EXPOSITION ?i4 AY NUMBER ? TIIK PKO. XiK'S 8TATK Pl *'i R..PUJH 18H '. D IN TH t iM'KRKa I UK COLUKKD KA<;K...A XiUBNAL OK MKW8 AN?? OPI?Y.OJ?. Y(0l. 9. COLUMBIA, S. 6. ?AY, DECEMBER 21. 1901 No. 14 - Rei, J. F, Mars?MMcGdr mick. S; C. Tells tiffiis I Great Editor of The People's Recorder: .Please, allow me- space in ^y.our valuable paper to speak1 of ?.Jf? <*?r Wprk, well, it has been quite a while since I, have worried 3*9U. But I have had such good meetings I thought I would tell s it abroad. We have just closed cur" revival meetings at four points. ^The Lord gave; us great success at each church. ^e be ' gan With'.the'. Holy. SpringBap-v tist church, the- rain and- high . ' wat^r hindered t iis greatly at this church. ? itot we had a good meeting, ten souls were /.aved v and baptized\ * and fello.wshi pped 11 ,W;:t TV Taylor of Sumter assisted me at ? , this church. He left a lasting impression upon the minds ind in the hearts of the members, they said it was the best they I i have"'ever had. We ;jeft; Holy' , Spring and moved to Mt. Zion t N baptist church. At this church^ (Mt. Eioh,) we had the, best meeting, that we have had in Ji5 .years. Dr. Maloy ?fG^?erivilie . came to us Monday after the?2nd Sunday in August and preached .every day fro m Monday untf ?. t-^-?Wday afternoon, and he preach - . ed with power from onV high,; and took in one.'hundred /includ1' ? ?ng^nackslid?ra md .?lfa*' >%. '^>ap^ ami restored 81 to Zion Dr. M?yloy is the shrewdest reviv alist I have ever seen o? haye had to help die.. He charms the sinners so that they can not get away, then he goes , up to . them and put's them in his net. . They ju9t cant get away from him, if they' sit and listen to him.. Dr . Maloy is one of the >best preachers in the State, pr any where in the United States. He did me great good at Mt. Zion, My p?ople were very much pleased with Dr. Maloy, more than they have been with any one for many years,. Dr. Maloy enjoyed his visits among my people. He'said that it ?was tjie best country church he had ever seen in all of his life. He left out what he ought to have said, instead of saying the best' coun try church-.- He ought to , have said it was the best he ever saw anywhere^ for I do - npt think that he. has eyer met a better people ;anywhere. They are^ as good as any people, they behave well, they obey ordei s, they pay .well, they feed well, they dress well, they are as good looking people a*- you have ever ' seen anywhere, and they > ha ve th eir own horses, mules and turnouts, their fine carriges, rubber tire buggies and they are up-to-date. Mt. Zion people or church, is an intelligent church, they are an up to date church, no preacher need be afraid to take Mt Zion, at Epworth's, hut please don't bother it yet a while, I want to . stay there a little while longer as fha ve done so much work ^here, I would like to enjoy it. So let me alone, preachers, do not bother me. I, by the grace of Gad ?have set out the trees, wait 10 me eat some of the fruit ' cf the beautiful trees of the >ine ^ard'befpr? you cooie, (Laugh 1^r);but its ?true. We are pre paring for the Association which ^^uj?onVeU? with the Mt. Zion 'Baptist church, October 14,19?9. We frre prep?r?? g for " ?' grea t crowd, Lord help us to be ready: fpr them. We ha ve had great meetings at all of my churches; IO; added at .Holy Spring, one hun dred at Mt. Zion, 16 at Bethany, here. 84, at New , H?ne, sp.^b?* Lord has blessed USk mi?hthy this yeati I am.; proud pf the old .Baptist church, she is moy; frig oh '?kX?^^^^^^?^y^0^ 'holding,every inch pf her terri tory, and possessing more\ an$.' more every year. MoVe on ;and ,upward old church, and possess^ the city, which is. this world for Christ, then will'come the wel come voice, of the great Captain of our Salvation, and the great head, of the church, say com?'y.e blessed of ray Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for . you from'. the. foundation of the world. God, bless the old ^Bap tist church abd keep lier head above the wave until He. Christ, s?a??corae. Amen;* ;->.....,'. . | Yours for humanity, , J. F. Marshall. McCormick; S. C: ; -j 7 Branch?ille Briefs. 