DEVOTE? T? I>01LIT???~ LltERATUBE AND SCIENCE. VOL L? a 10. GEORGETOWN. S. C SAT??EDAY. MAY 31. 1873. ! sI?? NEWS 1TFM& Europe owes $17,000,000,000. Fuget Sound produces clams w?^gh iug from one to two hundred pounds each. They have ae'Lher sheep nor grass ih Japan. Chinese marriage ceremonee last three days. California ap})le trees bear three crops of fruit a year. lie venue statistics show that in Lon don o00 horses die weekly. There are 11,000,000 square miles of the earth's surface still unexploded. Live fish were recently sent by mail from Naples to London packed in sea weed. Japan furnished nearly forty-five tons of human hair to the French market, ?ast year* ' Russian detectives have shown them selves to bo thr? most persistent and skillfull in the world. Florida is growing famous in the ex port trade of oranges and alligator's hides. A new railroad is needed between Now York and Boston every ten years. I A practical English chemist lias dis covered another process of extracting fuel from water. There are nearly 20,000 pauper chil dren in attendance at dry-schools in London. A machine is now in operation in Philadelphia which turns out 8,000 completo paper match-boxes per hour. Tlie Fronce war indemnity is to be paid in full before next September. The Hussion Government has given a $30,000 order for Fairbanks scales, for custom houses and railroads, Three years ago one grain of wheat was planted by a Florida farmer, and from it he now has three acres of grain. An acora suspended a thread over water, changed about one a month, will gradually expand into a miniature oak tree. There ten thousand male Chinese in San Francisco, and it is estimated that they occupy less than 700 dwellings and stores. The mouths of the Mississippi river, especially that of the Southwest pass, are filling up with mud so as to be ab solutely impassable for shipping. Half ?. million pounds?or almost $2,500.000, gold?are to bo expended on the fortifications of Halifax, this year, by the British government. Eight hundred persons were killed and $12,000,000 worth of property destroyed by the earthquake in San Salvador, South America, on March 14. Com planted as late as Juno 20 in the cotton lands of Oreen, Scott and Calhoun counties, Texas, fully matured l)efore the frosts. \ Mr. Augustus Mead of Westchester county, has bought an Alderny oow, twenty-eight years old, imported by the late Mr. Grreely over a quarter of a century ago. Connecticut manufactures about half of the carriage trimmings, cutlery and edge tools, hardware, plated ware, spec tacles and eyeglasses made in the United Stetes. A young girl left Lowell, Mas., two years ago, with $500 in her pocket, and weiit to Kansas'- 'and inlrned fanner. She could sell out her property, this day, for $00,000. Don't all start at once. The earth paint recently found in Oregon is said to be a very fine article, given a stain when properly applied very much like mohogany, Sud free ?rom dirt, grit and poisonous proper ties. The supply is inexhaustible. Eight years ago Gen. John B. Gor don led a column of Virginia troops against Fort Stedman, one of Grant's fortifications in Petersburg. Now he sits in the United States Senate. In the llouso, Alexander H. Ttephens, ex Vice-President of the Confederacy, has seven ex-rebel generals to greet. The land wires and sea cables have huw been extended so as to cover nearly tl n;e-fouths of the circumference of the globe. Were a cable laid under the Pacific the circuit would be complete. Telegrams can now be sent from Hong Kong by way of India and England, to San Francisco, and it was only within a short time that a Telegram, leaving il ;ng Kong Tuesday morning was; nv'?vod in New York Tuesday night. I whezK e it could have been sent in a few TTi?n^f?S to-San Francisco Jted fh;>f rity :???? :> ?.t-5 d?StSS?tiOI ? Woman's Power. BY ALICE' RISO. Woman has hitherto been nominally called the weaker sex, ?and - ye it in all great movements of the worlcPs history she has taking a leading?nay9 often a ruling part So long as woman went quietly her way through life, taking her her own rightful share in it, she was strong; is not probable that now, when, with reckless vanity, she struggles to make her own what belongs to men, ?he will become weak ? la the* scatter of suffrage, which, just ?t]the pres?fet, is making so women's pens aind so many women's tongue r?d h?t, it seems to us very likely that wo man, , if she^reaohes: h^ ^^^l^ will ?iving one vote in her own person, but she will lose the command over many other votes. The political influence of woman has always made up for its indirectness by the breadth of its extent. This was best shown in the drawing-rooms of old France. There, while the gentle men talked, of State affairs, the ladies sat by, playing with bouquet of a lap dog, seeming to hear nothing, and yet really hearing everything, until