<* ?*/ * <1 mmn (ft ; <*- *.? 2l)c (Kntrqjrlst. QREENViL'LC.V. O. , Jfc In rt -, .r = wssMBtoAT, mrs it, lm. Aoilin IS CaAILMTO*.?Tb# Advertising Apney of Mtdr*. Wauh, Ktaai A CaMWIlL, represented by RoaWIU T. Loo ah, Esq., la the only authorised Agency for this paper in Charleston. rurmAn TJnlrar.ity^C.m?anta*tnt BxThis auraing. the regular MmfeilNinuietl exercises yriU begin In tho Baft la t Church, whiehlwdl embrace tho eoaferring of oertifl catoi of dUtlaatloa, addresses by Uaaara.'E. C. Dargan, P. Bittklpt, Q. W. Taylor and. C. McO. Wtlllama, and tho awarding of diplomat. Tho addaooa of K^. J. B. Stood man boforo tho Literary Sooiatloa of Fnrmau Ualvomky. dolirorod la tho Court Haass Tnaoday oroniag, 18th last, wan attended by a Tory largo and brilliant audience. Tho apoakor waa in troll u cod after a prayer by Ear. E. J. Maynardie, D. D., and, entertained hU hoarara for an honr or mora, during which ha waa rcpoatodly applauded. To alght at 8 o'clock, Ear. Dr.' Meyuanile will dallvor an addroaa boforo tho Literary Society of tho Female College, at tha CoDogo chapel. ; ' 1 d ) Hi'? * r?i Waa tern North Carolina Railroad. Tha trienda of the La arena and Asheville lUilroad hare their attention railed to tho annexed extract from the Asheville (N. C.) Piotutr. All wo.have to do in order to giro our city and section immediate and direct communication with tho West, and realize all that the Blae Ridge Railroad could bare given if It had bean coroplatad, ia to push forward tha construction of tha Lsufens and Asheville Railroad : " Western ,V. C. Railroad.?We bare Juat learned through O If. Roberta, Secretary of tha Weatarn Division of tha Western N. C. Railroad, that Ma], Rollins, President of the Road, has arrived, and reports that ha has elated a laoae with the Southern Railway Company to build the Road from Wolf Creek to Asheville. and to Wayncaville, N. C. This We regard as entirely reliable." State Democratic Convention. i The Convention mot in Columbia, Tuesday evening, 11th inat., at & o'clock. Twenty Counties of the State sent delegates, and the other* were unrepresented. Hon. W. D. PortER. of Chfirl#ltnn WWW nsvmananf T? r ? ? j ???V |?v. Mi*?w?u? f ICS" I ident. The Convention adopted the following resolutions : Resolved, That this Convention recognizes the movement which was organised at Cincin., nati on the 4th of May last, as tbe only one in this crisis calculated to secure civil liberty, and restore local self-government. Resolved, That this Convention accepts tbe Cincinnati platform as bread and liberal and just to all portions and classes and citisens of the Republic. Resolved, That it is the sense of this Con ention that the Interests of the country require that no separate and distinct Democratic nomination should bo made by tho Baltimore Convention, and the delegates appointed by this body are hereby instructed to oppose ench nomination. In the election of delegeteB to represent the Stele in the Baltimore Convention, the annexed list was selected : Krst Congressional District?Henry Mc Iver, Wm. Connors, F. F. Warley, John B Moore. Second Cnngretsional District?JJ. P. O'Connor, T. Y. Simmons, 9. 8. Solomons, Win. Vfheley'. Third Congressional Dittriet?J. 8. Cothran, Jas. P. Adaius. A D. Frederick, H. A. Mcetze. > ?I Fourth Congressional District?E C Mc. T .... 1? \S Oli-'- T< Mr Mr ? ---- ? I jiuic, av. xu i? vr, vrooawflni, >v. b Holcombe. At Large.?.Tee. Chestnut, T. B. Frazer, W. H. Wallace. E. H Law, Wm D. Porter, "Wm. Aiken, Simeon Fair, Jan. Izlar. Dr. M. B. Palmer at Nazareth ChurchFrom parties who were in attendance at the cenlenniai address delivered at Nazareth Church, in Spartanburg County, on Saturday last, 15th instant, by Rev. B. M. Palmer, D. D., of New Orleans, we learn tliut the occasion was a most interesting one, the distinguished divine delivering a profound and able addreee, in commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the organization of the Churoh there. A vast concourse from the sutrounding neigh hot hood was present, who gave unremitting attention. On Saturday night. Dr. Palmer addressed the schools at Reidville, and on Sunday proceeded tb'Spartanhurg Court Houte, where lie delivered the 11 ofelock eimnn in the Presbyterian Church. Kuphradtan Society, The Eupbradian Sooietv of the South Carolina College, Columbia, will celebrate its sixty sixth anniversary, on Thursday, June 27tb. The orater of the occasion is Mr. John P. AnTBt'R, of Columbia. We are iodebted to Mr. R. J. Boom, for an invitation to attend. ClarlosopbiO Society. The above Sooiety, also oonneeted with the Booth Carolina College, will hold its final aelebration on Wednesday evening, June 26th. Mr. J. Qoitma.v