?p enterprise ' qreewvhlr 0- fc vioiiimt! fltyafesta, ibto. * - M Wl i IK ' ' Jt=W>? \ TUMI TUNl . * O The question of Taxation hat baaoaaa a nary aariona oat all ?car the United Sutea. Tha Fadaral Tax at, and tha Stat* Taxaa, *' and tha City Taxaa *H aombiaad together, aaaka, perkapa, aa grant a bnrdan of taxation aa any people in tba world enaare at * tbia Una. bad wa kaia a boat tad Aran 1 aauatry, too, aad tha raat of tba worlds goaarally, ia lowkad down upon aa vaai|y oar ? lnfarlora in eirll and political righto. Wa ' were aery much struck with tha differs not 1 la tha price of gooda, aa Mated rooaatly la " tha New York Htrm'.d, ia tha Coiled State, and in tha British poesaraioaa of North ' America. Id the British colonise, torn* articles ef ordinary consumption, ara ?tet one-half, and oibara loan than one-third lh? prior of similar articles in the Uaitod Statoa. ' Oar ancestors seceded from England wad fought a seven year*' war to keep troaa being taxed by the mother country, and aa- ( tabtuhed a cheap Government that bae ( controlled, till reeently, the taxpayers? , Now British subjects in America, lire free , and ara lightly taxed, wkllat era ara ap- , pressed with grievone burdens, and the j taxes are levied very much (or the benrfit | of the tax recalvers. Our rulere tax for | the accommodation of tha few, and are sustained by the meeaee of unreasoning sod unthinking people, who think they pay no tax; and many sko'da are deluded hy the , cry of patriotism and the glory of the country. Now, government is a good thing < to have, but there is no need of its costing : ( so much ; and it the masses of the people were really intelligent in financial matters, | they would very socn put an end to the J abuse of the taxing power. Slavery baa bean abolished, so far aa it j was peeuliar to the negro race in this conn > A t. i.- _1 Li.J _r _i_. ?ry. _uu ..i ... ? ..cw ...IU v. w.mTWKj , practically, has been extended over all doesee . African alavery consisted essentially in the right to take all the profit* of the labor of the tinea, the master securing to him and hit family a home, clothes and food. But the slavery of bardenaoroe taxation, wot kt for the toiling mas?es I lit tame result. They mutt find themselves and pay taxea on every thing they consume, to mag- t ni'y the wealth of the millionaire bondhold- f art and large capitalists. A heavily taxed t prople ar? thus made the slaves of office- i holders and the owners of the publio debt. ( The property aod labor Of the oonntry be- * longs to tbtta, and the laet mentioned class, ? the bondholders, are not even required to d pay any taxes whatever on their Govern- 1 ment stock. It is impossible that we shall ^ have an economical Government till evefy .1 -i ii i: -1 ./ iL. * cinro mail miicQ 11a rum o vi uic |?uunu ^ burden*. The miuti are too ignorant jwat now, or too inoeli tinder the influence of j party leader*, to understand their rights; but it ia to be hoped a brighter day i* coming, when the people will no longer euhmit to be the mere tools and slave* of the do signing. Future elections will show. ? The Infallibility of the Pope. From all account*, the Papal doctrine of InfltUibilty is to find trouble from the great powers of Europe. The nations with whjeh the Chureh has betn so long connected, esm very natumlly to conclude that they have roroe right* to be respected, and don't wish the Pope recognised as God'a Vicegerent to bind sad loose the conscience* of their subject*. 7 hi* is a cheering sign. The civilised world will learn, after a while' that Jesus Christ slone is Priest and King in His Church, and that no aarthly power or hierarchy, has a right to establish dog mas and rules binding on tb* consciences of men, nor to take from or add to Hi* Word. Ecclesiaat ical tyranny and central; ization, prepares men for eivil despotism and centralized power. The frienda of free Government, whether they belong to any < church or not, have a deep interest in these fl ecclesiastical questions, although they may f think nothing of them aod acorn their consideration. ^ The French Government, nnd also Ans * tria, it is believed, has notified the Tape ' that hist doctrine of Infallibility i* not to be insisted on. France has given him to understand that if the Ecumeoical Council ratifies the Iofaliibilty dogma, that the " French troop* will be withdrawn from ^ Rome and the Pope left to tak* care of his ^ Government an beat be can. This ia an age J of some progress in religious liberty, cspe j eially in Europe. The nations seem no milliaet Ia I. o K/.ai n,1 in oanloai mat taal I ,V, SV' " ? ?"