J*. WiJLH/iCJUUi, 601B ill SBrTIS 1&TC80L CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SKCTACICS, 18 & 22 Carat Solid Huptial Rings, SILVER A SILVER-PLATED ty WORK of ?U dMcriyOoB* in Me line doa? pr0mpt.l7._JP .! r Oet it * iy OhiXxtjtL* PAPER MILLS. undersigned have this day A formed a copartnership under the name of J AIHCS BAXHISTEB Sc SOlt, For t!ie purpose of carrying on the OP James Bannister, T. JT. Bannister. THE Mills arc now in excellent 9 order, and we are prepared to tnrn out a FIRST CLASS PAPER, "Which we will warrant to give satisfaction. -? A FULL SUPPLY OF PRINTING. COLORED. HUN & WRAPPING Can he found at all times at onr Agents, Messrs. David & St&adlkVS. * " September 1,1860. 16-tf NBW MIIMNRRT MRS. L. T. JENNINGS, RKBPECTFULLY 1N? forma her friends end the public generally, that ahe 1 ? receirod and BEAUTIFUL, AND HANDSOME LOT OF FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY, Which abe offer* at prioes low aod reasonable. Ladies before purchasing their HATS. BONNETS. RIBBONS. &C.. Would do well to giro her call, at her old tend. Oet IS 21 da The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. In tho Common Floao?Equity Side. THOMAS C. OOVFER, Administrator, re. P. ?. SUDDUTII, ti at.?Bill for Salt / Krai Delate, to Pay Debit, d r. "TTNDEIl the Decretal Order made In tho U above case, tho Creditota of the Estate el Mra. MARTHA LOVELAND, are required to establish, the rank and amount of {their claims against said Estate, before tho Clerk, within nine moniA* from this date. W. A. McDANIKL, C. 0. P. Clerk's Office, September 28th, 1869. Sept 29 IS 9m E. P. JONJES, ' AWuMftSffrar AW iy\wp AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. WILL 9BACTICB IN ALL COURTS OF THIS STATE A LAO, X IK THE UNITED STATES COURSE Offioe Oreonvllle C. H., ft. 0. T..I. - - ?* ' I i I ?> " TOWNES dTEABT. Ann m-^tm SOLICITORS I* EQUITY. THE UNDER8IGED HAVING FORMED ? aopartaorsoip in tba prutis* of Law in Orwnnllt and tha snrronndiag Count iae of Andarson, Ocooao, Pickens, Spartanburg and Laarens.'Vtll ?Wu prompt attsption Innll bus?neii autnmclto thatn: *# * Oftaa at Qnurlllt. . ?. Towaia. . , ?u? ?. Mot 19 if ^ If w. c. ^ ?. wills KA8LBY * WELLS, Attorneys %n& Coaxuoilort it X*w AND IK EQUITY, orbrmvillk, ?. t T>R tCTICg in the Courts of tfce 8 Is to and J?**if s t ,. ? It ^Btion wtll b? .>11 www . .o _ ? WalebM of ?*?| 4m cri?Uo?. iM niwB??h|lT?a. . a. BLACK. , Jtu* M " r 8AKUELBX.A0K, BAB.B8K W'LWrM: AND fH4 AMfOOIKOv Jftft >0 v # #1 f tfft ft ?. ^ 1 Dttiolifr to Jlttos, / . .<*-<" ?' iAILKY, PB0*R8. ; *. T?T F. TOWJTE8, EDITOR J. C>pAltEYt ASSOCIATE BoMcRJPtio* Two Dollars p?r nnnm. AnriBTisr-HKNTt Inserted at the rate* o1 one dollar per square of twelve Htaion ltnei (this steed typo) or less iter the first insertion fifty oenVi eaeti for the second sad third Insertions, sad twenty-five cents for rahseqnenl insertions. Yearly oostraot* trill he made. All advertisements mast hare the nambei of iusertions marked on them, or they will b< Inserted till ordered out, and charged for. Unless' ordered otherwise, Advertisement! will Invariably ha "displayed." ? .:-* J *.s. Obituary notices, and all matters leering tc to . the benefit of any one. are regarded at Advertisements. _ . . ?a? - .V ' 1 An Aot to Efitablith and Maintain A System of Free Common Sohooli for thft State of South Carolina. Ssotion 1. He it enacted by the Senate and House of Reprentatived of the Slate of Sooth Carol inn, ? M^ i. j* _?ii n * now met hiiu tiuuig in vjrenerai Assembly, and by the authority oi the same: state board of education. That the State Board ot Education shall consist of the several County School Commissioners and the State Superintendent of Education, who shall be ex cfficic Chairman of the Board, and who shall be entitled to vote on all questions submitted to the Board. The Board may elect one of its members as Secretary. Seo. 2. That' the State Board of Education shall hold its first meeting at the Capital of the State on the second Wednesday after "the approval of this Act, and shall thereafter meet oa the first Wednesday in October of every year at the Capital of the State, and at such other times and places as the State Superintendent of Educatiou elinll iliroot Tim inaintiAra Af tlin Board shalh be entitled to receive a mileage at the rate of twenty (20) conts per mile, going to and returning from Uie meetings < f the Board aforesaid, to be paid bj* the State Treasurer on presentation of ft certificate signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Board. Sko. 3. That, for the purpose of procuring