Marshall is President, and E.G. Craydon Secretary. W. F. Wriout, of Anderson, delivers the valedictory oration. Wo return thinks for eat8. Extracts from Exchanges. On our outside will be found an article oopied from the Abbeville Medium, on "Good Men in OSes;" also some thoughts addressed "To the Voters of Laurens County," from the Herald of I bat plaee. Doth of these extracts will bear perusal. ?? - ? Concert at Reidville. Don't forget tbs concert at Reidville, Friday evening, 21st. Tickets lor salu at Messrs. Posxca A Uuntkb'b Ample accommodations will be made for tba reception of viaitora from abroad. Religious Notice. Tba prayer meeting at the Methodist Cburoh will not be beld this evening, as Dr. Mavaanma Will deliver the Address at tho Female College. Kxohange of TulpHa iv?t, ui. b?ff( m m* rnw^MUui utrnreh, will preach mxi Sabbath morning la the MeibodUt Cbprob, and JUr. Or. Metnardib, of the Methodiet Church, will proaob in tbo ' 1'reibyUrian Cburob, on Mit Snbbntb morn- 1 inf. Such fraternal exchanges am highly commendable and proper. . Read notice of Mesars. Sudduth X i'o'ioiiold, headed " Cotton Tar !" OlfeVoina** onaou" ' ' TV. o^fcotioa preoodtog the M.i? bolUtyi, od. Cmpfc J. ? Pa#ic?'i *" oooelndod on yeotordny.'Mgi tit Ml OOOtloo It regarded by the frioodi of the Jebool at a ?ory tnrtinl^ono tlt mnlnofrn yMibg L off pbuutly. Among fbo paplU doaofvtag tptitol mention, wo bare On plwiwt tf mentioning two. IQotort A. Qonoaan and N. P. r*M4?> Idgai dpi po penally ontitled to the prtao of e, gold p?n god ponoil, offorod fbr Inynnnl In ponwanehlp. and K ?U therefore doeidod by lot?Muter Fit* ham einytai || tff. Master Goddakd, tl< though luting the first prise fur which ho contended, -co?dad la the ?ad, vis. t Ha received especial meat ion for hie excellence la diligence and pnnetwelUy f this W ahoald Vehte rary highly, for M b to late a prise ? thaa the florasar. After |ka axerole? vara am, aad frames J lately WTate the adjourn meat of tW 8 eh Cel. aa episode, vary pleasing la its character to the Principal, was enacted. At the conclusion of Capt, Pstrioi'i remarks of leave, Master Jiitil Chasm, a promising pa^,steppad to the fro at, aad la a few pertinent remarks, presented him, in behalf of the boys of tbe School, with a rateable present, as a fastimoalal of their esteem, aadof tbe cordial relations exist lag Wtweaa the pupils aad their pre?ptor. TW reelpteat expr?ssd bis delight and, satlcfaction, and as W had not previously Won apprised of their kind attentions, the gift was tbs more valaed. Mr. Harvkt T. Cook, Assistant, was ? rprised In a similar manner, as his pnplts also presented him with a token of tboir high esteem and appreciation as a teacher during tbe se?ion just dosing. Of course he felt proud of such a kind expression. ,i. . Mr. GxoaoK W. Walkxk, Assistant, w? likewise remembered by tbe young gentlemen in an equally oomplimentary manner. The? incidents go to show that teachers may discharge even onerous duties, and at the same time bind their oharg? to them in friendship and good feeling. AmnntihU AAeartldna.-.lhriirvhttlv H*. 1 eeivea a Buspli of Soap. , Daring the part weak, oar City has bren visited by Mr. Piam D. Hatfikld, the ad artiaiog agent of B T. Babbitt, manufsctnrar of Soapa, New York, who presented every family in the pUee with a oska of " Babbitt's Beat Soap." Thie has been dona in order to introduce this popular roup thoroughly in our raarkat, and we doubt if a more successful mode could have been adopted, than a free distribution o' a oaks to each household, thus giving our citizens an opportunity of testing its qualities; and we have no doubt its superior merits will create an immediate demand for it, as we have, besides of our own practical knowledge, heard quite a number of penmns spaak approvingly of it. It is adapted to nil lha purposes of home uses, in the kitchen, laundry and bath room, and ia invaluable to machinista. printers, paint ere, and all others using inks, oils, etc., for washing hands. Charles Markkll, Lombard Street, cor ner of Calvert and Chespaide, Baltimore, is the Southern Agency. Wheeler's Photograph Gallery. Greenville ia fortunate in having in its midst a very superior Photographiat, in the person of Mr. W. M. Whkblbr, whose Gallery is over the store of Messrs. WniTMiRR ft Fergusok; but of course our people know this. His workmanship is of an excellent order, and persons wanting likenesses taken, need not send their work kwav. flavin* vi? ited photograph galleries in some of the contiguous cities, we can unhesitatingly say that he executes his work in a manner not to ha excelled by artists in-either Columbia, Charleston or Augusta. While the features and form are well