* ? g chains. The influence of the press, of rail, t road* and the telegraph, is getting ton c strong for Piiestly government, and the t aneient superstitions of church organise- a tiene?of which Romanism is the head and v front?must be broken np, and tba Bible f assert its snpreme authority. Many ars I running to and fro and knowledge is in ' ereassd. Camas.?Unusually heavy rains on laet ' Saturday?it fall in aol oal torrents for near 1 two hours. Dr. Buist and Rsv. Mr. Wanes, I bo latter ^ of ths Methodist Church, will exchange j pulpits on nsxl Sabbath, 30th. , Prepare wtU for gardening. Karly vag- ( stable* will help the hard times nsoehly. \ Mr. Hzldmann has a strawberry plant in , bloom in hi* hot bouse. , Sullivan 3,M5.48 County Tsxso, and f??0 Poll Tax. Several of our merchants in selling goods, where obaage ianosesanry.glvs it in spseie, making things look 1 ike old lira. a. Something new, that will internet house*>vn, nan be a*sn at Sullivaus' etore. It It to lilt hot diahta wW). Call tad lot tbem ohow it to you. %gT tor ?om? nnkno?*D uhn, to follod to rottivt our uoaal eorr**tiwna at goathorn Saavriliaa thW wook. |JT TWrnomtUr tl.it ?<*o ag ?t Grata VIUo l%". ^88^ ^ 7b Dr. Jmmt* fJarrimm, School Committoner of Qromoillt CqurWy, & C.?D*as ,j la; You will plea??coileetalt*the original *t eeounte or elation ol Teachers for eerrlcee ii ctually rendered in tracking bmrjteiaritt t your County during the year coraraenc- It ng October ?let, 1867, and jedj^QcWl^t. , let, 1898, and forward them to thie Office ? a toon an possible, trhrn they will be ' ranefcrred to the proper printed forme, ^ iad returned to you for further action ? J >uch original aooounte of claims should ' how.}- >.r. ?"<* m let. When the t?-ra> of s<-hool commenced. { td When the earne closed or ended. j . 84- The name of *aoh beneficiary or poor oholer. r . - i 4tli. The actual number of daya>* attend- g tnce nl eneb of the aforesaid scholars. F Such accounts or claim* should be sworn p Lo and subscribed by the Teacher reside ring b the service*, and carefully examined by (lie I School Commissioner of lb* County in d which lite services ware rendered, in order 0 to guard against fraud; and if such as. v counts or elaims should he f?und to be cor- *' r?ct and just, they should be so certified to D by the said School Commissioner. Itespeeilul'y yours. 1. X.JILLSO*. 1 State Suf evlntrndent of Eedocation. * m ^ # '? ^ it retolrrd by the Seoatcaad House >1 ltspreaeulativea of the Slat* of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General AasefiiMy, and by authority of the rnnie, 0 rimt the time within which the claims of % teacher* for servlrss render. d during the % (rear commencing October a 1st, 1867, shall t lie presented for payment, be, and the same ia hrrehr, extended to the TtfsC day of * May, A. D. 1870. 1 In the Senate House the thirty-first day of 1 January, in the year of our Lord one I theusnnd eight hundred and Severity. " . CH f 8. W. MONTGOMERY; President pro Inn. of the Senate. * % FRANKLIN J. MOSE?, Ja., Speaker Il. tise of Representatives. ' Approved the 3d day of February, 1870. Robkrt K. ?00 it, Governor. f r, Stmts News. i Hon. Judge Onn, who bat been ordered o preside at ths next term of the Coart ^ or Spartanburg County, has informed the gSnleman of tbe Bar there, so we learn from the iparton, that bs will be unable to open tbe ^ Jourt of Sessions before tho first 1IWn?$day ifter tbe third Monday of Marrb. inst. Tbe loss ions business will probably be disposed 0 (wring that week, and the Court of Common " 'leas called on the following Monday. * Two stores in Lexington village wcro des- n royed by fire, on the 9th inst. Tfacy were g< roll filled with goods and otaly partially in- w wed. ' " ''' ? .'?hU fo Tbe Town Council of Newberry has fixed hi 1100 as tho tax on circus shows. *< Tbs Chaster Jitpvrter reports tho organise- () ion of a fire company. It also yongratnlates n good torms Judge Mbltor upon his recant ? ittction. Also rctnrns thanks to Mr. Josbpw (| U_.._ \ . . /?! ... II oriil ihnn. Tbe Reporter fi.ids time to ^ peak fit and proper words against tbe indiscriminate destruction of birds. * It ia thought the cotton crop of Lancaster, grown tbo past yenr, will not exceed. 