Q S E M V I W1PW35A$ MACH W i*T?r^ The Legislature?Adjournment. The Legislature, after i session of near four month*, baa not, as i* common, adjourned , time die, hat i* subject to the call of the pre* aiding officer# of the Senate and Houee of Rep. rcecntaUres ; l he refer?, at an* time we may be burdened by another session. The Columbia Union, strongly Republican. T thus ihowi up tk? character of the body : u The Legislature, by conourreot resolution, fixed upon to day (13th inat.,) as the tine fos | adjournment. The session has now extended over a period of not less tbea one hundred and twenty days, or nearly one third of the entire year. During this time, but few kills of atyj importance to the State have Leon passed.? The scsdon has been frittered away in unncccssary end useless sqqabbles between contending factions, and the people's business has been left undone until the very'last days of the session. Bills of public Importance, which should have passed before the holidays, have been put off from day to day, until the very last day of the session finds tbem still pending, while acta of incorporation, charters to companies, railroad, military and otherwise, have been rushed through with the meet astonishing rapidity, and without any apparent regard to the value of the time vpent in considering thorn. It is safo to say, that at least threefourths of all the business done at the present session of the Legislature, is of a purely private naturo. More than half o( that whjyh has coosumed so much valuable time, could just as well be done by the courts. "The Republican parly, if it expects to live in this State for any length of lime, must tememher one fact; and lhat if, that the people who pay taxes, both white and colored, will not consent to see their money squandered by the Legislature in delibera. , ting over measures of no earthly importance to any, save those who introduce them "If we expect to exist as a party, we must intioduce these measures of reform, and not have them forced upon us l>y the opposite patty. There is no disguising the fact lhat our Legislative expenses are nearly double what they should be, and this is caused solely by the extraordinary leng'h of the session. "There are scores of useless offices in tbc Sta'c which should have been abolished, or consoliJnted, but whenever this subject was ] broached, all sorts of fair premiers were made, but no definite action could be secured looking to a curtailment of useless expenditures. Members were afraid if they voted for 'such measures, thnt some displaced official in their r?epeclive counties would exert his influence against them when they again come before the people for re-election. All action seemed to be purely for I self, without the slightest rega'd for the public at large. " The members now go home to their constituents, where, we trust, for lha good of the State and the party, many of ihetn will be allowed to remain. " Wesley once said, that " Many a good farmer, or mechanic, had been spoiled to in.ike a poor preacher." " There is but little doubt io the minds of many who have witnessed the remarksble gyrations of some of lite members of tlie General Assembly, that many a giod Imtbquin has been spoiled to make a very poor legislator. " We have this to say to the l^epublicnn party of this Sta'e: If there is not a change f. r the better in the next Legislature, then God help the Stute, We intend, that so far ns we are concerned, no effort will be spared on our part to secure this change. Let lite people look to the matter at once." The Charleston News also comments as follows: " Besides wasting time and money, they have bartered their influence for a fee, and i have made themse'ves accomplices of tip se who live by plundering the people. They parsed the Validating bill, which conferees that frauds were