delineated, the finish is all that eonld be desired. He has furnished work for some of our principal citisens, and his specimens are worthy of an examination. -J Treasurer Parker's Card?The Schools, We publish elsewhere the card ot Honor Nilks O. Parker, State Treasurer, in reference to the closing of the Schools, for which, he says, be baa been in some way held responsible. Mr. Parker rocommends to the 8cbool Commissioners of the State the keeping open of the schools until vacation, and re-opened thereafter, assuring them that all claims shall be promptly met as soon as the taxes are collected in tbo fall. r>. O'Connor's Millinery Store. This lady has a beautiful stock of ladies' ' goods, and ean furnish every thing needed, 1 takes especial pains to please. Her advertisement, as appearing in another column, has undergone several ohaagee, and it would be well to obserte them. I Literary Club. < The meeting of this bodv will be held on I next Friday evening, June Slit, 8 P. M , at ' the residence of Jambs Bibnib. Esq , Rev. 1 E. Cai'ers to read (he tuny. Please make I it a point to attend the meeting. COJfPMMBST TO A SoCTH CABOMSA DlVI.Vl. i The correspondent of the Richmond (Va.) \ Enquirer, writing to that paper from Staun- , ton, Va., nnder date of the 3d instant, lays: . The discourse of Dr. John A. Broadns at ( the Episcopal Church was a gam in its way. This honored and learned divine, whose mind , has been cultivated to the highest degree at our noble University, where he graduated with great distinction, and whose taste has been refined by prolonged foreign travel, is a model of simplicity and humility. His sermon eonsisted of a picturo and its lessons?of that touobing scene in the life of Jesns at Bethany, when, weeping in sympathy with the listers, he restored their brother to those lo/ing arms which fonr days before had swathed bis corpse. Eyes ujured to tears were suffused that day. I beard one of Virginia*! strongest intellects, wisest statesmen, and abloat speak w> if mm J iubi uuaj wub snail lU T irgmil 00111(1 deliver such a lermoa, and that wae the man who did it. Riv. Tiros. Ward Writs, the fret ehaplain of the Riefcmowd (Va.) HoWlteer Battalion during the late war, and extensively known throoghoot the Booth ever the imn da plume " Philip Barrett" as a writer for or the noil flourishing female institutions la Mm land?Reidrillo Pamela Collage, Byarteaburg District, 8. C.? 71* South, N. Y. W. 11. Hsndrtakflk of Charleston, has been ballad in (Ha anna of $600 before a trial on a eherge of assault and battery with a deadly weapon, upon Ifr. John A, Morw, orSe of the editors of the Charleston Courier. Franeiseo Victor Valdez, a Spaniard, killed Joee Pers. a Cuban, in Charleston, last Wcil&esdey, io a political quarrel IILi' 3L ?L? ' '* r r CoUoa bloudba >H appaarlog la tkf leprae oooaUa?. W?Unn?}oM have ippiirii la Columbia, bat tiia p: ioa U ? liUla he?Yj?one dollar. Pullman aloapiog oan hif? at laat baan plaoad oa Um fiiaath Oaroliaa Railroad. H All Um Now York mambera of tha Houaa art aald to bo for Qraalaj. in* ynnrieoion isfputimmm M of opt dim that, with proper effort, 8 tnty pounda. The Democrats of the Seventh Maeraohus iet?a Dittrict met at Lowell, oo the lith, tod recommended tho Adoption, nt Bellinrtrp nf ihw flinninwo l? nUl#.??oa Gan. J B. Gordon has accepted an inilation to oeliwr the anaaal add rata before he literary aoeietiee of Davldaoa (N. C ) College. ' .. A ct The DemoeiHrtlai Conventions of Kanees ind Iowa indicate an 'overwhelming eentinent for the Cincinnati platform and nom> nees. *t Hie Laurenavillo Herald is informed that asaafra* tops, broken off and fed green-to took, make a good substitute for fodder, ind that aaimala will do w?dl on 4h?m t Oh the laat day of the State Democratic Joovention, Messrs. J. J. Lucas, of Darlingon, and Mario# Coehran, (colored,) of Charleston, appeared end took their seats is delegates. The Treasurer Ahherilla County has uade a settlement with the State Auditor For the taxes of 1868, 1869, 1870 and 1871, not having to sell any of lha land of the County to make the collections. The salary of the Post Ms?ter at Walhalla has been increased from two hundred and fif*y dollars to five hundred and sixty dollars per year, and the grade of the office made fourth class. * Mr. George Roberts, Jr., living three mi'es from Lexington, shot and killed a coach-whip snake a few days ngn, which measured in length seven feet aod ten inches. After the nomination at Philadelphia was made, at the hack of the stage a drop curtain scene fell representing Grant on horseback, in futl uniform, bootsd and rpurrad, and with a satire at his side. It is said that President Grant still laughs at Greeley's nomination, wbilemany laugh at Grant who say thai his mouth will have the green persimmon pucker about next November. The Savannah Hew* ot Friday acknowledges the receipt, of a d?