- - ... - ! ' JUfl'RJMMI loll. j Th? night Irain *>r Cgfembta leave* CharleMofc|t? pt?., a?l arrtdA In Cbflmbiiatt.O a. * *W tlAT. The Ir'uh ; the Recto* of Their Prolonged Sufferingt. Thursday, the 17th, was St Patrick's day, which was celebrated In Charleston with great spirit by St. Patrick's Benavolent Society and the Hibernian Society. The first named Society is 57 years old ; the Hibernian Society is no *r 70, and etnbrac< s many persons of Irish descent, and of course some of the natives. There was a procession of the St. Patrick's in the morning. They din ed in the afternoon, and the Hibernians at ft o'clock at the hall of the Society. The Charleston Courier next morning reported the speeches and toasts on the occasion ; they were all brief,pointed, and itstrikeeue in good taste thioughout. Among the speakers brought out by th? toasts were the "on. usoaoKS. Uryan, LJnited Sinter Judge; The gallant Gen. Jakes Conner, Ex Governor A.G. McGratii. Wm. E. Mice el, Esq., J. B. Conen and Col. Uiciiakd Yeadon. The regular touata nil responded to hj a short speech, The-*th toast, a?d the last, was a* usual to Woman: " last not least, fli si in out thoughts and hearts, the bi ighlener of life, the chat in of society, the household graces the crowning gift of a loving God to the highest desires of humanity," The oppressions nod wrongs ol Ireland have been long continued, 700 years More poetry and eloquence have been expended on the story of her griefs then upon those of all oilier nations perhaps combined. Still t he English have oppressed end Irelend hes suffered, and struggled it serins in vain, if we except the bright gleam of hope now ehining in the disestablishment of the English Church, and the premise of an hit* proved land system for the Iiish tenantry The great cause of the suffering an 1 degra dation of Ireland in our opinion tins never been commented on by the fi lends of Ireland, either io Europe or America. The strong popiuli superstitions of the mastes, the habit of slirrenderini? their mind notwilh* standing their vigor aud activity, to the absolute control of priests or political leaders wbic-h their religion necessarily encourages, has sadly ioterferred with the idea of self government and all independence of thought with blight minds and wit and genius in so many of the Irish j. it has, with many noble exceptions, submitted with a blind adherence to be ltd and carried in every direction whither the piiest, or demagogue with the priest's eounlvance, choose to carry it. The difficulty wilh Ireland arising ont of religion has not been confined to the Ro man Catholics. On the contrary, it has been much aggravated by the course of the Eng ligh Church in forcing itself as an Establish ment in Inland, gathering its tithes, and extorting its revenues from a people who nl honed iheir form of faith and have had good reason to abhor the spirit which thoae extortioners hnve exhibited and practiced in the uime of Protestant Christianity. If poets and orators had eommenced long ago to fpoint out the religious superstitions of the mars of Irish on the one hand, and the unchristian oppressions of the Established Church on the other, and had advocated in truth and sincerity true aonl liberty, Ira land would e'er thia have been aa free a" any other part of the British Dominions' True political and cirll liberty will not be perpetuated 01 thriVa where their la not true religion liberty. Unfortunately thiosearea )y exists for the people anywhere, although nominally established by the constitutions of different governments. But the oondi lion of Ireland haa been very bud hi thta respect. 