_ Some oilier thae, we eofUy My; Our words ere touched with hopeful trust. .And dreams, loag bidden fro? the day, Rise up again, u eueh dreamt matt For dreeme ee sweet ee those we know, Cen never die, though oares may hide ; As daisies nestle under snow, They wait the spring's effulgent tide. Some other day, we whisper o'er; Sweet hope lights up her faee again, And strong in their glad trust once more Our hearts repeat the aweet refrain. Some other time I We dare not look To see bow far away It is, But watt, sod sing of coming days, In low and hopeful cadencies. } .v - . Oh I hasten, time. We wait, aod say. To-morrow will most surely bring The glad, the sweet, the longed for day. But doubt is with us whils we siog ; So many morrows come and go, Nor bring the lime we dream about. Ah ! well. Some other time, I know I shall be done with fear and doubt; For hope is whispering in my breast? "Be patient, 'tis not far away t" Well, 1 will sit me down, and reat. And dream about tha comiug day. ?^^ IMttnoratta. ~ - Hurrying Hp a Bargain. A Frenchman, named Pat Mul* rooney, had a kicking horse that ho wanted to get rid ot, but found it very difficult. At last lie entered him at Lierkuess' Bazar, and warranted him sound and kind, and free from the kicks. On the day of the sale, Mr. ilerkness pointed out the good qualities of the animal, anu he was sold for one hundred and 6cventvfive dollars. Pat was afraid the horse would show his bad qualities before the money was paid, so he wanted to hurry up the bargain, and tho way he did it was this : lie went to the purchaser and said? " You cairt have that horse, 8nr"... nwering mis description was noticed buying a through ticket for California. ##? A touno lady in Newark, when her jealous admirer sent back her fetters with a request that she should return his, answered that she regretted that she could not coni)dy immediately, as sho had lent them to a young gentleman to read. ( . ??- i i A bkight schoolboy ont Weat, reciting in geography, spoke by the card in defining a strait to be something that would u beat two pair." That was a smart youngster who, hearing his mother remark that she was fond of music, ox-, claimed, 44 Then why don't you j buy me a drum ?" " Why not I Didn't I buy I liitn ?" 6aid the purchaser. u Yes, you bought him," said Pat, " but I've been offered more money lor him, and you can't have him.* Besides, he bites." " I don't care for that," said the buyer. u But he kicks like the devil," said Pat, *' and he'll smash anything you'll hitch him to." " \V ell, I'm troing to pay for him now, and take the risk," said the buyer, " and if he kicks, 1,11 never call on yon to take him back." The fellow took the horse home, and as 60on as he attempted to put him to a wagon, he smashed it all to pieces. It was too late now to complain. Pat told him the horse kicked, and Ilerkness had paid over the money, so the horse was turned out to do the best he could for iiiiu8clf. Delusions of GirlhoodThe following is a bit of Fanny Fern's experience: I used to believe in school friendship. That illusion ended when Arabella Triplet told mutual friends that I was years and years her senior, knowing what a dreadful lib she told. I used to suffer pangs of anger because of woes of beggars.? Since thar I have seen one unstrap i his wooden leg in an area, and run | oil gaily on two legs of liis own.? | Another threw a loaf of bread in the gutter, and 1 saw a third, who had all day been yelling, " Please assist the blind,M carefully e.\amino g his collection of ten cents stamps by the light of a friendly apule woman's cundle. 