>z-n dwarf peaches from Major N. O. Tilton, from his place near Aiken Q. C. They are about the size _ ? - It-Jf- t- -a -a oi a on a cgn. out, psriecuy ripe and very palatable. Grant hae domiciled at Long Branch ; ha goes to Washington on Toealay for Ca?dnet meeting; thence to Ronton to attend the meeting of the I meters nf Peah, and then home to Long Branch. The annual examination and concert of the South Carolina Institution for the education of the Deaf, Dumb ?nd Blind, loea. ted at Cedar Springe, Spartanburg. County. 3 C . will be liel l on Thursday. June 27th, 1872. The public are invited to attend. The work on the new United S'ale* building in Columbia ia being pushed fors ward with commendable enterprise. The slink of the hammers and drills ean be laatd all day long. The granite b look a, which are taken from the quarry near Winnshoro. are as fine as any that oau be Tound. In the Circuit Court, before Judge Bryan, lames R. Brat I on, iodieied for conspiracy and homicide under the Ku Klux Ant, in the case of Jim Williams, hsving been arrested, was ordered to be released upon his giving good security, in the sum of f 12,^00. lor his appearance before the special term of this court in Columbia, S. C , on the Aret Monday in August, 1872, the said bonds to >e taken by United B?tM Commissioner Poinier, at Yorkville, S. C. For the Greenville Enterprise Mr. Editor?'Permit mo, through your columns, to thank " the friends at Education," for ths unsolicited noaniaction they have given ass for tba office of 8chool Commissioner at the ensuing election. Allow me, too, to add that, while I am not unwilling to serve the public, justice to my views of public policy, requires me to say, that, in our present con ditioa, I regard concert of action on the part of all good eitiseua of the utmost importance, and hence eanaot consent to hare my aame associated with any measure that might tend to a different result. The Convention to assemble in August next, will, I presume, nominate a ticket for County officers; and, should that body see proper to connect my name with the office mentioned, I should feel It my duty to accept the nom inatios?otherwise, I most decline to be a candidate. . Very respectfully, JOHN B. PATRICK. Greenville, June llth, IMS. - / ? - . fnasmti, Jhrnn: Iff. Cotton Is telling to day at New Voax, June 17Cotton Arm ; sales lid tales; uplands, 2fi ; Orleans Id}. Gold fS|(gtd. CiuBLtsToN, June 17. Cotton dull?middling 26 ; receipts 211 bsius; slock 8,724. ii-r ii ' aPMQiAL >^1 1 ' CoOWOIL OUHIM, Fi Oafcnmufc. & C. JMi IT; 1871. ) Conned m?t at 4 o'clock P. M. Pr#eal : Hit Honor lh? Mayor, J.- P. Moor# ; Alders mb W0I1 ?r, Ymrgia, Greer, Wood, CUne. HammMUs , A H?B %Mowing eoaefnooicei|oe lr?, ptiobw by Mr Onerry, bar* created a itroag dttlrt on part of many of Our eitm Richmond to Spartanburg by rxpresk, ahd rhat the Town Council of Spartanburg pay the expreee charge# upon the seme, which l? to be refunded !o them by thle Council; and afur it hi* been on exhibition In Spartanburg for a few day* it b* sent t<> Greenville by express. they paying the express charges on raine, sod afro guaranteeing that the p ctpr* and frame be received at tbik plee* in a? good oondli ioo as it is received at Spartanburg , ? Carried, unanimously. The following petition and Protest of citiaene wax read bo fore Council: To Hie Honor the Honor, itnd Aldermen of the City of Orrtmille The undersigned eitiaeae mad.tax-payer* of eaid city, hereby state, that tbey learn?with astonishment?that voui honorable body have decided to pay certain panic* the reward offered l>y yourselves ter the " Detection, arrest aud cntviqtion " of the person or parsons concerned in use firing of the Tenons places, ot either of them, during the past few months. The undersigned do not bolieve that any person or persons an specially entitled to the reward offered for each purpose. No publio notice was girun of a meeting of Cooucil to determine any such claims. Persons, whose evidence tended most strong* ly to convict the parties, now in the Penitentiary. made no claim to this reward, and we do not think any others arc entitled thereto. And wo would therefore moet respectfully, but firtnly, protest that our representatives, the Mayor and Aldermen, should not pay, from the City Treasury, any moneys for each purpose. Until at least the case may have a more publio aud further investigation, w< would recommend the oase to the deoision ol the County Court. G lleldmann, William Choice* A J Richardson, O