an uniform system of text-books, to be used in the common and public schools throughout the State, there shall be a Commission of five appointed, to con sist of Ilia Excellency the Governor, who shall be cx officio Chairman tlio f!hftirmnn nf tKo Prtm. mitt^c on Education of the Senate and House o f Representatives; and, for the purpose of selecting the othor two members, the Senate hall by a majority of votes, appoint one, and the House of Representatives shall, in like manner,select the other ; Provided, That the Commission, having decided upon n list of text-books, such list shall not he subject to amendment or change until the first of January, 1873, unless authority be granted to the Commission, by Act of the General Assembly, to amend or change the list aforesaid; And provided, further, That the Commission shall decide upon a list of text books to be used in the common and public schools throughout the State, and shall furnish the same to the Board of Education at its first session. The meetings of the State Board of Education shall be held for the pu.^ose of considering such matters as may he deemed necessary, and of tak~ ing such action as may advance the cause of common school education in this State. Sbc. 4. Books shall be furnished to the nutiila in the rnhlie and common schools of thi$. State at ten per cent, above their cost to the State ; and, in all cases where the parents neglect or refuse to furnish their children, attending such schools, with suitable books, the Trustees of the several school districts are hereby authorized to furnish the same gratitouely to such pupils as they may be satisfied are unable to pay for them ; hut in afrotftcr oases tbeys h a 11 furnibli books to the pupils who have failed to purchase books, and certify the cost of the same, with the name of the person against whom they are charged, to the Assessor^ within whose district such school district may be situated at the time when the annual assessment of property is made; and it shall be '{he duty of said Aqpeseor to return the amount, so certified, to the An ditor of Iris County, whose duty it thai! be to place the same upon the County duplicato, and cause it to be collected.at the same time and in the same manner that State and County taxes are oollccted. Sfle. 6. 1 hat the State Board of Eduoatioo shall lake and hold in trust, for the State'/ any grant or devise of lauds, and any gift or be* qtiest of monejr,or other personal property, made toft for education al purposes* aud shall pay into the State Xreaau r v, for safe keeping pnd Investment, all moneys and incomes from property so received. The Slate fieasnrsr shaH, from time to tiutp* invest all stteh money tn the name of the Stale, an! shall pay to * 'A - V ' .i.i ' Iff] ' ^ 1 *= Politics, 3ntcllmc 9 . ' uY Gil - -" I '. IV J IT i I, toe crate isoard ot Education, on r the warrant of the Governor, the income or principal thereof, as it r shall, from time to time require : > Provided, That no disposition shall ; be made of any grant, do vile, gift t or bequest inconsistent with the , conditions or terms thereof. For , the faithful management of all property so received by the State ' Treasurer, he shall be responsible, upon his bond, to the State, as for 1 other funds received by him in bis l official capacity: Provided, however, That the Trustees of any School District of this State may ' take and hold in trust, for their particular School District, any grant or devise of lands, and any ' gift or beqnest of money, and apv the same in interest of the schools of their District, in such manner as in their judgment seems moet conducive to the welfare of the schools, when not otherwise directed by the terms of the said grant, or devise, gift or bequest: And provided, further, That be fore said Trustees sball assume ' control of anv such grant, devise or bequest, thev shall give a b nd, to be approved of by the SchdCi Pnmmiooinnor ??,? ....... I ?.v||v?iyfiw? VI fc?? V? V/VUH KJf 1U wllich such grant, devise or bequest is made, said bond to be de posited with Clerk of the Court of said County. STATE BttrKRrSTKNDKirr or EDUCATION. Sko. 6. That the present State Superintendent of Education shall continue in office until the election and qualification of his successor. At the general election in lb72, and every four years thereafter, a State Superintendent of Education shall bo elected, in the same man ner as othor State officers, who , shall enter upon the duties of Lis office on the first day of January succeeding his election. Sec 7. That bo shall, belore entering upon the duties ot