'Rey. R. D. Rice is conducting a . revival, meeting at C?na?n church this week, Rev. J. Si Taylor is assisting in-the -m?j^?J ing, we hope, much goba vc ill' be th? result: ? '! / f A numerous crowd was here Sunday to attend the union ?at Jordan Baptist church; the meet was inspiring- fron} start: to all present, Rev, cond ucted the concert. ' . : . -Mrs; Doma Roach, and Miss Effie Walker attended the union at Sunshine, Blackville, they re-1 port a,grand time. Little Alma Hagood is vip'.t lng Miss Hastie Dixon of S.t. Matthews this week, - . Miss Selena.Smiley visited rel atives - and friends here recently we heartily enjoyed . her pleas* ant.company. r- . . , ?. < Miss Lucile Ph?onix of Black ville spent the past week in town the guests; of ..?he' Hagood and '...Walker families, she left Wednesday morning for St. Mat thews where she goes to visit friends, we hope for her a.pleas ant outing. Mrs. Mary Green, wife of Rev. E. Green, was quite indisposed last week, we are glad to state that she is much improved at this writing. Mrs. Anna Walker spent last Sunday at Summerville with her sister, she reports a royal time. We are indeed sorry to report" Prof. and Mrs. W. P. Jakes and.Miss Annie Stroman on the sick list, may they soon recover is the wish of their friends. Prof. Gary and hi's Class renr tiered a musical concert at the A. M. E.-church recently, the en tire program was grancfrbut Miss Mena Rodgers Solo wasa t^ker with the audience. She sang sweetly without a .doubt. Mrs Martha Locket have oc cupied her pretty new home' on Pleasant Hill.. Mr. Joseph Hill spent the past week at home with" his family. We were delighted- Sunday evening to have in our midst Revs. J. S. Jakesr, W. K. Rick enbacker, Laurence Jenkins and Mr. Jeff Rickenbacker, we wel come them to come again. lee?r Of Int??esjt to The Fa? ;:;Washington, 1>. O.?, sp?cl The farmers of the United St are naturally very mdch int es ted in the census of- agricuj ture and farms that will be tal ?? April 15, 1(010, asi ene of tili subjects to, be covered by trie; Thirteenth Decennial Census. Many are showing their interj est by writing to the, Census 'Bureau for the purpose of noak: ing comments lipon census in formation regarding agriculture as presented in the past. The; Dir?ctor of the Census welcomes all such suggestions and. gives them careful .consideration, as I He ?5_ anxious tc ?ha ve th? results of the coming census correspond as nearly as may be to the de-, ?ires of the people most intejr ested. ' > V. ? In addition^*). studying^ care? 'riftly-fn*^ rector has on his own initiative, requested certain professors pf economics and agriculture of the more important universities^ of the country, and other per; sons who have specialized (nj 4tgri3utt?rai matters, to come, Washington for a short tiine f?i| the purp?sej?f studying;!car?f^?? ly and crLticisiug,plans? rf?yy / der way. ;?sp??,ia)iy is -i|^fl?i .e>J tb obt&h;th^ tiy? to the questions to.-W.?l9???d; and their form, as t^?Vi^s^^^bb;. be bbtain?d^ill sb .lavery .>de? P?nd ii ppn i^k chatfact^^i-'-f^ i^Wdul.e:''?P/r??&^S^P -' ^^mW|?_ outside expertsi are^i-oving to be of great value, and ib is believed tl?at in ' Conse quence of this preliminary study more valuable and accurate data will be obtained than conld ' oth erwise be secured.. After these special students and: -' experts have made their preliminary studies, forma) conferences 'are he ld-in the office in which the whole matter^ of * the character of the schedules and the best methods Of retiring, the informa t\on are thoroughly gone over. -The Department ia also seek ing to- secure . the advice. and cooperation, as iar as possible,'! of the officers and experts of the Department of Agriculture ;of the state