3090 '' bale*. Tbe meaaloa are in tbnt place. '* At the recent term of Coart at ItmscaaUr * the doeketa were all cleared, inching those of ante bellam date, except tboae involving lj oegro debta, aggregating about 300. So aajrs a the Ledger. t Paul Brow*, convicted of murder, In Dor- j| lington baa been sentenced to be bung on tbe * Ith of May neat. c Tbe Governor baa appointed Sinso* Con- ^ ar Oomnaiesioner of Agricultural Statiatloa, A n'ce ilaaar 8rarrack romoyed. Jonesville, in Union County, has been inlorporated. The kltoben ot Mr. Charles ^ rAHRBE, in the same County, was burned on he 7th. Bob Woonacrr killed Rkdrick Jist, in Union County, on the 26th ult., both ^ if whom were eolored. We gather the above 0 acts Irom tbe Timet. '' We learn from tbe Yorkrille Enquirer thai ' fork County contain* 464.463 acres of land) alued at $3,013,063. Total valuation of proprty amounts to $3,016,701. ? The * Bar*) Carolinian." t or The March cumber of this sterling monthly se i, as usual, promptly before, and fully sua- A tins its reputation. It bas several particular gi r noteworthy papers. " Tbe Preparation of re and for Cotton," signed " Low Middling,1' sh hick we believe is from the pen of Betters! tj obnson lUigood, of Barnwell, eon tains some lij Iftlt iimnlw iitvhniitnna. kanlsasl ikn meeaa, mm try facts and hgaree. " The Premium Cot- hi on Crop," and "A Method of Planting and a 'ultivating Cotton," are alao worthy of alien- S< ion in the rame conneclion, and are timely w nd to the point. Some binta on the 44 Culti- r? ation of the Caator Bean and Bene " for oil, tl rom the pen of Qeu. E. P. Alexander, aog- tt [eat another meant of diversifying our tndua- g ry. 44 Poultry Vanning for the Snath,'' a b mnutifntly illaatrated article on the heat areeda of Yowl#, will be iotcreating and profit- ? ible to all who ate foad ef egg a and chieksna. * irtielsa on Sisal Hemp and the cultivation of ' ike Banana commend themselves particularly * IO Florida reader*. The Editor'* " Suggestive > Facta " should act our peopla to tbioktng. We c bope they will bead the warpinf the nrtiole ' 9 m bod let?don't neglect everything elan to ' plnnt eotton. We are glad to tee that the ' publisher* bare been fortaa >te enough to aeenro eentributiona from that able architect ' Alex. Y. Lee, of Columbia, one of uhoae ex- ' eellent deeigna appear* in the present number. ' Cbarleaton, 8. C., Walker, Erana A Cogswell and*D. Wyalt Aiken. Two dollar* a year. Southern Cultivator. The Mareli number of thla flrat rate agricultural monthly hat been reeeired, and the content* are varied end valuable as uaoal. It ought to circulate every where In the | Bouth, end no former or planter who takee ^ it win uegruoge in* *V!.OU annual aubreriplion. Those *bo take it should carefully preserve every number for nifer?o?0 ?nd i*(vrm?!io? oa |||? tiM rtrUljr of impor- | tent topic* whi?h it etnhraeea. PiabHahed *1 Athena, 0*., Wm, k W. L. J*Wt editors and proprietors. jVTht Air-Line K?gU, of a?in?*ville| 0*., com** to a* thi* cmKprinted iq now typo nod presenting no improved appearance. It ia pe bit abed bp J. K. Rxovnns, at |2 per annnoi. Dvapeptic* should ua* I>r. Tutt'f Golden ^ Rs?W Mkura. ??-# HBtitfSS fJfb Insurance l an iiattintiun tbn eondit^napf thlt 4 Hnpany, worn tb?9T puplUbei nb^Lr R?? ( irt, U is ^und notnnly .t?m|?p?ttrgb In a 1 y Capt. fc. t, Wbfuhar, ait eeomjsljsbsd gjbijcnt*l? J?hd ^hoxobgjk hitaioss man. Ho has deposited with tho Coraprelter Oenertl of tho 8tale, $50,000 of State onds, in compliance with the requisition of bo Legislature. Those wishing to iosnte their res, will sco that this Company is I has safe nd responsible.We annex the following, copied from tbo Sdge&rld Advertiptr, wbiolt shows that the ledmont and Arlington is making. unparaltied progress in pnhlio confidence and far or . " An Active Jnturane Agtnt.?Captain Ueorge i. Lake,"General Canvassing Agent fbr the iSdaSowt and Arlington Life Itineran?o Comany, la working with remarkable DNMts in ehalf of his company,and has takms regress." Our esteemed citizen, Mr. JtrLiua C. Sunn, I Hie Local Agent for Ibe City of Omnflkle. Dr. M. o. Hmky ia the Can v sating Agent or Greenville, end is now visiting the dlf rent neighborhcoda of the County. These ;entlerocn very properly represent so reb' onsible an organization. Condition of Ke x too. * * Every ho ly knows what this is, when the Jnited States Government under the lead of Vm. 11. Sxwaru contrived the overthrow f Maximilian hy procuring