his office, give bond, for the use of the State of South Carolina, in the penal sum of five thousand (5,000) dollars, with good and sufficient sure ties, to be approved by the Governor, conditioned for the faithful and impartial performance of the duties of his office ; and he shall, also, at the time of giving bond, take and subscribe the oath pre scribed in Section 30 of Article II of the Constitution of the State, which oath shall be endorsed unon tbe back of said bond, and the bond shall bo filed with, and pre t-crved by, tbe Secretary of State. Sec. 8. That tbe State Superintendent of Education shall receive, at compensation for bit tervices, the sum Of two thousand five linn dred (2,500) dollars per annum, together with hit actual cost of transportation when traveling on public business, payable quarteryearly ont of the State Treasury. Seo. 9. That he shall have general supervision over all the common and public schools of tbe State, and it shall be his duty, as far as practicable, to visit every 1 County in the State, for the purpose of inspecting the schools, I awakening an interest favorablo to the cause of education, and diffusing as widely as possible, bv public addresses and personal communication with school officers, teachers and parents, a knowledge of existing defects, and of desirable improvements in the government and instrnction of the schools. C5kc. iu. mat lie shall secure uniformity in the use of text books throughout the common and public schools of the State, and shall forbid the use of sectarian or partisan books and instruction in the schools. Sic. 11. That he shall prepare and transmit to the several Coun ty School Commissioners, school registers, blank certificates, reports, and such other suitable blanks, forms and printed instructions as may be necessary to aid echool officers and teachers in making their reports and carrying into full effect the various provisions of the school laws of this State; and shall causo the laws relating to common schools, with snob roles, ' regulations, forms and instractions as shall be presoribed by the Board of Education, to be printed, < together with a suitable index, in ,i pamphlet form, by the person au- I thcrizcil to do the State printing, at the expense 6f the State; and lie * shall cause copies of the same to be transmitted to the several Connty School Coipuiissionera for distribution. ' ? Sxo. 1?. That It shall be the do* : * *jr of the State SaperiuteDdent oi ivunMiiun ?o ooitecT, in iiis omce, such school books, apparatus, mips and charts at ean be obtained without eiponse to the State; aba also ? to pn rebate, at-an expense not exceeding flftr doll art. a year, rare; i and valuable works on edueation, 1 for the benefit of teachers, authors and others who may wish to oonsalt them; and the said stun it t I, net, the 3mm ^ "-v.; I* EENVILLE, SOOTH CAROL1 Tr-.i ' - " hereby annually appropriated for tide pttrpene oat of any money* in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated. '*? Bko. 18. That copies of all papers filed in the office of thf? State Superintendent of Education and his official acta may be certified by him, and, when so certified, shall be evidence equally and in like manner as the original papers. Sao. 14. That the State Superintendent of Education elinl! submit, In his annnal report, a statement of his official visits daring the past year. Sao. 15. That he shall make a report, through the Governor, to the Gei.eral Assembly, at each regular session thereof, showing: 1st. The number of persons between the ages of six (6) and sixteen (18) years, inclusive, residing in I he State on the first day of the last preceding October. 2u. The nutpber of such persons in each County. 3d. The nnrober of each sex. 4tb. The number of white. 6th. The number of colored. 0th. Xlie whole number of persons that attended the free common schools of the State during tlie year ending the thirtieth day of the last preceding S?n^mW on/1 the nurnW in eaoii County that attended during the tame period. 7tU? Hie number of whites of each sex that attended, and tho number of colored ot each sex that attended the said schools. 8tb. Tho number of common schools in the State. 9th. The number of pupils that studied each of the branches taught. 10th. The aveiage wages paid to teachers of each sex. 11th. The number of school houses erected during the year, and the location, material and coat there *f. 12th. The number previously erected, the material of their construction, their condition and value, and the number with their grounds enclosed. IStb. The Conn?ies in Which teachers* institutes were held, and the number that attended the institutes in each County. 