If*?? h a Vriiu Sx^tek.?AVc . '- tier, | / too .much, to ask for that cmwc n?st, id our fiiiaueea now are such, wo -an't that I yum iuv-Kt. Five years ago six-bits would F buy, a half cord of fat plno?the wmt j /(ntpoaat of hard wood ory-?superior fur to Iatornal revenue f does It atlnoh to oak % and I'iue and must you on n rc l stomp spit ' m and stick to red log* like thine T What is / the cauae>-do tell u* pray, that tnakea you M (/ iak u# fonr dollar* )*r load of gum or bay, 0 drawn by n tram fo poor? U, llava greenback* got at a discount, and a epecle plenty too, that yon demand euch an 1 amount n? will our pure* outdo T Drive L'~ on thy furl, heartless fiend, drive on'thy load of wood, may Heaven on thee a jtij ^ snowstorm oend, when wood could do no B ' goodl . Our lienleaa coop and pfglees pen and cow I est sited mart go, before we give the price though then the earth vm rtfbed In now. Drive on that sorry load of wood untH you find some fool, who has no , sense or is half slued, and never went to school".' The shivering poor will pray that you, will find wood cheap below, and from old Club foot get your due, where all of your eort go. We say again, you have no heart, no mors than line your wood?nvaunt, "Wood-seller 1 and depart, if you consult vniir iraiv.l I ? n? . _... 'V?/I??fcyin nun, Tn* " Ma* t? Gray."?The Ynnkee giant in *' gray clothes," who paid a friendly visit to Senator Wade, in Washington, and vrho frigbteued the Croniele man into babbling bout assassination, it bus been ascertained, was a man named Fleming, originally from . Kansas, and during the last three years ciuI . ployed in the Navy Yard at Brooklyn aud .Obarleelown, Maes. The lirpvhlican says of u the subsequent movements of the ChronicUt buckram hero: It oppears that the huge "tnan in ersy,'' I A who assaulted Senator Wade, in his own r \ room, Wednesday noon, of last week, went | \ immediately after Ukthe quarters of Sena t tor Wilson, and requested that gentleman 1; 1 to fire him (the "ainn in gray") a letter of 1 ^ recommendation to the Secretary of the Novy, remarking at the lime, ' I have just Leeu to see Senator Wade, and he treated me like h?1." Thia utiowi that the reported attempt to assassiuate Senator Wade wee 11 boah. Views or Phksidekt Johksom.?President Johnson said, on the 28th, to distinguished Senators, that the agitation of the negro franehba question in the District of Colurabht at thia lima was a mere entering wedge to the agitation of the queaiton throughout the States. It vraa ill-timed, uncalled for nd calculated to ortan^and urgent matters?legie-. lation upon which wt* essential for the restoration of the Union, to eecon peace to the country and prosperity to tLc people. [Columbia Phanii A Bt.ac* Joan.?A very estimable youug lady entered the cara at Ueidaville a ehort time ago. She had not long been seated uotlll she was approached by a Yankee Major, who commenced conversation \>f asking her what the women of the South would do for husband* now, since so many young men of this section had been killed and maimed for life. O," aha replied, " that is simple enough ; we intend to mar ry y ankeee." " Indeed I" raid the Major, brightening up itl the idea, " that is well conceived; but then what will our own maiden* of the North do, if all you Southeru ladiee marry Yankee*!" ' Well, a? to that matter," replied the Rockingham larr, " wa auppoee they oan come out South and marry tka negroes 1" Shoulder atrape wilted. OruBLto'a OoeorATjo*."