m ? , i ? -m WANTED-A young i?anj or' boy from 14 to 18 years o?d, who can read and write, to learn the printer's trade. ?? good place for trie right kind of boy.' % A'ny bright boy can be/of service in a v&fiort' tfcme.(\ Cjpjll on R. E. Richardson, >Fqrem?n? People's Recorder, Or ange burg, S.C. Prof Pre?l?au of Sumter' was a welcome visitor toour -.-city-j thia .week^^;-;,;^1'-''''-'*'' "j.:,i?.,r;'' ^ReVi/'p.' J. Ancrum of '.N??ses was am?ug ?rangeburg's visitors this week.;1 y- - .-; > .' The ; "Lovely, ; ? Hjill V Sunday School Convention; meets near St. George next friday. > . 'i Are you ?ping tb the National Baptist Cou vent ion? 'If so. be ip J Columbia by one b'clpck -iiext [ Monday. .' Mr. P. L. Green of Elloree was* herevon business this w?eek.r He ?all?d>and 'got ?a'job pf Sprint-;.', lng we did for him.. , . '.' ' ,? ; Mt? Mi Furtick.of ^orth wa> among the court attendants ..thi: week. He called to '.?ee.:; bs 'l Brr? Furti?k was entirely Vvlndi ca ted and let loose by ItheV court.1 Get readv to nay your sub seriptjiou to this : paper and U renew for the; future. -Bills* wiri be sent out soon, ' " ' ' . ; Courtis in session here thi:-' Week and criminals are bein^ . given'their just deserts.. Wt hope no'innocent man will bt convicted and that none who ar? guilty Will escape; ' ' ; ! The city . election .comes. on" . iiext Tuesday.' We' ti^uly hop^ that Oran ge burg will put thc best men oh guard to pr?tect ano care fojf the people s interests. 1 : -Cai?d's are out announcing thi couping marriage of Rev. J. S. Maddox,of Donalds, S. C. te Miss Ella Lee ' Smith, Honea Path. Sept. 22, at. Liberty Bap tist church Honea Path, S, C. : ' "tyrs.^H, B. Thomas returned Thursday evening.of l?st week; from a'p?ea??nt'two weeks sta*ji in*Asheville, N. G. piaf lin, University will j open for the school year S|ept, 26. The State College opens On Oct, 6th' and the graded school sonit ?time daring October. GetreadjN ?for books. . | ' We thank k?r. Thomas' Jack 1 son bf Colu ra bia : for 1 a ? job ol printing done fbr him^sprae days ?go. We can db the work if thi folks will only try us. ; tyra. Jacob Moorer, the cuitur ed wife of Esq Moorer, has re tirned from her up-country trip, much refreshed and invigorated by her outing. <' - Rev. J . W Faust of Denmark placed a job of printing .with us recently. Many thanks. i . Mrs.JR. C. Wilhams w?nt to] St. Matthews this week to visit her very, sick father Mr. W. J. Robinson. He is quite ill indeed. Mrs. Maggie L. Watson ol Spartanburg is visiting friends at W?nnsboro, S. C. Mays her stay be pleasant is the wish oi | friends. Our Oolumbia correspondent " Mr. J, H7 Garner, has gone North for a much needed rest, j Mr.-Garner is a hard .working man. May his stay be b?th \ pl^?tvnt an? profitable. The Noith Enoree Sunday School Convention will meet with the Zion ijill church, Inman. S. C. on Friday of next we?k aijd rub to Sunday Sept. 19th. ! Db you want to buy a lot for a home or a farm on which tc inftke a living? If so see Ed i toi ftolmes, he maybe abie to. help /you.. VT i Mr.'Northorp Handy the up-to 4<|?^t?ilor;?f Sumter? S.' C. is ld3i?g;a big business in his Ure of work. Mr. Handy is courteous and polished in manners, hence a^he is a "workman" he is bound to succeed. * ?.. ?-. ' . -. . BREVITIES ! Qui ^r??diirsVlWr?' arid ' else ^here(are. cordially invited to tfa'?etb?se who ask their rJatrqnage., tlirpugK ? tb'is imper. T^hey wUlgive, you value roceiv ejdVfor the o?n?