sud denly their pretty mouths spoke a word or two, which appeared to be dropped carelessly, but which always hit the point in discussion. . These un expected shots seldom failed to tell : but had the ladies entered into the bat tle of tongues, like the male disputants, their influence would have been most likely quite lost. In this was, however, these French women managed to bias, more or less, the opinions of most men of their ac quaintance. It is exactly this sort of indirect influence which we fear female suffrage might destroy for woman. But if the influence of wives is gaeat over their husband's opinions, may it not be said that the mothers hold in their hands the electioneering votes of the next generation? Will the boy? whose heart has been fired by his mother to kindle at the glorious shout of freedom, ever give a vote that will raise up tyranny in the land ? It is a precious and an awful thing, this power of the mother; for through it she may take part in the good or ill of the nation long after her soul has flown to the eternal land. Can any one compare the petty dis tinction which the suffrage would give to woman to such a solemn dignity as this ? We fear that the women who clamor for sex, are forgetting this, their rightful, vast responsibity in the infinitely smaller responsibility they wish to take upon themselves. It is a proud thing for a woman, as she sits by her fireside in th? softly carpeted orawing-room, or the neat, faim Mtcheit?it is a proud thing for her, on the day of election, to be able to say, "My six sons have ?ll votes, and I know they will be on the side whic, all my life, I have thought the right one.97 If women are ambitious, here is surely something worth their thriving after. And what shall we say to her who, remembering the great Apostle's words ! has chosen the single life ? As ? vision of sweetness and of mer cy, she glides from house to house1 in the crowded, busy town, or trips, like a friendly spirit, up and down the inud dy lanes of tne remote, country village. To all men she is a woman, and yet more than a woman. She is one who administers, and yet one to whom hom age must be paid. Whether she is a woman who clings ot old forms, who would not move with a finger the smallest stone in the an cient building of Church and State, or whether she is one of the broader thought and more all-embracing char ity, she is certain, in her goings ia and out ajnong men, to instill into them her own opinions. Then, again, the influence is great of her who holds the pen } that peace ful weapon, which fits so well th? fe male hand, but which is, nevertheless, so mighty in its sway. She has but to clothe her thougets in words, and they And their way into thousands of homes. They who have never seen her face, or heard her voice, speak lovingly her name. She is ruler over hearts ; per haps r?an make us swell in anger, or j molt in pity. The ideas she gives forth are discuss ed by the roadside and in the snug library Her mind p^hn^h^ other j minds, and tingas them with the color. We fully believe th^t if a baud.of the literary sisterhood were to agree to try to abolish any one of the few griev^ j t?eos of their se?, OT?h ?s ite right pf I a worthless husband to take his wife ? earnings, they could make such a stir in public opinion thar it would be abol ish. { Aud can women, with wide influ j enee, stoop to?pray and cry out for s? j comparatively smali a privilege, as the j suffrago ? Surely a Queen might as I well come down from her throne to . beg for a gaudy, paste diamond to ? be ; added to her crown. Even the single woman* without1 any especial calling, has in her hands a strong power for1 leading other i?to her way of thinking, if only she w2f Hb^^ jopj^^o^v of* Tfte4 mi?dle-aged woman, who has openly chosen the single life, has more influence with the generality of her male friends than the married woman, or the girl who wishes some day to be a wife. It is often a great relief to a man to have a familiar talk with a kindly, sen sible woman, who has, he knows, no thought of catching him, as the phrase goes, and of whom no one can be jeal ous. Here, again, the single woman, if she is fond of power, has opportunities of letting her opinions filter artfully, drop by drop, into men's minds, until they often become saturated by them. In this manner French women of the past frequently governed the rulers of the country, and through them they all Frence. Thus in different ways, and from dif ferent causes, wo see that nine-tenths of the so-called lords of the creation are under female influence. With such groat, wide power in their hands, woman is surely lowering her dignity by crying out so widely for a thing of so comparitively slight value as the suffrage, which, after all, cool, common sense seems to point out to be more mac's business. If any women who read this are (Ms