perpetrated, and boldly declares that every dollar of bonds and stocks issued by the Ring is a binding part of the debt of the Slate. They pn?a?J the Settlement Bll, which may involve the State in an additional deht of a million or more. They passed the Blue Ri^ge Bill, which gives the Patterson Ring $1.800,000 w ith which to pay 6ff a debt of $500,000; the State ol andoning, besides, its statutory lien upon the property of liie company. In addition to the License bill tbey hare levied a tax of about two per cent, upon, all taxabl# property In the State, and win, this year, wrest thrsc millions from the people, although the total expenses before the war were less than half a million a year. They have wrangled and anarled ; they have sol 1 their votes as butchers sell meat in the market; tbey have done ail that honest men would not do, and could not do. And their last met, the election of an ignorant and malicious Northern negro to the judgeship of the Charleston Court, is a fitting crown to an edifice whose corner stones arc ignorance sod impudence, venality and vice.'' ;rj Rn itrlnn Tlsn K On Tuesday last, Mrs. Namcy Harbison, widow of the late I)r, Jambs IImuusom, -was at lacked with paralysis, from the of frets of which she died the following day. She had heen in the discharge of her accustomed duties tip to the time of attack, visiting sever*) of the stores of ths City.? Hhe lingerod until Wednesday evening, when she expired. Mrs. Harrison . was heid in high esteem for her estimable qua!-, ities aa wile, mother and Chrisliao lady.? Her remains were interred at Fork Hhoal Church, in the lower pert of the Osnntjr and repose beside those of her husband, who preceded her only a few months. Commitment. The persons arrested on the charge of sets ting fire to the different buildings in this City recently, reported laet week, have, upon examination before Trial Justice Jambs P. Mooar., been committed to Jail for trial at our next Court. In the evidence adduced, the teetiasotiy elicits very Strong clrfetimstantfal proof, sufficient to warrant their detention and confinement. We incorrectly reported the namer of the parties, last week, giving the allot ?? each.? The proper name of the white atss ir Pan*brick Monan, and that of tha other Is * '' CaaRMts Dunn. Notaries Public. Pascmai. P. Hvrr and A. krkd Taylob have heen by (he Governor appointed Notaries Public for Greenville County. bminraa on their pert The reduction^Ul be eboul flfty per e*ftt. a4 ebno. panics have acted justly in Hie I'ldwUaa, L-. Da (fcia nowMotsaa eevoaiA tela* oacaftion to eommend Mr. Julius 0? flhrat IhsAgaat of the bout born Express Coiupauy at this plaoa/or hie aAcir^a/. ?W*N?rnent of the Company's office. All pgfffM ^ and parages or other freigh^^r^^promptly' delivered, with polltaness and eourtcsy, and In a manner that will not fail to redound to the interest of the Company.' ft* adUchea of the office are alio good men, and their selection and retention by MY. jpMita !? SnotWIr guarantee of the'fhfthftil trnnsnetion bf all hatlaeu eeiowtld tbWMM. The 1* press \ Company, and the pUfrlto Htewtao, are Millato in the Agenoy established bar*. *'lM 1 ; v OraAmaln PhyMoUn*, 0 ? hlenn. UaJtf W?IjpWl| ?AJiriioi and James Harrison, who have been attending the lecture* of ftie Jefferson Medienl College, Philadelphia, H'dve recently been graduated as phyilbliihti" 'fhese young gtlitleieon arc natives of thi?'County, aad we traattbey will ooatlnua te reside in QrecnriUe. J)f. Perrt will remain In Philadelphia**; til July, to altepd tha:fotgan uf aquimet.leotsuras, and is in Dr. Mavht's offioo, flpa of ifc* most eminent physician* in Philadelphia, end will avail himself of all the advantages, preacotcd him to.vnproye in hit ohoaen profession. As he a^teuds at the Hospital with the* Dr., will doubtless gain mu?h experience that will