14th. Such other statistical information as ho may deem important, together with such plans as he may have matured, and the State lloard of Education may have recommended for the management and improvement of .the school fuud, and for the more perfect organization and efficiency ,j>f the common schools. S*c. 16. That he shall have power to examiue all persons who uiay make application to him, as to their qualification for teaching school iu this State; and that to all persons of good moral character who pass a satisfactory examination he shall issue a certificate of qualification for leaching school in the Btateof South Carolina ; which certificate shall authorize the person to whom it is given to teacli in any of the common schools of this State, in which bia or her services may be desired by the Trustees of the echool in which he or she may make application to teach, without any farther evidence of qualification. Said certificate shall be val id for the term of two (2) years, unless sooner revoked. Sao. 17. That lie shall annually, on the first day of November, or as soon as practicable thereafter, apportion the income of the State school fund, and the annual taxes collected by the State for the support of schools, among the several school districts of the State, in proportion to the respective number of pn p i 1 s attending the public schools, and be shall certify snch apportionment to the8tateTreasurer. He shall also certify to the Treasurer and School Commissioner of each County the tmount apportioned to their County, and lie shall draw his orders on the State Treasurer In favor of the County ffi + - ^ - - .treasurer 01 eacn uounty tor Hie amount apportioned to said Coon *7Saa 18. That tlvere Sa hereby appropriated, out of any money in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the eanrot eight hundred (800) dollars annually, to the State Superintendent of Eduoation, tor the purpose of defraying the unpens? of qUrk hire in the effiue of said State Superintendent of Ed ocation; said hum to be drawn quarterly by him, and to be dieKnrsoH t>? li>? ??U 0?-?- **-'" J HIVMIV ITtAM Dnpsrintendeut for tU purpose bwein named: Provided, That the said turn of eight hundred (800) dollar* shall be in foil for the annual pay* ment of all clerk hire of en id Department. Sao. 19. That the State Saporintendent of Education shall diecbsrgosaoh other duties as may be provided by law; and he shall deliver to his lacooMor, within ten days after the expiration of his wmammmmmmaammmBasam **"? # ?ti4^i>n^y * .?*. i.Ji ff >- iv'ai ?# :oxtmtvA of t\)t Si ^^WVWVWV?W>A#VVVWW! !NA, APRIL 6, 1870. ItLlJ L --L-- iJg term of office. All honk* TtaiMM I documents and other property belonging to bis office. Skc. 20. That, in case of vacancy in the offioe of State Superintendent of Education, the Governor shall appoint, with the advice and consent of the Senate, a person to fill such vacancy, who shall qualify within fifteen days after his appointment, and shall coutinue in ofhce until the next ensuing general election, when a person shall be elected to fill the unexpired term : and should the person so appointed fail to quality within the time specified, such failure shall create a vacancy. county school commission kk8. Sko. 21. That tlie present County School Commissioners shall continue in office until their successors are olcctod and qualified. There ii l. -i -? ? ^ sumi ue eieciea in eacti Uonnty,at tlie general election in October, A. D. 1870, and at the general election every two years thereafter, a School Commissioner, who shall hold his office until his successor is elected and qualified. Sao. 22. Tiiat on the first day of January next succeeding the date of his election, l:e shall take and subscribe the oath of office prescribed in Section 30, Articlo II, of the Constitution of the State, which oath lie shall file in the office of the Clerk of the Coart of the Oonnty in wbieb he was elected, and shall immediately enter upon the discharge of his duties ; and npon his failure so to do, or if for any other cause there should be a vacancy in the office, the Governor shall appoint a person to till such vacancy, who shall qualify within fifteen days after his appointment, and shall continue in office until the time prescribed for filling said office by election, as herein provi-, ded ; and should the person so appointed fail to qualify within the time specified, such failure shall create a vacancy. / Seo. 23. That he 6hal) have the (rpnnral ? g..... > U..jrv. i ioivu vi mi me common And public schools in his County. Ho shall vUit each school in the County at least oticc each regular term thereof, counsel with and encourage Trustees and teachers, see that the common school law is properly enforced, and do whatever tna^r promote the cause of education in the County. Sac. 24. That it shall be his duty to see that in every school under his care there shall bo taught, as far as practicable, orthography, reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, English grummer, history ol the United States, the principles of the Constitution and Laws of t e United States and of this State, and good behavior. 