TV'. ?r gBWg l*3$'A *% CHRISTMAS?TAKE KO" pricos from Kc. lo $25. Onr fric' ?l)e Q RStKN Villi.If, I. O. VIDHUBAT, MRnm U, 1?78. W? in la way rtipomiblt for tk? ?|Mm? if Mr Tbo LtcUlttarit Tk? im bill *n |NMKt by botb hoom ifir a grant 4?aT of dtaaVfiion, and atUmpll at MmMif. Tbo b?y la fifttaa mill*, or ?m aad a fialf par aentuan | lite f*r Um Sun, two for aihaofa, In tor d#S? atoweiat. and not rsaaadlag thra# fbr Co?o\y ytpuMl. HH ftfUoa la all. Tb? follow lag A?'i aad Joint tlrtoldt loss ?*n al*o piaard: A?l to npoal lb* general Meant* law. Joiat RaaoUtioa for tha payment of printing iliba. A at to aik* appropriation* for tha pay of oao-third of tha ptrerty in the State, for the support of pub* lie schools, which shall be eolleeted at the same time the xeneral State levy is eolleeted aad paid into the treasury of ths State. The same shall be the Stats school fund, nnd shall be kept by the Stele treasurer separate aed apart from all other funds in his possession, and shall, under no oireumstaooea, bs used for other thr.u school purpose. Sac. 8. That ths comptroller genetal ie hereby authorized and required to lavy and (sum to be eolleeted, in eddition to the brie* authorised in the preceding sections of this aet, a tax of Ave mill* on a dollar of all ths taxable property in the State to pay the deficiency of the year commencing No Ttnbtr let, 1871. Sac. 4. That the county c nimiesioners or eeh of lb? counties are hereby authorized to levy and eauee to be eolUcUd a tax not exceeding three mills on a dollar of all the taxable property in their respective conntiee, except the county of Falrdrld, In which the county eommiaaionere shall not levy a tax of more than one and one-hr1f(l j) mill* , for the fieeal year commenting November let, 1811; the eaincr, rcrident in Greens Till*. t ,, ' * iice?fair warning?tun itdi?, neighbors and tbe public gouei -I -tt- i. g The Ore entitle OtrculdUog Library, We en rejaeeUd te state the annual meeting of Mi Librirjr Society will beluldil Hra. IIS. Iloln's, ob Ifti 3tg December. XTbe brtfltobers ?re itquuM to attend the meeting *111 uVlecfc, A. M., for the porpoee of IWolriai their subscriptions, end electing oiceri for the earning year, The llbrvy contains three er four b did red volume# of Weft lelsoted books, end her now Seen hi e&lstbtiee Her years. It wer foandod by the ladles of thle city, on t rubecriptioB of only IWo dollars i and flfly oenti, per annum, fore membership. There here been about forty members evory year. The books selected ere tbe latest peb* Mcatioas of standard works. Arrangements hare been made with pabllthing booses la V 1. .J lk.nlj-1. n ..ww ?-.? mu l uimavipoia to lorwaru popular work m toon m published.' Tbla society U of great adrautaga to tboaa who wlab to raad at amalt eoat tho atandard and popular worka as thoy ara publtabad, and It b hoped tha lad Ira who baTU not heretofore joined tha soetety, will da aa at ita annual meeting on Tuosdsy nest, ? J LOCAL MATT?Ha. Boaiaaaa Notices.? IK* wf.7 imtert in our local column, tart Mess notice* of not let* tkan /oar fins* tod, for fifteen crate per tin* carry inecrtion. Orrtca Public WaieaiR, ) Grbbmvillb Depot, Deo. 13, 1871. J No. Baler Cotton weighed and marked for tha past two weeks, fonr hundred and two (401.) M. 8. SCRUGGS. OrrtCB Pcblic Wbiorer 1 