A Pickle, Giles L Glazener, Wrn Beat tie, W E Ricberson, . C W D'Oylcy, J W Tbornbnrg, W D Roper, J L Hawkins, 8 C Clyde,' O B Dyer, T B Harrison, M M Gaines, Z Collins, A Miller, W J Smith, J C C Turner, Samuel Stradley, O P Mills, W fi Madden, . J J Mackey, J A David, W E Rowland, H G Ingram, J H McQee, H W Cely, ' R W Godd%rd, W M Ce1j, E T Holland, A Shelton Scruggs, T A Hayden, M 8uber Scruggs, M K Robertson, J B Scruggs, B Maxwell, T B Young, B Simmons, G W Land, Win H Watson, James I Ross, John McKay, James J Johnson, J F Greer, David Henderson, W H Gantt, Edward Hughes, T Q Donaldson, A A Bruce, John H Sjbofiold, G W Rees, B F Perry, 'JO Black, John W GrAdy, * Hahn, W F Thaokiton, C Hahn, Wm M Keith, ''' II Bornemeyer. Respectfully submitted. Groenxille, 8. C., June 5th, 1872. Upoa bearing the above Petition and Protest of citisena, on motion, Resolved, That the action of Council on the 5th instant, in reference to their decision in the matter of the reward of $500, reconsidered, and that the caee he referred to the Court of Common fleas for Greenville for adjudication. Carried unanimously. The following aceounts were ordered paid : W. J. Wbitmire * $ 2 10 R. P. Miles 1 0U II ay den A Bro 25 14. On motion, adjourned. A. R. McDAVID, City Clerk. Changes i.e tub BtOfKaorr Law.?Congress has passed a hil] amending the bank* rupt law. It allows all exemptions allowed by any State law on the 1st of January, 1871. It also exempts a widow's dower, or other estate in lieu theraof. if the State law so provides; aWo, life insurance to> the amount of $4 ,000. The tim- during which bankrupts may be discharged upon pa? ment of fifty per cent, of their indebtednets is extended until July 1, 1878 ; J*tdg* ments obtained against persons or property before petiti >n? in bankruptcy ar- filed, ate to be first and fully eatiefied. Changs* in the methods of appointing registers, In the metter of marshal's fees, end other less important particulars, sre also made. JOB PRINTING. IIA VI/VG engaged the service* of a competent Job Printer, we are more than ever prepared to turn out promptly, at reason able rates, all kinds of plain JOB PRINTING, such as Handbills, Circulars. Cards, Labels, Yam Tickets, dkc, dkc. |.-?f j unics tmw ao wen tc confer with its before giving mu their ordert. COTTON TAX ! COTTON TAX!! TUE uodiriigMd, having b?#n appoint' aaitndy. Either a , he nan HlwajN be fonad at the oflies a Me?rt*. Esaue A Btfrrto. . ' ! )!. SUDDUTH A SCHOFIELTV J?a?18;1>. 1*7*. 7-4. ?L Niyiuv am**- Mm IWoi gray ig the i*r, ia uow fader lapffeee ot i ia Mat^oo, for bqpaf pertietpalad la r-r i I, i i l?rw4 a DMbi. fc^JaL. Mora diaeasee ara iha revolt ot the derangement y druggists avafy dflWR. Atwott*. G*., Nov. 1, IBM. Da. Wm. H. Ttrrr?8iri For aevaral yaara pact V have bran euhj-ot to Mlioue attacks, and alwaya was a firm believer that tbera waa no muadv for tha complaint. hut mercury. until, About a yAar and a half tgn, M an experiment, I ti led your Vegetable Uv< rr Pilla, and waa agreeably luryptnl tp And that threueaAgtpRqhrd all tha raanlte. and mora M iw. of Blue Maes or Calomel, wlthnni any df thatr had efP-ete. I wee elwaye an arttwlirvev ia PaWnt Medicines, bu'? can aay llila for your pUl*?that since 1 commented using thetn. I hava not takan a particle of mercury lo any ahapa; aad I 'v eoiiaiilrr thia fact an important one, and own that thogo who arts in lha habit-of taking mercury tor bilious dia^OMS ean properly appreciate. I cordially recomm-nd ' , therrt ae the heat Liver' lt?dialna cv.ar Introduced Youra, ato, , . K. H. GRAY, S49 Broad Street. WW Dr. Tuttb Hair Dje aata like jnagia. The Harvest of the Wh-n the comb a?-U> aa a rake bringing away a mil of parted fibers every time it paean thiough lha hair, baldness would soon I ? inevitable. Bui even in this ca-c, fnr'oror na it may e-em, the mischief ean be arrested,' the i?M repaired.. Lyon's Kathal run, aided >Ws from a eohl settled In the throat, from CaUrrh extending t<> thear parte front arroluhma affections, and trum aerere use ot the rciee. Tiie trrita'ion frein lliis latter initfe coins mences in the larynx and glntV* which are the mgana of the role, and extending downwards prod twee hoarseness, coughing and apitting mucous matter. s?iinnle cases of this disease that Dr. Piece'* (lolden Medical ' Discovery has ?rhieva?f tinpafnUel'd sue i cess, and won the loudest, praise from all who haye used it. It ta told by ell respectaide druggist*. The Village Cnrnen.?Tt should not look like a bara or a storehouse. It should be a building, tbe very sight of which would cauae devout fve'ings in the breast. A well-carved cross should point to heaven ; massive panel* i ed doors should impress