8ne. 25. He shall, on or before the first day of October in_ each year, iorwara to the State Superintendent of Edncation an extend ed report, containing an abstract of the reports made to him by the various school officers and teachers in his County, and showing the condition of the schools under his charge, suggesting snch improvements in the school system as he may dectn useful, and giving such other information in regard to the practical operation of the common schools, and laws relating thereto, as may be deemed ot public interest. He shall also include, in his report, such other matters as he shall bo directed to report by the State Superintendent of Education. Sue.'86. That sliould he tail to make the report required in the preceding Section, he shall forfeit to tlio school fund of his County the snm of fifty (50} dollars, and shall, besides, be liable for all damnges caused by such neglect. Sao. 27. That he shall, at all times, conform to the instrnctions of the State Superintendent of Ed ncation, as to matters within the jurisdiction of said State Superintendent. lie shall serve na the organ of communication between the said State Superintendent and school antborities. lie shall transmit to school officers, or teachers, all blanks, circulars, and other oominculcations which are to them directed. Sko 28. That each County School Commissioner shall receive, as compensation for bis services, including expenses of transportation within "his County, an annnal salary of one thousand (1,000, dd fare, except the Connty of Charleston, in which County be shell receive an anneal salary, of fifteen hundred (1,600) dollars, payable quarterly by the State Treasurer. VWM A f W ? y VJ? Ml* M<11II MBS* Sbo. 29, That the County Commissioners of the several Counties hell furnish the School Commissioners, oi their respective Conn* ties with en office end the necessary office turniture.- . Beo 80. The* it shall be the duty of each County School Commissioner, immediately after the pea mvw 4 JL w JL JUj tot t nnb Couninj. ' '. ^ t**.'1'' t"*J? ?S<->>J * > * '** **?J?I ; i sage of ibis Aot, to divide his f Oouuty into ooafcuieiit School t Districts, tor ?U purposes Couuec- t iwu wiiu uie general interest ot ed- S ucatkm, and re-district the seme, r whenever, in his judgment, tbe 1 Sere) good requires it. Each & trict snail be oonfined to the d management and control ot, tbe t Board of School Trustees liereinaf- ( ter provided for, who shall hold e their office for two years, and until p their successors are elected and <3 qualified. o Sro. 81 It shall be the duty of t the School Commissioner ot each County to select Iwo suitablo and p discreet persons, who, together r with himself, snail constitute a t Board of Examiners, Whose duty c it shall be to examine all candi- 3 dates for the profession of teacher, a and to give such persons as are t found qualified a certificate set- v ting fortu the branches of learning ? be or she may be found c pable of 8 teaching; such examination to be renewed everv year. No teacher . shall be employed in any of the { common or public schools without a certificate "from the Board of Examiners or the State Superintendent ; but certificates furnished by the Board of Examiners shall lie valid only in the Counties where issued. A majority of the County Board of Examiners shall have power, for good and sufficient rea sons, to cancel any certificate issued by them before the expiration ot the time for which said certificate was granted. Sec. 32. That the Board of County School Examiners shall meet at least twice a year, at such places, and at such times, as the County School Commissioner shall appoint; that the County School Commissioner shall be Chairman and Clerk of the Board, and shall keep a fair record of their proceedings, and a regis tor of the name, ago, sex, color, residence and date of certificate of each person to whom certificate , is iseued, and in case