the withdraw 1 of the French troops There was gener* I rejoicing in tlie NoVlh at the re-establish* nyot of republican government. Southern Botlemen and candid thinking men every here thought that It waethe greatest to is rtone that could have belullen that tin' sppy country, and a brief time has proT* 1 the correctness of such oonvietien*. At lis time almost univeisal anarchy prevails 1 i Mexico. Raids, robbeties and murders 1 rhoterale and in detail, are carried on in 1 ha different Stales of that to called repube; Juasxz, who ejuonled Maximilian,finds imeelf powerlren to prevent Ih?m. "Where ver he turns his eyes," says the New Yeik ftrtUd," revolution guaat and bloody aievts i? gaze.** Mexico has tiled self government >r forty y>ar?, aud lime only prove#, more na wore o'ociusiveiy, that a metigv?l r*c* f Spaniards, oegroc*an>l Indian* are tillerT incapable of governing themseivva. We re aurprlsed at the qnali6?d denbl express. 1 by the Herald that " it almost seem* ap f self government by Ht? people of M<*?ieo ras a failure.'' " Almost ?-eni* J" It I* not (aiming any anperlor sagacity to ste'e the itain fact (lint self government not only retni but absolutely oppeari a failure mongst the mongrels of Mexico, as it must >roe* in ererj- country with such a popustion, and the fact ought I ft be a warning d tiie pei pie of the United States who have eeided lo mix nj> tog-titer all races and olors, vationalities and previ ?ns conditions ? the government of fhfs eottnlry state and deral. Humored Death of Napoleon 1 There i* strange ruuior in Faris that the mperor Lor is Nspoi.kox Is dead, and that > baa bean personatod for month* by a bogus nperer who resembles him In person ; the re. mblance being made close by the aid of dress* < o. A correspondent of tbe'New York World ves all the circumstance* upon which the tnor i? based, and thejr wake a plaeslblo iow of (attaining it* truth ; but the absurdlof the thing outweigh* all the apeciov* nidations that ara put forth to au?tain it. The heme for concealiacat of hi* death is said to *va been suggested by the Hmperor himself abort time before it eeoorred, en the 8th rptember, 1869. The Enapreen end ministers sit...i- r- ---i? .? 1 . *? ? ??on Out; mt ID lW Uiiuii of Hindoo iat is, to prevent revolution, and to mwn the iron* to his son, EroKNiA to act a*"real opto* till U ia aafa to oodCcm lh? troth. The ogns emperor in the umatiM to -keep up ppearances, and to avo^l ooming io*oloee con act with any one not to the tec ret, wbe ttai try ftmiHnr with htn. Tbedlaaloaare of the Smperor'a death, it iaaaid, and deteetloa of tin loimterfait, trere made hjr a ftsetga diplonmtet. If tbia wort at range rataor should lata >ut true, which we do not believe. it would 'urniah one of the moat remarkable eases (a liatory of a great man contriving to govern in bieotm nand a great nation after hia death. We preemao the oeeam telegraph wfl) tend ?aek a eeatradtetien la a few days, and the rumor scarcely will amount te a aha daya yonder. The Oheater ktporttr Beaumed. If every newspaper in the State would he benefitted as mnch as the KeporUr seen* *e bare been by tbh fire at Chester, we Wrfufdn't rare if all of then wouW he fiaread throng the fiery ordeal, provided ae other damage was ioflleted te the surrenndiaga. Oar aWaaiporary inuaa ea the Ifith, largely tartmnad In lice and general make ap, and ia bow a very handsome abeet. and la ahiy milted by K. C. McCldrb and Jno. A. " ff fihr. pfogM annum. We eongratoTate it vpoa its resump tioa, and hope it leng life and prevperily. ?...?> ?|w> ; ' j Old Carolina Bitters. Om rivitri moat rxaruina Wall the advertUement of the Old Carolina Bitters, undarstgned by Messrs. Ooonaicn, WiitaiN k Co., of Charleston, whose house la an old ani a loaf standing one. The Old CarsUna Bittora have a vary widely extended repatatloa, and in mating this statement we are sustained by our City Druggists, Dim. IlAaaison lo not now thbtk of, are en the game schedule. The capitalists arc beginning to awaken to 10 the fact that tho g^ner?1s wooded arm Us and "l mancRvcred them?who built forts and begfged m them, who engineered through diflioulijes, ol UlBIialfd (hfAHph mrttitiUIn" ltbSJwoJ J ? "?? "I era, Mid pined frsunen of iron hy exporting Cr m the very boot bob to ran their railroads. Tnx Income Tax Law RkfeAlin.'?Ttirr* io a teflon misapprehension, (NTt thsNew ' York IIor*!