The Georgetown planet. (Georgetown, S.C.) 1873-1875, May 31, 1873, Image 2

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R. O. Bush. Associate Editor. GEORGETOWN, S. CL, .?m?" ?&?unlay Xornhig, May 31,1873. = i ' * 8 e s 8 pe? Advertising Rates. f ' * -Ordinar? 'a?vertMnf,?; ?r&1 Sisextion,. - ySl*?0 per square* ^ ' ? liberal allowances made for large ^td-* "?tl;T s?? 1 ^''rt'rui? ' *| ^ ??; fr-T*,?f???r.? I * fSF" Ali communications zntett???4 for , this paper must be accompanied by the ft?l name of th?' writer, not necessarily for publication, bul as a gaurantee of ? ar? ih rio way responsible fb*f the views or opinions ?f our correspon dents., ? aW ' : - - ?^T We^annot uuilertake to hold or return rejected comm unications. PRESIDENT GEANTS PROCLA MATION. We publish ha tins issue the Procla mation of the President of the United States, calling upon ail disorderly and tmlawfoll assemblies of men who are now banded together in the State of Louisiana for the ^purposes of resisting the laws of the State, and the State Government as at presnt recognized to disperse within twenty days. Geni. Grant means business?he means that the amendments to the constitution whereby the nation pledged itself to provide the means to secure to the white and colored population of the Southern States equal lights and equal laws shall be enforced. The act of murder and the whipping and other outrages committed upon loyal Re publicans in Louisian show that ? large portion of the Democracy of this distracted State are a set of scoundrels, whose good faith can no longer be re garded, not only in Louisiana, but in Kentucky and Georgia, the lives of Republicans are not secure. Only in States, South, were Republicans rule is there any safety for a white or black Republican. The Democratic party North and South are responsible for this st^te of things, for these disloyal men d? not hesitate to say that they are backed up by their Northern allies. There is no manner of doubt but what Gov* Kel logg represents a large majority of the legal voters of Louisiana, his election has been amply sustained by the Gov ernment, and his appointments have been decided to be legal by the Courts, but, we look now for a more vigorous application of the laws of the couniry,: and hope the strong arm of the g?n?ral government win be extended sufficient ly to protect all from murder and re pine, and effectually squench out* all r Ku Kltmsm and t?e rebel Democracy, ^ i^ha^^ for** ' gfc?^%ra? time:* tfcta /that is Qohg rx1 the' -?ie?ple wiB ling?r ifr poverty and ignorance, ??d the best Siterest o^ 'the State suffer decay. *Let us have peace." ' i A meeting of the "Wide. Awake Club" was held with close i$o^ evening at the Cotrrt=HOTse, pursuant to 4* caU of ,the presidgat. . The meeting being called to ox^rth^secretary wasre-: ^ \ quested ?f the lasfe * *'~ & %1 which Vas' mended and aftef* * ** "?&0? ?i?uM?n: !wa^fmiali/Mop& by r' ;tibaM?bii8V:'cbii^?&:' ;"?ri nfoti?n, .the t * i ? * ? * . -ir-. ?ommtt?e? appointed at a" subsequent rctlmfit?mgte^ 4raff ?-ufe^;'?igfd b43?