^ yon spend and ? We are J informed I that Rev. E: ?, Bobo pr'ea(cji6d, at i?t. thew, church near Lakesland, S C. ; on- Sunday Sept. 5th. They say U. w#s,lb powerful'. ser-, mon. Misses Louisa and .Carrie Wood word and *iMiss Louisa A^anis,. 'w't??^'. gu attended.' . ti 4 The ?Hme Of Idleness.' i ; Idleness means' trou,ble for ai)y Jone, tts the ?aine with a lazy livrer* It causes . consti patios headache, jaundice,:sallow . com plexion, : pimples., and-blotches, loss of: appetite, nausea,' but Dr. King's ?ew.I?ife Pills soon bank ish liyer troubles and build up your health. -*?c. at J. G.. Wan nainaker Mfg. Go. ....... ; . For <',' .?.!..'( ri-.;-.-' :;,! I'i-.-v:^. ; Fire Insurance 1 ' - Call On - STILES ?. MELLICHAMP, Orangeburg, S. C. . 1 Birnie s Drug Store -o A. full line of Drugs, ChemicalF, Patent Medicines, Toilet Ai jj tides, Cigars and Candies. , .. j GIVE US A CALL. 'We have recently installed a lew Soda Water Fount, and are fully prepared to serve the best Soda W,ater and Ice Cream. j. Birnie's Drug Store S W. Liberty St. 1 "SUMTER, S. C. i BALLARD & SEAWRIGHT, whoolwrighting, Blacksmithing, Horseshoeing, Painting Wo build new vehicles to order Our motto is "satisfaction. Your pat? , ronage is solicited No. 4 Amelia, St. > vj Orangeburg, S. C. For Colored P . .-rrr^ : Thia U eas of ?M 'oh* facta of thU great Benefiv dal and Vra tect ira orgau- " tatton. Tho I-L-U Grand Lodes ali, the condition, io s financial war, asshUaamoraihr and Indnstriallr.of every member, car-,red as wau as while. Blaker Wases, Shorter Hoars. Kauai Opportunities, Sol* Betterment Md Protection g cn crally, are amone th e things for which our tnembersl work. It is an Interna* tiona! Chartered Co-operative Society in every tenta of the tenn. No matter where you Kve, or what your occupation, be yon married or ai nile, employ er or employee, lt will ba greatly to your advan tage, to join the LL-U Grand Lodge. M em be ra aid their unemployed brothers and s?t era to secure work, help them when sick or disabled, and where death occur? in the family. - ' Big Gash Benefits At death of member. 1100 cash la paid to benefl dary. ? At death of wife, or other beneficia ry, mem ber secure? ?25. At death of member's child, 110, or of baby, IA. There ara many other benefit* oat allowed by other organizations. , Membership is open to both sexes, including boys and girls over IA years old. No discrimina tion as to nationality, color, politics or religion. Over ' OOO men and women baye al _. jopy of official paper. Journal," circular matter and full particular*. If yon Join promptly, we will give yon authority to represent us In your local tito ne_ _ give their entire time to this work; good pay, In cluding tmvellng expenses. Write at once I Tho l-L-U Grand Lodge l-L-U Bl do-, amyton, OM?, Straighten Your Hair DKAB SIOS-.-I h vi? used only one tonio of your pomade and now 1 would not be without it, tor it makes my hut r soft and a tr ??B in and easy to comb and al? starts a new growth. Mas. W. K. WALKXU, Sta. 1-H arriman. Tona. Ford's Hair . Pomade (Formerly Wooten aa Ozonised Os Marrow) Pitty yearn ol success ha? proved its merits. The ase of Ford'c Hair Pomade makes stub? bora, harsh. kinVt? or ourly-bair straight, soft and ?IQ ss y and. easy to comb, and arrange lo any ?tyla desired consistent with its length.. jtemov08 sad prevents dsndruff.dnvlgorates ?ne ?caip, a to pa the hair from falling out or reakh^ ofl and gty es it new life and vigor. ?alta even on the youngest children. Delicately perfumed. Its use is a pleasure. SS ladies of refinement everywhere declare, i Ford's Hair Pomade bas imitators. Don't boy any thing else alleged to bo "just as good." It yoa wast the best resu.u, buy the best Pomade-it y|U pay ou. Look for this name _ W en every paekage. . ? If your drogglat cannot anpply yon with tbs genuine, we will send yon Ou? bottle regular ??te for . . $.80 Three, bonis. ^? - - - 1.40 Six " ? " ... 