LOCALS & WANTED-A young man Or boy from 14 to 18 years old, who can read and write, to learn the printer's trade. A good place for the right kind of boy. Any bright boy can be of service in a short time. Call on R. E. Richardson, Foreman, People's Recorder, Orangeburg, S. C. Prof Preileau of Sumter was a welcome visitor to our -city this week. ? -Rev. B. J. Ancrum of Neeses was among Orangeburg's visitors this week. The Lovely , HUI Sunday School Convention meets near St. George next Friday. Are you going to the National Baptist Convention? ' If so be in Columbia by one o'clock -next Monday. Mr. P. L. Green of Elloree was here on business this week. He sailed"and got a job of print inf? we did for bim. . '. Mr. M. Furtick of North wav among the court attendants ,tlii> week. He called to see us Bro Furtick was entirely vindi outed and let loose by the court. Get. ready to pay your sub scription to this paper and ti renew for the future. Bills wiri be sent out soon, Court is in session here th u week and criminals are bein^ given' their just deserts. Wt hope no innocent man will be convicted and that .none who are guilty will escape. The city election comes ofl next Tuesday. We truly hopi that Orangeburg will put thc best ineu on guard to protect ano care for the people s interests. Cards are out announcing tht coming marriage of Rev. J. S. Maddox ,of Donalds, S. C. ti. Miss Ella Lee Smith, Honea Path, Sept. 22, at Liberty Bap tist church Honea Path, S, C. Mrs. H. B. Thomas returned Thursday evening Of last week from a pleasant two weeks staj in Asheville, N. C. Claflin University will open for the school year Sept, 28. The State College opens on Oct. 6th and the graded school somt time during October. Get read y for books. We thank Mr. Thomas Jack son of Columbia for a job ol printing done for him some day.? ago. We can do the work if th? folks will only try us. Mrs. Jacob Moorer, the cu?tui - ed wife of Esq Moorer, has re timed from her up-country trip, much refreshed and invigorated by her outing. Rev. J. W Faust of Denmark placed a job of printing.with us recently. Many thanks. Mrs. JR. C. Wilhams went tt St, Matthews this week to visit her very sick father Mr. W. J Robinson. He is quite ill indeed Mrs. Maggie L. Watson o Spartanburg is visiting friend: at Winnsboro, S. C. May he stay be pleasant is the wish o friends. Our Columbia oorresponden Mr. J. H. Garner, has gon< North for a much needed rest Mr. Garner is a hard workinj man. May his stay be bot! pleasant and. profitable. The Noith Enoree Sunda School Convention will mee with the Zion Hill church, Inmar S. C. on Friday of next wee ar?d run to Sunday Sept. 19th. Do you wast to buy a lot fe a home or a farm on which 1 make a living? If so see Edite Holmes, he may be able to bel . /?ou. ' Mr. Northorp Handy the up-i ?dite tailor Of Sumter,1 S. C. fcdoing a big business in his Iii of work. Mr. Handy is courteoi and polished in manners, hem a?he is a "workman" he is bour to succeed. BREVITIES : Oui readers' here and else where are . cordially invited to trade with those who ask their patronage through this paper. They will give you value roceiv ed for the money you spend and will appreciate- your trade. We are . informed that Rev. E. El Bobo preached at St. Mat thew church near Lykesland, S. C. on Sunday Sept. 5th. They say it was a powerful ser mon. Misses Louisa and Carrie Wood word and 'Miss Louisa Adanis, whose guest Rev. Bobo was. attended services at. St. Matthew on'this day, WANTED-A competent man in Orangeburg county to act as agent for the colored, fair and y?et exhibits for same. Apply to Editor C. P; Holmes, Orango burg, S C , or Rev. Ri Carroll. Columbia. S.O. The Road To Success has many obsti uctions. but none is desperate as poor health. Success to-day demands health, iut Electric Bitters is the great ist health builder the world has iver known, lt compels perfect iction of the stomach, liver, kid icys, bowels, purities and en -iches che blood, and tones and invigorates the whole system. Rigorous body and keen brain follow their use. You can't af ford