#3 ?gov * f eraing the deliberations of the 'elub* was t? report, which they did, and after being thoroughly ventilated section by section, the same was adopted with slight amend ments. In order that the object and ntuv poses of ihe club may not be misun^or stood by the public, and that they might, receive the co-operation and well wishes of all good citizens, we are permitted to pablifih, in connection with this notice, Article Iii of their by-laws, as adopted : ?The members of this organization are required to be citizens of the United States* possessing a good moral character* : and must be opposed in principal to cor^ ruption in highplaces; and stand pledged ] to support none but honest and compe- j tent men for official positions in this j county." The riotous proceedings of some mali cious and evil minded joxmg men on this oecasiou, who seem neither to respect themselves or the law of the land which guarantees the right of the people, peacea bly to assemble and consult for the com mon good is reprehensible in the extreme, and deservedtobe visited with ali-the rigor of the law, because it was deemed necessary to close the doors ?f the court house that the business of the club may transacted peaceably and without inter ruption. These hirelings resorted to every means calculated barrass and em barras the proceedings of the meeting. Tie doors of the building was shaken amiost <m*'of its abaavci epithets were hurled ?te an avalanche ?t the members of the club. We hope not tobe oblige to chronicle the Ike again as it is & ?agrent violation of j one of; the sacred rights of American freeman, and is, therefore, apt to bring the algressors in to serious complications with the law. li mi i . ifts i ej was; 44 Sunny South," aird was sorry that I did ! not have time to ca?? .hjy^d " George- ? town." We were joined at'Fldrence S. C. j by Mrs. L. and her two daughters, so you j see we hadamerry party of six. The j 1 weather?rwas aw?tf. hut rain, rain -the whole wav_ Xoar Rietunond^Va, came &ear nmnin'g mt$> a break h; rt???: : S?nio iftv %ef' bt?M^k hashed awayy ami th^r?^Whau^to"re-^ pat?i*? Wim w^i?t i)atienb? w% l?M,* ^.4ram ce??$Jte brought if?ny; ?ifehWo&A; < a ^mpamyy bringe b&i& faeross th??tir??^ over w^ch-nass^ is-ere transported with safety^ The " w?lc?me" news' fii'eele? us ?n Our ."arrival at, ?ich mond that we would have to lay over un til 11.30. P.?I. li?1 grumbling ? ok* no; so pleasant y ori know. Well, your hum-:. ble servant started out to see if he co?ldh get something to eat for the ladies (?u;ee more of whom, had' joined: our party. Mrs. M-, and Miss, C^?r of Gh?cko- , X>ec Mass, and Miss-?- of N?w- York> Going out of the ?>epot I met ^r. Wing, President R. & P* R. R who unmedji?le ly ordere? supper for" us; an "which jJnb; Davny put up in good style. The l???es "seht their c?mplinients to the gallants -president for his courtesy and attention and to "John" for dispatch &c. May they ever be happy?our best wishes f at tend them anyhow. Arrived in Wash-: ington on Friday morning .pretty well tired out Gen. Davis and his command arc bring ing the "Modccs* to terms, all of the tribe has surrendered, * except Capt. Jack, and about twenty of his warriors who have escaped beyond the Pitt River Coun try. It seems as if other Indian Tribes are trying the same game as thec(Modocs." By telegram, we learn that the Snakes, Goshoots, and Schoshoncs* have been holding a Council at Deep Creek near Spruce mountain.. Theirs has resigned as President of the French ? Republic and Gen. McMahon elected in his stead. It aftracks but little attention so far. The ministership to to Russia; lately tilled by the Hon. James L. ?, of our State, has been tendered to Ex-Gov. Jewell, of Conneticutt, who, doubtless, will accept it A strong under current is already manifested as to whom will be the