?Boa ton da tea of the ftlth leal, mention that the thirty-; filth annual meeting of the Massachusetts Aatl Slavery Soeiety waa held to-day, Edward Quiney presiding. A motion war held \to dlaaolve the aoeiety, now that alavery no longer existed, Lett war opposed by W. ],oyd (iarrUon, who declared that there were thef and equally high ends to he obtained hy thoroeiety In the education and amelior ^?u of the condition of the negro race, j^wotion W dlceolre wa* loet, and officer* >*?Uitneuing year elected. ? *' ' I" ?r?i ' s , - - ? . ?r; n High price4, we believe, is the order of the day iu every town and city of the South. The Memphis Argus says: >Everybody, nowaday*, complains of everybody else's extortion. The traveling community complain of the hotela ; the reaideut popu lauon cotnpium 01 ootn note's ?i??t i>< it ing house*; the hotel keepers, hoarding hou-?. keepers, and the hends of families generally, complain of the properly holders, the market farmers, th? dairymen, aud, in fact, of everybody else from wh<>m they purchase tbair supplies. To listen to thtse complaints, one would be hound to conclude that "the wh< 1j world, in these |>arts," had resolved itself luto a Untvertal Mutual Ilxt or (ion Socitly. CoNrrtcATtOM.?The United States Mar thai for the Western District ef Missouri, crS iraa iiiiKlt a ?%.? ??? ? - it? |..n|/>iviiii uvhvi vunw j>r?*.> m-o t ... on.. IV UI.H Vt.^. 1 HQ DlfllC Department at Washington ha* caused to he beautifully and elaborately engraved, in German text, the resolution of Congress as* taring Mrs. Lincoln of the profound sympathy of the two Houses for her deep personal affliction, and sincere condolence for the late national bereavement. The testimonial is enclosed in a rich gilt frame with mourning adornments. It will bt at once forwarded to Mrs. Lincoln. ' ??? FlobkNck.?This little town bids fair to become very soon a place of no ordinary importance. The most hasty visitor must he struck with the many evidences it presents of eucceesfull energy and enterprise. New buildings arc rising in every direction new stores arc being opened, and work-shops of many kinds are being established. A true instinct is directing its energies in the ties. ~ i 1- -1 \ t - ' iiuc ui wvi'K-iiiuji! una iftoiorie*. [Jtarlinr/ton Southerner. FOR SALE AT THE BUNCOMBE STREET STORE, A NO. 1 Double-barrel SHOT GUN, A Lady'a Rote wood WR1T1N DESK, Also 30 Bueheln Peas a lot oi very line uaouage A few bushels superior Apples Buckwheat Flour Apple Vinegar?a good artiola Dried Apples Sweet Potatoes Irish Pot aloes * ' Onion Button*. do., Ac. MuJUNKIN A WELLS. J ait IS an tf For Sale, CTK^BION p10'' der, nearly ns good us new. It is so arranged ns to n-enmmo.iato I wo or lour jwrsona. %Vitb it nro Tongue nud Shaft* tV Kurpiire at this Oftioa at one*, and pet a bsifaju. Sl-tf { fm 4 f' \ ' ,4f" v ? i r . ** V. \r 4 ,1' t V ?* V J*. ' . M l Si 0 U S E MEETING STREET, V' furnished, Ind cannot bo oxs collod by uuv in the South. JOSEPH rURCKLU Jan 11 32-ly , . Proprietor. CHABLESTO* DRUG STORE. JOHN ASHHUB8T, Superintendent, (formerly of the 29 Hayne Street.) JUST received and now in ?tor?, a full supply of I DRUGS PATENT MEDICINES iintt onuontr i tnr u 01 r.n l BRUSHES PAINTS OILS. ... WINDOW GLASS KEROSENE OIL LAMPS, AC. IVIIOI.KSALK AO# NT VO* DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS STERLING'S AMBROSIA CONSTITUTION L1PESYRUP OONSTITION WATER And all of the reliable PATENT MEDI CINliS of the day. JOSEPH A. MORGAN, wholesale druggist, No. 163 Meeting Street, Opposite Charleston Hotel. Jan 11 '83 lm Notioo to Dis .illers. rmifli: following Act whs passed atthe re JB. rent session of the Legislature of South Carolina: * AN ACT to Uboulatk roie Distiixatio!! or Sl-ikituoos lkjlo*#. I. Be it enaeted by the Senate and lloute of Repre*entati&?, now met and tittimj in timernl Aeiembly, .and by the authority of the Annie, That hereafter itshsll be unlawful for any person in thin Sin to to be engaged in the distillation of spirituous liauors from or out of any grain or other substance, except. raw sorghum and the ordinary fruiu in their season, without a license therefor from the Commissioner* of Fublic Buildings of the District in which auch person (hall he ao engaged. II. That, before the license hereinbefore mentioned shall lie. granted, the perpon or persona applying for the aamc shall pay into tho hands of the Commissioners <>l Fublic Buildings of the District in which such ap plication shall be made, the sum of two hundred dollars, on and for each and every still, or other apparatus used in th4 distillation of Mpirintoua liquors, except from fruiu, as aforesaid; wlrch license shall not