to slight Electric Bitter? il veak, run-down qr sickly. Only )0c. Guaranteed by J. G. Wan? ?amaker Mfg. Co. lio* Rates To The National Baptist Convention, -O Return tickets to Columbus Ohio will be on sale Sept. 12-13 and 14th limited to Sept. '23 [909 account of the National baptist Convention. Rates from principal points' at. follows: Augusta, Ga. Abbeville. Aiken Allendale Bamberg Barnwell Batesburg Camden Charleston . Chester Columbia Denmark Orangeburg S partan burg G reen v ii le Rock L?H Sumter J. C. LUSK. CALL ON Kn SE. RILEY And Sec The Largest Assortment of Vehickles of Every Discription Ever Brought to Orangeburg, Which you can buy CHEAP [or The CASH. L. H.JOSEPH, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, \ < DCNTINr. 1235 MAIN STREET, 'Phone 444. * COLUMBIA, S. C. Wm. Lowman A. M.. M. D. : Lin. C. Shecut M. D F). T LOW M AT* & SHECUT Physicians & Surgeons -SCOVILLE DLOCK-ORANGEBURG, S, City and Country calls nro'mntl. attended. $22.50 $20.55 : 22.80 23 10 22.80 22.05 22.35 21,30 25 20 20.25 21.30 22 05 ... . ?o.? it.-. - . \ 1.1 18.00 10 50 , Tho Crime Of Idleness. Idleness means trouble for any one. Its the same with a lazy liver, lt causes constipation, headache, jaundice, sallow com plexion, pi ni pies and'blotches, loss of appetite, nausea, but Dr. King's New Life Pills soon ban ish liver troubles and build up your health. Voe. at J. G. Wan namaker Mfg. Go. For Fire Insuranec . - Call On - STILES R. MELLICHAMP, Orangcburg, S. C. ?irriies Drug Store -o A. full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Toilet Ai; tides, Cigars and Candies. GIVE US A CALL We have recently installed a lew Soda Water Fount and are fully prepared to serve tho best Soda Water and Ice Cream. Birnie's Drug Store 5 W. Liberty St. }SUMTER, S. C. BALLARD & SE AWR?GHT, wheolwrighting, blacksmithing, Horseshoeing, Painting Wo build new vehicles to order Our motto is "satisfaction. Your pat ronage is solicited No. 4 Amelia, St. Orangehurg, S. C. Nore Money For Colored m Thls-hi ont of Jhc^obJ leets of this greatBenefi dal and Protective ornr^. _ . , ? iiation. The I-LdJ Grand Lodge alma to improve 1 the condition, ina financial way, aa w,llu morally and industrially, o! every member, ctr ,red as weil as white. Mintier Wagait Snorter Honra, Equal Opportunities, Self Betterment and Protection generally, are arnon* the things for which our members', work. Ii is an Interna tional Chartered Co-operative Sodetyin every Eenie of the term. No matter where you Hve, or what your occupation, be you married or single, employ er or employee, it will be greatly to your advan tage to Join the I-L-U Grand Lodge. Members aid their unemployed brothers and sitters to secure work, help them when sick or disabled, and where death occurs in the family. Big Cash Benefits At death of member. 1100 cash Is paid to benefi ciary. At death of wile, or other beneficiary, mem ber ?-c-.;r?3 f 25. At death of member's child, 910, or of baby, 95. There are many other benefits not allowed by other organizations. Membership is open to both ser.es. including boys and girls over 15 years old. No discrimina tion as to nationality, color, politics or religion. Over 00.000 men and women have al ready joined our ranks, having found this the grandest and most uplifting Beneficial Protective institution in existence. We invite you to join. Send 10c for copy of official paper, the "I-L-U Home Journal," circular matter and full particulars. If yon Join promptly, we will sive ron authority to represent ns In your local ity. You can devote your spare hours to securing members, for which we will pay you liberal/. We alto need a few Traveling Representatives who can give their entire time to this work; good pay, in clud .IT traveling expenses. Write ttoncel Tho I-L-U Brand Lodge IM.