<],) la tho public nrind la releilon to tko In com* Tax. Ptlilioai aro bo lag oont to Weeblngton for tho repoel of "" the law. It should bp distiaelly Understood " that tho Inoomo Tax Low wn rtpnlid by limitation on tho Sl'L day ot December, 1889. Tho tax now being o?>an! io dor *! tho year I860. , After it is paid no othar |h income tax ann bo collected or tt*e?aed ttl without the eaactmenl of an entirely now M law, which it not likely to be brongul. Kl about. The repeal ol the old law it final and uneondttional. It Ilk* a effect ac toon at the Ux for 1869 It paid.' A bill panted the Home under the proricua question gng rult of a few dajt ago, proelding for the m( n Me Mm en t and oolleetion of an invomt tax Kc for o?a year only, (1870.) but it met wl'h ..??Huya utim 111 iu< 111* not at I "" U Jih?ljr that Ooa gross will pot mich a | needless burden upon the people agalh f* J( tlx f*e? of |)i? waaalmoua pro teat of lit* entire praaa of the oonrttry. The oeonaion ^ that called fo* it baa pw#r d away forever.? t? Let u? have no more income tax law*. .1 *?r- ?i ?npi ft "7?Tt ,i > Cotton manured with Phoenix Gun no hue sloesi F III (frond better I kit* unmounted. tl The efleel of 200 the. of Pkmutm Qeeno per acre up to the tin* of drouth war good. I an satisfied that with the right ronton it will tr make iaari produce double what It woald with- P out it. Whoro I applied It my crop U double 0 ar good at where there la none, and the cotton, where it it applied, hat etood (he drouth better then that where fleet it no Uutta?. I JOHN C, BROWN. a Cheater Co., 8.T., Aogtfst 20, 1069. n P . -*w?. t ? Tow* Eutcrior.?At an election for town officers for Laurent, held on the 19th nit., tbe ~ following were elected to terra tbe cntuiag .. year t Intcndant?-B. W. Ball. Wardens? L J. P. Jluntcr, R. E. Richardson, A. W. Unite, C W. V. Beard. ol - U ? P An exhiftratTng and healthful barerage ia '' Dr. rutl*t Golden Ragle Bitter*. 49-6 p| Dr. TntiV Golden Ragle Bitter* ia tha beat tonia ever iatettltd. 49-9 a Ft.oamA Bkimo Rol? Out.?Tba Florid* Independent publishes eight col umns of Ala- 1 rhua County sheriffs sale*. A few ytars mora of radical rule anal the whole Bute will be una dor tbe aheriflTt hammer. - ' T) a ate? a ?*-r ftp- Harvest Turner, for thirty-Ave ysar, crier of the Court in EdgefteM, died but week. In the iurenty-fourth pear of his age. jo .... 1! A Mb af-Genera! Albert Sidney Johneton J ha* Wen entered as a rtudeut at Washing j low College, Virginia. Go*. He Man atkt far traofsJe Alaiuane* J County, N G., which he p reclaim* fa la < jaurraclion. Abbott aad Pool rapport tbe ' applicatioa. j Wamiixotox. March 14. \ In tha Senate, Sumner, (n a personal eg pi an at ton, raid Mm had made c? propoai lion lor Hm aala of Oul?a. It tb? Supreme Court, Strong Wat aeated, ie* Grief, rerigned. Chae* decided, in the Grape Shot seea, that Lincoln'* provisional cOurU in Louisiana and elsewhere wera lo? galtiibunaU. , s\s IJ ' In Uit StMtar batmdannd a bill U strengthen legal reserve* ot national , bank*, and for ibn resumption of apeaa i pa j on en U January 1, 1871. Omaha, JVaaaeewa, Ifnrck H Hie mired juiy in iba murder eaaa still hang. The women looked pale and fatigued THia it the third nigbt of starving them ioto a rdhMst. ,j. iiiju1 i i- . i .1 N*w Tots, March 14. , , Cotton firm and closed quiat. with aalaa of n,coo bnlea, at 21<$21). Gold closed uo> aettled with 12 bid. BaLTtwaaa, March U. Cotton firth, at Floar dull?low 1 grade* 'ItVlh. %h**t duU?Pennsylvania 1 23(511.25. Corn firm, at yellow OI(ttV'i. PrwwWswa firm. ShoUtdefs 1*(# 114. Lard lft(gl4. Whisky noroibnf,;' ' CntrnjcBTo*. March 14. ' Cotton quiet?middling* 20): receipt* fc?2 bale* t *alea 200: ?toek 240 04ft. Livaarooi., March 14. C I ton ataady?upland* 10); Orlaaaa 11) ?H o^Niom- 1 I?rty, M ??> dit??r gWeo byw*?0on?ti. tfl )od?1 Slab ia pbstoa on TOa>oi'a rthd?