The people's recorder. (Columbia, S.C.) 1893-1925, March 19, 1898, 2ND EDITION, Image 1

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HE PEOPLE'S RECORDER. i ?ttOOMSOr 19 faV?ttBMwgLL BECORDH?. A jjjpi P?OM DOVOttd IO tb? tale??* M fee o ?flo rod BM?, _ rawnitsi Srtry Saturday *r MX & HOLMES tSomiWbU, . . . . >' .'.> . ? O. TAd*ertt?ia? ta?w? c?oppttcMlot,. . (MHNPMMltSt?*? WbJwM Ot t?ttri.tU InrlMd. IOHT MI rv Bwrtm ??fttr Ct*** or tutu .md utar. k M adetttr: ?oary or MT <*f?r ^StWWtt?tlou MB? to Ult <|0??tn**bot4?l?*M?? Xiv* People9? Recorder, 'x colombia, e. c. WoMTtftaf .*#.?.! ?BvV JS D WHITE STATE AGENT Offioi?l Organ GRAND UNITED ORDER ODD FELLO WS OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ATURD?Y MAR. 19, '98. fe I??? The RxcoXDKK wu tho center of at traction before she pat on her new dren. BOW she will pall the sting out of the tail of all our'political enemies, she will take as she baa n?ver taken before, for she shines as ehe has nerer shone before; full of nawa and plenty room .for more. X shall do all I can to pat her in the hornea of ?vary South Carolins.. E, D. WHITE, State Agent I ?|?| Q;;};|^po^ii?- Mofes. ? rare rising; ia . tba ica??i ;;.4,.\.^de,rwith-' eqjiai rapidity| the ; ; c^l^^ondition of affairs,.;as it ir ;'^g^;??^?'n^d:when we?take ?r? ^?m partial look at them does pr?sent rather a gloomy aspect; Yet we cannot agree that the entire race ia retrograding from a moral standpoint, True though there are many among our race-as well as others-who are content to tread a downward path, and whereever their influence reaches to others it is but natural that it will have other than a whole some, or elevatinc effect. True again we find many a blight maiden before she has left childhood, and many a boy many years prior to maturity who are men are women and who zeally make old heads blush, But now for this condition of affairs where we find such cases 'there really is some cause it may be one thing or it may be another. Is the disease contagious? Truly \ it is. Is there no 'balm in Gilead." Most assuredly io, The fair girl, and gallant boy can shun many of the snares that beset them, if the proper effort is put foxth. But this is the la mentable part pf it the proper effort is not put forth in time y those whose business it is to aye the boys and girls of our ce; more especially the latter, ce any lace is what its women ke it. The proper' thing to flo ai' res>t the sayings, predio of our enemies, as to the condition of oar race is to a fortification around our especially , the young,. so g until there will be no evil mees, .io come in contact with Ul information Sought 504 East Annie St. Fort Worth, Tex. Memri Nix <fe Holmes, . Editors rEOPLi's UECOUDER .Gentlemen:- . ' . Inclosed is express order for $1.25. I sent the saino last mouth thus paying my hill of $2.50. I thanh you very much for waiting so patiently. . Will you please scud inc^ono of thc Recorders of Thanksgiving? I lent mine out,, and it was mislaid. Also, will yon please tell us about accommodations colored people nre al lowed in the Opera House in Columbia! They used to be equal," but thelre are many people who cannot believe, it seems, that "anything good' c*u come out. of South Carolina", and doubts that this can be true. , Please be sure to answer this epiery in print. * - Your subscriber M. Answer-Many thanks for money order.- Sorry we harcnt a copy of the RECO RDS it asked for, will advertise for a copy for you. There is no state or municipal law debaring an Afro^ americsn from any of. the privileges of the Columbia Opera House still it is done all th same. The management of this place of resort and' high order entertain ments usually sees to it that the Col red citizens are given "plenty room" to themselves. . They will take our first class fares, but-most always give, se cond clan place p. Tims it ie now in all the Opera Houses in the State: Ed. -~--fr-.--: r 0, Q^AR^ B, _jam vs aar ||rom A Comj^tent?Ju3??. GEORGETOWN, Si C., March 5th, '98, Messers, Nit and' Holmes.