bo of benefit to him upon offering his torI vices to the pub)jc. X ' ' State Treasury Empty. The Stete Treasurer, net having tbefuoAs ?n hand to cash Legislative certificates,upon She adjourn ma ot of the (leoeral Assembly, gave member* and subordinate of&eers orders an the Treasurers of tbair resneetive Countiaa.? Tho trcasumr of Greenville Connty, haviag previously forwarded to Columbia, besides what , ho paid out, all funds, was unable to meet the demands of our returning representatives. Death ofWm. Bates, Esq. This gentleman, long identified with the | manufacturing interest of th*s County, died about half past six o'clock, P SI., on Mon day last, at Ms residence, a Tew miles fiom the City, alter a lingering illness. He wss the founder of Italeeville Factory, and his knowledge of mechanics and machinery, largely intuitive, rendered him prominent and tuocesalul, and was seventy-five or eighty years of age, most of wbieh time ha spent is Greenville County. Suspension of the Atlanta New Bra. The Atlkola Daily iVeia Km, a good and newsy pn?er, baa suspended. Although differing with it in nearly all of its views on politics, it was able in ila discussions, and we shall miss its daily visits. The Coiulituliou, of the same oily, opposed to it politically, thus speaks of it: " We are alufuye g'*. B. The portrait is to i be nearly fall length. It is to be placed fn the Collego Chapel, lie expects to en tar upon ihe work at ooce. ,.u . ,A .> .. . " ... _ John Rix, convicted at Greenville of re. moving loterr.ai revenue stamps from ea>|>ty barrels, was brought into the United Biases Court, in Charleston, on the 16th inst., and , sentenced to be imprisoned for one year and ; ...w a ?/ f*. m. k .. i .d j^ll - ymj m uuc vt uif iiiuiuiwu uuiMlP# T^TTT- || ! Senator AuJtx d wit# were thrown from * buggy, a tew day ago, ip. Columbia, awd slightly hurt. . A?Jf la ??v JtiHi jUM wiaStal ?T I Oonav'a Laoy's poo# iron Ai'ril.?A beautiful number of illuatrationa are preaaol^d to tbe aubacribera in this number. Commencing with the atee! plate we hart " Qrandf\ttU er'a Pet;" then the tinted cot, " "Wla Spofta of April," auitable for the aeaaon } * pretty colored faabien plat# ; ?riew of Miaa LQipop'a IreaaiagToona for genttatfieto (.aad another al tliuao Urge aheeU of braiding aunt embroidery, tbero ia the largo exUaaion aUeet, eontaiaias any number of tbo I atee t deaigna for tbe toilet Addreaa L. A. (lupav, I'hiladelpbie, Pa. ?Uil ?. Bai.i.oi's Maoazisk ron Arnu-Tbert i< no magazine in tbia or u>t otber country thai will compare with UlLvoa't for (he rarletj and Interest of its eontaota. It eatarl for ail claases; and old and young, rich add poor will And something in Its ttble Of contents tt pieaae and cheer them. Boys and fit Is Anc in UiLi.00'1 a department thai i? e*presa!j appropriated far their inleaeet, am a semen 1 and ioatrnclion. 0I.W per pear; aheap, Mil good. Address Taoatas A lata nr lit willing to bo bond with. la-tbe morning rateioh there WaiTnot'krffc* W bd'^nc ..re ttte eVtiOtt'JrrtWfr# Jtfdgo 'for OUrleMbw^ fk? vttboM U Jeiat Assembly at Vfklaah. The otfaate abated b>a ?\\\ ib areata an taferjor a>qrt for tfte Irial ef eiindabl, iwnlip boenme i l'T iviM.UTlM >nia iliiy B. AiUa> Juno MohUy , nominated Jyhn Q. Mackoj.-p After tbt'^di if'th* Vaftou. ' *hbAtti&. bad e?p4tiated OfMwO rtqjfttira rem It : received 94 rotes ; Allen received If *btr*\ Midiay le of 1 111. Win., (?leV wh.l )l?