Grebrvillk, Dee. 18, 1871. | No. of Bales of Cotton weighed and marked tha past week, two hundred and (251.) A. W. McDAVID. Rbv. Dr. Ui.txardik.?It will be obeerv* ed in tha list of appointments of the South Carolina Conference wlrich we publish, that Rer. Dr. E. J. Mftxacdie has bean ra as-lgn ad to the Methodist Church in IhisCity. Tlii* our citisene, Irreepeet ire of denomination*, will be rejoiced at, aa Dr. M. is held in eery high esteem and regard by onr entire people, not only for lite exalted character but for his talents, learning, eloquence and general popnlerl'y an a pastor. Hie re> rices during the year just closing, especially in connection with tha building of the rew Church, have been very valuable and efT-c live, and it is fortunate for his denomination that he is permitted to finish the work which he has entered into with such zeal and earnestness. The new building is now very nearly completed, and will toon be dedicated, a woik that will be an orrnment to the City. ' i Death or a Little Dot.?Little Max.. Red two years, infant eon of Capt. J. L. Sooth' ero, died on Monday morning last, and was buried the following evening. It had been sick for sometime with meaeeU and afterwards had the cronp. Attack on a Minister or tuk Gospel.?On Saturday evening, 14th inst, about halfpast six o'clock, whilst Rev. Dr. Blist, parlor of the Presbyterian thurch, waa return ing home after visiting members of his con gregation, aa he neared a wood located a short distance from his residence, it being nearly dark, he wna met in the road by tome one whom he supposed to be a colored man, who struck him open the bend with n stick with such force aa to prostrate i him upon the ground, which stunned him very much. He was able, however, to get up and walk to hie house. Dr. B. has no idea who could have attacked him in this manner, #u*picioning no one. It it not known what ilia purpose of the party waa but many are di-posed to think ihat th? person making the onslaught was mistaken as to the peieon, intending his blow for ' some one else. The whole affair fs a mystery. Mrtwooist Festival.?The ladies of the mcioauin i/uoren ncia n festival in lite Court IIouso, on Thursday and Friday nights Inst, the proceeds of which to be appropriated to the new Church. Although the weather was hore rid, from the rain of three days, there was a very fair turn out on the occasion. About three hundred dollars was taken in. Wamoo.?Mr. J. C. Smith adrertisos the Wando in another column. Its popularity with our best farmers is undisputed, and those who wish a good fertilizer should confer with the Agent before buying. PiiEsn vtkhi a n Festival.?the Christmas Festival and Tree connected with the Presbyterian Sunday School, will be held on Thursday evening, 20th inst., at the Gaillard School room. Dkatu of am Ao?u> Lad* ?Mrs. Susannah i Douthit, died, in Anderson County, near the Orrenville line, i>s Monday, l&ih inst., aged 94 years. She was horn on Lite H'h of February, 1779, and the widow of Rev. Jamea Dootliit, for many yeais minister of the MethodUl Church, South She earnw of a long-lived family, and sper| a useful life. She was and had been a member for many years of the Church the doctiines of whieh her husband pi cached, tod died a firm believer in the saving grace ?f Christ Mrs. l>outhit was the