1 used to put the greatest faith in lovers' vows. l\ow, I do not b( 'eve a man ever believes anyt' tug he says to a woman, unless it is something disagreeable. I used to believe in faithful servants. Since tben I have hired girls from intelligence offices, and lost all my pocket hankerchiefs but one. I used to believe in beauty.? Since then I have seen a bewitching belle tako oft' halt of her hair, all her teeth, the best of her complexion, two pounds of cotton batting, and a corset. ? A Connrctioct woman ate a bushel ot roasted oysters for a tendollar wager. Tire man to whom she was engaged disappeared mysteriously from bis boarding house the same night, and a person an ; -ti I X<^'* J 1 Jtv,' GIIEENVILI.E. ' IT AVISO Murntd homo after an abXX aenca of teveral week*, during which time I have viaited New York, Fhltadel | phia, Ballimora and Charleatoo, 1 have PlffWeB llf'M " mmmmmmm^mmgf I OarcxTTA *M illuminated re coolly in honor of Prince Alfred, and an undertaker embraaoned "Welcometroverbts door.**- * V * * v '' ' '* < Boiling a btdlock down to twelve poinds, as is done in a beef con dening factory at ILoaston, Texas, is the latest instance of reductio ad absurd u rn . CoMMiPRjoHire Delano baa decided that the noble savage is amenable to internal revenue, and a rise in the price of wigs is anticipated by frontier assessors. A placard bearing the words, " All loafers will please stand here," has been hung out at a favarite loafing place in Ithaca, N. and singularly enough, not a loafer has yet yet accepted the invitation. 1 y Chicago bousts among her fla grant successes, on infantile imposter. A bright eyed, neatly dressed little gin accosts the bypasser on a public street with, 41 Oh I Sir, I've lost my way, I want to get to "?and she names a street a long way off. Suddenly a thought seeuis to strike her?, *' Can't you give me six cents to pay my car faro ?" It is said that the device rarely fails to obtain the monoy, and that her father, who walks on the opposite side of the street and collects from time to time, is becoming rich, l'erbaps ho is only accumulating for her dowry, a considerable pile being requisite to meet the fluctuating uncertainties of ladies in that city. She is,, however, rather young to bo "lost" so frequently, even there. Extraordinary Importation of Serpents into Liverpool.?The largest importation of serpents which has ever taken place in Liverpool occurred recently, when no less than sixty serpents of the largest and most extraordinary species were landed. Two boa constrictors, whilst in a dormant condition, measured eight feet and ten feet in length ; and one of the pythonesses, whilst on the voyage from the "West Inoies to Liverpool gave " birth " to no less than thir ty-eight pythons, all of whom, no4 withstanding that they were en closed in a box not larger than ai ordinary Foyle salmon case, weri in good condition on being sen ashore. There were also two blue *?.- i ?. O:_J idttu ui iiiu JttrgfSl K1IIU a bunalo, a blno maccaw witl gold fringed eyes, a griffin vulture aud a porcupine rat?the only on that was ever imported from tli West Coast of Africa. !Mr. Cross the well known naturalist, is ii communication, wo understand with the Royal Zoological Society as to the disposal of this lure anr valuable collection of birds, beasts and reptiles. B. WHERLE, QREENmLE, e found at all times at our > Agents, Messrs. David & Stkad* ley's. September 1, 1809. 16?tf 1 Tho State of South Carolina. c OREEXVILLB COUNTY, t In the Common Fleae?Equity Side. > THOMAS C. GOWER, Administrator, Cf. P. | F. SUDDUTH, el at.?ltill fur Sale o/ ' Ilrnl Entitle, to 1'tiy l/rlilt, tf c. ^ "l'TXDER the Decretal Order made in the ' LJ above case, the Creditors of the Estate ot Mrs. MARTHA I.OVELAND, are rcijuired to establish the rank and amount of their e claim* againat said Estnto, before the Clerk, '? "" W. A. Mi-DANIEL, O. C. T. U Clerk'* Office, September 2Slh, 18CJ. Sept JO 19 9in j SAMUEL BLACK. BARBER. \\JOUI.D respectfully inform the public t I that. he lies Removed to n room in the OLD COURT HOUSR, where he will ' be prepared to receive customer* a* heretofore. Being a Pro/ei*ionol Barber, he hope*, by attention to husinetsa, together ' with pollleneiM to all, to merit a portion nt public patronac?. in CUTTING, SHAVING AND SHAMPOOING. ?n 20 35 tf it. hoi; & co., MANUFACTURERS OF I Warranted Extra Cast Steel Patent Ground Circular Mill Mulay and Gang; SAWS. 