next speaker of the House. Some of the knowing? or would be knowing ones shake their old bald heads and try to, look wise and say "well we'll see." I suppose we will, and hear too, if we live long enough. From all that I can ascer tain it has been conceded to be between Blaine, and Maynard, although there maybe some other parties brought for ward, but they , are thought to be the most prominent, i?eport has it, that if Rlkine is elected speaker, that no one conecteol with -the " Cr?dit Mobilier" will be Chairman pf any prominent" Commit tee. If that be the case where will be I^Gen. Gasfield, <*f Ohio,. Dawes, ot* Mass, Kelly, of Peun, and others ? r . a nd .dusty. M?re An?n. ' ... . / . ?b? re e a ir j . xzi u t.-a !a>' .ma , ?, * When is a helplessly drunken prison-r er like a bottle of medicine ? When he has to be well shaken before taken. ? A student, a bald-headed inani and a barber were traveling together. ISTight. 'coming'?? they agreed to take turns in 1 watching, while the others slept. The ? irber as the oxie next. While fhejba>ber wms, ^guarouhg th? sluinbers of the otH?r two men, he amused JBj?self'by staying: afi the hair from the students heaw When the operation was over, the student awoke, and feeling of his bare pate cried out: _ "What made yoit wake up the bald headed man ? It's the student's turn next" A young man of J?Turemburg, who ahd not fortune, requested a lawyer, a friend of his, to reepmmend him to a family where he was a daily visitor, and. where there was a handsome daughter, who wasj to have a Targe fortune.. He did so. The ?ather in quired his means.; the lawyer said he did not exaetly: know, but he would in quire- The next time he saw hisypuhg friend; he asked him . if he had .any property at all. , .: ' ; : S?No," replied he. j " "Wen." replied the lawyer, "wojald you suffer m$ one to cut off your i?ojs?^ if he would give you twenty thousand doh^fpritr potior the woridl" . "^Tis- well," repHed the lawyer ;| "I had a reason for asking.^ ^ . |> The. iiext time he saw girl's father, he said, .. ..:]. ..^--^ "I hair? ingto the young man's circumstances. -He; lias,; indeed; no ready jmaney, hut he he has a jewe^ f^ .whi?h^ tp, my knowledge,, he been offered and refused twenty thou sand dollars." This induced the old father to con sent to the mab?age, vhidb^ a^?ording ly took p^ace ; though it is ^id that in ihe sequel he often shook his he?d when he thought of the jaweL ! festivals arejhe order of the_day ?he*$.i faces, eeeortedgjg' t?g? ?^^-^^^0Pt iu^po?ess B^S^l?B?P^ and rpteasanfe t j^S^jisSp^^Pi? 1 co Su^aVSchooi ~Vk6^c???$? lingford rProtes?mfoeQd^]^^ B^ps?o^ poi Cluu;che^^m^^ a large] pic nic oh f Friday 30t?u, fit Gibbes* ipnaf? Hie ??ion* re ? Very s??g and -prosper ous organisions and wilT?o doHbt spend the day most pleasantly.1 ^fee Msh: f? tival w?as boomed iu yestev^ay at* 6 a. ra., by a salute of thirteen ca?mos^; ajid ?< 7 the Ir?ih jlifie Club, Irish Voj^te??s and Irish Volunter ?lifle Club m?^hed joown to tok? the steamer "M. S. J?liso?H fe* I the1 ^?atr.* The festivit?s opened! with ?h -address %> rt?