*-Editors "PiOfLE RECORDER;" S?toe poople ipeak or write^for honor, commenda tion and aay well done for a name. But when I scan the PEOPLE'S RECORDER, I say Nix and Holmes] are leading journallst?2jtnen. When I beheld, the improvement m ado on the journal, and being asked D? our popular and earnest correar pondent (R, B. Anderson) Whajf I thought of it. I was co mpelled to jay, the RECORDER is bound to lead ind that the editors are not only telling the Negroes;what to do. and how to be un intelligent/race, but ?emonstrat?ng what can ' be done frith energy, courage, ?tickability? push and stamina. The Negroes must stop so much alkir.g and praising Negro brain md Negro enterprises and begin/tor j ?how more of their ability for buisfn-- ! ?SS, .mid desire pf progress by their lancial support. "Action not ir ords," I hope that thc Negroes frill show their knowledge of a good thing and th? appreciation of the RECORDER/- to such an extent, that, frhen'the year rolls around and*".the" zealous' editors shall have looked at heir account book and list of suh jcnbers, they will .bV:.made'fd'?i?. ilaim-Eureka- (F h?v?v fojtod ?it) 1 uti an admirer and supporter of Ne4* jro journalism, becau?? it is ?oinjff? sore to enlighten* and elevate our people than anything save the pu??l pit. , ? ' 1 The editorials of tho .RECORDER ire thoughtful and inspiring and the paper is ni ways full of whoU md necessary adrices to the nation'. 1 could say Vmorej things of the RECORDER^|mj ?onclude while saying, J?^nS [ate fi^ie editors on,*iuir?rit ia not in ytynf a\ "it RBOORDE0; wU)fi Lynchers Denounced. Beaufort^; C?' March 10$|p$ Afc a toass meeting uf tbe C????D? of Beanfort, and vicinity held nt th? town hall. Wednesday night, the ?nd. lost., Hon. ?, ?. Reed wa? .ofced Chairman, and Dr. N. Kennedy; Secretary. After the gauizatlon waa effected, tb? foll ?ag Preamble and Reeolutious unan imoualy adopted. W11ERB?8 on the 2ud, day of F 1893, one of the moat brutal and out rageous orimee]ever kuown to|jaDjr' V civilized C??Dtry, o?c?irei? lo^SB 6tato of Sooth Onrolloa, to wit; brutal murder of Frazier B. B and lofant child, and tb? boruin of his home at Lake City? in W amsliurg County, which wa? ?leo the Post Office of that town, ?nd tb? cremation of the bodies of both of them io the flames, also the wousd iog, perhaps fatally, of hfa bosom companion, a eon- and two daught ers; and Wu KKK AS the citizens of Lake City must have been th? prime act ore, or in sympathy with them, and IFiUttl?? we hare' arrived at a period io which even a cackling babe in ita mothers arms, ie not safe from the blood-thirsty, and flendlah mob, ooo elating of from SOO to 400 men. Ba IT RESOLVED, That we heartily and earnestly c aima end de nounce, not OD1 che outrageous aol itself, bot also the spirit of the peo* pie who woald[euooorage or tolerate it in their midat. RESOLVED ';#?a$HKt. That we re gard "thia fte an ?dditionaV- ?M eno? of th? absolute ?Dseoorety of life and proporty in the Southern Statea, especially ie South Carolin?: Ba IT F CRT H MK . RSSOLVID,. *Thet we, th? the people of Beanfort, without regard to pol?tica j and pol itical affiliations, reapectfi L upon the President of th Btttw and tbe .Governor ^Carolina, to nae all the th? respective represent, t jeftbel be m the*pres?, a-copy be sent aident ?fi?he United Sj Post Master;;Qener?l, the,' cf South^ Cftlrolioft, and >$m licted family . gi i Annm?i?AL RES^L, RE80LVEr>,^??bafc -wey.'; of Beaufort ?nd Vici Meeting assembled,'-ct., T. -4. Whlte^?e)reg dent for the Q&rle^o:|) domeuly and,cowardly ten' and publisb?dy?r th^^s?&i^tKi^^ b? ^tt?tnii?ed. '^?p ?harae?e^anr? t?ffl ii? tm merni no del who km bim to oonf?dei orsble "as? m neod thoderi ?ne rn second,|g read?. laycd. Concluded from fast ii$U9 ^ m comment is rather, long but cannot dis TUM it until I remind ou .thp.t I see one quality iu our.editorial of the 23rd that 1 ad jure." -When you threaten diie and iv mediate punishment to II nona Kinley for bossing the re pnrty and appointing Ba ma?ter; yon would make a accomplice of Don Quixote ind mill fight, Suppose you"cesse to rail at the wolf ,from the house top. Come ? go to tho pond at linke City ?