'I c:i JI^H'^A\vS. With Movable or Inserted Teeth. WE CLAIM for our Patented Circular Saw thu following advantage* over all others: Tbo shank* of the teeth are elastic, and exert a uniform distension in the sockets. The iitabilily of the plate is in no way affect cd by inserting new setn of teeth. Each tooth, independently, uiay be adjusted to the cutting line. No rivets, keys, or other objectionable appliances, are employed in connection with the teetb, which are a* simple in construction, end as easily need, as a nut for ? bolt. In short, all the difficulties heretofore ex perienced ib the use of movable teeth for saws, are fully met and obviated by this invention. ALSO, TUTTLE PATEUT " CHAMPION * CROSS CUT RAWS CIWSS-CUT SA trs, op ai.l kind*. Saw Mandrels, Gumming Machines, 4c. Send for Catalogues and Price Lists. R. HOP. k CO., Printing Press Machine and 8aw Manufacturers, Nsw York, Boston, Mass., and London, Eng. Feb 9 38 8m TOTHK WORKING C I, Aftfl'-Wa are now prepared to fbratsh all rtinn with < onetant raiptoysasat at >owir, the whole nfthrtlnir or (br th? spare moment, Rtulnrernrw. Hcht and praitaMa. Feraoos ofatUiar Ms eastl r aara from th. to SSper ereolng.and a pn.portlonal aura by deroUac tneir whole Ume totbe horlnaaa. RojsandgirUaaranaarty as murhaemrn. That el I whoeee tbis andee mar send their ddreaifc and feel tha buaineea, we make tkie nnpaialWed ofbri Toeoehaaare not wellaatiefled, we will aend st to pay for the Imbienf writing. Full partfrulaia,a raloehlr an /&.* rCZn '"nV.Vr'l: LtJ her I fcrnltf newrpaperr peMWied?all rent free hr Mail Feb 9 38 3m bore mn?mu flour i CRACKED BONK, Bone Meal, Bone Plour, and Floatdd Bonn, guaranteed to pro- < duee same effect et HALF COST of Pernvian < Quano. < Send for circular. Address LESTER BROTHERS, Newark, N. J. W.l. -- ? ill* 12 Th* divorces In Cleveland last i [ wee*k outnumbered the marriages. i'.-'-j . ... - [ Equality Life Insurance Company, Principal Office, No. }vii,-Muii? Street, JRichmond, Fa, REA90NS why every one should insure in the Equality Life Insurance Company, ot Virginia : 1st. It is more Liberal to the Iriburers than any other oompany, and will eventually become Purely Mutual and belong to the insurers. 4U? It tuvuittUo tie utx/MvJ MtuOr.gjt itw vwt rons, who are the insurers. Consequently they are continually getting the bepeflt of the rapid accumulation of the Company, the money being invested by the Board of Directors amongsttho insurers. 3d. The loans of this Company are as liberal as othnr companies who declare dividends at the end of the eeeoud, third and fourth years, but this Company at the end of the first and every year. DAVID B. CLARK, President. TII09. H. WYNNE, Vice-l'resldcnt. J01IN Q. WINN, Secretary. Hen. JAMES H. LANK, Actuary, Dr. F. B. WATKINS, 1 ? .... Dr. C. H. W. DAVIS. / Mo(,,cal Advisers. Judge JOHN A. MEREDITH, Counsellor. PINKPTORS. J. B. Winston. Treasurer and Secretary It. V. A P. R. It; Wm. J. Johnson, of Johnson A Hunt, Wholesale Hrocers ; Wat. H. Powors, of Winston A Powers, Wholesale Grocers; Albert Ordway, Treasurer Buckingham Stats Company; J. F. Gibson, Superintendent Adams' Express Company ; Charles Y. Morris, Morris A Co.'s Sugar RoAuery ; 0. A. I'eple, Superintendent Manchester Cotton Mills; John It. Tyler, John II. A John Tyler, Jewelers; Moses Millbiser, Wholesale Dry Goods; I Thomas 8. Baldwin, Clothier ; John M. God- | din, Cashier Planter's Bank ; J. R. Dowcll, Superintendent Wostcrn Union Telegraph , Company ; Alex. G. Robertson, Cattle Broker ; George 1. Herring, Wholcsalo Grocer ; R. L. Brown, of Brown, Jones A Co., wholesale Grocers; A Bodeker, Druggist: 8. M. Rosenbaum, of S. A M. Rosenbauin, Dry Gooods. Equality Life Insurance Company. Examine it? I'amphfrte before yon t'? are, it is to your intern! to do so. Ayenf j rranted everywhere. BGNJ. G. IIERIOT, Gen. Travelling Agent, Charleston, S. C. Sept 22 18 tf Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Aiutiyn Mnpn CliC Cliills. This Medicine has boen heforo tho Fuhlio fifteen years, and is still ahead of all other known remedies. 