contented with the position of then sex in society, let them remember that woman's mission in the world is, in reality, a much holier and more spirit ual mission than that of man. Let wo men not try and turn themselves into men. Remaining women, but good, and useful, and-high-hearted women, they shall always govern three-quarters of the world. (Jetting Married. Girls, don't think you have reached the sum and substance of earthly bliss when you can write Mrs. before your name. To be sure, it is very proper, as well as pleasant, to have a house and hus band of one's own, provided that one is old enough to take care of the same; but simply to get married, is only & small part of the plan designed by our Creator for our wisdom and happiness. To most girls, their wedding day is a day of emancipation from caro: a joyful beginning to a new state of ex istence ; of life without a shado of grief or aught to mar its perfect harmony. It is this mistake that so many wo men make at the commencement of married life. They take no thought of their duties towards another, nor re-f member ?ll are erring creatures, and their idol no less clay than others, only that their love has made it gold. They expect freedom from care in married life, but they have only given up their freedom and commence life's cares in earnest. Then, after the first excitement of being "the bride/' and "observed of all observers," has passed away, come the sitting down to real, actual life, and the young wife must needs learn to eat, drink, sleep, visit, and receive visitors; these are parts of her duties as before ; while, in addition to her domestic cares, she must learn to adapt her temper and disposition to another's views, and learn the beautiful lesson of ?elfdenial if she expects perfect peace Poets may sing of love's dream and life ini the cottage, but practical people will tell you how much niore real is love's awakening and a comfortable house. If woman dream less of love, and ac cepted its wide-awake reality, there would be be less disappointment and j more real happiness. Not until the couple have left off the ! dream and turned to the joys, of real lore and life, db they understand ?v- >w Y'^f?1'"''* ??VA rr.f?-: y^-V-.;. - K*Kvvi? peace : but, alast ! too often the awak ening comes after the spirit has flown. So tak? my advice, girls, and if yon are fortunate enough to get a steady, [^o#qrab}e m$n f or a husband, don't spoil your chances of happiness by mistaken views. Look upon "getting married" as part of. your mission. The English Idea of Americans. The old fashioned English observer has passed away, and has been sue [-seeded in the inheritance by the mod ern English critic, a very different person, whom it is difficut to desoribe 'though we know him when w? see h?m. j\He loibws ? g?90? deal more than his >^Qgenitor> : both abqut the world at said himself, and he has been ?Seom his cradle up that the jo?d systemof E3glish observa-1 tio? was wrong. Ho has learned that his progenitor and his progenitor's friends in Parliament made terrible jfaistakes during the Rebellion in think mg that they understood the American question ; he finds it admitted on all hands that this is a great country with a great future before it. Ho finds a general disposition among his own countrymen to be as civil as circum stances will permit to America, and has learned from Carlyle to be ernest, and from Ruskin to be faithful in his vork, and from Matthew Arnold that criticism must be full of sweetness and light. He is filled with an earnest de are to do right, and to find out what he can about the United States from the best sources. Accordingly he con sults our own press and studies the savings and speeches of our great men, and the result is that he has reduced hiinself to a state of bewilderment which baffles description. He is given j to understand, for example, that this country, which is so corrupt that Sena tors at Washington are able to rise in th?r places and announce that the way is being paved for a Tiberius or a ISTapoleon, is at the same time so pure I that owners of newspapers decline to I receive large amounts of money honest I ^ them for public advertising, and awarded them by a legal board, because they consider the way in which the board was constituted was not illegal, but inexpedient on grounds of public policy; that it is a country in which the late Mr. Greeley was a literary light and political guide, and that at the same lime it te a country in which Mr. Grreele/s career was universally looked upon and talked about as a joke; that it is a country which, to a man, regards its late Vice President as perjurer, and one Oakes Ames, a mem ber of Congress, a corrupt scoundrel, and that ?t the same time a country in* which the same Vice President is hon ored as a Christian, and the same Ames receives an ovation in public celebra tion of his