(l become of the public money' 'ilba 't!llt'TnAn? ligenoe of thf Ylous* failing to.astawjr 1 ha -qursiion, the task was Assayed;by Mr. W. H. Jr.ne#, wbo foitnwith iMitiafird teif w,N? n tirade agninat everybody in general^ He mwnr thiUk. a fyPtfatu/e df the olden time, thera Whobl b hhleh for his shame, and tba majority of the members ought to go to th-ir elasets aud *?k God to forgive them their infamy. . Byes aroso to a question, of pyi^Ue^f and endeavored to introduco n resolution requir* ing the Chairman of the Enrolling Committee to return tha Dill to the House. This. how-, ever, wns ruled out of order. It was now fast approaching the hour of midnight. The scene beggared description. Whippar pad tha floor, and forthwith began a rambling speech against time. If the Validating Bill was not presented'to fho Governor by 12 o'clock il vrouhl of course be virtually a dead letter.? The Governor's emissaries were berrying to and fro, lobbying on tho floor, and there wai every prospect that the infamous Bill would be defeated. The members who had been brought to the support of- the Bill resoried to very conceivable method to dispossess Shipper of the right to the floor. Jamison yellsd out privilege question. By&s shrieked pointi of order, and they even sent a man'to climb over the gallery and posh back the hands o tho clock, which were rapidly approaching th< hour of If. Their efforts, hojvevesV+em rain and the VclTdating 3ill Wuuld have bean killed beyond resurrectien, had Frftst herd Arm to hit purpose. Some influence was brought to beai upon bim, however, and juat'as the handa o the elock, which bad baan roast propoily by ths Sergesnt at-Arms, poluUd the hour o midnight, a message was received from tb< (Governor annouaemg that bs had signer the Validating Act, ahd thus triumphed th< Hinrj. Thus was eoflsummated the most gi gantic swindle that has yet couie from the hands of tbe reconstructed legislators of Soult Carolina. ThSro was notbtag else to ba dan* now, am the adjournmetit-waj hastened. Tbe cmbpii mciitary resolution to tbe Speaker, Oenera I Moses, was seconded in very handsome termi by Mr. Wflkds, thi member He re fsrrsd to the " many pisadant diyw and hoars' that bo b*4 spent with tbom, in what they be lieyed to be ma honest curl eonscieutieus djs charae of duties. Ha said the most a-ratefu recollection that bo bad, was tho fact that, althftifb than had bpen assembled on the flooi of tbo llotiN Rcpreaeotativaa from twotpeftias yet there wee no unfriendly leeliog at parting lie would wieb that there wa? no dividing line between the two partita, end be believed the 'day wad ntilf fhV' dltftant tiYiih atf thebe'M^ererencei would be bridged over. Tberrtdde oMc 4 en beaut | Mid hp, te-*lay whteh wae e preepraei of the glorious political aen of Austerlita, whioh ,Mf4Mtipyl to^Wwo ovwr the gptLre fctate.? )n tbo Joint Assembly tbja morning, Deopocrate on tbo floor of tl|o House, had voted* a colored Wan aid a hfgb office. He, for one, waa not one of thoee ItepebUeaoa who believed that the v<*> ofajlem r r aoolere^ wep^teei>aaimplr,tbath< .....h? : .party,. He believed tboae rptes to-day war bonettiy pad tntelllgdntTy etUY, Arxl Meant )tft what they expressed. After allidffng to thi connection Chart had existed lor Hie poet twi years between b twite If and tie taomhera, eto i aapryieing bit thepha t? them, he daiiheni iMaMffoudjr therafter thd #?? dBjoceaei I ate* die, ov I should have said, eebject tt tb , ?*JI fi< *be Bjpeaher of the Jlottee and Praaideq > of the Senate. Before adjourning, H?Pj ttowa I voted f 1,000 to ,the Speaker, as ACompenaA r tion for hta aerviooa. A resolution ?u aft t Introduced ? "*g A ITh# amount to thd Hitol t Kfldnf mdirfficteitt Cteth of fhd Kmn; 0. Jonee, dp?*#W*t4#>dNeAa?h*|tiAb4?*4 .M k.aon.etle .ttUeewa. Scaat* oonciderrd appropriation* all day.? I Johnatan intrnd?mi *4iiU pvorUlig tor tba < |M;ma*t of alatona for^ent ariaing in th* ' t*^u1fNh i provide an adH|oat* anpply of tha oirenla- ] ting Mditm for tha State* needing it. It < * imw a n 'mux, TB3T1* eooaeetion erti h -ftha-^aftida at/Bam* wetn* aW-eddy torni*hed, ahall make $8 for eaeti'lflhafritadt; nana iRiidlllmn A*l ii^l . i? ' khu.e UP -to r?^jNi<*iti?f Imi 14 jin* > Th* Ji?t*ee j*d?iau?Mg ?