the visitor with soi lemuity of the place into which be is entering; ' stained glass should throw' a mystic light athwart the stilus; pulpit, alter, culling sod galleries should he ornamented with figurative mouldings, and the columns that support tbo galleries, and tbe balusters thai rail them in, should be of classic patterns. Any cougrega lion wishing such a church should send their orders for finishing material to Mr. P. P. Toale, importer of French ftained glass, and manufacturer yf and dealer in Doors, Sashes, Dlinds, Ac., No. 20 Hayne street, Charlestan, 8. C. 4-tf i Immense Foroes of Human Life The amount of heat-fore* Which is Drodueed annually in Ibe body of an adult man, ii suffioient to raiso neariy 30,000 pound* of water from the fretting point to tb# boiling point. Mechanical lore? is also produced. Every year the heart contract* and dilute* 40,000,000 time*, each time with a foroo estimated a* equal to tbe pressure of 13 pound*?thousand* of ion* of blood being thus annually driven through the circulatory system. Nor are these involuntary actions all. Foroe is gene, rated as well for a thousand forms of volunia ry action. Thus a healthy laboring man is estimated to be able to exert a force equal to raising tbe weight of bis body through 100,000 feet in a day. In strict correspondence to this outcome of foroe is tbe internal dtianga in the various tissues, which accompanies iL The living body has been compared to a waterfall. While its apparent form remains unchanged, its constituent particles are in a state of swift, unceasing transition. The joint result of the continual ingoing current through 1 tbe stomach, etc., etc., and of tba corresponding outgoing current through the kidneys, etc., etc., is, that the whole human body Is ' completely renovated in tbe spaae of about a mouth. Now tbe great motor prinoiplein this unceasing flux?which is tbs measure of baalth ' and the very essence ot life?ii the digestive faculty. If the reader falls in tbe full possession of ibis faculty, and fails conseqnently in tbe fall possession of health and of lite, let bim try Dr. Qottlieb Fisoh's Bitters. Let him take a wifte-glaa* full befora and alter eacb meal. Ha will very toon experience relief. 6-eowlm Pitiful Condition. ,,. It is sad tking to pass through life only half alive. Yet there are thousands whose habitual condition is ona oi languor and debility. Tbey complain of not specific disease ; they suffer no positive psin ; but they buvewe relish tor anything which affords mental or sensuous pleasure. Iw nine cases out of tan this stale ef lassitude and torpor arise* from a morbid stomach. Indigestion destroys tbs energy of both mind end body. When the waste of nature la not supplied by u due and regular assimilation of tbe lood, ?Very organ ! nerved, erery runction Interrupted. Now, what d<>ee eomumi miih enggeet under theee eircumstanooa of dopreeeiun ? The gystrin need* rouging and atrcngtbening ; not merely ft?r an hoar or two, to air,k afterward in to a i?ore pitiable condition than near (aa it auuredlj would do if an ordinary alcoholic timulant war* raaorted to,) bat radically and permanently. llow ia tbia deeiraMe object to ba accomplished? The an ewer to tbia qneatloo, found* cd on the nnvarying eiperienoo of a quarter of a century, ia aaally (iron. Infuaa new rigor into the dlgaatlra organa by a eonree of Hoatetter'e Atomaeh Bitter*. Do not watte time by administering temporary ramadiaa. but wake tke ayatem up by recuperating Ike fountain heed of physical strength and energy, tba great organ upon which ell the other or* : gane depend for their aurturuand support. By the time that a doteo doeee of the great vegetable tonle and lartgoraat nave naea ' takes, the feeble fraete of tba dyepoptie will 5 begin to fool ite benign influence. Appetite will be created, and with appetite the capacity to digMt what it eravaa. Peraevaro until the I care ia eompleto--uaUt beatbful bipod, At to be the material or fleah and tenants, and bone and nerve and brain, flow# through the channel* of circulation, ingteed of tba watery ' pabulum with whieh thay bare heretofore been , imperfectly Oouisbed. M ! Biinkrvptef. TT * r.. - - - - -1* - ' r umu* WflW of America?Jjitlrid | of South Carolina.. ftr Trt Mitm ?r WILLIAM tllf. tcwsw??!?**? A. W.YTHS, Aiilncf, Jwusj !7tU, 1671 7-2 -rr, ii, L , ? V For School Comzxisnoner. I W| tit aoihoHaci to nMuMl /AMIS K. DiClSON, Moq., u a nWMtt* ft* tfc? oAm of County School thanlhg elaotlan P P j.,^1 M&BY tiMii tei gohool Commlteiooor, oi Iht oaantog bIiHIib. job* if (4 W* arq authorised hj many friqafio of ^ C. MoGEE, Esq.. to bbbbubib Mm U bee dldate far re-election m School Oogenic toner of Qreeavltle County, at (ho eoeulng etoottoa. '1 i WBlfc authorised by tbo Mrt'dl of JDHN W. WOOD* Boq., to anuonuee hi* ?? 