agricultural colleges, farmers, societies and like or ganizations, 'i Night On Bald Mountain. On a lonely night Alex. Beu /ton of Port Edward? ?. T., climbed Bald . Mountain to th? I home of a neighbor, tortured by Asthma, bent on curing him with Dr. King's'New Discovery, thit had cured himself of asthma, This wonderful medicine soon relieved and quickly cured' [his neighbor. Later, it cured his son's wife of a severe lung trou ble. Millions be?.eve its the greatest Throat and Lung cure on Earth. Goughs, Colds; Croup, Hemorrhages and Sore Lungs ar? surely cured by" it* Best for 'Hay Pe v? i\ 'Giri p and Whooping Cough,. . 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by ? G. ^am^amaker Mfg. Co. Briefs Frc m Sumter By Tile. Editor, Dr. C. W. Max weir is now: "sporting" bv white swan Auto. This is one of the s wei les-t.. Au tomobiles in Sumter and1 is be coming to the gallant young hyaician who, steet-s' i tis cours? irough Sumter's thorough--* iv. J. A. ; Pinson, D p. is lome again to the delight Of the iadam and his growing congre gationjwho claim him to be the preacher. Dr. Pinson las had many calls this year to induct meetings in and out of Nhe State. He answered many of ibejn. .< &;!The!^*^>uaDitui^-H??pitoi,Vcori: ^pcted by'^r. ,W. J. : Nelson, is Ntjf??" a o?ife busy p!?c?. Mr. ^ el son ia an up-to-date business ran who knows how to please. Sr^A^SWra^i? iu 'town, on jgaturday. was Dn jaimie's up-to t?at?! drug ?tore, where Sumter!s j&esv and most sensible people ^yj5?ir **r-g8i etc. Dr. Birnie ! ^d^five clerks, assisted by the] accomplished, pleasant Mrs ' jaimie, were all as busy as bees while tTi?' thirsty customers ^me wanting medicine and otb-. Jos wanting cold drinks1-quietly [waited their turn to bcf served. Prof. E. G.. Jones is getting ! a dj to again call Sumter's boys id girls to books. The Graded Ichool of which the gifted pro fe s sor is principal will open dural mg thia month when the youngT Americans there be h^p ,. Rev. A. J. Johnson is making $ei$y to go-to the National Bap tist Convention, j'. His good ,pe?r ?bim^ a' tripi^very ?Hfera . Itethel is nearing Rev. Johnson is a! great pastor. ! Messrs. J. '?\ McClain and J Cokely handed me a dollar each on account. - on Saturday last. These gentlemen report t good crops and they are ' happy over 12 ?ents cotton. . No one ia more happy in the entertainment of friends than Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Franklin, the Main street merchants, lt was my pleasure to be a guest at their pleasant home, where good will and cheer pre side to the joy of all who enter their domain. . Mr. Franklin is full of hospitality to those he re gards as ? rie nd s, .">.. ' Mrs. C. W. Piuckney and the baby are reported as doing well. Mrs. (Rev.) ?. W. Johnson is still on the sick list. It is hoped that she will soon be quite well. Mrs. Hastie, her sister, is also reported indisposed; may she, too, be out soon.. Rev. C. S. McFadden, the able little ?avid, has recently been called to Mulberry, church' where Father P. Grantham serv ed for more than 40 years. I spoke there for him on Sunday. to an appreciative audience. This is a. splendid church and they have selected a tine christian gentle man to lead them. The deacons are: A. Perry* Cyrus Scott, Kibler Lawson, C. McFadden. One old brother J no. Ladson is trustee, he is 77 years old but ? active and lively. Mr. Robert B. Clark who lives in town and con ?ncts a successful store, had the ind ness to carry nie out to Mul berry. ; Mr. Clark o.wns quite a deal of land and is doing well. Re should have a good wife to help cara for his belongings. He is'aa intelligent and progressive man who seems glad to ,make new rfk?nd?.