(mf1 . : ^aa $ \ WMcfrybiircorres^ ?ear^ [ and?of ?com'se; ban tell you nothing about. S?me: very fair shooting was done, and on the whole .every body who were theie, and there -were a. good many, seemed to enjoy themselves liighly. , The Union S T?r s have ret urned from their trip to Coiunibia, and are lc a in. their praises of the hospitality and good humor of the Columbians, and'greatly pleased with the good time they have j had. The weather here during the jpast week has been exceedly warm, and on Wednesday we had the heaviest fall of rain of an y during.. the season ; the yards and streets were liooded, and the hearts of our citizens* Aye g more glad by having their cisterns and min-water barrels well filled. The Academy was opened on Friday byfa company of amateurs from Savan nah, who performed the k<Liser *o; Mer sa?les^and^?thelto/'.-ina quite credita ble manner, and to full houses. Messrs. Carrington and Thomas the jewelers par excellence os Charleston have moved into then* handsome store opposite Lasel street in King, long known as fepears; it'has been renovated, and a handsome and tast?y front has been put uj> -which makes it the neatest looking building in the citv. A new drv goods establishment is abeut to opened at Jiussell's old book store, in King street below Weatworth. by Mr. Louis Benedict, late of ihe firm of Furchgott and "Benedict, - who intends to hau? a first class establishment Those who can do so are learing* the city rapidly and moving to thc-Maucijand Summervilie, while some are gotyg ?ven so far up as Greenville to escape the heat of the city and taste- the coal invigorating couiitr-v air. ? ^. TbcnobJtej??mc of Base Ball is, coraimr a^aiu into ?asruoii her?. ana numerous cpnfcsis on the* cUada? green attest the eiieriv and nlircK df vouths who tackle Base Ball with tire th?rn?emei?r up ' 8 > - SShto erudii om<rf ihet'K??fc-ffltlflMl??il roadvhav?>'h^?li? noting .h?n?$&.$e 'the advisability, of ^I^mt^gj^^se^^jeJ or leaving the administrat?eu j>l. {hft?&jrs of the road in bankruptcy;e by' .trustees, . nothing however, was done, aud tlie hieet ing adjourned to meet two weeks heiice. l?e^ti^??rs^whom I mentioned in my last letter as having ^ee?' niabb?d St Columbia havfc~m??oge? soma how toi ab tain their l-eleasCj and have gone hifo^ Stort? Carolina. iTh? Mish$w Zouaves the oj^V/C4>lor^o ^?m&to m^6r?^&fm4?Sg a''ro?? ?ngWsi?ess herey delivering; iee^'st |oar*| doors for one cent per pound, ;it is a-great convenience &ad is being gcnei^y ?nd^ iMberaUy patronized; : u - 7 ; - The .candidates, for. muncipah:holiors ar^ ?roppingp^t quite lively. j!ie aspir ants for fhe ^yoralty are Ed. ^?iackey, mayor Wag?nejr, ?>r. E. "Lebby,':B?ub?n Tomlinson, ??dermaS 7oigBfy?r f?<^^ W\ Clert,: Th?o?Mr??^.TB?o?^>:?. F;1V[all, Jr. and Wi H. Bit?i?i.- Capt; Boag; or ^Tozev^ as he is more femiliarly : palled, is Bowen^s candidate, and,is ^ifU?jagainst-j E ?MackcVf so you see -the >i?^r|t??ble fact?an fi^it has begin already* ; ^ didates for Aldeifmen are ih the s4m? ratio of those for Mayor, so in each 'wprd there are just about fifty wh?' will cJr fain?y be defeated. On ?veiy street c?r ner near the Court House, crowds c& men [ c?n b$ seen daily discussing the cn&^cm of the vaxious aspirants, and wfth an ?ye open to the niain ehancej finding out their own weight^ancL stongth.;? ; , ; ; ' ? Our markets are now weU stocked wath fruits and vegetables, which are, selling as cheap as possible, therefore, ey?ryb?dy is able to purcht?e. Tt??^ e^icessive?y jiot f weather is creating a heavy demand JfoW sod?'w?tei^"!^ b|er, othor summer dri|tks-that^ to fex , ce?d the supply, bu^ar ye^deif of tt?es? j innpeent,bever^e?^e ; w aw?^ 4? ofr a?l^?iiifetyl souls. f , ,?^ i The business of "^f^dW;';^^^??