11 does not purge, does not sioken v .a stonuiMi, is perfectly safe in any do*5 and under ull circum- I stances, and is tho only Medicine that will CURE IMMEDIATELY | and permanently every fonn of Fever and Ague, hecauso it is a perfect Anll? dote to .tlnlnrtii. Sold by all Druggists. Feb 2 37 ly Greenville & Columbia Bailroad. Qkneral Sppkrhitkn PEST's orncs, 1 Columbia. January 16th. 1S70. J ON' AND AFTKit WKDNKSOAY, January 19th, the following Schedule will be run daily, Fun day excepted, connecting with Night Train on South Carolina KhaJ, up und down, anil with Night Train on Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Koad going South ; Lcavu Columbia 7 (10 a m " Alston 8 10 n ui " Newberry 10 |? ( in Arrive Abbeville 3 0# p m I " Anderson -I 20 p III 1 " (Jreenvillo i iw pun Leave (Ircenville 5 4.? a in > " Anderson 6 26 a m I " Abbeville 8 00 a m " Newberry 12 35 pin " Alston 2 10 p in Arrive Columbia 3 45pm The Truin will return from llulton to Anderson on Monday ami Friday mornings. JAMES O. M K RED IT 11, (icucrul Superintendent. South Curolimi ItnilroHdC'o. I General Superintendent'* Office, 1 September 16, 18(19. J rpiIE following Schedule for l'asseuger 1 Trains will be observed from this date : J'iftett'jer Train. Leaving Coltftnbia at 7 4.1 a m Arriving at Columbia at 4 40 p m Ni ? Ms A K7 V> lllV/lll ^i STEAM BAKERY AND 4 CANDY MANUFACTORY nr J. C. II. CLAIISSEN, NO. 10 MARKET STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. ALT, kinds of Crackers, Biscuits and Cakes manufactured daily of tbc best Southern flour, at lowest market (trice, lias ut his Establishment an extensive C A NDY FACTORY. Their Candies are made to order, and at all times Iresh ; warranted pure and to stand tho climate. Orders will be promptly filled. Mb 23 44 3in* Edwin Hatks. Mko. Ski.nan. Tiios. It. McUaran. Cham. K. Hatks. EDWIN BATES & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DItY GOODS AND CLOTHING. 122 and 124 Meeting-St.. C H AIILESTON, S. C. Mh 23 44 3m* CIIAS. KEKIUSONJ LATE t 11. l num. mm ????? 252 King Street, CSAKLEOTOXT, D. 0. Mar 30 45 Cm J. B. AD6BR & CO., IMPORTERS AN J) DEALERS IN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUN?, BAR IRON, STEEL, AND < AGRleULTURAL IMPLEMENT9, 139 Meeting St & 62 Eaet Bay St.. CHARLESTON, S. C. Mti 23 , 44 3m* EDWARD PEKHY, PRINTER, STATIONER, AND MCA LBN I* LA JVt SCHOOL A#? BLANK BLANK BOOK8 on band ud made to ord*r of any pattern at abort nolle*. H?ndina mod Unlioe executed in fine style. Wade k Co. Printing Ink a for rale at the m united u re re price. So. 165 Meeting- St., opposite Charleeto* Hotel, CHARLESTON, B. O. Mb 23 44 fiin* DANIEL H. SILCOX'S FURNITURE \V ARE ROOMS, \ 17ft, 177 ft 179, Kin* Street CHARLESTON, S. C. ; EaTjkBU'iiKn in PW | Keep* oonMantlj on hnrnl^^^L [ff I ?*,well .elated Stock of KTi j! | PUHXTXTTJRa, Pj L Vhkh be offer* at REASONA BLE 1/1 PRICES. I N. B.?OOODS CAREFULLY PACKED FOR HHTPPIKO. Wot H 77 1>* j Yokohama, Japan, imports cows ftd horses from can Fraucisco. j a?aw?. r*nr A D T r*r "" A?> W frAjfj'ft / -* ?n <3^M?I THE CAROLINA FERTILIZER " i* madf I pronounced by various chemists. one of the I Onino in its fertlliseng properties. These Phoepl imals, and possess qualities of the greatcA value Professor Shepard : Labonatony or v Analysis of CAROLINA FERTILIZER, persi Moisture expelled el 212? F., Organic Matter, with some water of combination Fixed I n gradients, ' Ammonia, ' a - . ? Phosphoric Acid?Soluble, ? 