ANNUAL C?NFERENEC OF AGENTS AND SUPTS. M. C. Mutual And Provident Association Holds First Annual Conference in South Carolina At Columbia. ; It was truly a representative gathering of Negro insurance men and women from every sec tion of South Carolina, who with the general ollicers from the home office of the N. C. Mutual and Provident Associa tion of Durham, N. Q. The meeting was called in the beautiful new building of the company, at the N. E. cor nier of Washington St. and Park Avenue, Columbia. General Manager C. C. spaulding m the chair. Prayer was offered by Dr. A. M. Moore, which showed that while the meeting was of a strictly business nature, still the management realize that the first requisite was God's presence and His blessing. Mr. J. H. Garner, th9 state agent for South Carolina, ex tended a welcome in an address replete with cordiality and en couragement. He gave a briei account of the work in the State, and during the sessiont was alive to the needs of thc company, and at stated times at the request of the ofliceri made clear several points tha had heretofore been difficult t< the assembled superintendent and agents, thus making i possible for all to return ti their posts with a clear insigh into the work. Mr, John Merrick, the found . er .of the work, was next intrc duced and was enthusiasticall received. His address wds a admirable presentation of th great amount of splendid wor accomplished in the first dc eade. Mr. Merrick is a fin type of the truly representativ and progressive Negro, full < energy himself, he commun cates the same spirit to thos with whom he comes in cor tact. His successful life is concrete oxample of what ca be accomplished by due attei tion to the work in the lan? He emphasized the irnportam of every representative of tl company knowing his woi thoroughly and being able present it intelligently and a curately. On Friday President Merrit very eloquently and touchini ly made his farewell remark he gave to the conference a p per bristling with useful hint so that every agent can go his field to write a much long debit. His paper was strictly business paper, on busine lines, Among many forcef epigrams were the following part: Modern businoss, bett human environments." "Business gives opportuni for all to work, earn,grow, ai become somebody. ''Inasmuch as business su plies the necessitiese of life, is impossible to have a high evolved and noble race axce where there is science of bu: ness." / A few mon of the type John Merrick in various se tions of our Southern cou try would soon put to an ei all race bai ted and antagonisi During the first day's sessi Dr. A. M. Moore, (he secreta and treasurer and one of t founders of the company, a dressed the conference. I Moore is another object less of what strict attention to on? calling can do by way of i spiration to others, Dr, Moe although a physician of ma year's successful /practice yet a most excellent busine man and his address to the j sembled agents was truly 3ound, logical talk on the work. He spoke especially ofi the financial condition of the com pany and of its standing with the insurance authorities of the Stace, He gaye an account of the growth of the company from a small sick benefit con cern to a truly great insurance company, with a mutual reserve of many thousands, showing Dr Moore's versatility to a marked degree was the admira ble manner which he s. if ted from financial matters to dis eases with special reference to fever?. On Thursday afternoon Mr. Spaulding invited the entire assembly to partake of light refreshments in the Crescent Cafe, This Cafe occupies one of the store rooms in our new building and is under the man agement of Mrs. U. S. Shelton. Before adjournment resolu tions not only commendatory, of but complimentary to the general officers were unani mously passed, each representa tive expressing gratification at the kindness extended. t?o ended the first annual confer once for South Carlina. These "outings" are not only beneficial to the active work ers but to the policy-holders, as all agents will go to their re spective fields upliftod inspired and determined to write more and larger insurance. Successful Meetings. Will you allow me Bpace in your columns to say that we have just closed our revival meetings at Red Hill, Gadsden and Silvann Congaree, 8. C. and as a result of the meeting GU happy souls have acknowl edged the Lord Jesus. 44 of this number have been baptized and we are planning to baptize the remainder the next Lu rd's d-ay. Robt. W. Jenkins. Co With A Rush. The demand for that wonder ful Stomach, Liver and Kidney cure. Dr. King's Mew Life Pills -is astounding. .say they never saw the like. Its because tfiey never fail to cure Sour Stomach, Con stipation, Indigestion, Bilious ness, Jaundice, Sick Headache, Chills and Malaria. Only 25c. J. -v Dr. Kinsman's Heart Tablets. We have just received a fresh hipment of Dr. Kinsman's Heart Tablets and Dyspepsia Powders for those suite ring with Indigestion, Dyspepsia or heart troubles- They are the best on earth. '2Tu; - and $1.00 packages five cents extra for mailing. The People's Recorder, (tf. ) O range burg, S. C. Grnrprip? Por staple Groceries, Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Country Produce, Fresh Butte and Eggs, call o f? M:i11c on or send to v/? I'llillo No. 32U WEST HEN uv ST'KEET, SPARTANBURG, S. C FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK OF Grunge burg South Carolina. CORNER RUSSELL A BROUGHTON ST8 We are pleased to announce that we have moved into our new prepared lo doa general Banking Business. ? We solicit di-posit .* from a'll who may have even a ?nihil! amount of money to put in Bank, and guar antee promptness courtesy and safely in our business relations With our patrons. -We have put in Fire Proof vault Fire and Burglar proof safe. I. S HARLEY, President. F. D. BATES, Vice-President, W. B. THOMPSON, Cashier, BOWMAN & WANNAMAKER, Solicitors. Directors : I. S. HARLEY, W. L. MQSELY, F. D.BATES, R. P. WAY, ISIDORE RICH, L. E. {jtlLEY, I. W. BOWMAN, J. W. SANDEL R. K. WANNAMAKER are Officers :