he granted for a longer period than twelve month'. III. That a violation of any of the provi aions contained in this Act shall subject, the person so offending to indictment as for a hi?h misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, such person shall be fined in a sum not less than five hundred nor more than | two thousand dollars, and imprisoned not less iliu.it three months nor in^re than two years; t wo htimlred and fi'ty dollars of which fine shall u? to the proseoutor, wlm shall be a competent witness on behalf of the State. In the Senate T]ou?e, the twenty first day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five. W, 1>. POHTER, President of the Senate. 0. H SIMONTON. Speaker of ffte House of Representatives. Approved : Jauus L. Ore. All person in Grienvllle District who have been running Stills since the date of said Act, or who intend running thern hereafter, are hereby notified to procure Licenses for the same, in compliance with the terms of said Act. Appii* alions for Licenses must be made to the Clerk and Treasurer of the Board of Commissioners of Public Buildings. By order of the Board. C. J. BLFOHIi. Chairman. W. T. Sue mate, Clerk and Treasurer. Jan 11 32 ft NOTICE To the Traveling Public. PUOM this date 1 J ?n will run a Daily Line of H ACKS from n?|?? dBUBbXSdkasSMas^tstion on the G A C It. It. to Colombia, 8. C. u. v. iim)!>, ifoprietor. Or^nvHIf, S. 0.. July 11,1886. 8-tf Iff All u??H instler carried OT?r tbU Liu* fr*? of eliirgn. *' ?V :*f ,ft >. - v . L V%v*' isstr fTIlK TRUSTEES of thii School have beoe fcrtunate in securing, for the preent year, tho serVicns of MR. J. 1?. CARLISLE, a Classical and experienced Teacher. The exercises nf the first Session will commence Kcbs runry 5th. Kates of Tuition re, according to the clues, respectively. $7.60, $10.00, *12.00, and flfi.00 per Session of twenty weeks, in specie or its equivalent. The prime object of the School is to muke good English Scholars, and the Languages will he taught with special reference to the attainment of that end. Younir tnon ?il.> ? *?1? n.u uipiiouo ui vmoriug College will l>e prepared for advanced classes? to ruck, the cheapness of the Torn* offer* rare induce incuts. The School istiot yet to fall bat that a few boarding students can be accommodated, in private house*, near the Academy, at about 110.00 per month. ALFRED TAYLOR, Chairman of Board of Trustees. Chick Springe S. C. Jan 18 .13 4 mvAwrrisu ATTHK BUNCOMBE STREET STORE, ^ORN. Pons. Oats. Rntler Vm,u I . ? ? ?r>(5"I Ml ,v v* X.V Fruit, Tallow, Beeswax, Ac., Ac., iu excliaugo for GUOCKKlliS at reasonable rates. At AO, Green or Dry HYDHS, in exchange for Good*. On hand. Brown and Crushed Sugar, Coffee, Kice, Salt, MackereL I'epper, Spice, Coppenis, Indigo, Cotton thirds, Blankets, t'asm-more, Tweeds, Jeans, Flannel, l'oplin, Worsted Goods, Ac., Ac. McJUNKIN A WKLLS. Jan 4 ' 81 1 FORSAIiE, ATHACi OF LAND, containing '.!42 Acres, more or less. "FPJljrajjtM" iii ii Mountain Crook Cliurcli, ftf i tfiphMiSs uud about 5^ miles from Greenville uuri Ilouao?nearly al>ip Wooda. If not aold before 1st Monday ifi April next, will be offered for wile at public auction at Greenville C. II. on that tl/iy. Terms cash, in Greenbacks. For particulars, Ac., applyto S. D. GOODLKTT, 31?tf Ja 4 . Attornoy at Law. Tubman university, GREENVILLE, S. C. *#HE Exercises of this Institution will be resumed on the 16th S^'iiijfflWRof February next, (1P00.) The Scholastic j eor is divided into two Terms, the first beginning the 16th of February, the second the 1st of August, and each continuing '20 weeks. The cost of instruction will usually vary iruin ci* 10 fot per verm, Becoming to tin? number of Departments in wliich n student may select studies. Students not prepared for the Departments of the University will be provided for in a l'rcpnratory School, in which the charge will be $24 per term. The above are *prcie rates; fair equivalents will be received. Of* For Circular containing fuller infor- I mm ion, application may he made to l'rof. JNO. F. l.ANNKAU, Sec. of the Faculty. (9*" Hoarding may he obtained at about $10 per month. 