0 oundidato for School Cnngri**loaur, at tho naming olootlob* t l-ii* TUB friend* of Education would roapact?ol y nominate Prof. J. B -PATRICK for Sohool Cammtaaioaor, at tho anwiog election. ?*. :i, W? ut aatboriaad to mbwbm JOHN H. 8CH0FIKLD m a oaadMate for Sohool Co**wiaaionar ol 0rooqrillo County, at tho oaiata| election. V . . ,, t-iA For County Commissioner. "Many Friend* " rt-apeolfolly annonno* Mr. william l mauldin m a candidate for c?anty Commissioner, at tho bmq tng electloh, - ' 5?td THE frimd* - ol W. Jl HUDSON. E*q. knowipg that ho haa dUohargod hi* duller honnllj and sooluptijr, and acceptably K tho people, an.iounoo him a* a oondidoU for r???le*flon as County Commissioner for Greenville, at the enaolng election. col. ROBERT ARNOLD, capt. wm. oold8mith, ' B. R.JOHNSON, Biq. Tho above Ticket t* nominated for County Commie*! on ere, ar.d tho aontlomea oomporing it aro respectfully requested to allow their Dome* to bo uaed. TAX paykr8. May 22 t i Idl2? Far tha Stato Sonhta. THB friend* of Colon*! 8. 8. CRITTENDEN, announe* bio* a candidal* for tbo 8tote Senate ot tbo earning election. May f? 4 td WE era authorised hy the friend* of 7AMR8 P. MOORE, Esq., to ennouoce blin ea a candidate for a seat in the State Senate, at the ensuing election. 1?td _ p For the Legislature TI1K friend* of WILSON COOK. K?q. annonnee him *e a candidate for the Legia inmre ai me enduing ?ieciiOP. WK art authnriied to Manwn 81 MEOW R. WESTMORELAND, Esq., as a candidate for iha Legislature, at the ensuing election. May 29 , t 4 td WK are authorised to tnnoaac* F. B, McDKK, Esq., ai a caodidato for the Legislature^ at the ensnelog election. 1?td For Sheriff, WK, the friend, of JAMES 0'. YE Alt (J IN aUnrtunce him a Candidate for Sheriff, at thl next election. WE are authorised to announce J. L SOUTHERN, Ejq., as a candidate tor re election, as Sheriff for Greenville County. May 9 1 td tor Judge of Probata. WE are authorised to announce SAMUEI J. DGUTH1T, Esq., as a candidate for re election as Judge ot Probate for Greearilli County. f-td For Clerk of the Court. WE ere authorised to announce W. A. Mc DANIEL, Esq., as a candidate for re-eleetioi as Clerk of the Court for Greeurllle County Mey SIM For Solicitor. The friends of ABSALOM BLYTHE E-qulre, lespectfuily announce him ee i Candidate f?r the office of Solicitor of th< 8tli Judicial Circuit, at the ensuing alee tion. WE arc authorized to announce the nam of JAMBS BIRNIE, E-q., aa a Candidal* for the office of Solicitor of the Eighth Judt cial Cu cu it, at t he ensuing election. 61?if The friends of Colonel W. H. PERRY an nouuee him as a Candidate for Re~Electioi for Solicitor of the 8th Judicial District o South Carolina. 50-U Notice. There ?m t? Grand ratipicatioh MEETING by the Republican Parly.a the Court Houm, on Saturday night, Juno th< 22d, at 7| o'clock. J. M. RUNION. Judo 19 T 1 In Bnnkruptcy. United States of America? Distria of South Carolina. la Tnie Marten or D. W HOBGES. NOT1' E I* Iwby givtn that tharo wll be a general meeting of tlia Creditor" 27t'h Section of tba Bankrupt Ac" o< Marui 9, 1867. A. BI YTHK, Aarigoee. Jo 19 7 2t In Bankruptcy. United States of America?District of South Carolina. In tab Marian or L. D McMAKIN. NOTICE ll hereby given that thora aril! bo a genera* meeting of the Ored''on of the aforoMid Bankrup" at the offiee ni W. I. Canaan, B-a , R-gieter in Bankrupt' at YwkvHIe, 8 C., on the btA day ni July, 1872. 'or iho pu? f eaaa named In the *7tn S-ouom of lb? Bankrupt Art of Match t. 1867. A. HLYTHB, Aoalgneo. Je 19^ 7 It Mrs. Minnie O'Connor, RE8PRCTPUI.LY CALLS iWk Iho attention of tbo Lad We o Groom illo and vieiaity to tbi fad, that obe will open, oa Monday, t7th May Inst. [> 1ffjHT ha Elegant AeeorUaeni of iff WANVTf ?MftM 1 STOF EVERY DESCRIPTION,-?R ' MMtMita in pari aft Lao* Oeode, Paaoy Jewelry, Zephyr Wordeda j MllUaary EaoAa of Every Deacrlptlea. And Map otbns Artlalaa too aaaataai t I Motion. I 8. 1.?A llharal patriaaaa la reepeadktl: I ralletted. 1 ^ ; "ay Jt S tf ~7K2S?F f ft W*rtbj m\t? to 1 ti*m ihot I ill apply Wft.,JjftooMn ! 2aHff?3ft?$ I M OaartHu of O. B Boot*. M II JOKES, Goirdioo. I Jdue l7tl, l6lJ. ?? <1 - - . +:'* t umtmi o??ir* ?/. / ??wnp?x/i?r?? Tj hr office of W. I. Claw.on, En., Rogi?t?r in Bankrupt ejr. at TorkrUle, S. O, on the M day of Mr, 1878, for th? mirpiteoe named In Uio ' fftn Section of the Bankrupt Act of March 1, 1887. A. BLYTHE, Aralgnre. Ja 19 7 2t 1 W Creditpm \ WILLIAM WEST. TT la ordered by the Honorable the DUtriet X Court torn the DUtjrietoT South Cardiac, ' that all Ueae and other OmdWira of WILLIAM W B6T, or Greenville County, do eetabgoaBHSgs Better \a Benkmptoy. June 18 7 4 1 1 1 1,11 ' . 