| 1I? bSdJy Ideelired ffcat l|a aieaie in vongreee naa gra#?iy lir pow?r?; thai to perpetuate their party ry bid lci|atd tagitlur to dntioy tha 3 neiltftioa. "I mean to say," sdded Mr. ? lam?, ? and I hj it with eeoae of r*. ( oneihility, that to day '.hare U nothing of e old Conatitatlon of our father* left to , except what waa alwaya underilood 4 believed by tham te be a mere incident -constitutional power, and that la tkla ar power. ' " The old coostllu>nnl edifice of the falhere waa built of the bite marble oY the WtaWe, which th-ty -ought together voluntarily at a work o( a, and pU?d up there one by one, -etch pride and delight, adding alone after one to the beautiful Bhd epmmetrical edl Its ef the outpouring of tha ruoai.t [ap lauae.] and *1 k clamped together by eat bands of black, rusted, Iron fetter* Vpplause.] . It'a no rnrh edifice at all; and ?w we have in tha Presidential chair a an who. when he ?wrars to protect, and fond and preserve the Constitution, sceme ..... if.... . ., J.v .? mini inn ?in* i? ino conaiiiuuen wnton i i??tn to fnnrtf* Alluding to i propoill ion which waa | ade in the MaaaaebnaetU Legislature, ft w dnj* before, to ffrft n hundred gnne on , eeton Cnmmon In honor of the peaaage'of ( Fifteenth amendment Mr. A damn Mid: 1 I was Miljr eorry that 1 wa? not in the j egielature to propftae, an an amendment to , that Ui? United State* he hnmbljr aoli- 1 ted I ft allawftbefcUU of AlaaeechtieeUt to re that #*tyte from Fort Warren, and that i i? gena might l>? hotted, in etfler to loar the proceea bj which the amendment id been earned.'' . 'Whew W# hear word* ftke theee, uttered i the very hotbed of It.i?licaH*m. by the , pa of the yonngeat, tnoat progretaive and oat diatinguiahed of the living aialeanxn ' New England, It would aeetn that the ay of lire popular a waiter Ing to the polflil perila of tlx time* eannot be far distant. ' [CharttHon Aim. - i ' If you ate weak and nervoua lake Dr. alia UolJea 'Sagle bitleia. 41-# Tub Intbrkit oh tit* South CaneM**'*, -The State agent o( South Caroline adreraea in another column (hat he will pay the frit iMmiiM the new bonda, ia coin, at la uffioe la fbia efty. Uader a recent law itbaarialaff a aiofcing fond, about $1,000,090 (be S|a9e debt will be redeemed tbis year, e Stpte Treasurer baring at hi* diaporal for at parppee $2,764,900 of rarioaa railway curilici and one or two million*' worth of il eatate, located principally in Cbarleaton[Am Ymrk tit raid. C. P. Ijcalio baa reaigncd tbe office of Land >romU# Ion or and K. C. DeLaaea, a colored lather of tbe lloaae freaa Cbarleaton, baa ea appointed in bia plaee. Leala reeigna. >n w&i on to * bill passed by the Legta* | tnro that cat off the chances of Healing. Drlieate ftmelri take the Golden Eagle itter*. ' 48-5 If yr>u want a good app-lite and healthy geetioa 1H Dr. Tult'e Golden EegU Bitra. 4:i-6 Th* eenin* taken laet year shows the aggreite population of this State to be Tffl, If?, V I is edty of Charleston 44,V2>. Ir yon travel Rait, Wait, North or South, ilr? a package of Simmons' Lirer Regvlntor. re pared only by J. II. Zcilin ft Co., Maeoa,^ la* Brsnu NoTir*?To parties la want of oori, Saelioe and illindt, we refer to the drerlisement of f. P. Toale. the large ina'u* faeturer of those goods in Charleston*-? 'rice list furnished on application. 9-tf Paraictaira Fs? Ttran is Tnaia Paactrra* -It is almost universally the ease that Phyieiaas condemn whst are generally known as Parent Medicines." Although DR. TUTT'S IVEK PII.L. IS NOT A PATENT MBDIINE, yat its eoasposltien (ths rssaltof ysars r study) is known only to himself, and so palable era their Talaable envatlve properties, 1 at vary aiany of tba ft rat Physicians in ths outh and Wast hare adopted them ia their rsetlee,and recommend thorn to their patients. Mar 15 4ft 9 ENTERPRISE PRICES CURRENT* corrrctrd wrrkly, st ItSSKS. DAVID * 51 RAD III, MERCHANTS. GREENVILLE. 8. C., MA*. 15.18T0. IACON? ?. , Heme. " " ..-..^,.^.,-^.^..1* ?. MMawri, ^ lb, r.U ? I AI.B . ROPB, 9*,.- ? 10? IAOUINU, Oanny, 9, yd- ?. IAO01NO, Dundee, %? JT<1? 2k@25e. IUR LAP*.. .4 11 IUTTKR, ft Ik We. JKK3WAX, V - -30^ **? MUCK ENS, to bead 1 .....50 . ??o,ft ? c. JORN, 9 bu.h. I ?...4> 20(,V?l S? COTTON, Middling,..J.;.... ...ISt. BOOB, *1 4fa go 44 " " New OrL Byrnp. M 35 NAILS, tt keg.... ?7 OOfaH 00 KYS, 9 bn.kei,. e.w^-.-1 Wftl 40 SALT, 9 aaok, Liverpool,.... ,...-,,03 75 BUQAR, 9 lb, Br?en.?.; 15 fv ?. " " ClarlOed, JO ? Or naked ...055 p. OHIRTINO. eeren-cighta, 9 bale iflr. 44 44 retail 15 a. TALLOW, 9 Ik, I0((gl5 e. WHEAT. 9 bethel -...Jl* 50 TARN, Faatory, by Me $1 8k - bwaeh -..-ft 00 To Kent THAT Dwelling ffeoek and M9HJS0 nremieea. ne-r Whliimre A Farguaaw'e Stare, and lately eaeaiad by ft,, J. Dfutkii *?. For Rrnt, Ikfla Tilt STORE HOUSE on Main MM Street occupied by Morrie A McCur[iiLrell. MT Apply la WM. 1IKATTIB. Mh fl 4? 3 fRnninnKnHMBagRiHM LATEarj)UOTAXlpNS OP OUTHER* 8jK)\RXTIEa ?J 0^KLEsfc6Wt||. 0. T,? t?tW,*e.Uy fof^W JBTRRPUISE, If inntl A ?MhA ?, IOIU Stmt* S**uriti*?? South Carolina, old 4@M; do now, 78@ ?j. do, raglst'd stock, *n Bind., Ci % M; Charleston, 8. C. Stock, ? @57; fbarleston, 8. 