&#* *< WMiBh ??? IwipJ ??Uf???e **W ?.F?**4R .?*' ; 0,V)W "'yyhiWP?^.W- >**** Wb.MtT* | . poit office appropriation l?iti wa* rt*utp **li i H Tile {Wnele i?6n p(^?ate bi?la.? v .,,h . Heer Adf?ir?l 7>r ' * ,4** Jb?H?,vrdhred(to , the command.of the South A.U*t)tin fleet, , npiie*l|i#JU??y?,??V .; ? bin fIT' ?! I ' liopea-^-^^iU j'fty^g. Kane** 1327.000 ( , for war rtpe^ee* bat Pp'*?d A fteilj authorising V>e Southern Churns C?mmiaeiop4o 1 j 1 ? . I appoint rpeoinl comnyaaionera to take evu i dene*, pawed. A fprge'number of private bill* wera reported by tbe Commit tee on &iftima* and pamed. The Confrreoee Com? :> nrfftee reported, gfVin^Rt'. Louis hhff a million of dollar* 'or a ?ite, atid 1175*,000 for public b-tffding, passfted. 1 8*!*atk ?'The moat of rbe day wa* ti**d io a wrangle otter tha matter of preOedVnce ' of bIM* Sherman want* the lariff, C?1e wnu'i me ?pproj)ii?iwn, 'jainnwr w??i ' the oommerce, *hit? other Skntott wkot k<> pre** t?mp*r*tlnly prittlc immum to precedence. TrumhaJI n?ld it would be f lly to p?m tli# ' tariff, bor*me the iloaae would table it. ji hi. ./ <-u mi., -j The (louse had pa seed a (till re pee ling the duly on coif, end Sherman had tasked on a general tariff kill in faee of (ha constitution, wliioh say* bill* for rreeaue *h?ll origiuate in the House. The aoofereace report, giving ?t. Louie two nod a quarter million*. paired, and gt??s to the President . The salaries of diitriat judge* are raise. 4 fire tlvonsand dollara, with,a clause 401' ^r? ir.ing their transfer from one di*lrie| vtd anotlihe, a* ilie emergencies of the terries tvn7 r>-(joire. Thi* goea back to the Hou?r ' for eondtirrenra. Tlie tgriff biil was rehd. fjcwtt, of Tdnda'yTvania, gtige notice of an amendment fdr frvS tea and coffee. WaeatvoTotr, March. 16. S*hatx?Trnmboll is defending himself from the charge of accepting a lie from , Andrew Johnson In the UtCardle c*a? ? Trumbull waa retained by Urant. i The Soethern Claim* Commission to-day \ heard the cases of Wm. Coleridge, of Saranl nah, Qa., fer hotel property used for hospital purpotei, and Commodore Edward liiddleton, for rice taken iron* hi* plantation ip South i Carolina. I In the Home, thp Committee of Coramere* i was Instructed to Inquire particularly into the tare, extent or ubjaet* of an alleged rotabition of railroad interest*, known *1 thy South Improrement Company, designed to control ' all the arenno* of transportton, from tie oil 1 region in Pennsylvania to the neaboavd, to the oppression and injwryr of the producing elsssf es. After sweet*! botes upon the St. Craix 5 lUilroad, the following ssiHstitau was adopt* : ed, by 94 to84, lit# telegraphed a* having I an important hearing upon lu.ud subsidies.? Tba next rote.was on the set.ititut# offered by ' Ketchum, providing that all the lendsgranted f by Congress in I860 and 1864 for the eons ttruotion of the St. Cfroix and Lake Superior I Hallrofed, such grants baring expired by ' limitation, are dselared (etfcltce to the Utrrted I Btatee, MM (hall hoatfefortb be ?aejeet to i homestead entry sad settlement, nnder the Uomeitad Act ef May Mt|, 1442; arid ' that no pert of aiioh Uadeehell be calefied . j by or inure to the l>?a-be of eoy railroad company, under any ^rnnl by fhe Uititud Statea ; apd that nq land embraced in, fwot tc the pW P001* B pony ehaU if> anypeWreTfft to ^te .NprfhI Crn Pacific Railroad Company, and re* , pealing all Aots orjparia of Aeta ineonaiatr ent with ib'n provision. Titte leet clause about the Northern Pacific Railroad, vat ' added to the aubatifute on motlop of Bank*. Tne'tTinTKo' statw Maxshal?Mr. R. I Hf. Wallace, who** appointment' ae United States Merahal for thte State hae been eon* ' firmed by the M*ndt?, aralred In this efty ' Tneeday, and brtnylr* at the Millb Hp"**. Paring the fluy ha ftfrd hie bond, "which ' ?ae aeeepteri triitbe Dierrtet