~th~r?e hundred electric eels, e to the National . Capitel, cal] ?rina and McKinly and hang dead by the neck for offending the pride of South Carolina, then ?hake yourself like a scuttle tish in the ware of republican corruption, iet-the eels catch the vibration and with'^ their caadal appendages, you can there be " the result in shocking ipubhcan party and the ?north ?M^alIy, into a realisation of the fact 'that the people of the South will never consent to the eleya!ion of the Negro te positions of power and authority 'over white mon, etc." This punishing Hanna and McKinly and shocking the republican party, otherwise than on a housetop and a little nearer the scene ef action, ie "a drastic measure, a dreadful re course" but is simply a brave and heroic man putting into execution! himself, what he ao easily advises others to do, and praises for what hai been done. Such editorals are] fraught with mischief. They en courage white men who are irate and frasViy- T?rouijht up, not only to murder Negroes tor ijiy little offense, but to murder other white men. You are a strong and forcible writer and J say to?you as the good Chiron taught Jason, his pnpil, ''That thfc noblest use of - strength is to assist " Rather than to do oth' you, Td pin ray paper] blofck.' > - C. G. GAKRETT. I W^^^l|?^,o) y?nr:aTi4?h Iifrn? ?iC?pre?^eompanioh;'"-fy .. f^m?m^i? ..^pptoe^'nu tl i vi feely kiiow of what io.writs. Every ody is dcllghted with theratconuia'e shan ge . It lt positive proof of the. ?l?ckrenerify anti br*!eof it? managers ire bhV yjOttGod. ep??d<*f As io lap ^ke'?U^'oVtraige;-;^ civiliza^ on y o? j; ave expressed oar ie a tl me n t from a minister? stand point it is a earful commentary on, the moral tanding of tht*l(uie>|;lt iepotieeble hat only one white paper whoso news re haye prsservod spoke in defense ?f qch a hcllieb crime/ butall o?hera sod nibil tors who spoke ,of{|tiIn:tbei.^ite' oohs seWWy {Bo?jry, becgtiee; ,o?i]^gg I it seemi ?sjje'of, the etcommen elemeut .of controling the htel^igent white ratn ha t hai af?ense of honor and to any egree recof ni ti o n pf his individual esporisibiiity to J5od would endorse t-or" s peak in 'any wat in Ils fiTor ti my opiulpb in more thin one way, hey are charging the cannon and col og tho army that shall destroy ^ve?#:^ them ! a iqgethsr learn to ' ' ?ts?* . ? . ! ' i r-mMM||$WM, farther itf oar secular and de uationil papers,- the whole t ^ie^foFltid m i i wm ; ' mm m ONT?IBSAMPI iii ? Ur. Editor.- X Don't rao nkey w'?)h the political buz* ?aw yon might bo;,?raa scuated. Congrctimau Murray hold? the throttle. Th* Joint achool exlbllion andlcon cert g Wen under the auapeclea of Mr?. E. C. Moultrie, and Mitt J. E. Paw ley, Monday eren lu g la?! for the bene fit of the Howard Graded behool net ted a . ice tum. 't Ker, Stilen, accompanied by tever al of hit official breiberu. conducted Divine ter ricer at Proepect HlU.WJac camavr, Sunday morning latt. The U^Verocd delivered ft m^l excellent ? ormon at Bethetda ?unity night, AD tba "DAKQER or KKLIOIODB 15I>?O?a?OX" Mr. Stephen AlatOn, ?nd Min Sarahann Oifobt, and"alto Mr* HIcbtrd Brant and Mitt Margaret Walker, were both happily married thia weak one on Wednwday and the ethar os .Tbnraday evening. May their path way ba aarerrn with* flowera, and AIE erican ?aglat bot not 16 to 1 ratio. A rich treat ia ia atore for the loren of hittorio talent!, The Sun day Sebool tendiert and membara of tba choir of Bethel church,- are now practicing for a joint concert and mus ictle And wa predict that it will be tecoad to uone, that baa ever been given kere befor*. In fact it will be "rara avi$n As thote who are ex? participate have combination of great nautical ability and talentt. The program will ba quite ?lab?rate and entertaining will alto ba repleta with musical femt, etc. Mitt Minnie Rhode's, aunt died latt Saturdiy at Fotter'e and waa buried Sunday afternoon. Prof. Garrofa tcorcher on tba Laka City outrage, air nek the sail on the head. ; The boye tay thai Fretldent Me Kinlay, did tba right thing la applnt ment of the Hon, L. D. Melton, U. 8. Marshall for South Carolina. Min Mary Weat hera, died Sunday morning last after bel?g tick for tome time. ' < Biahop Grant will be accorded a gVand reception on hit arrival here Saturday. Big preparation! are being made in hit behalf, by the ?towardCIRCA or Bothel church. - Illa, reputation at an intellectual giant ami a noted pul pit o ra i o r ; ?d d a lo^ljio, importance , 0? bia cpmipgV^ .