grandmother of Samuel J. I)ouihit, Esq. Tit* WrATiir.a ?For several days the , 'tresis and ride walks have been extremely iloppy and muddy, from the effect* of the ( motioned falling rain. Notwithstanding the ] inpleaaantness experienced by pedestrians, j luring Thursday, Friday and Saturday, ( hero was considerable trade going on, and , he stores of the eity were no doubt well ( ?lee>e-l wilh tli? raeult. Our near neighbors , Atmr* Marshall 4 Mauldin, di 1 an im- { nenee bu?iner? rn Ghrieimaefgoods, of which | hey had a stock u? doubt un?urpaeema>ie Rogyy Her.. , ie*eat$lb per set; Pouble ITarners at g4St , nd $*0 ; new MoClellan Saddles at $5 each, j llwaya on had, a full line of Saddlery, Cart larness, Ac. Remember! If you want a oo?l and cheap article, call at CnAPKAV A Isryuoa's. .11-12 Th? Washington correspondent of the r lallitnora Sun save I it at "the President has | onelodrd to pardon all peraonn now under I on vidian f.?r K?> K'u> off*neea, where e noli is asked (or by their reputable neigh- n tore." W? trust that the neighbors of the | trironere from South Carolina will more nt and secure their release, b ID AND LAST CALL.?Wo aro 'ally aro invito J to cull, examine an * 1 -i- -JL-a.ti --u 1 -E?rfMAK Se*i*M* Ooll bo a.?Tlii* Institution, wlii*h ?m op* and on* year ago in Atlanta, G*., to edueqte Yowa Mli for the practical duties of Ufa, i* wielding no influence gteater then Any itW institution of th* kind In the 3- uth. Them has already been more tie* mi hundred of lU graduate* tent wot who are lo~x M#. Atlanta, Ga. 81-U Arrivals and Departures of Malta. Cnlnmtitn. uviv?i lay, at 1 P. M. I'ickensvilio via 18 Mile. Weekly, awivrs erery Saturday, at 12 M ; Departs etery Saturdny. at 2 I*. M. lly Post OGire regulations. all persons are prohibited from ermine l-vhind tko Us*s, ex cept |>erson* fn the raspl??T ?f the post ofiii-e.' M. K. WOBRKTSON, P. M. I.i*r yO Smith ; Lower St George's circuit, A R Daoner; Bamberg circuit, 1' F Killer-St. George's eircuit, W A Clarks ; Walterboro circuit, B G Jones, II B Green ; Colleton eircuit, T E Wanna, maker; Yeaaasse# circuit, O II Pooser FVuck Swamp crrcui', M L Banks ; Ilardeeville Mi.sion, J R Coburn Orangebuwg Dint?II A C Walker, P E ? Orangeburg Station, F Auld ; Eastern Or. ange circuit, C Wil9on ; Providence circuit, J II Zimmerman; St Matthew's circuit, T J Clyde; Rranehville circuit, I) J Simmons; El it to circuit, J L Siflcy ; R B Ta-rant, au. pernuraerary ; Gtaham's circuit, J W McRoy ; Williston circuit. J B Massabeau ; Aiken Misaion, G J Griffiths ; Granilcville Mission, L C l*>yal; Upper Orange circuit, J S Bearley ; Upper St Matthew'a circuit, J J Workman. Ceiwnbia Ditt.?Win Martin, P E.? Wn?-hington Street, O A Derby ; Marion Street, W D Kirkland ; City mission, to l?e scpi'Iied ; Columbia circuit, S P II Elwell; Ilieltlaud Foik circuit, J K McCain; Winna , horo circni', JS Conner, supernumerary ; | Fairfield eiicuit, J T Kilgo, J A Clif i ton ; East Chesier circuit, J M Boyd ; Chester circuit, J W Humbert ; Rook Hill cir cuit. J E Watson : Yorkeille Station A W Walker; York circuit, L A Johnson, supernumerary ; Lexington circuit and mission, J C Miller; Leeevil'e circuit and mission, O W Gatlin ; Upper E'.iato mission, to be supplied ; President Columbia Female Coll?