otft?, in the ' earn of |a?,00f?;t -TMa ie all that la requlr. ' ad to qaaflify Mid f6r hie office; and It ie . probable that ho. will acaome b? new du*>t at once. Anew teem of the Circuit Court will begin o>n the firM ?f April and by that time Mr. Wallace will certainly be 4?e, ehargtpg the funeiioea of UitltaA Stelae , Marrbal He ia yuoonipeuiad by hie father, , Gtygreearoan 4, 8. Wajtssf, of thia t# ,, ,'y Ac**1*"" Pm, ? ', /the followiog pereone ha*o within ifte ? post fe w be held in Charleston next month. ' ?l | | L mmmmgfSam p*&*d l?Mt;>flv( fetrt ol age to vol* at Pr*nlItatUI alHliaa* iXJEtafiEr&tfRftt; ttadrid, and I* disarming til* National Guard and preparing ti dalaad bU throne. | MS Otiarleelon Republican nominates Soon* ?ir'-^*^iowo-^a<-tlr'BiRaaW ham Vl^-^rwi>j/ 0.;,| ? no lit Wm Brio*. E-q.7 died on Saturday last I* Fairfield. He bad be?a confined to hie mom. f?r utterly **?h year* With Rarely'is. lie was in! hla:efefclUtb yea*. -Ci- :>.tti /The Grabd Jtlry or Union County in their MW ynwoMnt to the Court now in eeiieton, Instructs lleh Cdnty Commissioner* not to gran* licence to any .-party to retail Hqaofin tbeCcunty, laying aoch licensed ahopi are of pry gran* annoyanbedod ti\j*iry to tha.eiti.1 ,J> ..fill,.11- ill-.' / :11 it The Grand Joay ?d iboreeent ttertn ot-apart et( Edgefield, ruOonpnaeBd that the solicitor ho in??r^c?a4 bj^thp court Jo. prepare and bare aenrpd uj>op the Board o (^qun iyCeup tn its ion era,q rqle to show why an indictment should tioV be preferred again*t them for malfeasance in din, 'tLWd derelfction lit the dincnatgd'of their pubHo duties and for grossly neglecting the public road a, bridges and ferries of (be County*.; <;?> ni' t 1 -t ? ? ? The Pickens ?*? llnel of the 14th inst., says : The County Treasurer aold a quantity of de? linqueat lamia at this place on Taesday last. ABrtot4erpNtae?MoM?wa<( popes were advertised, generally poor mountain, or what is known aa Pep hidga land, scarcely worth anything. In ever ease it required the whole" of the tract to bring the take*. On a quantity of the land there was no bid and consequently it was I forfeited to the State. " OuicuWTiLt.c. IMaVch in. Oolton Is selling thl* morning! hi ' ?"!> New Youu. March 18. 1 '' Cotton quiet ; raise 1.8?S ha!ea? upland* ISf; Orleans 2<|. Gold 10^110%. ti ' CtiABLaatow, March 18. Cotton gala* tirbsg.. aetd.Hfog ? ( * ?. e?i|ita iU b ties ; sale* flOO; stkek 37,1)17. < . 11. t i*I ALoosvm. kfdrcb M. Gollon quiet arid steady?middling 81$; reeeipta MO balra; salee flflO. - ^OBITUARY. . l>iar>, en the 10th March, Mr. DUNCAN BROOKS, ion of Cunt. J. W. Brooke, of (hi* place, in 24th year. Hit Ira* * kind and affectionate heart, and deeply racoeptibltv?either to good or evil influengo*. Ha wai. beloved by fond and devoted parents, and many friend* | and stink to an early grave. ;/ Thp following beautiful af?d touching lines were found in his poc)fet:taa^t, and.often read ty hfm : BEAR TE ONE ANOTHKR'8 BURDENS* If thy brother is deary and tired of tha road' If bis strength Is too feeble to haar np the a. b - 'lud i-i If his footing should fail and ha faint by ^hb way, Or should tarn from the paths of virtue away? pity*/ r -in ii b ? , , < . ;i, i ,11. M I. 1 1 J 1 II .1. lID'Ji il! I'llll 1 Trass forming tha i(Jomplaxisn.-r-The transformations produced by Haoak's Maosoma Balm are quite as astonishing as any soone on the staga of a theatre. TbaS famous tW. '" r"T" ' m-TTTrMt?. Wi?*]o*S, S?ntW*g Syrujk.-~-lt Sellers the little sufferer from pain, cure* Wind, Colie Regulates the Rtomaeh add Bowels, Correct Mar f 44 la ^ llce P> Were^y glean U all erRoas 14 *ay ao* errn? thai. wn *1)1 P?y "? Bills lake* up la our nnines oft ai4d|l, by K>|a MoukrU or iir eilMt ptsreoa 1 n MIMA A CHARLOTTE ALBTOJff. MaeeA IVIf. 4ff-i* Nollets. A N K8TRAY TBDHO MULB COLT, fol il. lowing my Wagon from near tiroes rtMe Court Hoik an the Hth left,. Tk owner can call and get It It proving propsrt had paying for this advert feeaoestt. JK88K C. KILO ORB. Pliny P. 0., Greenville, 0. C., March Ifttt 1872. 