-. . ?>,?; ( g opr. cow in>jlj?e . - Re^D^ ? for^lblo ant L*ke:^^wt^*^^^ roo?* v\iw$h%nt?:-&?[ horrible ;??t$? An indignation'meeting wat held Fri-, day ?ygbt, and reioluttohi w'ore adopt ed condemning the awful and terrible crime, ; :fSM^*^ >" . ? ROT. McFtr??ndi of SaltsraJ? hore] lilting hit brolhe&n-iaW Re?r. R. B. Salten.'-': ?3W^y^~ - ' Tba far W? :?Ut?e ? filibustering steam tug Dauntleas' pl Savannah,' Ga. commanded by Capt^ t-tf;:iW. Floyd.Ja ? uban,' i twp id fcto^orfc Sunday night j abQ?t'.Dlrio??^A ob c'rqated.qulte a aantatlor^ apiongvthe inhabitants ot on? city. A's lt took hut * fe w momenta* for tba newa-of ;h^|^?||^ to/'epreid,. like wildfire: An^^^^ah up'to the time et her dapartqre.on Monday morn lng eleven m^^g^SS^?m^ along tho%?&r?frbtU'' pit wak brok?n? J^rgf? an?? black crowdad tb> catch a glimpae of th * " buster and bar Negro ca handsome looking yatch of . tb* moat] graceful linea, with two milt and carrie*] three tails, Alto double sxpanit engtifia^of/tho mott powerful A' One hundred and, ten feet long about aigbwen feet beam. 'Ol ninety 1 bago;; reglater. Draw? its snd half when coaled and ber tanka are full ^?5 'Th? Dau n tlc?! Ia under llb tl violating the U,^. law ; ? Deputy a^ih?rt^hoar^bf ^ adi' tho; time// bij^nia^ knot? pt* ^oiitmjm\i^9?\p?nl^ a ?r?w.?.lr^m; ten- to two!t?f men alf aro colordd ex. correspondait had to.Cajpt _-v-:--^?"V ? ID !)l?;aklU and ability at a gallant com? ? minder, The Dauntless and Martita ' M Helen, l a; t Potter, came here from 1 Florid? In torr o? two or three powerlal 1 Dredge boats, which will, lie med VV the government cn mr actor? in building tho jetties at the entrance of the barbear nenr North and Kouth Islands. The opening of the work on the same wl,!l gire employment to hundreds of ou> citizens. "Bon" The Press, The Pulpit ^ AndThePublk. ' ? Tbeir Opinions RcYiewed B.v Kt < ? ?. K. Miller, Pastor St. Mai i be M A. M, E. Chrnch, Orangebur?, W South Carolina, H TotheEditot of PEOPLE'S *( *o<>-> j DB* it is through your valuable t?upei 1 pnbliilied in the interest of the Negro 1 rice that I wish to be heard, But be? I forel enter upon the discussion of my j several topics, allow me to say to my j many reader?, "That it ia human to err.1' The opinions of the press of this and other states in attempting to characterise the recent and moat dia bolical end inhuman ?et, committed at Lake City in thc county of Williams burg, S, C., hare in their way of expressing such brutal acts concluded that this foal killing of. Baker ?sd hie babe and the cremation of their bodies, the maining for life others of l\ \ ferai)iy have beyond doubt reached ti,, jj climax of crime, and to them is di ) much commendation, as well as to\ th' citizens of the state, who along wit/', have been loud in their condem nation.. Now* Mr. Editor it remains to n? seen whether or not U hes reacried the climax? Tile future will BOOB tell; Some one , ha? skid that intelligence or money is power, in this instance, Negro killing seems) to avail nothing arid hence it bacotnW necessary to insert another term which I would say, "Action.T?. .. Let the Negroes, act [discreetly, judi? - cionily^and timely. This will be the poweri|V.Sn?h-;. actions . .on ^sV-part^ would cP?e ?&eutimeut, winch* mS?? br?ase gm e" with ^^T?\? ''l? wh?en* t j?mfoppQri?d- of ?nfj^?in committing,. But action i^p^?P?^^mp^n mt endito: pester actions^^^asitteac^ tho climsxt Io Bakerthe last that Vs to meuwvs?:;t??^rejrjdiced][ ?h.e low Van'd f^;^lU^p$T^ *nta why (d oes ]A^i^e>,c^e7 :Be?at^V bsjl put into^-?euo?^* ?^ nUcvres} \mm ^^|t?^s3iye the &>?dt sayit?g?o? the condemned remark* the few,) will condun*'to' move in a straight direc tion rivets it is snbst?pMiftlly tcte?l?p. oz. XiiT the. bo?**. I urgo then by seyMHPPw^rte ?pit stop the ball? rolMliwff int?^^.the?vNegroe? nody act. acd iHKy^H^or instaras*? rc .eUW?&**?rae 'than action- 'Si; f^^PF^14^Pi^get d6le^?| gerate. hand*. > Tie pulpi t '? condemn ibis ?liing of Baker in no nncerta? t?ms^Hv The BevL. Geatienien ;;tVon ^^;4V.0.-(*MtoV net?lto o semmended' in the highest term H