a certificate be cancelled, shall make a proper entry of the same. Skc. 33. That it shall be the duty >/;* #/Vp * *- } ;.,. '# ir?4.! volumTX^S^X^ emale, white colored ; ?nd he Clerk of said Board of Trasses shall return to the County lo.hnnl rVimmifiiinnar il ?port of the same: Provided, [hat ia ease the enumeration of eholastic population of any school listrict is not made, a* provided or in thie Act, by that time, the bounty Board of School Examines is'herewith authorised to appoint new Trustees for such school listrict, unless for good and sufficient cause the Trustees hare failed o act Sko. 39. It shall be the duty of he Board of Trustees "to hold ^ a egular session In their School Disrict at least two weeks before the commencement of any Or every nK/V\l tnvfM f/va fkn faAneea?l/\n vuwi ?vi ui^ ?vi ??n? w ?niofiv*iv?? Vl ,ny and all bnsine* necessary to be prosperity of the school, with K>\ver to adjourn from time to ime, and to bold special meetings it any time or place. Sec. 40. That the Board of rrostees shall hare power to esablish and make all arrangements 'or the Common schools of districts, mying due regard to any scboollonse already built or site procurid, as well as to nil other circumitances proper to be considered, so is to best promote the educational nterest oftheir district: Provided, That if said Board of Trustees .Ball tail to establish schools and mild school-houses, when and rhere the necessities of the pcoplo equire them, it shall be the duty >f the County School Commissionjr, and he shall hare the power to ?tablish and build the same at the mnense of the school fund of such Msuool District. They shall employ teachers from among those laving certificates, and discharge he eame when good and sufficient easons for bo doing present themlelves; but they snail employ no jereon to teach in any of the schools under their supervision uness such person 6hali hold, at the ime of commencing his or her ichool, a certificate to teach, granted by the County Board of School Examiners, or by the State Superntendent of Education. Sec. 41. That should the Board )t Trustees be unable otherwise to procure sites for schools houses, hoy are hereby authorized to ap>oint a jury of view of five legal voters of the County, who shall lo:ate said site as the public interest may require; but, except in a iity, town or village, said site ihall not bo located within two jundred yards of the dwelling of die owner of the land taken for >aid site without his consent, givjn in writing. The said jury thall assess the value of same, and eport their action to the Board of Trustees, who shall secure the title uid pay lor the site, as decided by he jury of view out any moneys available for that purpose. Sec. 42. That when it shall so happen that persons are so situa:ea as to be better accommodated it the school of any adjoinuing Schools District, or whenever it may bo desirable to establish a ichool composed of parts of two or more School Districts, it shall be the duty of the respcctivo Boards if Trustees ol the School Districts in which such persons reside, or in i 1??- -?- ? niiiuu ouv.il btiiwis may do siiuated, or of the Schools Districts, or the prrts of which the school is to be joinposed, to transfer such persons for education to the School Districts in which such school bouse is or may he located ; but the enumeration of scholais shall be taken in each District as if no inch transfer had been made; and uic.li school, when so composed, ihall be snpportcd from the school funds of the respective School Districts from which the scholars may bave been transferred. Sec. 48. That the school year ihall commence on the first Monday of October, and close on the last Friday of Juno in each year ; but the County School Commissioner shall have power to limit the school year according to the ichool fund apportioned to his County. Skc. 44. That it shall l>e tlie duty of each school teacher to make out and file with the Clerk of the Board of Trustees, at the expiration of each school month, a full and complete report of the whole number ot scholars admitted to the school dnring each month, dis ting matting between male and femalo, tbo Average attendance, the branches taught, the number of pnpils engaged in each of said branches, and such other statistics as he or she may he required to makd by tho County School Commissioner ; and until sncli report shall have been certified and filed by the said teacher, aa aforesaid, it shall be the dut?y>f said Board of IYnstees to reqnirbllie same, and forward to the County School Com* [ooxolupkd on FOCRTn PAOK.J