8he has bean oppressed, and bar Independence of thought rmothered by the religion of her choice and insulted ?nd plun' dared by that which wan thrust upon her As in theynorol ahd physical man the laws of God and nature hero to be respected for the enjoyment of health and happineea, so in government sad enjoyment of politieal and rivil liberty ; the lawa of God must be like mice reepectad. If the ei tuple faith nod form of voriliip eeteblhhed in the New Teatament wee adopted by profceeing Chrietiene *11 orer lb* world or in *nj particular lias, that people misfit hope to have and enjoy the light ot liberty, and per feet freedom from roffgfcfti* pereecat itMa. riTT urviieiKTi. There bare been Cbrairiral performance* ad winter in the Arademy ef Maaie, and the ci potted arrival of Mb* Af cCm.i.otoi* thu week with a ftae operatic troupe ha* greatly eaeited the loner* efWh amuecogeatc. Erery eeat at the Academy baa been already taken, and we were lafarmed that there had been to?e arrival* In Cbarterton from the interior *f the State, both ladlee and genflentea, expecting to ebjoy and over mountain Railroad. Greenville cannot thrive if thrown behind other competitors in travelling facilities. Tbe Edltoritl Confer en en In Columbia. We saw on the cars Mr. R. M. of the Union Tim**, on liia way to the sditori al conference which met in Columbia Wednesda) evening. (We were pleased lo learn from Mr. Stokks that bis paper has encouraging prospects ahead. It ought lo succeed under his well known judicious management. II* always has published "a good paper" wherever he has undertaken it.) The conference was not attended by ua; the proceedings were brief and the result is embraced in the following resolutions: 1. Itr?olfrJ tiuanimouthj, That this Con. ? - lb- \ ? * * * ' '' ' ivikiicb i nu|juii"i ine legal rigui ol nil Hie ; citizen* of ill* Ktnte, irrespective of color, tQ suffrage. 2. That ibis Conference recognir.-t tliu legal light of ull the citizen* of the State, irrespective of color or previous condition, to ofiic?, subject alone to pcieoual qualification ami fitness. 3. it in the judgment of this Confer ene?, . Convention of the people < f the Stats, opposed to Kudlcelisrw, and in favor of good, nnd honest government, should be held m the eity of Columbia, at some eon venient time fir the purpose of nominating a State ticket, which, while aaeuting equal and naat justlee to all, will afford some degree of security, prosperity and good gov irmeah 4. That Ibla Conference respeelfully sag. gelt* to Ike people o! the State Wednesday, the 15th day of Jnne, ensuing, aa a suitable liase for the holdiag of eaid Convention. But more of thie subject her?after. Personalities Disapproved. ! During the absence of the editors, when , the Knlerprite of the 16tb March wont to i press, a paragraph lound its way into th? I paper In relation to the resignation of C. P I.reci e, Land Commissioner. Tim eonclud I ing sentence stated that "hit resignatiof was owing to a bill passed by the Legieia tore that eut off the ehaneea of stealing 1 We hare uniforwily refrained fiom euei violent personalitle*, and take this ocoastor io rnj mat :ne eii*naire aentence waa laser tad without the knowledge of the editor# We make thia explanation .voluntarily, not having beard any remark about it froaa anj WON#. Mr. Thomaa P. Pmith. Factoi and Coramiaaion Merchant, Ohar leaton. Wc briefly noticed the advertiaa moot of Mr. TitOvw F. Sutra on ita (hat ap pearar.ee, bat a man Of hie high Integrity prndraea and capacity in buaioeaa, dtaetvei to bave the coutidenee of every one. Eve ary man who Bntruata bnaineaa io bia banc: I will be aafe. lie jadvtoimiucd not to apac i ulato on l>ia own account again. We ca) ; attention to l.ia card. * "* ** F .'-i- i-ii. ' ifU IDAQOM Tu tUMktad. Vft g?v? a paragraph lad. week from 4he XferWcf explaining! I lie fnfta M to t lit* repeal f the Iocomt Tat, th( tV?r| of the House if Representatives to renew It for this] yraf, and the failure ol Ilia inesmire in (lie Senate, (which lody nems to be (lie fepretentative special of the two extremes of aoolety?the wealthy arhtocrst and (lie negto population.) Foma of the papers apeak of the ptera ot the coiintr/ being unanimous against the Income Tax. We do not pretend to know every body'a opinions, but, for one, we are tn favor of it, and can give reasons satisfactory, at least to ourselves.? The Income Tax ought to ba Continued ? The more universally the tax-s are distiihnted umoi g all classes, the