* ' . . ??. i ?l^. McFadden is also ? pastor Enon Baptist church known as "Cross Roads" church, they are ?iviiig bim $50.00 with which to "attend thc- National Baptist Cnn vVmtion;\ a good people will titus treat? good man. Oh, for more such churches as Etion at ?de cross roads. We are very anxious to secure a thoroughgoing person, honest anet intelligent td represent this paper at Sumter. ' Friends there can iudp us get such an ,one il th^y will. Will they do so? The Richard Carroll Meeting. f . -. I The meeting which has been in progress in this city for the) pa?t. Week, conducted by Rich ard Carroll and other leading colored tueu, will come toa clps? tonight. Carroll has been doing most of the preaching.' and a great many white people tja ve heard him. Last night he preached to white people only, and several hundred were pres-j Carroll, is doing a peculiar I work, and one that is bound to; do m UL-h good He is being giv en liberal support by the white people who know him and his methods . "Yesterday Afternoon he lectur ed on the ''RS|Problem." His 1 solution of i?h"?v; ' problemis j ''service and righteousness," and the? whit? people .wjbo .b.eard him1 say it:W.^S; the! best address, on the subject ^f?tt?^'^^C. ever neara...., ,:, , ? .j Carroll preaches the gospel of. ^rdesi^?hd it is said tha t he gives lilias; Negroes at first, but he has gone on until he has enlisted many o? the . strongest ; Negroes in the | state on his side, and they are helping.him now in every way they can. They recognize that | his policy is the best for the Ne groes in the long run. It has undoubtedly been the rule that "Negro meetings" have resulted, iii more harm than good, but the kind of meeting that I . i v. ..... . ;t Carroll has been carrying on here must result in much good. Many of the white people of the city and county were sceptical, but all who have heard him. have been won over to him. They be lieve he is a good man and that j he is doing good work.. -Ander son Daily Mail. -BENEDICT REV. A. C OSBC * Pres . !; ??.* -* ?I *'-1r: .:.>. ' - ' ->- ''V'-i ANNOUN ^umbep' of Teache Number of Students . Ministerial Students DE PAR' College, "Licentiate of Instru . English Preparator formal Training Music There were 55 gradual . Next Session Begins "V FOR FURTHER INF< PRESIDENT. KEGROES PLAN HORSE SHOW. Organization in the Pee Dee to'Hold Equestrian Contest. Darlington, Aug. 31, Special: IV. M. King and Ed Sanders are the head of an organization among the colored people of Darlington and the Pee Dee M o tion having for its purpose tlie holding of a horse show ni,ti racing event in Darlington lite first week in Oct. 1909. King and Sanders have u' 1 ready secured the race track and ground of the Darlington Driv ing Association and are busy getting out a programme and posters for thev purpose ol adver tising the forth coming event. They are promising liberal pur ses for the winners; and are de termined to'makefau effort to excel the colored State Pair held in Columbia last fall. King is the well known color *ed livery man of Darlington and has often had his horses on the tr?ck at Darlington, Timmons ville. Columbia and other places. He is endeavoring to conduct a meeting on the lines of the Darlington County Pair and Driv ing Associition. There will be two, days fo entertainment. Prom News And Courier. Tbe Farmers ?Jourjer. : A Harry Up Cali. .QuickV.Mr. ^Dr^uggeBt^Quick! burned himself, terribly-John nie Cut his foot with the axe Mamie's scalded-Pa can't walk from piles-Billie has boils-Tahd ,my corns ache. She got it and soon cured all the ; family. : Its th? greatest- healer on earth. Sold by J. G, Wannamaker dMfg. Co. Colored Teachers' Agency. We have eight good^ uosltions for teachers. Join The Colored Teachers* Agency and secure a good paying position this winter. Membershi p Fee $1.00 per year. We get applications for teachers daily. Send in your membership at once. Ii M. A. MYERS, Mgr., Colored Teachers' Agency, Greenwood, S..C. % COLLEGE BIA S- C. )RN,D;D" LLD., ident CEMENT' IM . .. * 20 Last Year . 582 i . , 45 TMENTS , \ College Preparatory rt ion y . .; School . Industries. .es in May, 1909. i Wednesday, Sept 29th, >09 DRMATlON WRITE*1 THE