46 3 oeauutier, trantmutea a sallow, p^eky looking complexion, into one In which the 1 illy end tbe rose-vie for admiration, and Inpirti to a day, ba?*b skin, tbo: softness pf pcrtect lorline??. Tan and freckles, which country air ' and sunlight are pretty rare to produce, in pile ot paniuli and sondov _j, are completely obliterated by it; while it baa a perfectly magical effect in banisbirig undue redness, i bletehea and pimplea front tbe akin. When the lady who he* uaad it to remedy her com pleaional defect# looks in tbe mirror, aba ia qwiilly srartto tidied and gratified at tbe ln> prorotpeett in ber appearance. Reery blemish baa disappeared; bar neck, arena and bo* bib, now rtvaf lb whiteness tha snowy coffer which*Ireeiaclea her throat, bar check laaattes with a peach-dike bloom, and she ia ready;te (nroke a Wessipg on tbe inventor of flbi arti* ele which baa wtought inch a 4*Hgfctf?l tvaua,crm*t|ui?,| .'n | , . u| 99iMlflpof? f If y Febrwary ?,M7ti. J) . Tut I? Mra_WU1 y?>a please faforda tee at what drfiggtat Wt New Yet*, I can get ybfer if laiirr 'Tm red. Man*i - u.> ft** ? * It wrkt mI to fa* fcrHi nnitii ??< T*k,?*4 *? *I* > ft j ,. :.! >! OJili r H. QABJbK, 90 SomoMr St. giuwoui ui *? XZ3Z)r. Tut ft Hair Dye it Ilcrmlest. mh inaicemion | on rkw m mm connqHDCH to which ft my load, ud often dm load wb?n kdstoaw a chraoio dlwaw. cent sipsJ Ciiih It. Tat ft my Ira a powder mill, or India a lama that will aaarama a aftyr. la Ilka manner Indication ma/ produce gaatyitla, cancer of tba atotaacjft. aa|n^lo%/>f y to ebaabHtft tba, garmf Nothing ft mora clearly aad indiapatably eetablinhed tbaa thai Uda tatter'a fitoaaeb Bittars will eradicate dyapapaia la aU ita atagaa, Tba traa poihy, however* 4* la egliagaftb ft la tba >wt with ibft whtlaaamr. pewarfal, aa ipfallibl* tonic aad altaaaifoa* M ft aaaftr to gaaaek a perk than a flame, and it ft eaaft* ta ear* dyrpepeia whoa ft ft Iret developed, than wbaa it baa madft baadwap bp pagftot, aad baaaaaa aoaapHeatad with at bar ailaaanta.? There ia not tba abadww af a daqbt that tb* bitter a are aa directly aatagoaftti* to dpapopaia at water ft.to. Cr*. Thare are thaaaaada of earaa on record proving tbi* (id Tb* leave a and other epidem ic?, it is tbe only one that c*> oVfftrtufr le Vdpnffd-*: 1 4?-? m>iJ cal. We must aim at raising the tone and vigor of thg system generally, and thlals best to be accomplished by tbc use of a medicine at once tonio and stirfliflant, such af Dr. Uettlieb | FistVs Celebrated Bitters. But thi? medicine ! stitnulatea dot only the stdtnach'1, but as well tbe olBbf al^ncntntiee organs, avi.s, AgctiU, Cliarlcaton, S. C. Marf VkJ Wl jL It-*?w Makb Horn 4rr*a^tiv*.?Nothing add* mora to tha bandaotae appearance of a houaa out tide, at*d to ita chaerftilfieta inride. than good clear window gle??, add bright eolofed ornamental glaa* at tha aidea and over tha tope of the doora. The Brat leta in ail the bright warm light gf .the HW, while tha laUar admit* the mhtht it hull off tha view oi Drying ayaa. The beat French and America* fflfa# bftfi pldln and orpa mental, aa wall aa doora, mtabad, blind*, halnatara, pawe'.a, man tela, Ac., are to be had of Mr. P. B, Poai.x. No. 20 iliyta diaet, Chart?ton, C'?5. rj Xl V Mwr B-dd-tf Jiiiley't Philatoken 1* en ettabliahed, wan rafted remedy tar Painful Blenatraatum ; and equally efficient aa a Narvoua Antidote in all eaa^a of Nervoua Ixeitement, Stomaeh and Rleeplenmeoa in male or fomdle. Sold every, where for $1.00 a bottle. Morgan A Ilialey, DruggUt", New York, General Agent#. A Youthjul Appear*urea and a Beautiful, Clear Complexion la tf/datir* of eraryhody. Tbia affect i# produced by uaing U. W. (mird'a "Bloom of Youth," a harmleaa beautider ot the akin. Will remove all DiaSulorgtiefl, Tan, Freckle* and Sunburn*. The uao ot thia delightful toilet preparation cannot be detected. For aale by ail Druggiata and Taney Goodi TV--1 I n.