-g?, SB Jones; Agent Columbia Female Coll-ge, Sidi II Browne. . Sumter Dili?W H Pbniing. P E,?Sum ler Station, J M Carlisle; 8umter circuit, J A Porter ; one lo be supplied ; Biahopvill* circuit. S J Hill; Camden Station, R L Harper ; Sanies circuit, Thos Mitchell ; Fulton mission, to I e supplied by C W Felder ; Manning circuit, J B Plstt; Lynchburg circuit, L M Little and W A Rodgeis; Timmnnsville circuit, L Wood ; Turlington oircuit, J B Campbell and M V Wood ; Cheraw Station, A Coke Smith; Weetfirld Cieek mission, Simpson Jones ; Chesterfield circuit, A Rrrin ; Roar circuit and Lyneh's ereek mission, supplied by C A Flylcr; Hanging Rock circuit, T W Monnerljn; Lancaster station, J R Little ; Bells Air cirsuit, J F England. Marion. Diit. ?) VP Kelly, P E ?Marion ilation, W C Power; Marlon circnit, W L Pegnes; Buck Swamp circuit, W W Jones nd D Tiller ; Lit tie Rnek circuit, J C St nil j Bennettsrille circuit, J A Mood and I, M Hamer ; Nort'i Mailkoro e:rcnit, K T Hodjes; R R Peg use, sopsrnumerarv; Kingitres circuit, A Nettles ; Johnson ville eir? .nit j rrn. i nk..?i a I Stafford; Lynch'* creek circuit ; D W ?e*le; Darlington station, A 3i Clireita>erg ; Georgetown station, A J Stokes; Ducksvillc end Conwayboro, 0 C Fish* >urn ; Conwayboro circuit and mission, It It Duffie and AC Mann; Waccamaw circuit ind mission, W II Kirten. Spmrtanburg Dial.?T G Herbert, P E.? tpartanhutg station, 0 II Pritcbard ; Sparanborg circuit and mission, J C Crisp; Cherokee circuit, to be supplied ; Ttieh Hill ircuit, to be supplied by J P Smith ; Pscoet circuit, J Lee Dixon ; Pair Forest circuit, B Wilson ; Unionville station, S A Web* ir; Goshen Ilill circuit, N K Melton ; Bclnont circuit, M A McKlbbcn ; Clinton c1r? ult, It N Wells; Cane creek circuit, T W Imilb; Lsurcus circuit, J B Tray wick ; heaident Wofford College, A M Shipp . 'rofessors Wofford Collegr, TT Smith, A 11 , water ; Editor of Southern Christian Advoato, P M Kenned) ; Superintendent CarolL i a Orphan lloinc, P. C Oliver; Agent Caro- 1 ina Orphan Ilnme, J II C McKinney. Ookr.abury /till.?Ji M Mood, P B.?Cokesury station, W W M od; CAoabury, J W ' now disposing of an i:n mouse an* ii buy, if it suits them. Full partic Murray, II W \Yhftakerg: Abbevlllo Station. W T Caper* ; AIUtriHtiR It Dipiill | Jbowad*s> villa tatioa, A J CaqUke* C V Btrw, *npcrniu??rary; Tam?ltq? Stoala, Jobf Finger; Uiwaowoed, Wb llntto^ IV Ill^awNh, MJPr* BMBMknrjr ( South Abbeville, U U Bnyd ; Newberry nation, Manalog Brown | Newberry, J L Shuford, D IV Dantaler ( Little Salad*, Q W M Crelghtoo ; Kd^efteld, Wqk Thoma* ; Gok**bsry School, Q FKou?A GreenvilU p Pr%r>k?, P I>Orc?n. ill* fUtlon, K J Meynardie; Qroenrille, J Attawoy; Du?o? Viftp. ^nd BatotvUle, A B 6teptien*, supernumerary.; Itvidrtllf, W Bowman ; Walhalla, J W Mckaew, V M Morgan,! supernumerary ; Piekenavitl*. O L Duron I . . f - tj r > j Williamston, R W Barber; Son oca circuit and 1 mission, to ha supp'tlid by If Tyler J Brushy Crook, to bo supplied by J Q Stockman ; Anderson station, O T Harmon; Anderson circuit and million, D D Br*s-e, W A Hodges, npernaiaorary ( Pendleton, P. J MoMillon , Cheohoe olrouU and mission, J C Paris | ProsWent Williamatou Female College, & Lander transferred to Baltimore conference, T A Griffiths. Super nn nun ltd Preaehnt.?N Talley, JW Tovnsenil, W C Patterson, P Derrick, E J Pennington, L Scarborough, John Watts, A MoCurquodalo. ?