6 PA Jo soluble, - - 6 17 13 13 Sulphuric Add, Jl PI Sulphate of Potash, ... Sulphate of Soda, - . . Sand, ' ' i* - - On the strength of these reeults, I sun glad t< FERTILIZER, exnmined. IVo will furnish this extwUewt FERTILISER t< Geo* W. William DAVID A STRADLEY, WILLIAMS & WUIXMir Jan 12 i' Old Carolina Bitters. & a>aiL3Bia55xyiT3 We take pleasure in ( fTtring the OLD CAROLINA BITTERS TO THE public. Tl?cy ere compounded wilh ((reel care, and contain some of I lie host Ton ice in the Phat macopia. As evidence of the superiority of cur Bitters over all others, we have certificates from many of tHe leading physicians in our Stale, who have prescribed them in the'y practice. 1UK ULL> CAROLINA BITTERS Will be found invaluable for Want of Appetite, Gener el Del ilily. Chills and Fever and Dyspepsia. Wo do not offer our Bitter* as a oure for all diseases, but as au Aromatio Tonic, they , have no equal. For snle by all Druggists and Grocer* every where. 1'iiocipal Depot, GOODRICH, WISEMAN A CO, Importer* of Choice Drugs and Chemical*, Charleston, S. C. Mh 9 42 ly EDMONDS T. BROWN, "" caps"' Maud ALSO, HAT ^'Idren. 43 HAYNK STREET, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTKL, CIIA11LESTON, S. C. Mar 30 43 3m CEO. W. CARPENTERS COMPOUND FLU ID E*TRArrr n? hi# BAPARILIA. GEO. W. CARPENTERS COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OP I?U OHU rpHEtii?llf Introduced by Geo. W. Carpenter, under the patronage of the medical faculty, have been eo long extensively used by physicians and others, that they are generally known fur their intrinsic value, and aan be relied oa aa being must valuable remedies to all eases where Farseparttla dPBuohu are applicable, and cannot be too highly reeommended. They srs prepared jn a highly concentrated form, 10 ae to render the done email aad aonveol* rnt. Orders by mail or otherwise will receive prompt attention. GEO. W. CARPENTER, HENSZEY A CO., Wholesale Chemical Warrhourr, No. 7Market street, Philadelphia. HOWIE A llOfSR, Wholesale Ageola, Charleston, S. C. Nov 17 W v 1? CHARLESTON HOTEL CHARLESTON, S. C, E. H. JACXSOV. *Sropr!?ter. A BftlSTANTS, A. tiDTTHlEffcLD. (formarly of the Pavilion Hotel,) and W, A MILL EH. * g ?gg "VERTISEMENTS. from the Phosphate* ot Sonth Carolina, and is best Manures known, only inferior to Peruvian nates are tbe remains of extinct land and sea ante the Agriculturist. We annex the analysis of hr Mrdical Collror or Socth Carolina. mally selected : . - - - - II 7# ox galled at a low red heal, - ? II 50 - - 61 80 2 10 Equivalent to 11 27 Soluble Phosphate of Liiae. Equivalent to 13 48 Insoluble (bone.) 24 75 Phosphate of Lime. Equivalent to 23 65 Sulphate of Lime. 80 <60 11 06 > certify to the superiority of tbe CAROLINA C. V. 8I1EPAK1), Jr.* > planters end others at $60 per ton of 2,000 lbs is & Co., Factors, Charleston, 8. C. IE } Agents for Greenville. I 4 m IT CHEVREUX, AND ARCHITECT, EUAmillLO W?EES Corner Meeting-St- and Horlbeck'a Alley, ?3S4iS12>aBna3J, e, t a at e i/tnr t/i d 71 cn M. bJ JVM. /J X/ J[ 1/ V/II JS Ah ) AND FREE OF CHARGE, WHEN WORK DONE BY ME. Dec 8 29 * ly A. B. MULLIGAN, AND GENERAL C0MM1SSI01 HEBCH&1T i|ccotr)h)cOf)lioi) dliiwlrf, CHARLESTON, S. C. HAVING ample mcam for conducting my liiiainrs*, I am at all limes prepared to make liberal advances on Cotton. July 28 10 ly mmf Yfliic & co, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, STRINGS, Ac, Ac. Agents of WM. KXABE A CO.'S PIANOS, MASON A IIAMLINS MELODEONS, Stein way A Son's and J. It. Dunham's PI A NOES TILTON'S PATENT OUITAU. REPAIRING PROMPTLY A1TENDED TO. # 101 KINO STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. FERDINAND ZOOBACM, New York. HENRY YOUNO, O. L,. M'CLENAIIAX, Charleston, S. C. Nov ti 17 Sin* NATIONAL HOTEL, qmMnUQStA, 0.