^^ somewhat^^ tt?bugh th? se?sor? ?s sttil dull enough. The Summer i&shioiis arerout, m?? are ^very lmuch French,^ th?u^i tasteful and cooh and itsfe rather a pleas ing sight to watch the fair ones <>ti the battery, or ?n J?t?g stre??, promenading with -i^ht^^^^ten"?tF&?i and nob by suits.*" Sataxia. Grand Bail at Jones and McDowell's ???a^ Thursday most glo?i?as 'days in Georg?toroi -that has ev?t? fc^-'iciibVn At?e^?git??expe^^ a??rsdoQ,-:the steamer Emilie cam^ glid Hce^ Promptitude tmd Lpng before ? ? ? riva le steamer huimjfeds of meny ?pf and J?n?idr?n &ra?dP1f?*?&4 oa nearly every wharf eagerly awaitS?gj ?h$ pr^?hce oTifteir expected vislto?s. Very. ?eafcO o'clock p. m,,:the Em?Me was seen turning the po?nt^ a.few miles from .town, when aumbera of persons were, heard to exclaim in joyful terms: "there \ she comes." As she nearcd our town, a con* stant cheering endued, which., lasted for several minutes, and" folks came dashing: from every ^possible quarter/ tfr extend ? hand of hosprfality t&^i?ffe?ow brethr rem * When the steamer was within a few yards,of the dock> the Heston brave heart ed; boys gave, threejst?ring .ehe^rgr.fpr; the A^ey^ and were responded to by those of their "brother firemen^pn board of the steanrer. After having 'J>een landed, the companis formed in line, headed by the Phoenix Brass Baud5 of Charleston, and marched down Bay street as' far as the Wlnyah S. F. E. Co. house, when: the command to halt was given, and three rousing cheers offered in respect of the "WInyalu The march was then resumed and proceeded to the Court House, where the assemblage was addressed by several distinguish gentlemen, among whom was our esteemed fellow citizen, Congressman J. H. Rainey. Mr. Rainey being intro duced by Senator Jones,"came forward, in a graceful manner and delivered the fol lowing Moquent remarks of welcome: Me. PnEsiDF?T and Firemen : Hav ing been ! deputed to say a word of wel come to you,-on this your first visit; to our little ancient town, I will assure you a ?iuty moi*e pleasant, could not have been imposed. Although, we may not be able to show as grand a display as are usually witnessed ?t your parades iu the "City by the Sea," we cherish the hope, however, that the deficiency will be counterbalanced by the hearty reception which we give you, and the cheerful con tribution we shall make to your enjoy ment during your brief sojourn amongst us. The vocation which you have selected to demonstrate your usefulness to the community in which you r?side is second in no respect to that held by the soldier in time of battle?the deeds of heroism done; by firemen* will survive m history and ?be as boldly cherished by your fellow-citizens as. those done bv) the most laborious, in bloody conflict j . - j^cycr,. sirs, can it be forgotten, j the ftarin? and ve?furesor?'e acts performed by those'composing 'your orgamzations in rescuing helpless: w^:?i?n ?ad children frc*nre^fr^^ jThe -sons^.'?u?l cr^ai?>?ro|^4^t iwi?L ^obfless make for you a proud ^wojd tl^ c^ul? befell cpnmiitted Jbo nroste?ty ?s^ legacy of jour achievements and intrinsic worth its citizens.: r Gentlemen-, not further detain you> with ira ore. protracted remarks, ?s I am ?-are you are weary and somewhat "fatigued from your trip over* the water. I wiU^there/ore, conclude by again'assur ing you of a, most hearty welcome onj h& h alf of Me^ and ??f ii?z?W gene^y t?* th? ^vhikf ?an? pifcas?nt^M^o&rpro?Ua^ to yxm fm<iQpf?i?t?&, a' friendly b&a?l and i^of# ^:gog&$e^w ti? ?????3 ]' f?| ^r^^ei?onpl?