* .'.km Coanasivnoxs?Tfie. Senate, on Uto 18th Inst., io Executive session, confirmed the following apftointeee,'4it : Otangehurg Cbunty? W H Reedish, Trial Justice. Clarendon County?Wna Dixon, Jury Commissioner. Anderson County?B D Deao, Ticasur-r. Picket* County?W AnA-efts,-Jury Com. aaiesion<-r. Aikeu County?Jona Woo liey, Trial Jug. tieo. As Superinteatri?ut."f.-$letr Penitent Wty. Carlos J Slollrand; a* Director; Henry E tlsyne. ? Williamsburg C?uuty?Clms Ras'ed, Jr., Jury Cotnmis'joner.-; -i Be afort Cotihtt?W P Zettlry, Trial Juse 7 r-.-f' Hoe. .. . Chailrston County?Wm M'Kinley and (Edward Petty, TrUT^&stte-A I Barnwell County?J*mea M Smith, Bill Nerland, Lunaford llarley, James Patterson and f J Csssady, 'trial Justices. Lexington County?Wm J Barr, A R Taylor and Henry A Smith, Trial Justices DerNngton CounJ'y-r-John J Russell, Isaeo P Brockton, Thomas Piiee and PL Baxter, T.I -1 I-? * . .Vjrv,? , -? Tim fulKiwio^ *ppulntmeirtr were oonQrinsd by the Sonata on tht^SMHh In^i., in'Exccutivo cl t 5 >8*: Scmio*. r .,:'livq A "If Edgefield? McDcrritt, vice IL A. Lynch, removed1. "r* Colleton?Auditai W. F., vice J. W. Bbrbridfcc, removed. Charleston?Trial Jkutfecs Q. W. Plnekney, R. G. MoMicWer, vice S.?t>.* llussell, resigned, George F. Kieloeky. R. Ii. Artson, 0. R. Lory, W. F. Lover. j ^ pi Orangeburg?II. P. Cook, A. F. Browning, Jury Commissioner Jbel Larkins, vice C. W. Glovor, removed. York.?K. L. Gunn, flee Samuel Blair, removed, Amiitor J. G. Eulbe, present ineum> boot, R. L. Simmon*, Jatrtrs 11. Wagoner, Q. R. Roberts. Darlington?Additir P. Q. Fludil. Herry?Trial Justice P. A. Parker, vice James Potter, nejectcd'by the Senate. Chester?B. F. Michaels. :'J .. .1 iMl. It ; ? i A-pT'P-rr ? On Thursday-night kbf lost vreek, D J. Carter, editor of the Lancaster (3, C.) Ledger, was awtrncted l?y Hie furious barking of his watch dog in the direction of his woxl pHe. ?.lr. CIrter went o?4 and hailed, but received no response, whsn he shpped back in the house and g??l hjapistoT. Upon going out ngain Wifti (lie |.i?tol in hi* hand, he party at the wood pile be^nn to move off rapidly. Mr. Carter tolled to him to atop, and the stmimtfhi not bring obeyed, fired toHr ahota in rapid uci''S?i"n. At the fouiih shot he hVkefl'th? parly fall, and upon going to him found that K vn hia neighbor, H J. ilirl oft, and that he area ehot thtough the. heart. It |? ataled that the deeeaaed had an arm full of wood, to which he clung even in denth. Ma. IIanki, in tho^^hter h^ Repres-ntalivee, on the 9th, inl< pduced a resolution increasing the PiosbUoVa salary to $20,000 per annum, a'ter the 1st of March, 1873, and by the | r-'pdsal uf an nmendm*nt to the Conetitmion pravidii g that the Preaident ahall hold office for ?ix years, and be ineligible for re e'ection; that (he Yic* President shall be eleck'd directly hy the voters on the same day that the rleolion f?r Representatives to Cqngrees take* plaea. A. T. Stkwakt's magriificent maralon, on the e work, endeavoriog to ralaa the propeller of a steam taaneli lost off the navy yard. After being under water tome time !l was thought he gave a signal to be raleed.? When raiaed he waa dteufrrred to We dead , m~m ? . r .mp b ' t' ix Mr. OneaLKT's T#o-, Wills.?The New York Ilerald has a sharp artlele on