0., Firo Loan Bond*, ? @76; Columbia, 8. C. Bond*, ? @70. Bailrond Bond*?Bine Kidge, (Brpt tnoft;ago)50@?; Charleston and Savannah, M@ _ ? rhirintu ri^lnakla ?a4 Wa IP?-? S35&&JWHra?: rannah and Charleston, (laf mort) ?- @ 80 ; lo, (State gnarantoo) 0S@? j South Carolina, ?@83 ; do, 75 ; Spartanburg and Union, 64 @-'? Bailroad Sto* A ?Charlotte, Columbia tnd Augusta,? @55; (Ifeenvllla end Colombia, ?(S?; Northeastern, 7@8 ; Savannah snd'- Charleston, ?@25; South Carolina, [wholoshared)?@44; do, (half do)?@32. ' Itrrkangt, etc?New York Sight, par, J pr. blold, $1.I6@S148 ; Silver, *l,IO@tl,l2. ffantk Onroliua Itur.k Bill*. 'Bank of Charleston ?@ ? 'Bank or 'Newhah-v,....,'.'....,,... ...... ?(3? Bank or Canada**:..*... ......40 @? Bank of Georgetown...... 5?? Sank of South Carolina.,..*..,.*... ~3@-?Bank of Chester . ..... - 6@? Bank of Hpoi **(?.. 4. Bank of State ofS. O, prior" to IM1.^.m40q|>Bnnk of 8tato of 8 C. issue 1801-02..... 10@ ? Planter*' and Mechanic*' Bonk of Chyiopkam...^.M:|MM.(...^?... ?@? 'People'* Bank of Charlestod. ?UP? Union Bank of Charleston ?@ ? Southwestern H. R. Bank of Charleston, (old) ?@? Southwe*tern R. R. Bank o! Charleston, (new) @ ? State Baak of Charleston S?? Farmers' and Exchange Bank of Charleston ..... Rxchaage Bank of CftlnraMa. 10(? ? Commercial Bank of Colombia ? 2U%? Merchant's Bank of Cberaw 3f?b? Planters' Bank of Fairftsld 3(u|?. Stato of 8outh Carolina Bills Receivable par. Cit; of Charleston Change Bills ...par. Bills marked thus [*] are being redeemed st the Bank Counters ot each. The Beftaoa and it* Danger#. The Intra an body is cbisdy computed of tis snes and fibres as senritirs to every change in the conditio* ot the atmosphere as the most delicate electrometer, or the quicksilver in a barometer tub*. The stomach, the skin, the nerves, thslnngs, and the excretory organs are cspocially liable to be affaeled by these variations, and the best defence against their disastrous tendency is to keop the digestive machinery, which feeds and nouiisbes tbo whols system, in good workiog order. If the stomach is weak or disordered neither the blood nor tha bile caa be la a healthy tant fluid* Tor the office." a*tlgn*d to them kjr nature, and the regularity of their flow, hea'th in a great meaiure depend*. When the air it heavily laden with chilling vapora, at it often I* at thtt teatnn of the year, the digestion thoald he an ohjeet of peculiar care. If it ie weak and languid, the whole pbytioal tlructuro will be eaetvated. If it it vigoron*, the entire organitativn will he *tmug to ntltt the untoward and depreeaing influence g( a damp And vitiated atmo*phere. A pure ami powerful ionic it therefore otpeefally needed aa a tafegnard agaioat the ditea*e? moat common in the *pring, and IIOSTKTTK1CH STOMACH BITTBHS being the atoat wholesome aud potent medicine of the elan* at prevent known a course of it it partioalar'y advisable at thlt period of the year. The tinuacli will thereby be toned and ttrengtbened, the Hear and bowele regulated, the nervous lyttem braced np, and nature put in a Hate of active defence agaiatt the uiai" a which luperindoett intermittent and re miiteni levers, rheumatisms, nervous debility, bcadache, b vpocbood tia and otber complaints which are apt to aaaall tbe untnned and unfortified organisations. Tbc bndj is strength nad without exciting tbe brain, and consequently no unpleasant reaction follow* its revising and renovating operation. Mar 2 ' 41 4 Notico. DEPUTY COLLECTOR'S OPFICK, I (iakKNViLL*, 8. C., March 8th, 1870. \ BY virtu# of an order from A. 8. W*1 lane, Collector 81 Diet tint, 8. C., 1 wi.l sell to the highest bidder, at Giecnvjlle City, on Friday, 18/A inttaut, the following property, to wit: _ On# Barrel of WHISKY.^ jgffmTwo MUI.W, IIA UN E8S. Ac. J. rt BK Being the property which wai eised Iter W, H. Mminc#, in the City o! Greenville, oa the 8th February. 1870, top poeed to h# thepioperty of one DILL. Term#?CA8II. A. L COBB. Deputy Collector 31J Dietrict, S. C. Mh Id 49 1* ; ri ,, -I . j 2 Notice. DEPUTY COLLECTOR'S OFFICE. 2 GnKanriLkc, 8. C., March flth, 1870. $ BY virtue of i| order from A. 8. Wal< lace. Collector X.1 Diatrict S. C., ] will *#11 to the higheet hhidar, at public outcry, on Monday, the )]{A a/ April nrxt at Lima, 20 miles from Greeovitle Court Houm, One Tract of LAND, eontainln| 800 ocset, mot* or 1cm, adjoining land# o Jacob Trait, W. D. Robertson, f>. W llodg* i and oibgra. Levied on a# the property of and known m the Uumt Place of JOHf G08NELL. at the suit of the United ft late for Hi* ool feel ton of Inttorhhl Revenu Taaea, imiird against the said.John Go* Bell. Term*?CA81I. A. U COBB. Deputy Collector 8d Dietrict. 