17-Hm ' Sept 28 D. I FLEMING & CO., Wholesale Dealers lie BOOTS. SHOES, TRUNKS, FIRE INSURANCE. 1 CAPITAL, OVER$3.000.000, 'pins i'NDKRwnin;us' roi.icY of X 1NSUHANOE, mued l?y the GERMANIA. I HANOVER & NIAGARA. , ! REPUBLIC FIRS ElSBfifiCE CiiMFAIIES. OF THE CITY OF NEW YOTIK/ > GRADY & FERGUSON* AGENTS. GREEi\VILLE,S.C. . t. :o: One Policy of Insurant*) issued by,four Companies. which in made to meet the neoei ! sitlos of the business coininuuUy, hy securing, with dispatch, large line* of Insurance with reliahlo Companies, upon uniform, plain and dimple conditions, thereby obviating the no* cossity of applying to various sepursto Office* for Insurance to the atuount they arc severally able to accept, and of holding nitmorou* srparato Policies, the conditions and written portion* of which rarely ngreo, rendering it difficult for tho assured to become familiar with and hurmoime their various conflicting conditions. l)y tho conditions of tho Underwriters' Policy but one ret of papers is required to prove a loss to the several Companies insuring under it; thereby making the adjustment simple nud expeditions. The cash nssets of each Company issuing tliu Underwriters' Policy of Insurance exceed half a million of dollars, making a security In the aggregate of three million dollars. ALSO. AGENTS FOR T11E NEW YORK ffllMIIMlCEEOIMY FOK INSURING AGAINST Accidents of all kinds. CAPITAL. - - $250,000 The business of this Company is the insuring against Accidents ?,f all kinds, whether l>y traveling or otherwise*. This Company issues t wo Classed of P'dioies. Onu to secure the ..f - ??i , ->i ? 1IACU Ml ID II) the went of dcuth mused by an aoeident of any description. Tltc oth'er, securing a weekly allowance in ohms of injury causing total disablement, and a fixed sum in case of death arising*ax above. The Annual l'roroinni varies according to tho occupation oi tlic ini.irod. All sutus which may, from time to time, be paid by way of compensation to the assured, will be accounted in diminution of tho sum insured, bo ttint the total amount to bo paid by tho Company shall not iu any case exceed, the principal sum inmired. Aug 17 11 If TIN WAEE AT WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL. rpilE undersigned respectfully informs L Mut public that lie keeps constantly on lmed a Stock of NKXV TIN* WAltl?, wltieh will be sold at \Y hob-sale or Keluil. &T Count ry 1'iodiice, and Hugs in any Eg quantity, taken in exchange. Repairing done promptly and ncntlr It. GREENFIELD, " |3 At Suunl formerly occupied by J. B. |9 Sherman, Agelit, Main Street. July 27 8 If PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT ji| FURMAN UNIVERSITY. I I^VtU i>iin Department, the I'a-u'rj hnvo secured tin- services of Mr. 1-1. II. GRA- ^8 HAM Prlnrlpiil and InMrnet -r it: Mutlu-iu.it- 81 ic*?and Mr. .1. l-\ DARC5AN?Instructor in t English nml Clnssicnl Studies. The record of their lahnrs fere in years part Og is nin|-1<- guarantee ?-f their efficiency. The Kuerobcs of tln-ir Department will ho* ' gin simultaneously with thnsu of the Fuuiver- ' gily?on (V I a(A of t'rhrunn/ n*xt. .1. l\ UXNEA1', J|j heervttwy of I-'acuity. Dec 28 ao 8 |gg OFFICK <>. &. C. It. It. I NEWBERRY, S. r., Sept A, 18: 5. *b| A [.I. FREIGHTS will be received atthie -. lb-pot, and shipped without pre payluent, for other lllHti Way Stations, Freight I lo Way Stations must be pre paid us hereto* I I ^R The Cotnpanv cannot collect other then I their own Freight over the lbmd nor, be I responsible for Cotton after leaving the cars. I ^^R JOHN It. LaaSALLE, 1 RH Geu'l Sep't. I ^^R Bop. M II tf. I MCI & JEWELRY MIS. I lV WHERLE, | Tonnorlf with J. H. HAN/50LPH, I go RKSVIXTFI'LI.T informs kh ? JP^^wOiformer friendr nud patrons, (bat I R II _/ !" i 't'i'-tuMl u .-hop fi.r tba I I JV -J? RKl'AIRJNii of W ATCUE8 I f \mF~ i n l J KW KLRY.Mid solicit* pa- I tronagu. \Vink done promptly, and in a da-1 '^HSH ralili- manner, at old price*. , ?' ! J^^BGSI p4r- Shop next door below Pf. II. Ilovar'a I store, Maio Elreet. I ' M