more surely will the lax-14y?ra in Congrees and el.ewhoio begin to hear the thunder of popular clam or for economy. The repeal baa been brought about by the money influence which g< nerally u?es Government for its own purposes; the masses of pvcpla have bad nothing to do with ! . Tlie large city newspapers themselves, with heavy in. comes and representing the interest of millionaires, have loudly denounced the Income Tax, and the smaller clnsa of papers have echoed the same cry without thought or tefiection. Senators and candidates for Conaress ought to be made to avow their principles before the next elections arrive Oroatly Reduced FriO'S t Do you want Dry Good, f If you do, R C. Futvxn, at Columbia, offet a you especial j advantages in that line. The recent heavy* fail in D~y Goods compels him to sell at as tonishingly iow pitccs. Ilejtav about Hon, 000 worth of Goods in tba City of Columbia that he is selling at very low figures. He j wants to tell ail of them ; be means what he | says for he advertises throughout all the j up country. Gooda can be purchased of j hitu at either vltolcrsW of retail So pars tics who do not waat to purcba'a a great many aiuciea can get at If w as they v?Wh* and attended to prom pity too, just a' well aa If they ordered a complete stock. His advertisement appears in onr columns* of this is;ue. Give him a trial. Death of an Aged Citizen. Mr. Elijah SATsr.mi.n, known (or some time about Greenville as Dr. SaTtRrTKi.n, died on Sunday last at the advanced age of ninety years, six months and sixteen daysHe had lived near Greenville the greater part of hit life, most of the time near Saluda river. He was a good hearted, quirt, peaceable man, of plain common rente ; for a great many years a meek member of the Metho ui?i vnurcn 01 me primitive type. lie acquired ths title of Doctor from hia knowledge of various medic'nal plants that grow in this pait of the eMintry. and which lie sometime* succcsfTilly used in tli? treatment of chronic cases of *haku<-s*. He wa? a very poor man ever *i> cs lie was kimwn, and had the poor man's luck of u large family o' children, and now nutneiou* descendants. . Clyde and Ilovey. The advertisement of the above-named firm has undergone s change this week, and person* will see by referring to irtl.st their lock of Dry (Jond*. Groceries. Ac , is a* complete as ever. No. 1 Flour, the different grades of Sugar, Coffee, Ac., all at reduced figures. All Ihcse'gentlemen want ia for )*ou to give them a call, and you will be almost certain to b? benefitted. The Uuaxdlan. The Daily Southern Guardian, Columbia, * appeared on the morning of the 19lh inst, | in a new dress, and is greatly improved I thereby. The managers promise to "send it fortl> freighted with just political principle*, a conciliatory policy, unimpeachable morale, a correct tone of thought and sentiment, and yet lively and sparkling with all the fresh news and incident* of the day." We with theui much succeas. Ntloa ? A The papere end periodicals received by the Greenville Literary Club for Ilia year ltyi'j, will be sold at public outcry next Friday. Mr. C. F. Waters will, on next Halesday expose for sale sevcial thousand dollars worth of notes and accounts, payable to Jonx W. Ghaut ?fc Co., and other*. jChcjjii*.?It la supposed that Anderson County will expend sixty or seventy thou sand dollsrs this year in fertiiiz-rs. More cotton than ever. We are having flue west her for planting now, and faimera and gatdeuer# bay* gone to woik in real earnest. There are thousands of robins in and around the city ; ditto little boys with shot8"ns. , . . It is (eared that fruit crops in this Coun? ty hsve been inater ally inputd by the late (rods. The temperature c.f the atmosphere is quite different to-day from what it was last Wednesday ; then the thermometer was ranging in the twenths, now, among the sixties. The Senior editor returned oo S.turday last; Junior still si sent.. There Is s bill before Congress proposing to redue* the postage on letters to one eent. Stnssita favors the movement i A