^pn p?Cosgressman P?i ja?y's^peecja.^^enator Jbnes ; introduced a, nim?berof gehtfem?tffipm .Qb^lestom ?mohg whom were Messrs. iDentr?son asd Pickenpack of th? Ashl?y. Prest. Dcn niso? rmao%' ? few bi?ef remarks,-' m ' which h?ref?rr?d io hia ?sist and ? expected^ fu ture associations with the Heston F.| E. Co. Immediately s?er -Prest. Bennison, fpil?^^ Jlr.Kck^^ tp^e ^stpn,^propria*t? .^Idapghter^?. nicely got^^^ yt^^k ^oinpps?d Of?ver^ehs ^^^^(???^m ?rs/'with fh? h?m? ?? feston* attatched toit m' display letters, wb&h wa? r^ ed^to by ?en?t?r Jdnes in bis usaa?^ ^wittji ca??^fceloquent manner. As this:?cBQ<?uded the speeking, the ordertoniarc^iw^fgiven? the baj^ ;Co^ sweei stmi^ pf?mut?^and^he: cpmpsi: nies and spectators, moved on ujitil t|i?j amyed at, the Hest?n engine house, whew ^^?^^^^?^^SkW^^^?i for;thf si^ti'and skedaddled to Hesten/s resh Hall, wfecfr?-a bountiful collation was pre ^ared for their^re^ptk?y^iWe left,T?f6r? ?tfce edibles :W?i5e devpm?ed. _ $ [ > ^iJiy^^hTe&^l^?^^ Ch?tiestxt?ng conld be seen ia^j^oj^ ;ey^; v^ evidently anxious^to take a viewSof our r^hri-d??g littfe f?? Fm<3TO?BS?bi^^ Ihkg?f&? ar^ui^.pla^ intj^|sj^ rm>?l n^a? bl< appointed hour f r the^ gran? roaiehj when ihej, be^ ^hv''at?ount'' ^''^??e^?mil^?^y; ?:?f .-tli? weather, and tl?e tfi^rea^t?t?g? - gestl^ Sjaing sh?wersV:c^^ to be somewhat 4?l?ye^^ ?q canee; any cc^iderabl? ^mt^H^araiicc Gmnd Mar^l- of the day. and:^o?M gentlemen who were; appointed for the. festiviticif oJ ut 12 o'clock d the paraded pxntcipal streets^ and .then ? ?i?ha:i? as\|? get^ady for the contest later in the afternoon. : About fire oclock|>.:an^ the companies appeared on the ground, ap parently in good humor and 'patiently | awaU?sg'tH? result''of Mie contest |br a gorgeous silier?plated pitcher, an|T^?v elegantly ?&ished fireman's silver* trum pet The engine* were to run threeihun ?irf ?** forty-eight seconds ; H^stpiv^g^course ?n? minute anji forty-five secon^% A a the cheering, music and ekciting^ deinon istrati?ns we left, but, shortly repsSred^ to . ... ' ;??-:; " GUANI) BAIL* "?. ...... The concluding feait?re of ihe-day-s en joyment, a creditable at that, wm the ?rstid Ball gives by tbes Seriem Fire Engine Co* under. the^pkiea of Messrs. Lep^e/4&d ot^^s. We.Wtered *&&\ bu?dkig and j^oceejdedup-etiaira, whaa?i| ?l? much appreciated Phoenix baud was di^?TS?ng delicious music, and 'the ??flJ T(fe;y?u% ladies m? ??^?h^|?nts ftbtoc^t&?n theyho#.^?t???g somewhat inclined and also beiag induced to stretch our elastic limbed : we secretly obtain permission from a ekarming, yosrag j JVUss to have a-scuoticene, which! was given us; we enjoying it exceedingly. Haying procured the arm of a , pretty J piece of humanity?lady, we promenaded up and down the spacious hail, i^evieVing the manner in which the hall wa^drcssed. Th? upper and lower compartments, of the building being brilliantly a?umin?ted with ch?nese lanterns ; prettily decollated with magnificent portraits, garlands, ?ver greens and artificial flowers, Tvhich pre sented the handsomest sight we have ever Witnessed in this toT^n, and did great credit to both the Heston*s, and those of young ladies who kindly tendered1 ih,eir valuable services in making such a i dis play?: : - '?'??'.'