honesty; that is a country without any taste, or any art of any kind, and at the same time a country with a national school of sculpture, s literature rich in poetry and prose of every kind, a stage on which the grand est Shakespearian acting takes place ; and as for painting and music it can buy all it wants. We found the other day, in a leading English newspaper of no very philo-American tendencies, a statement that the Americans "are rapidly taking their place among the most luxurious and most cultivated people" in the world. It possesses, too, the "American gentleman," who, according to one account, is simply a perfect type of man, besides being a complete man of the world, and having a wonderful faculty of acquiring foreign languages, but who according to another account, is a simple^boor, with no education, morals or manners, and very mal vu in good society abroad. It has a press, too, which is, according to its own account, venal, unreliable and indecent, and which at the same time is the mainstay of society. Then there is the American girl and the American wife life, and American family life?but on these subjects we confess we are bewildered ourselves. ?Galaxy for June. A California lion sprang from a thicket and devoured the dog of John Taylor, of Bartlett Springs, while that animal was taking the air with his mas ter. What did John say ? Why he saip "Dog-gone," of course. Commander, to dripping Tar? "Con- j found you, where did your come f rom ?&j A. B.?"?eli overboard, sir." Commander?"Confound you; the next time you leave the ship without J In Vino Veritas. The following, fresh from over sea, is told at the expense of a distinguished and estimable son of Scotia, It seems that a . dinner party was in progress during ? brilliant display of northern lights, and this gentleman, stepping oit to cool his burning brow, was startled by the display.. He stood amazed; thon, turning to the window, saw, with in, his wife, sitting with the ladies wait ing for the gentlemen to end their claret and cigars. Pushing aside the lace curtains, he beckoned his wife Agnes to come out. She complied, when he said t? her, solemnly: "Wagnes, d'er see anything exstrooo ry now V* /. "Yes, Dolly, I see you have been drinking too much wine.". "Ko*. ; nor that Wagnes : I m?an ?xst?^ atoos-; phere." "Why, where, Dolly "Up yonder, Wagnes." "Why, dear me ! yes. I do, indeed? the most brilliant aurora I ever saw." "Wagnes, are things a shootin' ?" "Yes, dear." "An' a flashin', Wagnes ?" "Yes, Dolly." "An' a sorter spreadin' and danehr. eh, Wagnes ?" j "All that, my dear." ? "Ho!" (much relieved). "Do you know, Wagnes?I mean Agnes?when'r I come out an' saw the celestial phor- | noinonmns r- glowin upper yonder, bless me effer I didn't think I was in vino j verit?ass." . ?Ilarpcrtf Magazine* for June j Advertisements. To advertise is to inform the public that you aro ready for business, and have something to dispose of, either in the way of services or stock. A sign j over the door, or across the face of a j building, may catch the eye of a few ! passers by, but a well displayed notice in a live paper is read by thousands. Some men while saving ten dollars by not advertising, lose hundreds in the lack of custom. The live business men is always found in print. He deals with the people, and knows that the best way to reach them is through the columns of the local paper. He never lacks customers, but is kept busy wait ing upon those who have read of his stock and who have come to examine or buy. We favor judicious advertis ing. Good as it is, it can be overdone. A man may exaggerate his stock, and thereby disgust those who visit him. Another may expend too much money on * slight effort, and fail in its'objeet. The best way to advertise is, first: have sometl ng to dispose of worth the price you ask; keep within reasonable bounds in your notice to the public; pay for the space you occupy, prompt ly ; as your business enlarges, let your advertisements keep pace with ;ite growth ; lay aside a certain per pent, of profit for the sole purpose: of ke|e$H ing before the public. Thousands of men owe their fortunes to a judicious system of advertising. m hihihi iipmi mm mwimiwp?aa?mn a imp ?muiii li There is a woman in Washington who has buried five husbands. Recent ly she married a sixth. Upon the day of the wedding a man called at the house of the groom, asked for that gentleman, and proceeded to measure his'body with a tape line. - The in fatuated groom/entertained ' an idea that this might, perhaps, be a man sent round by his tailor. After the ceremo ny in church, however, the husband was surprised to observe the same per son standing in the vettibul? and wink ing furiously at the bride as the party came out to the carriages. Just as they were starting off the mysterious being put his head into the carriage window and whispered to