beef was slaughteied in o?r fit.. i--? week that netted two hundred and thirtyfiv? pound* to the quarter. No wonder that sha-hs have been ao high they wll' probably go down now. ! llr. Iiioma* HtteN hn* Commenced motring hie *toek of goods into the store house , recently fitted up for him. , Suicidk.?John Gosper, n negro boy, six. teen or eighteen year* of age, killed him'* aell in the neighborhood of Indtantown , church on the Dili instant, " by an old gun , barrel loaded with a full charge of low moulJahot, by putting, it it auppcsed, one end in the file and the other end in his t mguth?'the leed went out at the back o( r the head, without injuring the teeth or Ion. gue ; It catered at the root of the palate and weal out at the junction of the neek end head."? hint/Urea Star. ... 4 Fi?? at A xbanao* C. II.?A destructive . fire l(K>k piece at Andcreou C. H. on Thnre , / day afternoon last. The dwellings of Cap ?| tain Daniels and 8amu?I Crawford, K?q,' were consumed. By great effort tbe fire I ' wae itayel without further lo*s. | If yon want u good appetite en.I healthy , dige?ti >n ho Ilr. Tult'e Gol-lco Ktgls Bit' lei e. 43-5 I OR Ifll OkKXTIlU SKTIITIHl! On* True Policy M??*r?. Editor*?What to tl?s beat Room to be putaued by thy D?in?cial^c Farty of South Caiolina in th? t-1 ration of members to the State Legislator* Matt fall, ia 1 thiok one of the moat important aut jecta which eno engage the attention of thonghtfal menor occupy the columns of our Independent journals. It ia a question for the whole ] pcdple of South Carolina : What oatt beat do to rid ourselves of the present ty rannieal and corrupt system of legislation' enacted at Columbia f A legislation not like most of that by Congress, but wliieh rmchos directly to the pockets and (IrestJes of every ciilx.-n and lax | oyer of the State1 believe there are honest tutn enough of al| i parlies, if they can be bronght together, to I ewe? p from their seats in Columbia those I members, of whatever party they belong to, who have shown themselves incapable of any higher motive than personal interest, in making laws for the governing of a who!* State. The masses of the people, white and colored, are honest. They ere interested only in an honest, and etanbtaicu) govern* Oieiil. They can never be lu the interest of a few office huldeis. Their hiP/cM ia opTw-.a/t In l.rirH. ..f .?.I?. ?t. I. high salaries. lWlicularly is litis lit* out utnler our prtftl lyiltui of ad ?c/or??i taxation. Now,'not only it there a poll ox, but every apech-s of properly tocording to Us value hat to contribuU its quota to raise the neoetsary eniooiit to pov he expensive machinery of our Slate Government. The poorest (roadman roust pay upon his cow, pigs, bedstead and old chest, in the same propoitlon as the rloh man ; and the double tax he How pays up oo them above the wants of an economical govo-nment, though it may be but tbe prlec of a half bushel of corn, leys e burden upon htm and hie family *e heavy to bear as is fcit by the rich man who pays one hundred dollars morj than he ought to. In view of these tilings, in view ot the tendeney to eenlralise all power in the bauds of the Governor and Legislature ; taking away from the people their just l ights, not allow ing them tbe election of officers guaranteed to tliem by the State Constitution \ I say, is it not possible so to rally the honeet and uuboug'it masses ol both colors at to hurl from office those who have proven themselves unworthy, and to elcot to the n?xt Legislature moo who, looking to the inter* est of their country, and incorruptible, and above the control of mere personal ioterest. To accomplish this is an object wot thy the thought and effort of all good men. I pro. pose iu ft few short articles to give you what has occurred to ine as the best plan to further, if we cannot attain this desirable object, premising that I have been a life long democrat, but can now see no Issues in oif State politics to divide the hontit tuen of any parlies. In my opinion it is now the tax-paying people against the office