the prospective eon test over lforada veetey'a property, leading off with this head i 44 J achats lighting over a dead lion." The editor is "shamed at the spectacle ef strong men leaguing themselves against defenceless glrla," and (we q?ote>" ladignant that tboaa orphan glrla aborehl Hod iliair worat enemies in those calling themselves tbctr beat friends." The Herald adheres to the opinion that the latter will Might to aland. (linnritu. rVe 13. Cotton is telling to nv* line* b?en recovered with the jd of dtvere. - ' il M V 1 . ! ' I A Rah Caiiioi von EitasorriG Mnv?No CAnrtAL RtquntD ? Can versing Agent* wented in every eounly in Sooth Gsrolina, for [the b*st Southern Agricultural Msgssine.? Apply ?t ?*nre, by letter, to the Rural Cori oilman. Wnlk-r. Even* A Cog?w?ll, PublUhere, Ch*? l-ston, 9 Q, i i i li n n ii OBITUARY. Ditto. on Saturday. the Htli itul., JA1LBS LAWRENOR, second eon i?f C?|>t. John W. end Mrs Emms I., Audio, sged three yen's, eitflit months ind Iwenlv-*iolil A?v? O, That I Wrre /tcaMli/nl ! i? the unspoken wish of thousands of women to whom nature has denied the oharm of a pure, freah transparent complexion. To gratify this wish llagan's Magnolia Balm was introduced. The eosmoties of the day bad beea pronounced poisonous by the most distinguished ehemists, and it was also toand that their ultimate eflfcet was to wither the skin as well as to paralise the external nerves. The ladies bailed with delight the advent of a healthful, herbel and floral preparation capable of imparting'to their faees, necks and arms a porcelain smoothness and a tinge like that of tho finest oriental pearl. Tboy soon discovered that it was a "new thing under the sun,'* incoasparable and unapproacbahle. Unquestionably tho Magnolia Balm haa been tho great toilet sueeess of the present century. $1 .000 Reward is offered hy tho proprietor of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medioal Discovery, for a mediciau that will equal it in the euro of gll severe eases of " Liver Oomplsint" and all diseases arising from Impurity of the Mood, as Brnptions, Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Ac. Avoid Consumption No enemy to the human race is more to be dreaded and is more insidious in its approaches than the too fatal destroyer of baaitb and happiness of myriads?" Consumption in its ghastly form." The duty of ail is to guard aigainst its first advances. This may be done by tho timely use ot Dr. Tutt's Expectorant. Boston, February 9, 1870. Dr. ThII : Dear Sir?Will you please inform me at what druggist, in Now York. I can get your Bxpeotorant, as 1 can use some of it to advantage, having aeon tho effect of it on a friend of mine f I am fully aatisfled that it has but to he tried to establish its merits. It works like magie. What is your wbslosale price, delivered in New York ? Let me know wheie it can be bad for the present in New fork, and I will oommunicute further with you at another time. Very truly yours ; W. II. BARTRON,.98 Summer street. , Dr. T It's Hair Dye Is Sold Everywhere. A comrontarlk Hons ?No man can have a comfortable home, especially in wiuter, when the wind finds an opening between the sashes, under the doors and over the blinds.? A-door that will not opon easily, a window that will not elose, a sash that will not be raised?these are among