(Tsi ? r.L 1/cfticn, isrpui, ? UU1U DV., iur?. Y'remahf* Lrtttraf th^Mtrir, may b? entirely prevented by lh? nse of Burnetl'l Cmmlna It bas never failed to arrest decay, and to pro* note mhqaltby and vigorous growth. It in al the same tine aorivu.led a* a dressing for the hMf. ' Onet.Tbem Out.?If there may dlaeaaea which deserve the name demoniac, Dyspepsia is one of then. It racks and tears the system like a veritable fiend, u ml renders life a harden. The medicines of the dispensary wilt pot expel it Cast it out with Da. Wausr's Vsoktabli Vimkoar Ditters. , There is po form of indi gesti ?p ... ;?.?*?? <- ; j??m !' i> ?' . ?? i i liHIIIM > h>A . bvrt ? attorneys at law solicitors in equity; greenville. s. mmunieulions to P. O.. Hox S5. Oieenville, Si C. Mar 20 16 tf I STATS Of I0VT1 OABOLISA. ORKKNVUJUE COUNTY, la ionrt of Probate. ' Petition far Soto of Ileal Eatate, Final Set| tlrmont, Ae. . STEPHEN A. QOUOH ?f SAfcAH A. IN I ORAto.etal. TT appearing to my eatiefacttoa that John ' I H. Gough, Cberlea 11. Ooufla, Gaul O.. Ouu|h, KUm I. Wail*, Hatter A. Laneinf, , Sarah 0. Thraaton, Ljdta Canoeor and-Cat b~ t rino Blank, defeadaate ha thia e?au. reside witbi on* the liailte of thia Steta. On teotion of Barle A Ihtbt, Attoia*H fay Petition, it ia w4?r> *4 that they do appear in per eon or by Attora*j, at a Court of Probata, to he holdeo pt ' Oreenville City, on the 4th day of May neat, \ ^te ahowe^ee. if any iksy SSS| wky Ik# yrsysr i m? petitioner ikonia not m |mim 1 8 J. DOUTHIT. P. J. Q. C. ? March Ittb, 1871. 4#-7 STATS or SOUTH C A SOUS A. OREBNVILLt CO UNIT. In Court of Probate. ^ Pititloi for Partition of Real Batata, Ac. PLEASANT MOON fa. ELIZABETH DA. VIS and other*. ' TT appearing to raj sattifaetlon, that tba , X hotri at law of NANCY LlOON, deserted, '' to wit.: JOHN, MARY, EDWIN and MfllLIAM LIOON,tied perbape aonaa otbara wbaaa r nmnca are not kaoaai tba baira aC law af -. POLLY KILO ORB, deeeaeod, wboae name. J are not known j tba baira It law af ROBERT . MOON, deceaeed, to wit. i PLEASANT. ROBERT. MARY a* ELIZABETH MOON, aad . parbapa aoifa a I bare whoee aaaw* ara sat known, and JOHN MOON ar bta baira at Uw, r raaMa wit boat tba Hmfea of tbis State. On motion of Karl# A El J tba, Atbtaaja far Petitioner, it ia ordered that tbaj do appear ba paraon ar by Attorney, at a Cowrt of Probata, to be baldan at GraaaaiTIa Caart Honaa, oe'tha. r M day of May ??t, end ?Hnt to the r eela or dbkl?n of the Rett) Eateta of JOHN MOON, d.reared, daaaribed ia the petitioner tbalr content td |M ItlM, pBLbi irtawd af 1 rtCOrd prohata /oiyWIbr^l^nfUU^cSiaty. Fabroary 10tb, I If*. . iM J Ths StRtB of loRtfr Cfg?U?R. OR SEVILLE COUNTY. ! I IS COURT OF PROBATA. v PoHiion for Parltl^m of R**l M*fU, fo. JOHN J. Parmer **i v* f.i.mah far. : M BR et el. IT tM*p-ering to my aoiWfedMp# tbet Many Farmer, Elisabeth Thorn. William Far* mar. Jab nethan PrMtf, Wm J. Farmer, Jemre Farmer, Sarah Hardin, Mary E. Kidd, James I). Townerod trod Benjamin B. Towrteand, dafrndnate In title aaaa, ra' elda without the limit* of thie Skate On | motion of Rolt end Bit the; Attornete for petitioner*, U W ar dated that th?V da epptar at * Court nl Probata, to ha balden on the Id day of ifay n?t In ahow eewea, if 1 ana may eon, why tba Real Xetate of THEODORIC FARMER, deeeaaed, ebonld MS be Mid or dialdad aa preyed b*f. [. . 8. J DOUTHIT. P. J a. a " Mnrah 1?th, 1S71, 4A-7 WE CANNOT ; WAIT. ? A IX p*w?. Ud?ht*4 l? ailar O^xW i A ftmkMtdi 19!I, *UI 1>4 ti WUKV lirMtkM lo torn* hhN?d mmt iMlt? it ?> ?. MATTVB * Cm. Mr (Vhm t* nCATTtrS and bay yo?r ratTntZEOa ia-?