holders; the oppressed against the oppreMois. Under this, let evety man of whatever party or whatever color, if he be a tax payer, or ever expeets to be, either he or his his children, let him rally, and we may lie able next October to send enough of honest men to Columbia to secure at least a portion of our rights. S C. March 21st, 1870. ? -?r ?? .J The Funding Bill The Senate has (Missed a hill to provide ft>r funding the national debt. It now baa to psas the ordeal of the lbiutc, with a fair chance of getting through. The provisions of the bill are as follows : The Secretary ot the Treasury is authorised to make thiee neparate issues of United States bonds, of 8100.000-000 earh nrtfi cipal nnd interrat payable iu coin. The first issue it parable in forty years froiu dute, with tlie privilege of redtmption at any lime after the expiration of ten years; lbs second ia payable in seventy years, but | redeemable after fifteen ; tire third payable | in forty years nnd redeemable in twenty years. Should the Secretary of lire Trcasu ry think proper, he may banc more of the la*l class of bonds, provided the aggregate debt of the United States is not increased thereby. All tire new bonds are to bo dispoeed of at not less than their par ralne for coin, or they may be exchanged at par lor any outstanding obligations of I Ire United States, bearing a higher rate of interest The interest allowed for the new bonds is fire par cent for the first close, fonr and a half per cent, for the atcond, and four per cent, for Ihe thhd. Both ihe bonds nnd the interest thereon are exempted from all taxation, Daliona^ Slate, municipal or local. The sum of $169,000,000 (hall be appiopriated annually from the duties on impoitt, to be applied to the payment of the interest and the reduction of the principal of Ihe publio debt. ,, On an' after the let of October, 1810, no other bonde than these shall he received on deposit by the Treasurer of the United Stillt* aa security for the notes Issued to national hanks for circulation; and ail national banks shall make such deposits within one year from the pataage of thia act ; in default of which tlieir right to isauo notes will be forfeited and their circulation called in and destroyed. Piorided, that hanks now in existence may, upon giving thirty day*' notice to the comptroller of the currency, j deposit legal lender nates to the amount of its outstanding circulation. The amount of circulation of any banh hall not exceed eighty percent of the par value of the funds it has depoailcd with the Treasurer. Any bank may exrhange United States notes, in sums of $6U*l Iinplemcments and machines, and Small Tools ol evary bind for Farmers, Uardeners, a and Stock Kaisers use, and publish a Largo a Catalogue, which la a handsome volume of t about 300 pages With nearly 400 Illustrations i of Hmt Latest and Most Improved articles In I their line ; aasorg them many things which our fanners owplt to hart, nud rrhieh they con- i pot l/Hg at any of omr local stores. Of course I this is a costly book, and they charge $1 for I it, but crew tits is re funded to ths pmrchater ] Vif* it srads am order ; so that in reality it < costs nothing. Keen If it did, wo should ad- I vise every men who owns aay land, no matter i ' how enmll, to get a copy now. Tin. ir address ts P. O. llox 376, N. Y. City. Mb 33-1 < ' ** ' Cai.Qmsu. at discount. I), flat.ee to 1 8ou'li?-y? fever*, Good digestion secured i l?y usjnjj Simmons' Liver Regulator. PuvsicfAga Use Til km ta Taam Practicn. ? It is aftnost universally the ease that Pbysiciane eoUdCme what art generally known at i " Patent Medicines." Although LB. t UTT'B LIVER ftCL 18 NOT A PATENT *B?ICINK, yet its composition (the ressrttwf years < of study) is know* 1. < Cotton lower, with aalea of POO balvR at 28j. Gyld weaker, at 1 Pi. lUiTiuoaa, March tt. Cottoa 38. Wheat steady, at I.36Q1 37. Corn aotive, nt 90(dOJ. Pork quiet. Shoulder. 12. Cmariehtok, March. 