1 Itt 9?nkr?aplef. . United States of America?District . ,9f South Carolina. In rmm Mama or WfLLTAU WM+f I>Y virtus of a Dooroo of tho United flutes ) DTai riot Court, I will sell, at tha td*{?ico of WILLIAM WEST, thirteen mile* ahore Mrerfn villa Court House,''da the rbtth dap if Jutp next, all tho Real and Poraoaat Batata of aaid William Weaf, aa follows: 1 One Treat of LANQ, containing two bun" ' dred and tit; Acres, mora or laaa, to ta told , ftraa of liana, nad vt a aradit of sis month*,( with note and two good aaratiaa, and a mortgage of tba promises. Alao, all tba Paraonal Property not aat off to the Bankrupt. A. BLYTHB, Assignee. June 19 T S STATS OF SOUTH CABOLIHA, GREENVILLE COUNTY. COtJBT or COMMON PLEAS. Thomas A. Peden and Andrew M Prden, Executors, Plaintiffs. va Moses T. Fowlar, Trustee. at ai.. Defendants To the Da rendu tit-. David If. Peden. John T Fowler, David M Fowler, Mar* J Douglas siui Andrew J. Do ox Us, bar husband, David Boyd James S. Boyd. Elix* abeth Box d. John Bn} d, Saltin Stewart and John Stewart, her husband, Rol>#rt P Boyd Louisa Boyd Elian Boyd and Nancy Boyd. v YOU are harebv summoned and required to jnswsr the complaint in ti.ia clion, which is filed in the office of the Clerk of Common Pleas for Qreenwitle County, at Qrcanvtlla C. H., 8. C.. and to serve a copy ol y?ur aoewar to the aaid comi laint on the vubseriber. at hia office, at, Greenville C. H.. 8. C.. witliln twenty days after ihe service hete?f. exclusive of the day <>f such service ; and if y??n fail lv answer tha eomp'aint within the lima nforasaid tha plnititiff in this action will apply to the Court fur tha rviaf drtnau^d in tha 1 complaint, * Dala i Gre-nville C H., 17th Jnns, 18*2. J. P MOORE, Plaintiff's Attorney. To the Defendant*. David M. Padsn, John T Fowicr, David M. Fowler, Mary J. Douglas and Andrew J. Du^Us. h*r Ituss band, Da*td lloyd, James S Boyd, EBxabeth Boy-', John B??*d. Salite 8tewart and John Stewart, her husband, Robert > P. BoyY VIRTUS ot an Order frofll 8. J. x> Doothit, Probata Judge of Gteenvillo County, I will aoll at tho lata residence of O. W. GARRIhON, De'cd, on .Saturday, the 22d inet., i tbo following Persond Property, to wit: 1 Mule, 6 bead Cattla, 14 band Hogs, Corn and Fodder, Household and Ritchen Furniture, 1 Wagon, Plantation Tools, Ac. TERMS?CASH. i B. UllARLES, Administrator. , Juno 7tb. 1872. 8-f ' STATE OF SOUTH CABOLIHAGREENVILLE COUNTY. In ihe'Conrt of Probate. ' WM. McKINNEY, Jr., vs. CYNTHIA P. 1 TAYLOR, ot a!.?Petition /or Partition of \ Meal Eeiaie. IT appearing to my aatisfaetlon that Thomas Taylor and Luctada Jane MoMaban, Defendants in this oase, reside ont of tho Stato; > It is ordered, on motioa of Barlo A Blytbo, f Attorneys for Petitioner, that they do appear in person or by attorney, at a Court of Probate, to b? boldon at Greenville Court Rouse on the 28d day of July next, to show cause, if any they ean, why tbe Real Estate of PETER TAYLOR, 8r., deceased, should not be sold I or divided as prayad for. On failing to at* t tend, their consents to the same will be ootor? od of record. 8. J. DOUTU1T, J. P., O. Or June 10tb, 1872. 12-2 OOrSIOElRT, f AT Reidville Female College, , J USE tUt, 1871. i THE YOUNO LADIES f PVeMPVconnected with (he aloTeCTT*" , \7 * S \7 "institution, propose flv*T^^ t in^ a CONCERT m Friday 21?i i June, at ft o'clock, in behalf of "ffllt FLO. RIDE CALHOt'N LITERARY SOCIETY." fth Ailmittion?80 Cents. Person* connected with Literary In titut>ona. 28 cent*. Rt* Minister* of the Gospel and their families, free Miss LULA TOD?, President. 1 Miss Mattib IIotchbsoii, Secretary. Fees ft 6 1 1 1 ; V ? a a.? a ? ma. ?- 'a I mc i ?nr? o? rronaie, [ ORSBNVILLK COUNTY. . BARKSDALK CRARLB8 ri. RDMUND B. r OA RRI8UN, ?|4 other*?PHition ft SmU , Oj Jtopl Enat* to jefy Dtbu, fbe. IT APPEARING to my aetiafaetloo that John If. Uarriaon, VifM 0. Oorriaon, and Mary Uarriaon, MMaMi tkia eoae, roaida oat of tHa Slot* t It la ordorod, oa mo? (ton o( Sullivan I Btokee, tbat (la; do dpI poor to peraoa or kjr attorney, at i Court of Probata to Ha bold an at Qraaa villa Coart - Houia, on tiU M day of Jnlw nett. to show j eaaee, If aoy tbey oan, why the Raal Batata 1 1 of O. W. OARRISON, fiemai, .liould not J Ha aotd to pay tHa Dobu of aaid immfcrtd I for Partition ?oo?| tHa beirt; on failing to I attend, 'bolr eon rente will Ha entered of reowrd. M Wt?li,U.D00THlI-+^ J I - .. . ? Jt'el 11 For Bunt or fltftifc f HOUdB. aaaaad a^aere HoaaaM? Ha the Court Uouaa. It Vl gflfflroonlalneetaht eprlrht rnr.m,, r a Ion alt neoeeoery oat Hal Mingo Parterrni, v a mum UnJaBM iIMIFM. ' 8 ' w "-?';7xow,H.O