the littlo things that spoil the happiness of millions. Avoid these aod many other discomforts hy patronising the leading Manufacturer of Doors, Saabcsand Blinds in the Southern States, Mr. P. P. Toale, of Charleston,.Si 9. Scud for bis price list. 33-2 The Great Pictorial Annual. Hosteller's United States Almanac for W3, for distribution, grails throughout tbe United State*, and all civilited countries of tbe Western Hemisphere, is now published and ready tor delivery, in the English, German, French, Norwegian, Welsh, Swedish, Holland, lloheuiinn aud Spanish languages, and all who wish to understand the true philosophy of health should read nnd ponder the valuable suggestions it contains. In addition to an admirable medical treatise on the causes, prevention and cuwe of a great varioty of diseases, it embraces a largo amount ef information interesting to tho merchant, the mechanic, tbe miner, the farmer, the planter, nnd professional man ; and the calculations have been made for snob moridiuns and latitudes as are most suitable for a torpccr M?d comprehensive National Cal 1 endar. Tbe nature, aeos, and extraordinary sauitwrys effects of llostcttci's Stomach Bitters, the sta? pie tonic and nlteratfre of more than half tho Cbristaiu world, are fully sot forth in its pages, which are also intcrspered with pictorial illustrations, valuable recipes for household and farm, humorous anecdotes, and other instructive and amusing reading nxitter original and selected. Among tbe Aantruls fo appcut with the opening of the year, this will bo one of tbe most isseful, and awry be kail jor the a'kimg. The proprietors, Messrs. Hosteller A Smith, Pittsburg, Pa., on receipt of a two cent stamp, will forward a copy by mail to any person who cannot procure one in his neighborhood. The Bitters sre sold in every city, town and village, and are expensively used throughout the entire civilised word. , Doc 4 31 . < ? 4 KirG'S MOUNTAIN MILITARY'SCHOOL. YORTTVTr.T.S* n O 'pilE fii at Se?al'>n of tlieftchool YearlSt3 1 will begin Fel>ri ary 1st. and e?A June 80th. Terms?For School Eipsnt'ir i. ? , B >iril?*e from time of purehasr to Mareh 1??, lg I ?m sole Agent for WANDO FERTILI! i Countie*. Call at mv offlee and get Aim ana JULI1 Deo 25 J HOLIDAY GIFTS. Last wekk bkforeciiuistmas Remember that you c?n aave money by buying from MARSHALL A MAULDIN, Opposite the Mansion House. ^Established in 1871. <*?INE Chromos and LitboJBj. graphs, well selected and at low prices, to be found nt MARSHALL!. A M AULDIN'S. |ZET" Call and see them, if you don't buy. The exhibition is worth the visit. V\f\/7 KITING Desks, Toilet Sets. \l/l/ Cnps and Vases, Childrens' Toy Sets, . India Rublxtr Dolls, Traveling Bags, and hnndrods of other>a?tieles, to be sold before the 25th, nt priecs to suit the times. Find your way to MARSHALL & MAULDIN'S. WTOHE cheapest Pocket Book3 in Town?"erervbody says so." Finest assortment of Rodgcrs ife W est en holmes' Pocket Knives and Wade & Botcher's Razors in the market. A beautitul selection of Fairchild's best Gold Pens and Pen cils, at prices same as before the revolution. Sold only by MARSHALL ovo. by marshall & maulh1n. SIX dozen Photograph Albums, of all sizes and colors, from Fifty Cents up, at MARSHALL . lAULDlN'S. very best Violin and Gni(J tar Strings that can be had, Violin