11. Cottou quiet and elsadj?middling* t)| ; reoeipts 344 hales; at*eh 18,781. LivstarooL, March 31. ] Cotton firm?uplands Hi ; Orleans lli; sales 13.000 talcs. ENTERPRISE I PRICES CURRENT. connrcTKD WXKKLT, it MESSRS. DAVn k STRADLEV, MERCHANTS. GREF.XVILDK. 8. C., MAR. 22, 1870. | BACON?Sides, V ?*> - ?8@20 .. Hauia, " " li e. Shoulders, W ft),-... ........15 bat.r norE, V>h -V ItAHOlSU, Ounn;, t. I)A(!(11N'Q, Ruudee,^ yd ..20(o)25 e. BUR LAI'S 15 BUTTER, *c. FOUR, "P dozen,.....a ....^.?.20c. 1 FLOUR, ^ ??ck, 84 00(4$;. M> GOLD, ?41 \ti(d) 1 15 1NDIOO, Spaniih Float ?2 00(^2 25 " South Carolina, fl 75(<$2 00 IRON, ? lb, Atnarirnn, 7Je. IRON TI fifi LARf), m 25c. LEAD, V ??? 20 LKATliKll, V Suit, Hemlock,..c. " " " " Oak, 46@60 e. " " ? Upper T?<%76 c. " " " llarneta 60?65c. MOLASSES, gal., Muac<>vado,.....60(a) 70 " " " New Orl. Syrup, $1 26 NAILS, ^ keg 07 00?8 00 H V K, buabel, _ ....1 20? I 40 SALT, >4 eack, Liverpool, ; $2 75 SU'lAll, Tt? lb, Brown .. 16 ? 20 c. " " " Clarified...... 20 c " " " Cnulicil,.... 22i c. 8HIHTINO. ecren-eigbte, Y1 bale, I2)c. ** ? ret>u 1 16 e. TALLOW, & lb ..10? 15 e. WHEAT, bucUel .. .$1 50 YARN, Factory, by bale, .81 85 " " bunch 82 00 LATEST QUOTATIONS OF SOUTHERN SECURITIES, IN CHARLESTON, 8. O. Corrected Weekly for the ENTERPRISE, t.y A. C. KAUFMAN. BROKER, No. 26 Broad Street. , A1 A ItUll 8, 187U. SlaU Stturititi?South Carolina, old 34086 ;.do new, 78@ ?; do, regis I'd stock, ox int?079. , City Stturitit*? Augusta, Oa. Bonds, ? 0 84; Charleston, 8. C. Stock, ? 0 57 ; Charleston, 8. C., Fire Loan Bonds, ? 076; Columbia, 8. C. Bonds, ? 070. Itailroud Jiomlt?Blue ltlilge, (first aiortgage)560? ; Charleston and Savannah, 000 ? ; Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta,?090; 1 Cheraw and Partington,?080 ; tirecnville aud Columbia, (1st wort) 760? ; do, (Stata guarantee) 8<@?; Northeastern, past due, . 85 0 ?; Northeastern, new, ? 0 ? ; Savannah and Charleston, (1st mort) ? 0 80; < do, (State guarantee) 650? ; South Carolina, ' ?083 ; do, 75 ; Spartanburg and Union, 54 0?. Ilttilroad SI o t L *?Charlotte, Columbia 1 and Augusta,?055; Greenville and Coluin- 1 bin, 20? ; Northeastern, 708 ; Savannah < and Charleston, ?025; South Carolina, (whels shares)-?044 ; do, (half do) ?022. Krthnugt, 4rc~New York Sight, par, J pr. 1 Gold, #1,160*1.18; Silver, *1.100*1.12. South Carotima Hank Milt. * Bank of Charleston ?0 ? 'Bank of Newberry......... A? Bank of Camden 400? Bank of Georgetown 50? Bank of South Carolina .....50? Bank of Chester 50? Sank of Hamburg.?...... 80? ank of Stale of8. C, prior te 1H61...?4O0? Bank of State of 8 C. issue 1861-62.....100 ? Planters' and Mechanics' Bank of . Charleston. .. ?0 ? People's Baak of Charleston..... _?U? Union Benk of Charleston...?..??? ?0? Southwestern R. K. Bank of Charleston. (#ld)..l ?0 ? Southwestern H. K. Bauk of Charleston, (new)........ ?A ? State Bank of Charleston.................. 10 ? Farstssi' and Kxcbsnge Bank of Charleston ......?01 Kaehange Bank of Columbia.. 100? Commereial Bank of Columbia.,. 20? .Merchant's Bank of Cheraw 30? Planters' Bank of Vairdeld Titan ? BUte of Bontli Ga ratio* Bill* Rattir|b|ln?.?....M ... ?Ha.a?ta.pW. City ofCharUituu C1mn|i3illi?. par. Hill* marked thaa [ ] are being redeemed at (be Bank Ountera of eaeb. Public Sale of Periodicali. Til K lM>OKR and PAPER* of (ha Oram e'llla LU*t*7 Club for J869, will be arid at 1 pub Ha onirrj oa next Friday, the SClb Inal. Dj order w the Committed. C. II. JUDSON. Chairman. Mar 2* 44 1 Notice. S A I.ran AY ia April, T win eelt fTO.COO M KOTJM ai# AOOOUNTH. made pay Vl? HPf^VUK W. UUAUI * LU, AM ?tWgk A lib, 1 HOOGY akd iurkksr. 0.9. WATRRJI. A?tU??.w. Oraonattk, March f)ak l&lo. ? ?,. Notice. I ft haftbj j0v*n to alt wbofb H ??* Mlcorn ttfl vM apply to ft. J. IWblt, i I'roWlc jydc* ol QrttnvM* County, on lA, | 1th Jay of May nert. f.?r a Final I>iMh?n? Guardian ( HOMRR JACOBS. . RICHAHl) H. JAOOBH, Guardian. . March 2R, 1R?0, i liar V? 4f 4 I * P^fgWBMH ?L'll-JJ Th? BeMOft *nd i%n Bgngera. Tba bunu body in chic^r aomposcd of tla |ea Hod librae aa amnltive jfo ?