8. <5. Mil 16 48 The Stato of 8outh Carolina GREENVILLE COUNTY. By 8. J. DOUTUJT. Rtqnirt, Jndge o Probot* of ooid County WHEKE8, Stephen Towel, Jr., hei file* a Petition in my Office, pieyinj that Ullert of Administration on ell ant singular the goods end *hettl?e. right* em credit* of 8ARAQ BURNS, lat* of th County aforesaid, deaeascd,'should be grapi ?d to htm. Thtm art, iktrrftt to ?iU Bart admnntal all and angular lh? kiadr?d aad orrdlter of Ilia aald dreraard, to b? and a?p"?r I tho Coart of Probata for ?al koldaa at QraoaoUlo Court Honaa, aw (A IS Ik day a/ March iattanl, to rbow oawrt If any, why the aaid A doii Dirt ration about bot be granlad, J *. d. DODTIIIT, f P. 0. a Offioa^of iu ?ga of l'r..hoto, Mat. II. 187(1 C |l I 0 J%?V4E WIVED, AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT or French and enolisii black and Colored Cloths, Casstmrres, Doo and Buckskin Gaaaimsres, Tricot and Tweeds, Furnishing Goods and Trimmings for Ganijsnwm's %-eAh AH kinds of Gent's and Youths' Clothing Ma J. in the Bast aud Latest Sfy1>8. ^ ' FINE DRESS HATS, Whiah were made to order, Of the Best MW? terlal t?n <1 Communion .Merchant, Wo. 10 Uoyoe's Wharf. Th? undersigned begs to inform his frWmli throughout (he Stale, that he has relumed to CharUftton, and commenced (he Factorage and Commission Bna'.oerfk He will be pieparcd to make advances to Planters for Fertilisers and other neieesat-y plantation supplies. By pursuing strictly a legitimate commission business, and devoliog his hest attention to the interest of his frisnds, h<* hopes not only to give sstisiaetion, hut to secure (he eonfiderc* of ail who may favor him with (hi ir patronage. Consignments of Cotton, Rice, sad otbsr Produce, respectfully solicited. M THOMAS P. SMITH, No. id Bbvee'i Wharf. Charleston, ft. C. GEORGE" W. MolVKR is connected with . the business, and hop?a by faithful attsnlion to the interest* of his frisuda, to sssuro a portion of Iheir lavors. Mil 9 : 42 ' V ** Frrsh Arriralv. /*T OK FICTION ERY, Oannsd Ft.h, Can* V_y ned Fruit ? Frnh Stick Candy five cents poles FresHT.nmpe and Faney Candies Fresh Oysters in 1 and 2 pound Cans Fresh Tomatoes in 2 pound Cans Frrsh Sir.oked Salmon in ) pound Cans Freeh Peaches ill 1 pound Cans Gingsr Preserves. Fur aale by FOSTER A HUNTER. Mli 9 42 .if j Old ( aroliua Bitters. A- ?aiLii ^isfuwc/ii. wiDSSit? We take pleasure in offering the OLD CAROLINA BITTERS T6-T11E pnblie. They are compoundtil yriih great care, and contain some of ilie best Tonics in the t'hai macopia.- As evidence of the snperlority of onr Bitters over at) w'hert, we have certificates from many of the leading physicians in our Stale, who hare prescribed them In (heir praclioe. ' 1 HE OLD CAROLINA BITTERS Will be found invaluable for Want of Appetite, General DsblMty, Chills and Fever and Dyspepsia. We do nqi offer oor Bitters as a cure for all diseases, but as an Aromatic Tonic, they have no equal. F?r sale by all Druggists in Atlanta. Principal Depot; GOODRICH. WINEWAN A CO. ' Importers of Choice Drugs ead Chemicals, Charleston, 8. C. 1 Mh 9 49 ly oflce?. f 17MNE RIO, LAOUYRA and O. G. JAVA r COFFEES. For sale low by j Mh > , WSTE* * UU.IO s ... ! JOHN B. BEIERS, FLORIST Si LAMM GURIIEB AND Kl?NbiieloH . With * larger ex peri' a>2?HnyHR^r ION, he > confident jtSNKmi^F ^ of *'*'"* ' faction i 10 lhoM employing V f Oedera left at thii W 11 bt a'tended * 1 jja>ao a?iUHa watRifis. ii . I have now m hand a two ante*tin* of a JtOSRS, TKOLA CKDAR*. CAJPK JA80 MINES, MA(1NOl.IAfl, OOLDKN ARBOR S BSW?fc- * *?* ?*>Partfeo wanting from tbn Ma*. oriei. can fat then by apply Inf to mo. Oodofi promptly iltewM to. 1 Fab Id M tf - .. . . . a?'.' '? . ' ' - Wf* ** New Spring Uou?l*. WmU B ARK reoaldng a lot of SPRING GOOI*S In advance of tha aaaaon. L 4 4 Fine Lnpg Oloiha r if " | Fine lileMtted Sfclnlojfa ' Homtwor Print* lo nrrtva l? A Fina AeaoMmcnl of Glam and fancy d Dreaa JJ""ona, all color# ?, Ladiea' Piaa lileaohed Hum at exlrmnelji low prioes. For aala. FOSTER A IIUNTRR. m miiit ?i ii Hoiieee aad Lot* " jro Iment on bei.l.' ' SSfetW'-'toai-'i iUol ni.mkv. I* SnJriv Repaired and out in Gtu>.l I *7 J'1*""! ? - - - ?- ?