the bride: "Got a ready-made one thaifll just suit him I Beautiful fit?beautiful !" When the happy man demanded the name of the intruder, the bride blushedV and said she believed he was some kind of an undertaker. Then the man wis j not so happy. He was hardly happy at all, and a certain gloom seemed to, overcast the honeymoon. Perhaps the undertaker was too prompt. But still, we like to see a man take an interest in his business. Very few horses eat corn beef, but we saw one standing the other day be fore a store with a bit iu his mouth. v? A Quaker said to ? guuner, "Friend, I counsel no bloodshed; but if it be thy design to hit the little man in the /rrccAL? "f ? Ther? appears to be no doubt that ? rigorous effort is to be made to Secure a repeal o? the law aboBaoing the franking privilege through the. next Congress. > .? > "V * ' ! T?ie ihves1%aEtioii r into the .charges against ths suspended Aineriea?; oom missioners to the exhibition hag been completed, and voluminous details hr.vr been forwarded to Washington. - The inquiry developed the fact that the ap propriation made by the United S tatee t Congress for the exhibition is nearly exhausted., . ? , Candidates for.tho. phigf |ia^ccahip ,are, multiplying rapidly,., ~ :;Ti$,r most recent are Caleb.C^jhingj Judge Black, WilI'??a S. Gr?esbeck ? and Lyman ?iumbuiL ; The Cincinnati Corninoci?! I wife draws,.;%fiea^ ..Butler;. ?rem the field by reconmiending that ho be given the command of an expedition to the North Pole. A special dispatch from Jeftv?rs^T? City, Mo., says the funds in the Stato treasury are completely exhausted. General John B. Gordon made a little sr>eecb, at a reception givon him in Savannah. Ga., a few days, closing with the sentiment : "The heroic dead of both armies, who fought for prteeipTo , and backed their convictions wiih their lives. Let both be duly honored." The Grand Commandery of the Knights Templar for the State of Vir ginia will assemble in Norfolk on the 11th of June next for drill, inspection I and review. The Democrats of ,Louisiana, aro a chivalrous set. These men say simply I this : "The forces of the United States 1 are too strong for us ; we will not fight them ; the Republican majority are weaker in - discipline and in armament, and we will kill than ? or, in plainer words, "The strong we run away from, the weak we butcher." Tins is simply the attitude of bloodthirsty oowar&s. The new commissioner of Indian af fairs, Hon. E. P. Smith, is greatly em barrassed in his efforts to. pr?vido for the Indian service in Arizona. , An ex-.* ainination of the records of his office shows the appropriation for the current fiscal year entirely exhausted, and tho supplies entirely exhausted. The total appropriation for the service in \ that Territory amounted to but ?2O0,0Q0. L. Cass Carpenter, Esq., goes ta Europe in the early part of Jane, for the purpose of recuperating his health, which has been, fa??ing tor soma time. He will make the tour pretty thorough ly, as he intends to visit many, of the principal cities, among them Vienna, during the exposition tb?re, and to which he has been appointed an honora ry cominissioner. . 1 g ./?> When H. was a boy, his uncle: pre sented him vfi?i* s Swiss nms?c?? ??ix,? a canali one, p?ayihg 'two or ihre t?nee, and which, when wound nj>vn^j^^key% was set ih motion^ try touching a button on the. side? H. vas delighted with the present, carried, it about with - him wherever ho went, until he finally camo to grief by placing it in bis -pocket and taking it to church with him. The serman proved long and tedious to H.. who was extremely anxious to return home and listen to tho melody of his ?.woiidcrfedL. Ht0o .?nstn^e#t v /Finally, in the mid$t of th^ sermoa, aa i^tea oc curred to: i?m*?it was- a- bdffia?a^ono ?he though he:wonld y?st touch that button a trifil?, have the ihsFrmraent malie a not or two, and he'd push ifc back, and stop. He did so, but tho confounded thing would net stop it? playing, notwithstanding he ne^rly wrenehed the button from the box in his frantic desire to stop it. All hi* ef ; forts proved unavailing,-?the machino ? kept on piaying, to tho groat surprise of the congregation and thM^u^?teme disgust of the officiating clergyman. All eyes were turned:'upon pooriL. who would have given tho world, in cluding the musicai4box, could.thp floor ,jiave opened .and let.hiia- th?ojugh out of sight. All tragedies haver au -ending, and it came ai last to H-who was 'col lared by the sexton and : marched'down through tie aisle ?of the l?hurehv th? in fornai box pla;^ TanSc?d?dd?e; w time to ev&y ;^p? ^ys,~w?pp ho reached the door,, he : fa|nfed ; , >^ t ao 3rst things he. did, when r.est^rird to ; consciou?9^^:,was-...?> **?&$k.:?g*e ?on- I j founded laus?calboxv? * > - v >:" |^:Ar bestrdfol' 4??f?fcna? ^hool -^girL \ thirteen vear^?ld:and six fer>t"one*1rx*h hisrli* is TcU5iG