2.E0 Dae bottle, small- " . - .- . .ZS Wenay postase and express charge? to all points In U.S.A. when ordering send Postal or BsproRS Honey Order. Alt orders skipped promptly on receipt of prise.. Address tr The^Ozoaized Ox Marrdw Co E?isto Shaving Parlor . > .?L'he.'Gniy >, .Up-tO'duto'Colored ph?Vlpt parlor in the City , Clean Towel For Each Customer ' -Your Pul? ointge Soliciten" > . Polite Attention , R. H BROWN, Prop. 'ft? ia Mtt, h Church Street, ORANGEB?RG, S*. C. IAre You I Regular ? \,t. Il you are oct, It ls ? sl&n ol disease, a sign ol some bidden t?male trouble, tbat may be under mining sad weakening your con- H salution, and laying np for yu H mach la ture suffering. Bj IMany thousands of weak, if- Bj regular, suffering women bave. In Kl tba past 59 years, been greatly Bj! benefited or cored by the usa ol H Im well-known, snccesslul, purely K yegetable, female tonic and cora- B* tire remedy K WOMAN'S RELIEF Apple 0. Barnes, ol Alto, Tex., writes: "I caught cold, which made me Irregular and gave me pains In my shoulders and sides. For almost 2 weeks I could not lift a chair. Card ul brought me all right again; I have no more tains and am In very good saith" At All Druggists WRITE FOR FREE ADV'CE, stating* age and describing symp tom 8, to Ladies Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., i Chattanooga, Tenn. E 34 "The Old Reliable" 116-120 W. Russell St., Orangeburg, 8. < Turning ' Grist Mill runs every week - . '? *' ' ?-. " V '.. . ' ? ?';'"' day. Your patronage solicited W. F. Robinson. I Attention Bnyersl? S" ' ARE YOU I ?JS'" Looking"for Tho liest Groceries at Hie Kight Prices? %C w ii so, cuii at ia $ MY STORE ? v^ Where You Will Kind Just the Kind of Goods and JjJ l\ Prices You Seek. Everything in the Grocery Line :it ^ MY STORE j?\ Also Carry A Full Line Of Dry-Goods, Eic. ? L. C.-FUNDERBURK g ^ OR?NGEI10KG; S. C. ? 7* - ri? nae you want FACTS and FIGURES.* Remember, the question is: Not only HOW MUCH, but HOW FAR. The measure of paint value is not the orice'per gallon, but its covering capacity. HIGH STANDARD LIQUID PAINT is cheaper*] than other paints because it COVERS MORE (One gallon covers 400 ft., two coats-under favorable conditions, even more than this). IT WORKS MORE EASILY, IT LASTS, LONGER, IT WEARS BETTER, therefore IT IS MORE ECONOMICAL and FOR COLOR CARDS-AND BOOKLETS TO GET STYLE BUY HIGH ART CLOTHING. The latest dictates of Fashion have been followed in de signing High Art Clothing, while the most experienced cutters and tailors have put individuality in to every line, THE hand of the cunning craftsman is apparent in the Grace of lins, the character and Freshness of Style, and the attractive individuality, j WYYYVYWYYVVV'VYW C HIGH ART CLOTHING has the dis- ^ > Unction to command admiration from a1! 5 > who see ^rou-that's why you should lot k < >' for the HjiGH AFT label in your Sprir ? 5 2 Suit. 7 ' < MAXIMUM QU ALITY AND MINIMUM PRICE GO HAND IN ll AND HERI?. PRIGS $15.00 and UP. Branson Clothing Co. E, R. PAULING $tg| H 3 6 West Russes I St, PH3MF 93