*tM change in ? Ian condition oi lb* atmosphere 2 tbe moat | flicftto electrometer, or tha qaielpUrer in a i TtMratotqaah, the akin, (he nervea. the Jung*, ad IbaaxCretorj eagana eta aafeelally I labia a be effected by theee variations, and the beat lefaaee against their disastrous tendency is to eep the digestive machinery, wblcfi feeda and lonrlshee the ttbole ayatea, In good working rder. ; * If the atomach ia weak or dlaordtred nrlthr tbe blood nor the bile ean he In a healthy Kta, and upon the fltneaa of thaaa two iasporant flaida for tba ofllcea aiaiiwd to thaaa by latura, and tba regelarHy of their low, bee* to n a great meaeure depend*.. When tha air ia heavily laden with chilling rapora, aa It oftan is at tbla aeaaon of tha yoar, . ha digestion ahould be aa object of peculiar rare. If it la weak and leogald, the whble physical structure-will be enervated. If it ia rigoroas, tba entire organiaallon wHI be strong to resist the nntoward and depreaeing Influence of a da?wt> and vitiated atmosphere. ' ' A pare and powerful tonic is therefore tapeaielly needed aa a safeguard against tbe dieeasee meet common In tbe spring, and 1109TETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS being the moat wholeanme and potent medielne of tha alnea at preaent known a coarse of it is pertleularly advisable at tbia period of the year. The stomach will thereby be toned and Strengthened, tbe Hrer and boweta regulated, the narrow* system braced ep, and oatnre put In a state af active defence against tba miasma which attperindneea Intermittent and !* ruMlcet favtra, rhenmntiaaaa, narrena debility, headaobe, bypochondrU and other complatnti which are apt to aaaail the atrtoned aud nn onuia orgnniMUone. Tie kolyll *trenjtth- j eoed without exciting the brein, end count- j qnentljr bo unpleerant reecti on follow* it* reviving end rottoralinf operation. M.ri 41 4 rKWrn* co., IMPORTERS AS'D DEALERS /.V IIJIUU W DUTLKRY, GUNS, BAR IRON; STEEL, 1R? AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, LS9 XeetiDf-St. & 02 East Bay St.. CHARLESTON, S. C. Mb 33 44 3m? EDWARD PERKY, i'lUJSTEK, STATIONER, amd dkalbr l!? LAW, SCHOOL AND BLANK BLANK DOOKS on hand and made to order of any pattern at abort notice. Binding and Ruling executed in fine style. Wade A Co. Printing Ink* for s ?lo at the manufacturers price. A'o. 155 Mtfliny-Sl., np/xttile Charlrtlnn Huttl, CHARLESTON, S. O. Mb 23 " 44 fiin* EnwiM Bates. Oko. Seiuaf. Taos. R. McUaham. Cba?. K. datar. EDWIN BATES & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND CLOTHINO, 188 and 184 Meeting-St.. CHARLESTON, S. C. Mb 23 41 3in* STKATI IIAKFftV AXD CANDY MANUFACTORY J. C. H. CLAIJ 8SEN, HO. 10 MARKET STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. ALL kind* of Craektra, BiKuiti ami Cakea manufactured daily of tbo teat Southern flour, at loweat market price. Una at lii* Katablisbmenl an eitenaive CANDY FACTORY. Their Candle* are made to order, and at all Ilmea freak ( warranted pure and to atuud the climate. Ordcri will be promptly tilled. Mb 23 41 Am* _ Extraordinary Announcement-Head thi?^Through Carefully and Profit DATING from tbe Uth of the month, now paat, we ofTer, aa lefore -announced tome of the m?at magnificent and attractive IIAROAIXS ever offered in 1>RY UOOD8. The prieea are alarmiag low, and aome of our ady cnatotnera have cipreaaod great regret a1 >ur aelling tbe Oooda ao cheap, leat we break. IVe inaugurated theae low prieca for gooda Id January here. With oar French MKRIXOS and I'LAIDS, at onoe abowlng tbe peeple that when we adrertlaed cheap gooda we mcant cheap gooda ; and we intend following the cheap good* policy right through thia auminer, and we aay write it dowa aa loud aa pen end I ink can write it, that we are offering bargalna not to be met with once la a natural life-time. Wo thell attcad to ordera with the aarne rtrfl It If I Km naellaa J?atm ^ ?k ?? .. vatamaawg prVND^ and we advise all who see the advertisement, to order direct from us or send for rem plea, which we aball take pltim* In wading. In ordtrbig, fire colore and price*, and leave the (election of the gooda to na, and we gnat an Ice satisfaction or take the gooda heck. In advartielng U baa never been tbe bablt of tbla aection to aaaign real reaaona fur redueed prieca, but we beg to deviate, and that tbe following are oar reaaona t let. Wo aba more or Wee Intereatcd In about worth of Dry Gooda in tbla vicinity. 