? The most garish and noticeable ob^ je?tofthc many was the supper table; time and space will, not allow us to jgive an. cnuinerative description of the lavish display of dehcac?es. The visiting f?r?m?? left here vestcrdav morning for Ch?r?elton,^carryiiigr with them a handsome silver goblet, presented to them by the Heston's a?, a token of friendship, and also, the best wishes of the citizens of Georgetown. Everything past off harmoniously ;, everybody .well pleased, and hope that ere. long our to^rn will again be visited by another such set' of gentlemen that will gain the approbation of this community as the Charlestehians. \ Hollaban Relates the Particulars pi the r, 2?urdcr of KrsvLampley, in Baltimore. . -Baltimore, Md., ?$ay .20.T-^(t?as ( R< ?pPohan^under s^yteiuje. of ^jl?atl? city, on tb^d?g|^^u^ ed a Jester ih$ pijes^ ^Muh 1^^3^,.*^^^^ea^rj^jlst ? Save brocen &eda^ and I am willing to give.up j?ay life, I sionld l?ke. io have ?odfe. J^icholsbh^ company on the .j^nozm?f .Iferrti?e? goes on to state in substacne as foUows^ "Imet ?icholsonji a??^okafi?e r?tS* lu?a to C^to^^^e^pM^-1 -f ^u^Jbie^i1 ?j tin,L trouble before* mi was not bashful { m fe relight:^ec^gnhse^hi?af' Xrefusedrto en tej^into.t^e schemg then. , Qn t?ie, ?ky of.the . murd^gj| ^n?fc I?icbol^? and went to his house with ihn, and learn ^fter^that the famil^ were going toitfco theatre leaving the old lady;aloeae^ and we determined to do, the de^cL ? then. arranged all of ihe prticulars. : We entered the houso wlthout knocks us to cake and ww, and, was putting ^../caie^. ;;??r ?> N^^s '^ f ch??^L "Wien he gave tha^gnal, I choked i?e?. and he struck her in.^e^ms?^i - ?k?: was then dead, arid- we ^ai^^h ^:jn^ an adjoiningrtroouLrema?n^? with the body while Jack wentra>stairs !^>r a minute, and he handed ane?me m ver. We then?(eft th?hpn^^^.bj^e stable, andonr^hingthe stred; B?cfeol song^ve me m |pe^inQney, which 4 iept un^ ' ^vj ? 'Jl^^ffi. hrtnV ^cj^r^ jj^?w noffimg a6ox? ^^ ^ ^! ^^ theanonev. Ife^.tfc^ ^T?seape. ,' ? so, tfi^e^3o ^?^^wl ?n rfSl^^on^?'^^ He L ed, and that jfergoxj9? i ?w? lianam mx pieces ? rois o? ecuted on Jxuie43*'x??khoIsoB has not yet beea sen|^e^ ?hk ?ase Every Saturday lk| ?>*>*!?>0ii4 owl c?T?ifo meni %nt ?onorimi ajifihi?iir *aa&0 Will discuss.: . ti Truthildly i&G^oariessl An?i avoi?u^'?h^^giuk?n??nd offen sive ??atur^es of pe?sonaL abuse. \ %. ? i -?il o.t r>.d :,"? !? -:o:-{ h rr??^??? or?s? -/ivi1 .???? ?? ?? !.^?v> .vi ^^H^ ??iETiwa? t? demoted to Politics, ...rlv. [No; 'fJ ' ::'??tef?ture. ' ":t/", S &rS??nce. a - ? in ? : : :?>? :-T ? ? - ? h Y If w?l advocate ?h?: ?E?EAT PRIN CIPLES of the , J!' , :^^p^rt^.^^h gpar?p$0$g to every ;citfeen ! * J Spai life ?i ? . - > 'r J ? ? ? ' '? Before the Jav?blessings which ha ve? been vouchsafed to us by % hind an& beneficent. Providence.. r ? *:o:? FF :-?di?eH lo c?JoiJiofl*?T/i viti a Sb lem^f & they a?heref fti ??e ^'eat ^?H^i^s?enue^tte#!h/?u^ j&fty^?at formst C and mamtdin^ a?{ tofi?.st an? exKHK&nieal ?diimktza?on ?l the public ?.foade..,. ? ^- T t.?:?,K??;?.'??; trno(???C> ks^Hvl? i:&;Ui >n<* . j-2^,??i^aOT>e^)ensfe.,a^Hl -?e^aKl to make the PLANET ?3* T?^?^ ' . endito ???j ? ? -L?ive ?n ewspaper; And as it is thej^jdy;;., ] r - i- - i ?l? ???: v is;.<l /^.Ui< soi { ?WH OOTmtfo i Or ev?n 'ifi ?l? First ?ta$fe??Ssf?J?P Dis ?a?et/ifci?SI?t?nd(^or t^^ap^?? ^ant lofl?S* fett^tt ?a& portk? ?RiWetate. and ti? ?Fbst:Oongress?ox?? ?Bistrict, but^flth? State, and the com^rj. l?. tev^: ^ ^i^ui^ jexOT^IiOJad^nt in W^hu^)^- aM Columbia, ?^d by ey?^.;iBeaGs';;pDSsib?? ttot rn^fc^: the 4? ?'J:;f- ' i?jo (??sentii-indie odi ?o z??$i&<&%t%t ol? t m! l?f?? od ^s?j?N? ^fe^fiiS*