Bows, at MARSHALL & MAULDIN'S. FINK Perlumcry, Soap*. Tollrt Powd-r?. Spongo, Imported llnir *nd Tooth Brttdier, CoiiiIii ftnd Toilet uriio e*. ut MAKHIALL A MAULDIN 8. A FULL t'ock of Driigt, Pitlali and Oil*, OIum, Turpentine *iol r*?dy?mix?? - , I?, reduced price*. i 26,000 Cigars, at ail price*, ff>?m f 2 per hox up Attention of country merchant* i* called to our large rlnck. MAKSilALL k MAlTLDlN. Dec 18 S3 If NATIONAL BANK OF ?KEemVILLE, 8. C. Paid in Capital) 9100,000. HAMLIN HKATTIK, President. J. J. BLACKWOOD, Cashier. * " :o; ? DEPOSIT8 of Currency or Gold received in l?rg- or small amounta and Ortiflcaiea i?s*-d for ram*, payable on demead, without notice. The entire Capita) of the Bank U pledged for the security of ila depot t*. Money adranceJ on thipnoeoto of Cotton and oihrr produce to Charleston, New York n<) AlKae oitS-O M?ney loaned on Collaterals end other Seeuritia* Chciaiioi> are requested to call at the ShertfTe ? ffiee and glvn their notea for the amount of their ubacription. W. T SHUMATE, December 18th, 18?i. IS-l ono month to 100 yeara of age, at .DIN, Opposite Mansion House. IND Blir MRU. eItilizdb. it this Agency for Crop eady Sold for Crop 1878. LACS. iS.OO) per Ton of 2,000 |>onnds. )) per Ton of 2,000 pounds. FOR COMPORTING. 00) per Ton of 2000 pounds. J5.00) per Ton of 2000 pounds. TAGE TO BE ADDED. pjest mm ii usi" increase the reputation alr?*.|y gained, has Ihlon in qunnliiy ot two ?(the moat orcdrd t arttole >-ver ina le h? the Company. Hern prepared to give the pWlir a'l iuforna< i.-' I ' ! ' * " e planter* In buy early and get their F*rtf given now, payable November let, 1878, have intervel allowed? deducted from ea?h >73. ?EIt for Orrrnville. Laotena and Pickene ea for 1H7S. and rend the e?rtifleat< a. ETS C. SMITH, Agent. '.4 8m tklijmphant. f T H E carolina fertilizer WILL BE SOLD AS FOLLOWS i CASH PRICE. $'18 por Ton of 2.000 lbs. TIME PRICE. $33 per Ton of 2,000 lbs. / PAYABLE J November 1,1873, *77 - ? ree oj interest, ] HURT m IUTK * TO DE ADDED ! ITS SUCCESS !. is UNP Alt ALIBIED* : AND ITS \ ~ v &TJ1JYDJ1 ID ! 18 A N0. lr 4 ) GAEL ON AGENT* FOR' s ALMANAU AND ;geo.w.\villiaA&go. , Charleston, p. C. THOMAS W. lAVIS, Agent t Greenville,^ C. Dec 18 SS If To Thy?iel nt. . PIlYMClANS will plea inform (hi* 1 Honr-I, l?y fealnt lhe'o?Ot M I'll >r tor H'Tirra iw-lve in Jail and 1 i P> or lluua?p*va*?v iIm? m ol each? ) do medicine fui ninh'.f. A. *. DAVHX Ghniimm B >ard County *W*?io*eFK. I)-e. U. 187 2 U?? BEIDVILLE, I. C-. FEMALE CO LEGE, Spartanburg l?trict, OPRN3 PF.BRUARY FIRST. Tho ehvapeat Fi-welo Coll > in ibeSouth ; eloaea I nut of Nn?rnili?c ten Calendar Month*; Vacation In the M ; Pall T?ran heglna let of July; Board ? flO to $J 2 j Tuition, f4; Mimic, H pe ?nth j No Ea? trna; No charge for Tulli< >f Daugbtara of Ifinialrra of lha f) nape I or Whr* killed In battle. TI10S. WA > WHITE, IV.. 11 > ? * * ?i | rr?Pia?Di. LAND FO|SALE. ?itu?t*d ???<-a ' Jrooi iMh. of llwmille, near wl#? \ T?M? RL Kntd troNM lk? W itdHor*? \ I B H??il. lT?ot diapoeed ef prl?? IJ at *? f |[1|. will b* sold at aa< 4- n land it letJf wj tccettiblo, an M goo? ?7 qnalitj. . APplj to $ 0. 1IcCla?aia?( K [. I ljr ' MRS. LA OR flWTW. I I>ac 18 53 , > CO., TEW CAMiONS / FRESH NORFOU^-^E1 OHWTJBJSm^SSS FOR SALE to call on them - .8|?eelal attention ^HHrjsv