2d. Tbe decline on Dry Gooda la fearful ta eon ten plaje. 3d. We ere going to rtaliia en onra. 4th. Wo want aaoney, and do not want t? borrow, and tbe only way to jet U la to aell something. If tbeae reaaona are not aatiafactory, jnat eell on ua and wa will giro yon aolid proof ni wbat we any. If yon aee eny stactlingiy cheep Seoda bought by your friend or neighbor, do not eapair of getting eoaae of them, too, by resaon of they being cold ont, but eome right eloog and yon will Ind tbom, or aoaae cheaper, na tbera are plenty where these are from. It. 0. BHIVKR. Columbia, 8. 0. Mar 23 44 1 The 8Ute ef Seuth Carolina. GUKENVILLR COURT Y. . , By B. J. DOUTU/T, SmfHirt, Judy* mj J'robmte of tmid Comuty. HKnRh, Stephen rowel^Jr., has III ad i t a i"#jmon in my umm, praying ibM LiUm of AiMuMrMm ol all and einfuiar ilia gooda and rhaulaa, rigbta ood eradila of 8AHAII nUAKft, lata of lb. Oovtlf aforeeaM, dtfeeaeed.ahooM ba grant ad ta Kim. 21m orr, Mai ?/ar?. to alia qpd admoftiafc at) and aiogaUr tb? kindred and areditora or iVa ?atd daaeeard, to l>? and appear in tfca Conri of PVobotofcf aald Comity, to to balden at Omaovtll# Court kfooaa, em fba lttk dajr / March feafeof, to abov oauaa, if an J. wKy tha (Old Adruiuhtriilion ahootd not ba granted. n, i. pouthit, J. i?. o q. Odlro ?f Jo-tga of Probate, Mar. 14, It70. Mb 16 46 6 Mareb 18tb, 1870. U.. i. . mw 41 , 4 Notice IS given to nil wliom it tnsj concern, that we will eppljr to 8. J. !>oiithit, Probate ol QrteneMle County, ?i* t*? 1WA ito* of April next, for ? fliiel riUeharge m Kxtttilori of the Ketele of PBTKH O. OHAHLBrt, , MHU . having. eleipie againetraid K?t?l*, ?lll present U4?i oi n?|?I dee if 10 ilrkifteJ. JAMKSL. MtCULlOrfell. lCtreutor, MAUY A. MOoELY, Exeeutrl* Mnreli 18th, 167U. Mar *3 44 4 jusY RECEIVED AND ion %m 1 AT CLYDE & HOVEYS' I rprTV 8AOKS ?q. 0 , North Carolina FLOUR, iuo A LARGE LOT Of SUO AR. B Crushed, Granulated^"" Powdered, CExtra, (standard,) /^? -n . - - ? iijXira and lirown. PURCHASED $>IHCE THE QCOLME. AM) AUE OFFERED AT 6REATLY REDUCED PRICES,; Either by the Barrel m?' tv ?r 4- 1 ? \ji uy niu i uumi. OUR STOCK OF reahy-MAOJE CIQTHWG HATS, SHOES, GHOCEItlES. SAP.D-WAP.S, CDW&IMUV IS wsiiji Mio&im And the Pnblio Generally ARE IRVITED 10 CALL * ' ' i-i ? * AND 1 C SATISFY THEMSELVES As to Prices and qnnlltT. CLYDE & HOVEY. Mch 23 44 tf IVcw Spring Goods. WE ARE receiving a l?t of SPRING BOOHS In advance of tha ien*on. 4 4 Fine Long Clothe | Fine Bleached Whirling* Hummer Prlnle fo arrive A Fine Aaeortment of Olaee and fancy Dree* Button*, all colore. Ladice' Fine Bleached ffoee at exlremely low prices. For ealo. FOSTER A HUNTER. Ml. 9 41 tf lloune* And Loll TO Jtt^T OR pELU ^ ^ THREE no...-. and r Cot. 1/iHL' ^ to Kent or 8elL Woold predijfcj frr t? S*'L AH ?' thein lateKiJBBmb ly Rajairgd and tui in Good Condition fFT OAlt cm ~ O. B. IRVINE. Mh i 41 4 Notice. DEPUTY COLLECTORS OFFICE, ? Gbkkx villi, 8. C., Mareh.llth, 1810. j BY virtue of an order from A. 8 Watlaee, ColUetor 84 IMetrMt 8. C.. I will eell to the HigHeat bidder, at publie outcry, on Mo*d?p, tks 1J Ik 0/ April turf, at Lima, DO wiilee front ftreeatiUe Court Hone*. One Trut of LAND. containing *00 leee, adjoining Uiwl* of Jacob Craft, W. P. IloUrteoo. D. W lforigre and other*. Levied oo *0 the property of,, and Known a? the Home Place of JOH$f (lOfiNKLL, at the auit of the United StateA for the collection of Interim! llevrtitio Tax re, iiMird anal net the eaid John Ooenell. Term*?CASII. * A ; A. L COBIL. 2 * Deputy OnMeetor ad DUtriai, &. U Ml. 1? 4S ? ?'" " "' - u,; ' ** New Yerk. A WAY with ftperUUIne. 0M *Td? /V aew.eaaily, wkfA<>et doctor ?>r hied feme*. | Seal neet paid en receipt of 10 eeata. Add*?* i *wip' >*' " "" >/'// :* Im?ot hSyreF-L^ *' ff f k.ft baIAKIj. ?uo An, ti6vs* svkvp 15 *V rnmm Ml. ?