ..el.. ?i - - ... v-1% j.?? MMuutviMi \niuc w? mrw Reprints, especially H?;ri?i?j the present exciting tintc ?>f Koropcnn ntT.iim, inasmuch as they eaa tow be placed in the hands ot ?ub* ribers about m hxiti as the original editions. Terms. r-r ?n?. For any one of the f??ur Reviews 00 For niiy two of ti e fottr Reviews. j 00 For any three of the four Reviews 7 00 For nil four of the Reviews 8 00 For llliirkwonl's Mr. gal'no 3 00 For Rlnrkwond and three Review*..., .... ? 00 For ll'ackwood ivnd the foui Rcaicirs.... 10 00 Payments fa ie tried* in all ea*t* in aduakeft Afu/tey current in the State ir'terc istucd xrti. te rrceirtd at par. (LIBDI1G. A discount of Twenty Five per cent, from the nlxivr price* will be allowed to Clcbs ordering direct (iooi 1, SCUTT Jc CO. lour w murrocpin ol nrty one or more of the uhovo work#. Tliua | Four bo pies of Rlnckwood, or of one Review, wit) Ih< settt to one address f.-r ; lour copies of the fotir Reviews and ltlackwood for $S0; and so on, PoklaBC* In *11 the principal Cities mwl T *m these works will be delivered FREE OF FOSTAOE. WIkii ae..t by mail, the Postal* to any part of the United Slates will be Lot T Weill ) -f??Ur < fills.' year for "Hint k wood,"mid but Four* (CCta Ccut* a year for each of the Review*. THE I MRuTlC'S TO SCIKNTIFIC AND PRACTICAL AORICULTUKR. Ry Ilrsar STKrnr.xa, V. R. S. of Koinbuagh, and the late J. P. Nobtom, Pfofesanf of Scientific Ac? uliore in Yale Odlege, New Haven, 2 vol* Roynl Oeiavo. I61K1 pages, and nunyaroue Wood and Stit) Kngravinge. Th ? i?, e?>i.f. savdly, the pvet eomptrte fanrit n* Agriculture in r publish* ?1, npd in isdi r to gitra if a wider eireulstion the publishers hare resolved to red live the price to Vil a Tti*tlaxr Pil" Ik* Twa UaIwm.. I I * ? T v A/VMOtO * >TV f VIUWVS ? i Winn vnt t>y n^tiT I In California anJ Orti?on the jv-.cc will b? $7. T?? trrrj mhrr |^r| of tlio and to Cann-I* (pmt paid) $6. IJT Th:e trork i? not the old -Book of the Frvm,} IvcmiUir.rea fur any of the abort) public.v..o9c < %l:wuM alW.i)* !? nddi < sm d po?i-paid, lo lhe Fab iihera. LfcOX AUI> SCOTT A CO. Mil ft S if _ N.v M Gold S-.r-rt, S T. , Notice. V.-L pora.ni* indvbtca} lo the firm ol KlRUt & W'IIjSOX arc hrrrby earmrily rr<|ur?t> cd to coma forward and m4? immediate poj WH'Ot, Money we want an.] mom \ we niiwt lui?e? bun new requiret n. tVi had ratlicr not sue. **4 word to the w?e ? ut.** Sep 20 81 ? KIRBY A VTT.fOJP. v