- l-L-u Btdth,Onyton, Ohio. Straighten J Your Hair DEAR 8ma:-1 hiwo used only one bottle of your pomade arri uow 1 would not be without lt. for it makes my ?mir mott and atralglit and easy to comb mid ni* sturts u new growth. MJte.W. F. WALK KU. Sta. 1-Harriman. Tenn. Ford's Hair o Pomade (Formerly knowm as Ozonized Ox Marrow) Fifty years of success hus proved its merits. The use of Pord'c Hair l?omadi!makes stub born, harsh, kinky or curly-hair straight, - of t, and glossy und easy to comb, and arrange lo nay style deshed ooti?istsat plUi its length. Removes and prevents dandruff.'tavlgorates the scalp, stops tho hair from falito? out or breaking off and gives it new life and vigor. Absolutely harmless- used with splendid re sults even on the youngest children. Delicately perfumed, its uso ls a pleasure, as ladies of refinement everywhere declare. Ford's Hair Pomade has imitators. Don't buy anything else alleged to bo "Just as good." If yon want the bf st resins, buy the best Pomade-lt will pay ou. Look for this name W .on every package. If your drugiit?t aannot supply you with tn? genuine, wo will send yon One bottle regular aise for . . - $ .SO Three bottles " " ... 1.40 Six " " . . . 2.SO One bottle, smaU " ... .26 Wepay pottage and express charges to nil points in U.S.A. When ordering send Portal ur Exprnxt Honey Ordor. AU ordors skipped promptly on ?cotpt of prise. Address lie Ozonized Ox Marrow Co.v 163 East Klnslo.St. - Ck|as?o, ill. FORD'S HUB FOMAUK ls modo only in cogo by tho a bo* B firm. m Aflate Wanted Everywhere. EeSisto Shaving Parlor . The Gniy Up-to-Uauvi.'oioriiil &haviu(? lJarlor in the City donn Towel For Each Customer - Your Patronage Solicited Polite Attention . R. H BROWN, Prop. No ia Church Street, ORANGEB?RG, S. C. Are You Regular ? . If you ?re not, It il a sl^n of disease, a sign of gome bidden female trouble, that May bc under mining and weakening your con? ttitutlon, and laying ap for yu much future suffering. Many thousands of weak, ir regular, suffering women have, in the pant 50 years, been greatly benefited or cured by the UM of that well-known, successful, purely vegetable, female tonic and cara* tlve remedy WINE OF CARDO WOMAN'S RELIEF Apple G. Barnes, of Alto, Tex., writes: "I caught cold, which made me irregular and gave me pains In my shoulders and sides. For almost 2 weeks I could not lift a choir. Cardul brought mc all right again; I have no more pains and am in very good health." At All Druggists WRITE FOR FREE ADVICE, stating age and describing syrnp torna, to Ladies Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. E 34 "The Old Reliable' 116-120 W. Russell St., Orangeburg, S. < Turning Planing Mantles Scrolls ? and Brackets Grist Mill runs every week c day. Your patronage solicited W. F. Robinson. I Attention Buyers I i a.. v. w ?J Looking l'or Tho liest Croctrii's ?it ll to Right IViws IT so, C;?ll tit MY STORE vj Where You Will h'iiul Ju>t, Ute Kind of Cm^'s sin?! .t> l'rires You Seek. Everything in the <_?roe< r.y Linc ;il MY STORE ^ Also Carry A Kuli Une O? Dry Gonds, Eic. ? L. G.-FUNDERBURK 5f . Oh'ANCEIil'lii;, s. c. fe ?a* ^ i - '^filil? lilli aft? . T* fi JJ you want FACTS and FIGURES." Remember, the question is: Not only HOW MUCH, but HOW FAR. The measure of paint value is -not the price per gallon, but its covering capacity. HIGH STANDARD LIQUID PAINT is cheaper?! than other paints because it COVERS MORE (One gallon covers 400 ft., two coats-under favorable conditions, even more than this). IT WORKS MORE EASILY, IT LASTS LONGER, IT WEARS BETTER, and therefore IT IS MORE ECONOMICAL. FOR COLOR CARDS AHO BOOKLETS John McNamara 38 W. Russell St. Pone Orangeburg, S. C. TO GET STYLE BUY HIGH ART CLOTHING. The latest dictates of Fashion have been followed in de signing High Art Clothing, while the most experienced cutters and tailors have put individuality in to every line. THE hand of the cunning craftsman is apparent in the Grace of lins, the ch ar ac! er and Freshness of Style, and the attractive individuality. ? HIGH ART CLOTHING Ins Ihc dis- j> > tinction to command admiration from a1! < ? who see j'ou-that's why you should loi k ^ > for the H'IGH ART label in your Sprii g < ? Suit. 1 ' ? MAXIMUM QT VAUT Y AND MINIMI M. PRICE GO HAND IN Ii kND JIL'KF. PRIGS $15.03 and UP. _ The Brimson Clothing Co. E. R. PAULING Mg'r. Na. 6 West Russell St. PH mr 93